The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 21, 1912, Image 5

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"J"1 ""
Robes, Sad
dles, Whips
and every thing to be found in a first
class exclusive Harness Shop. : :
i Ttm
1 n
ri.TiVM H
7l M
ttwiy-? u
are unequaled for Quality of Stock,
Durability and Workmanship for
the money.
B. It H. Time Tabic
i:sr iita'vi)
No. 1 1 I'hrounh trnlii, lo arts 2.03 a. m.
No. 10 Local passcmur " . ... U' V a. m
No. 171 Accommodation North e.
ccpt Monday and N'ul., departs 1:'J0 p. in.
No. 170 Accommodation North.
Monday and Wednesday departs ll.'Wa.m.
wi r llOl'M)
No. 13 -'I liromjli train, departs . . (! l'i,. in.
No. 10 Local pnsstnitcr " ... t-!0 p. in.
Hurry Deilrielt wont to Cowles Tues
tiny. Malt Iloylo returned home Wednes
day. For tfooil Job Pilntlnu; call on tho
Clius. Arnold was down from Iniivnle
Kellar Uonlen left for California
Saturday. j
Father Fitzgerald was in Superior!
this week.
C. P. I'mid was down fiom Iilue Hill
over Sunday. I
A F. HurUell of lnavu'e was in1
town Sunday.
All kinds of Fjlootricat woik done by
Morhuit Pros
Di-jtrkit Court will convene in thi&
Misses PIsle Lung and Aldii ltailey
of Guide Koek visited telutlves III Hed
Cloud Tuesday
J. II. r.llinKer left for Angus, Minn.,
Sunday wheie he will eonduet u largo
sale of live stoelc.
Tlio Dvuuoiid Hleutriu Vaetim clean
er demonstiuted in your home fiee.
Call I'houc lied 07.
Mrs. .!. Ii.Tackettof Itutler, Mo, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. T. J
Diamond of thi-j place.
Theie will be no services, ut the
Urothreiiohuteh Sunday evening bo
cause of the bad road1.
Mis. Minnie Taylor retained to her
homo in lliverton Wednesday after a
short visit in this city.
Mis. Frank Urbon, .sister of Ernest
Davis, ariived Sunday morning fiom
lloldrege for n shot t visit.
The Cotigicgational church ladies
will hold u market Saturday, March
'.'.'Id, at P. A. Wullbrandt's store.
The Ilnest lino and best assoitment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look it over. MoitllAUT Brio.
Tlio Kpwoith League will give a
Shoe Social Fiiday evening, March
'JUnd, A good time is assured to all.
l'rof. lietv. informs us that the band
will give another musical enteitaln
incut at the Opera house, Apiil l-'Ui.
Special attention given to diseases
vifcGv-' -"-
"goes in every package
that leaves our store regard
less of price. Satisfaction,
that's what wo aim for and wo ne
I'oinplisL it 'o have, satisfaction
in Knowing that you get tho best when
you liade with us. You hue the
satisfaction of knowing that you
have bought your gioceiies at the
lowest price consistent with goods
mid quality.
B. E. NcFarland
city next week. ,,f t.yo iUU enr. classes accurately
VA Ainaek returned home from Utted. Dr. Stockman, Hed Cloud, Nebr.
Omaha Saturday.
1!. A Wiley of Hastings was in town
on business Tiic-iluy.
I). P. Saundeis and son liay left for
Kansas City Monday.
S. il. l'.ailey ietuined home Wednes
day from Xorth IMatte.
Miss Mary Peterson returned home
Saturday from Lincoln.
Herb Ludlow was a passenger to
Superior Monday morning.
Clias. Undley was a passenger to
Hastings Monday morning
Chus. and Cal Moranvillo of Guide
Rook are in town this week.
The Chlof does all kinds of Job
Printing neatly, aeeuratojy and
Farm Loans
There are several reasons lors-eeing
J. H. Halley for a farm loan and here
they are.
lb- Is solo agent for Tivvett Mattis
iV Maker.
This company is here every day in
tho year ready for business and not
heio this week and gone next. They
loan on anv lann having the alue in
it impioved or uiiluipioveil. You don't
wait from two to tour months for join
money but surely get it on the day
called for. They give the bist option
in tlio market.
Mis. C. F. Clund and children re
turned to their home at Blue Hill
I uisd.iy after a visit hero with her
John Crans lei t Monday morning
lor Council Mull's Iown, to attend tho
funeialofhis daughter, Mrs. Chasey
Mis. S. Soreuson, who has been
vlsitinghersister, Mrs Prank llichird
son, returned to her home in Itladen
Dr. Cross will bo in his olllce over
tho State Dank everyday in the week.
Haviuir discontinued his visits to
Fun Sali:; The two buildings oc
cupied by the Chief Olliee and K. 11.
Xewhouse'.s jewelry store. Inquire of
P. II. New house.
Mcssis limits, Shuck, Ilohrer and
Stowait chaperoned several cars of
stock to the Kansas City market t In
first of the week
Cuy Pradbiook teturned home fiom
Bruulug Monday, lie expects toenler
the Saunders ltros , lumber yard theie
thullist of Apiil.
1j A v l -Wo lutvo for s ile farms on
easy paj meats and special terms
wot th tin- money. Several mighty
good deals. Tho largest list ot local
fauns from which to solect.
DN Ci iuu.ii & Company, Cuinr Olliee.
Royal has no substitute for
making delicious home-baked foods
Baking Powder
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal drape Cream off Tartar
Doctor Hoy S. (iniber of tho pio
fessioual directory ol this city is visit -ing
his papa at lied rUoud at present.
Lawrence Locomotive.
Klder Ira It. Wagoner, who is to
succeed liev. Jaiboe as pastor of the
l.rcthren church, arrived with his wife
from Chicago on Tuesdaj.
Phil Sherwood and Hownid Foe,
who ato attending tho Univeisity of
Xebiaska, tuo spending their sju iny
vacation with tho homo folk's.
Oris Fearn, who for some months
past has been employed In a hotel at
Superior, lias resigned his position
and returned to the paternal roof.
Don't forget wo make farm loans,
money teady the day tlio title is ap
proved. (lAiiuiui, HiTciiibo.s i. S.lhi:n.
It is reunited that Juilirc H. IS.
Peiry of Cambridge, judge of the 1 Itli
judicial dlstilct, will hold court heto
next week in place of Judgo Dungan.
Tho Degiee of Honor will meet
Tuesdaj evening. It is requested that
all members bo present as busino's or
iinpoitance is to come befoie the
Potnef-Clold band ring; has been
a present to some one in l!i()'J Owner
can have same by calling at this olliee.
describing property and paying for
this notice.
Our job department has just com
pleted the bar docket for tlio March
form of distiiet couit. Ity the way,
our job work speaks lor its self. I lave
you he ud it?
The Iioyul hotel looked like a travel
ing men's convention last week, when
tho hotel was full to overflowing with
traveling men who weio stalled hero
by the snow storm.
Will Kent says a chicken camp to his
house, and all of a sudden if was gone,
but he didn't say where Com. Ad.
The nelghbois say that Pro. Ilosiner
had chicken for his Sunday dinner s.ijs
Will Kent.
Don't forget the time, the place and
tho sbo of your shoes when you come
to the Shoe Social. Friday evening
7:110 o'clock, Methodist church, and
?'.'?'.'. Admission tho size of your shoo
multiplied by !.
li C. Khodo Island lied eggs for
hutching at 5i!.'jr per hundred, ll.iby
chicks at 10 cents each
Mns. T. W. Wiiiti:,
Ked Cloud, Xi-br
Rural Phone U l!).
We aie a Florida coinpanj and want
to tell J ou of the oppoitunilic-. in oil I
t:itc Write for pin tlciilais.
Pl.MII.1 TD.S LMt C0M.,
:iai First Nat'l Illdg ,
!'! '.'t Lincoln, Xebr
II. K. McFiirhind and A. U. Kaley ie
turned homo fiom Omaha Saturday
whero they attended the Nebraska
Federation Hetailers' couveiitlon.
They ariived homo on tho snow plow
from Hastings after being stuck in a
snow drift between Cowles atijl. Dluo
Wo wish to extend our slncore
thanks to the many kind friends mid
neighbors who assisted us during tho
sickness and death of our daughter
and sister, and lor tho beautiful
(lowers that were contributed.
Mi: and Mns. G W Davis
and Datum ri:u.
Wolfe & Whitaker, gonoral black
smiths, now carry a full line of farm
implements, surreys, buggies, wagons,
Kimg plows, gas engines, stacker ropes,
all kinds of machinery and heavy
haidware, and all supplies for same.
Also ail kinds of oil. Licensed Plumb
ers Calls promptly answered.
Our esteomod contemporary, the
Commercial Advertiser, in an effort to
take the lead whether capable or
otherwise, announces iu its issue of
Wednesday that it whs the fir t day of
spring. For the benefit of those who
might be mis lead we take pleasure in
announcing that Wednesday was the
last day of winter and today is the
first day of spring.
lten (Irani was In town this week.
W. A. Prince of Uraiid Island Is In
town today.
Chris Pussier was down fiom IMue
Hill Tiu-duy
The Coiigiegational ladles will liae
their Cook Hooks on sale .s.iluiday at
P. A Wiillbi.indt stoic
liev W F Colo Informs us that
theie will be sei vice at the Uaptisl
elniich Sunday conducted l him.
Paster is .ii'pi. niching and the pri
maries me unable to demand the un
divided attention of own the most
indent suiIiiikisIsoI the female se
Claicinv Mitchell, who Will plaj
with the Pn' nleiiee, Khodc Island
team of tin- Intermit loual llac I! ill
League this se isnti, left Monday foi
siiiMilliuih itun-hi. where the team
will begin wmlti- (milling .Much"
has the l' st wislii-s of his many fi lends
bote for a jt.hmI ear, and thej all feel
eonlldi lit t he will maUe rood
Wednesdaj's I t iiil.liu News.
Don't Forget
Tho Kpwui Hi League will serve a
lunch of isdli e, or eoeoa, sandwiches
mid dougliiiiits for loe at the .shoe
Social Fild.i evening at the Methodist
Pnn Vn Acl Rttrr'
Your Mono Kiuk for tin: Asklni. You
Promise Nothing
We are so c mlldent tint wo can
furnish relit 1 lor indigestion and djs
pepsin that we promise to supply the
medicine flee of all cost to eveiy one
who ifces it ae oidingtodiieclioi.s who
is not perfeitlj satislled with the ie
suits. We e let no promises and put
no ono under nnj obligation whatever.
Surely nothing could be fail or. Wo
arc located light heto where you live
and our imputation should besulllcienl
assuiaViCe of tlio gonuineiiess of our
Wo want tneiy olio who is troubled
with indigestion or djspepsla in any
form to come to our store and buy a
box of lie.Mill Dyspepsia Tablets. Take
them home, and give them a leasouable
trial, accenting to diteetions. If they
don't pic is j on. tell us and wo will
quickly letui-i your money. They
have a very mild but positive action
upon the oigans with which they come
in contact, apptiicntly acting as a regu
lative tonic upon tho relaxed muscular
coal of ..the bowel, thus overcoming
weakness, and aiding to icstoiu the
bowels to nii'ie vigorous and healthy
activity. Three sizes il'ie, fiOc and 81.
Ueiueinber. you enn obtain liexall
Kemedies only at our stoic Tho Ilex-
all Stoic. The II. II Giiee DiugCo.
Willow's Pension.
I he iccent act or April !th, I!)0S
gives to al' soldieis" wulows a pension
?TJ per mouth, l-'ml Mauii'i-, the at
toinev, has all nieessaiy blanks.
Reduction on Heavy Weight
Suits and Overcoats
. - r'AWv6ar
n . ViVSMV
;.. vi
v '. ri i ii. l
V . -' 'Vt iZ r -i
V fU'.t!?.'! v-
r..... .!!. inn
TI r Iuujt 1 1 fii iciiliclaie
Will close soon. So if oti
want-to cl sonic of the best
bargains vwv offered in Ked
Cloud on Suits and Overcoats
We arc yetting in
and must move the heavy
stuff to make room for thorn
and we ate not particular
about making any profit right
now on winter goods.
Come in and see the advance
styles of Spring Suits, Hats,
Caps, Shirts and Shoes. We
want your Spring business and
will show you the nicest Cloth
ing for the money you have
ever seen in Ked Cloud.
One Price Clothiers
Sm l.'crn.
I will not have seed corn on display
as advi-itised I he supply ol seul
coin will be limited this spi ing, and if
you luue to buy you can et seed corn
fiom the 11 1 tn mentioned below. If
j on order please mention my name.
Vii-k 11. piiugcr
SCO bu. King of Hie Parlies (Yellow )
!i('() bu Plide of the Xoith (Yellow )
liieo bu. Impioved Learning (Yellow)
:i0obu. Iowa Hold Mine (Yellow.)
:()()() bu. Champion While Pearl,
inoii bu. low Silver Mine.
InOil bu. Wisconsin White Dent.
1000 bu. White Cap Yellow Dont.
Prices with sack $'J (in per bushel.
Ten bushel lots 81.1)0 per bushel; i!()
bushel lots SI. So per bushel, f. n. b
Waterloo, Nebr.
Cash with order We cannot open
W.-.tei loo, Nebr.
$25.00 One Way
lllilTlsIl COLUMI'.IA. This Is tho general basis of colonist furcs.
Mai eh 1st to April I.Mh.
TlllloUUII Tol'UIsr SLI5l!l'KIS
Hveiy day to Los Angeles and San Pranclsco, with daj light ride througli
scenic Coloiado.
lively day via Noitliein I'acillc and (lieat Northoin to all piincipal
noi th west destinations.
si'MMP.n p.xcrusiox topuk op tiii-j pacii-ic coast.
Special dates of Mile in eaeli month, commencing Api il, i-t $" louiiil
trip, with eveiy day loiind liip rale of S'lO-Jhc firftlllftSt Railroad .lOUT
nr.y In lib: World and low rates for it Plan now.
Moie altraetne eeursion lutes than ever before, this sutiiiuer to Iiockj
M'lUiitains, elli-w stone I'aik, Dig Iloin Mountain lcsoit-', the Ulaek
1HI1, the (ileal Lakes, Atlantic Coast lesoi is; it is none too early to be
milking your summer Vacation plans.
IIOMKsHHKHIlS fiom Hi-iem Nobiaska to tho Dig
Horn Itaslu and other locilities West ami Northwest.
R. C. roc, Agent, Red Cloud, Nebr.
L. W. Wm:i.i: , tieiieial Passenger Agt , Omaha, Netn
SSBSSBSSf-- a ' '"i1:" i i'iMiI'
Suppose You Should Burn Out To-Night!
Are You Insured Against Loss?
We represent four of the Largest American Insurance
Companies whose assets aggregate over $75,000,000.00.
Offict; now in Opera House Block. Rut Chud, Nebraska:
Kcfiort e? tStc Condition
-HI till -
Webster County Bank
I'.Kl) CLOUD, fittiP.A.SHA.
Cliaiti r No. 1011, lncoi iKirnkd In tliehlati of
.Si hruhl.a, at the eloe ol buslni ks March 111,
UUsonu i:-,:
Loans anil Discounts . . 7.l,llH.Kil
UscnlraftH, hrciirtil anil uiiMciirul 170. W
I'm iilturu ami I'lMuris l.WU.OO
C'urrint i'cnsi h and taxis paid '.MSilH'l
Due from national unit htalu
biiiks S.'S,lir,.iK)
Checks and Items of ccham;u 1 ,Ui:t .
Currency l,i:n.oif
(loht coin 47.').00
Hll or, nlcl;els ami cents 121.111
Total cash on hand :il,lfi0.!ii!
i.iaiiii.i i iks:
Capllul slock paid In .
.surplus fund ,
Undlsliled iiruillH .
IndlNldiial ih.'imslts hiiliject
to cheek .. rMWil.7 '
Dcinaiid ami 'I line certlll-
eatesof ilcioslt ... 1K.71.", Ill
Total deposits .... .
Depositor,' Kiiiir.inty fund
... wvooo.oo
. M0.C0
. . I.SI'l.iW
, :us..
'lotlil . 8 108,1(17.211
!si'.Ti-:ijr.N'i:iiit.sic., iK!4
County of Wclistir. f
I, H. It. ri.ou.vNCK, cashier of tho nhuvo
named hank, do hereby swear that thenhovo
stntement In a correct and true copy of tho
report nittdo to the Mtato llnnkliiK Hoard.
h. it. ri.oitANci:,
attkht: Cnshltr.
II. 1'. Mi.kii, Director.
Wit, Cu'aiiu.!., Director.
Hubscrlued and sworn to before mo this
21st day of March 1812. O. O. Tkei.,
(hkal.) Notary rubllc.
Doors That Stand
dose mspectioni
are the only kind we sell
couldn't afford to
handle an inferior door
anymore than you can
afford to buy one. We
have them in genuine
White Pine
and want you to see them
and judge for yourself.
A variety of designs to
select from.
'There's Nt Place Like Hone."
Our house Is hiirnlnij down unri
.lolufh away a million miles olt on
liisvaeaiion, A true picture though
a bit exiiKk'eratcil.
Qot an Insurance Policy on
Your House and Furniture
while you think admit it For
holhl seeiuily have us write it up.
Our piemiiims are low and compan
ies aie Mifo.
Reliable Insurance.
Red Cloud
fitm ffTt)ilflil., i, , ,fc.
' ,iiw-jrtaMtwiw i