The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 11, 1912, Image 8

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Customers' Comfort
LL the way round. Com
fortablc in mind when
tlii'.v Unow Mint nowliciis else
can tlioy liny Ki'Kvrlus as low In
prioo, comfortable In satisfaction
in Idiowin' that they aio Inly
ing gooiH of the highest quality.
I Iml's the lotisoti wo say com
f )i t jour grocery neuila and ilo
jour lia-ling with u.
B. E. McFarland
All Tho Phones
B. & M. Time Tabic
r. it iinu.M)
No. II Through trntu, departs . 'J.OO a. in
No. 16 I.ocnl imsiuiKcr " U:.Vjn. in
No. 171 Accommodation North ex
cept Monday and Wed., departs . 1:J0 p. in.
No. 170 Accommodation North
Monday and Wednesday departs 11:30 a.m.
No. 13-Througli train, departs (1.23 a. in.
No. 10 Local passenger .. ,. 8.30 p. m.
Get your cement of J. O. Oaldwell.
" For good Job Printing call on the
A. P. Snyder of Edgar was In town
L. H. Blacklcdge was in Cowles
W. G. Wc9t of Byrou spent Suuday
in town,
Lee Keith of Iloldregc spent Sunday
In town.
Harvey Itlckorson spent Monday in
Ed McAllister returned from Alma
Clias. Rogers of Superior was in town
Chas. E. McVny of Hardy spent Sim
day in town.
J. A. Gross of Hayes Center was in
town Friday.
J. J. Morgan of Belvldero was in
town Friday.
Jay Ouderkirk was down from Riv
crton Sunday.
A. M. Rafotb of Milan was in town
orer Tuesday.
F. C. Marker of Franklin was in
town Tuesday. '
J. H. Young otGrand Island was in
town Tuesday.
James Ryan was a passenger to Grand
'Island Monday.
returned Saturday
of Hastings was in
Farm Loans
There arc several reasons for seeing
J. II. Hailey for a farm loan nnd here
they are.
He is solo ngent for Trcvott Mattis
& Raker.
This company is here every day in
the year ready for business and not
hero this week anrr gone next. They
loan on auv farm having the value in
it improved or'unimproved. You don't
wait from two to four months for your
money but surely get it on the day
called for. They give the best option
ip tlio market.
Low l'etei'son
from Montana.
II. W. Wheeler
town Saturday.
J. U. Dowler of Hastings was on our
streets Tuesday.
Wm. C. Green of Grand Island spent
Sunday in town.
Ray K. -Ormand of Orleans spent
Sunday in town,
Geo. Holt of Cowles was in town on
business Monday.
W. C. Crelder and wife spent Sunday
in Esbon, Kansas.
A good sewing machine for sale. In
quire at this ofllee.
A. E. Short of Prairie View, Kansas
was in town Monday.
B. C. Danforth of Waboo was in town
on business Monday.
D. W. Hunt of Hastings was in town
Tuesday on business.
Geo. W. Hutchison went to Omaha
Tuesday on business.
John Whalen of Rulo was in town
last week on business.
A. O Smith of Hastings was iu town
on business last week.
Mertcn Farquharof Guide Rock was
on our streets Tuesday.
W. B. Saunders returned from
Strang Monday evening.
Trainmaster Shorman of Wyinore
was in town Wednesday.
Don't miss the band concert at the
opera house Friday night.
The D. of II., had a very enjoyable
meeting Tuesday evening.
L. It. Kcsterson of Superior was in
town on business Monday.
Alfa Whorton of Superior trausactod
business in town Saturday.
Mrs. Edgar Cowden is visiting rela
tives in Franklin this week.
Dr. A. J. Korea of Cowles and family
Sundaycd with Dr. Sanderson.
Go to the Puritan Cafe, Sunday for
your chicken dinner, price 35c.
Friday, April 10th., will be Piimary
election. Don't forget to vote.
Dr. R. F. Raines is home to st ty and
will attend calls day and night.
W. G Snyder left today tor Montana
whore ho has purchased a farm.
Miss Victoiia Munsen of Clay Center
arrived Tuosday to visit fi lends.
Mrs. Agnes Leonard of Rlverton was
visiting friends in tow u Tuesday.
Miss Josephine Ciauc of Lincoln is
visiting friends in town thib week.
VA Amaek was iu North Uraneh
Wednesday on professional business.
An Extraordinary Picture
Dante's Inferno
Monday, April 15th, 1912
Afternoon and Evening One Day Only
The Film Classic, par excellence, -; The most stupendous effort
in the history of moving pictures. : A Visual translation of the
mind and work of Dante, endorsed by the king of Italy, as it will bo
by all lovers and students of Oanic. -.- The result of two years of
consistent work, preserving all the "dignity and. reverence of the
original Italian poem. In 5 Reels.
A GOIIltietCnt leCtUfefS accompanies the reels and as the
picture is shown will explain and lecture every feature.
ADMISSION I Owing to the great expense incurred in securing
this set of pictures it will be necessary to advance the prices of ad
mission for this occasion and will be as follows for the evening show:
Adults 25c
Children 15c
For the Afterioon at 3 p. m :
Adults 15c - Children 10c
For the Eveuiug
1st Show at 7 P. M. Sharp - 2nd Show at 9 P. M.
Afternoon Show at 3 O'clock
AS If WIIL require two hours to give a complete show it has been
found necessary to commence the first show earlier than usual. In
order to get the full import and benefit of the pictures one should be
at the openlnsr of the show. Ho plan to bo on band at the start. 5
Harry J. Gilliam has some Uuir Or
pington eggs for sale. "
J. II. Tiost of Superior was in town
on business nnd pleasure overSnnday
Frank Cowden left Monday for the
eastern part of the state on business.
A. I' Ely of the MeCook Gazette
visited relatives iu town over Smidiy.
O M. Isoni, George Cook, 11. .1. Kin
sell of Lebanon spent Suuday in town
Xnlo Illltigswoilh was a passenger
to the eastern p'ut of tho state Mon
d.vy. Miss data Iluigcs was visiting
friends and lelatives In lnavaie Satur
day. Vale Fo was down from Blooming
ton Monday evening visiting li is par
ents. I'd Kellogg letiirued from Lincoln
Tuesday whole ho had been visiting
Mrs Gertie MeKeighan has returned
to her home at Lincoln after visiting
lelatives In town.
Fred Wallace was a passenger to
Lincoln Wednesday where ho will
transact business.
The Diamond Electric Vaeum clean
er demonstrated in your home free.
Call Phone Red 07.
Robert Morris of Noitb Branch was
in the city Friday transacting business
and visiting friends.
The Puritan Cafe is furnishinga fine
Sunday chicken dinner for 350. Try
it and be convinced.
Matt Doyle returned from Amherst
Tuesday and will locate permanently
there about May 1st.
Harry Ridnour of Lincoln was in
town on business Tuesday nnd also
renewed acquaintances.
J. E, Throne and wife left Tuesday
morning for California whore they
will spend the summer.
Edwin Jarboe will preach nt the
Brethren church in Garlleld township
next Sunday at 10 a. m.
Mrs. Will Walters nnd children of
Inavalospeut Sunday in this city with
Mr. and Mrs. Will Walters.
The finest lino and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look it over. Moiuiaiit Bnos.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and car. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Mrs. Geo. W. Lindscy returned
home from Grand Island Wednesday
where she had been visiting her daughter.
Sheriff Hedge went to Lincoln Mon
day with Oliver Lord who was sent
enced to servo time In tho poncteut
iary. Mrs. Will Boliror returned from Ne'l
son Monday night whore she had been
visiting with her daughter Mrs. Walter
Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren Lotigtin came
down from Hastings Wednesday to
visit their parents and friends for two
Mr. and Mrs D.m Liudsey leave to
night for San Marcus, Calif., where
they will vist their daughter Mrs. A.
The dual sign of spring 1ms arrived
and that is the High school boys are
practicing daily at the base ball
Dr. Cross will bo in his olllco over
tho Stato Rank everyday in tho week.
Hnvine discontinued his visits .to
Dr. Raines and wife and children re
turned from New Mexico Monday
evening whore they hailbeon spending
tho winter.
f'rof. Bet, wishes to say that the
first opening band concert will bo giv
en on Friday uvenihg April 'Jfl-weather
pet mitting
For Sale; Tho two buildings oc
cupied by tho Chief Ofllee and E. H.
bewhoiiBcti jewelry store. Inquire of
E. H. Newhouso.
Lew Centers of Supetlor nnd Will
Rants and Silver Longtln left Wednes
day for California where they expect
to spend tho summer.
Harry Buffer resigned his position
at tho power house Saturday 'and has
gono to farming. Chas. Fox took bis
place at the power house.
County Treasurer Kooirtz planted a
couple of trees in front of his livery
barn Tuesday wlilch will beautify the
front ot.tjio barn in a few years.
Don't forget we make farm loans,
money ready the day the title is ap
proved. '
Gaiwkh, Hutchison & S a laden.
Rev. John J. Bayne left Monday for
Wilcox to attend the District Associa
tion of Congregational churches. Mr.
Bayne is on the program for two ad
J. L. Christian, who has been living
southwest of town on his farm, moved
to this city Wednesday into the Chas.
Scbultz residence which he purchased
some time ago.
R. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for
hatching at $2,35 per hundred. Baby
chicks nt 10 cents each.
Mhb.1L. W. WllITB,
RWCIoud, Nebr.
Rural Phone 2-10.
All consumers knowing themselves
to be in arrears to the light i nd water
department of the city of Red Cloud
will please call and settle on or beforoS
the loth Inst,, or service will bo dis
continued. D. H. Rich, Supt. I
Real Estate IrnnsTcrs.
Real Estutu 1 nuisleis for week end
ing lucsdaj, Apitl Dili, litis.
Compiled by M, . latter A.
llouded Abstiui'loif.
Joshua Mai ton and wife to L. T.
.Marten, w l, ' , w m J,i .
I). W. Smith ami wlletoAl Aul'tV,
lots 1 1, II, IIU ,l, Harbor's 'Jutl
Atld Uiil Cioiul
Al Aulu to Aiialluu I'm sou, lots
IJ II. llllc ;i, w it, tlurber'n 2d
Ailil lied Cloud
A..) Whm.uiii ami wile to Utiu
. hlelens, w d. lots 20 to .10,
I'.iliuer'ihub Uiv lo Red Cloud
pi s I
1 11,
I. M)0
Lcotiuiii C .Muiigcr lo Miiuli S.
t'liupiii, w tl, w j nw'j and pt
no1! no', :il-l-I I
t A. liooii ami wlfo to Charles
and I'raiil; Meln, w d, el, nw'i
ne1, 17,1-10
Dennis Liudsey and wife to
Maude .. McCluro, w d, lolsl,
'.', I lo r. l.-i, 10, 11) to Ul, Blk.
111, 1!. R. add to Red Cloud....
Charles W. Cowley ami wlfo to
.1. A. Denton, w (I, lots 8,0, Blk.
2, S pcuuo'.s 1st add to Bladen
Barbara I, alley and Husb. to
Joseph Dieher, w d, ni no'f
l-l-l ."
Jane Rent to Herman lliulg, wd,
lot !'', Blk. i!, Umber's Add to
Red Cloud
Charles S Nutria and wlfo to C.
E. Simmons, w d, s$ swj 1IMI
10 Lena A, MarWlll nnd husb , to A.
13. Wolcott, wd n ttwf JW.'MS nooo
Emma I Coombs to Edward,
Hanson, w d, pt uwh 35-2.12.. 2500
Frank Connor to John Kingdom,
w J, lots 8, 0, Blk 10, Bladen l
D. J. Erwin and Edward Ges
trlng to Joseph Norchey, w d,
lots s, o, Blk. t, Hoover's Add
to Blue Htll 425
Frank L. Smith and wife to
htninn Rargmau, part ne
nojf 35-2-11
Etnmn Rargmau to Clare E.
Smith, qcd, part nc 35-2-1 1 . . .
Hugh W. Gulllford and wife to
Asa L. Gurney, lots 35, 30, 37,
33, Blk. 3, Garners 2nd Add to
Red Cloud
Mortgages filed, 81 1,225 00.
Mortgages released, 89,507.00.
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PWV1SI 7 . V "V fV .
Harry H. Carpenter
Harry 11. Carpenter, son of Hopkins
ami Olive Carpenter was born near
l'loasouloti, Linu county, Kansas, on
Match Kith, ISO'J, mid departed this
life at his lato homo near lnavaie,
Nebr., April 3rd, 11)12 al the ae:o ot
III vent's ami lo tlajs.
Whllo he was (pilto young his par
ents moved to Missouri and later to
DccAtur county, Iowa, near Leon.
After the death of his parents he went
to Shenandoah, Iowa, lit 1BSD and
worked for 0 years. Ho was united iu
marriage to Ellen Bloom Fob. 20, IH'M.
To this union wnb born oighl child
ren, four sous and four ilaiiu'liter.s.
They lived on n farm near Nmthboro
until in March lulu, they moved to
their present home four and otic half
miles northwest of lnavaie.
For about LI mouths lie was anlicted
with a complicated dihcnso which
medical skill was unable to cure or
lellove only for a slioit time.
OivIiik to his w aliened condition his
heart gave way under I ho strain ami
hepas'ol nwn.v very suddenly, a few
minutes after (5 oVloek as he sat talk
ing to his wife and her sister
He was a member of tlio M. W. A. of
Norlhboro, services were
conducted al (lie Mithodist church In
lnavaie, Sunday, April 7th at 11 a. in.
Interment nt Red Cloud cemetery con
dueled by the Modem Woodmen. Bo
sides ills wlfo and children ho leaves
to mourn his loss two hi at hi rs, Clif
ford and Wairen and a hugfl circle of
friends Those attending tho funeral
from a distance Ivmo his two brothers
of Cedar Rapids, Nobi, George Bloom
a brother of Mrs Carpenter, of North
born and Mr. and Mrs Perry Bennett
'of Bloonilngton, Nebr.
' iVti,
'V""" JAP
i7i.j,. . .illivi Al..E J GLM.SL 1JHJ Ui ilV
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Idea of Clothes
D ICTURE in your own mind the kind of
clothes you want the cloth, the style,
the (it, wear and serviceability.
Then compare your ideal with Clothcraft. You will find
they tally in every particular except perhaps in the price you
thought you would have to pay. For Clothcraft Clothes guaran
teed to be all-wool, to hold shape and smartness, to give satis
faction in wear and service; yet cost less than other clothes of the
same high quality--$10 to $25.
All the new styles in Hats, Shoes
nd Shirts now in. Come in and
look them over
The Clothcraft Blue Serge Special, No. 5130, at I
. $15, is guaranteed to be all-wool, to hold shape and I
I to give satisfactory wear and service. 1
VowHen-jaley Clothing Co.
( Wkm
i BR 3
) Wmw
Wfw '
i 1 4MA$
Spring Goods!
anticipate your wants
in Spring wearing apparel.
We are selling
Ladies', Misses'
and Children's
--finest line o! goods of this
class on the market today.
Our best advertisements
ore the, people who wear
thane tfnrmantn. Thev nrA
I satisfied as to Style, Fit,
vvurniiiuiiaiup uiiu wcui.
jgWe are glad to show these
Big Ben
has something to say
to people who like to
get up promptly in the
He guarantees to call
them on the dot just when
they want and either way
they want, with one pro
longed, steady call or with
successive gentle rings.
And he guarantees to do
it day after day and year
afteryear, if you only have
him oiled every year or so.
I've known him ever
since he was "that high"
and I'll vouch for every
thing he says.
J. C. Mitchell
The Jeweler.
It is a WHITE SEASON and in view of this
fact we have bought an extensive line of
White Gloves-Kid and Silk
Ladies, Misses
and Children's
Oxfords and Slippers
All leathers-all prices
See our
White Buck
Oxford at -
Turnure Bros.
As an Advertising Medium The Chief has No
Equal in Webster County
MHBsHWBsBsWsMs 'uj. ttrni. . .,, , . , .
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