TSPTiSiRMmiginHi ' K-&fl-fci4 1M '." 'W fi ( -r ; i "- J- "" ' l.HIHH Ml Vf 1 tiMlSTK . J,, 1 ttn Historical Sooloty t ' i-"?" '. . , -jy23,jfe- j v 'lisr&a f'jt -'.'-. "i -"! - FH U ? f hi $ i ;i 1 ; ; ,t MBY iC .- VTKTT T v a -v -1 ' " ; xj. " fjmjcl9mmn - -; -. i..r.Tr.- y. 4BuUBHI s ....".r: c ---a- r-" ;,,rsrrs-X-lB -.r.-r m 1 LLmm -; LB -ra "- ? - 9&fft -- jtfBl B w " - --- mWmmF 81 r-i. "Z... - . -t- jssr 3-: "SjiFlt. H3-'tf'55l'lv, . SSSMMBSlSSSSSSSSSSMESItEFKiLlnK jy'ltKaCKt-V'- r7s3Ftzz?TMWWWWWWWWWWWMk SSSBBSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSmSWSSSSSBSSSS VOLUME XXXX. THE New Banking Law is now in force and the payment of every dollar of deposits in this institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 Wall Paper We have the finest line of Wall Paper this season for 10c, 15c, and 20c per bolt that we Jve ever shown. Before yot send away or buy from sample books, come in and see what we can do for you. We are sure we can please you in pattern and in ptice. .... ? 3 It Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist Dante's Inferno. Dante's Inferno will be shown at the Tepee nest Mommy afternoon atd evenlug. A two hours show with a lecturer. Admission 2ro for adults, 15c for children, in the evening. Afternoou prices in and 10 ceuts First show at P. in. Second at 0 p.. in. i 'Afternoon at 3 p m Mrs. Nelllo'flffcore went to MoCoak Wednesday morning' to visit friends. jmr 11 - Mm Price's! i Cream. I'owaeir Mmdo from grapo G'srcxna of Tar tar I mbmoluiely free from mium For sixty years American house wives have found Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder a guarantee of light pure and wholesome food. SftiA f 1' rttA.r&.a&'f.. : . f . a --'-1.t--Tf. I tum GMftreiatleaal Church Nstlces. f Subject of the sermon Sunday morn ing "There shall be no more sea." The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed aud new members receiv ed. Sunday school at 10. "What is the Bible? will be the subject of a lecture given by the pastor at the evening service. The Brother hood meets Tuesduv evening at 8 o'clock. The mid week service will be held Friday evening Instead of Wed nesday. Thia is the quarterly business meotingiof the church and written re ports will be given by the olllccrs of the church and the hociotics. Reports will also be given of the District As sociation whiuh met Tuesday and Wednesday at Wilcox. The Ladies Auxiliary will meet with Mrs. Cross on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. Band Programme Evening sT April 12th. at the Red Cloud Opera House March "Good fellowship Medley Overture.... Bits of Retnlcks Mils No. 3 Love Thoughts Waltz Tangle-foot Rag Trombone Solo "The Witch" March "Conihiue" Zip Blng Alto Trio Dlslans TAUT II March "Chicago Tribune". . . . Medley Overture.. .Kemicks Hits No. H Cornet Solo ..."Columbia Fantasia".. "A Vision of Salome" Descriptive Fnntasle Vocal Solo Miss Alpha Longtlu Medley Overture .... Havclands Happy lilts No. 1 Baritone Solo Selected Star Spangle Banner Mrs. M. A. Mercer and children re turned from a two weeks visit with relatives at Gibbon, Friday. i 9 fefefei&liHkafef 4 Newspiper That film The News Flfty RED CLOUD, N KIIRASKA. APRIL 11, UHiS. interest In The Boy, Grows Stronier t AT. SI t -'4 JHRnSMHtf " If . A STRETCHER OF POLES AND COATS Early in the Scout Trtming Comet "First Aid" Information. Some have expressed an adverso j opinion us to the boys scout movement on the ground that there is too much fun connected with the oignuizution which would Interfere with the boy's regular duties. This opiniou undoubt edly grows out of a very much mistaken idea of the real work of the scouts. There are few men who can measure up to the requirement of a first class scout. We are informed that there is only one in thin state. Just to show what it means to be a scout we give the requirements of the different dogrecs of scoutoraft There nre three classes of scouts among the boy scouts of America, the tenderfoot, second-class scout and first-class scout. A tenderfoot is su perior to the ordinary boy because of his training. To be a tenderfoot means to occupy the lowest grade iu scouting. A tenderfoot on meeting certain re quirements may become a second-class scout, and a secoud class scout on meeting another set of requirements may become a first class scout. The first-class scout may then qualify for the various merit badges which are offered for proficiency iu scouting. The requirements of the tcuderfoot, second-class scout and first-class scout nre as follows: Tenderfoot To become n scout a boy must be at least twelve years of age and must be at least twelve years of age and must pirn a test iu the following: Know the scout law, slgu, salute and significance of tho badge; know the composition nitd history of the national flag and tho customary forms of respect due to it; tie four out of tho following knots: Squnre or reef, sheet bend, bowline, flsliermanV, hheop-hhiiuU, clovo Hitch, timber hitch or two half hitches. To become a second class scout a tenderfoot must p iss to the satisfac tion of tho recognized local scout authorities, the following tests: At least one month'b shrvko us u Under foot; elementary flist. nltl and bandag ing; know the general directions for first aid for injuries; know treatment for fainting, shock, fracture, Utilises, sprains, injuries iu which tho skin is broken, burns and scalds; demonstrate how to curry injured and the use of the triangulur uud toller bandages and 'tourniquet; elementary signaling; know tho semaphore, or American Morsu or Alyer ulplutbet; track half a mile in twenty five minutes; or, if in town, (icsurlho satisfactory the con tents of one 4tore win Jo .v out of four observed in one minute each; go a mile in twelvo minutes at scout's pnee about fifty steps running uud fifty walking, alternately; ue properly Mr. and Mrs J E. Wood of Trlii!- dul, Colo., arilved In town Sunday to Tlsit friends. You will find all the latest and most up-to-date styles iu hats and uprlog and summer millinery ' at Bcrlvuer & Barrett's Millinery Parlor, In the Newhouie build' ugv - tws Weeks Each Year Br 11,50. Scout Movement With Each Day knifo or hatchet; prove ability to build a fire iu the opcu, using not more than two matches; cook a quarter of a pound of meat and two potatoes in the opcu without the ordinary kitchen cooking utensils; earn and deposit at least one dollar in a public bank; khuow the sixteen principal points of the compass. To become a first-class scout tho second class scout must pass tho fol lowing: Swim fifty yards; earn and deposit at least two dollars in a pub lic bank; scud and rccelveli tucssago by semaphore, or American Morso or Myer alphabet, sixteen lotters per minute; make a round trip alone (or with another scout) to a point at least seven miles away going on foot or row ing boat, and writo a satisfactory ac count of the trip and things observed; advanced first aid; know tho methods for panic prevention; what to do in case of fire and ice, electric and gas accidents; how to help in case of run away horse, mad dog or snake bite; treatment fordislocatlon, unconscious ness, poisoning, fainting, apoplexy, sunstroke, heat exhaustion and freez ing; know treatment for sunburn, ivy poisoning, bites and stings, nosebleed, earache, toothache, lntlammatfon or grit in eye, crump or stomach acho and chills; demonstrate artificial respira tion; prepare and cook satisfactorily, in tho open, without regular kitchen utensils, two of the following articles as may bo directed: Kggs, bacon, huntei'sstew, fish, fowl, game, pan cakes, huc-cackc, biscuit, hardtack or a '-twist." baked on u stick; explain to another boy tho methods followed; tho spot, au intelligible rough sketch map, indicating by their proper marks im portant buildings, road-, tiolley lines, main laudmurkH, principal elevations, elu. I'oint out a compass direction without the help of the compass; use properly an uxu for felllngor trimming light timber, cr produce an arllclo of curpetitcry or cabinet-making or metal vvoik made by hiiusolf. Kxpluln the mothod followed; judge distance, size, number, height and weight within 125 per cent; describe fully from observa tion ton sriecies of trees or plants, in cluding poison ivy, by theb" bark, leaves, flowers, fruit or scant; or six species of mid birds by their plum age, notes, trucks or Habits; or six species of native wild animals by their form, color, call, tracks or habits; find tho north star and natiKt and describe nt least threo constellations of stars; fin nish satisfactory evidence that he has put into practice iu his daily life tho ptinclples of tho scout out,h and law; enlist a boy trained b) himself in the requirements of a tenderfoot. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Storey and Mr and Mrs. C. .1. Piatt tfcre. In Llncolu last week. Walter Denuy and family roturned home Sunday from au extended visit with relatives In Iowa and Kansas points and has resumed his position with the Red Cloud Auto Co. y',(w 'A'-JVIW K.f Judges and Clerks of the Primary Election, April 19 Guide I'ock precinct .Judges: J. II Crury, N. 11. l'etors, Lee UoTour; Clerks, Leroy Marsh, C L. Boles. Heaver Creek precinct Judges: F, A. Vance, F. II. Caldwell, .1 II. Hamil ton; Clerks, II B. Miner. Karl Willi ban. Stillwater precinct Judges: J. H. Cro.ior, C. K. Albin, II. F. Hudson; Clerks, C. I) Fishel, George Meoiits. Oak Creek precinct Judges: Bert Shepard, 1. L. Laird, W. B. Shirley; Clerks, A. F. Krouse, Levi Wright. Gat field precinct Judges: F. U. Amuck, Grant Bhldlcr, B. A. King; Clerks, Omer Crowell. Will Fisher. Pleasant Hill precinct Judges: Walter Cox, Chas. Swart., Henry Johnson; Clerks, F. S. Friable, Sam Glger. Cowlcs precinct Judges: E. II. Koon, Fred Hurd, Jus. McUrlde; Clerks, C. C. Bfuiuott, M. II. Davis. Elm Creek precinct Judges: C. E. l'utnnm, O. Abby, Fred Hubbard; Clerks, J. France, O. A. Arnold. Potsdam precinct Judges: Herman Schmidt, Albert Hopisch, 1'hll Fasslei't Clerks, Find Wehties,' Ed Funke, Sr. Line product Judges; I.T. Amuck, Len Wllmot, L. P. Johnson; Clerks, Alex llentley, Chas. Aubushou. Red Cloud precinct Judges: E. 11. Goble, Wm. Thomas, M. S. Martin; Clerks, Geo. Mann, John WccMicr. Rutin precinct Judges: F. Heun.O. Hasebrook, Anton Kudrun; Clerks, I. Thomas, W. E. Hoirman. Mlonwood precinct Judges: R. E. Denton, J. R. Horn, Jus. Eglington; Clerks, O. L. Lingren, Thomas Duffy. Walnut Creek precinct-Judges: E. II. Hersh, Ilarve Farnham.R. L. Strat ton; Clerks, Alf. Cotilson, Frank Blnnkenbaker. Inavale preclnnr. Judges: Chns. Renkle, Chus. Waldo, W. II. Cloud; Clerks, Robert Newton, Chas. Dicker son. Cutherton precinct Judges: John Sleen, L. G Getiereux, Ole llcrgmiu; Clerks, W. R. Brooks, A. R. Larrick. Harmony precinct Judges: A. G Wheat, W. II. Patterson, Fred Glebe; Clerks, L. H. Fics, Goo. Hlto. Red Cloud, 1st ward -Judges: O. C. Boyce, Oliver Wright, E. J. Pulsipher; Clerks, Al Spires, Paul Popo. Red Cloud, 2d ward Judges: John Orlireth, C. E. Relgle; Clerks, Walter Warren, E. G. Caldwell. M. E. District Conference to Meet The M. K. ministers of the west dis trict, will hold tholr annual meeting In tho church iu Red Cloud on Tuesday beginning at 7 p. m, aud continuing thru Wednesday. Dr. I B, Sehteckingast will bo tho speaker on Tuudduy evontng and Rev. S. I), l'arllo of Grand Nluiid will give an illustrated looluru on Wednesday evening, subject "A Horseback Rldo thru l'ulestin,e." Tho public irt eoidlally invited to all the sessions all of which are opcu and free to ull. The Vlllafts of Cowlcs Is Boomtn The new city of Cowlcs Is coining right to the front. That place was in- cotporuted on tho twenty-thiid of February the niw addition was platted by Foe and Mclirlde and the lots were placed on sulo last Saturday tho sixth of tho month On that day twenty four lots were sold and on Monday thirty-one othcis wtro snapped up aud at train thno on Tuesday thlrty-threo more lots dunged owners, ltusldes the salo of these lots one twenty acre tract, one eight acre tract uud one six aero tract were disposed of The lots I brought an average price of fifty dol lars and tho land one hundred dollars per acre. If Cowlcs keeps up this rate she will be the largest city in the stuto before the season closes. .- The V. P. dance club held forth Tuesday at Potter's hall with au after lentoen dance. A good time was re ported by all. mi I'Ji'J iiiiniii m u mini iMmmmmmmmmkmmmMaltfSM NUMBER 15, Before You Buy By Mail Bring us the ad, that inter ests you. 1 1 you will do this, you won't buy by mail that's certain. Because you will have no rea son to. Any article of jewelry or watches or silverware or any thing else in the line can be bought here at prices every bit as low as anywhere else near or far. And you have this advant- age you can see, handle and examine to your hearts con tent anything that is of inter est to you. Bring us that catalog and let us prove it to you. Remember "Satisfaction or Your Money Back." Newhouse Bros., E. II. Newhouse, Prop. C, B. .t Q. Watch Inspectors. , , ) Resolutions Unanimously Adopted Wiieheah the Legislature of Nebras ka submitted a number of' constitu tional amendments. Aud whereas, all of the aforesaid amendments will be voted on at , tho general election held In November, 1912, And whereas, it is necessary iu order to carry said amendments, at said gen eral election to have tho sainu endors ed by a majority vote of tho, various political patties In tho April primary, And whereas, said amendments were submitted and adopted by the Legisla tor iu fulfilment of pledges made by the Democratic party in tho platform adopted nt Grand Island. Therefore, bo it resolved by thia committee that we endorse and ap prove tho constitutional amendments which were submitted by the last Legislature of this state. Be It farther resolved that wo re, commend all Democrats to vote at the April Primary iu favor of tho follow ing proposed amendments 'to tho con stitutiou, vis: 1. Senate File No. 1. The amend ment providing for, the Initiative and Referoudum. 2. Senate Flic No. 147. The amend ment providing for a change in the compensation of senators and repres entatives, changing the time in which bills may bo Introduced in tho Legls luturc. It. House Roll No. 27. The amend ment providing for a non-partisan board of control for slate Institutions. 1. House Roll No. 1)2. The amend ment providing for biennial elections. 0. Senate Fllo No. 7. The amend ment giving cities the right to make their our charters, Re it furthor resolved that a copy of this resolution be furnished by the ofllccis of tho committee to all tho Democratic and Independent newspa pers in the state. The foregoing rocoliitiuns wore un uuimiously adopted by tho Democratic Stato Central Committee In its meeting In Columbus, Four. 8, 1012. Signed John C. livit.Ni;y, Chairman. Leo .Mattiikw., Secretury, Bay Blacksmith She Robert Itehtty of Red Cloud, and Thos. Harper of LaJunta, Colorado, made a deal Thursday by which they become owners of the old John JBclok son blacksmith shop just south of the Creamery and have taken possession. The firm name will be Beatty &. Harp or. Saturday's Franklin New". ,m 'i MMsmmm nl r r ,t J V. M j, i it ,& i i rv ; Mi m ki . If I ? i it m Xi,Kt m MtV !;! r IV H y t. 1 1 si r 'in "W .h i.fa m ?' "I'.V m m Mb M .i '. i ..A V1 UK 'JVV MtesmWrn M fyffji