The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 18, 1912, Image 5

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1f tMMI'
YiW, s 5tmfWftT rrJtw.
if frWPIf!ffi 1
if MwiwBsati&Qy Peas t m
r( mi
ISisuss makes 83ie-3ood mere
a2peKIz3n0 and wJinScsome
Tlac only OnltSaitf
Srom Royal -Grape
Will I'lsher whs sowing
of thin weolc. n r. IS?
Juck Uurncs whs hauling hogs to
Ited (.'loud on Muniluy.
Lust woolt was potato week and tlioie
was ti good many planted.
George Harris was hauling liny to
town on Thursday and Friday.
Joe M Hdd nought n fpati of mules
down in Kninas ono duy last 'week.
A rain fell on Friday night and
.some hull with it but- it did IoIh of
Rood' j
The candidates uro ru&lilng around
and put tint,' on tlioir best, smiles this
The nsftimor lias been making Ike
rounds on wind mill row the past
Clay Weevor lias hold out and is
moving lii fainlly on the Ait l'.trf-on
place this week.
Henry Wiggins and wlf,o woro visit
Mng at Mis. Ida Kent.s Friday and
planted her potatoes.
Uert King and Mr. Weuver flui&licd
t hulr thrashing on Friday and pulled
over to Charley A lies.
, George Smith was bidding on h rub
tor tired huggv at the sale 'Saturday
to drive his Teddy mule to when ho
takes his best girl out riding.
Leu Monger, who had the misfortune
to get hurt n week ago, is ablo to be
about agititi and is buying mules. He
has bought four head now and he
wants twenty more.
Saturday was ono ot the worst windy
days that wc have experienced for
some time. It did very little damage
exeopt blowing down a few trees and
1) leaking off a few limbs.
J V. Thompson was a passenger to
incrs Tucsua:
jf Lincoln was
ISaWer, Bora
Poivder made
Cream oS Tartar
Legal Notice.
State of .NVImnka l.
('utility of Wclislir tM
To All I'lthoiik lutores'ctl In liu Hstato of
It li 1 1 roltr.Stnnn IHcciimmI.
Whereas llicro It on fllo la the County
court of ijithl county nn Instrument purport
liiK to lia the last will anil tcittniuciitot.loliu
I't-ter .Sturm, lulu of s:ilil county, iIltc-isim!,
mill Cftrolliio (MiniMctlu liaa II If. I her putltlon
ln.ri.hi prayl.ix to have tlio keimiu mlmjttul to
prolmtctuul for tliu Ih-mltu; of letteiw testa
mentary, wlilch will rclntcH to both ic.-il ami
pcrmiiuil estate.
I therefore appoint tlio :!0th tiny ot April
llll'i at '-' o'clock la tliu afternoon tit the
county court room In sulci county nx the
Unit) nilil pi. ico for lic.trlnn h.iltl will nt which
time anil place you nutl all toucerncd may
npptiur niul contest Hit- nllotvlui; of the mime.
It Is further onlerutl that snlil petitioner
islvo notltc tiiHll pcrxons liitercMeil In said
stale of tlio poiiilency of this petition nail
the 1 1 tnu anil pltit'tixel for tliu liutiltiinf the
Htiiiiu, ly causliigucoiiy of this order to Iid
pulillHhtil In th.) Hed Cloitil Chief, u newn
)iiper pilnUilitiiil published In k:i1 eounty
for tliriuucci.HNiic('isluly previous to the
tiny sol for the hciirhu:.
In witness whereof I have hereunto im.1 iiij
liauU ami olllelal seal this 10th tiny of April,
(Si'.At,) A. l. HANN13V,
County JtitUe.
Ltftnl Kotlcf.
(IvorKlana Maker DoWltt, I'l.tlntlll 1
vs. J.
Illitncho letters, et al. Defendants t
In District Court Wulistcr County Nebraska.
Whereas heretofore, to-wlt: on the 'AMIi
tiny of March VJV1, tlio uiitlerHlmiid, .1. M.
Ollhaui, referee, having liertttoforu hecu
legally appointed liy tliu DUtrlct Court of
Webster (.'utility Xvlirnskn, was ordered by
H.iltl court to sell the followlnif tlescrlhttl
prcmlseH, to-wlt: Tlio Northwest (Quarter of
HCL'tlonTwcntyoiie, Township Two, ltunire
Nine, West ot the lltlt 1'. M In Welntur
Count', Nebraska, liocause tlio same eould
not be piutltloned without i;roat prejudice
to tlio owners thereof, and tliu undeMmu'd
referee havniK nlvon bond as rnnilred by
law with sureties wliich wero upprovctl by
tho court anil havluit taken the oath re
quired by law; now therefore uotleu Is here
by iflven that by virtue of the proceedings
bad herein, the order of tliu said court, and
the authority vested In mo by the Statutes ot
Nebraska, 1,. I. H. (Illham, tho iiuilcrsii;iicil
referee, will on tlio 18lti day of May I'JI'J, at
the east door of tho court house In Itcd
Cloud, Webster County Nebraska, oiler for
salo and after tlio expiration of one hour sell
totbohlKhoU bidder for cash according to
thoordor of he court the abovo described
real estate.
Said snlo to bo held open for ono hour be
tween tlio hours ot two and three o'o'.oek 1.
M. on said 18th day of May I'JI'i.
iVltnesg my hand this (1th day of April DH'J
J.H. (HlillAM, lluferee.
ttornoy for Plalntlll'.
Start Out
) wn
Farmers Wast Roll Their Winter Wheat
firotinil Cracked
Kartner- of the istfitn of Nebraska nro
facing a peetillnr sittiallon, which niuy
r suit in u big loss In the winter
wheat crop unites proper prcuniitlons
aro taken to o0''eoiue the con Jit ion.
According to Prof U W Pugsley of
the K.tlei.sloi. doparlmetil of tho Uni
versity, tin' ground where
Is plnnled !f) badly cranked, the result
of tho heavy snows and rains of the
early part of the year. 'I he cracks,
which nre throe to live inches deep In
many places expoe the routs of winter
wheat to tlio nlr, which may result in
much of the wheat being killed In
addition, the Miifaeo ground Is baked,
caused by the rapid drj ing of the
gionud. It.'c.iusc of the baking of tho
u'lound, lunch of Hie molstuie is lost
Tho two conditions threaten the wlnlei
wheat. I
To renipdy the condition, ono solu
tion is oirered -that of rolling the
ground. Professor I'ugsley advises n
thorough rolling of tho gtounil wllhln
the next, week or ten days, n corrugated
roller being pieferable, By lolling
the ground, the cracks will bo tilled
up and lu addition, ti mulch will bo
formed, which will prevent the loss of
moisture. If a corrugated toller can
not be sreutod, a smooth toller may be
utilized to good advantage.
P.ut under nil conditions, the ground
should bo rolled. According to bulle
tins on lilt in the Bureau of Publicity
of tho Commercial 'Club or Omaha,
whuat yield can be materially Incieas
od by a systematic rolling of the
"Rolling winter wheat in the spring
has not failed in any of the four jean
It has been tried at tho Univorsitv to
lve an increase yield,'' says Pi of
Pugbley. "Tho average Increase has
been 5 1 bushels pi acre. The rolling
was clven enrly lit the bpring, soon
after the frost, win out and about the
tune the growth stinted. Harrowing
after ro'ling wns not au good as rolling
tiloitc. I'Jaily spring rolling of winder
grain, pros-dug tin; earth firmly about
the plant, toots, produces good results.
'When frost conies out, it is apt to leave
the soil tilled with small cracks."
"This Is tho condition this year, be
cause of the heavy knows and fiee".-.
Tho stand in Nobraska this year Is
good, practically up to the average
and the propects for a bumper crop
are good. Hut the cracking of the soil
must bo attended to."
"The remedy Is so simple that I be
lieve every farmer in the state will
take the proper precaution The con
dition Is geueral and not confined to
any particular locality, though It is a
tritllc worse in siine parts of tho state,
where the precipitation was unusually
Bulletins huye been proparod on
roiling of wheat. These may be had
free of cost by writing to the Bureau
of Publicity of the Commercial Club
of Omaha or the Nebraska Experiment
Why Net Build
A Home This Year
and let 1912 mark the
beginning of your fortune
and a new life? Nothing
on earth gives a family
standing in a community
li' e ownership of a
nfortable home.
T is a good time
all the little
e've a good,
'otsof time
ue nian
"ind of
ure Home."
Lording to quality, loca-
Coming To
United Doctors, Specialists
Will Eo At Tho
Tuesday, April 28
And Will Remain
Henia- ktible Success Of TlicoTiileiitt(l
PliyMolitns In Tliu Treatment Of
Chronic DUonsos
The United Doctor, licensed lV the
state of Nebraska, for tho treatment
of deformities and
nil nervous and
cnrouic (licenses or men
, women Htid
children, olrVr to all who call on this
trip, eotiMiltntltjti, examination, advice
free, making no ehnrgn whatever, ex
cept tho actual cost f medicine. All
that Is a-kcd in return for the-o valu
able sorvleen Nthntevr-ry person treat
ed will state the result obtained to
their friends and thus prove totheslck
and nilllcted in every city anil locality,
that nt last tieatnionts have been dis-
covered that aro icasonably sure and
certain in their effect.
These duct ot 'i mo considered by
tunny former puticntsaninngAnieiiea'u
leading stomach and none specialists
nnd are ( .spoils in tho treatment of
chronic diseases and so grout nnd won
derful liuio been their rcuiUs that in
many cases it is hard indeed to llnd
the dividing lino between skill and
liUcasesof the stomach, intestine,
liver, blood, skin, nerve", heart, spleen.
kidneys ot- bladder, i-h'-iimatlsui. t-ui
ntlo'i, diabetes, bed-wet I lug. legnlceis,
weak lungs and timo allllcted with
long-standing, deep-seated cluonlc
diseases, that havo haflled tho skill of
the family phyniclnn, should not fail
to call.
According to their system no more
operations for appendicitis, gall stones,
tumors, goiter or certain forms of can
cer. They wero among the first In
America to earn the name of tho
"Woodless Suigeons," by doing away
with knife, with blood and with all
pain In the successful treatment of
those dangerous diseasos.
Tf you ha'o kidney or bladder trou
bles bring a two-ounce bottlo of your
urine for chemical ftnalysis and micro
scopic examination.
Deafness often has been cured in
sixty days.
No matter what your ailment mny
be no matter what others may have
told you, no matter what experience
you may have had with other .physi
cians, it will bo to your advantage to
see them at once. Have It forever
settled in your mind. If your case Is
incurable they will give yon such ad
vice as may relieve anl stay tho dis
ease. Do not put off this duty you
owe yourself or friends or relatives
who are suffering because of your sick
nosB, as a visit this time may help you.
Remember, this free offer is for one
day only.
MtUTlcd. Indies pmst come wHh their
husbands am) minors with tiielr par"
Office at Royal Hotel. Hours 10 n
in to SJ J), in.
Valuable dyProducts.
Albumen la made from blood 8'
cureu nt tho packing housca and used
for setting tho colors of printed fab
rics. Ashes from tho hickory and
cobs used In smoking meats are us&d
for fertilizer. Certnln hard bono Is
ground up and used for case harden
ng steel. In this process tho steel
uwicincM is heated .whllo Immersed
In tlio powdered bono. Glue Is mndo
irom tlio hoofs and sinewy jf nnlm.Ms
t rf
iivr cwm
.,.i I
wmnris attMwi
f Also Tans in Button Shoes and Oxi&ids. i Al! kind
and at all prices, ty All new
over shoes to select from.
Nowhouso Balidln'g BAILEY &
- - "The East Side
and every thing to be Sosand in a first
class exclusive Harness Shop. : :
are miequaied for
Durability and Workmanship for
the money.
n'lmnan wi i
2s HERB LUDLOW, Proprietor - -..-
We have the reputation of serving the
best meals in this cily. This fact, coupledvwith
the best of service, is the secret of our success.
If We also carry a full line of cigars and
tobacco and serve ice cream and soft drinks,
having opened up our fountain for this season on
Easter Sunday
furnibhed rooms in connection
if i:n doubt let us convince you
Now remember the date as I will be on the
spot rain or shine and show you I an & real live
wire in the horse game. I want 50 little fat
mares and horses from 800 to 1100 lbs. frohi 4
to 20 years old. Show me your good, faf
mules from 4 to 15 years old, big or litttiv
aijwi'.wji'iwjiru3fpeyff7'iT'fTmttw nn'awww
stock in a new slorc. ( No left
BAILEY Rud c,oud' Ncbr'
Shoe Store." -
Robes, Sad
dles, Whips
Quality of Stock
vPf WULW.M iMiiWiwtw m9mmmm
Am ' -v a
livemontw. Thiscountiy
mis, rural imtilb.Holo-
Brick Barn ih Red Cloud,
2ad.s, convenient urtir-
Ll.. WW6B.