The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 04, 1912, Image 12

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    fft- e rHWr "
Used and praised by the most
competent and careful pas
try cooks the world over
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of
Tartar -made from grapes
Mrs Chus. Palmer will luuvu Satur
day for Akron, Colo., where nIiu will
locate on their homestead.
Turuuru Uros., who recently pur
chased the Moon Mockaro making ex
tension improvements on the same
The up stairs Is being rephistcrcd and
all telephone and eleetrie wiring be
ing concealed from view and will be
decorated to keep in lime with other
improvements to bo made by these en
terprising merchants.
Wolfe . WhltaUer, general black
smiths, now carry a full line of farm
Implements, surreys, buggies, wagons,
gang plows, gas engines, stacker ropes,
all kinds of machinery and heavy
hardware, and all suppliis for same.
Also ail kinds of oil. Licensed Plumb
ers. Calls promptly answored.
This evening at the North Ward
school the juvlnilu protective league
will hold an open meeting for all
citizens and patrons of the school.
The subject under discussion will bo
"Co-operation of Parents and Teach
ers." The speakers for the evening
will be Miss Christian, Miss Anna
Richards, L. II. Hlackledge and .1. S.
tiilliam. Kvery one cordially invited.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M. K.
church will hold their annual Ulster
hanar Saturday. April Oth. They will
have for sale sunbonnels, aprons,
children's clothe, fancy work and
other articles. They will also sorvo
a chicken pie dinner and supper.
Price of meal 'Jo cents The bazaar
will bo held in the room formerly oc
cupied by A 1-2. Atkins furniture store.
A cordial invitation is extended to the
The William MeCabo Georgia Tronb
adours The Muslclal Minstrel Tho
Highest Class Colored Show in Nebr.
Will Appear at the Opera House on
April Gth With an all star, l-'irst
Part And Strong Olio. Of 0 High Class
Acts. They close with a very Pretty
Musiclal Mixup Tho Trip to The Jung
les. Carrying nil their Own Scenery
nnd equipment, includingall proportys
Used in this Production Prices For The
Red Cloud engagement, are '25, 5(5 and
50 cents. Seats now selling at l)r
Cook's drug store.
J. N. Kchard of Inavale, Neb., who
marketed a carload of shortfed stoors
here yesterday, is one feeder who made
money. These steers wore bought here
by Mr. Kohatd last September. They
cost him 5SS5 for the carload. IL, mil
hogs with them while they were being
fed, and ho kept a close account of tho
feed ined. His hog, brouirht down at
the same time with the steers, sold
high, also, bringing $7..'(). The carload
of steers brought fr'.'.OS.'., or just ?J,'jOo
more than they cost. ! m,v, f,.,)
cattle befoie but, I believe that this
was about the best sould I ever got on
a cattle deal," Mr Krhar.i said "The
hogs helped out, and cspi-eiatly when
they brought such a goo I price. 11ml
I marketed the steers and hogs a few
weeks ago I would have just about
come out even. Now I am taking back
home a em lend of .'00 lb sio-K steers,"
Kansas City Dnivcis Telegram, Mar.
"Just to keep tho records straight,
nnd to show some people that it costs '
money to fed eattle and hogs this
year, 1 want to call attention to one or
two thiiiu-s." This is the way C W.
Harvey of Webster county, Neb.,
brought up the subject of eattle feed
ing. "Last year alfalfa at this time
was selling around S7 M)per ton This
year it brings about twice that price,
or about S1A ii ton Now as alfalfa is
a staple feed with us there is ,ui item
to bccarefully considered. Thou when
wo go over to corn, another staple, we
discover n vast dKfcicnco in Hint feed
value. Last year It sold around JOo,
now it is bringing 03c a bushel. In ad
dition to tills grout (liiFereiice in the
feed values, wo had the longest ami
severest whiter evor known, which of
course meant more feed than usual."
Kansas City Drovors Telegram, Maich
23d. '
City Treasurer's Statement
April :, MM 'J.
Honorable Mayor and City Council,
Uod Cloud, Nebaska.
I submit herewith statement of con
dition of your treasury covering the
period from March .1, lillt!, to April
:i, una:
Ocei'iwiinN Fund.
Amt on hand Maich r, l'.M'J...S '2'M nl
Receipts '.mi Ou
Disbursements Ill
Italaneooii hand April :i, 1 1)112.
:ir.7 ii
Amt on hand March 5, 1!)PJ... 210 10
Receipts none
Disbursements 207 Pi
Ualauce ou hand April :i, l'.H2. 'J 7,'t
Waikii Li:vy Fund
Ami on baud March r, IIU'J... til) G7
Receipts lw ()()
l.'.l (17
J .11 (17
U7:i 8
Disbursements none
Italauce ou hand April .'1, KM:.'.
Keg. war. outstanding $127 (!.",
(!i:.i;i(.i. Fi'xn
Amt on hand March , 1'JIO...
Receipts IltlO 00
117.1 81
I OtlO 00
Disbursements ,
IJuli.n.'oon band April It, MM'.'.
Reg. war. outstanding ti(!0 III.
Kl.l'.l'TIIIU LldllT Fl'M)
Amt on huml March 5, 11)12...
IK! til
IH'I (11
i:w no
Disbursements loin o
Italauce ou baud Apt it :i, ISM'J. 710 'J! I
'.m 78
Ki.kctuic Liuiir Lnvv Find
Amt on hand March 5, Ml:.1 .. (in ;i7
Receipts Joo on
iMiti :i7
sou :i7
Disbursements none
lialauce on hand April:), Hut!
Keg. war. outstanding tWl .MI.
Amt on hand M'ch .1,-1'J none
Receipts l.'.O 00
Disbursements none
lialauce on hand April .'l.MUa. . lr.u 0()
Firi:mk.n'h Fi'xi.
Amt on hand March 5, llil'J... no 2()
No receipts no disbursements
Balance on April 3, 1SM2 .10 so
Occupation Fund 357 14
Water Fund 2 73
Water Levy Fund l.rt 117
General Fund 4l.t 84
Fdectric Light Fund 338 78
Klectrio Light Levy Fund .... 2tli) 37
Judgment Fund Mo (M
Firemen's Fund 50 so
Total 2(t:i(l 73
RKOtsrniir,!) WaIIRAXTS Outstaxmno
Wator Levy 127 (!."
K. L. Levy (IS,' .13
(icncral (Hit! K
Total 177(1 .18
H It. Fl.oiiAXfB, Treasurer.
goes in every package
that leaves our store regard
less of price. Satisfaction,
that'i what wo aim for and wo ac
complish it Wo have satisfaction
in knowing that you get tho best when
you trade with us. You have tho
satisfaction of knowing that you
have bought your groceries at the
lowest price consistent with goods
and quality.
B. E. McFarland
Tho snow Is most all gone except a
few buiks,
Omcr Wolfe was hauling his corn to
iimrkol last week.
Al Smith waded the t her and got u
goose last Thursday.
tiny Raines was hauling uoud from
Smith Rros., Monday.
(Ira ml ma Amuck, who has been quite
sick for a week, is some better.
Corn sold for 7.'l cents per bushel at
the (iilinore sale last Woilnes Jay.
Al Smith helped George Coon shell
corn ou Ids .south place on Monday.
Jay Popo is shucking coin this week.
Me is a lucky man to have it to shuck.
Archie Hauls and Tart Sherman
woie bulling liny for (Joy Itarues Tues
About all the fellows in Uarlleld can
do ij to wado in tho mud an I huiil
Ouier Wolfe moved on the other side
of the river Tuesday ou the place he
Clyde llowen has two new colts at
his place. Tlioy aro the Hist ones in
tlie neighborhood and they are dandles.
Frank Amuck and wife returned
from Omaha Friday night where she
went thru with an operation three
weeks ago ami is getting along nicely.
K. :. Uuir has been bailing hay this
Mr. and Mrs, L. (. Smith haven new
son born recently.
Mrs. I). Jones entertained the M. L
K., club recently.
Mrs Malissa Hunt is on the sick list.
She Is visiting her daughter Mrs. W.
S. Lambert at present.
Right weeks more of hchool and tho
thirteen seniors are about tho busiest
people to be found anywhere.
Mrs. Hannah Harbor is very poorly
at present. Her many friends hope
she wi 1 soon regain her health.
Joseph (Reason came in Sunday even
ing from Muiidcn, Kansas to visit his
pureiits J. S. (Reason and wife.
Hastings Milner and wile have been
visiting several days in the country
with their son Harvey Miluoraud wife.
Rudolph Frey one of the directors of
tho State bank here has passed away.
The funeral was held Saturday after
noon. Tho Methodist ladles givo a big Rast
er bazaar and supper Saturday. They
will have several booths of useful and
fancy things. It will be held in the
opera house.
The H. S. Proudllt Lumber Co , Is
putting up a fine ofllco building to re
place the old one. They have been
greatly hindered by tho unfavorable
weather of the last few weeks.
The Rurliugtou lias a force of men
at work at Willow Creek putting in
rip-rap to protect their track. They
are also at work at tho place near
Rostwick where No. It was wrecked.
Miss Florence Sipdresof HastinRs is
visiting friends and relatives in Cowles
for a short time.
Mr. McTagRart and family have
moved into their new residence near
the M. B. church.
Mrs. Faucett was In Ditto Hill Mon
day between trains liavinsomedental
work done.
Karl Paul or Hastings is here visit
inu his father Uncle Thomas Paul for
a short time.
(ieortfe ovciiug tho County Survey
or is in Cowles this week making town
lots out of some of the lllalne land.
Anyone desiring lots can in a short
time be satislled.
II II Thompson lias commenced
work on his sand pit smith of town
lie epeets the tiaek to be labl in a
short time.
The ladles of the M. ! uliurcli held
a baaar and supper at the A (). U W.
hall last Saturday whleh was well ni
ton led and well enjoyed by those who
dl I attend.
('. W. Fuller, who has been quite
sick for a number of day,,!', aide to he
on our streets again
The village, board litis decided to
have a sidewalk laid from The light
I Place to the 11. .v. M , ,t.p,,t, ou the
north side of the stieet.
Orange ami grapefruit groves, truck,
poultry and general farms in best dis
trie's. Agents wanted. Write for
l'KNiii.iuox I.axii Company.
'.Vl'l First Nafj. itank llldg.
Lincoln, Nebr.
Card of Thanks
Wo desire to extend our heartfelt
thanks to tho kind friends and neigh
bors who so juspiiringly offered their
Hervices during tho sickness and deatli
of our beloved and aged father. Also
for the beautiful (lowers. Wo shall
nevor forget their generous ort'ers and
Hout. IlAimis anij. Family.
County Commissioners Meet
Rl:n Cl.Ofn. Nkii., STiurh STth, MIS.
Hoard of County t'oiumNshuicrs met
piiisuant to adjoiiriiiiii ut. Mem' els
ptesent Paul Storey, (i. W. Hummel.
L. F S-li-iildt and T .1 Ch iplln. (J
Ohuisti i!i- Chilli iniiii of aid In. aid I e
iug nhiut.
On motion Paul Storey ini'do
temporary chalnuiiii "f sa'.d bontd.
On motion minutes of pieviou-, meet
ing of said board was rend and nppiov
ed. Moved and neet tided that W. M.
Cooper be and is her by appointed
overseer of road district No. 1.1, C.ilh.
erton preci'icl. Mot Ion cirried.
Moved and s"eonded that lliel'miiity
(Jlerl: write John Ohnistede of (iuide
Iv.ick lor pedigree a- asked by the
County Farm L'oinini ten. Motion
can led.
In the matter of tho Horn! of the
Omaha Structural Steel works. It was
moved and seconded Hint tho bond ol ,
said company bo and is heteby approv- j
ed. Motion carried.
Moved and .seconded that Seth F.
Green bo and is hereby appointed Jus
tlce of the Pence in and for (Renwood
precinct of WcbsterCounty, Nebraska.
On motion Seth F. Hreen's olllcial
bond was approved.
In the matter of W. II. Prathor's
property eironeous assessment, on
personal property. It was moved and
seconded that the County Treasurer be
and is hereby authorized and Instruct
ed to strike the taxes of W. 1). Prnthur
from the tax books for the year MM1
on account of said erroneous assess
ment. Motion carried.
On motion the following claims on
the County Poor farm were audited
and allowed and tho County Clerk
authori.ed and instructed to draw
warrants on said fund in payment of
same. T. J. Chaplin 8i0, J. A. Uiuden
On motion the claim of James Mc
intosh for labor ou bridge wasaudited
and allowed in the sum of SI 'J.I.
In the matter of tho petition of (J.
S. L. Shlrkey Ouardian of the estate
of Anna L. Cliatliuau embicile person,
by K. U. Overman his attorney where
in ho states that she is tho owner of
certain real es'a'e in Webster Cirmtj
Nebiaska, and u-k- the County Ro ml
for their approval of the sale of said
real estate.
On motion tho foregoiug petition
was granted and an order mado approv
ing same.
In the matter of Miles Doyle's re
quest for refund on tuxes paid under
protect. Ou motion said request was
rejected. Motion carried.
On motion Roaid adjourned toi March
JOtb., 1012.
March 20th. Doard mot all member.
present with H. Ohinstede in chair.
Moved and seconded that the County
Board pay not to exceed !50 per thous
and for bridge lumber and not to ex
eeed 2.1 cents per foot for 8 inch piling
any length from 10 to 20 feet, during
tho year 1012. Motion carried
On motion board adjourned to April
23, 1912. B. W. Ross, County Clerk.
Band Programme
Evenlnft f April 12th, at the Red Cloud
Opera House
March "(iood fellowship
Medley Overture.... Hits of Hctnicks
Hits No. 3
Love Thoughts Waltz
Tangle-foot ltag
Trombone Solo "The Witch"
March. . . . "Comlque" Zip Blng
Alto Trio Disians
March "Chicago Tribune" . . .
Medley Overture. ..Kemicks Hits No. 8
Cornet Solo. . . ."Columbia Fantasia". .
'A Vision of Salome"
Descriptive Fantnsic
Vocal Solo Miss Alpha Longtin
Medley Ovorturo . . . Ilavelands llappv
Hits No. 1
Ilaritotie Solo Selected
Star Spangle Banner
No Cause To Doubt
A Statement of Facts Backed by n
Strong r.iurantiit:
V LMiariiiitee Immi'diate and po-l
live relief to all sufferer from full t.
pat ion. In every ease where our
remedy falls to do this we will return
the in mey paid us for il. That's a
frank statement of faetN and we want
you to Mib-liintlate them at our rUk.
U".all Oiiiorlles are eaten just like
candy, aie particularly prompt it d
agiociiblc in action, in.y lit Mien nt
any time, day or night; do not eaiice
diarrhoea, nausea, griping, -slvi
I'in-eiii's-. or other uiidesirabi etfects
They have a veiy mild but positive
action ufiou the organs with which
they come in contact, apptueiitly act
ing as a regulative tonic upon tlu ie
laxed uiUNCiilar coat of the bowel, thus
oVeicouiing weakness, and aidhn; lo
restore the bowels lo more vigorous
and healthy activity.
Uexall Orderlies are unsurpassable
and Ideal for the use of cliildieu, old
folks and delicate persons. Wecaniiot
too highly recoin mend them to all auf
fere is from any form of constipation
and its attendant evils. That's why
we bock our faith -in them witli our
promise of nioiiev back if they do not
give entile satisfaction. Three sizes:
l!i t'iblets In o'uils, 'M tablets .' cents
and 80 tablets fit) cents. Hemeiuber,
you can obtain Uexall Remedies in
Red Oloud onlv at our store, The
Kexall Store. The II. K (Irlce Drug
White jk , Satin-
Euck iPlfMiiX Gun
Velvet ' JTAfc Metal
i Also Tans in Duller. Shoes nnd Oxfords. CJ All kinds
nnd al all prices. ( All h-jw stock in a new store. If No left
over shoes to select from. .....
NowhouBC uuHdin BAILEY &
- - "The East Side
Suppose You Should Burn Out To-Night!
Arc You Insured Against Loss?
We represent four of the Largest American Insurance
Companies whose assets aggregate over $75,000,000.00.
Office now in Opera House Block, Red Cloud, Nebraska.
and every thing to be found in a first
class exclusive Harness Shop. : :
are unequaled for Quality of Stock,
Durability and Workmanship for
the money.
Political Advertisement
Vote for W. A Prince,
Kepublican Candidate
I;or Conres.
Primaries April 19, 1912
aLasWSBBPffi&ssLWGBLm !
WJ3Fvfc& fi'iJ:'xfj9ssssm
aaam l:mlf3ELwsmmmmm
Breeders Attention
I wld keep my Stallion and .lacks
during the season of i'.U'J at the Old
Day Uiirii. South Klin Street, wlit-re I
shall bo pleased to have both my new
and old customers call and ie me.
H. A. Johnson
Phone Ixi. '2rl
Chief 4ds Bring Results
BAILEY Rutl cloud' Ncbr-
Shoe Store." - -
Robes, Sad- Vj
dies, Whips
Why Not Build
A Home This Year
. . .
gj Come in and let's figure
it out together.
"There's No Place Like Home."
Conftreftatlonal Church Nat Ice.
Easter will be observe 1 Sunday
morning with a special Easter sermon
nnd special music and tho clmreli will
be decorated with flowers. Subject of
sermon, "The Immortal." Sundav
School at 10. The evening service
will begin at 8 Tho pastor will preocli
the second sermon on the hook of
Job Special subject, "Tho A nswur of
I.O.1 .1 o Job's Question: Why Do the
Righteous Suffer'.- Mid week service
" Ihuisday instead of Wednesday,
lids is tho quarterly meeting of the
church tor the giving of roports f
theolllceisof the church. The dls
ti'iut association will U ,,e reported!
This is an important meeting, Hl ov
peeled and all interested Invited Tho
Brotherhood meets Tuesday' nt a
"'"lock. Jo,,n ., Uavn J,Ilsnt0r
and let 1912 mark the j
beginning of yourfortune
and a new life? Nothing
on earth gives a family
standing in a community
like the ownership of a
nice, comfortable home.
The spring is a good time
to perfect all the little
details aud we've a good,
big office and lots of time
at your disposal to help
you select a suitable plan
and talk over the kind of
lumber you will need.
. .
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