The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 21, 1912, Image 8
Jt. !?'!,'. .1 I nMtnrvams'jmn ! 5 r$ T3 -25 T---' .-' -' .- -'.j. .V'W" V'vT "y"' SyJs m (?) ruvtmv tWlWIM 1 1 I o A V u HWXWK-tWaurK- is' ( (?) (?) (?) ft) m (t to u And am now located in my i EW LOCATION The large room in the I i ( t IMC ofia noli N I' IV U f J? R i y '! (0 ! itt M to (1 to to to to to to to to to to to SlS riii .oju -(i- irktnw VJ-fclk ALL THE PHONES to to to to to to to to to to to The Furniture Man , nnd unci or taker. (4 A R ATKINS Don't Ttorow Awsiy Money j PoKfe. AdvcrtiEnei By paying more than if for 500 pound )J capacity (or this is the price of .BEAT1IC E .r-ni? An G2K70 ADA TtflO V I ICffec XsXLEjF&IVIL Olhcr Slates ! Oltitnr Price The most sanitary separator built The only separator supplied with n centrifugal unciiimr flnvico that overcomes nil the drudgery of washing up the eparator. bitlnlely Cntrantttt Throjh.ot kf Beatrice Creamery Co. Uatsli, Ncbr. ; i'a i-."-'. ?. i I'iK. M'J 'II ft 1a '''"vaiiiiwj 4HL L V wi vv Tr? y M w'. ii .y ,-fc.. w W . V f- . -mi, .y; 7 ""X V ' ' -"-f'-JSW1 the OLIVER GANG PLOW twnnMfn GEORGEW.TRINE Highest Market Price Paid For Poultry. P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. - Qweewsware 5 f 5 Complete Lino of Staple and Fancy Groceries, s aso fic Latest Patterns In ? i 9 Wc arc alo making a Specialty of the Celebrated - ..... -v rlMAAZ.C W4'ti9 Bo Phone 102. Independent Phone 44 VsNAyVNrfs- ALL ORDERS FOR Monumental Work to be erected this spring should be placed at once thus allowing sufficient time to com plete strictly high class work. : : : : Original Designs Modern Ideas Overing Bros. (Si Co. Dealers in Monuments, Red Cloud $$& Come In And See It HSfc l' :.:P ffl 1 riK' vHh 1 - i wmMtMSSKM ? otf I ir . t. liimc Rt.'public.iii 1'vJf C lir;ii-". Primaries Apiil q. 9'2 Ghllilnn Enlnrcd Or.lai iry Oiilurtics iui.i :il!s r.nd M irsh ili):.': :nust: bi.sln'.jisln?. Cin! al:;:n Yon I'.'innii! Im' i vr I'M 1 1 ful !! tli' M'li't'tiiHl d' nii'ilici r cliililrt'ii. Only iIil' -- t-i ntli'-i likiliuf'i!ii,ic illDillil I'Vi I Im I'll i'ii. r i'pt IH I'tlivl- m'lii'y c is .. (Ihi'irv p I1-, i'iii li ii'ik-s anil piiiva ivi". aif apt in ln nimi' lisirm til. in tf'Mitl. They m t.yiMM'-um ip iny, uauvM iind oilier d.str. sinufti't flTi'ct" an irnpii'iiily lie 1 li !. troyinir. We piM"MinaMy luf.'inmi'ii'l tnul jjimr aiifcc IJcnuII tinl"ilii-s n. tlii- mi'iM iluvotu to suuh work, ami this is whuro 4 oUI, LnUrlpjie, Then Pneumonia tin; boy (,'ot tliL-ir chutieu. Kvt rj hody ' Is too often tliu fatal setpiunce, and Unow.s tliutboy.s who have joineil corn ami eounhs that liaim on weaUen the ,.l. .l.- ,..., Iu..nm ii.rthn linst.nni'ii I'l-iiw. Viuiii linn inner inu Mini lusibumee. lllf.- III V --w n --w ..... I I .. I- liltV anil in is' I'epi'iiiliili'e r iipmIv , wli'eli we kinnv, f r I'niistlp tl' ill .n ill nssui'l .le liowel liUiii'iliMb. We have Mii'li also lute f.lllll lu the tii'lues 'if I his reiueil v that .vi' 'ell it on nur i.n niitic nl luoil". h.icn In eii-iv lu-t inee'i- ll fails lo (iiic i'iii im hiilKfiteiloii, am I wt1 ui'lfe nil in nee I of fiieli 111-ilioini' to try it at nur n-U .Jev.ill Olilel'Hi's Hie t'litci ,ji-,t lilio eau'ly, i'fe partieularlj pioinpi ami airreeabl)' in action, may de'ii t any tlun . l'iy nr nl'' t: il ie eiu t in i Iiih-h. rliiiij,', x s' I. im .o-. or o li r ii nliMtli.i ! i 1" i' i. 'liave it verv inn i hut p .stive auU n. tl ml i I lie o-puis " ith vi Ir. li i eoi'ie in eiiiittie , app f UU.v net 'i.i;'mii lutive tome upon the ieli il uui eiilnr I' of the li.ivvi'i, tlni- iiv ivntiiiiiK vveaUnes-, and uiiliiiiii in iMOie the bowels to mine v lull oi.f .ml heil ll uetiMt.v. ' Iu'X tl. Ol'ili'i lies eoiiiiumily eiiliiplele ly t'e ieveenusiip.itiiiii. . cpt nf eoui.-e when nf u mii Me I e' They hImi tt n I to Oi'Mie'itiie tli neeeh-ll.V nf I'oustantly tal.iiie; laMitives tu Iti-ep the howe.h in coii'litinu. I hree sizes of p.iettai s. 10 ems. 'l'i cents lltlil fi't eellt. It an iiibfi . ju'i e.lll oh tilu Ut.Mil U'tneilles ti It'll i lotlil only at nur stoi", T'e l!e.ili Store. The II K (ifee lll'tj l .. ui'h in America. They are tfrowliijj more coin per aero than anybody else, and home of them are already in the seed corn business and p;ettin,' from two to three dollars a bushel for their corn, lu a few years boys will be do lutr most of the seed corn business of Nebraska. Omaha is headquarters for the bi nest boys' corn club in the state, the dipper Hoys' Corn Club, founded live uko by Arthur Capper, publisher of the Nebraska Farm Journal. Kvery year this corn club has a corn show and corn Kt'w'me; contest; and inoin beishlp in the club is free. Anybody in this country who is not more than '20 years old may become- a member of the club and take part In this year's contest if he will write his ntiine, u'o ami address on a postal card and mail noin-y anil tar Lumpounii i a reliable medicine that stops the cou'h promptly by heiilliiy the cause; soothes tho inflamed air passages, an I ehecks the cold. Keep always on hand. Re fuse substitutes. Sol'd ut Dr. Cook's drue- store. Novels and Serious Books. Do the public libraries eater ex clusively to the novel-render? Statis tics prepared under the supervision of j the nudgot Exhibit committee provo otherwise. Out of a collection of fiHjw Cold Causes Kidney Disease Tartly by driving blood from the Hirfncu and congesting the kidneys and partly by throwing too much work upon them. Foley Kidney pillsstrength en the kidneys, give tone to the urinary organs and restore the normal action of the bladder. They are tonic in act ion, quick in results. Try thoni For sale at Dr. Cook's drug store. Vsnt Something to Exercise On. Somehow or other the women who tcel that they were born to command always get married. Exchange K. O.Collins, Postmaster, Ilarnegat, USG.S52 volumes, the public llbrarloa i V- Wils trounieu with a severe la contain only ::S0,027 novels, as against Kr'ppo cough He Miys: "I would be ..., i,i,u L- ,n ci,inr, nnrt . completely exhausted after cueh tit of books for the student and volJlt 00 ,,,,, , boKht'll bottlo serious reader.-New ork World. ' f ,,.,. h I'f()). ,, Comnound Bitckachc AimoslyUnbcnrublr. Is an almost certain re-iiilt of kidney trouble. D.Toomey, S0.5IO. Olive St., Uloomington, III., say: "I suffered with Imi'kaehe mid pains in my kidneys which iveiii almost uubearabli'. I gave -- . . -v . I V I I II (M'llllll IVf-ll UMIIl it to.Nubraskn farm Journal, n.r.aim, FoK.y Kiilnoy IMlls u good trial, and Net), aiiis will not oar nun i nun par- u,,,.. ,in wonders for me. Today l tieipating in other corn contests, The Nebraska member of the Capper P.nys' Club who does tho best work with an acre of corn in liH'2 will win f.'O cash. The boy who grows the best can do a hard day's work and not feel the ellocts." Sold at Dr. L'nun s drug store. and before I Intel taken I tall the cough ing hpells had entirely ceased. It can't be beat." Sold at Dr. Cook's ding store. TRY OURs5 PIES and CAKE 9 Boy Seed Cora Growers Wanted There is a great opportunity insight for the fm in bys of this eon u try. It is now generally known that coin yields best in the loenlity in vvhlili the sued vasgiiv,vii. Til's nieiins that every country uei-diborhuou lu Nebras ka is in need nf a seed corn grower. ' Funnels hb a rnli haven't the lime to A Word to the f-oelirh. I'orvow trmi jle it" jourselt, If ear from seed of his own raising gets Unit's! your iiatuic. hut d.-n't lend It to .v','5. And tho boy who grows the best jour neighbors. Iliiuyanl Klpllne single ear of corn will win ?'-'.". The, coin Is to be sent to Omaha befoiol C. A. Olossner, til Ontario St.. Uo.'h- December 7, llS. for .'Vhibition i.i the1 '-tor. N. Y !"-."'"r v,,,f J-.i. ,;,,"I " '"V.f , ., , . and severe at t ids nf klilll y tiouiile, dipper Uoys iniiiMi'MV. No s. eil Is ,js ,.,v, ,ue tn Fole;, Kidney fin i.i-heil, m.d the boys me lequiieil IMK, Alter iletaillng hU ease, he say : to do .ill the work nt r iisingthelr corn "I am mi y -oirv I did imt learn soon t'i..ins..lvHs ',(,r 1',"lt'i' Ividney Pills. In a few L ' . . day's time m Imehaehe eoinuletnly l!ax H: Wait Homi: left me mid I I'elt ureatly improved. He was g. tug home to his wife and Mv kidnevs became stronger, di.y .. .. .. ' i . .1 in. spells lelt me mid I was no longer i.ii- l.imily. It was grow lug dark. Ills .,' ,, , ii.t I f..i niti n..r ....m. ro nl fiom the station vva- alunelj nne, iu,JtlM. since u,sing Foley Kidney Pills" anil lie was getting alung as fat n- lie Kohl at Dr. Cook's drug store. could, when he suddenly suspee e.l that a mill behind was following him purposely. The fiist"-r he went the faster the man went, untlUthey came ton churchyard. "Now" he said to himself, "I'll tlnd uutif he's after me"; "I'll lliul out if he'H after ine;" and he i ntereil the elnil'ohyaid The man fol-' Tu, ,.C,ii,js Welfare" moveiiient has lowed him Vague visions ol revol- ohallenged tho atten ion of thought vers, of sauil bags and loaded clubs ful people everywhere. Mothers me .. .. . . i . ... i . natural supporter-, and ill (lud in grew upon him. lie dodged round a F(lU.vV ,(mn. nil TllI. Compoiiud a grave mid his pursuer dodged after most valuable aid. Coughs and colds liliu. He liiiide a detour of a splendid that unchecked lead to croup, bronchi- inaiiMilem Still the man was utter lis ami pneumonia yi-iu qu ei uy u hi tu "What the duee do you want? What am vou following me foi'.'" For Snlc "Well, sir; do you always go homo One Registered lilitU Pereheroti like this I am going up to Mr. Fit. Stallion, age I T years, weight in fair brown's housu with a parcel mid the tlesh aboufJIO), good heavy lint bono porter at the station told mo if I'd fol' and good action. This U one of tho low you I should Und the place, as host draft horses lu Webster enmity at yon lived next nonr. are you goiuir a nargain u lawen soon. home at all'.'" ( W. H. WoNlililiLY, Inuvule, Neb. TRY HATFIELD'S. BREAD and PASTRY Baked Every Day AAA HATFIELD'S BAKERY Curt Hatfield, Prop. Not So Straight. ' jf What do you think of ... ' .ri.vctt "Ue'3 so crooked .-! iln only way for liim to got a ih i tot ts to bleep on a spiral iror ? " laiisolem Still the man was utter tls mni pneumonia vi.-iu qu ei uy hi , ..,.., i i v, I,. i,,, tho healnir mid soothing (piulities of Im, round and round. At as. ho iol B Ho joy n, TV,. Comp0IIIIlli irnod and faced the fellow and asked; S()ll t j,,. (jll0ic ,j,.K RtoiM. Fresh and Salt Meats AAA John E. Yost "The Dutch Butcher." fc" m & i -4 ai wKttV" ytfrVv'V - -T irrft&yiwi -r-rr-t WsX. . nsffaaw "Ci - myw-rf-w . yv&arv212