The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 18, 1912, Image 6
lilr . . n.ffl" Jlaks-J. j m it i' m M p JH m I f 125,000 AMERICANS GO TO CANADA IN 1911. THE YEAR 1912 WILL 8HOW A GREAT INCREA3E. Tn a report of the Honso Committee (Washington) appears the following: "Canada offers a three-year home Btoad upon good land, easily reclaimed and cultivated, with six months' leave of absence each ear and most lenient regulations." All of which Is true and It is now the part of the careful reader to con elder the opportunities that exist In Western Canuda which, In addition to the above, are attractive features. The evidence of these is found In the letteis contributed by some of the BCttlerfl. For instance: A former Mln nesotan, writing from Warner, South ern Alberta, speaks of that district, but what ho says, applies generally to all of Southern Albertn. Ho nays: "I lmc seen six crops, four of them cero first class, one of them a very good crop, and the other a poor crop. Government statistics for tho last fif teen years show that this country has acraged about fifteen or sixteen Inches of moisture. In 1910 there was only seven Inches, and in 1911 twenty two Inches. Tho 1909 crop was about ns good as I hnvo seen in this coun try and wo had about twelve Inches ot moisture, bo that I am thoroughly con vinced that with normal conditions, that Is, from twelve- to fifteen inches of moisture, and with tho natural in creaso of population and Immigration, that Southern Albertn will bo ono of tho very best mixed farming districts In tho world. Wo have good Boil, good water, and a good climate, and alto gether Just as desirable a country to live in as Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, or Wisconsin." Hundreds of letters nro on fllo from former American settlers, which give good reasons why the Western Can ada lands nro being settled so rapidly. Full particulars can be had of any Ca nadian Governrricnt Agent, who will furnish literature and give low rato certificates. Excursions are being run dally. A young widow has ono Important ndvautage over tbo inexporlenced maid she- can act as her own chaperon. Many a married man has a chaperon In his wife. HUNGRY? But afraid to eat Afraid of the distress that always follows. Cheer up Get a bottle of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS today end notice the great improvement in your general health. It has benefited thousands will aid you, too. ALL DRUGGISTS. TONIC FOR EYES Nebraska Directory 0 THE PAXTON HOTEL Omahi, Nsbrsika EUROPEAN PLAN Rooms from (1.00 up stogie, 75 cents up Jou Die. CArC PRICCS REASONABLE WESLEYAN HOSPITAL pi tun tod Id beautiful restdonro suburb of Lincoln, lion of cam Kir MKMOAL. Oil HUlUIIUAl. cases. FUIX 001118 OF MJIWhS and physicians In t tontlanco. For full Information, Inqulro II. H. Saw jor, M. i), rbyslilan In Charge-, Lincoln, Nebraska. AUCTIONEER Auctioneers are not all alike. Homo nro much bet ter tbanotbon. Tho better tho auctioneer tho larger yuurcheck. Tbe best soiling crrlc.ii ousts jrou no muro than the poorest. Tliero's front, security nnd sallsfac Ion In dolnu business Kith .. H. 1IBANHON, U sal Real bull Ad'aimr, ft Ytsrs UptrlMM, LHCOU, kin. WHAT THE EXPERT FOUND AT SAN BENITO, TEXAS The freight business of Ban Benito for tbo past year was too largo tor anr town, the Frisco I.liio.aoiuli of Houston, amounting to 3ni),UOO. Kan llenlto shipped tbo largest number of cars of freight and In erery point ot dorelopnient anr passed OYury town on tho Frisco lull road lu'J'eias. rroniuo una ponormauco mean oYcrrimna to yon. Mr. Mnn with the tnnner. if Tim want til htir fana on tbo uuwt 'llp.tothonllnuto,, land nrupoiltloh In Ti'Snwrttatodajrforiiur booklet "K-z." Obey that Itupulw Day l(kKr.dtyl..tllK.lltfc,UM.ltXb. Lincoln Sanitarium 8ulpho 8allne Springs Located on our own premises anil used In tbo Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpassed In tho treatment ol Rheumatism Hevt, Stomach, Kidney ind Liner Olteaeei MODERATE CHARGES, ADDRESS DR. O. W. EVERETT, Mgr. 1408 M Streot Lincoln, Nob. ""'Baafc jt BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA Baled prairie hay is bringing from $23 to $24 on tho vsholesalo market In Lincoln. A Ilavennn company has secured a franchise to put In n lighting plant at that place. J. K. Marsh ot Fremont has boon elected superintendent of tho schools nt Hooper. Mrs, Nancy Uakcstruw, aged thirty two, of Strang, committed suicide be cause of 111 health. Tho state convention of the Federa tion of Women's Clubs will bo held nt Sterling, May 1 and 2. The annual ball of tho Wymore Knights of Columbus was a success, socially and financially. F'roston Martin, formerly of Table. Hock, was found dead In a Held nt his homo nenr Leady, Okla. Flro nt Homer destroyed n halt dozen stores and caused a loss of ffiO.000, with $40,000 Insurance. William Daprlck Is dead nt (Soncva from the effect of burns sustained while burning trash In tho yard. Theodore Roosevelt hns been Invited to address the Lincoln Commercial club nt a noon hour luncheon Tho annual meeting of tho Ncbrns kn State Association of County Judges was hold nt Grand Island April 12. Workmen nro repairing tho old sugar factory buildings uhtl grounds nt Norfolk, preparatory to installing a canning fnctory Whllo attempting to play with n litter of puppies. Carl Scott of Lin coln, flvo years of ago. was severely bitten In tho face by the mother dog. John, tho nine-year old son of J. H. Schuhloff of Plnttsmouth, while vault ing a tight wire with a pole, Bllppod and fell heavily, breaking ono of his arms. Alfied Schultz. a young man of fJrrnd Island, wns shot In the faco by thr. nccldentnl discharge of a gun wl.ilo an tho PIntto river hunting ducks. Principal R L. Meyer of tho Alll a nee high school was re-elected for tho ensuing year, but declined, ns ho has decided to enter the law college at the state university next fall. Dr. 12. 12. Meyer of Humboldt wns severely burned when ho dumped n can of what he supposed to bo coal oil on tho flames as he was starting a fire. Tho can contained gasoline. Tho Hooper Commercial club has voted to extend financial aid to tho town board in repairing tho dnmago done to bridges and the roads In and nenr Hooper by tho Elkhorn's over flow. The women of tho Congregational church at Franklin gave a bazaar and chicken plo supper, the proceeds of which applied on tho pledge made by tho women toward tho new $10,000 church. Tho three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Shelley Snyder, living near Far nam, whllo playing In tho yard picked up a bottle which contained carbolic ucld and drank tho contents. Death followed soon. Mrs. Mary Schwartz, for nearly forty years a resident of Nebraska, llrtng during the greater part of that time with her family at Stewart. In dead, aged 99 years. Four genera tions survive her. Georgo C. Cockrell, aged 76 years, long a resident of Omaha, and tho old est active justice of the peace In this state, died at his apartments in tho Morrlnm hotel In that placo as tho result of an apoplectic stroke. Train crews report fish, ikiffalo and carp, plentiful on tho lino between Nebraska City and Falls City. The water is up to tho tracks in many places and the fish como to the banks to feed and can be plainly seen from tho car. Kearney has added a new modern dairy and lco cream manufactory to its new industries as a result of tho cnmpalgn being waged by the com mercial club to insure tho establish ing of more manufactories in that city. At a meeting of tho Ravenna school board all positions for which con tracts have not been signed were de clared vacant, also tho princlpalship and two other positions ,ln the high school vacant, and three' grade posi tions. The board expects to fill these positions in the near future. A ten-ton rock fell upon the Burling ton tracks on the Falls City lino and blocked traffic for somo tlmo. Dyna mlto was used to remove tho obstruc tion. Down on this bluff line the train crews always keep their eyes open for landslides and largo rocks at this season ot the year and havo to blast them off when they como down. Mombors of tho stato rural life com mission will hold a mooting at Broken Bow, April 1G and 17, at which time they will start their spring and sum mer campaign in tho gathorlng of data and statistics about rural condi tions in Nebraska. Tho city council came to tho rollef of tho Fremont Commercial club com mltteo that undertook to raiso $914.70 to pay oh tho balanco duo on tho electrolier lighting system. The coun cil appropriated money to clean' up nil the Indebtedness. The now auditorium at West Point has been formally dedicated to tho public use. Superintendent Graham of tho Wy. moro high school for tho past seven years has tondered his resignation to tako offect on tbo closo of the present term. , To consider tho sito for tho now experiment station to bo entahltBhed at Culbertson, Neb,, on an appropria tion of $15,000 mado by the last legis lature, Chancellor Avery, Denn Bur nett, Regent Anderson and others of the board of regents have gone to that place. Kiumtional SiJMfflOOL Lesson (By n. O. Sr.M.nnK. Director of Even. ItiK Deimtimnt, Tlio Moody Uluto In. etttute of ClitcnRo.) f.ESS0N FORAPRIL 21. THE APPOINTING OF THE TWELVE. T.KSRON Ti:XT-3:7-W nml Mntt. GsM JO. OOLPKN Ti:XT-"Yo dlit not choose me, but I cIioho you, nml appointed you, tlmt yo co nml bear fruit." John 15:16 fit. V.). Things do not happen In tho realm of religion, they como to pass. Nc man can nlono accomplish any grcnt taBk. Every great leader has been blessed by ono or moro equally great hejpcrs. 'Luther had his Mclancthon; Wesley had his brother Cluulcs, Whit field and others; Moody had Whittle, IHIbb, Sankcy and more. Thcso lend ers but followed "In his steps." Jesus' ministry mado him very much observed and nt tho snmo tlmo grcntly multiplied his duties nnd bur dens. When, therefore, ho chose these dlsclplcB ho desired not only to ob tain help nnd to begin to tench those who wcro afterward to tako up his work, but lilto every other act, ho de sired to teach a lesson to those who were so carefully observing hln life. So It wns that tho significant num ber of twelve, corresponding to tho, twelvo tribes, nt onco confirmed lilsj nsstimptlon of tho MesslnliHlilp. Thin meant that in him those wondrous prophecies wero being fulfilled, nnd ( also served to stimulate thoso upon whom tho cholco fell, Moses who led this people out of Egypt had to bo helped (Ex. 18:17-24) In his work nnd n greater who Is to found a new kingdom calls about him thoso who shall do a greater work than merely to Judgo tho people. Why greater? Bccauso thoy are not only to Judgo results but nro to change results by altering causes. Thoy nro to havo power over demons even as tho Mas ter, for evil hns no rights. The source of their power Is to bo Jesus for ho Is to bo "with them" power nnd pro. tection ns well. So with us. (Matt. 28:20.) Their power is to grow with usage, for we learn by doing, hence be sends them forth. Some Things It Teaches and Why. This lesson is different from our previous ono where Jesus first called hU disciples. I.uko tells us that thcBe twelve wero selected from among the rest of tho disciples. The greater nearness nnd moro extended author ity of theso "messengers" called uponi them greater testings thnn tho others, who were disciples or "learners." Mntthew tells us what Jesus saldj Is to bo tho character of his repre-. sentntlves. Ho likens them to salt and to n light. "Nothing is bettor fori tho whole body than salt and sun", wero the words of Pliny. Salt Is a great cleansing agency; it is a strong1' tonic; it haB great prescrvativo quali ties; it Is a great preventlvo agnlnBt corruption, but Jesus adds, if snlt loses Its salino quality it becomes like nny other earth; it has no dis tinguishing essential, characteristic. Let not tho Christian, who is "tho salt of the earth" lose his identity, lose his saltness and become llko tho world about him. If ho docs ho Is fit then only, to bo trodden under tho foot of man. These disciples nre to bo the light of the world. It is a good thing to preserve, to purify, to clennso, but it Is a greater thing to energize, to direct, to lead. How Men Are Saved. These apostles came from many walks in life and represent varied tem peraments. Tho aggressive Peter and tho other "son of thunder" who would, call down flro upon those who walked not with Jesus. The reflective cauj tlous Thomas, the plotting practical Judns, "who also betrayed hlra.'l Theso are the men who are sent forth,' some as public heralds (John 1:36)' and somo by personal solicitation) (Jas. 1:41) to win yet other followers,1 Men ore saved through saved men nnd thoso whom he sends forth arej those who have first learned to fol-j low. Their work is made permanent! only ns'they "abldo" in Mm. 'Godj wants tho hearing ear, tho believing heart and tbo confessing mouth t (Rom. 10:14). Those whom Jesus sends are to of fer his kingdom to men not to forccj it upon thorn. Thoy must expect to bo received nB ho was received nndj how that shall bo ho plainly foretells; (Ma.t. 10). Tbefr work shall bring varlnnco fipon earth, yes ovon among; those of tho sarao family, but tho man) who refuses to go, to tako up this cross, is none of his, "is not worthy! of me." Jesus saw plainly that tho victories of hls4 kingdom aro often hindered rather 'than helped by tho presence of great crowds (v. 12). Why send out Judas? Undoubtedly ho bnd all the desired qualifications for leadership, and chosen as he was that ho "might bo with him" he need, not havo hardened his heart, bringing upon himself the greater condemna tion. Jesus had a three-fold work for these disciples: (1) to preach; (2) to heal; (3) to cast out demons noto tho spiritual need is tho foremost one. Then comes the ministry o! healing, to invert the order Is to pre vent tho teaching of the Book. Aa to tho third it Ib evident it was some thing different than disease. fAST0BIAiiTa harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For moro than thirty years it has been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, assimilates tho Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's PanaceaThe Mothor's Friend. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought, and which has boon in uso for over 80 years, has borno tho signature) of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been mado under his personal supervision sinco its infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" aro but Experiments that triflo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. flTTfilTWPsW 1,1,1.. n nn i"i ''j"--' Hiri i i5 i. Al.COllUL 3 PKU m-Ni. AW alilcforpnrailonlbrAs slm aihigilicFoodantJKcijuli ilngUtcStoniadtsainIuVwtlsor m Promotes DtgSiionJCftrtrrfut ncss and Res1.C0nt.1ln5 neither nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. .HMSWsMMIHaMMiH jkvtefmDtsiuaman JlxJmm JkMttUtx- M-aaaaiMMM.MBB Aperftct Remedy forGomfyt- non.auuraiuinam.uianiiuM vYorras.CoirvulstonsJ'OTriMr nessandLOSSOFSiEER AcSbofc Signature NEW YDBK. iranteeAundtr Exact Copy of Wrapper. PUTNAM Colormorc Boodsbrirhter and faster colorathan any dye any garment without ripping apart. Write for What She Wanted. Beforo tho flro on Christmas Eve, two old maids wcro planning for tho holiday. "Sister Mallle," said tho younger, "would a long stocking hold all you want for a Christmas gift?" "No, Elvira," snld tho older, "but a pair of Bocks would." Hla Work. "An electrician ought to bo a social success." "Why an electrician especially?" "Bccauso ho Is so well posted on current topics." Use Allen's Foot Easo Tho nntiocptic powder to be shaken into the shoes for tired, tender, smarting, nch ing, swollen feet. Jt ninkcu our feet feel easy and makes walking a Delight. Sold everywhere, 25c. For free trial package, addrcM Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. V. Comparative Values. "My wifo can mnko a tart reply." "My wife can do better than that. She can mnko a plo speak for Itself.'' Cole'a Carbollnalvo quickly relieves nnd cures burning. Itching and torturing skin dtaeaacs. It instantly stops tho puln of burns. Cures without scars. 25c and tOc by druggl8tH. For freo sntnplo wrlto to J. W. Colo & Co.. Black River Falls, Wis. When an old man dies nnd his rela tives say that he Is better off tho chances are that he Is. Y1XES CCftKD IN O TO 14 DATS Tonrrtruwjlsl will return! muDer t I'AZO UINT MKNT fall, to euro anr cusn u( Itching, mind. Bloodlu; or rrolrudlRtf I'lle In 6 u It Ujs. 10c If a man saves money It Is because ho is kept too busy at work to spend It Mrs. Wtnulow's Soothing Byrup for Children teething, softens tho glimM, reduces Influtnma Uoa, allays pain, cures wind colic, 2So a bottle. After sympathizing with peoplo who are In troublo many a man begins to feel llko a hypocrite. Garfield Tea. by purlfjlnc tho blood, rmrtl ites Kheumutlstu, l)j bjiejiila utid uiuny uironlo ullmenu. The avorago man's way of forgiving an enemy Is meaner than bis refusal to do so. LEWIS' Ringlo Binder Be rlgar; ro rich in quality that most smokers pre fer them to 10c cigars. Our Idea of a lazy woman Is ono who never gets busy with her com plexion. "rink Eye" Is Kpldsmlo In thn Spring. Try Murine Eye Ilemedy for Hellablo Relief. If a girl really wants a man's love she returns it What is Castoria. Letters from Prominent Physicians (addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher.1 i Dr. Albert W. Kalil, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I havo used Castor! fa my prnctico for tho past 20 years. I regard it aa an excellent xncdicina for children." Dr. Gustavo A. Eionn&raeucr, of St. Paul, Minn., says:' "I Ears tueS' your Caotorla repeatedly In ray practlco with good results, and can reconv moud It aa an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children." Dr. E. J. Dennis, ot St. Louis, Mo., says: "I havo used and prescribed your Castoria In my oanttarlura nnd outsldo practlco for,a number of years and find It to bo an excellent romody for children." Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa., enya: "I havo used your Cat torla In tho caso ot my own baby nnd find It pleasant to tako, and hav. obtained excellent results from Its uso." Dr. J. B. Simpson, of Chicago, 111., says: "I havo uaod your Castoria la cases of collo In children and havo found It tho best medicine ot Its kind oa tho market." Dr. XL B. Daklldson, of Omaha, Neb., says: "I find your Castoria to 1m a standard family remedy. It la tho best thing for infants and children S havo over known and I recommend it" Dr. L. R. Boblnson, of Kansas City, Mo., Bays: "Your Castoria certainly; has merit Is not Its ngo, its continued uso by mothors through all thoso years, and tho many attempts to imltato It, sufficient recommendation What can a physician add? Lcavo it to tho mothers." Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of Now York City, says: "For several years I hats recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Dr. N. D. Slzcr, of Brooklyn, N. Y., gayer. "I object to "what are called patent medicines, whero makor nlono knows What ingredients are nut la them, hut I know, the formula of your Castoria and advise its use. GCNUINC CASTORIA ALWAYS Jfeari tho Tim ITi- J 171- IT me juuu iuu nave Always ouugiu In Use For Over 30 Years. -" TMiaiNTMiaaoaiMN. tt HumuvarrMcT. shwvsmmimtv. FADELESS DYES otherdye. One 10c package cotaraatl fibera. Theydyeincotd water better than any other dre, You caa Irco booklet How to Dye. Bleach and Mix Colors. MONWOC PHUO COMPANY, Ottlacy, 111, TIME AND Why waste valuable time and money on unreliable roofings and building papers when your local dealer seUsOAL-VA-KlA PRODUCTS whose quality la guaranteed by reputable menu laciurcrs, mo oiuen ana largest in ine nncj Gal-va-nlte Roofing -.. "Triplo Asphalt Coated Mica' riatod." Needs no paint No after-attention. First Cost Last Cost Beady to lay Ready to wear. No skilled labor required. Suitable for any kind of building. Put up in rolls of 103 sq. ft with galvanised nails, ce ment and directions. ., Gal-va-nlte Flooring' A perfect imitation of oak used ovor old soit wood floors, giving tho appearance of tho finest quartered oak. Takes tho place of unsanitary Carpets lightens housework. Used around edge of largo ruga and for interior finish. Durable, sanitary and inexpen sive. Put up in rolls 38 inches wide sold by the yard. Gal-va-nlte Plaster Board An economical substitute for lath and plaster. It is weather-proof, moisture-proof, odorless and sani tary. Can be applied by any ono. May bo painted, calcimincd or papered over. Put up in rolls 30 and 48 inches wide. Gal-va-nlte Black Enamel Sheathing Superior to tarred felts, red rosins, etc., for gen eral sheathing purposes. Especially adapted for damp proofing floors in concrete buildings and concrete foundation walls, storm-proofing screen doors and in sulating refrigerators. Water-proof, damp-proof, odor less and Bsnitary. Put up in rolls of 600 sq. ft Ask your for Cl-v..ali. rrodMcta 1 Mod for Samplt sod Booklets ST. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES ?2.252,50 '3.00 '3.50 MOO & '5.00 For MEN. WOMEN and BOYS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY ' FOR OVER 30 YEARS WEAR W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES You can save money because they are more economical and satisfactory in style, fit and wear than any other makes. W . L. Douglas name and price stamped on the bottom guarantees full value and protects the wearer against high prices and inferior shoes. Insistupon haying the genuine W. L. Douglas shoes. nfiuhuSt". If your lelr cfuinot snrnlr W. I. Dooalss ihora, write W. T. Doiivlaa, llrnikton. Mtss. (or citsW. Mines sent swui litajr charges jrejia. fust Color ,No 2.10.3, uueuinrrencli aTl Ea n V I IV HoHnltulH with uartr HLtrtsH, LiiHia Kinirr. Li HLSDbtU IMMK.A8UI mm, cuiioNia ulckhs hkin eroptionh-kitiierskx 8.B4 a44M onll. for VUtK brnkl-t lo PR. I.I CltRC USD. CO , 1UVCB1TOCK BO UAllrSTkUD, I.ONOU.V, IXO W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 10-1912. , Signature of 1 n Cd FroHErl SAVE THEM FORD MFG. GO. paui, cmcAoo bt. louis OMAHA. KANSAS CITY evrrywlirr JSycll SMoif. Dpaforc of thl3 papcr during to buy 1C41UC1 5 anything advertised in its col umns should insist upon having what they ask f or.rcfusing all 6ubititutes or imitations DEFIANCE STARCH KS!&ioa.w,iS ( i p u w i ' i "j 4? 1 t k v V'J M 1 ift fi r i ft & isifv 4 1 iS, A&Mfm lift . t.mtit SatttAMsaBM , f foi.ftiHl fmmm,iimnti,tmw-TJ,thi,in( li-i &2L wi MvrA,fVyrf ass If It: