The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 18, 1912, Image 8

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41V, -
'" u-yAv. iHiaa. xj&
Customers' Comfort
1 v .jwmMMMMmrwM
Ll- the way round. Com
fortable in mind when
tlu-y hnow th,it nowliciv -1hi
i.ui they buy grocorli'.s ns low In
I riiM', ootirrnitiibloliiMittsfnctl in
In Unowlnn Lliul tlu-y aro btiy.
injf jjooils f '.lie highest (imility.
I hut's the ivnson wo siiy coin
foil , our grocery needs ami do
your trn ling with us.
B. E. McFarland
J The Phones
Man past iln with hoise and lntfjtf.v to
sell sloclt condition invdetxlii Wcl'Mcr
cunty. ?7. per month. Address lloom
'-', I Kill I'tiriuunStr., Omalui, Nobr.
Klder Totnplcltis has been buoy this
week nttoiidliiK the Wesleyan Mduca
tlonal liumiuuts. which woio held in
liladeu, lllue Hill, Cowlc, Intvale
and lleil Cloutl.
B.8 S3.I line Tabic
i:sr mi I'M i
No. II I'liroiuh train, itu mrls ..... .2 9J n. 'in
No. 115 Local uiiiu.r "
No. 171 Aceoininoilallou Norlli t-s
ecpt Muiulay and Weil., departs H'W . in.
No. 170 -Accommodation Noith ....
Monday ntnl Wednesday departs 1 1 A) a.m. hound
No. n-Tlirounh train, departs fi.a'ia. in.
No. 15 Local passenger " 8.:t0 p. in.
9 t -i S-ti 5-Jir Sf CC t S-C Iff.
Ootyour cement of J. O. O.ildwell.
Ed (lillnrd was down from Naponeo
R.-JJ. Ilotidrie!:s was up from Cowles
Fred Wcillin left for Norton, Kansas,
J. W. Mongol of Wahoo, spent Sun
day In town.
W. J. Vaiioo of Inavulc was in the
olty Tuesday.
Frank K. Watson of lle.lairo was in
town Sunday.
A. V. Davidson of .UoMr-ege was in
town Monday.
1 All kinds of I'jlectrieal work done by
Morlmrl ltros
F. U. Hasemeyer of Supotlor Sun
dnyed in town.
Will Fisher of Norton, Kunas, Sun
drayed in town.
Chas. SteiTen returned from Grand
Island Monday.
A good sowing machine for Mile. In
quire at this ollieo.
I. il. Hyde of Hastings was in town
Monday on business.
Walter Sapor of Wonier, Kansas was
in town over Sunday.
R. M. Allen of Ilastins was a busi
ness visitor Tuesday.
Farm Loans
There are scveial reasons tor teeing
J. H. Bailey for a Turin loan and hero
thoy are.
Ho is sole agent for Trevett Mattis
& Maker.
This company is here every day in
the year ready for business and not
here this week and gone next. They
loan on anv farm having the value in
it improved or unimproved. You don't
wait from two to four months for your
money but surely get it on the day
called for. They give the best option
in the market.
Big Ben
has something to say
to people who like to
get up promptly in tie
He guarantees to call
them on the dot just when
they want and either way
they want, witn one pro
longed, steady call or with
successive gentle rings.
And he guarantees to do
it day after day and year
after year, if you only have
him oiled every year or so.
I've known him ever
since he was "that high"
and I'll vouch for every
thing he says.
J. C. Mitchell
The Jeweler.
Harry J. Ciiili.un has some Hull' Or
pington eggs for sale.
Frank Cooper of Guide Hock was in
town Wednesday evening.
M.N Hair of Hastings transacted
business in town Monday.
Go to the Puritan Cafe, Sunday for
your chicken dinner, price Hoc.
Dr. It. K. Haines is homo to stay and
will attend calls day and night.
l'obt. Hants, one of our prosperbus
farmers has purchased a ne" auto.
Go to the Hon Ton Cafe for the best
Ice Cream and Soda Water ill town.
Tho best and purest Ice Cream and
Summor di inks in the city at the Hon
Ton Cafe.
I.eo Kyan, who is attending college
at Omaha, is homo visiting his parents
this week.
J. 1-Mwiti Jarboe will preach at tho
Indian Creek school houso next Sun
day at :t p. in.
C. It. Miner is in Kansas City this
week on business for tho llrm of
Minor Hros. Co.
A. II. Wiley of Hastings was in town
Tuesday on business and left Wednes
day for Nelson.
Hov. .1. M. Uatcs left Wednesday
morning for points in tho northern
part of the state.
Mrs. Al Goll, of Hluo Hill is visiting
at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Welscli this week.
The Diamond Electric Vacum clean
er demonstrated in your homo free.
Call Phono Hod 97.
The Puritan Cafo is fiiruishinga fine
Sunday chicken dinner for olio. Try
it and be convinced.
While cranking Mrs. .F. h. Smith's
auto Tuesday evening, Clyde Wolf re
ceived a broken wrist.
The Degree of Honor will meet next
Tuesday night. All members are re
quested to bo present.
Rev. W. F. Colo attended a mission
ary meeting in Grand Island Wednes
day returning homo today.
Wilbur Hamilton returned i fron?
Guide Hock Friday night whore he had
been looking after his tarm.
Tho W. C. T. U. will meet at the
home of Mrs. .). W. ltogourief next
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30.
Roger Hopper has returned from a
short visit with friends at Red Cloud.
Monday's Superior Express.
Carl Rudd has opened up an auto
garage on 4th avenue in the Doyle
building where he will sell autos.
The finest line and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look it over. Moiuiakt Bros.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Rev. E. L. Barcb of Uuide Rock will
fill thcJM. E pulpit hero Sunday morn
ing in exchange with Rev. Tompkins.
Mrs. Earl Redden of Guide Rock re
turned home this morning after a
short visit with Art RoblnBon and
A number of local business men left
on No. 10 this morning for Wymore to
hear Col. Roosevelt speak this after
noon. The tlrst band concert of the season
will be given by our baud on Main
streot April 26th., if the weather will
Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy .Tones of ciny
Center aro visiting at tho home of her
parents Mr and Mis. John Griffcth
this week.
Dr. Cross will bo ill his ofllco over
tho State ISank everyday in tho week.
Hnvinc discontinued his visits to
Rivcrton. (
Fon Saix; The two buildings oc
cupied by tho Chief Olllco nnd 13. II
Newhoiiso's jewelry store. Inquiro of
K. II. New house.
L I. Fiisbic and wife camo down
from Lester yesterday, whoro they
have been visiting Mr. Frlsbie's folks.
Monday's Suporior Journal,
Miss Pearl Kellen, who has boon
visiting for several months with Mr.
and Mrs. Aultz, loft Wednesday
further homo in Pennsylvania.
Tho subject for discussion at the
meeting of the Brotherhood Tuesday
night will bo, "Municipal Ecouomy."
Everybody Is cordially invited,
Don't forget we make farm loans,
money ready the day the title is ap
Wheiieve- you go away, get mai rled,'
die, or have company from a way or
have n baby born at your house phono
it In to us. Wc have both tho phonos
and arc always looking for news,
h a s n We have for sale farms on
easy payment a and special terms,
worth the money. Several mighty
good deals. Tho hugest list of local
farms I'min which to select.
Dan tiAiiur.ti ,1 Company, Ciiu;r Olllco.
Rev. ('. F. Koto minister or the
Christian church moved to Red
Cloud. There will be preaching every
Lord's day morning and evening after
Mn j 1st. Wc welcome lilni toourcity.
"The D.iute Inferno" pictures were
shown at the Tepfco Monday evening
and drew a huge eiowd. The pictures
were up to the usual high standard of
those which aro secured by Managi r
Wan on.
Irving Phelps, aged lOyenrs,niul son
of Nelson l'heiphsdied Saturday morn
ing after having boon an invalid for
several years past. Ho was buried
Monday, f uncial services being con
ducted at tho Congregational church
The South West district Sunday
school convention including Inavalc,
Walnut, Lino and Ited Cloud townships
will meet in Inavalc, Sunday, April 28,
at a o'clock in tho Christian church,
A good program will bo given. Every
body invited.
On Sunday afternoon Mr. Earl IIulV-
er and Miss Margaret Meiinett were
united in maniage tit the home of the
llaptlst Pastor. Tho young couple
were accompanied by twobrothorsaud
two sisters of tho groom. Hero is best
wishes to you young people.
Chas. Canlleld and wife and son
Claude, wife and baby of Cliardon, O.,
relatives of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ilailey
and C. E. Strong and family loft Wed
nesday for their home. Thoy stopped
oft" iu this city for a short visit being
onroute hnino from California.
"Service For Others" will bo the
subject of tho sermon Sunday morn
ing. In tho evening the pastor will
preach on "Using Our Religion." Sun
day School at 10 a. tn.; Brotherhood
on Tuesday evening at 8; Mid-week
Wednesday evening at 8.
Jons J. Rayni:, Pastor.
Wo notice by the Washington papors
that Oliver Runchoy has again demon
strated that ho is entitled to the Paci
fic coast championship oflight wrest
lers. On tho twentysecond of last
month beforo tho Portland athletic
club ho throw his challenger, Perry,
tho first fall In 1:58 and tho second
fall in l:.:i.
Tho band program given by Rod
Cloud's Cornot Band, under tho leader
ship of Prof. Betz, on last Friday
evening was a highly credltablo ailair,
and one worthy of a much larger audi
ence than that which greeted them.
The band has mado great headway
under the present leadership, and is
worthy of the support of the entile
The Chief oftlce this week completed
the new 1912 directory for the Farm
ers' Independent Telephone Company.
The directory shows a considerable
increase of business during the past
year, a large number of now phones
having been installed, and also is a
fair sample of the high-grade work
turned out at this place. They are
now ready for distribution, and if you
have not as yet received one, you can
do by calling on tho secretary, Mr. O.
C. Teel. '
After a short visit with Mr and Mrs.
George F. Gale, Miss Clara Burgess
left Thursday morning on No. 13 for
Holdrege, where she will begin work
as deputy for tho Royal Neighbors.
Her territory consists of Nebraska
west of 'Franklin county and part of
eastern Colorado. Her homo is in
Rod Cloud and she has just finished
her third year as a successful school
teacher In Webster county. Saturday
Franklin News.
"Oats sowing will begin this week
and from now on seeding will proceed
in earnest," said A. F. Hartwell of In
uvale, Neb., today. Mr. Hartwell came
down on a three section train making
up 1.50 carloads of live stock which
came from (lie Republican river valley
country, reaching Kansas City at four
o'clock this morning. "No time will
bo lost from now on," said Mr. Hurt
well. "It is latn, and fanners will put
the full forco into the fields, and rush
seeding along. Wc have been hold
back by bad weather, but as the ground
now works well, we can soon niaKo up
for lost time, and in tho end lose'noth
ing from this delay." Kansas City
Drover's Telegram.
Methodist Ministerial
Association Holds Meeting
The Ministerial Association of the
west dlst i let of the Methodist ihurch
held Its annual scshiim in tills clly
Tuesihtyiind Wednesday. All the
meetings weio largely attended and
this session Is numbered at- oin of the
met successful g.ithei lugs of the kind
over held lu the state. The progiain
began Tin sday evening at tUHO with a
men's baiin'iet in the pirlors of the
church. The Ladles Aid furnished all
elaborate four course feast and all
agreed that not tho slightest detail
was over looked. At tills banquet ,1.
1). Wright. I) I), was the guest of
Wedti"s(ay morning the devotional
service was led by. 1J. W. MaiMi alter
which .1 I). M.'l!ucl.ner and G. P.
Trltos discussed "The I'laeo of the
Church In Civic Life" at some length
'1 hull tollowcd addresses by O. t.
Poiuith lui I W. IL.Iackson on "Evan
gelism, the old and the New." The
morning session closed with u discus
sion on the ' Relation of tho Sunday
School d to tho Local School."
This discussion was led by A. M.
Steele, II. W. Copo and A.G.Formnu.
Tho afternoon program began with
devotional led by A V- Wilson after
which "Tho Problem of tho Country
Church" was disciisseij by .1. Calvert,
U. F. llutchins and K. II. H. Hill, arter
which followed a business session.
lu the. evening a popular lecture
was given by S, T. Hurtle D I)., of
Grand Island on Pallstino This lec
ture was illustrated with one hundred
slides made from pictures that tho
lecturer made while traveling in that
country some yeai s ago on horseback.
The views were exceptionally lino and
tho speaker had a happy way in telling
what ho saw and heard lu that ever
strange country. Ho slid wed that the
great East never changes, that condi
tions there today aro practically the.
same as thoy wcro in tho tlmo of our
Lord. The pictures showing tho rug
ged road from Jerusalem to Jorleo
gave otic a vivid idea of tho dangeis
that threaten tho traveler uveii today
as ho goes from one elty down to the
other. It Is two thousand feet down
In a, distance of twenty miles ami an
excellent place for robbers and bri
gands to fall upon the unprotected.
These robbers still abide among those
rocks and a stranger needs an escort
if he would make the journey in safety.
There were pictures of Jacob's well,
tho sleeping Presbyterian minister,
and other well known scenes. Also
the mounV'Whcre Jesus took his disci
ples was shown and hero tho speaker
gave an interesting description of this
put of Pallstinc.
Thoso delightful views and this in
structive lecture should be given to a
larger audience and we suggest to the
Chautauqua association that they
make arrangements to have it repeat
ed this summer in the Chautauqua
tent. The church was tilled to over
flowing but there is no reason why
this lecture should not be given to
three or four thousand people this
The ministers attending this asso
ciation were a jolly set of men and
showed that at work or play thoy were
.capable of holding their own. Among
them were several expert tennis play
ers and "between acts" they kept the
court warm. Red Cloud extends a
cordial invitation to each and every
one to come again.
Selfish Interest. .
"You necm to bo developing a groat
Interest lu coiiBorvatlon." "I am," re
plied Mr Cumrox. "If thoy keep cut
ting down the trees, there won't be
any woods for mo to take to when
mother and tho girls get up these
, roivnds of social gaycty."
Humorist Records Some Surprises
That Attended the Occasion of
Popular Celebration.
During a recent Old Home Week in
an up-state village the following
"never-wlll-amount-to-any things" were
In attendance:
John Wilson Clarke, who was al
ways too lazy to do tne chores, came
up from New York In his big seven
passenger car. On account of press
ing work he could stay but a few
Ex-Gov. Sllby Klrkwood, who was
naturally thick-headed and half-baked
In his youth, stopped over In his prl
vato enr to sco his old homo.
Dr. Wlllus G. Dyer, ono of the best
known surgeons In tho country, called
tho town fool when a boy, dropped In
and loft enough money for a town
Miss Cnrollno Jensen Atwood, too
stupid to lenrn In the old red school-
houso, now a popular authoress nnd
playwright vlsjtcd hor relatives.
Charlio Drukc, tho spendthrift, shut
up his Wall street olllco long enough
to attend.
Ono of tho most notlcoahlo features
of tho whole colcbrntlon was tho nb
senco of tho men npil women who
gavo much promise of originality and
worth during their youth.
Lack of memory lu their old ago ac
counts for tho fact that not ono of tho
old fogies present ever enld anything
hut good of anybody, Including tho
successful boys present. Don. Cam
eron Shafcr In Judgo. .
mt.tW.'- ,-;.- i s 'i
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y--u; hi it rz inaffitVi
wm&wt ww i-,-UMmm
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AMW 58fflL?LvlS
rcrcricuMftjE.iu&MiuHui traa.-s,,t'ai i-id
Clothcraft Your
Idea of Clothes .
D ICTURE in your own mind the kind of
clothes you want the cloth, the style,
the fit, wear and serviceability.
Then compare your ideal with Clothcraft.. You will find
they tally in every particular except perhaps in the price you
thought you would have to pay. For Clothcraft Clothes guaran
teed to be all-wool, to hold shape and smartness, to give satis -faction
in wear and service; yet cost less than other clothes of the
same high quality $10 to $25.
All the now styles in Hats, Shoes
and Shirts now in. Como in and
look them over. ,
g The Clothcraft Blue Serge Special, No. 5130, at
s $15, is guaranteed to be all-wool, to hold shape and
S to give satisfactory vear and service.
Cowden.-K.aley Clothing C
V. 4 y 1V
I wmit
wfyi KVA YM
anticipate your wants
in Spring wearing apparel.
We are selling
Ladies9, Misses9
and Children's
-finest line of goods of this
class on the market today.
Our bast advertisements
are the people who wear
these garments. They are
satisfied as to Style, Fit,
Workmanship and wear.
t We are glad to show these
Advantage 01 unecriuiness,
Thoro uro Uioso who snepr nt tho
cheerful ptilloBoplior nnd cull him n
c.'ieo-rlul Idiot, hut tbo cheerful idiot
pclilnm KOffl adrift, In, hlH mind. Those
who constantly travel tbo dark sldoot
melancholy street nre the ones who
forget their real namr nnd what thoy
nrp here for.
It is a WHITE SEASON and in view of this
fact we have bought an extensive line of
White Gloves-Kid and Silk
ladies', Misses
and Children's
Oxfords and Slippers
AH leathers-all prices
See our
White Buck"
Oxford at -
!TffTZ'??srf'mil.''i '.-.-'-'.'" 5sn 5
9 MimmaU """'"-,MUMM iS !! J, in J C
Turnure Bros.
As an Advertising Medium The Chief has No
Equal in Webster County
It Vl
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t,w, , 6-J . , i,