A In l Iff l,' nt I' I) J' L The Chief C. B. HAM-:, PulillBlicr RED CLOUD NEBRASKA TRACED FROM PEN TO A POINT IN LINCOLN. SEE SEARCH OF HAY STACK Rode Through Storm In Milk Wagon Chief of Police Hunger Hat Narrow Escape All Track Lost. Lincoln. Tlio lliHt (lullulto duo ln dluutlvu of tlio tiioiuiiiuiitH Tliuniiluy cwnliiK of tin; conMutH who murdered "Warden Oelnliiinty mid hlu two iiHulHt iintH that uftoriioon uaiuu to light l-'ri-day uM'iilnn, when it was ntadu known that tlicy hud lieen Hhelteied ut the lioiuo of JuRoiih Dlckaian, liookkcoiior mid dairyiiian, IMiiKiit UTO'.i Van Dora BtP-ctH. Thu three half-frozen inuti In convict i;'iib came to tho house at uhout ;i::iu ThurKilay afternoon, threat ohIiik .Mm. Hickman and tho hired man and eaiitlouud them not to make mi outcry. They received HUner there and pcio tuken at about luiUO o'clock to Twentieth mid 11 iitreota, where they were liibt hccii. When tho utorm raod outside, tho three hunted tueii remained in the Dlekinan home. A tolenliono call re ceived at tho penitentiary drew tho sheriff mid a iiohho, including Sam Me lick and City Detective Schmltt to Bonio liayHtackB about two blocka from tho Dlekinan place. Tho Inform nut of tho sheriff had neon three men making toward tho Htaeks. Tho pohso searched tho HtacltH and tho liumedl ato vicinity. When tho searchers wcro ehmiHted by their cffortH In tho deep Btiow, mid decided that tho cluo liad proved frultleHH, they dobatod whether to proceed to tho Dlekinan home, wIioho brilliantly lighted win down a quarter of a mllu nway Invit ed tliem, or to go an equal distance to tho homo of Bishop Tlhon. It was do elded to go to Tllien'a residence as it waB known that thero was a telophono there and the olllcera hopod to secure ft train back to town. The posse left at about 9 o'clock. At 10 o'clock tho three convlcta, tholr prison garb covered from sight by bluo overalls commandeered fro mtho Dlckmans, hidden from sight In tho Interior of u milk wagon driven by ono of tho boya, atarted for Uio city. Be foro leaving Mrs. Dlckmun was warned: "Now, no telephoning or calling for help. If you do, tho llrat man who Kcta hla la thia boy of yours. If you tell tho pollco anything about this, woTI get you." Tho terrlllcd woman ogalii pioiniaed bIIciico. On tho Journey to town tho con vlcta talked about blowing up tho gov crnor's mansion, but were dissuaded by tho boy, who said that tho drifts woro too deep, l-'iually tho overloaded wagon was stuck in a drift at Twenty third and Randolph Btreets, Chief Hunger was returning from Iho police station at about it o'clock. Ho saw tho wagon in tho drift and glimpsed tho boy driver in fiont. Ho naked tho young man If ho needed dp. "Yes," said tho lad, a revolver touching his ribs. Ho had been asked who tho man appioachlng them was mid had replied that it was tho chlof of pollcrf "You tell him who wo nro or that wo'ro hero and you will go first and Hunger after you," day told him. Krom tho Inner recesses of tho milk wagon tho revolver of "Snotty" C-ray, 'from whom Usher Ileilmau had prob ably met death earlier In tho day, covered tho chief. Luckily for him ho did not sco tho men cowering be hind tho drlver'B seat. Ho seized tho heada of tho horses, led them past tho worst of tho drift and then told tho hoy that by proceeding up tho next tnlloy ho bliould reach tho paved streets , "Without encountering any drifts. j Tho convicts witli their captured vehicle took tho course which tho of ficer of tho law had unknowlnclv . ...v, .., nun minium iilgiy , pointed out to them. They proceeded jimivu Hum, uiuru uuriu mrouKii fnii'ti titiil it. ..11.. u ..i.. . town and llnally reached a lumber yard near tho corner of Twentieth and H streets near tho Rock Island tracks. Low Faret to Convention!. Chicago. Kates to tho democratic national convention In Ualtlmoro and the republican national convention hero havo been fixed nt 2 centa a mile at a meeting of tho Central Pas senger association. Wichita, Kan. When tho city re fused to repair a bad sidewalk that had been Impassablo for two years, twelve women laid a new walk with brick aud mortar. Lincoln Former County Treasurer (W.llllnm McLaughlin of Lancaster county died Saturday morning nt hla homo here, nfter a long illness which confined him to Ills bed for tho last six months. Mr. McLaughlin was 72 years of age. Ho has boon n resident of Lin coln for nearly forty years, and ono of tho best known resldonts of Lincoln. Director General John Uarrott of tho Pan-American union says tho United States cannot bo too careful In guiding Its olllclnl and popular ut tltude towards Mexico. TRAIL OF CONVICTS T Ml AGID TECUM3EH 8UFFERINO FROM A HARD COAL FAMINE. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What It Going on Here and There That It of Interest to the Read er Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Lincoln Mrs, Vclla Scott, u young turn ried woman employed ut tho Y. .M. C. A. building aa telephone operator, committed suicide Wednesday iilght by swallowing tho contents of mi ounco hottlo of embolic acid. Th uct ia thought to bo tho teault of Ion brooding over marital tumbles. Coal Scarce at Tecumsch. T'ecumsch Teciimaeh la surfcrlnj from a hard coal lamliiu, thu dealun having sold out tho present suppl) long since. They lira endeavoring ti gut a new supply, but so far wlthoir result. At Cook, tun miles away, tin dealera still haw coal, and Severn, families have sent teams over frou Tecumsch for a supply. A fotir-horBi bobsled rig can make tho trip U Cook mid leturu with a ton of coal U a day. Dropped Out of Sight. llu clock Arthur G. Harris, resid lug at Twenty-seventh and W streets disappeared Wednesday, mid alnc that time ho has neither beon heard from nor aeen by friends. Ho wm employed at tho Havelock shops ol tho Darlington. Ho left homo at 0:11 Wednesday morning to go to work. That was tho last seen of him. Intane Over Religion. Fremont Temporarily insano ovoi religious subjects, .Morris ChrlateiiBou a, car repairer, heated a poker till it was red hot and then announced that ho would kill his young wlfo and in fant child. Mrs, Chrlstcnsen escaped to tho homo of a neighbor with her child. Prlzet for Corn Growing. Huttings Adams county boya will grow corn this year If Inducements count for anything. Threo separate cash aero contests are open to them, with tho entrance of tho offer of W. II. Limning of this cltv. Anv bov mny win first pfizo In all threo, a total of about $145. Clay Center Excelsior lodge, No 15, Knights of Pythias, hold a ban quct hero in honor of tho twenty fifth anniversary, nt which 1 10 covers wore laid. The rink, whero tho banquel wns held, was beautifully decorated In tho lodgo colors. NEWS FROM THE STATE HOUSE Clyde Wright, stato secretary of tho eoclallst party, has filed for governor on that ticket. Secretary Mellor of tho stato board of agriculture has received a contract from A. Llhorati for tho fourth en gagement to bo filled by his troupe of musicians nt tho Nebraska stato fair. Registrar Redmond of tho Wayne state noi mnl school Is being talked of for the democratic nomination for tho lower llOUSO of Mm 1nirluli,,Pn Mr. Redmond Is a former member of the legislature, linvinir lmnn io,.tn,i from Nemaha county four years ago. Tho Xelnaska state board of health has riieeceded In renewing reciprocal relations with the South Dakota board, uhoieby physicians who arc examined mid licensed by tho No braska liomd may bo admitted to cor responding privileges in South Dakota without fuilher examination. Governor Aldrlch has, since his elec tion to the olllco of governor, received callers at any hour or tho dav and frequently at night, but he finds that ho cannot nttend to IiIb official cor respondents if ho continues tills prac tice He has announced that ho will require one hour, from 0 to 10 in the forenoon, to attend to correspondence. Secretary of Stato Walt has received n letter from Daniel Chester French, the designer of the Abraham Lincoln - """"'h nun UIO uroUZO 101111(1- ' erH '" hastened the work of casting siaiue. stating that tho bronzo found "'" UI,T iu win do completed the 4l(t4 i .. ft i.. t . ii tutu Ut'l'K IN All' en Mmt Im .. doubt of Its being ready to unveil May 1.1 or earlier If the btato comtnls filon desires an earlier liato. State Superintendent Delzell ha completed nil arrangements for Junloi normal schools to bo held nt Alliance Alma. Ilioken Row, Gonova, Mcfook North Platte. O'Neill and Valentin from .luno I! to July 20. Those In ehargo of the campaign foi raising n half million dollar endow- ment ror tho Nebraska Wesleynn uni versity havo ndopted an unique series of letters which nro bolng reproduced In the Lincoln daily papers. A con certed nctlon of tho C 1.000 Methodists of the state Is bolng planned. By petition of fUlO voters fllod with the secretary of state, tho name of Victor Rosewater will go on the primary ballot as candidate for repub lican national committeeman. Mr. Rosewater Is editor of the Omnha Ueo, nnd a present member of the committee on which his wtdo nc nimlntnnco with public men hai brought him Importnnt assignments incluilli::' n place on tho exocutlvi committee mu! on tho commltteo oi arrangements for tho Chicago conven Hon, Ills petition is the largest ovei filed for this position MARCH if (CuiOIIUtit.) SEEKS LIFE OF ITALIAN KING DANGER OF MONOPOLY IN WATER POWER GRANTS. Victor Emmanuel of Italy Target for Assassin Dig Business Reach ing Out for Water Power. Washington. Concentration of con trol over water powers by largo Inter esta In Important localltlea la increas ing so rapidly that Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner of corporations, has reported to President Taft that tho government should preserve title to the remaining power sites aud de velop them to prevent a posslblo monopolization of public utility com panies. Commissioner Smith directs particular attention tp tho increasing ulllllutlon of wutcr power concerns and public service agencies, such as street railway and lighting corporations, und oftentimes banks as well. Tho connec tion between such concerns ho regards of serious public significance. Tho concentration of control over water powers, the commissioner declares, la exercised partly by direct ownership of stock, but mainly through interlock ing directorates. Attempt on Emmanuel'a Life. Rome. A vnin attempt was mado Thursday to assassinate King Victor Emmanuel. Antonio Dalba, a youth ful anarchist, who says ho belongs to a'o band, fired three shots at tho mon arch, but the latter was not Injured, nor was Queen Helena, who was driv ing with him in a closed carrlago to attend a service commemorative of tho birth of liis father, the lato King Hum bert, who died in 1900 at tho hands of an assassin. An olllcer of tho king's guard. Major Lang, was wounded In he head mid fell from his horse. A iccond bullet went wild mid a third 3truck ono of the royal horses. An in .'uriated populace fell upon Dalba and neat him almost into insensibility, but ho was finally rescued by tho pollco. .Passengers Snow Bound. Kagle, Neb. Mrs. W. J. llryan, In company with a number of other pas sengers, Is snowbound on a Missouri Pacific passenger train threo miles cast of here. George filon, tho wrest ler, Is one of the passengers. The train Is a double-header, and both en gines nro dead and thero Is llttlo pos sibility that the train will bo extricat ed fiom the heavy drifts until the storm lets up. Federation of Federations. Chicago. New plans have been com pleted for the organization of a gigan tic f (deration of all shop employes on every western railroad under the sys tem federation. Tho main organiza tion will bo n federation of federations. A meeting at which this organization will be perfected will bo held In Kan sas City, April l"i. For Bridge at Sioux City. Washington. Congressman Ste phens has introduced a bill providing for the construction of n bridgo across tho Missouri river at South Sioux City. Wnshlngton Congressman Stephens has introduced a bill to glvo tho court of claims Jurisdiction over tho claim of tho Nebraska Santeo Sioux Indi ana for their annuities duo them un der tholr treaties with tho govern ment. These clnlma havo been pend ing beforo tho department of congress for innny years, and it Is tho deslro of tho committee on Indian affairs of tho house nnd sennto to havo tho mattor sottled. Tho bill is similar to ono now pending beforo tho senate Will Bunch the Dynamite Catea. Indianapolis, Intl. All tho defend ants Indicted for violation of federal statutes governing transportation of explosives must go to trial In ono caso on October 1. according to tho final ruling of Judgo A. 1). Anderson. To Fight for Restoration. Peking. Go'ieral Sheng Yuan, who under tho empire held tho post of gov ernor of tho province of Shen-SI la marching nt tho head of 10,000 troops from tho provlnco of Knnsti to Poking to restore the emperor to tho throno. WINDS .PREPARING FOR A COAL FAMINE TO STOP INFRACTION OF PRES ENT NEUTRALITY LAWS. Eastern Concerns Storing Vast Quan tities of Coal United States no Place for Revolutionists Oppose Free Sugar. Washington. Revolutions, filibuster lug expeditions or tho promotion of do mestic violence in any country in pan America heieafter may not hope for war supplies of any description from tho United States. This principle, pro claimed in a concurrent resolution adopted by the senate at the instance of President Taft, Is practically cer tain to bo passed by tho house. Though aimed primarily to meet the inade quacies of the present neutrality laws to which the Mexican government called the president's attention, tho resolution when put Into effect will empower the president to prohibit at his discretion, through the lssunnco of a proclamation, the exportation of munitions of war to any country with which the United States is at peace. Getting Ready for Coal Strike. Pittsburg, Pa. Railroads and manu facturing companies, In anticipation ol a suspension of mining operations In tltn l.ltutnltmllc nrkfll .Hott-lnta nf WPflt ern Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio and West Virginia, April 1, when tho ex isting agreement with tho united mine workers of America will expire, nre gathering vast stores of coal. Mines nro being worked to capacity and coal Is being hauled to convenient points In such quantities as to create a car j shortage, which further aggravates tho i situation. In consequence of the heavy demand, prices are soaring nnd mlno j run coal which early in the week sold at $1X0 a ton at tho mine, aro now bringing $1.75, with no promise of lm I mediate delivery. ' Will Oppose Freo Sugar Bill. Washington. Republican members i y. uiw nwitrnj uviii th v.utiti i,iiiiiv.tvi-v Wednesday to discuss tho bubject of tho pending sugar schedulo nnd to de termine what action should bo taken. It was not formal In character, no vote being taken. Tho trend of opinion ns expressed by those In attendance was that they would oppose the passage of ' the free sugar schedule. It Is un derstood that all Nebraska republi can members will tnko this stand. While making no statement for publi cation each of tho threo so expresset himself. Morrill, Neb. Settlors under tho government cnnal aro now paying tho $1 per acre lflll maintenance charge. It Is boileved that this Is all tho pay ment that will bo required ueroro. Do comber 1. 1912. Conservative business men of this community bcllovo that not more than fifty settlers will bo unnblo to meet this requirement and havo tholr claims cancelled after March 15. Washington. Tho houso commltteo on Judiciary has completed Its antl-ln-Junction bill, nnd will report it to tho house. This bill will bo submitted by Chnlrman Chnyton as tho democratlo position on Injunction legislation urged by laborers for many years. London. That a thousand decapl tatlons havo taken plnco at Pekln and' Tlen-Tsln in tho past week Is oftlcially admitted, says a Pekln dispatch to tho Dally Telegraph. Only tho brush of Gustnvo Doro could do Justice to tho hideous plcturo tho streets present. Uodlcs lie in groups In ngonlzed atti tudes, tho heads, literally hacked off. ying where they rolled. The very mules nnd ponies snort nnd refuso to ap proach tho torrlblo objects, ovor wblcl) the rabblo stands and gloats. Confirm Judge Pitney. Washington. Mnhlon Pitney, chan-. cellor of tho stato of New Jersey, Prcs-, Idont Taft's nominee to succeed the lato Justice Harlan on tho supremo court bunch has been confirmed by the sonato by a oto of 50 to 20. JubUco Pitney will conio to Washington Mon day. Still Paying Expenses. New York. Tho Standnrd Oil com pany of Nebraska Wednesday doclnred a stock dividend on 2,000 shares of 33 1-3 per cent. BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA The Keith county fair will bo held at Ogalalla. September 2, 25 and 20. Lincoln is to havo a city mnrkct. The women of Rosnllo have organ Izcd a woman's club. Peter Zumbruin, a gardner farmei living near Columbus, was bitten by a Jog and died within thirty minutes. Clarkson Tho old commercial club at Clarkson, which lias been dormant tho las, fivo yeara, lias been revived. The village council litis passed an ordinance fixing a fine of $25 on any person conducting a dance hall In Peru, The Farmers' Klevntor of Nellgh bus closed up business for the year and declared u dividend of 10 per sent. Th? Rev. Mr. Pugsley, called the "Canadian Cyclone," is holding suc cessful meetings at thu Baptist chinch ut Wayne. Tlie Gurtihon Methodist Hplscopal Sunday school haa rented a bulldiUK which will be used as a reading mid rest room. William Spradllng, an old resident of Auburn, was found dead in his room, death having resulted from heart failure. A hard coal famine has struck To sumach. Th dealera have completely exhausted their supplies mid say they sun get no more. An epidemic of ehlckenpox prevails at Oxford. No severe cases hao oc curred, and comparatively llttlo other sickness prevails. Parties from Iowa are negotiating with tho Pawnee City Commercial club for tho building of a modem ilroproof hotel for that placo. Ike Ilower. a tanner living several miles bouth of Kalrbury, shut a largo American eagle measuring seven feet from tip to tii of wing. Wymoro claims to havo tho cham pion egg sucker of the state Harry Campbell who ato twenty-four raw eggs at ono sitting recently. Tho city of lloldregu will vote on tho liquor Issue as a result of a peti tion signed by eighty leading business men presented to the city council. , While playing around a building under construction nt Oinnlia. Wilbur Salem, agetl fourteen, was struck on tho head by a falling timber and killed. Driven to despondency through his Inability to find work, Aloxander Hern stein, nn lS-yenr-old Omaha boy, shot himself through the head at his home, lying instantly. Mrs. Cyius Dlack, wifo of former Stato Representative Illack, editor of tho Enterprise, died nt her homo at Hickman after a lingering Illness from Drlght's disease. As a result of a series of revival meetings at Deatricc, in ehargo of Rev. Mr. Lowry, 5S1 converto pro fessed religion. The total attendance amounted to 63,000. After having been without a minis ter for a year, tho Christian church at Plattsmouth has called the Rev. A. L. Zlnk, who was a pastor at Colorado City, to tho ehargo. Tho ladies' aid society of the First Presbyterian church of Alliance has decided to remodel tho kitchen and church parlors and aro giving a berles of suppers to defray the cxponso of1 tho work. Special services were held at all of tho four Protestant churches at Fair- I bury, Sunday evening, for railroad men. Special music was given. Each minister preached special bormons on railroad life. Cotnor university won the triangular dobato held by Donne, Uellovuo and Cottier. This Is tho second year con secutively that Cotnor has won and makes tho third Inter-colleglnto vic tory in tills lino of work this year without defeat. Students of tho Grand Island col lego will undertake, with the assist ance of some experienced workmen, to build a gymnasium of cement blocks GO.xSO feot in dimension. Work la to bo commenced as soon as the snow Is off the ground. A petition signed by over nlno hun dred Lincoln citizens has been filed with tho boa id of education asking that tho teaching of fierman bo start ed in some of tho ward schools next fall and that this matter be considered in connection with next year's budget. Tho fifty Oregon trail markers or dered by tho last legislature uro now completed and will be set in placo as soon ns the weather permits. An ad ditional twenty-llvo markers aro being planned nnd will bo placed some time during tho summer. Tho shafts aro all alike, each ono bearing tho Inscrip tion, "Oregon Trail, marked by the Uato of Nebraska, 1012." A largo power cannl will bo con structed by Lincoln capitalists on the Loup river In Nnnco and Platto coun ties, and power stations established at Genoa and Columbus. Last year proved so successful to growers of sugar beets around ScottB Bluff that tho field men for tho factory aro thla year swamped with applica tions for acreage. Last year thero was about 11,000 acres grown, nnd this year there la already 15,000 acres signed up, with others still looking for available lands. Ton deeds to farms wero filed with tho county recorder at Nebraska City in ono day, tho total consideration being $110,820. They woro all farms In Otoo county. This Is tho largest day n real cstato transfers mado In tho county In some tlmo. In order that tho teachers who at tend tho annual convention of tho E. C. N. T. A. may visit tho Fremont schools nnd see tlfV'm in operation, tho spring vacation, which was sot for tho last weok Th March, will bo postponed till tho first week In April. Visiting teachers will bo Invited to Inspoct tho schools Thursday, March 23 Summer Wear. Patrick worketl for a notorlouslr stingy boss and lost no chanco to lot tho fact be known. Once a wag gish friend, wishing to twit him, re marked: "Pat, 1 hear your boss Just gave you a brad-new suit of clothes." "No," said Pat, "only pnr-rt of tuit." "What part?" "Tho sleeves Iv tho vest!" When Your Eyes Need Care Try Miirlnn r.ye ltcmcd.v. No Htimrtltic FceU Klnc Aultt ynlrldv. Try It for Itnl, Wiuk. Wat pry Kjph ntnl Oniiiuliitt-ri KyclMs. Illut-trnU-il Hook In rnrh rnuknvc. Murine U C(imiiirnlpc by our VimiIIm lint a "Putrtil MM Icllm" hut tiul In iircnsftil I'liyMcliinv l'rao Ilco for timtir y-ir. Now iliulli-nn-il In tho I'nb In mill aolil Lit linik-iild at 'iV an. I Mk- pur llottla. lurltio K)o S.ilvu In .Aii-plti! '1 noes, iio arid tue. Murlno Eyo Romody Co., Chicago A Diplomat. -Don't ask a girl for a kiss un less " "Unless you wnnt ono?" "No, unless you don't." When the Millennium romps Gnrflcld Te tnd Holy Cliurou will not bo louder needed. A woman rcldom cats If there U anything else for her to do. Needs No Paint No After Trouble or Expense First Cost Last Cost When you want a durable, attrac tive and inexpensive roofing that will protect your building? from tho sun, rain, snow, hail, wind, fire and lighlninq something different from tho ordinary prepared roofing that requires frequent painting and re pairing, ASK YOUR DEALER F.OR "Triple Asphalt Coated" "Mica Plattd" ITm stood tho "Teat of llmo" under tliomost ecro cllmatlo condition. Put up In rolls ot 103 q. It. with ilne-coatMl. pal vanlteil nalK cement unci Illustrated illroetlonfllieet. Hot eamnlci anil our II Imtrated tiooktetii. "Gal-va-nitn Qualltlet'' nil ' rhe Inside of An Out side Proposition." FORDMFG.CO. UU Paul, St. LouU, CdIcaot. Omaha, l&uuaa City Splendid Crops In Saskatchewan (WtsUrn Canada) 800 Bushols from 20 acres) ot wneut wai tne tnresuer return from Lloyd I minster farm in th season of 1910. Many fields in that at well other dUtrlcts yield ed from 25 to 35 bu shela of wheat to the acre. Other grains in proportion. URGE PROFITS nre thus derived from lh FHr, K IIO M KM i: A! LANDS uf Western Conniln. This fiiullrm klKuvlnn rantes prli'im tn advance Lund values slmiild doulilolnmo yearn time. llniln grow liiir.inlM"! fiirnt lug urn nil prolliuliln. Tree I loiiiufttr-mlft nf 1 (10 uirci nro to hit hud In the ry liest ilMtrlrMt lllo n ru iru-oini tloimiit ftll.OO jiuriH re with in certain urean. St liuouunil (hiiiilun In iery "utllc lmnf, (llitiiitn unexcelled, (.nil tlierlrheMt: litioil. MHter mill lull lUlnjf uiuterlal iilcntlfiil. , 19 Ir or particulars s to location, low tcitlrrs' rullitar rates nnd (IriorlptlMi UliiMtutrd pumpbloU "list llest WVst." and otlmr In formation, wrlm to Hnp't of Imtnl unitlnn, Ottuna, Canada, or to Canadian Uurtmimcnt, Agent. W. V. UENNETT Room 4 Bi Bid. Omaha, Nik. PI rasa wrlto to ttio agent nesrsst yon mi;, cuiiir ruiBiiiK mum imirj ' Sow Salzer's, La Crosse, Wis. Seeds Nebraska Directory RUPTURE CURED in a few dayi without nabi or a sur gical operation. No pay until cured. Writ Ult. WltAY, 307 Ueo IIIiIr., Omaha, Neb. WESLEY AN HOSPITAL Pit u ut fd In hc.iiitlful rrslclonciiMihurb nf Lincoln. Ill's t uf ram fur MKIUUAL, Ull MJIUlIUALcusea. t'UUi COUPS Ut' MIKrtUS and pli)hU'luns In a? tendancn. For full Information, Inquiry 11. 11. Saw lur, M. D l'lijMdun in tluirgu, Lincoln, Itobnulu. THEPAXTON HOTEL Omaha, Nebraska EIIRnPFAN i IN KooniH from J I. IX) up Hlnijlc, 75 centa up double. CAFE PRICES REASONABLE AUCTIONEER Auctioneers are not all altkn. Homo aro mnch bat ter than allien. The bettsr Urn iiiictlouexr the largsr yourclu'tk. Tliebestsoll'ng servlio colts jruu nn more than the poorest. There' pro tit, sccurllr und satisfac tion In doing biiMneas with Z.H. IIKANHON, Llnlutk sad Itrtl K,Ula larlloixr. It ln Kiprlee, L1H0L3, ala. Lincoln Sanitarium Sulplio Saline Springs Located on our own premises and used In tho Natural Mineral Water Baths Unsurpassed in the treatment ol Rheumatism Heart, Stomach, Kldne, and Liver Diseases MODERATE CHARGES, ADDRESS DR. O. W. EVERETT, Mr. 1405 M Btroot Lincoln, Neb. jfirM mm UKCTaJ MTtiNSia JmSm ImBWBM n l. . .MiH.aMBmBI$jM Ut VAtMl&K rt(w i'lt -BWWfV'ff ajr' M."vt; t m.kws " &-$mr-& ;y)SatWitSHWfnniii urn n Mr:.-- i mmwmOTWWNii H" '