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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1912)
L'l?teV.mJ: ' HK .x .w.-aA-s'. j.SiAt .i'i&2e f: .awurr W$iWrwK; J 4ttt Historical 8ooletT '23 SgTTp.TK1; .arfJtliaW t ff.Vr.ff f ? .. -re. , Ti- MI wu.r - r - . - - p .& b zrr - t-l.t?.t"- - " ' 9 - - fc . . -! ott t " ' r "xk , . . -i. xr. - -. . .j,j-.--t uu ,4 naua Jv ..-u'u r. 4 Newspaper that Ci!vc3 Ths News Flfty-tw) Weeks lacti l!or Sf.RA. VOLUME XXXX. KKD CLOUD, NEBRASKA, ALMtlL is, ISM 2. NUMKEIl 10 JHE New Banking Law is now in force and; WcbstCf COMlty Se(l COM Tested the payment of every dollar of deposits in this ttira. I 'Pint f.illMivtinf I.. 1 1. n- fiiim Mr". h. Iti-mvil. (hi' lintimUt. In i'li:iioil nf till- institution IS guaranteed by the Bank VjUafantV' United State Depart meat of Agrieultnic, us lei-tlvod by Mr. Henry (Jlllmm. Iwlu; Miss Mary Stewart Dumerell be I .... A Pretty Church Wedding Before You Buy By Mail Hring us the ad, that inter- A vol j piottv wedding took place Monday evening, April l.Uh, lit nine o'clock ut 0 race Ihilsfopal church, Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 Wall Paper Wc have the finest line of Wall Paper this season for 1 0c, 1 5c, and 20c per bolt that we have ever shown. Before yo send away or buy from sample books, come in and see what we can do for you. We are sure we can please you in pattern and in puce. .... .i .t Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist This Book Worth Reading The Adler-l lmbook, telling how you can EASILY guard against appendic itis, and how you can relieve consti pation or gas ou the stomach almost INSTANTLY is offered free for a ishort time by C. L. Cotting, Druggist "tfief-Uoldband ring; has been a present to sotne one in tuiKJ Owner can lmve Mime by calling at tliisofliee, describing property and paying for thi$. notice, Baptist Church Notes. The pastor was very much plo.iscd with the audiunces that greeted him last Sabbath both mon.lng and even lug. Still thcro is room for others, if you are not a church attendant there ia room for you at tho Uuptiit church. Our Dlble school is doing nicely We are glad to see the new schollurs coming, if we keep up this pace we are going to outdo our stent for tho year. Let us unitedly push until every boy and girl i in a ltible school,. The subject for next Sabbath a m., is "Sin and Its Conqueror" in the evening tho subject will be "Haptlsm.'' You our invited to worship with us. W P. Com:, Pastor. The coin referred to was laiscd by Messrs. 1'laU and (.Sllham and suit to the bureau to he tested: Washington, U. C Apiil 0, 10112. Mr. Ilenrj (Silhaiu, Ked Cloud, Nebiushn. Dear Sir: In response to the clieuluis similar to the ono which you iccelvcd relative to the gei initiation of teed coin, 1 70S samples of coin intended for use as seed this spring uciet-eiit to this Lttburatuiv from 17 states and testt d lorgcimlu Htlon with t ho following results: Number Average State of Germination Samples Per Cent Viiginii in 0J.U Kentucky ! a!) 8 Mlssoml 1.1 1 SS.7 Maryland 41 87.1 Iowa 1 1 1 8.1.1 Pennsylvania 111 81.2 West Virginia .1.1 h'.'.r, Kansas fill S2.0 Olilo ISO S0.7 Number Average State of ' ('nM'iiiliiiitii)ii Samples lr Com Illinois 17.1 7! $ Indiana IDS 7i).0 Minnesota lot! 70 I Michigan SO 75.0 Wisconsin S3 TII.U Nebraska loo 7.'J 1 South Dakota 57 til 0 North Dakota Hi nil 8 Samuel Harvard. , Samuel Howard, ono of Red Cloud's most highly respected citizens died Sunday, April Mth, at the ripe old ago of 82 years. Mr Howard was bom in Sanganon county, Illinois, January 7th, 1930. On April 2Sth, 1874, he settled in Jewell county, Kansas, where he took up a homestead, residing there until about 4 years ago when ho moved to Red Cloud. lie leaves three daughters, Mary Pruie Shoute. Ethel Coe and Alice Lightfoot, nil of whom reside iu Colo rado, and two sons, W. J. Howard of Louisville, Kentucky, and G. M. Howard of Jewell couuty, Kansas. To them is extended tho sympathy of the entire comunity. Interment was in Webb cemetery in Smith county, Kansas, beside his wife- who was buried there in 1S7h. FtTISII KSBBBBBSsaiaiBBB-BBBafiK 5KS5555iaSS5 vss (' RS 1 More Home Baking, Beiter everyway than the ready made foods The low germination of seed corn fiom tinny of the principal corn-growing states shows how serious the condition is this year. It is linportiWit that every one should bo sure of the quality of seed he is intinding to plant. Single ear germination testa should be made iu all eases whero tar corn Is to be used for seed. When it is necessary to use shelled corn of which single-ear tests have not nrevionalv been matlo, the corn .should Ue caresuiiy mixed anil a uniform sample tested for germluation,.and the rote of planting regulated ou the basis of the germlnafion tests so there will' bo a sutllcieRt number of live kernela planted in each hill to give ii full stand. The-corn which we received from you was tested with t tat-following result: Germination loo pes cent. . f-f? . Very truly yours, U. Ihwm.v, lloianist in Chrgc. Bentlei's Death Endsjhe Tragedy M. R Bentley, who shot his wife yesterday little after noon, at their home on Wright street died at 10' o'clock laat ulKht. This ended the- most notable tragedy in the history o& the town, ltentiey, who was 7i. years- of age, quarreled wiofe his wife over the division of thel? hoarded wcaltA: and laid deliberate- plans t'j murder her. He woat to the DMes hardware store yesterday an hour or so tfore the tragedy and asked for a kilL a f dog. Mr. Hates wnt with him to bis I residence and loaaed iim a 38 caliber revolver, which ceatalned S. cartriefges and gire him & additional ones. Bentley went on home anJt seemed in a happy and eon tented mood, The family sat down to the noon inn J, and evidence shows that it was interrupted V,TO.EAM "" Ui a. TttTnui-fTonofed Custom I QT lOrU. r- T I .eu"...- r'in.iion It doesn't seem right man a woman kCt n lno closo of the present wv'peretdlHirTliwiwby nat ckto. rirj room and wo.s followed by her litis baud. He fired a shot immediately ou entering the room the bullet ontering tho chin and passing on through the neck. She fell ou by Uncos with her head on the bed fatally shot, when the second shot entered the ear. When sure of his wife's death Hunt ley entered tho front bed room and holding a handtmirroriu front of him, sent its bullet crashing through his brain. The house keeper rushed to tho room at the first sound of the pistol but was ordered away under penalty of death, She gave the alarm and soon the horri ble crime spread over the community. Drs Sexton andWebster were the first to outer the rooms and mal;o the ex amination. Tho murderer was sitting on th- floor braced against the bed, his victim coin in death, llontloy was rnsliiona), but brain substmce was ooJng from Ids wound. He as'kcd to J be put out oi uiibory, When tola of .1 iS sprloit condition and being asked H,armcn, J. M Cardln, L. K Collins, 1). Smith, Frank Hognn,.J. T. MuKln iion, Ii J. LHr Hdd Curtis, Ii. H Wil son, John Elnod, W. IX. Young, Dr. Webster, Dr. Sexton. The direct cause of the tragedy was domestic trouble, growing- out of tbo distribution of the es-tate valued at 5100,00. ' Tho-body of Mrs. llttitley will be held pending th arrival of relutires or ordora from tbetn. The-arrangements forblio faavra) of Mn Bentley have not beun made but he will be fcuricd here at his own request. Ha-had previously outliucd hb plans for burial! to undertaker McCulloch and they will bo carried' out to tho letter. Mrs. Ifantloy was a member of the Eastern Star at Red Cloud, Nebr., nnd sie wilt be buried by that order. She was 05 years of ago. Air. Bentley was a member of the Masonic order in Red Cloud, Neb., and came the hildo of tlcorgo M. YauCamp, ' c.StS you. of this city. Miss Dam.uel), who had no attend- 1 ' yOU Will do tlllS, yotl WOI1 t ants, came up the alslo on tho aim of buy UV mail that S Certain. l)r Nolit. D.iiuuiull, unit was met at the altar steps by .Mr. VaeCaiiip. Kov. J. M. Hates, R,vtor of Grace church, read the nurri-igc- service Tho bride, it petite bi miotic, was very glilish and pretty lu a stieet suit of white serge with becoming white hut The forvicu at the church wax fol lowed by an iuformnl reception and supper for the wedding parly and rela tives at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Dam eiell. Tho table was laid for sixteen, beautifully decorated wl'h white carnations and brides roses and a four course supper was served. White car nations and narcissus were used iu the living and music rooms The groom is well known iu this city and has a position as telegiaph operator at the depot hei o. They have a home furnished mid will Immediate ly start to house keeping on their re turn to this city. Mr. and Mrs. VuuC.tmp took a lute night train for the east anil expect to spend two weeks visiting the bride's mother, Mrs. L. V Stewart, and other relatives in Washington, D C. Out of town guests at tho wedding were Mr. nnd Mrs O. K, Hughes, of Hastings, Nebraska. Etthth' Grade Examinations Time Thursday and Friday, April 25 and 20th, 101'J. Places The court house at Ked Cloud, and the public school building in Guide Hock, Blue Hill, C'owles, Inavalc, Bladen, and Rosemout. Gektkl' L. Coox, Co. Supt. Because you will have no rea son to. Any article of jewelry or watches or silverware or any thing else in the line can be bought here at prices every bit as low as anywhere else near or far. And you have this advant age you can see, handle and examine to your hearts con tent anything that is of inter est to you. Bring us that catalog and let us prove it to you. Remember "Satisfaction or Your Money Back." Newhouse Bros., K. II, Newhouse, Prop. C, B. & Q. Watch Inspectors. " Florida. Orange and grape fruit groves.truok, ' poultry und general farms iu best dis tricts. Agents wanted. Write for literature. Pknih.kiox Lanii Compaxt. :Y'2 First Nat'l. Itank lildg. Lincoln', Nebr. Notice A speoial examination for teachers' -.ertiflcalcs will be held at Blue Hill, Ked Cloud, and Guide Rock, Saturday, April 20, 1012. Okiitrche L. Coon, Co. Supt 1.1. .. a.. ....a f ft... l . i) ., . ,,.i 4 11...1..W.1. 1....1 i'll good standing up to- tlie timo of the Hentlev went up stairs, to the buck bod 1 . .... U. - . lttnv LPcar,', ipr H'nrm r, , i ....., To consider Unturpaued In the tretlriMnt of Rheumatism Heart. Stomtch. Kidney and Liter Olieuet MODERATE CHARGE!, ADDRESS OR. O. W. EVIRITT, Mcr. I40S M ttreet Unooln, Mab. to upon himself lno greater ".tjtiuimna nt tion. Jesus had a three-fold work for tragedy. Ho came Here several years ago, after a successful career iu Ne braska, where he located in an early day. Tho tragedy has cast a gloom over the city, as very few of their friends nnd acqtiutances know of their trouble Bentley was the heaviest loser in the Hank of Siloam. Thursday's Daily Reglstor, Siloam Springs, Ark. Mr. Hentley lived in this city for twentytivo years. Ho aecumiuulated his money by the most extortionate usury. Thero was no practise in this undcsirablo business of which he wan not accused. We have not heard a word of commendation of his character. or life. Tho only regret hoard upon the streets is that the hundred tnuus nnd dollars over which he jnarrcled with his wife, had not been left in tho possession of the victims of his usur ious practices iu this county. Mrs, Itontley is spoken of with kind ness, as a woman nufoitunato in the character of her husband Yet thero are some who aro'charitablo enough far them to lOo cl(rwr. t had lie Cj1" afp''"' TRMstf aa Canton 2-Row Lister Cultivator Farm Implements We handle the following: Canton Listers Discs Harrows Lister Cultivators Cultivators the Blto for tho now experiment station to ho established at Culbertson, Neb., on an appropria tion of $15,000 mado by the laat legis lature, Chancellor Avery, Dean Bur nett, Regent Anderson and others of the board of regents have gone to tkat place. these disciples: (1) to preach; (2) to heal; (3) to cast out demons noto tho spiritual need is tho foremost one. Then comes the ministry ol healing, to Invert tho order Is to pre vent tho teaching of the- Book. Aa to tho third it Is evident It was eome thing different than disease. Our Idea who never plexion. of a lazy gets busy nrkl4l. woman Is ono with her com- "rtnk Eye" It Kpldamlo In thn Hnrlnir. Try Murine EjoUeraeJjr for Itellablo Relief. It a girl really wants a man's love she returns it The Famous Beatrice 2-Row Cultivator Grand DeTour Implements Des Moines Silo A Car Load of Electrical Weld Woven Wire Fence Heavy Hardware, Rope, Oils ana Greases at&Tcrr ctiAete iffc.. THE NEW FRENCH K !!Jiiie,jQf, repairs carried MEDV.lo..To.2.o3. DftT... lywuwaahv.. I Uuedlu French immm a-k A VHa9l HE.HUI'iajnHai.nli IhwUIi I ' - , i, . CKr ATM fecfiw. CUKI.8 KIOSI.V. IllSEAHWt mng ghould inSlA V II.D..MCTM 1 .... ... X.. mu r.i,,n;',nrtB mkin CRDPT1(I!i8-K1TIILKSIII VZl "&., ". r.Bt.K K-IW OB- L CtMC HIP, (JO , UAt I.UAIU. Hsmaftwi-w W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 16-1912. ask for.rcf using all subitltu tea or imitations DEFIANCE STARCH MlMt to work wttta tat uickee cMHee alsetb "I J it Lt ?i ; l Iti J ill f ' 1 &J&&8&V&3&SA JM ii,A-A.-J-J imvi'- r . i. Bwiwt i :, , .i:. :- &tom4!k&t jh4 j na;wjanf'j" mmrmwtti 'iPimii empftiium war awewapwaiBSRi .. ' . . . A