The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 28, 1912, Image 1

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3t!to Historical Society
Newspaper That filvcs Tftr. Nm Fifty-two Wr.r.ks Each Yar For Sf.iiO
'J'HE New Banking Law is now in force and
the payment of every dollar of deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
For Every Purpose
i, shed's,
el lings,
l'.ilnts for homes, biirus, shed's,
bugglo-, furniture. eel
itonrs, roof'', etc.
Sowalls Chemically Pure
Will glvo yon satisfaction. They
tiro miide in the west, to stiuid
the peculiar conditions of our
climate. You will find them fur
superior in durability to nmny
other kinds. Come In and let
us (I'-iira with jou
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist
District Court
District Court opened Monday morn
ing being a jury term, with Judge
Perry of Cambridge presiding, who
has exchanged with Judge Uunguu for
this term. The ouly jury case decided
was that of Emanuel Pltz vs Win.
Wondcrly. A verdict for 8t was given
the defeudaut. As we go to press
the ease of Sarah A. Smith vs The
lloyal Highlanders Is ready to go to
the' jury. Next week we will give our
readers n complete report of the court
Before You
Buy By Nail
Bring us the ad, that inter
ests you.
1 1 you will do this, you won't
buy by mail that's certain.
Because you will have no rea
son to.
Any article of jewelry or
watches or silverware or any
thing else in the line can be
bought here at prices every
bit as low as anywhere else
near or far.
And you have this advant
age you can see, handle and
examine to your hearts con
tent anything that is of inter
est to you.
Bring us that catalog and
let us prove it to you.
Remember "Satisfaction or
Your Money Back."
Newhouse Bros.,
E. II. Newhouse, Prop.
C, B. & Q. Wutch Inspectors.
For Sale.
1500 bu. of good white car old corn
in crib at $1 per bushel. Inquire of
I). 11. Hulsebusch.
Nl 1N
! No anxiety on
I Baking-Jay if you use
Dr Prices
Baking Powder
Insures ligni, sveei,
M . a. m- - - . mmm . . HM
H wnoiesomt? i jo cu.
a pure,Lream or lariar m
Four Views of the Wreck of Train
No. 14 Which Occurred Near
Bostwick Tuesday Morning
saMEaBagfefr safe
Cross Indicates Spot Where Engineer Temple Was Picked Up
, :v j , '
t ft
1 -
Irain Runs
Into Washout
Engineer Temple and Fire
man Ralney Meet Death.
Several Passengers Are
Slightly Injured.
Train number fouiteeu was wrockod
Tuesday motnlug t about two
miles Ihissldoof Uostwick. Engineer
Temple was hilled instantly and (he-
man Kiilney suffered a compound
fracture, of the right leg, was badly
burned and sustained other injuries.
The engine and tender went Into the
ditch, the baggago car hung over a
tlftccn-root embankment but tho other
cats did not leave the hack and none
of the pitssengeis were killed or injur
ed. On account of the heavy fall of
moisiuro (luring the winter this track
was Ihoroly soaked and safe. The
railroad follows tho river for a consid
eiable distance and at the point whero
the wreck occurred tho liver curves
away and when tho engine struck this
track it gave way. Tho train was not
going faster than twenty-five miles an
hour and the, trainmen were on the
lookout fordiuigcr but had received
signals thai all was clear. Neither
the engineer nor the III email were
caught in the wreck but seemingly
were hurled out as the engine toppled
over. Thu passengers liuriledly piled
out of the coaches to render any m,.
nistanee within their power. A crew
of men was hastily assembled in this
citv and taking all our physioianssped
as fast as possible to tho scene. They
found the passengers well pleused that
tholr escape was so complete. No one
could account for the fortunHte coudl
dltion of affairs. Why tho entire train
did not plunge Into tho river and be
come burled in the quick sand and
water will always remain a eiystery.
The wounded man was taken to his
home in Wf more and hopes were ex
pressed for his recovery. The body of
engineer Temple was taken to his
home and the passengers transferred
to the train which was made up frcm
UATEll Word was received in this
city that Fireman liainey died at Wy
mote Tuesday night.
James A lluckles, ajjod 81 years, 0
months and '2; days, died Tuesday at
the home of hi-, daughter, Mrs. llobt.
Hun is, north of I ted Cloud. Ho had
been an invalid for some time. Ho
was tho father of .Mrs. itobt. Harris
and .Mr. James Buckle'!, who live
north of Jtt'd Cloud The funetal ser
vices weie held at tho Christian
church thU afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The Chief joins with their many
fi lends in extending sympathy to the
bereaved children and relatives.
Band Programme
Evenlni of April 13th, at the Red Cloud
Opera House
March . .1 "(iood fellow ship
Medley Overture.... Hits of Itemicks
Hits No. :i
fovo Thoughts ., Waltz
Tangle-foot jnK
Trombone Solo "The Witch"
Maroh. . . . "Comique" zip Uiag
Alto Trin ;, , nislans
Mttiuh "Chicago Tribune".. ,.
Modley Overture.. .Ueiulcks Hits No. 8
Cornet Holo...."Columbiu Fantasia"..
"A Vision of Salome"
Dtscriptlvo Faatasle
Vocal Solo Miss Alpha Longtln
Medley Overture. . . . Flavelauds Happy
Hits No. 1
llarltone Solo Selected
Star Spaugle Banner
'- w M,J8 ''-''
fnWUWW Wm'V'mT