The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 28, 1912, Image 7

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GrcateslGoail to Greatest Num
ber, Willi Least Possible
injury to Anyone."
' ' la do ' .: :;'!.: M;:l ; in-
i I mot, mill i.i ii in-il-
v .t i ;i nat titclit ti It'll I in.ltlc
I!. ' '.!. I I ...I .1 ' .i i IKK ri.uo
...! l i i ii.ti il S'.'.ti .- -ii.iU.r. i
J li
a. '
cl. "
i i1 iiin hi-lo.Mlli ,i liiii tli ( i,ii allctl
I I til' I 1 it'll 1 I. .Il-t ll.'lll'll'.lll' III lilt'
i '... ii! the i..:.'. .n.d Ii'..-, wiiitli is u
tn 1 1 :
on'iit' t pi'" I to t!io greatest
. t, w 1 1 ' i !! ! ..-i ioslhlv Injury
tl) ll.J'.J.e, CI V. Il'lh tl.c In'.Iowlllg i n
; art
i I.',.;
Mil- 1 1 :iJ 1 1'iitiumy; 1U( r
1. 1 ft i I i isliti-: Iuwh; lower
t!i ti'iln t i .i t iiiic bii.sin; rotiRtmc
Hi. ii -ii.d ttiii'i'i'.cn-i ut of hUUiwnyit and
p'lMl' pope: t. tlilOIIRllOllt the Btntcn,
sit n.'Miiiui xjicnfc, durum periods of
tii i in i-s -Ii t rci-Hlnti, thul there tnuy h;
I nlili. i iMjdiijHctit lor tho utii'tn
Pi' i I, Ii i nv, toning no oho to lower
'.I- tiiiiniKiod li hoggins,
din ;v, in rcsortlnj? to erluio, ntid, up
"i l'liil Of Rctioral litlflllel's outer
I r . ( iiifilflytwM again; Initiative
1. 1 ! p I'Mctidum; fair and Juit pen
i : ti- these who nerved our country
In t ii,i ut peril; make a member of
t" i itlvav (otnmitsii.n of each Ftnto,
( r" :i member of the Interslic
r.riu 'v i o':ini,--ii':i t toprc?ctit the
st. it.- aff'ited wlim ratio nro to b
rli,ir--(l in iiuv manner, tlint we may
Ii'im- one tate lt-,.-ti ad of forty-nlno mt
w now have, enlarging tlie powers
and diitii--.- of ih!i commission. And,
:u i.n k Ttnna
(I)ii.i'v iitii- ('..ii'li late tur I'ntu!
Sens t'i iiator )
that we may i;o furthor than the phy&
leal valt'&tion ol coinmon i-nrrlors, wo
should require the commercial valua
' Hon of all common tarrlcr? The law
) relating to lohates should he kii mod
iflcd as to releas" the Innocent public
who, at present arc legally charged
with knowledge of rates which, on ac
count of their multiplicity, it Is lm
possible for them to Know. It is bet
i tor that tho railway be forced to liwe
whero they have made undercharges
Vj freight or passenger rates than tc
srtbject the innocent public to higher
rates or criminal prosecutions, as Is
tho case under the present law. Con
scrvntlon 01 an national ruHourcua-,
election of United States senators by
direct vote of tho people; International
arbitration as well as between labor
nnd capital; such remedial trust legis
lation as will best relieve the pti'-.J!"
iftom unjust exactions, nnd so
and clear that honest business effort?
may not bo thwarted through a ml
conception of tho law. The rights -f
the state should be carefully guarded
. nnd in no manner surrendered in viola
tlun or the federal constitution nnd its
inendments. Tho national Incorpora
tion act, as proposed, would soon be
come a serious mennco to tho general
welfare of tho people and tho rights"
of tho states, Is an undemocratic
measure and should bo defeated. The
Aldrlch currency bill Is equally throat
cnlng, injurious nl unjust nnd should
never bo permitted to become a law.
1 Each proposed mcasuro should be
considered fairly and Justly with a
view ol" Improvement upon the struc
ture of our laws nnd in the ndmlnUtra
''-" if justice, and it should malte no
.uffmenon from what source or party
lho measure Is advanced, if it is a
I, .1. ,...1.1 I... ii ii hum I toil tf tmil
". gOOU OIK' u milium u- nu.
It should be rejected.
If nominated and elected I shall do
nil In niv power to carry out the fore
Bolng platform. WILMS 13. KEEP.
Willis E. Itoed of Madison Is nn
nhlo and forcible debater and n clean
nontlomnn. Kearney Democrat.
Hurt County Herald: "Willis E.
need Is one of the brainy men of No
braslta and one of Its ablest attor
neys." Willis E. Ueed Is a lawyer of splen
did ability, an enthusiast le Democrat of
the progressive school nnd 11 ood
cnnipalsner Maupln Weekly.
Coming To
.sm ,ii d Duel 'Is, Spi i ial'sts
II I! U l!u
outlay, April 8th
Hours 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. '
liitliai K.ilili Suiec-of I ti' -i I'.ili ll' i1 .
l'll -.; I Ii - ill tlr Ii, .it moit
nf C t . t ll If lis. --I s
Tlie Ax-ni'i.i'i'l I ii.'-im. iiiliNeil li
j tin- state nf Ni'l'iaskii I'M- the tri"it.
I lllftll uf ili-f.i lllillrs iil.ll nil lu-rvotl.H
I Hllll I'lltlllllO llitl'ilsl'i l'f tlll'll. WlllllOll
llllil i-lltlillrli. I'll'i-t'l 'ill u lie t ill nil
this trip, i-'iie-iiU'itlnn, ex unlniit .mi
ulvlee f ititUtu' no cliaiue wliiit
e or. oNot-pt t lie t'Dsl of liil'ilicllie. .Ml
that IsnsUftl iti rottirn for these vuln-abh-
M'fvioi s Is . tlmt every pctMni
treiitoil will Mlato the roMtilt olifalneil
to tlicir tiioiiiN iiutl thus prove to the
iel anil Htllioled In every city ntnl
locality, that at lt t reiitnientN h ive
been ilisonvcreil tlint are i eas'inal'lv
Mtto nml eertaiti in I heir i Hi ct.
TIicm' iloetiH-MiroeiniM'lorcil liy iiiiiny
loriner p-itieii anions Amerii-aV leml-
Itij; Ntninaeh ami nerve pei-ialits ninl
areexieiv in t be treatmelit nf i-hruliii'
diseases ami mi great nml wiuulei-fiil
have boon their results t hat ill many
csim-s it is haul illdeeil lollml the iliviu
iim line between skill ami nilniele.
Diseases nf the .stnmaeli. intestines
liver, lilooil, skin, ui-anuluti'il eyelids,
nerves, heart, spleen, kidneys or Mad
der, rlieuiiiatisin, dropsy, soiatioa. dm
lietes, lied-wetliii. Ii .' ulcers, weak
luns ami tltnso aillicteil with Inog
st ami in jr. deep-seat eil.ehronie diseases,
that have (milled theskill nf the fatni! y
physluiiin. should not fail tn call.
Aeciinliiif.' to their system no mure
operations for appendicitis, gull stones,
tumors, goiter or certain I'm ms of eim.
ecr. They were ainoiiu' the Hist in
Ainerici tn turn the name of the
Bloodless Siwjreoiis", by doing away
v. ith knife, with tilnnil ami with all
pain in the successful treatment nt
these dangerous diseases.
If ymi have kidney or Madder
Iroiihles liring u two-ounce bottle ol
your urine for eheinieal analysis and
microscopic cxaminnl Ion.
Denftu-ss often lias been cured in
sixty days.
Nn matter what your ailment may
be. no matter what others mav have
told you. no matter vn hut experience
you may have had with other physic
mils, it will be to vniir advatit ige to
see them at once. Have it forseer set
tled in your miiiil. II your case is in
oiiraldo they will give you such iulvic
as may relieve uuil stay the disease.
Do not. ut oil' this duty you owe your
self or friend or relatives who are
.sniveling because of your sickness, as
a visit this time costs you nothing.
Keiiicmber. this free oiler is for one
day only.
Married ladies must come with tho;r
husbands and minors with their par
ents. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS
Red Cloud a a a a Nebraska
IM-T" -", ,t ..-- ,M
cannot save you entirely from loss
if a (ire breaks out at your place.
Even if he saves the house from
destruction, he cannot save it
from all damage.
Fire Insurance Protects
yon from all loss whether It he
total or partial Have us- issue
you u policy today Kven a very
little ll ro would est ymi more
than many years pn iniiims
Reliable Insurance.
Politica' Adverliseir.ent
4 mlm
m mm
' k va"!
A jfc; Sim
.9 ' A'rrarflHySl
V... I -i A. i . .
K',illil)'V'.ill t .' . I H i.llC
I' III C llBi i s
I'litiKini" ,'i I- t. j
l)i':ii'(-i ,il ie I'liiullilai t'l- Nnmiiiatiiiii
Km- (Siiverunr "f Xeln'aska
l'rimaries April r.i. inc.'
flrf ' , J
WL--, r?W-"'&
mi r ' -r ' !..
A. I.'.. r.icnr.icsEY,
C.indldcte fcr the Democratic Noml
natlcn for Attorney General, at the
Primaries April 19th, 1912.
From the tiring of 1S0S to the fall
of Hill, Mr .Morrlsscy was engaged in
the practice of tlie law at Valentine,
tlie county seat of Cherry county, and
during the iirst four years of that time,
he was tho county attorney of that
county. At the expiration of his sec
ind term, ho declined to hold tho
olllco longer nnd engaged in prlvato
practice. As prosecuting olllcer of this
big county he met and tried cases
against many of tho foremost lawyers
of the state, who had been called In
to defend in criminal cases, in suc
cessfully coping with tlieso big men of
the profession, his reputation as a trial
lawyer spread into tho adjoining coun
ties and for tho past ten years ho has
been rated as ono of tho most suc
cessful men at tho bar. In the summer
of 1911 he gavo up his residence nt
Valentino and removed to Lincoln,
where he is now engaged In tho prac
tice of Ids profession.
Ho was a delegate to the last demo
cratic national convention and has a
wide acqualntahco with tho party
workers of the state. His friendH be
llevo that his nomination will greatly
strengthen tho stato ticket, as ho is
the only man who has filed who is
representatlvo of tho western end ol
the state, and this, together with his
high standing as a lawyer, will help to
round out a ticket that will appeal to
the voters next fall.
Ho is a native of tho state of Xew
York, hut has lived for twenty years
In western Nebraska and may bo said
to bo one of the pioneers of tho state
Wall Paper, Paint and
Room Mouldings, Pict
ure Framing, Pictures
and artist Material
s" - ,
f, "v '
h i
m.. i-.4r..nmmaima
! A t'ottl. Ltilirlptin, Then Pneumonia si iienci, atil
nml cough tb it b.ii'g on wciiuin fie'
sV-lll ail I '.'AIM t'l'' tl. lOsist Hire
I'lill-y S "l.l" Mllll III' I'.'tllpi'lHI I N .1
:. lliilde lliiilu'liie stops tin .- ui.'li
1 pminl'l l I'.N In alllig titer ilf-e. simllns!
i the inll line I air pu-siiue. mi I elieeks
i the eol'l Keep alas ill Icitul lie
1 fuse slil)lilutes. Sold at I'l CoiiU'sl
liil Mlt're. I
J,u;!ut'.lH! Alniisi UiiliMratHtt
Is an cerimn usult f liii.e
ti-olllili'. I. 'I'm iliey. "i'.IK Urn- M I
j DliliHliitlirtnll. M . ias I -nlVel'i'l
with lineldii'lie .iliil p.llllsin m hl'lli-s
whii'li vxelna'it .1 lintii-Hliibie. I caV''
I'o ov Kitlliey I'llls a ifiiiiil tiiiil. .nn!
jiheydotie wdii 1,-h. for me. Today I
i-;ill tin n hurl ihiv's Wni-U anil ti"l fi el
l!i. elTeo's s..i. .it Di C.uVs rli-ii.-
si nro.
j ' I.'!-"."
I ; 'i i; mIih'mv oar-
i , . t at the mountain
i I to t i ii retiieaiber tho
c .ntalii i . - I'o-ton Traimcrlpt.
V A. CilnsMiir. 21 (inlnrln St.. i.',
t'slor, N. Y . ha ricnveroil from a 1 ii.-
nil KOViM-f llltill-U of kiillli-V lllilllili-.
liNi'tm-iHiiir dii" to Koley Kidtiej
I'll Is. After ili-tnllitig' his ease, lie says
J am nil y son-v I did nol lent ii soon
it nf holey Kidney TUN In a fe
iln'- time luv I'Hi-llHi'lle OiitlM'li'telv
l,-fl me mid I tell greatly improved.
Mv Uldnovs lieoame stronger, diy
spells leu me Mini I was iin innjrer km
tioyeil at tiilit . 1 for I lot) per ci in
hetlor since nsinLr hViey Kidney 1'ills "
''old III Dr. Took's drilK store.
The C
a t. i-i- " t.
' . ,-ies t! at ilM
: ! H nl out n!
I . 'V uilii
I " 'Miel
i I ' : ii.. V' !'
IS. (1. Collins. Postmaster, liarni-gat.
N.J., was ti-iuililed with ti seveie la
grippe cough, lie says: "I would In
completely exhausted after each lit of
violent coughing. I bought a hoi He
ot Kolov's llonev nnd Tar Comiiouiiil
and before I bud taken itall Hiccough-
ing spells bail entirely ooaseii. it
can't he heat " Sold at Dr. dink's
ding stole.
i . .-1 s tv.
' .-. .; C , v. -
. .. n; .i ; i. , -- ol t. about llu
. ot a tll lie It contains a i ::iall
ad that fhl.t.. about and appeal., to
a drop ol water.
How Ooltl Causes Uiiltmy IMscasi;
Partly hy driving Idonil from the
urfiico mnl cuiiv'cstiiig the kidneys
ami partly by throwing ton much work
upon lliein. Foley Kidney pillsstreiig'llf
en the kidneys, c. ive tone to the urinary
I gaiis ami restore the normal action
of tho bladder. They are tonic in act
ion, quick ill results. Try them For
sale at Dr. Cook's drug store.
. i - .;:;.-i Btitirns.
('i-i ' ''. . le-t .erly were worn
,i-i . , .i- , i . p.'-, , 'n ;)'(.
It . .' ;' ii e'n i t
'' ,ii pi .' I
I ,i -lil'il v n.!' I -I ;
The 'Childs Welfare" movement has
eliallelig-ed the attention ol thought
ful people everywhere. Mothers are
natural supporter-, and will llnd in
Foley's Honey Mill Tar Compound a
most valuable aid. Coughs ami co'ds
that uncle-eked lend to croup, bronchi
tis ami pneumonia yield quickly to
the healing and soothinir qualities of
Foley's Honey mil Tii'1 Compound.
Sold at Dr. Cook's drug stor.i.
.". PIES and CAKE .-.
Baked Every Day
Curt Hatfield, Prop.
Fresh and
Salt Meats
ill N-r7ir
ii &$SS?v ySVN
14 1
John E. Yost
"The Dutch Butcher."
Moved to
'oi will (itul its iim In ovir now locatioit
in the NKVVlOl.'.Sr, IMA1CK
Ith (Mir life lino of
Always Gl)tl
(ED. A
Don't Tmovw
Uy jwyinj; more (JjA fur fiOO poutulii
tlinu CcH cajuicity
for this is the price of n
D K A T K. M L E. 5L
I Other tilxra at Oltirr Trlcco Pak'I
ktt Tr'S ja. i"tt-i tjt Tr sj"-1 vn rf- k. z i
The most r,aniUry separator built.
-i.. ......... ....- ... !;.. i h.iiIi n .,,i
duly ni i '.ii iiui ntij'i'iiiw itu u v.t.iiki
washing device overcomes all
tho drudcerv of washins' uu the
' "
Ibf fttntrlr Cnirtntf t Throojtionl ty
Beatrice Creamery
Unset. Ncfcr.
Highest Market Price
The IH!me Qrocery
P. A. Wullbrandt, Rrop.
i A Complete Line ol Staple and Fancy Groceries,
y also the Latest Patterns In
Wc are also making a Specialty of tho Celebrated
"A. B. C."
Bell Phone 102.
ihsJsJ Vaaanan' ViaN
Easier Terms for
Government Water Rights
in the Payments for water rights on the Government Shoshone Project
acres Big Horn Basin arc now $4.70 per acre first year $1.00 per
second year $1.00 per acre third year $3.40 per acre fourth
year $1.60 per acre fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth years
and $ 1 1 .00 acre the tenth year. No Interest- 6300 acres tO
be opened to entry soon.
320 Acre Free Homesteads in Campbell County, Wyoming
good for dairying, stock raising, and mixed farmingthe kind that
insures a steady cash income.
NeW Folder Free -Write me today for new folders telling all about
the cheap lands along the Burlington. Get in on the ground
floor before the coming land movement starts.
Homeseekcrs' rales from Eastern Nebraska every first and third Tuesday.
J. 'Ll
D. Clem
"VsN'v AV-vNvVN
Our New j,
To Sei? You
Away Money
uui j
rrrCIJU"' "SSi":
i -,
... .. a msf
t.t Hvfti
d m
mlBv V 'Mjji
Paid For Poultry.
Independent Phono 44
Deaver, Immigration Agent
Fnrnom Street, Omaha, Nebraska
' i
i. 4
The Only Exclusive Store.
I v
ffl '