The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 25, 1912, Image 1
Kh Hi tf U a.,.l1U.rlS 'J3ifcilJK-MrjSff?E'l--SwjWfc -sg5"ESSSBsBBeIBMIB flBBBBBBBTBBsjsBsfiPlMBBBBBBs A Newspaper That (lives Tiic News Flfty-twa Weeks Each Year For $1.50. VOLUME XXXX. RED CLOUD, JJ BBIIASKA. AlMtIL 25, 1JM2. NUMBER 17 HE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 5 Wall Paper ? i We have the finest line of Wall Paper this season for 1 0c, 1 5c, and 20: per bolt that we have ever shown. Before yoi send away or buy from sample books, come in and see what we can do for you. We are sure we can please you in pattern and in price. .... zi : a Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist A Line Frem the Meranvlllcs. Boulder, Colo , April 19, 1013 Dear Editor: Wo arrived safely in Bnnlder. The doctor has been very bide since we liave been here, but is ft cling borne better today Will you please send uk this week's Chief. Wo are lonely for home news. 'Continue to send the paper to Boulder, care of sanitarium, until further notice. The doctor jtittit. in sending well wishes. Dn. asii Mns. Taxation In Nebraska Cities Laud Commissioner Cowles has flu ished compiling b table showing the rates of taxation in twenty-four of the leading' cities of the statu. But one city is left out, that being South Om aha. Kites at the latter place have been reported as being ri mills, but as the state otllcial does not believe that that mark is otllcial he left it out of his table The rates quoted by Mr. Cowles in clude all city, county, school district mid state taxes, and with .the excep tion of special district assessments for sower or paving improvements. The following shows the table ns prepared by Mr. Cowles: Mills Grand Island fll. Holdrege C3. Columbus : 01.3 Minden Hastings 07.8S Lexlngtom 09 7 York 70 Fremont 70. Kearney 7-r.7 lllnir 75.7 Palls City 7D.0 Wayne 83.ft North Platte 6i.'2 Omaha 84.0 Fairbury 85.5 Beatrice 80.0 Chndron 87.3 Lincoln 87.2 Pluttsmouth 8S 7 Nebraska City 80. McCook 03.3 Broken Bow 101.2 Wymore 101.2 Norfolk 1H.7 lied Cloud 01 3 88? I TUoCU always feels confident of pure and. wholesome food when using Dr Prices CREAM Baking Powder APure,Grape Creamer Tartar Baking Powder Made froity Grapes i WOLF PATR01 M gfr assm isbbbbbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV rMt JH ssss-ssiiiiin (TYLR tBftt&H BBBBBBBBBBBBBrti miiXlKKlM Bly Vl BBBBBBBHsW.4s&'IPIBBBBBBBBnaiKft V i; IBHnvJniSTi mKh BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSS2iiiMSSSSSSSSAiKSL' '4BSSSaSSBBS VHF r. yr "- vBSSSSSflSSM bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbw'bsbbbIbbbbc iVi iife HflBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBsBBBBBBnBBBSrJPV iffPHBBiBBB BlBBBBBBBBliSBB3BBVBBBBBlaflHJHBSEdfvTv-A xy, It'.'OO Poller, Blackledge, Polnicky, Kalcy, Turnurc. Saunders Taylor and Phares -:- AND THE boG -:- Huy Saunders lb Patrol Leader and Laird Potter is hi-, assistant. Uf these boy, Laird Potter, Fred Phares and Paul Polinsky are of Ued Cloud birth, Harold Turnure, Allen Bluchlodge and Dow Kuley know no other schools than the lied Cloud schools. Kay Saunders has bion a resident of the city but three years Vern Tuylor has childish memories of Missouri "Vern" enjoys the distinction of being the oldest, shortest, lightest and probably the most humorous of the group. Harold Turnure and Laird Porter are the tallest. Harold and Allen Black ledge are the heaviest. The oldest of thorn is not yet eighteen, and the youngest Is llfteen. The average age is sixteen. Laird, Fred, Dow and Vernon arc Cougregutionalists by birth and train ing. Allen is Episcopalian, Paul is ltomau Catholic, Kay Saunders and Harold Turnure arc Methodists. They have all qualitied hs tender feet. To pass the examination they were required to know the Scout law, the sign, salute and significance of the' budge, thu composition and history of the national flag and the customary forms of respect due to it. They had to become expert in the tying of four different knots. These boys have all taken the Scout oath, which is as follows: On my honor I will do my best: 1. To do my duty to God and my country, and to obey the Scout law. 2 To help other people at all times, :i, To keep myself physically strong mentally awake and morally straight. We mo glad to know that these boys, by this oath, have taken a stand for upright, clean living, and declared their purpose to make their lives serviceable to the community. It is a pleasure for every tnati and woman in the vicinity to be assured that certain boys can be trusted, to know haw to pick them out, to see the evidences of their worth and reliability. These boys deserve the especial eucouiagemelit of all the people. They havo taken the Hist steps to make themselves ideal citizens. They are a goodly looking patrol of hoys, and the Chief predicts a fuller, richer and more joy ous life for them, and an added stimu lus to the wholesome pleasure of all the people because of their enlistment and organization. Much will depend on the etllciency aud wisdom of their Patrol Leader, Buy Saunders. Hut he appears to us to have been a wise selection; and, if .the patrol give him loyal obedience, we shall expect this patrol to be a model for.the future patrols to be or ganized, three more patrols are forming It is only a question of a few days, before there will a regular troop The hoys of this patrol were to have (taken a '"hike" lust Saturday. Hut the rain pi evented. However, any I body who chanced uloug Seventh Ave ! nue, between Seward and Walnut Streets, would have realized that boy ish enthusiasm was in the air. The barn of Don Saunders was noisy with their zeal and activity. Real Estate transfers. Ileal Instate Transfers for week end ing Tuesday, April 2ild, 11)13. Compiled by M. W. Carter . Son Bonded Ahstiaotois. Mrs. F L. It. Zuberbuhler and hush., to Albert Vest, w d, set, 20-1-0 Mrs. F L. It. Xuherhtthlcr and hush , to (Jeorgo Vnllers, w d, sw'., nJi He' see. 20-1-i) O.'IOO Laura A Winters and hush , to Henry S. Sheldon, w d, lots lit, II, 15, Blk. 21, Bed Cloud 113.-. Deslie Genereaux and wife to lit. Rev Henry Tihen.w d, pt ne'i ue'4 ec :i0l-13 s0 Moise Itulicrund wife to Louise Bondieuu, w d, undivided lut to ej sw,f, nivJi sw4 see 18, also pt neseu ltl-1-13 O.'.OO I. A. Denton and wife to Charles Balderston, w d, lots 8, (), Blk. 3, Speuce's 1st Addto Itladeu . .'1()0 Chiistopher L. Columbia to Jef ferson Beauchamp, Adm'rs Deed, lots 7, H, Sec ll-l-l) 8000 E. E. Smith to E. E. Larned, w d ptiiwsw4 35-3-13 100 C. C Huught, et al., to Nancy J. Woodward, w d, hwU 12 3-0.. . 10100 II. II. Waldo and wife to C. A. Waldo, w d, lots 1, 3, .1, Blk. t), Iuavale Goo I. L. Howard and wife to Item lugton J. Teiiuant, w d, sj Blk. 33, Red Cloud ." 0000 Charles W. Kaley to Pre i Cop ley, w d, sjtf s'f nwtf I3-2-12. . 1250 Mortgages tiled, 8.l(),:i30 00. Mortgages released, 811,087.80. Before You Buy By Mail Bring us the ad, that inter ests you. I f you will do this, you won't buy by mail that's certain. Because you will have no rea son to. Any article of jewelry or watches or silverware or any thing else in the line can be bought here at prices every bit as low as anywhere else near or far. And you have this advant age you can see, handle and examine to your hearts con tent anything that is of inter est to you. Bring us that catalog and let us prove it to you. Remember "Satisfaction or Your Money Back." Newhouse Bros., E. H. Newhouse, Prop. C, B. & Q. Watch Inspectors. Brotherhood Meets The meeting of the Congregational Brotherhood Tuesday night was of ebpoclal interest. The usual opeulng exercises were conducted by the pre sident, Mr. Cotting. In answer to the roll call Mr. Ollham culled attention iu an impressive manner to the hero ism and chivalrous self government of the fifteen hundred men who were drowned in the accident to the Titauic. Rev. Bayne also warmly commended their self sacrince. ine meeting was then turned over to the chairman of the community welfare committee, who called on Mr. Maurer to give an explanation of the taxing power of the city council, Mr. Maurer gave a very full aud lucid exposition of the whole subject. He could ilnd no authority to levy tuxes iu excess of fifteen mills on the dollar for all purposes, except to pay the interest and principal of the bonded Indebtedness. Mr. Maurer stated the total taxes iu this city as 01 mills, and in that connection fur nished a statemout showing the taxes in twenty-four Nebraska cities, which we publish in auother column. Mr. Maurer's address was listened to with great iuterest. And there was general approval of the research and thought given by the speaker to his subject Mr. Gather exhibited the present in debtedness of the city aud figures showing the lucome and expenditures of the lighting and water plant. Mr. Overing confined bis remarks to the improvement of the streets and ex plained what could bo done with little expenditure of money by the adoption of a systematic procedure so that each administration would add to, in stead of undo the work of its predeces sors. Mr. Pierce thought the .city had made a mistake by making the rood ways of the streets too narrow. The dirt necessary to round up the middle of the streets Is made unavailable. The discussion tbcu became general, until the hour and a half were con sumed. The now faces at the meeting weie those of Mayor elect, Turnure, and Councilman to be, Saunders. These gentleineu contented themselves with putting interrogatories, and ex hibited u desire to become acquainted with the views of the peoplo whom they are soon to serve. H 'r ' I snBsssi'li ssssdriS .LW-BBBBBBBBBBBBBaHK.. H. iW'fl i Km Ht wit mStuBI Canton 2-Row lister Mrs. M. M. Moismore aud son of Shicklcy visited with Mrs. John Tom llusou and Dr, Nellie Maurer the tirst of the week, Mr. Messmore will bo remembered as cashier and operator bore for the Burlington several years ago. W handle the following: Canton Litters Discs Harrows Lister Cultivators Cultivators The Famous Beatrice 2-Row Cultivator Grand DeTour Implements Des Moines Silo A Car Load of Electrical Weld Woven Wire Fence Heavy Hardware, Rope, Oils and Greases A full line of repairs carried in stock WOLFE & WHITAKER GENERAL BLACKSMITHS -- -!- jtsHfc. ! ) M f U 1 M r. d t '! l :tl A&&2 4V IK WJBBMW5il ST ' JI" 7 '