The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 11, 1912, Image 1

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    "t'o lihlorlcal Society -5
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nfW3! k-8R3r '"flip 1 pIctT "mjE" lliMsa-W li yjiM-Sm:.
388 iw Vr 1 Ti i inWHKliiinfilrWIittiiiiii 1 11'1
THE New Banking Law is now in force and !
the payment of every dollar of deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
fJVf JffJrfftfffJ- f
Wall Paper
We have the finest line of
Wall Paper this season for
1 0c, 1 5c, and 20c per bolt
that we Uwe ever shown.
Before yon send away or buy
from sample books, come in
and see what we can do for
you. We are sure we can
please you in pattern and in
puce. ....
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist
Dante's Inferno.
' Dante's Inferno will bo shown lit
the Tepee next Monday afternoon tied
evoning. A two hours show with a
Admission 'J.'.o for adults, 15c for
children, in the evening. Afternoou
prices 15 and 10 couts.
First show at 7 p. in. Second at
0 p. in. 'Afternoon at 3 p. m.
-' '',1,
Mrs. Nellie Snore went to MeCook
Wednesday morning to visit friends.
BaKing m
Mmtlo from grape tSrcana of Tar
tars absolutely frsse from alum
For sixty years American house
wives have found Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder a guarantee of light,
pure and wholesome food.
Ctnftreftattonal Church Notices. ,
Subject of the sermon Sunday morn
ing "There shall be no more sea." The
Sacrament of the lord's Supper will
be observed and new members receiv
ed. Sunday school at 10.
"What is the Ulble? will be the
subject of a lecture given by the pastor
at the eveulug service. The Brother
hood meets Tuesday evening at 8
o'clock. The mid week service will be
held Friday evening instead of Wed
nesday. This is the quarterly business
ineetlng.of the chinch and written re
ports will be given by the ofllccrs of
the church and the societies. Reports
will also be given of the Distiict As
sociation which met Tuesday and
Wednesday at Wilcox. The Ladles
Auxiliary will meet with Mrs. Cross
on Tuesday afternoon at 2:!I0.
Band Programme
Evening of April 12th. at the Red Cloud
Opera House
March "Good fellowship
Medley Overture ...Hits of Kcinlcks
Hits No. :j
Love Thoughts Walt.
Tanglo-foot Rag
Trombone Solo " The Witch"
March . . . "Combine" Zip Ding
AltoTiio Dlslans
March "Chicago Tribune" . . .
Medley Overture.. .Kcmicks Hits No. 8
Cornet Solo ..."Columbia Fantasia"..
"A Vision or Salome"
Descriptivo Fantasie
Vocal Solo Miss Alpha Longtln
Medley Ovorturo . . . Havelands Happy
Hits No. 1
liaritonc Solo Selected
Star Spangle Banner
Mrs. M. A. Mercer and children to
turned from a two weeks visit with
relatives at Gibbon, Friday.
Newspaper That fiWcs The News Fit
Interest In The Boy, Scout Movement
GfOHS StFOnief
Early in the Scout Training Comet
"First Aid" Information.
Some have expressed an ndveisej
opinion as to the hoys scoutiuoveiuent
011 the ground that there is loo much
fun connected with the oigani'ation
which would iutcifeie with the hoy's
regular duties. This opinion undoubt
edly grows out of a vciy much
mistaken idea of the toil wotk of
the scouts. There are few men who
can measure up to thu leqiiiretueiUs
of a ilrst class scout. We ate iufoimcd
that there is only one in this stale.
Just to show what it means to be a
scout we give the requirements ol tho
different degrees of scoutoiaft
There are three classes of scouts
among the boy scouts of America, tho
tenderfoot, secoud-elnss scout ami
first-class scoul. A tenderfoot is su
perior to the ordinary boy because of
his training. To bo a tenderfoot means
to occupy the lowest grade in scouting.
A tondeiioot on meeting certain ic
quirciiients may become a second-class
scout, and a .second class scout on
meeting another set of requirements
may become a Ilrst class scout. The
first-class scout may then qualify for
the various merit badges which are
offered for proficiency in scouting.
Tho requirements of the tenderfoot,
second-class scout and Itrst-elass scout
are as follows:
Tenderfoot To become a scout a
boy must bo at least twelve yeais of
age and must be at least twelve years
of age and must pirn a test in the
following: Know the scout law, sign,
salute and slgnillcauce of tho badge;
know the composition and history of
the national Hag and tho customary
forms of respect due to it; tie four
out of tho following knots: Squaio or
reef, sheet bend, bowline, ilsherinnnV,
sheep slitiuk, clove lii'i'h, limber hitch
or two half hitehus.
To hecomu a second cl.iss scout a
tenderfoot, must piss to the satistac
lion ot thu lecogiiifd local hcont
authorities, the following tests. At
least one month's Htuvlco a a t mid
foot; elementary tlist aid and bandag
ing; know the general diuctions for
first aid for Injuries know trcMtment
for fainting, shock, fracture, biuisc,
spiains, injiuies In which the hkin is
bioken, burns and sciildsjdemonstrate
how-tn cany iirjtucil and tho use of
the triangular and loller bandages
and tourniquet; elementary signaling;
know tho sumaphoie, or Amuilcau
Moisu or ftlyer alphabet; Hack half n
mile in twenty live minutes; or, if in
town.describo satlsfactoilly the con
tents of one itoro win lo.v out 01' four
observed in one minute each; go a
mile in twelve minutes at scout'a pnee
about llfty steps running and fifty
walking, alternately; u-u propeily
Mr. and Mrs .1 K. Wood of TilnN
did, Colo., iirihed In town Siinduy to
yislt friends,
You will find all the latest and most
up-to-date styles In hats and spring
und summer millinery at Scriviier &
Barrett's Millinery Parlor, In the
Newhouse building,
tytm Weeks Each Tear For Sl.fiO
With Each Day
knife or hatchet; piovo ability to build
11 fire in the open, using not inure
than two matches; cook a quarter of
a pound of meat and two potatoes in
the open without the ordinary
kitchen cooking utensils; earn and
deposit at least one dollar in a public
bank; ".know the sixteen principal
points of the compass.
To become a lirst-cluss scout thu
second class scout must pass tho fol
lowing: Swim fifty yards; earn and
1 deposit at least two dollars In a pub-
lie bank; send and icccivoa message
by seinap'ioie, or American Morso or
Myer alphabet, sixteen lettois per
minute; make a loiiud trip alone (or
with another scout) to a poiut at least
seven miles away going on foot or row
ing boat, and write a satisfactory ac
count of the tiip and things observed;
advanced first aid; know tho methods
for panic prevention; what to do in
case of lire and Ice, electric and gas
accidents; how to help in case of run
away horse, mad dog or snake bite,
treatment for dislocation, unconscious
ness, poisoning, fainting, apoplexy,
suustioke, heat exhaustion and freez
ing; know treatment for sunburn, ivy
poisoning, bites and stings, nosebleed,
earache, toothache, inllauimatioii or
grit in eye, cramp or stomach ache and
chills demonstrate artificial respira
tion; propaie and cook satisfactorily,
111 the open, without regular kitchen
utensils, two of tho following articles
as may he directed: IJggs, bacon,
huntei'sstow, fish, fowl, game, pan
cakes, hoc-cacke, biscuit, hard tuck or
a "twist " baked on 11 stick; explain to
another boy tho methods followed; tho
spot, an intelligible rough sketch map,
indicating by their pioper marks Im
pel taut buildings, road-, tiolley lines,
main laudniaiks, principal elevations,
etc Point out a compa'-s direction
without the help of the compass; use
piopeily an axu for felllngor trimming
light timber, cr produce an aitlelo of
carpentery or cabinet inakin or metal
woikmaduby himself. Explain the
method followed; Judge distance, size,
uuiuber( height and weight within 2.')
per cent; describe fully from observa
tion ton species of Iiccb or plants, in
cluding poison ivy, by their baik,
leaves, flowers, lrult or scent; or six
species of wild liiids by their plum
age, notes, hacks or habits; or six
species of native wild animals by their
furn., color, call, tiacks or habits; find
the north star and name and describe
at least throo constellations of stats;
flit nisi) satisfactory evidence that he
has put into practice hi his daily lilo
lire piluciples of the scout oath and
law; enlist a boy trained b himself in
the leqiiliemuuts of a tendoifoot.
Mr, and Mrs. Paul Storey and Mr
and Mis. C. . I. Plait w'ere in Lincoln
last week.
Walter Denny and family returned
home Sunday from an extended visit
with relatives In low a and Kansas
points mid has resumed his position
with the Red Cloud Auto Co.
Judges and Clerks of the
Primary Election, April 19
(iiiiile Hock pieeinel Judges: J II
Crnry, N II. Peters, DcTour;
Clerks, l.eioy Maish, C h. Uoles.
Heaver Creek precinct- Judges: K.
A. Vance. V 11. Caldwell, J II. Hamil
ton; Cleiks, II It. Miner. Kail Willi
Stillwater ireclnct Judgos: J. U.
Ci oiler, C. i:. Albin, It. R Hudson;
Clerks, C. I) Flshel.deorge Meelits.
Oak Creek precinct Judges: Itort
Shepaid, P. h. hnlrd, W. II. Shirley;
Clerks, A. P. Krous'e, Levi Wright.
Gai field precinct Judges: P. It,
A muck, Grant Shidlcr, K. A. King;
Clerks, Onior Crowell. Will Fisher.
Pleasant Hill precinct Judges:
Walter Cox, Chas. Swart., Henry
Johnson; Cleiks, F. S. Friable, Sam
Cowles product Judges: 1J. .
Koon, Fred Ilurd, Jas. Mcllriile; Cleiks,
C. C. Hennett, M. II. Davis.
Kim Creek precinct Judges: 0. K.
Putnam, O. Ah by, Fred Hubbitul;
Clerks, J. France, (). A Arnold.
Potsdam precinct Judges: Herman
Schmidt, Albeit Hopiseh, Phil F.isslci';
Cleiks, Fied Weluies, Kd Fiinke, Sr.
1-ine precinct Judges: I.T. Amuck,
hen Wlltnot, Ij. P. Johnson; Clerks,
Alex lleulley, Chas. Aiibuslion.
lied Cloud precinct Judges: IJ. 11.
Lioble, Wm. Tliouias, M. S. Martin;
Clerks, (Jeo. Mann, John Weemcr.
ltatln precinct Judges: P. Uean, I!.
Hasebruok, Anton Kiidrua; Clerks, 1.
Thomas, W. 10. llolVinan.
Nlonwood precinct Judges: U. K.
Denton, J. R. Horn, Jas. Islington;
Cleiks, O. L, hlngreii, Tliomas Duiry.
Walnut Creek precinct-Judges: K.
II. Hcrsh, Harve Farnham, K. L. Strut
ton; Clerks, Alf, Cotilson, Frank
Inavale precinct Judges: Chas.
Uenkle, Chas. Waldo, W. II. Cloud-,
Cleiks, Itobert Newton, Chas. Dicker
sou. Cathciton precinct Judges: John
Stceii, Ij. (! (ieiiercux, (Jlc llergmiu;
Clerks, W. li. Urooks, A. K. harrick.
Harmony picciiict .ludges: A. (S
Wheat, W. II. Patterson, Fred Glebe;
Clerks, L. H. Pies, Geo. llitc.
Red Cloud, 1st ward -Judges: U. C
Boyce, Oliver Wright, U. J. Pulsipher;
Clerks, Al Spires, Paul Pope.
Red Cloud, 2d ward Judges: John
(Srilieth, C. K. Rciglc; Clerks, Walter
Warien, K. (i. Caldwell.
M. E. District Conference to
The M. K. ministers of the west dis
trlut, will hold thoir annual meeting
in the church in Uud Cloud on Tuesday
beginning at 7 p. in, and ccutiiiiiing
thru Wednesday.
Dr. I U. Schiccklngust will be the
speaker on Tuesday evening and Rev.
S.I) llartlo of (imiiil Nlaud will give
an illustiuted louturo on Wcrluesday
evening, subject "A Horseback Ride
thin Palestine."
'llio public is coidially invited to all
the sessions all of which ai't open and
free to all.
llu: Vlllai: of Cowles Is Booming
The now city of Cowles is coining
right to the front. That place was in
coipoiatcd on the tucuty-thhd of
February tho nw addition was platted
by Foe and Mcl'.rlde and tho lots were
placed on s.ilo U-.1 .Salurd.iy the sixth
ot thu month On that day twenty
four lots wcie sold and on Monday
thiity-one olhci.s wire snapped up and
at train time on Tuesday thlity-threo
uioie lots changed o.vnuis. liuslilcs
tlie saluof tliusu lots one twenty acie
tract, one eight acie tract ami otic six-
acre tract wcio disposed of The lots
brought an average price of fifty dol
lars and tho laud one hundred dollars
per acie. If Cowles keeps up this rate
she will be thu largest city in the state
befote the season closes.
Thu V. P. daneo club held forth
Tuesday at Potter's hall with uu after
louteen dance. A good time was re
ported by all.
Before You
Buy By Mail
HriiiR us the ad, that inter
ests you.
1 1 you will do this, you won't
buy by mail that's certain.
Because you will have no rea
son to.
Any article of jewelry or
watches or silverware or any
thing else in the line can be
bought here at prices every
bit as low as anywhere else
near or far.
And you have this advant-'
age you can see, handle and
examine to your hearts con
tent anything that is of inter
est to you.
Bring us that catalog and
let us prove it to you.
Remember "Satisfaction or
Your Money Back."
Newhouse Bros.,
13. II. Newhouse, Prop.
C, D. & (. Watch Inspectors.
Resolutions Unanimously
Wiieiiuah the Legislature of Nebras
ka submitted a number of constitu
tional amendments.
And whereas, all of the aforesaid
amendments will bo voted on nt the
general election held in November,
Anil whereas, it is necessary in order
to carry said amendments, at said gen
eral election to have thu siiiud endors
ed by u majority vote of the various
political patties In tho April piimary,
And whereas, said amendments were
submitted and adopted by tho Leglsla
tuie in fulfilment of pledges made by
the Democratic party in the platform
adopted at Grand Island.
Therefore, be it icsolved by thin
committee that we endorse and up.
prove the constitutional amendments
which wero submitted by the lust
Legislature of this state.
Dc it fm thor resolved that wo rci
commend all Domootats to vote at the
April Primary in favor of thu follow
ing pi oposed amendments to the con
Htitutiou, vi;::
I. Senate File No. 1. The amend
ment providing for the Initiative and
!. Senate Pile No. 1J7. Theouiond.
incut providing for a change in tho
compensation of senator-! and lepres
entatlves, changing thu time in which
bills nny bu introduced in the Legls
hit tire.
II. House Roll No. 27. The amend
mont providing Tor a non-partisan
board of contiol for slate institutions.
1. House Roll No. .'IJ. The amend,
inent providing Tor biennial election).
!. Senate File No. 7. The auioiid
ment giving cities the tight to make
their our chattels.
Re it further resolved that a copy of
this icsolutlou bo furnished by the
olllceis of the committee to all tho
Democratic and independent newspa
pers in the state.
The foregoing resolutions wmo un
animlously adopted hj- thu Democratic
State Central Committee in its meeting;
in Columbus, Febr. h, li)12.
John C. IImi.m.s, Chairman.
Li:o AUmn.w-, Secietary,
Buy Blacksmith Shop
Hobeit lleutty of Red Cloud, and
Thos. Harper of LaJunta, Colorado,
niudu a deal Thursday by which they
become owners of the old Johu Erlck
son blacksmith shop just south of the
Creamery and have taken possession.
The firm namo will be Botttty & Harp,
cr. Saturday's Franklin News.
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