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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1912)
BBSSSS55 SSSSSSSSBsaass gBSHH558B5S'lwUU'JB JmZS S v. 0fXlfif' vvvvsvvv 'n' ? LIFE VERSUS DEATH BREAD Qjptpf $ THE HOME GROCERY i n UN I ft V & K r. f. I ' & I? , ! '. u P. A. WULLBRANDT, Prop. We Carry a Complete Line o! Staple and Fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns in HAND PAINTED CH1NAWARE It Will Also Pay You to Remember That in Order to Secure the Best in Canned Goods Obtain " A. b. c. " CANNED GOODS Bell Phone 201 s Independent Phone 44 i sVsV WaAnAvsM CaSOESD LAND! Farms listed and sold on straight commission basis at ownerVprice. Cash buyers for improved farms and ranches secured through careful, lib eral and systematic advertising. Any desirable real estate listed up for cash sale or exchange. We Want a Contract On Every Farm That Is on the Market In This Territory Call And Sec Us Some oE the best farms in Webster and Franklin counties listed. Excellent opportunities to get in right on a good farm. Several for sale on easy payments and special deals worth the money. The largest list of local farms to select from. Several desirable pieces of real estate now listed for trade or exchange. DAN GARBER&CO. REAL ESTATE LOANS AND COLLECTIONS Red Cloud, Nebraska. Headquarters In the RED CLOUD CHIEF Office. I Physician Clalmo Much for Prepara tlon That He Asserts Has Re newed Hie Life. Tho pliyGlrlnn linil onco been a dys peptic, Rotir nnd inoroae; but his color was now ruddy and clear, his spirits light, nnd his health excellent. "Death bread," ho Bald, "laid mo low. Death brend kept mo a dyspep tic for ten long, sad years. And llfo brend has mado mo my own buoyant, healthy, happy self ngnln. "What do I moan by death bread? I mean ordlnnry bread. Why do I call It death bread? IJecnuso It Is nllvo with putrefnctlvo germs because, by moro than ono nuthorlty, tho ycnBt colls In It arc said to bo Identical with tho diseased cells of pus and, therefore, are a polBon. "Yeast, In fnct, Is as unhealthy as ItH sickly smell and musty, slimy con sistency would lend you to believe. It Is a mass of living germs and along with theso tiro mingled putre factive germs. Yeast Is a very harm ful thing. It makes bread a very harmful thing. All bread made with ycnBt Is death brend. "Llfo bread that Is what 1 eat. I make It myself. 1 take wheat of tho llnest quality, unground, nnd I roast It over a hot Are In a tlilok Iron sauce Dan. The urnlus. tin Inch deep In .),.. ,.,. ...... ..I !..,, I nnnttntmllv. TlloV linn, llko noncorn. nnd, when nil have popped it Is n matter of nbout ten minutes my life biead Is done. "Knch grain of thin life brend Is a loaf, a inlniuturo. delicious loaf, brown and crisp, that falls to powder on being bitten Life brend must bo kept In air-tight tins. It Is tho health iest, tho most nourishing, nnd the best-flavored brend In existence. Hut It must bo confessed that tho loaves aro rather small." TACTFUL VOTER WAS THIS Simple Peasant Cast Hio Ballot to Ac companiment of Delicious Bit of Humor. Tho simple people of Alsace, who retain In their hearts a strong lovo for Krance at the same tlmo that they nro desirous not to offend their Cormsin rulers too much, frequently have a hard time of it when they aro brought to the bnl'ot box to vote for representatives In the Uormnn purlin ii cnt. In ( no election In a certain Alsa tian district the two candidates wore K'lblo, an Alsatian of Fionch sympa thies, who had protested against tho f.i.',. vatlon nfter the war of 1S70, and a Herman. On election day a peasant c:une to the polling place, which was prcldcd over by a Get man official. Tho peasant had in ono hand n ticket on which was printed the name of ICable, nnd in tho other a ticket bear ing tho name of the German candi date. ".Mcin Ilcrr," ho said to the Gorman election official, "will you tell mo which of these tlckots is the better one?" Tho officer looked nt them. "Why. tills is much preferable," said he, In dicating tho German's ticket. "Ah, I thank you," answered tho peasant. "I will keep It next my heart." He folded it carefully and put It inside hln coat. "As for this other, then," said ho, with an air of putting it away from him as an unworthy thing, "I will leave It here." And In put tho Kable ticket In tho ballot bos. Meant Their Work to Last. Somo of the early stones of Welsh slnto In Now Knglnnd burial grounds show very fine enrving, evidently tho product of Kngllsh rather thnn Coloninl workmen. Tho enduring quality of these memorials Is evident on u comparison between them and other stones put up nt a much Inter dnto. In ono of tho old yards at Itlllorlca, Mnss., many of tho stones of mld-eightrenth century dates arc badly scaled and partially Illegible, whllo tho oldest atono In tho yard, dated 1CSI, uhows no serious effect of weather and others almost as old nro equally plain; prnctlcnly un ehnngod nfter two centuries of cxpo suro to tho New England climate. PLEASE Auto Took Lcng Jump. With tho ease of a vctcinn hunter ! taking a hurdle, a Sydney, N. S. W taxlcab iccently cleared a KHfc-foot ditch, landing on tho opposite sido with every tiro burnt, front doors telescoped, nxles badly bent, nnd tho framewotk strained and knocked out of gear. The chauffeur nnd inmates, however, were quite unhurt savo for a sovoro Blinking, Workmen wero en gaged In taking out a culvert on tho road nt this point, nnd had removed ho decking. At noon they linil left work to cut lunch In a nearby Held; nnd it was nt this juncture tliut tho car camo speeding nlong, tho chauf feur falling to notlco tho condition of tho road. Remember that our job depart ment has no equal in Webster County when it comes to turning out high-class work Try us. THE CHIEF OFFICE Deo Keeping for Women. "Nothing could Induco us to glo up lice keeping for, naldo from tho profit, tho larger returns of health and hap piness, tho puro Joy of living In tho hunshlnc nnd watching tho tireless workers us they como in with loads of pollen nnd nectar outweigh any finan cial consideration," says a writer in Farmer's Wife. To sum It all up beo keeping Is pre eminently n "woman's Job" whether for plcnsuro or profit or for a combi nation of both. Tho financial returns compare favorably with anything clso from farm or garden, whllo to those who lovo outdoor life bco keeplrg is the most fasclnalliiu of all u.cRtlcj.3. THE OLIVER GANG PLOW s S S ( - Hi Come In And See It - j t : ! 1 4 i"vAvsAW' 'A3 ft m ( ( m ( m m ( We Are Showing the Largest Line of KITCHEN CABINETS Ever Shown in Red Cloud MH m mmh aav BiaMaHviHvHHHMaa The Makes o Let Four Factories & Us Including Of show "The The You Phones Hoosier ATP AHTltmSTG The Furniture Man e -Eli -HL i. S,M.i.X h3y and Undertaker. ft ft ft ft m (S&.&S&:SS&&SSSiS&Si5 33i il h i ili iO l il l i i to 14 ilf U ib id tit (1 ii (1 il l ii ii ij i) b l )i v $fl TRY OUR , PIES and CAKE .'. TRY HATFIELD'S- BREAD and PASTRY Baked Every Day AAA HATFIELD'S BAKERY Curt Hatfield, Prop. Farm Loans At Lowest Intorest, best option, least e.nensu. Cull for inu lit State llimk, u'eilOlowl. CRCatiif.ii. Widow's Pension. I ho recent act of April HHh, 1008 Klvua to nil soldiers' widows u pension 81-2 per month. Fred Mam or, tho nt torney, litis nil necessiiry Wanks. M0RETBAVEL HINTS The Big Horn IHOUntalnS Tlu' l"tolsiuul rnnohus urouiul Shcridim in thuio beiuitifiil pi no oltul moiiiitiiiiis nre utlrnutliiK h lnrpo Siimnier putroiiHge. It will pny you to inquire nbout them. The BlaCk HUlS lIot sP'-IKN South DnUotu, U one of tho llnest health rotorinj,' regions in tho West. It Is btiuitlfiilly located in tho Southern Itliiek Hills Thermopolls Hot Springs, Wyoming the owi creek Moun. ttiin,, 18 million Kullons of hot watur, UU) iluKrees, How dully. Fiunoiis tlnoiifrhout tho West, for its wonderful euros of rheumatism. EaStem VaCatlOn TOUrS Attractive special rate tour will ho u. nouiiced and lonllets uoiitnliiK details will be uiiillod to ticket iiKents. It will lie in yourndvmitnfc'0 to consult agent, Unit ho may tell you nbout these uites to vurious Eastern localities Consult with us as to special rates available to these resorts, R. C. FOK, Tlckot Agont. L. IV. WAKCLEY, General a, Be ngor Mat Omaha, Nebratha. 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