The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 28, 1912, Image 5

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B.ttM.llmc Tabic
i 'ir 1101 m
No. II riircmuli train, clvimrts . J 'a, u
No. 1(7 l.ocnl insint!(r " i i,a. in
No. 171 Accommodation North r-
cent Monday ami Wed., departs i:;ra p. in.
No. lTO-Accommodatlon North
Monday and Wednesday departs 1 1 1,!0 a.m.
WViV llot'Ml
No. I'J-Tlirouuh train, departs . fiiilu. in.
No. 10 Local pnvictmer " .. . . fc.JO p. m.
Next Tuesday is city election.
Will Wolfe went to Ayr Wednesday.
licit Garber was In Superior Mutuhty.
lloby Hyde win, in town thK week.
Floyd Turnurc went to Oiuului I-'rl-dny.
John Polnieky was in 1 Itistiiiys Fri
day. Win. Miller of Hustings was in town
Lee DeTotir was up from tinkle Rock
I'rof. llerrielc went to Aurora Wed
nesday For good Jol) Printing1 eall on the
J. C. Biker of Hastings was in town
Jas. DulVy was up from Guide Hock
M. li. Uastor of Lincoln was in town
(Jims. Uunnett of Cowles was In town
A. Dillinan of Trenton was in town
last week.
Mrs. Jas. Ryan visited in lliverton
last week.
Del Henipel of Hastings was in town
Prof. Morll. and wife went to Aurora
II. W. Wheeler of Hastings was in
town Friday.
T. T. Young of Culbertson was in
town Monday,
Wm. Klpkelkolin of Blue Hill was in
town Monday.
L. D. Held of Xorcatur, Kas., was in
town Monday.
Paul Poluicky was a Hastings visit
ir Wednesday.
All kinds of Electrical work done by
U'hart llros
klrs.'Ned Grimes entertaiued the 1.
O. Monday.
V. 1. Roland of Hastings was in
m last week.
J, F. Grant and wife returned to
uniug Friday.
Fred Temple returned to Kansas
lty Wednesday.
The county commissioners are in
.esslon this week.
A good sewing machine for sale. In
quire at this olliee.
John Davey Jr , of Mt. Clare was in
town over Sunday.
E. L. Walter of Grand Island was in
the city Saturday.
The school children are cujoyiug a
vacation this week.
Mrs. Wilbur Hamilton went to Guide
Rock this morning.
Chas. Emick and Luther Bent were
in lllue Hill Friday.
Farm Loans
There are several reusons for seeing
f. H. Bailey for a farm loan and here
,hey are.
t He is sole agent for Trevett Mattis
;j- This company is here every day in
the year ready for business and not
.here this week and pone next. They
loan on anv farm having the value in
Ut improved or'unimproved. You don't
wait from two to four months for your
money but surely get it on the day
called for. They give the best option
in the market.
Advance Showing
Spring Dress Goods
The forerunners of fashion
able fabrics now being shown.
Before buying your new
dress for spring look over our
line. We have a new and
down-to-date stock.
The latest thing in cotton
Voiles with silk hair line
stripe at 60 cents.
Silk Bolian tissues in solid
colors in the new soft shades
for summer at 50 cents.
In wool goods we have the
rough weaves in light weights
for Spring wear 36 inches
wide at 60 cents per yd.
Silks in Serges, Jacquands,
Messalines, Taffetas 27 inches
wide at $1.00 per yard.
F. Newhouse
Nrs. Barbara Pharea, Prop.
FnuiK Kin rer of Lincoln was in Uwn
the llrst i f tlio wei'k.
E. 1'. Maliu of Hastings was in lo.ui
on btisiiicts Monday.
Vein limit-It returned home Nitiir
day Iroin Tail; in. Mo.
Roy F.-tiru and wife were tip from
Supeiior over Sunday.
1!. 1). ami R. F. lllcks of Pawnee City
were in town Monday.
Paul Wallace of (it-loans visited his
brother Fred last week.
John Knlgge of Guide Hock was in
town Tuesday morning.
C. F. Huston of Lawrence was in the
city on business Monday.
JakcS. T.inney of Oveolu was in
town on business Monday.
(!. W. Albin of Guide Rock was in
town on business tills week
Miss Vernon .storey returned to her
studies at Lincoln Monday.
Col C. W Kulcy is home from Ids
jaunt through South America.
Loytl Shinnei of Norton, Kansas was
a Red Cloud visitor Thursday.
Onior Doling ami family of Lincoln
are guests o Mrs K B. Smith.
J. C. Baylor was down from Kearney
this week attending district court.
A. M Walters of Blue Bill isin town
this week attending district court.
Attorney . I. C .Stevens of Hastings
is in town attending district court.
Ma Moedo and wife of Bluo Hill
are visiting (Irani Turner and wife.
J. C. Saylor returned to Kearney
Wednesday after attending court here.
District Court is In session tills
week with Judge Perry on the bench.
Lew Honosce departed Saturday
morning for Hebron to visit his folks.
Mrs. Xels Lougtin and daughter
Marcolinc wore In Hastings Wednes
day. II. A. Wells was down from Cowles
this week visiting J. E. Butler and
Fred Bortfeld and family nre the
guests of Mrs. Dr. T. A. Jones this
W. B. Purdy was down from Camp
bell Friday attending tlio Encampment
The Misses Pearl and Lily Huffor
went to Omaha this morning to visit
Miss Bertha Potter entertained the
P. E. O club and visitors at her home
The Chief does all kinds of Job
Priuting neatly, accurately and
County Surveyor tieo. Overing went
to Cowles to survey out the town plat
this morning.
Mrs. M. A. Mercer and children left
Saturday for Gibbon where they will
visit relatives.
Kelley Bros , shipped out 3S head of
horses and mules from here Sunday to
c tit.-rn markets.
The Diamond Electric Vacum clean
er demonstrated in your home free.
Call Phone Red 97.
Mrs. George Morhart of Pueblo,
Colo , came up from Guide Rock Mon
day to visit relatives.
Mrs. Lew Bohrer returned home
Friday from Rcnklcman where she had
been visiting her parents.
II. Boner left today for Red Cloud
after a short visit in Hustings. Tues
day's Hastings Republican.
The llnest line and best assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look it over. Mouhaiit Bros.
Bert Stevens and wife were down
from Alma the first ot the week visit
ing his parents and other relatives.
Prof. ltetz informs us that the band
will give another musical entertain
incut at the Opera house, April 13th.
Mrs. Ella Patrick and baby of Oma
ha arrived lu town Tuesday to visit
her purents Dr. and Mrs. Henry Cook
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Mr. and Mrs J F. Grimes df (Blue
Hill came in Wednesday for a visit
with their son, Ned Grimes and family.
Regular preaching service at the
Brethren church next Sunday both
morning and evening. All are wel
come, Dr. Cross will be iu his oilice over
the State Bank everyday in the week.
Havinc discontinued his visits to
Evan Hutchins, acting superintend
ent of the Argus ottlce, returned from
a visit with his pereuts at Cowles on
The Degree of Honor met Tuesday
evening and had a most delightful
time, A large number of the members
were present.
Mrs. N. Doauchamp of Anidarka,
Okla , after a short visit with relatives
at his place, the Fox families, left for
her home this morning.
Miner and Phil Sherwood and
Howard Foe returned to Lincoln the
first of the week to resume their stud
ies at the state university.
Man past 30 with horse and buggy to
sell stock condition powder in Webster
County. 875 per month. Address
Room 2, lloOFainanvSt., Omaha, Neb.
Don't forget we make farm loans,
money icady the day the title Is ap
prove I.
GUituit. IUti iiison A Sai.iii:n.
Foiii-Gold band ring: has been
a pieseiit to some one in I'.mi'J Owner
can have same by calling at thisotllcc,
describing property and paying for
this notice.
The following shipped stock Sunday:
Rudolph Streit, '-cars of cattle; Wees
ncr X Knout, - cars of hogs; Starke
Bros., 2 cars of hog-; .1. , Christian, 1
car of cattle.
Dr. Warrick, the specialist will meet
eye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly lilted
at Dr. Daiucrcll's oilice iu Red Cloud
Tuesday, April !.
J. M. Ka.tjn of Lincoln was hero
Monday ami Tuesday securing con
tracts on the ilght-of-way for the
Maurcr Springs pipe line in the inter
ests of the Burlington.
Mr. and Mrs. W. ,). Oudeiklrk mid
to grandchildren went down to Red
Cloud sundav morning to visit their
daughter. Mrs. Matlle Roberts. We 1
nesday's Franklin News.
Mrs. Hazel .Smith and Mr.s. E. L.
Grimes entertained at the homo of the
later Thursday evening the ladies and
gentlemen of the Ninas club. A good
time was reported by all present,
Or.s. Riddlle & Foote, of Hastings,
Nebr., will meet eye, ear, nose and
throat patients, and those needing
glasses lilted, at Red Cloud, Nebr.
Thursday, April 11, at Dr. Cross' oilice.
It. C. Rhode Island Bed eggs for
hatching at S'i.'i't per hundred. Baby
chicks at 10 cents each.
Mm. T. W. Wiiiti:,
Red Cloud, Nebr.
Rural Phone 2 10.
L A .N i Wo have for sale farms on
easy payments and special terms,
worth the money. Several mighty
good deals. The largest list of local
farms from which to select.
Dan G.vitinnt & Company, Ciunr Oilice.
The Board of Directors of the Fann
ers Institute will meet at the State
Bank Saturday afternoon, March Ho, at
2 o'clock.
G. W. Hummel, Henry Giliia.m,
We arc n Florida company aud want
to tell you of tho opportunities in our
state. Write for particulars.
Pendleton Lani Company.
3S3 First NatT Bank llldg.,
31 3t Lincoln, Nebr.
The Willing Workers of the Christian
church at Inavule, will hold their
annual bazaar In Hunter's hall April G,
aprons and etc. Sale beginning at 3 p.
m. Supper at r:30. All ore invited to
come and enjoy a sociable evening.
Price of supper 25c and
William Wolfe is certainly putting
the kinks into the oldtimc salesmen of
the International Harvester company.
The first month's sales show that he is
high man. There are eleven other
salesmen all experienced but William
won the first heat in a walk.
Several of the Cowles Odd Fellows
chartered a hand ear Monday evening
and came down to Red Cloud to visit
the I. O. O. F lodge of this plneo. T.
J. Chaplin of that place chaperoned
the visiting brothers. After lode
oysters and cigars were served at the
Puritan cafe
Wolfe it Whitukor, general black
smiths, now carry a full line of farm
Implements, surreys, buggies, wagons,
gang plows, gas engines, stacker ropos,
all kinds of machinery and heavy
hardware, and all supplies for same.
Also all kinds of oil. Licensed Plumb
ers Calls promptly answered.
Mrs. Wm. Serlo, mother of Mrs. Will
Robertson, and sister of Mrs. Young
love, died at Blue Hill Friday, and the
body wus brought to Red Cloud Satur
day for burial. The funeral services
took place Sunday afternoon at the M.
,E. church. Rev. Hummel conducted
tho services. Interment took place iu
the city cemetery.
We are always glad to get local
Items, just such as you reader, would
like yourself, and If you have any on
hand at any time send them along.
Dont sandwich an advertisement into
them for they belong to the cashier's
department, and if they are not worth
paying for in a legitimate way they
are no good to us. If you have any
friends visiting you, or you expect to
go away just say so.
The Ladles Aid Society of the M. E.
church will hold their annual Easter
bazaar Saturday, April Gtli. They will
have for sale suubonncts, aprons,
children's clothes, fancy work and
other articles. They will also serve
a chicken .pie dinner and cupper.
Price of meal 25 ceuts The bazaar
will bo held in the room formerly oc
cupied by A E. Atkins furniture store.
A cordial invitation is extended to the
Miss Grace Frisbio is in the city for
a couple of days visiting with her
brother L I. Frlsble and wife. She
will go on to Red Cloud this evening
for a visit with home folks. Miss Fria
ble is a teacher in the High school at
Lyons, Neb,, and is supervisor of music
there She rendered a couple of solos
at the High school this morning which
were very' much appreciated by the
Men! This Store Will Set
You Right on What
to Wear for -Easter
the question of Easier Clothes, this store pre
sents a wealth of helpful suggestions. From scarf to
suit, you will find here a stock that completely meets
every dress need and taste-that correctly expresses
the season's every style tendency.
That Master Suit will be espe
cially easy to select from our
unusually line showing of Cloth
craft All-Wool Clothes. These
cleverly designed, well cut, skill
fully tailored clothes, with their
snappy, tasty style and pleasing,
comfortable fit, will give you
that sense of ease and satisfac
tion that comes from knowing
yourself as well dressed as the
next man.
You can know, too, with abso
lute certainty that your Cloth
craft Clothes will keep you well
Cowden-Kaley Clothing- Co.
"The Clothcraft Store"
tcaohers and pupils. Monday's Super
ior Express. .
Au exchange says they have in
vented a new kind of social amuse
ment. It is called an "
party." All the girls are weighed, and
the weight of each written on s piece
of paper and put into a hat, and tho
young men must draw. The young man
must go to supper with the girl whoso
weight he draws, and must pay ror her
hiipperat one-half cent per pound. It
is very exciting, so far as tho young
men are concerned.
.left' and Mutt are still in trouble
They havo their counterparts in Web
ster county and plied their trade be
tweou Rosemont and lllue Hill last
Wednesday. As they journeyed along
their feet became Inflamed and this in
directly acted on their depositions so
that Jeff said that he would very much
enjoy tho privllcdge of working pro
fesslonallity on that conductor. .Mutt
said thut all tho light had been takin
out of him and he would give that of
fensive oditor one more week of life.
For further particulars see the daily
Red Ci.out, Neil, March 21), 1912.
Warning: Hereafter the public are
warned against making uuy arrange
ments with unauthorized persons rela
tlve to digging graves or selling lots
etc., or in anyway interfering with the
alfairs ot the cemetery association as
the board have provided legitimate or
flcials whose duty it is to sorve the
public. The charges are for digging
graves as follows: Graves 4 feet long
84.00 aud graves over 4 feet 15.00. Any
extra work such as ceinentlugor brick
lug up in proportion. This notice in
intended to protect the public against
graft and other irregularities.
C. F. Catheb, R. B. Fulton,
President. Clerk
Knew His Wife.
It Is recorded of an old English
fanner that, In giving Instructions for
his will, he directed a legacy of one
hundred pounds bo given to his widow.
Being Informed that somo distinction
wob usually made in enso the widow
married again, ho doubled tho sum;
and when told that thlB was quite con
trary to custom, ho said, with heart
felt sympathy for hla posslblo suc
cessor, "Aye, but him as gets ber'll
deserve It."
t.r,:z V.rnners,
It- Ku- k, ,t )udt of ('antuclus, said
In any country It Is only necessary to
hear Its music In order to know tf Its
manners and customs are good or
dressed to the last day you
wear them.
For in every Clothcraft Suit
or O vet coat you will find a
signed guarantee that insures
pure wool cloth, first class tailor
ing and trimmings, lastingshapc
satisfactory wear and service.
Yet, with all theirstyle, (it and
guaranteed quality, Clothcraft
Clothes cost you only $10 to $25.
Just to show you what this
means, ask us to show you some
Clothcraft Master Suits at .$15,
$18 and $20.
8 The Clothcraft Blue Serge Special, No.
! $15, is guaranteed to be all-wool, to hold
! to give satisfactory wear and service.
Pertaining to Silos
fTf 19 -
The above cut represents a Common
sense silo. The silo has passed the ex
perimental Mugo for all successful
farmers now know that it will pay for
Itself almost the ilr-i y.-m- It. is abso
lutely essential top-la silo that woiks
This silo is tmdt so that It cannot
blow down unless this wind Is strong
enough to demolish other buildings
There are no bands to tighten It is
built so it cnutiut f.ill in during the
hut weal her when it I- empty. It can
not swell and break bauds because It
has no bauds. Wood is a better non
conductor of heat or cold than cement
or iron und hence there is not so much
danger of freezing. It is built on the
sectional plan. You make one to lit
your present needs and when you
want it larger just add another section
and there you are. Its cost is greatly
lessened because of the shorter lengths
of lumber being used, There are no
extras In the way of patented doors
etc. It cannot crack and is very dur
able. Can be used for a grainery in
the summer time. It is constructed of
two by fours by six feet long laid Hat
nails being driven thru each piece.
Another good silo is culled the crown
btave silo. These are handled direct
from one of tlio largest manufactures
of lumber aud shipped direct iu cur
lotb with other yard stock hence sav
ing the heavy local freight charges.
Anyone desiring either of these silos
or further information iu regard to
them may do so by calling on Saundors
llros., Red Cloud, Nebr.
Not at Home.
A New York lawyer sent his office
hoy to deliver u noto marked "Mr.
Williams, Personal." In, a few min
utes the boy returned with his report
'Mr. Pergonal was" not to," he said.
.- -4 - --
P! jr: .::; ,i i n aB
5130, at
shape and
Big Ben
has something to say
to people who like to
get up promptly in the
He guarantees to call,
them on the dot just when
they want and either way
they want, with one pro
longed, steady call or with
successive gentle rings.
And he guarantees to do
it day after day and year
after year, if you only have
him oiled every year or so.
I've known him ever
since he was "that high"
and I'll vouch for every
thing he says.'
Jf C.Mitchell
The Jeweler.
Have You Read It?
The Adler-l-ka book, telling how
you can EASILY guard against appen
dicitis and get INSTANT relief from
constipation or gas on tho stomach, is
being read with much interest by Red
Cloud people. It is given away free
by C. L. Cutting.
Farm loans
At Lowest interest, best option, least
expense. Cull for me at State Bank
Red Cloud. C. F. Catjier. '
"S.T yv jynwwww 1'iivi
Tiiiy,"jff "itw
wr- r w . m