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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1912)
v ! orjiBaagiunji ii'nuwuwwittii'iwur'w grupwf3iwBmmrT''wt WtMNCW fiTryfMwiiriiRigyvrrya'g McJaaessa !T!K2SSS SLaayMaaaiaiflB;gataPy' -HiS22!E! M M K i An Exhibit of New Spring Merchandise -ii-jiiJiwwiiiiwwwiWMWiMwiwwww"'"''w"M'1 llt111 lriwl m w iii Timi-MrrTrTirtwnTT-irfTrni 1 i -rrmnwniiiiiiiniwif wnMimwwt g n im wjssi i ! i n i wiiwiiii i n r m'inrww w1" iipujm.miipi nw fln Atmosphere of Spring Pervades Oar Store ' mm iMiiMMii iiwi i i ii - ii ii r 1 ' r' " "" o - - K. Hv 1 $?v$Ni 'hsfn 'v&iej The reason is that our new Spring Merchandise in all lines is on display-the latest and most pro nounced styles in ready-to-wear apparel for Women, Misses and Children. Beautiful laces, embroideries and dress fabrics-the newest styles in shoes for all ages-furnishings for the home, such as drapery fabrics, carpets and rugs. Our goods are from manufacturers'and importers whose first consideration is .to obtain the best. When that best has been discovered all the efficiency of modern business organization is utilized in bringing the goods to our store at the lowest possible cost. So when you look over our merchandise, con sider that it represents progress in merchandising-- represents our idea of service. In bringing you the bet merchandise we can buy, we feel that you weigh points of value as well as price. We have not centered our efforts in buying merchandise that would be tempting by reason of the more prices we could mark upon it. Purity, dur ability, appearance, originality of styles-in a word Quality is our Ideal. When our prices are compared with others you will find they are very reasonable. We Endeavor to Hold AH of Our Goods to This Standard of Highest -:- -:- Quality at Lowest Price. -:- -:- THE MINER BROTHERS CO, "A Mighty Safe Place to Trade" T5he CHIEF Mod Cloud - - Nebraska. PUBLISHED FA'ERY 'IHURKDAY stored In the Foitofflco Milled Cloud, Nob., Second Cluaa MMtor. 0 B. HALE l'lniUSHKH THE ONLY DRMOtiltATIO PAPKK IN WED8TKH COUNTY FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce myself ns a candidate lor the nomination lor representative itrora Um 44th district ol Nebraska, subject to the wRI of the Democratic and l'coplm Inde pendent voters at the primaries to be held April 19, 1912. (iKOltOCW. I.INPBKY. light ami plunder the unwiiry right befoto Ills ees. These People without question are undesirable and if every one who is lohbeil bv them would swear out u wurriint for their arrest they might bo induced to either seek giconer pastures or else to go to work. That thoy should be allowed to live off the country by pilfering tuid htealth Is a disgrace to this countiy. two weeks ago io which we gave our impression of his sermon on Christian Science. We h.ive no desire to uiigagu imagined that if there was anything in the gospel for mankind it was th Good -Tidings that the captive was in a sectarian controversy, neil her do' ,nl,je frc0Hud that sin whs forgiven we wish to champion the philosophy nn,i tj,at tl0se wno believed were of any creed or doctrine. There is "saved" before Christ died as well ns crnnil lti nil nf tltnm utiil iltat nta ull FOR SENATOR 20th DISTRICT I hereby announce myself ss a candidate for Senator ot the 30th Senatorial District of Nebraska, subject to tho will of the Demo cratic and Peoplo's Independent voters at Ike primaries April 19, 1912. Wm. Wkksnkii. FOR REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce niyRclf ns a candidate lor the nomination (or licprcscnlntlvo from the 46th District ot Nebraska, subject to tho "Will ot the Democractlo and Pcoplo'H Indc peadent voters at the iirlmurles tn bo hold April 19, 1912. J. H. WlHKOAUVKlt. To tiik Voi Kits of Wr.usrr.n Cot'NTV 1 hereby nnnounco mjpi.ll a e.imlMnlo lor tho olllco of County Awnssor, Mibjiet to the will of tho Democratic ami People' Inde pendent voters at tho primaries to hn lulil April 19, 1912, I'im'iH I'Assi.hii. If a private Individual owned our power plant he would be industriously seeking to sell all the current he could. This current ought to replace every gas engine in the city and it ought to reach out and furnish power to the farmers surrounding the city. It could be furnished to them for pump ing, grinding, churning, cleaning the house, currying the horses and light up the house and barn. Now that we have a new unit, a splendid equipment, a new council and a united peoplo things ought to hum. This council Koes into office with the backing of tho entire city a thing that has not happened for many years. Lot us sluk all difference which we may have had in the past and to a man render all tho assistance that we can to make this city cfllclout in every respect. By pulling together we can mako it it happier, better, greater Hcd Cloud. FOR CoyNTY ATTORNEY Wearo authorized to announce I'ml 13. Maurorns a candidate for tho nomination lor the, olllco of County Attorney of Wi bsttr rmmW subject to tho w III of the Democratic ....i Pontiles Independent elector at the 'primary election to Iw lulil April lUth, 1BI2, FOR SENATOR 20th 1MSTRKT I hereby anuouncomyfcelf a candidate for the nomination forSenMorof tlie'JJtli Sena torlal District of Nebraska subject to the voters ot tho IlcputmcnnArur,, " ' !'' roarles April iu, ii O. V. IIUMMhl.. wimt should ho done with the Gyp sies? These strange people In a strnngo .-a c-m In have the ability of malt- ni.iif without lubor. All the ordinary ronn hoar t tem ,8mtllmt ? " . I...L .-i.bhed hl neighbor. They .Wthoyplvthc.r trade It. broad day "' President Tuft made thirty thousand dollars lust year. This amount was his net gain after paying his hired man tho niiiid'Hiiil olio or two detectives. Of course in ouler to mako such a tin if ty showing ho hail to practice the most rigid economy and the household dined prJucipilly mi baked potatoes ami corn biend. Ml;u the prudent man ho is investing this llttlo sum in stocks na he verily testified In the assessor back in his homo town m Ohio. And yo( we hear tho cry evoiy now and then that the president's salary Is too small, that ho cannot pay tho ex penses of the Whlto Houso and como out even. If this ho true wheto did the thhty thousand come froip? How much could ho save if lie woio mayor of Red Cloud? After this no poor man need hesitate to plncu himself un reservedly on tho altar of his country. We have befoie us the reply whloh In j no made t our attic'is of they trying to uplift humanity nnd to make the old world of ours a happier more peaceful place in which to live. It must always bo a cause of regret when one sect turns on another nnd denounces it Instead of fighting the common enemy. The Pilgrim fathers lett tueir home land and- settled in a new country just in order that they might worship God according to the dictates of their own oonsclenoa and then made life miserable for the quiet unpretentious Quakers who settled In their midst. We are pleased to know that the orthodox church is doing so much for the poor. This was not brought out in tho sermon. As to the word "orthodox" judging by past history it is used to mean anything. In reality "orthodoxy is my doxy and hetrodoxy is your doxy." It may be true that "no orthodox church today in any denomination would think of putting such a doctrine (etein'il lire punishment) In Its creed" but we wonder if that doctrine has ever been removed from tho creeds of tho chinches already established. Tho Apostle Paul was a gieat preacher but we read that ho perform ed woiulious works of healing anil shown by those woilcs that he hud had that great oxpeilcneo In life and had heard tho call "do preach the gospel; heal the siek " It gives us pleasino to learn that the evangelical ehuiehiis are cm lug inc sick louay. uov. nnjno mums t hut this healing art Is a "dangorous thing in tho hail Is of the iguoitint or tintrainod." If this Is truo what a terrible calamity it must liuvo been when those Ignorant fishermen wore turned looso on an unsuspecting public two thousand years ago. How those poor heathen Gentiles must have suf fered when thej were made wolll It is no woudor that most of tho caily Christians met a violent death. Ah far as tho roallty or unreality of sin is conoerned wo know nothing. That might huvo been the one fundn- i . , after. So loug as any denomination con tinues to run down another denomina tion, which professes to practice the teachings of the same Christ, holds it up to ridicule and scorn, denounces it as dangerous, just so long will men be kept from ahliating with either. We believe in the freedom of conscience and we are perfectly willing to let every sect go about its work in its own way. We also feel free to take ex ception to any public address, whether from the pulpit or platform, which misrepresents or mlstates facts as we understand them. We may have "missed the point" but wo still insist that the command was ."preach the gospel; heal the sick." Real Estate IraatTers. Real Estate Transfers for week end ing Tuesday, April lCtn, 1012. Compiled by M. W. Carter &. Ponded Abstractors. Alex Phillips,, to William Pottlt, w (1, lots 27, 28, Sec. 14-10 Peurl P. Ely and llusb,, to Em urn A. Yost, w d, part w ne l nwjf 3'-2 n , Joseph Novotny and wlfo to Julius E. Korpke, w d, lots fl, 0, Plk. I, Iloovei's Add to Uluo mil Firt Nnt'l Rink of 1 nwreucc to W. D. Mooie, qoil, soli 10-1 0.. EmollnoH. Knight ot il., to E. E. Smith, qod, pint nwj f Son 1000 iro i mental point of tho sermon but to us it had Uo significance. We hail alvin Charles 11. t'ottor and wlfu to E. B. Smith, qeil, "pin t nw j sw 3r.-2-l3 ,.. Henry U. Piubakor and wife to Robert L. Aveiy, w d, sw 18-2-12 Thomas McCartney et al to Roy al Batnoy Mooie, qod, lots 0, 7, Pile 7, Kaley X Jackson's add Red Cloud United States to John J. An ants, Copy of Patent, wjtf nwtf 31-1-t) Lloyd M. Crablll and wlfo to William M. Crablll, w d, w Ulk 2, LoDuo'h Add, lots 1, 'J, :t, U 7, Ulk 3, Williams' add - The Best Knitted Underwaist at the Price The manufacturers informs us that they have to make five million NAZARETH WAISTS a year to supply the demand. When i knitted underwaist can please so many purchasers year after year, it needs no further endorse ment. Children need new waists. We sell the genuine NAZARETH WAIST in sizes 1 to 13 years. . Price 25 Cents F. NEWHOUSE Mrs. Barbara Phares, Prop. Red Cloud fiOOO William M. Crablll nnd wlfo to O R. Crablll, qcd, samo as nbovo r.oCo Almon W. Cox and wlfo to R W. Olawson, w d, lot lo, Ulk. 1 ConZ? add to llladon , . Mortgages llled, 0,030 00. Moitgages released, S10.S07.00. no Gtoo no Youth Had Much to Learn, An English gentleman onco fell from his lioreo nnd Injured his thumb. Tho pain Increasing, ho was obliged to send for a surgeon. Ono day tho Uoc tor was tinablo to visit tho patient, and thoroforo Ecnt his' son Instead. "Have jou visited tho Englishman?" said his father, In tho evening. "Yes," replied tho young man, "and I have drawn out a thorn which I nscortnlned to bo tho chlof cnuso of his agony." "Fool!" exclaimed tho father. trusted you had more sense; there Ib an end to the Job." "I now Needed Encouragement. Tho Young Doctor "They toll m you arc noted for encouraging you? patients." Tho Successful Old Doctor "Yes. Many of my wealthiest pa tients think they nro sick when there la nothing tho matter with them and I always encourage thorn." Necessary Chanae. i Rev Mr Hollers "Miatah Johnslng, what foh oii call dnt son of yoh's Fznak Walton, when liu was hnptlzed George Washington?" Mr. Johnson 'Ik-cause, sail, dnt inscnl's roputnshun for verac'ty 'made dnt change Imper' live." Christian Reglstor. His Birthday Present. Father "So, tuy dear boy, I wish you many happy returns of tho day, and as n reward for yonr diligence and good conduct I will got tho dentist to draw that had old tooth that gives you so much pnlnt" v w, ." it. ?mMlitem wmm r"ir m?&MM ' W4imr. wo .Ji. -WfKswrii .Ai , tSV , . A . '---iiiiiiiitiifiisriiiwrrrn-f MWiA.4.V Hmrwinrlrim'"fc"!M"aw' I.... .MiJiii imiiiiii.iMnMTTfi v A , mf