The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 18, 1912, Image 4

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One Thing, at Least, Hopeful Mother
Might Say With Truth of Her
Scapegrace Son.
Aunt Julia, Mrs. n ' colored
washerwoman, Is it thrifty, respecta
ble and sclf-icspccllng representa
tive or her race, but is unfortunnto
in having an utterly worthless scape
grace son, who lately sened a richly
deserved bontenco In the penitentiary
at Pittsburg. Notwithstanding his
disgrace, Aunt Julia is exceedingly
proud of him nnd misses no occasion
of chanting his prnltcs. Somo tlmo
ngo, on her weekly mission at tho
D 's, she observed:
"Ah s'poso 5o'all didn't Know xah'm
gwlno to hab my boy home for Christ
mas?" "indeed?"
"Yes, ma'am; he dono wrote ylstcr
day ho comln' liomo Tuesday."
"You must bo very glad, Aunt Julia
How long has ho been nway?"
"Eighteen months. Ah tell you,
honey, ho Jest Btuck right to it." Har
por'a Mngjsino.
"I was troubled with acno for threo
long years. My faco was tho only part
affected, but it caused great disfigure
ment, also suffering nnd loss of sleep.
At first thcro appeared red, hard
pimples which Inter contained whlto
matter. I suffered a great deal caused
by tho itching. I was in a stnto of
perplexity when walking tho streets
or anywhero before tho public.
"I used pills and other remedies but
they failed completely. I thought of
giving up when nothing would help,
but something told mo to try tho CutI
cura Soap and Ointment. I sent for
a Cuticura Booklet which I read care
fully. Then I bought somo Cuticura
Soap nnd Ointment and by following
tho directions I was relieved in a fow
days. I used Cuticura Soap for wash
ing my face, and applied tho Cuticura
Ointment morning nnd evening. This
treatment brought marvelous results
so I continued with it for a fow weeks
and was cured completely. I can
truthfully say that tho Cuticura Rem
edies aro not only all, but moro than
they claim to bo." (Signed) O. Bau
mel, 1015 W. 20th Place, Chicago, 111.,
May 28, 1011. Although Cuticura
Soap and Ointment aro sold by drug
gists and dealers everywhere a sam
ple of each, with 32-page book, will
bo mailed freo on application to
"Cuticura," Dept. L, BoBton.
Invading the Enemy's Country.
"In pursuance of a plan I have had
in mind for some time," announced
Pastor Goodsole at tho close of his
sermon, "I have rented a small room
In an apartment house in a fashion
able neighborhood and expect to open
a mission Sunday school thcro on the
first Sunday in May. I don't know,
brethren, where tho children who at
tend It are to come from if, indeed,
any children attend it at all, but it will
be thero all summer, and may be re
garded either as an opportunity or ns
a reproach. Wo will now sing our
closing hymn."
Fooling the Lord.
"Mother," toased a little boy of five,
"does God know everything that I'm
going to do before I do it?"
"Yes, dear, everything," Bho said.
"Well, does ho know that I'm go
Ing upstairs In a minuto and put on
my pajamas and say my prayers and
get into bed?" ?
"Yes, dear, he knows everything."
"Well, tonight he's going to get
fooled, for I'm not going to say my
prayers." St. Louis Republic.
Hospital Experiments With Warts.
Physician at Hahnemann hospital
In Philadelphia are experimenting for
the removal of warts and advertised
for ono hundred men and women bur
dened with the blemishes.
There has been such a rush of the
wart-laden the hospital bids fair to
become an Immense beauty parlor.
When Your Eyes Need Care
Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smarting Feett
Fine Acta Quickly. Try It fur Red, Weak,
Watery Eyea and Granulated Eyelids. Illus
trated Book In each Package. Murlna it
eomponnded by our Ocnllati not a "Patent Mea
lelne" but nsed In inrceiiiful Pbyilclanr Prao-
!lce for many yean. Mow dedicated to the Pab
lo and sola by UrusgUts at 36e and Wo per Bottle,
lurtno Kje Halve In Aseptic Tubes, 3Se and too.
Murine Ey Remedy Co., Chloage
The New Wife.
Hubby My dear, won't you sew on
a button for me before you go out?
His Now Wife The cook may pos
sibly do It for you. Dut please bear
In mind you married a typewriter, not
a Bowlug machine.
To keep artificial teeth and bridge
work antlBcptically clean and free
from odors and dlseaso germs, Paxtlno
Antiseptic is unequnlcd. At drug
Cists, 2Cc a box or sent postpaid on re
ceipt of price by Tho Paxton Toilet
Co., Boston, Mass.
. i
Chance for Him.
Gerald Peoplo can get used to any.
Geraldlne -Then whyAiot cheer upT
- V. m
iiuueuu i leem rigqBtrian a woman
XrfGrWMoitlbefld M0m
II' i mmm if! 1 i 'ijJg?g ., of a XilMHHKamwtrtj JHULHLLLsaBiHBHuHI im ir v
& 111 S? i Br iMMBillHH
rl T is hut natural that the peoplo of iJBfflPmffrHlM l33fBMB!rTTr5T'S3SBBI '
jF tho United States should take an IB8lli8BiSBBWIaJP'yB &f rfjlBMiiL, ' jjrlPml
H cbpcclal Interest In Arbor Day, bo- iM0!B9HiowNnJwFSHv cSB3V9VKLl '-J1j?Bfjl ITtBI I
H c.uise Arbor Day has been from tho I laVSKKXiStSffS rMTlMfiyj?-!' ' JMBbI I
HKw outFct n distinctly American holl- lRJgjaBBi3BBul!aB(aWH?A BfcgKT '8 htXjdmrMi I
Kv d.y. Year by year has come to wSSSSKtmlr'iSKWX iiiHlRVHMfflBnE'iflfllEI I
nSHiviNl. li:no n moro antl orc general ob- rAlKlHffllEBBwKiHifH lflHuHlBBvwdlWPVl I
ulwgiujjli servauce. All over this country J&wKmffltlKt "rBW l BEBHfB8BB I
JGjMvJ ) alHl l)art9 of Canada this inter- BBBHMIjBWmKm i . BKfM, jilw MB. I
IM "Snllf osting annual occasion receives, BBBBBaBBKMwSjjMP 4fJm J':jlimaIi?tMtiC'fe'B I
xl IBI cnal B,luccsslvo yunr, nn increasing BBKfSSSHEsSKtKi I ' v'''W?KwW32sBBB5ftB I
Vlw alll0Unt cf attention from tho pub- UWBKBMBMHMJjMMHjm J vM!BMWcft',fKHi I
wSa Jr He- It lias also become tho custom WMWyMffHHMHI3MK3r i iuufflXx(z. Wi ffitW 'KyWB ,W I I
g in later years for the president of ytUffvBUKmSWBSSISL I yv&lnVKlilKrvl'IWv ' BB
tho United States to issue a procla- .l!ttlTjBKD(lf8!Ml?!C wC I JBtaUnrMWIrEi mJfi' m
matlon to the school children urging them to do- V Vy'vlMWIWHlS'aBrg I Jir!Ja3WJimW ' '1
vote tho dny not only to snccial exorcises but 4iKQKJ(5iiQ3SRtt3i , Jit&tf$tl I I AASNrMfaim'im ihi "m
also to actual tree planting. 7 N. VnKS' SJii&'ISri w? I ,' l.sMHim I H
Nor is it difficult to discover tho main cause fWysMa JBHfffcY'l ' 'V ' Vi; ill I I j ,v . ySStfwSSSS I N "".-
of this growing attention to tho observance of vwM&Mf "A r) J( i 'k Jfll I . v viBlMiV '. v '"B
Arbor Day. It lies in a deepening realization of jKHiKWr '4 i W li mTMl'" B" "-B
?? Q?Cjfe Of JU72&X, JBQ&aAJlKiS JXES'ieiT&ejrS'iS
the importance of trees to us ob a nation. Tho
American people have suddenly awakened to the
fact that not only is tho lumber supply of tho
country boing exhausted at a dungerously rapid
rate, with no prospect of replenishing, but, worse
yet, tho wanton waste of our forests has a sequel
In climatic changes that may mean hardship for
many citizens of the republic. Indeed, somo ex
perts go so far as to attribute to this cause tho
terrific heat of last summer and tho approxi
mately exceptional cold of tl o past winter.
"Tree Day" would bo qul'e as appropriate a
name ns Arbor Day for tho fi ring holiday and a
notable feature of its obsen.uico In the overage
community consists in the p'anttng of trees and
shrubs along roadsides and In other sultablo
places. In somo "instances the work devolves, by
decrco of time-honored custom, upon magistrates,
local officials or public-spirited citizens, but for
the most part it Is In tho hands of the teachers
and pupils of public and private schools. It Is
not too much to say that Arbor Day, like sev
eral other of tho spring festivals, is primarily a
young people's holiday.
For all that most communities observe Arbor
Day In April, the fact remains that It is a mov
able festival, and there aro some sections of the
country where, owing to the climate, It Is desir
able to havo tho tree planting exercises at some
other time of year. In a majority of our states
tho date for Arbor Day Is either selected by the
state legislature or by the governor of the state
acting under legislative authority.' Usually, su
perintendents jof schools supplement the guberna
torial proclamations on tho subject of Arbor Day
by the Issuanco of open letters bearing upon the
aim and object of tho holiday and with duo ref
erence to the lessen", It teaches.
The state of Nebraska gets credit for originat
ing Arbor Day, for It was tho pioneer In what '
has become a national movement. Tho Individ
ual who was tho original author of tho scheme
wus none other than Mr. J. Sterling Morton, who
nfterward became Secretary of Agriculture In the
Cabinet of President Cleveland during tho tat
Hurt Her Womanly
Fair American Would Not "Stand for" I
Ing his heels
Time-Honored Custom of House
whllo tho
f Lords.
ter's second term In the Whlto House. It was In
1872 that Mr. Morton conceived tho idea ot this
unique holiday and ho forthwith introduced be
fore tho Nebraska State Board of Agriculture of
which he was a member, a resolution setting
apart April 10 or that year as "tree planting day."
Tho legislature finally adopted tho resolution
ns proposed by Mr. Morton, although some of
his colleagues thought that "Sylvan Day" would
bo a better title for tho nowly-crcatcd festival,
and there Is a portion of the public that inclines
to this belief today. The new schemo proved an
emphatic success and more than ono million
trees were planted throughout Nebraska on that
flrBt Arbor Day. Not only were tho children of
the public schools Interested from the outset, but
Individuals and local soclotics of various kinds
pat tlclpated. This was due in part, no doubt, to
tho fact that tho Nebraska Stato Hoard of Agri
culture, which created tho holiday, offered a prize
of ono hundred dollars to the agricultural society
of that county which planted properly tho largest
number of trees, and provided a farm library
and a purso of twenty-five dollars for tho person
who planted the largest number of trees.
The next year Arbor Day was observed through
out Nebraska with Increasing enthusiasm and In
1874 tho governor, by official proclamation, desig
nated the second Wednesday of April as Arbor
Day for Nebraska. In 1885, when tho legislature
of the state formally designated Arbor Day as a
holiday the date was changed to April 22. If Ne
braska can bo taken as an example, tho Influence
of Arbor Day Is ccrtnlnly most beneficial and.
only pity is that other states could not ,
placed tho holiday on their official calenuj
early as did Nebraska. Statistics show
a period of sixteen years following tho ,
which Farmer Morton secured tho adc
tho Arbor Day project a total of thrcej
and fifty million treos and vines wero
Nebraska as tho direct outcomo ot
Tho first states to follow tho ovnr
braska in adopting Arbor Day wero
to the log
" 'Matt
for another tdn minutes
6oal - bj
'A&mffiBl 6MW m--
Minnesota, which took action In 1876. Thorcnftor
there followed a steady procession of other states,
tho legislatures of which became converts to tho
popular Idea. In 1887 tho movement took root
In Canada, the Educational Department of On
tario setting apart a day on which tho trustees of
every rural school and incorporated vlllngo wero
desired to plant shado trees nnd mako flower
bedB. Oddly enough, tho Stato ot Now York did
not fall into lino In this movement until tho year
1888, but when tho state legislature did tttko up
tho matter It enacted very explicit legislation,
prescribing for exercises In tho public schools
tending to encourage tho planting, protection and
preservation of trees and shrubB.
Thus fur only ono foreign country has ndoptcd
tho American holiday known ns Arbor Day. The
nation that has paid us this compliment of Imi
tation is Spain, but In tho land ot tho Dons tho
fcstlvnl 1b known as Festa del Arbol, meaning
tho Fcto of tho Tree. Tho Spanish holiday was
inaugurated In 1890 nnd is celebrated carjlor than
In this country namely, on March 28. On tho
first Tree Day in Spain tho young King AlfonBo
with tho queen regent nnd tho ladles of tho court
proceeded to grounds situated near tho vlllago of
Hortazola, somo two miles distant from Madrid.
Hero tho klni: planted a plno sapling nnd two,
thousand children selected from tho schoo
Mndrld, Immediately followed his cxampl
cold medals commomoratlvo of tho
dulv Inscribed with tho date we:
among tho youthful treo
Snaln has actually c
Arbor Dny, s
Franco. Ureal
havo holldq;
Write For This
Free Book Shows
20 Beautiful Modern
tells how you can
Kct the very latest
effects on iour walls.
Contains a sample
of the Color Plans our
artists will furnish
von. PRICK, for anv
rooms you wish to decorate.
The Beautiful Wall Tint
cnmci in 16 exquisite tints. More artiitic
than "all piper or paint at a fraction of
the cost. K.iNoinine colors ore harsh and
common beside the soft-luted water color
tints of Ala! utine. Absolutely sanitary
easiest nnd iniifkcst to use, rocs furthest
ana Mll not clup, peel,
ot rub oil. I
llucin't titf'l n ftft to pull
en Mir lltKtluni hi rmyl
pKkmc. mil s iii mif. Kbuc,
SIX. I ffiulll tlnll. 55c.
Alnlmstinc Company
SI (.nnMlle Rm. Crji4 likh. Mich.
Si.UiUllr. Ddk t, I OJWittf Street
Dut the Old Shoe, Fixed Up for the
Occasion, Was Not Intended for
the Bridal Pair.
Thero was to bo a wedding In th
Vicinity. Many of tho tnountalueers
would ho them.
Marly In tho morning of tho nup
tlal day Hud Ilightowor was njtlcod
lining nn old No. 12 shoo with slugs
nnd nails nnd plaster of purls.
"Wot you doln', Bud?" drawled Sim
"Kaln't you sco wot I'm doIn'T I'm
mukln' moonshlno spcrrtts out'n
cliocso scrapln'fl."
Sim chuckled.
"Gottln' good an' ready f'r th wed
din', I reckon."
"I reckon."
"Coin' to throw it at th brldo
groom, maybo?"
"Goln' to throw It at him, maybo,
but It ain't going to hit him. It's goln'
to break th' faco of Snlpo Tolllvor,
, nn' do It nccldontnt, too. I boon layln
f'r that thoer Snlpo f'r a right smart
And ho drove an extra railway
spike in tho hardening mass. Clove
laud Plain Dealer.
A Believer.
G I fiord Plnchot, at IiIb brother's
house, in Park aveuue, Now York, lis
tened quizzically to a political story
that was being submitted to him for
verification by a political reporter.
When tho rcportor finished his nar
rative Mr. Plnchot laughed and said:
"I'll reply to that a3 tho old Italian
peasant replied to tho statement that
his fellow-countryman loved birds too
well ever to cat them:
" 'Well, I don't mind believing that
myself," tho old man said, "but there's
a good many who wouldn't.' "
How Aggravating.
Brown I Baw a man drop twonty
stories tho other day, and it was
caution tho way ho sworo.
Greono Sworo aftor dropping twon
tv ntnrln?
rk.t...a.,kti t.Zlnei
. f l