h flOW THE SAFE LAXATIVE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE r RattHraratii V r . It I, '. I 1 1 ' ,itt K . 7 -'&$ . fcLaJlW"!Li mm vfj I EASTD5 w .c -.8 ,W T ivcf r" N i ? toj ' M j2-exjr&?A?y- dsrta z&r. sMtPtZTtoSA 2SK&mV& (WSiPGY GrjXMZZ? ASTKll Is a decidedly im portant uccnalun hi offi claldotn nt our imtlonnl capital monnlng by offi claldotn tluit mora or lens charmed circle made up of all officials, from the President down, together with the members of their families and Includ ing, of course, tho foreign dignitaries who reside at our seat of government aB Uncle Sam's ofllclal guests. It Is not only Kaster Sunday that Is an event in the calendar of officialdom, but likewise Kaster Mon day (which Is a great day In Wash ington) and the wholo Kaster week. However, this whole Interval may, in effect, be considered as Kaster. From tho standpoint of officialdom the first significance of Kaster is tho religious one. For, bo It known, mos:. of our officials that is, our national officials nro very conscientious church goers, Whether they aie offi cials because they are church goers, or wheth er they are church goers because they aro Federal officials may be a mooted question, but tho fact remains that the average public servant during his Incumbency of office in the i'lty on the Potomac is faithful In attend ance at divine worship. And even the excep tions who aro "backsliders" at other seasons of tho year strain a point to be "among thoso present" on tho Joyous Kaster morn. The second significance of Kaster In official dom Is as a day of family reunions, second only to Christmas In the cngerness with which It Is anticipated. Tho opportunity for such reunions arises from tho fact that a large pro portion of tho children of our public men at tend public or private schools elsewhere than In Washington, even though their parents may maintain a home at the capital. Sometimes it Is a matter of sentiment that makes an official desirous of having his children educated in his old homo town, and In the case of tho young men and young women there are tho college magnets Vnssar and Wellesloy nnd tho rest for the girls, and Yale, Harvard, Cor nell and others for tho boys. It thus happens that there Is n small nrmy of sons and daughters to como homo to the habitations of officialdom for tho "Kaster vaca- j tlon," and usually they bring with them as many school chums as parents can nrrango to entertain, for Washington at Knster is proverbially one of the most fascinating places In America and offors no end of opportunities for good times for young people. During tho Taft administration the Whlto House has taken espe cial cognlznnco of this Kaster homecoming cus tom, for tho Junior Tafts have been among thoso exiles who have made tho Easter pilgrimage, bringing with them school friends. Accordingly Mrs. Taft has always made It a point to arrange a round of social festivities, Including an Kaster week danco for not only the "house party" nt tho Presidential Mansion, but the wholo body of Eas ter reunloncrs in officialdom. A third significance that attaches to Kaster In officialdom Is Its function ns tho Innugural of tho spring social Mason. In tho old days "tho sea eon" In Washington mennt from tho first day of January to tho beginning of Lent. Then as Undo Snm became more of a world power and his capital reflected his now Importance there wn3 added each year tho "little season" which ex tended from tho convening of Congress In Decem ber until tho New Yenr Latterly thoro has been yet nnother development and wo havo tho spring Reason (In many respects tho most enjoyable of all) which opens on Kaster and extends until wnrm weather sets In. During Lent, poclnl activ ity is virtually suspended, for even tho hostesses who nro not so devout ns to have heed for the religious significance of tho forty dnys welcome tho Interval ns a "rest period." Easter, therefore finds tho leaders of officialdom restored in spirit and ready for a new round of activity. Hut, as has beon said, on Kaster morning all officialdom goes to church and for tho going finds plenty of spectators, Inasmuch as Washington Is always thronged with tourlstB at Kaster, and such of them nB aro disappointed In the effort to gain admission to the crowded churches throng tho approaches to view tho passing show. The larg est throngs aro usually to bo found In tho neigh borhood of tho Unitarian church, of which Presi dent Taft In a mombcr, although In simple truth It must be admitted that President Taft is tho only attraction hero, for not many other public men of prominence happen to worship at tho same church as tho President. Hut It Is tho President that tho Easter throng wnnts to see and they block the sidewalks about tho church until after his big motor car has whirled up to tho curb and tho President has disappeared Into the church. After tho servlco there Is somewhat of a repetition of the Bcene, but the crowd is not so largo, becntJBO It is otlquotto for tho President to bo allowed to mako his exit ere tho rest of tho congregation leave their seats and ho Is well on his way to tho Whlto House ero most of tho peo ple omergo from tho church. Many spectators who aro more Interested In observing how officials as a class observe Easter than thoy are in tho personality of tho President U Jli .y flOL :v LOST Lip BLUE MARGARET POLAND SWEPT FROM A DRIDGE. NEWS FROM OVtH THE STATE What is Going on Mere and There That Is of Interest to tho Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. t5I rt && v:. LS- M V "j & w &' ? wxm$ ,t&cwr fizv JiT.'Arracw u.iu -wj , rtf&ArsA'! rv v.wcs ayj;wzx- sniper at at John's, members of tho President's cabinet, Admiral Dewey and a host o' otlii ,- celebrities. Another excellent vantage point from which to sco bow officialdom ob 1 serves Kaster U in the vicinity of tho Church of the Covenant on fashion able Connecticut avenue the main artery of the Kaster parade at tho capital. The Church oT the Covenant, which Is tendered conspicuous by Its massive and lofty tower, Is tho church homo of Vice-President Sherman and bis family, but many of their fellow members aro almost as prominent in the affairs of tho nation as is the pre siding officer of tho United States Senate. A short distance away Is St. Matthew's Roman Catholic church, which Is the great rendezvous of tho diplomats on Kaster morning, for, bo it known, most of tho members of out official "foreign colony" particularly those from southern Kuropo and tho South and Central American coun- Sineklinin Margaret Poland of El dorado, twenty years old, was drowned In the I'tue thcr near here, when the buggy in which she was riding, to gether with the lean?", was swept off a bridge by the high water and carried down stream. The body has not been leeowied. To De Finest In the West. Hastings -Tho new Catholic church uf Hustings promises to bo one of tint most beaulllul In the west, according to the plans shown by architects and furnishers who huo contracted for tho various paits of the edifice. One of the te.ituies In the furnishings ot the church will bo the altars, for which leading altar companies from all parts or the I'nltcd States competed. ,M r k&j rj A nflMillilii iimma n i ; :tt- r: ""?"?; f-ili&StS-M-KW in &m .x&?y& ri. . fti3S .fiVSS ' tK5oS !rci5e?a ' .k -:xw t $J&3?MZ2&Kr 37dr sZPJ!&V &?tWG- &&&?- m. Forty Pupils Suspended. Ileatrlce l'otty members of tho Bonlnr class of the Heatrlee high school were suspended for ten days because of their having observed "sneak day" on Tuesday of last week In order to be reinstated the pupils must uppl. to the superintendent and principal, must tako examinations on the lessons missed during the ten days and must take all future examinations offered. Mont elderly people aro moro or Ioh.i troubled with a clnoulc, per sistent constipation, due largely to lack or sufficient exercise. Thoy ex perience difficulty In digesting even light food, with a consequent belching or siomnch gases, diowslucss after eating, headache and a feeling of lassl tudo ami general dlscomfoit. Doctors advise against cathartics and violent pm gat I vox of eveiy kind, tec ommciidltig n mild, getitlo laxutlvti Ionic, like Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, to effect icllcf without disturbing tho entire system. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is tho perfect laxative, easy in action, cop tain In effect and, withal, pleasant to tho taste. It possesses Ionic proper ties that i.trenglhcii the stomach, liver and bowels and Is a. temedy that has been for jcuni the great standby In thousands of families, and should bo In every family medicine chest. It la equally nt valuable for children ns for older people. Druggists everywhere noil Dr. CaM well'u Syrup Pepsin In 00c nnd $1.00 bottles. If you havo never tried It send your nnme and address to Dr. W. II, Caldwell, 201 Washington St.. Mon tlcello, 111., nnd ho will bo very glad to sand a sample bottle for trial. It's difficult to discover a girl who can't slug. New High School Building. Chadron ( hadron's new west high school building has been tinned oer to the school board for occupancy, and "00 pupils are made happy lu modern quarters. V'nr ronttp.itlmi use ft nntiirnt remedy, (lurilcld 'I hi In coaiiMwil of ciircfully Kch'cU t'd herbs only. Al nil iIiucMoiyh. Many a man with one foot In tha grave does enough kicking with tha other to make up for It. VII.KM ritUKI IN ll TO II I)AVH1KTO :.;...., Vill V..r,in.l i, ,.,,.. If PASO HINT. Ml-.N'I" hil In cum nny. rw "f luihlnii, llllud. Ulwluiit nr l'i m will mii ii....,,- .. . ..-w -- i lii euro nny '' t Itolilnii, Win rriuriniliiK I l'i' IMluiltUafs. Wo. Political economy mny bo all right, but political liberty counts for more nbout election tlmo. mm 0BH &tf .VS'J -;" Madison Jacob Halm, residing sis miles west of Madison, svas kicked h) a horse and instantly killed, Friday morning, lie was struck In the chest Just over tho heart with such force that his body was hurled against tho barn door, breaking It from Its hinges. Mr. Halm was sixty-eight years of age and Ionics a wife and three sons to mourn his sudden departure. NEWS FROM THE STATE HOUSE Dr. Pierce's Pleiianl Pellets regulalfl nnd invigorate Htnin.icli, liver nnd IxweU. PiilMi'-cn.itcd, tiny gr.iiiulvd. Easy to tako us candy. with Ought to De All Right. Mr. Paeon Something wrong this hash this morning, dear." Mrs. llacon Why? "I don't know. It needs something." "I can't think what It can bo. 1 put In everything I could find." & ;ii ir- tVi te:m ffif &v in ac 'W&ss.i .i30i take as their objective old St. John's church op posite the Whlto House. This century-old church is commonly known ns the "Court church" or "Church of tl c Presidents," und It merits the tltlo for, though 1 esldent Taft is not a member, ho occasionally worships thoro with his wife, as did every Presldi nt from Madison to Lincoln. It Is almost useless for strangers to hope to pain ad mission to St John's on Kaster for the church Is n tiny one nr.d so Inadequate, Indeed, for tho ac commodation of those who are ambitious to be long, that the pews when transferred are put up at auction and bring n premium of thousands of dollars ench. However, the congregation on tho outside can watch the arrival of Mrs. Taft and her daughter, who aro members of tho church and who, If tho day bo fine, may walk across the park from the White House with their Kaster guests. And tho onlookers can also sec, among the wor- Easter in Jerusalem Tho Immense thtong of pilgrims of every hue who crowd tho Church of the Holy Sepulchre In Holy Week nnd who wnnder amid the sacred places throughout March and Apt 11 Is a spcctnclo unioiio of its kind nnd to be compared only with the Voslcni pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina that aro beyond reach of the ordinary tourist. Hero falr-bcarcd Russians from Moscow herd with yel low Copts from the Nllo valley nnd pule' Rouman ians mluglo on tho banks of Jordan with bushy headed Abyssinian blacks. From the moment tho visitor lnnds at Jaffa, whore tho only convenient hotels nro kept by Ger mans and situated in the German colony, ho Is made to realize tho weight of German Influence In Palestine. It dates, In fact, from tho visit of the Gorman emperor, for whom, lest ho Bhould fulfill nn old prophecy, a special gate was built Into the Holy City. The tradition was that any ruling monarch who should enter Jerusnlem by ono of the ordinary gates on horseback would stay as Its Icing. A month In the Holy Land, with Holy week In Jerusalem, offers no difficulty. On landing at Jaffa, wither ho is carried In u night from Alexan dria or Port Said, he mny proceed by next morn ing's train to Jerusalem. It Is not an attractive Journey, but It lasts only three or four hours and runs through the stony vale in which Dnvld slew Goliath. In tho Golden City itself, where tho Church of tho Holy Sepulchre Is the center of at traction, everything lies within ensy reach of tho hotels; tho street of David, with Mount Zlon; tho Garden of GctUBemnne, tho walling place of the Jews beside tho walls nnd the Mosqub of Omar, tho last a majestic inosquo, held of great sanctity throughout Islam, patterned with a splendor of ff&JW&v&raAr c&?&z?A J&c&j&ffs&p tries ore adherents of tho Cnthollc faith. Officialdom does not chango Its regular routlno on Knster, and consequently has Kaster dlnnor In tho evening Instead of at noon, ns do so mnny folks in other American communities. Tho nfter noon Is devoted to calling and to driving or motor ing always a great afternoon diversion In Wash ington. Some of tho foreigners nnd other cos mopolitan hostesses in Washington havo of lato years manifested nn inclination to devote nil Sun day afternoons nnd evenings and Knster In par ticular to regulation social functions such as teas, receptions, etc. However, tho moro devout church members In official circles, headed by Mrs. Taft, have sot their faces resolutely against this attempt to introduce at Washington anything snvorlng of tho "Continental Sunday." Evening church services on Easter at the car Hal are aB well attended ns aro the corresponding services In other cities, but ono sees compara tively few prominent officials nt such evening serv ices. Whether It Is that they feel that their devo tions of tho morning should suffice, or that tho late dinner hour 7:30 o'clock at tho Whlto Houbo and in most fnshfonnblo official homes Interferes, It Is difficult to say. Or, perhaps It may bo that officialdom considers thnt It had best early to bed In preparation for tho strenuous program of Easter Monday which Is n not less btiBy day for tho grown-ups of officialdom than for tho thou sands of excited children who roll eggs in tho President's big back yard. mosaic and occupying tho slto of Solotun's tem ple. There nre two horseback or carriago exclusions to be inndo from Jerusalem, tho ono to Ilothlehem, tho other embrnclng tho Jordnn, Jericho and tho Dead Sea. Tho first of these, which tnkes only an afternoon, lies along a well-laid rond past tho fields associated with the story of Ruth. Tho Church of tho Nativity, which has a very humbln exterior and is entered by a low doorway thnt must often have saved It from the attack of fanntlcnl Mohammedans, Is built over tho grotto In which Jesus wan horn, nnd at Eastortido it Is ns crowded as that of tho Sepulchto, with tho samo curious nnd somewhnt distressing conflicts bo tween Greeks, Armenians and half a dozen other sects, only kept in ordor by stolid Turkish guards. The excursion to the Dend Sea occupies threo days out and hack and may bo dono on horseback or, moro expensively and less .comfortably, in a cab. As for Jericho, tho asclent city of tiJat name Is still tho heap of ruins that Joshua left It, though a German archaelogolcal society is bringing Its hid den treasures to light, and tho modern town or Jericho Is merely a gingerbread littlo tourist ro sort a mllo from tho oldor slto and of no intorcst whatever. From tho London Outlook. Choosing the Lesser. "Hero comeB a militant suffragette. Shall wa stop and throw down tho gago of battle?" "An thou lovest me, lead mo to a buzz saw." Charles W. Pool has wlthdmwc from the primary ballot ns a demo cratle candidate for governor. Mrs. Samuel M. Mellck. wife of th newly appointed warden at tho peni tentiary, will probably bo appointed matron. Adjutant General Phelps of tho Ne braska national guard was so over come when the excitement Incident to the tragic turmoil at the state peni tentiary broke out that he ruptured a blood vessel In his head. "From all the facts that havo been adduced," said Governor Aldtich," in speaking on tho subject, "purporting to show that administration bus been lax at the state penitentiary, I urn not convinced that such Is the case." Governor Aldrlch has announced that ho will recommend to the next legislature a liberal appropriation for Mrs. Roy Hlunt, tho widow of tho young farmer who was killed by a posse In pursuit of tho three escaped convicts. Tho state railway commission lias issued an order requiring tho North western Railroad company to erect a depot and maintain an agent at tho station of Waysldo on or before July I of this year. The station Is near the South Dakota Hue, sovonteou miles from Chadron, The commission form of city govern ment will bo submitted to tho Lincoln voters April 19, tho date of tho state primary election. Upon the filing of n monster petition containing L',:!U names with tho city clerk, Mayoi Armstrong Issued a proclamation call ing for a special election on this date President Hayes of Peru normal hug been elected a member of the natlona' council of agricultural education tc represent Nebraska. Tho council h composed of ono rcpresentatle front each state, and will consider wagcf anil means for bringing this great In dustry Into closer relations with the schools. Commandant H. E. Yates and rogl mental officers of the cadet battallor are making tentative plans for a ca dot encampment nbout tho middle ol May. A present valuation of ?IOI,000,OOC hits been placed upon tho property ol tho Hurllngton railroads In Nebraska by tho state railway commission'! physical valuation bureau. Tho de partment estimates that It would cosl tlUS.OOO.OOO to roplaco tho property now. The less amount was arrived at by estimating depreciation. Tho caso of Miss Mayor, who sued Nebraska City for $11,000 for Injuries received In a fall on an Icy walk, has been settled out of court. Only about fifty towns In the state aro taking advantage of tho amend ment to tho Slocumb law, passed last wintor, providing for tho submission of the llccnso question separately and distinctly from tho election of city officials, according to Superintendent H. F. Carson of tho Stato Anti-Saloon league Tho annual election In prac tically every city of the state except April 2. Instead of liquid antiseptics, tablets nnd peroxide, tor toilet und medicinal uses, many people prefer Paxtlno, which Is cheaper and better. At drug gists, Mc u box or sent postpaid on ro celpt of price by Tho Paxtou. Toilet Co., Uoston, Mass. Same Old Story. Sbo How did they ever como to marry? He Oh, It's the same old Btory.i Started out to bo good friends, you know, and later ou changed their' minds. Puck. Financial Cripples. They were taking tho visitor from upstate around Manhattan, showing him the sights. Tho big automobile rolled past mnny wonderful buildings, ( nil of which tho host pointed out with somo feelings of civic pride. At lasti they chanced to pass by the Municipal! Lodging house. "Whnt's that placo?" asked tho rural visitor. "Oh, that's ono of New York's homes for cripples," was tho reply. "What kind of cripples?" was nsked. "Financial," was tho reply, as tha car sped on. New York Herald. In a Bad Way. Stranger (in train) A mnn In your business can't get homo very often, It presume? Commercial Home? I should say not. Why, sir, 1 got home so seldom; that I can't remember half the tlmo where I live. Havo to telegraph to the firm to send me my address! Strnngcr You don't say so! Commercial That's true. Why, one time I was away so long that 1 forgot I'd over been married and I took In a strange town that I eloped with her. Stranger My! .My! Commercial Yes, it would have been a terrlblo thing; but when I call ed on the firm during my honeymoon nnd introduced her tho old man told mo sbo was my wifo before London Tit-Hits. NO WORDS WASTED Swift Transformation Briefly scribed. D About food, tho following brief but emphatic lottor from a Georgia worn nn goes straight to tho point and Is convincing. "My frequent attacks of indigestion and palpitation of tho heart cuN mlnated In a sudden and desporato Ill ness, from which I arose enfeebled in mind and body. Tho doctor advised mo to live on cereals, but none ot thorn agreed with me until I tried Grape-Nuts food and Postum. "Tho more I used of them tho mora I felt convlncod that they wore Just what I needed, and in a short tlmo thoy mado a different woman of me. My stomach and heart troubles dlsafH pearcd us if by magic, and my mind was restored and is as clear as It ever was. "I gained flesh and strength so rap Idly that my friends wore astonished. I'ostum nnd Grape-Nuts have benefited me so groatly that I am glad to bear this testimony." Namo given by, Postum Co., Uattlo Creek, Mich. "There's a reason," and It Is explained In tho littlo book, "The Road to Well vllle," In Pkgs. Kvcr rend thr above letter? A aew one nppenra from time to time. Tbty nre Bt-nuinc, true, una lull ai Interest. n iTj'frrnfnxtrjrf iy..i. m t: ;y:ym ; a m-MSw