The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 04, 1912, Image 5

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Insurance Commissioner Win. 11.
Hotchklss of New York, chnlrman of
the executive committee of the N.v
Jlonal Convention of Insurnnce Com
missioners, prior to the Inst Head
Camp of tlio Modern Woodmen of
America, gavo the following official
notice to Hint society:
"Pursuant to action of the natlonat
convention of stato Insurance coinmls
eloncrs, nt Its adjourned session In
December last, I write you this ex
pression of views us to tlio necessity
of your order ns well as all other
fraternal benefit societies placing
Itself on n firm foundation as to rates.
An insuranco society which In these
days does not recognize that the- cost
of Insuranco Is fixed by laws other
than mnn's laws namely, the laws ot
nature or prescribes for its mem
bers cither a flat rate, Irrespective of
the ago of Its members, or any other
rate that Is not scientifically safe, Is
deceiving both Itself and Its mombera
and npproachlng tlio time pcrhapa
Blowly, but not tho less surely
when It must fall nnd Its contracts bo
repudiated. Tho fraternal spirit Is a
good thing; but tho rates and man
agement of fraternal societies must
also bo such that tho beneficiaries of
tho last member to die will rccclvo
every dollar that such member's cer
tificate calla for."
Stato Insuranco Commissioner
Ekern of Wisconsin has Issued nn of
ficial Interview In which ho says:
"Fraternal societies generally havo
como to recognize thnt their business
must bo conducted on n sound basis.
This means a re-rntlng for nearly ev
ery society, and members who do not
fully tindorstand tho situation are
often Inclined to complain of In
creases In their rates. They should
understand that with a re-rating on
a sound basis they have a much nioro
valuablo Insurance than before. All
pro benefited by getting a permanent
Insuranco for whnt was uncertain bo
fore. Tho Modern Woodmen of Amer
ica, by reason of Its long experience
with a largo membership, Is permitted
to mako n rato upon Its own experi
ence, which Is even lower than that
based on tho Natlonnl Fraternal Con
gress table, which new societies must
adopt. Tho cost of this Insurance 1b
not a matter of mortality tables or
rates charged, but depends upon tho
actual deaths In tho society. A re
nting merely means that each mem
ber shall pay his real share of that
cost. Members who tblnk of drop
ping their Insuranco will do well to
tako enough time to study tho Ques
tion boforo doing anything which may
bring regret to both themselves and
their families."
Tho Chicago Inter Ocean says:
"It Is unpleasant for tho members
of tho Modern Woodmen Society to
havo to pay moro for their Insurance,
but let them think how much moro un
pleasant It would ho for thoso 5,000,
000 women nnd children, or nny of
them, to bo deprived of that protec
tion beenuse tholr husbands or fath
ers got angry. That Is what all Wood
men should think about."
When to Call the Doctor.
When to summon the doctor Is a
point which has probably puzzled most
people at one time or another, but In
tho case of throat and Intestinal
troubles there should bo no uncertain
ty, says a medical authority. Tho doc
tor should be summoned at once, for
the sore throat may bo diphtheria, and
the intestinal symptoms may mean
peritonitis, appendicitis or any one of
a dozen complaints of serious char
acter. Valuablo tlmo and tho golden
opportunity may bo wasted by wait
ing for symptoms thnt aro scvero
enough to justify railing tho doctor.
Women to Wear Mantillas In Church.
Women of St. Francis Do Sales
Cathedral will Introduce Into this
country tho custom of wearing in
church tho graceful lace headdress of
tho Spanish women In place of hats.
The innovation was suggested by Iter.
Dr. O'Connor to the members of tho
Altar society and at the general com
munion of the society tho scarfs will
be worn.
"The bats of today havo become a
monstrosity," says Rev. Dr. O'Con
nor, addressing tho society. Toledo
correspondence Cleveland Leader.
Candid Admission.
"What aro your Ideas about re
form?" "About tho Fame as everybody's,"
replied Senator Sorghum. "I have a
general impression that myself nnd my
personal and political friends aro tho
only people who do not need it."
Important to Mottiors
Rxnmlno carefully every bottlo of
CASTOHIA, a safo and suro remedy for
infants and children, and sec that it
Ttnn ra t Yin
Signature of OStATMJ&i
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria
His Business to Know.
Wife Look, I bought this fur coat,
today. They tell mo wo uro going to
havo very cold weather soon.
Husband Who told you ho?
Wife Tho furrlor.
Tho Paxton Toilet Co. of Boston,
Mass., will send a largo trial box of
Faxtlno Antiseptic, n delightful cleans
ing and germicidal toilet preparation,
to any woman, free, upon request
Recalling the Fight.
"He has bis father's eyes."
"That's queer; I thought I m
blacking his."
To rcRtnro a normal notion to Llrer, Kid
neve, Stonmoli nml Howels, tako (tartlcld
Tea, tlio mild burb laxutivo. All drutftfists.
When a man Is completely wrapped
np in hlmBolf tho packago Is upt to
bo small.
Discontents arise from our desires
oftener than from our wants. Krum
The Broken Vase
(Uuprrlgbl, I'.iU, lr AkcUUhJ Lltorarr l'rviw.)
ltalph Woodson stepped bnck quick
ly to get out or tho way of n speeding
automobile. He bumped ngnliiBt come
body back of blm, and thero was a
half-suppressed feminine cry, followed
by a crash as of broken china.
In confused apology ho turned nnd
beheld the most beautiful girl he had
over seen. With womanly tnct, she
tried to relieve his embarrassment and
hldo her own dismay. Tho package
which he had knocked from her hand
ho ruefully picked up, nnd ns ho es
corted her to tho Bldewalk ho could
feel tho pieces of broken china In
their wrappings.
"Pray forgive me," ho exclaimed, "1
nm moro sorry than I enn say. I'll
take this article with mo and have It
A look nlmost of fright enmc Into
tho young womnn's face, nnd In anx
ious tones sho said:
"Oh, no! You must not think of itl
I can't let you have thlB."
She reached out her hand for the
Ill-fated package.
Ilnlph was surprised at her agita
tion. Hut ho was also impressed by
the remarkable sweetness of her voice.
"I'll be ashamed If you will not al
low mo to undo this mischief. It
good of you to belittle my awkward
ness, but I've got to do something for
my own sclf-rcspccL"
There was such sincerity In his
tones that sho could not In kindness
disregard them ns ho continued:
"I nm Ralph Woodson. May I not
Save your address, and send you n
iupllcate of this article?"
Again she displayed a feeling of
real embarrassment.
"rienso give it to me," sho insisted,
and hold out her hand for tho pack
igc. Ho could not resist the pleading
In her eyes, and reluctantly gavo it
to her.
With tho article once more In her
grasp, bIio was her graceful self
Jgaln. Evidently wishing to relieve
young Woodson's uneasiness, she said
ifter a moment's hesitation:
"I nm Miss Darragh. I live nt No.
33 Baltimore avenue. If It will innke
you moro comfortable, you may send
mo a piece of braca-brnc. Only, I
must tell you, my tnstes are very
Ralph wanted to prolong the Inter
view, but thero seemed no further
excuse for It.
They moved away In opposite direc
tions. Do, following his habit of
prompt action, went to n noted bric-a-
brac establishment. Tho proprietor
was friendly and loquacious, for the
young man had been n good customer
on ono or two occnslons. Ralph ex
plained something of the plight ho was
In, and Mr. Grimm smiled knowingly.
Ho suspected that tho purchaso would
be directed moro or less by tho heart,
nnd not by tho 4ockctbook. Ho
brought out a little vase which he
carried with moro thnn ordinary care.
"This," he explained, "is a piece of
genuine old Vienna ware. It Is ono
of a very handsome pair of vases. Tho
mate to this pleco disappeared from
our display window yesterday. We've
?ot detectives all over tho city on
the lookout for it."
Ralph liked tho vase, and bought It.
Ho had made up his mind to the
presumption of delivering It In per
Bon. Accordingly, ho left his law of
fice early In the afternoon, and was
coon seated in tho Darragh drawing
room awaiting, with a shade of anxi
ety, Miss Darragh's entrance. He was
conscious In a general way of the
quiet elegance of his surroundings,
but all his active mind was occupied
with tho mere pleasure of being there,
tho pleasure of meeting again the
woman whose personality bad domi
nated the whole day for them.
Tho soft rustle of skirts announced
her coming, nnd Ralph rose to meet
her. Sho was more charming than
he had thought. No woman hnd ever
before seemed to him so gracious and
In accepting tho packago from his
hand, sho revenled a happy anticipa
tion as to tho contents. lie watche'd
her admiringly whllo sho unwrnpped
tho box, and felt secure In tho thought
sho must find his gift faultless. She
lifted the lid with playful eagerness,
but nt sight of tho vaso within, start
ed back in dismay. A low cry escaped
her lips, and sho hastily laid tho box
on a tablo near by lest the vase fall
from her trembling fingers.
Ralph, dtsappolntcd and hurt, led
her to a chair. Miss Darragh looked
up at him tremblingly, and her eyes
pleaded forgiveness.
"I am very sorry, Mr. Woodson.
You will think mo nervous and queer,
I know. Dut I was startled. I'll show
you why."
Sho opened a drawer of tho table
and took from It tho little package
with which Ralph was already famil
iar. He opened it nt her bidding, and
there, in pieces, lay tho exact counter
part of his Vienna vaso.
In n flash ho recalled Mr. Grimm's
tale of tho theft. It was Ralph's turn
to feel dismay.
"Could this beautiful girl be?" He
murdered the suspicion before It was
Turning to her, ho tried to laugh at
tho coincidence, nnd murmured some
thing about his lucky selection.
Mies Darragh, having recovered
her composure, explained to him that
tho broken vbbo had possessed a par
ticular significance for her, that tho
sight of another like it bad naturally
taken her by surprise.
He left tho place admiring Alice
Darragh more thnn ever; but ho wns
altogether mystified. The ugly thought
which for an Instant hnd sprung up
In his mind unbidden, ho hud quickly
Ho made a lato visit to his law of
fice, and tried to settlo down to n
routine of business which should
havo been dlspntched earlier In. tho
day. The toBks kept him busy until
night. In fact, It was ten o'clock be
fore ho left the ofllco frco to sock tlio
rest In his apartments.
As ho entered his sitting room tho
glow from nn open fireplace rendered
It warm nnd inviting. Ho threw him
self In n big armchair and yielded un
resistingly to n sweep ot new emo
tions which tho day hnd brought him.
After n whllo ho drew tho evening pa
per from his pocket nnd begnn to
rend listlessly. Suddenly his cyo was
arrested by a suggestlvo headllno:
"Theft at tho Jcnks Store. Rare
Hrlc-a-Drnc Stolen. Young Woman
Suspect. Reward."
Tho article contained llttlo more
Informetlon thnn tho hendllncs. Ho
hnd scarcely finished reading It when
tho telephone iu his room rang
"Hello," came a woman's voice over
Iho wire. "Ib Mr. Ralph Woodson
there?" "This Is MIsb Darragh. Can
you come to my houso right away? I
regret troubling you so late In Uie
evening, but It is Imperative."
Rulph, surprised nnd n llttlo excited,
wob ready and on his way to answer
tho summons in a very few minutes.
Miss Darragh was In tho hall when
he arrived.
"Mr. Woodsou," sho began, "I nm
about to place a strange confldenco
in you. I have had n very unhnppy
dny, and am compelled to call upon
you for help. Tho vaso that I had
In my hand when we met this morn
ing wns taken by theft from tho Jenks
store. You may havo read nn Item
regarding it in tho paper. Tho llttlo
girl who took It Is a tort of protege
of mine. At least I have been trying
for several years to help her In n
struggle against her environment Sho
loves beautiful things, nnd she wns
trained from her babyhood to stcnl.
but It Is so long now slnco her last
oflenso that I thought she was cured.
It certainly Is discouraging to hnvo
her go back to her old wnys again.
Sho is heart-broken about It herself,
nnd I nm trying onco moro to protect
her and help her townrd a future. A
dctectlvo who hns come to my assist
ance on other occasions wns going to
return the stolen vaso for mo today
and conceal the facts. I was taking
It to him when I met you this morn
ing." Hero Ralph interrupted:
"And my awkwardness spoiled all
your plans. I am sorrier than over.
Hut can't we ?"
"It couldn't bo helped," sho Inter
rupted. "I'm afraid, though, thnt I'll
havo to let tho vaso which you gavo
mo be returned In lieu of tho stolen
one. The dctectlvo thlnkB it's wise,
for suspicion Is beginning to close In
on my llttlo friend. Will you forgive
mo if I do this?"
"Forgive you, Miss Darrngh?" he
exclaimed. "I was going to suggest it
This is tho first happy moment I
havo had today. After tho mcsB I
mado of things this morning. I am tho
luckiest fellow In the world to have
bluundered upon a way to help you."
She held out ber band to him in
gratitude. As ho took It In bis grasp,
the look In bis eyes brought tho quick
blood to her cheeks. In her woman'!
heart she understood and was glad.
Odd Weddings In Wendland.
A village wedding In Wendland it
district In the province of Hanover
is a very plcturesquo affair. Directly
after the marriage has Liken place tho
bridal party dances In tho farmstead
to an old-fnshloned wedding tune
called "Zweltritt nuf dcr Stollo."
Then tho brldo goes Into tho cow
houco and tho bridegroom Into the
Btables, aftor which they mako a tour
around tho cnttlo generally, In order
to bring a bridal blessing on them
selves. Tho brldo then dispenses beor
to nil tho guests standing round, serv
ing it out of a now milk pan. The
costumo of tho men resembles that of
an undertaker, and each of them wears
a big whlto cockade and a white af.
fair almost like a tablecloth Instead ot
a boutonniere.
Recovered Courting Expenses.
A man sued another In tho Liver
pool (Eng.) county court for tho ex
pense of n courtship. They formed tho
acquaintance of two young ladies, and
when tho two couples went out to
gether the plaintiff in the enso paid all
tho expenses for the time being. Tha
defendant married his young lady,
and the plaintiff sued him for 40, his
share of tho courting expenses, and
recovered tho Hamo.
Ever Darn Your Face?
From a "Helps to HousekeoporB"
column: "For tho woman who wishes
to keep her fnco In good condition
thero aro strong metal frames to bo
had which mako tho darning easier."
No, It's no now beauty treatmont; tho
composing room did it with thoir lit
tlo hatchet. It was her "laco" and
not her face that tho woman was to
keep In good condition. Detroit
li k. x S
wonderful man in many ways
lug seems to escape him.
Mrs. Hlggs That'rt so, my dear. Ho
seems to observe everything but Lent. P
"I Buffered with oczemn on my neck
for about six months, beginning by llt
tlo pimples breaking out. 1 kept
scratching till tho blood came. It kept
getting worse. 1 couldn't sleep nlghtn
nny moro. It kept Itching for about a
month, then I wont to n doctor and
got Bomo liquid to take. It seemed
as If 1 waH going to get better. The
itching stopped for about three dnys,
but when it started again, was even
worse than before. Tho oczetnn Itched
so badly I couldn't stand It nny more.
"I went to a doctor nnd ho gavo me
como medicine, but didn't do any good.
Wo havo been having Cutlcura Rem
edies iu tho house, so I decided to try
them. I had been using Cutlcura
Soap, so I got mo n box of Cutlcura
Ointment, and washed off tho nffected
part with Cutlcura Soap throe times a
day. and then put tho Cutlcura Oint
ment on. Tho first day I put It on. It
relieved me of itching ho 1 could sleep
nil that night. It took about a week,
then I could see the scab come off. I
kept tho treatment up for throo weeks,
nnd my eczema was cured.
".My brother got bin face burned
with gun-powder, nnd ho used Cutlcura
Soap and Ointment. Tho people all
thought ho would havo scars, but you
can't sco that ho ever had his face
burned. It was simply awful to look
nt beforo tho Cutlcura Remedies
(Soap nnd Ointment) cured It."
(Signed) Miss Elizabeth Cehrkl. For
rest City, Ark.. Oct. Itl, l!U0. Although
Cutlcura Soap nnd Ointment aro sold
by druggists and dealers everywhere,
a samplo of each, with liL'-pagu book,
will bo mailed freo on application to
"Cutlcura," Dept L, llostou.
Love Matches.
"MIsh Marie Corelll, like all female
novelists, Is a firm believer In marry
ing for love."
Tho speaker, an edllor of a wom
nn's magazine, was tnklng ten at the
Colony club In New York. She con
tinued, a nut sandwich poised near
her mouth:
"I argued and wrangled about love
mntchcB with Miss Corelll ono whole
dny in her old-fashioned Stratford
home, but sho rather got the better
of me, nt tho end with an epigram:
" 'Sho who marries for love MIsb
Corelll said, 'enters heaven with her
eyes shut. She who marries without
love enters hell with them open.' "
Surround tho children with every
possible cheer. . . . Smiles nnd
laughter cost nothing. . . . Let the
children havo music, let them have
pictures, let them havo laughter, lot
them havo a good tlmo; not an idle
time, but ono full of cheerful occupa
tion. Surround them with all the
beautiful things you cnn. Plants
should be given sun and air and tho
blue sky; give them to your boys and
girls. I do not mean for n day or a
month, but for all tho years. We can
not treat a plant tenderly one day
and harshly the next day; they cannot
stand It Luther Uurbank, In "Tho
Training of the Human Plant"
Undo Ezra Then you think the
battle of Wounded Knco wns a great
er event than the reformation?
Undo Eben Ccrtnlnly. I'vo seen
thorn both nnd I'll bet tho "battlo"
took at least a thousand moro feet
of film. Puck.
The Reason.
"You mark nil your compositions
forte," said tho triend.
"Yes," replied tho composer. "They
wouldn't hnvo any vogue among poo
plo who livo In tluts if 1 had them
played softly."
If You Are a Trifle Sensitive
About the Me of your hhocx, you can
wear a size tunallcr by slinking Allen' Foot
Kae, tho nntiK'pttc powder, into them,
lust the tiling for D.iiit'ing i'urticx anil for
Urcaking in New Shucx. Sample Fiee.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Lc Roy, N. Y.
Thero ore two things calculated to
mako a mnn's head swim a merry-go-round
and n merry widow.
LEWIS' Single Hinder straight 5c cigar.
You pay 10c for cigura not to good.
And most of our troubles aro mngnl
fled at short rante.
For Constipation, IIIIIouhii-s. Llvor und
Kidney Trouble, tuku liuUluhl Tci.
An old toper la satisfied If he can
keep his head ahovo water.
Your husband In a
Color more Koodabriplitrrand faster colorstlianunyotliprdye. OnolOc packnee colors a'.l libera, 'ilicvdyclnco'dwnterliettcrthananvotherdyc, Youcaa
jjyeuny K.irmcnt without ripplr. onait. Wnln for iieo booklet How to l)yc. lllcach n:ul Mix Colcro. MUNKOK DRUG COMPANY, QuUcy, III
Daklnn Economy.
Tly ttio linn of jiorfci-t ImkltiR powder
tlio Iinii8tlf(i run derive iih much won
omy nn ft nut nny other article used In
linking nnd cooUlni.-, In neleetliu: n link
Ink' powder, theiefote, eitle nholltd lie ev
civlced to piirrlmse one Hint n-tittnn tin
orlKliint MrriiKlh nnd iihviiy.M remnhiH the
mime, thus uinliliii; the food swiet nnd
whnlftoine nnd ptoducliiK xuflh'lent lenv
elilliK Mux to nnike the linking IIkIiI,
Wrv little of thin leiUenlliK k.'im In pro
duced by the cheap Iwikluu powder, nmk
llllt It liieniviry to live double the ipinti
t It v ordinarily leipiired to Mi-cure i;ood iu
millx. You ciinnot experiment every time you
tiuike u enke or blmMiltH, or teat the
HtreiiRtli of your ImkliiK powder to llnil
out how tiiiieh of It you should line, yet
with moil huklim piiwilet't vou Mhould do
thK for thev me put tOKollier ko enre
h i-sly they me never uulfntiu. the ipinlltv
nnd Ktreimth vntylrS with inch can pur
elinei1. ('iilllinet linking Powder In tiuide of
I'lirnili'lllly pine Ingredient of leited
Httellgth. t:perleiii') d elieluht.i put It III)
The proportions of the dlffertnt uinterlm
trinnlii iiIwiivm the mime denied In air
tight enim Ciluuiet linking Powder doe't
tint niter In strength nml In not nffected
In ntinoHpheile chnugeH.
In lining Calntnet ou lire bound to hnvo
iiulfoiiu bread, cake or blm-iiltH, ns C'ahl
met doeii not contain nnv e'ieap, UNolcm
or adiilletatlm: IngiedlenlH en commnulv
used to InriciiKo the weight Further, It
prodiieen pure, wholesome food und Is n
linking powder of rare merit, therefore Is
recommended by leading physicians and
chcinlMs. It i omnlles wllh all the pure
food laws, both STATU and NATIONAL.
The goodH nre moderate In price, and any
1ml v purchiiHltig t'ahimet from her gro
cer, If not s.itlstled with It can return It
nnd have her money refunded
A huntsman called on I lodge to set
tlo tor damage done by u run to
hounds, and found only .Mrs. Hodge at
"Hns your husband," ha Inquired,
"Hindi' tin examination yet?"
"That ho have, sir," replied Mrs,
Hodge, with a courtesy.
"Itather a cursory examination, I
"Oh, dreadful, sir! Such langwldge
I never heeril never!" And the good
woman held up her lunula nt tho bare
recollection. .luduo.
Gallant Blind Man.
"Ah. ou'r a pretty lady."
"What'ti that? I thought jou were
"In a sense only 1 never koo tho
ugly women." Journal Amusant.
Tho woman who hIiowb h6r teeth
and smiles Is reasonably suro to at
tain her object much quicker than the
ono who shows her teeth and growls.
YmirOriiuKlfct "IU rcliiml money It I'A.l) HINT
MKNI' Tills to eure loir i-nv of Itolilntt. Illlli.t,
U.ertlliiK or rruttuillii I'llc InUtii Wilaia. duv.
What ought not to bo done, do not
even think of doing. Kplctetus.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
This supplies pure blood by aiding digestion, increasing assimilation
and imparting tone to the whole circulatory system. It'.s a heart tonic
and it groat deal moro, having an alterative uction on the liver nnd
kidneys, it helps to eliminate the poisons from the blond.
To enrich the blood and increase the- red blood corpuscles, thereby
feeding tho nerves on rich red blood and doing uway with nervous irri
tability, take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and do not permit
a dishonest dealer to insult your intelligence with the "just as good
kind." The "Discovery" has -If) years of cures behind it and contains
no alcohol or narcotics. Ingredients plainly printed on wrapper.
Dr. Pierce's Common Senso Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of
stamps to pay expense of wrapping and mailing onv. Send 31 one-cent
stamps for the French cloth-bound book. Address: Dr. K. V. fierce, Buffalo, N.Y.
2.25 ?2.50 3.00 3.50 MOO & 5.00
Eive W.L. Douglas shoes a trial. W. L.
louglas name stamped on a shoe guar
antees superior quality and more value
for the money than other makes. His
name and price stamped on the bottom
protects the wearer against high prices
and inferior shoes. Insist upon having
the genuine W. L. Douglas shoes. Take
nO Substitute. irTonrdriilrr'-annottupplrW.l.nonRlna
Ihora, writ W.LDuutfUa, llrni-ktuTi, Mu . fir nualn. Hhoei trnt
tcrjwbere deurcn cliarici prepaid Vvut Color XytlcU tuorf.
in.ftnirearjapJi'jai'-viAiiBV"yifi7i.teiH .
A Perfect Imitation of Oak for Floors
and Interior Finish
Mndo of materials aa durable nairoxi and put up in roUsat
a moderate (met-.
Takes tho plw of unnnltnry cnrpctn maters
housework n pli-nsurn. May l um-U arouud tho
edge of largu ru (aid for uaiimcotiUK.
Durable, Sanitary, Inexpensive
Put up In rolls .'18 inclioi wide sold by t'no yard.
Ask your dealrr for (JaUva.nltn I'looriuijoretnd
for 6.-milf: and Illustrated llooklct.
BUPaul Omahft Cblraco KAssuCIty BU Louis
Tho boat dressing you can find for
of insects, abrasions, etc.
Tho Cnrbollo Acid helps to prevent
"Vnacllno" clcunecs and hoothes.
Kspoclully valuable whero thoro aro
For Balu ovrpy wheru In liuiidy tflais buttle!!.
Our varliiit VaRplIno'1 Drrltnrntlnn. in.lW tin a
ctit'tittmiblionlit b 111 every tmtuu. Wrlto lur Irco
about, luuui. Auuns Depl, I',.
Chesebrough Manufacturing
17 Slate Street (ConioliJatrd)
Facetious Operator.
"I say, mister," said the cadaverous
man, entering the telegraph ofllcc,
"could you trust mo for a telegram I
want to tend my wife? I'll pay you
tomorrow "
"Sorry sir," said the operator, "but
we nre terribly rushed theso days and
thero Ifiii't a tick In tho ofllco that
Isn't working overtime as It Is." Har
per's Weekly.
(lerald What do you think of this
(leraldlno It Is a regular sound ot
A woman thinks a man Is extrava
gant because ho would an soon pay $1
for anything he wants an !)S ccntB.
Pink V.rr" In fCpbleiole In Mm Hprlnif.
Try Murine i:e Itumvdjr lor llt-llnblo Itellffc
Some of tho charity that begins at
homo Isn't up to tho standard.
Build Up
The System
Is the stomach
Arc the bowels
clogged ?
Is the blood
Stomach Bitters
will tone, strengthen and Invig
orate the entire system and
make you well again.
UanAarc ot tlu3 nal,cr during to buy,
lyCaUCl 3 anything advertised in its coI-
umns should insist upon having what the
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 14-1912.
If the blood Is poor und filled with the
poisons from diseased kidneys or inac
tive liver, the heart is not only starved
but poisoned as well. There arc many
conditions duo to impure blood such
asdropsy, fainting spells, nervous debil
ity or the in.uiy scrofulous conditions,
ulcers, "fever sores," white swellings,
etc. All ho overcome and cured by
.rcrwiii in
woundu, bites
Ho suro you j;c
rmnnlrtn inmllrlnn ?fCl.. V1 mh, ttt i"--C
buukluUcllliijf ull 0 i UsurACTUw" ,H
New York
rOl AT.r vrASSMslf
1 iw,,p-:J5sI,