The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 18, 1912, Image 2

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4ut Historical Soclot? 'S3
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XHE New Banking Law is now in force and;
the payment of every dollar of deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
Wall Paper
We have the finest line of
Wall Paper this season for
1 0c, 1 5c, and 20c per bolt
that we have ever shown.
Before yoi send away or buy
from sample books, come in
and see what wevcan do for
you. We are sure we can
please .yoirin pattern and in
pnee. ....
a Ki i
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist
This Book Worth Reading
The Adler-1 kabook, telling how you
can EASILY guard against appendic
itis, and how you cru relieve consti
pation or gas ou the stomach almost
INSTANTLY, is offered free for a
short time by C. L. Cotting, Druggist
FfetffMf-Uoldbiuid ring; has been
a prcgent to some one in 1002 Owner
can have same by calling at this of lice,
describing property and paying for
this notice,
I Better
I than the ready
B . J ,
'! II" I" I
llS.iml w
' llahBli.
. v. jpa ". o , i
.. r""" r "t -
narniiiinn Then why not cneor
It doesn't seem right than a woman
EWyflfl V " "v-V" 1- ?T" -.'--K jiHSicfi "-"'"' r-rHfe - 'SPPSfeS- - pf-V- . i gjyj
u " "-.- rev. x W&r " Talil ,.i.5 . 9Zm "r H Rr -2ti7 .vlKllr 5M rBBrEH"" -- " " . - . m - HIH Tsriss .i...ij..ji r '"''-W'fefl-"' piSs aJaaBh
Baptist Church Notes.
Tlic pastor was very much pleased
with tho aiulienees Hint greeted him
last Sabbath both morning and even
ing. Still there is room for others, if
you are not u church attendant there
is room lor you iu mo uupusi eniircn.
Our Bible school is doing nicely
i" re glad to see tho now scholliirs
coming, If wc keep up this pace we
arc going to outdo our stent for the
year. Let us unitedly push until
every boy and girl is in a Itlblc school
The subject for next Sabbath a. m.,
is "Sin and Its Conqueror" in the
evening the subject will be "Haptlsm."
You our invited to worship with us.
W F. Com:, Pastor.
Samuel Howard.
Samuel Howard, ono of Red Cloud's
most highly respected citi'ens died
Sunday, April Mth, at the ripe old
ago of 82 years.
Mr Howard was bom in Sanganon
county, Illinois, January 7th, 1830. On
April 28th, 1874, lie settled in Jewell
county, Kausas, where he took up a
homestead, residing there until about
4 years ago when ho moved to- Red
He leaves three daughters, Mary
Prule Shoute, Ethel Coe and Alice
Lightfoot, all of whom reside in Colo
rado, and two sons, W. J. Howard of
Louisville, Kentucky, and G. M.
Howard of Jewell county, Kansas. To
thorn is extended the sympathy of the
entire comunlty.
Interment was in Webb ccnustcry in
Smith county, Kansas, beside his wife:
who was buried there iu 13"H
Home Baking,
3- tr rl f
vjr vur jl o
-, . JP.wwoatf
. T i unn.. rminm of Haute
upi umcniiiiw. ..-... -.
a. .. ..
. .T;f.. iieuMii vi
WOUID Ol ' "'
Ncwsp.ifiRr (lives Tlis flfty
- v
Webster 0Ullty
Tho following letter fioui Mr. K.
IT..I....I v!......,. 11. ...lift ui.itii .if irfll'llll
Plie coin referred to was raised by Mosaic. I'luU and Ullhiiin and sent to lltu
buruiiu to bi tested:
. Washington, U. C, April , 111111.
Mr. Henry (lilhuin,
Red Cloud, Ncbiiishn.
Dour Sir:
In response to tlio olieulius similar to tins one which yon received relative
to the germination of teed corn, I'tW Kimplcs of com intciulcd for use as seed
this bpriug wore sent to thin Lubornluiv from 1? Mates and tested forgct'inlii
ation with (lie following result:
Number Average
State of (lurininiition
Samples Per Cent
Vligiiiii in
Kentucky ".i 8D.S
MUsoiiii 1.11. 8S.7
Maryland H ?.!
Iowa Ml S.l.l
Pctinsylvaiita Ml HJ.2
West Virginia r.r. hi.1.:,
ICansas 0(1 83.0
Ohio 1811 80.7
-rim Imv urmlimi mi f .pil mini
iK 8ttttos shows how Borious tho condition is this year. Jt in ItuportiViit that
...,., ono siioi,i i,0 huro of tho nimlity
enr Kermination testa Hhonld bis made in nil cases whero ear corn is to be used
for seed. When it is necessary to ubo shelled corn or which fiiiglu-ear tests
have not. previonaly been made, the corn should be carefully mixed and a
uniform sample tested for Kennlnution.iiiid the rote of planting regulated on
tho basis of tho germinaf ion tests so theru will-bo a sutllcleRt lumber of live
kernels planted in each hill to glvo ii full staud.
The- corn which wo received' from you was tested with tlw follow lug result:
GermlnaHon 100 pe cent. ,(. jf$ N.,
Very truly yours,
IS. IbuiH.v, ltoun!nt in Chrge.
Bentlei's Death
EndMhe Tragedy
M. R Bontley, who shot his wife
yesterday a little afternoon, at their
home on Wright street died at 10'
o'clock last nluht. This ended tho-
snost notable tragedy In the history oft
he town. Bentley who was 7i years
of age, quarreled wibfe his wife over
the division of thetv hoarded wcaltl.
and laid deliberate- plans tu raurdo
He went tothe BMes hardware stove
yestcrdikTran hour op bo bofore the
tragedy aad askod for a kill a
dog. Mr. Uates wnt with him to bis
residence and loaaed iim a Jo caliber
revolves, which ccotained 5. cartridges,
and giro him 5. additional ones.
Dentley went on home and seemed in,
a happy .and contented mood. The
family sat down to the noon meal, nnd
evidence shows that it was interrupted
with a resume of tho quarrel. Mrs.
Hentley went up stairs-to tho back bod
room and was followed by bor hus
band. He fired a shot immediately on
entering tho room tho bullet onterlug
tho chin and passing on through the
neck. She full on her Uncos with her
head on the bed fatally shot, when tho
second shot entered the ear.
When cure of his wife's death Hent
ley entered tho front bed room and
holding a handttnlrrorlu front of him
Knl abullot crashing through his
Tho houso keeper rushed to tho room
at tho first sound of tho pistol but was
ordered away undur penalty of death.
She gnvo tho alarm and soon the horri
ble crime spread over the community.
Drs. Sexton and'Webster were the llrst
to on tor tho rooms and mako tho ox-
auilnatlon. Tho murderer was sitting
ou th- floor braced agniust thu bed,
his victim coin in death. Uontloy was
rafdilonnl, but brain subst-ince was
oozlntr from his wound. Ho asked to
bo put out of iniuury, When told of
J'.-, serious condition and being asked
ing his heo'fot'y.tpjii.mai0 be re
while tho soal-b
- twj Weeks Each Yuar l!or $1.50.
Seed COM Tested
Itrown, the botanist In charge of
till'. WHS I PCI'lVl'll l)V Ml', Ill'llt'V (1111111111
Number Average
Statu of (ict'iuitiatlou
Kitinpk'H I't r Cent
Illiuoln 17.1 7!i.S
liulianiv IDS 71U)
Minitehota K)G 70.1
Michigan 80 75.0
Wisconsin S3 7:i!)
Nebrashu loo 7:1 I
South Dakota 57 (51.0
North Dakota l! 50 8
from munv or tins urine nil coriwrrow
of beeil he is intending to plant. Single, .1. : Card In, L, K Collins,
I). SmHih, Frank llognn,.J. T. McKln-
non, Ii J. Le, Kdd Curtis, N.. Wil
son, John Btood, W. W. Young, Dr.
Webster,. Ur. Sexton.
The direct cause of tlw tragvily was
domestic trcxible, growing, out of tfce
distribution of tho estate valued at
Tho-body of Mrs. Hentley will be
held pending th arrival-of relatives
or orders from them.
The-arrangements f or tlio f aacral of
Mr Buntle? have not been, made but
he will be uried here at his own re
Ha-had previously outliued bit plans
for burial! to undertaker McCulloch
and thoy will bo carried' oui to tho
Mrs. Bntloy was a member of the
Eastern Star at Red Cloud, Nobr., nnd
she will be burled by that order. She
was G5 years of ago.
Mr. Bently was a member of the
Masonic order in Red Cloud, Neb., and
In good standing up to tho tlino of tho
tragody. Ho oamo here several years
ago, after a successful career iu Ne
braska, where he located in an early
Tho tragedy has cast a gloom over
the city, as very fow of their friends
uud auqiiiitaiicos know of their trouble
Hentley was the heaviest loser In tho
Hank of Slloam. Thursday's Dally
Register, Slloam Springs, Ark.
Mr. Huntley lived in this city for
twentyllvo yours. Ho acuummulated
his money by tho most extortionate
usury. There was no practise iu this
uudcslrablo business of which he was
not accused. Wo have not heard a
word of commendation of hlscharactur.
or life. Tho only regret lioaru upon
the streets is that tho hundred thous
and dollars over which ho ',narrcled
with his wlfo, had not been left iu tho
possession of tlio victims of hlu usur
ious practices iu this county. '
Mrs. Hontloyis spoken of with kind
ness, as a woman uufortunato iu tho
character of her husband. Yet there
are home who arc charitable cnougli
lOlcntloy himsolf might
had iio
,. . . -. . , -. m
A Pretty Church Wedding
A wry ptottv wedding tonic place
Monday evening, April mill, ill nine
o'l'liii'li nl. (!i'mii l'!ntmiiinil I'lillii'.li.
I whun Miss Mary stowart Dumuruii ie-
ca,m ,ll, brldoofllcorgo.M. VunUuip,
of this city
MNs Damoiell, who had no attend
ants, came up the ulslo on tho arm of
l)r Itoht. n.iutcrcll, and was met ut
the altar steps by Mr. VacCainp. llev.
.1. M. Ilntos, Uei-tor of Clrace church,
read the ni.irrlage service. Tho bride,
n petite brunette, was very girlish and
pretty in a stieet suit of white serge
with becoming white hut,
The uirvicc at the church was fol
lowed by an Informal reception mill
supper for the wedding party and rela
tives at tho home of Dr. and Mrs. Dam
eiell. The table was laid for sixteen,
beautifully decorated with whltti
ciiriiutloiiH and brides roses and a four
course supper was served. While car
nations mid narcissus were used Iu the
living and music rooms.
The groom Is well known iu this
city and has a position as telegraph
operator at the depot hero. T hoy have
a homo furnished and will Immediate
ly start to House Keeping on their re
turn to tliis city.
Mr. and Mrs. VuiiCamp look a late
night train for the oast and expect to
spend two weeks visiting tho bride's
mother, Mrs. L. V Stewart, and other
relatives in Washington, 1) U.
Out of town guests at tho wedding
wore Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hughes, of
Hastings, Nebraska.
EUhth' Grade ExamlnaticMS
Tinus Thursday and Friday, April
25 and 20th, 1912.
Places The court house at Red
Cloud, and tho publlo school
building in (iuldu Hock, Hlue
Hlll.Cowles, Inavale, Uladcn,
and Rosemout.
GcKTituiiE L. Coo.v, Co. Supt.
- Canton 2-Row
f m p h a a
Farm IniDlements
We handle
The Famous
Beatrice 2-Row Cultivator , ,
Grand DeTour Implements
Des Moines Silo
A Car Load oE '
Electrical Weld Woven Wire Fence
Heavy Hardware, Rope, Oils and Greases
.NUMB Eli 10
Before YOU
Buy By Nail
Mring us the ad, that inter-
usts you.
I (you will do this, you won't
buy by mail that's certain.
Because you will have no rea
son to.
Any article of jewelry or
watches or silverware or any
thing else in the line can be
bought .here at prices every
bit as low as anywhere else
near or far.
And you have this advant
age you can see, handle and
examine to your hearts con
tent anything that is of inter
est to you.
Bring us that catalog and
let us prove it to you.
Remember "Satisfaction or
Your Money Back."
Newhouse Bros.,
K. H. Newhouse, Prop.
C, U. & Q. Watch Inspectors.
Orange and grape fruit groves.truok,
poultry and general farms in best dis
tricts, Agents wanted. Wrlto for
l'KNiu.ETo.v Lanh Company.
322 First Nat'l. Hank Illdg.
Lincoln', Nebr.
A special examination for teachers'
sertiflcatcs will be held at Hlue Hill,
Red Cloud, and (Juide Rock, Saturday,
April 20, 1012.
GkiiTHUDE L. Coon,- Co. Supt
I '
Lister Cultivator
the following:
Lister Cultivators
repairs carried
t: a
' 4
iroear,t foLiM