The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 21, 1912, Image 2
1 PieasantRefieslunS, TOSH iramw W MJfee? Beneficial, Gentio andEffcctivd, rJdACK LpNDON 4pr00 or "rr cm or rrwi.D' trfif 1 l. rtrir. fvtfrt fir, ctu. (Copyright, 1910, by the New York MeraM rornpuny.) (CopyriRnt, iuiu. ny me .muu.miimm I'ornimny WEH "-C ' T"t r& 4K? w 4 " IK. KB' .V-" crjie ?r - .-- AT Earn. . VJKkv' fV TX? TiVaaTsTaV - . HBftyiwuvi! ., -." $ i SYNOPSIS. liliwn llnrnlxli. kiioun nil llirntntli Aim kn in "IliirnltiK i.illKlit. ' i'li In itti" lilf .tOlh lilillwliii ultli ii i'IiiuiI if inlllt'li lit tlm cin in ! timiII 'I'ln' ilnmo ii-.tii" ' to hi'iivy Kiimfilltii;. In wlib'li tiwr ll'U' H Hlllkl'll lllirilllll lotl'H Ills IIHHH') IIIKI IiIn mini' hut wltm tin' mall intittnot H; Mtirn uti his mull tilp with ilmss niul hIi'iIhu. h'llltiK IiIh frli'liiN Unit ln will Ii" In llin tin: Yakut kuIiI Milki- at tin- sunt HiiraliiK liiIUIit miiki't n m-iwilli'imuv tiiplil inn nrriiMi cnnnti with Hit' mull. iiiii'iiih nt tin' Tholl nml Is iiuw ri'iniv to Join his nii'iiils In a ilaili t' tin' a;w pnlil llnlils Di'ilillllK tlmt wild Vm l,'1,, rmiinl In th npilM-r iixtrlit HiirnMi liniH two Ions of Hour wlihh In ilrrlnn's will In- worth ll wi-lKlit in ilii, I"" wlirn ln uirli's with hl Hnr ! flails tin- IiIk ll.H ilfunLiti- A iiiniinli' illsi-ov-its koIiI ami imMklit n-nps a ih'h lair-vi-sl Hi i:ihh to Ihiwhiiii. Ipi'i'onirs inn most piiiinlni'tit llKur.- la tin- Kltiinllkn nml ili'fi'iits ii ciiialila.'itlnii of I'lipllalMs la ii xai mlnltiK 'Ii "I Hi- return to i'lvlll7iitloa. niul, aailil tan bewllilerlni: 'niaplli'iitlniiH of Miili Murine,'. niillRlit Minis llinl hi' Iiiih In i'ii It'll to lavi'Sl his fli'Vi'ii miIIIIoiih In a riianlpiiliitnl ii'lieim lli urn's to Ni' York nml oiuifrimtliig his iIIhIoviiI p ii tarts with r revolver, liu thrt'iili'iiM to kill tlii'ia If Ills aioai Im ant ti'tmni'il Thi'v im' cowftl. ri'lara tln-lr Mi'iilltiKs mnl Uaralsh Km s Imi'k to Han l-'mtirlHin whi'tn In' ini'i'ts his falf la Di'ito .Masiia. a tiri'ttv Nli'iiouiapliiT lln tnnld's Imiki' laifFttai'tils ami m'ls Into lln potltli'al rlmt l'or n rrst lin uni's to tin' t'oaaliv ll.llKht fi'lt ili'i'pi'i Into lilnli llnaiii'f la San l'rnai'lsi'o. Imt ofli-a lln InimltiK for tlm Hlinplf llff iwarlv omt-i-niai'M lil in Pi'ili' Miiniiii Imys a Innsi' ami liiivlk'hl mi'i'ts hi'f In Iht niuMIt' tilps Oai- ilav Im asks lii'ili' to mi with hlai on nan lanri' rlilo. his paipnsp liclai; to nnk Iht to iiiany hlta nml thi'V rantfr awav. Him ti vlnit to naalvzi' Iht fot'llaiss DimIi' It'lls nnvlluht that Iht Irippiat'ss fiialil not Ik' with a inoni'V mnnl'il'ilor linyllKlit amli'ilaki's In ImlM np a un'iit ImltiHtrlal t'omiiiiialtv lit' Ih lnslsti'iit that Nhi' aiariv him anil ot hnpos to win hrr liavllKht falls hark lulu his nlil Irlaklim wiivh ThtTf Is a llarrv la tin inoai'V marki't lint DayllKht h'tls Di'ili that In' Is unlm; lo work on a lanrh ami priivn to hrr that lit" has rofol aasl CHAPTER XX. Continued. Two days Inter. Dayllnlit stood watt IliK oiiIhIiIc lltu llttlo Olfii KlliMi lioli'l. Thi' I'rri'inony wan ovor. and ho had loft Di'ilo lo ko IiihIiId and cliaiiRo Into her rldltiK-lialill .hllo n hnamht the lioiscs lli hold thoin now, lloh and Mali, and In tlio shadow of the wntmlniMroiiuh Wolf lav and loolut'd on. Already two days of ardent Call fornln sun and toiifhod with now Hits tlio ancient hrono In Iiaylluht's face . Hut wanner still was tlio kIow that cfttno Into his cheeks and hiinied In Ills eyes as ho saw Dodo coinlim out tlio door, rldlUK-whlp In hand, clad In tlio familiar corduroy skirt and lop. rIiiks of the old Piedmont days. Thoio was warmth and nlow In her own faco as she answered his gao and glanced , on past hltn to the horses. Then she saw Mali. Hut her naze leaped hack to thu man. "Oh. Klain!" she hreathod. Many persons, themselves cltyhred. and city roared, have tied to the soil and succeeded In winning great ( liapplnoss In such cases they havo hiicceodod only hy going through a process of savage dlsll liisiouinont Hut with Dtnle and Day light It was dlfToiont. They had liotli lioon horn on the soil, and they knew its naked simplicities and rawer ways They oro like two poisons, after lar wandering, who had mm fly come homo again. Thoro was less of tlio unexpected In their dealings with na ture, wlillo theirs was all the delight of leiulnlscenco What might appear sordid and siiualld to the fastidiously reared, was to them eminently whole some and natural The commerce ol nature was to thorn no unknown and untried trade. They inado fewer nils takes. They already know, and It was a Joy lo rememher what thoy had for gotten. And another thing they learned wa that It was easier for one who has gorged at thu lloshpots to content nimsoii wmi tiie nieagronoss of a i crust, than for one who has known only tlio crust. Not thnt their lUo was meagre. It was Unit thoy found kooner delights nml deeper hatlsfac Units In llttlo things Daylight, who had played the game in its biggest and most fantastic aspects, found thnt here, on tlio slopes of Sonoma Mountain, it was still thu same old game. Man had still work to perforin, forces to combat, obstacles to over come. When he experimented In n small way at raising a few pigeons for market, ho found no less zest In calculating In sipiabs than formerly when ho had calculated In millions. Achievement was no loss achieve ment, while the process of it scorned more rational and received the sanc tion of his i eat-on The domestic cat that had gone wild nml that preyed on Ills pigeons, Ho round, ny tno comparative, htnml- i the other hand, with his coming to nrd, to ho of no less paramount men- ' uVo in the country, had passed all do nco thnn a Chm li'H Kllukner In ihoislie and need for drink. lie felt no Held of llnnnce. trying to lalil him tor yearning for It. and oven forgot that millions. The hawks and i it existed. Yet lie lefused to ho weasels and 'coons wero so funny afraid of It. ami In town, on occasion, Dowsetts, I.ellons. and Ciuggonli.tiu when Invited by tho stoiekeeper, mors that struck nt him secietly Tho I would reply "All light, son If mv sea of wild vegetation that tossed Its surf against the boundaries ol nil His clearings and thai sometimes crept In nml Hooded In a slnglo week was no mean enemy to contend with ami sub due Ills lalsolled vegetable garden In tho nook of hills that failed of Its best was a piohlem ol engrossing Im--rrtiince and wlrm he hud solved It by putting In drnlntllu, the Joy of thu iii'lil(itiunt was over with him. I to nour worked Iti It anil foiuiil tlio hoII unpacked ami tiiictiihlu without ox- purliMii'liiK tlio thrill of accomplish moiit There was the matter of the plumb ing lie was enabled (o purchase thu materials Ihiough a lucky salo or a number of hi hair bridles. The work ho did himself, though mot o than once ho was forced to call in Dedu to hold tight with a plpe-wieiich. And In the ml. when the hath tub and the sta (loamy nibs were installed and in working older, he could scarcely tear himself away from the contemplation of what his hands had wrought The first evening, missing him, Dodo nought ami found him, lamp In hand, staring with silent glee at the tubs Ho rubbed his hand over their smooth wooden lips and laughed aloud, and was as shaine-faci.'d as any boy when she caught him thus secretly exulting In his own prowess It was this adventure In wood-working and plumbing that brought about (he building of the little workshop, where he slowly gathered a collection of loved tools. And he, who In thu old days, out of his millions, could purchase Immediately whatever he might desire, learned the new joy of the possession that follows iik)U rigid economy and desire long delayed. Ho waited three mouths before daring the r Hotel "Say," He Called Out, "I'd oxtrnviiriiincu of a Ynnkee screw-driver, and his glcu in tin- marvelous lit tlu mechanism wan so lu'un that Di'ilo conceived furthilgui a Idea. For six months slio mi veil hor egg mouoy, which was hers by right of allotment, ami on his birthday presented him with a tinning lathu of wonderful sim plicity and multifarious elllclencles. And their mutual delight In the lathe, which was his, was only equalled by their delight In Mali's first foal, which was Deile's special private property. Daylight had matin no assertion of total abstinence, thuugh he had not taken a drink for months after tlio day ho resolved to let his business go to Miinsli Soon ho prowd himself stronu enoiiuh to dare to talce n drink without taking a second. On j taking n drink will make you happy, here goes Whisky for mliio ' Hut such u drink begat no desire tor a second. It iiiudo no impression lie was too profoundly strong to he effected by a thimbleful As lie had piopheslcd to Di'ilo, Hurnlng Daylight, tho city Ilnanclur, had died a tjulck death on the ranch, and his youuger WWMmM , '. "-' . . v 'J YMiW" V25i?Jl TmirfPWRWM - 'x ry " ft f Hi iu1 mix m ' I, II 1 biother. the Daylight from Alaska, had taken his place. The threatened Inundation of fat had subsided, and all his old-time Indian leanness and lltheness of muscle had returned. Ho, likewise, did the old slight hollows In his eheoku come hack. Tor him they Indicated the pink of physical condi tion Ho became the acknowledged strong mnn of Honoina Valley, the heaviest lifter and hardest winded among a husky race of fanner folk. At first, when in nerd of ready cash, he had followed Ferguson's example of working at day's labor; but ho was not long In gravitating to a form of work thnt was more stimulating and more satisfying, ami thnt allowed him own more time for Dodo nml the ranch and the perpetual riding through the IiIIIh. Having been challenged by the blacksmith, In a spirit of banter, to attempt iho breaking of n certain Incorrigible colt, he succeeded so sig nally as to earn unite a reputation as a horse-breaker. And soon ho was able to earn whatever money ho de sired at this, to him, agreeable work. Ills life was eminently wholesome nml natural. Karly to bed. ho slept like an infant and was up with thu dawn Always with something to do, and with a thousand llttlo things that enticed hut did not clamor, he was himself never oveidono Nevertheless, there were times when both ho and Dodo was not above confessing tired ness at bedtime after seventy or eighty miles In the saddle. Sometimes, when he had accumululod n little money, and when the season favored, they would mount their horses, with sad-die-bags behind, and rldo nwny over the wall of tho valley and down Into the other valleys. ii l ,V V 3r W WIN Mi i Like to Tackle You Again." One day, stopping to mnll a letter at the (ileu Kllen postolllce. they weio hailed by tho blacksmith. "Say, Daylight," ho said, "a young fellow named Slosson sends you his regards. He came through In an unto on tho way to Santa Ilosu. lie wanted to know If you didn't live hereabouts, but tho crowd with hltn wus in a hur ry. So he sent you his regards and said to tell you he'd taken you ad vice and was still going on breaking his own record." Daylight had long since told Dedo of tho Incident. "Slosson?" ho meditated. "Slosson? That must be tho hanimer-thiowor. Ho put my hand down twice tho young scamp " Ho turned suddenly to Dede "Say, It's only twelo miles to Santa Itosn, and tho horn s nro fresh " She divined whnt was In his mind, of which his twinkling eyes and sheep ish, boyish grin gave siilllclent adver tisement, and she smiled and nodded nequloscetiso. "We'll cut across by Hennett Val ley." ho said. "It's nearer that way." Thoro was llttlo dllllculty. once In Santa Itosn, of Hading Slosson Ho and his party hud registered nt the Oberllu Hotel, nnd Day light encoun tered the young hammer-thrower him self In the oltlcu. Look hero, son," Daylight nnnounc led, ns soon as ho had Introduced Dede, "I've como to go you another flutter at that hand game. Here's a likely place " Slosson smiled and accepted. The two mull faced each other, the elbows of their right arms on the counter, tho hands claspeil, Slossou's hand quick ly foieed backward and down. "You're tho Hist man that ever suc ceeded In doing It." ho said "Let's try It again." "Sure," Daylight answered. "And don't forget, son, that you're the first J man t lint put mine down. That's why I lit out after you today." Again they clasped hands, nntl again Slosson's hand went down. Ho was a broad-shouldered, heavy-muscled young giant, nt least half a head taller than Daylight, and he frankly expressed his chagrin and asked for a third trial. This time he steeled him self to the effort, ami for a moment the Issue was In doubt With Hushed faco and set teeth he met thu other's strength till his crackling muscles failed him. Tho nlr exploded sharply from his tensed lungs, ns he relaxed In surrender, and the hand dropped limply down. "You're too many for me," he con fessed. "I only hope you'll keep out of tho hammer-throwing game." Daylight laughed and shook his head. "We might compromise, and each stny In his own class. You stick to hammer-throwing, and I'll go on turn ing down hands." Hut Slosson refused to nccept de fen t. "Say," he called out, ns Daylight and Dodo, astride their horses, were preparing to depart. "Say do you mind If I look you up next year? I'd like to tncklo you again." "Sure, sofi. You're welcome to a flutter any time. Though I glvo you fair warning that you'll have to go some. You'll havo to train up, for I'm plowing and chopping wood and break ing colts these days " Now and again, on the way home, Dodo could hear her big boy-husband chuckling gleefully. As they halted their horses on the top of the divide out of Hennett Valley, In order to watch tho sunset, ho ranged alongside and slipped his arm nround her waist. "Little woman," ho said, "you're sure responsible for It nil. And I lcavo It tn vmi. If nil tho mnnnv fn nrnntlnn I Is worth as much ns one arm like that when It's got a sweet llttlo woman like this to go nround " Daylight's stendfnst contention was thnt his wife should not become cook, waitress, and chnmberninld because she did not happen to possess a house hold of servnnts. On tho other hand, chaflng-dlsh suppers In the big living room for their camping guests were n common hnppenlng. nt which times Daylight allotted them their chores and snw that they wero performed. For one who stopped only for the night it was different. Likewise It J was different with her brother, back i from Germany, and ngnln able to sit a horse. On his vacations he became the third In the family, and to him was given the building of the fires, the sweeping, and the washing of the ' dishes. (TO m-: CONTINUED ) MUSIC AS CURATIVE AGENT i uMivjuiy icnviica wi i vwi wicoinmi and Lively Waltzes Have Good Ef Clnnlnn Tm ! turn frtm-mt DuaitUInn fects on Melancholia Patients. Two ICngllsh physicians of proml nonce hnve recently asserted thnt the exercise given to the lungs in singing Is valuable In the prevention und cure of diseases of tho"o organs They consider thnt Increased professional recognition should be extended to this special therapeutic ngency, ns advls able in cases where pulmonary con sumption Is feared QIUKIIIH IIIVU1VU3 LlJIlC'tl II.IBIII breathing, and this means thnt the air admitted to tho lungs Is prac tically germ Ireo. nnd also the ade quate development of the upper por tions of the resplrntory passages An other effect Is tho maintenance or the elasticity and proper expansion or the chest The necessary breathing exer clses mean Increasod functional ac tivity of the lungs Then, thero Is the improved oxygenation or the blood, which singing necessnrlly pro motes As we know, most singers nnd also thoso musicians who perrorm on wind Instruments are a healthy looking lot Not ninny years trom now music will bo recognized ns a most valunblo cur ntlve agent, especially in cases or in sanity or morbidity What tired, over wrought, distressed man or woninn does not know tho value or music How many benutllul stories could be .told of the power of music to sustain nnd restrnln? One of the greatest scientists living tins lestlllcd that ho was once kepi from thoughts ot despair and snlcJile by suddenly henrlng In tlio next house someone playing Itubonsteln's Melody In F In tho Croydon Mental hospital London, waltz music particularly the bright, musical comedy ploces Is used In olfectlng a euro lor melan cholia patients A vnln woman would rather hear her complexion praised then her vlr tues. CALIFORNIA HO SYRUP CO. in 1fie Circle, on evcrii Pacftago of tlio Genuine. DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU.. 8YRUP OF FIGS AND EUXIR OF SENNA UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION FOn MORE THAN THIRTY YEARS FAST, AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS LED UN SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS TO OFFER INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESS; THEREFORE, WHEN BUYING. NotetfaMName of the Compam PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS, NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN THE CIRCLE.NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKACE.OF THE GENUINE. REGULAR PRICE S0 PER BOTTLEi ONE SIZE ONLY, FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. gYRUP OF ITCS AND ELIXIR OP SENNA IS THE MOST PLEASANT, WHOLE. SOME AND EFFECTIVE KEMEDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES, HEADACHES AND BILIOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTIPATION, AND TO CET ITS BENEFICIAL UFICTS rr IS NECESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE, WHICH a MANUFACTURED BY THE California Fig SyrupCo. Vaseline "For Every Little Family Ailment" "Vaseline" is the purest, simplest, safest home remedy known. Physicians everywhere recommend it (or its softening and healing qualities. Nothing hi) pood n "Viiftclltie" for mil nffcctlonn of tlio nil In, crate Uch, MireH, rto. Tali en In ternully, relief encuUUuud coiigU. For Bale every wUru In uttmcthe Rlamt bottlPH. Actttt tie tubstitutt for "Vattlint On r fro "Mllne"P'nllet trlli rna many wy n which "VMlln"m)r lx) ureful to you. writ (or your copy today. Chesebrough Manufacturing Company 17 SUU Strt (Coiuolidatad) New York NO OBJECTIONS FROM TONY "Lovable Little Chap" Probably Would Not Have Minded a Succes sion of Tunnels. Delng Sunday evening, and the races having taken place that afternoon, the trains were packed. In one compart ment a little boy had boon standing all the way, but before the journey had proceeded much farther Mrs. Jones kindly took hi in on her knee. "Were you very frightened, dear, as wo passed through the tunnel?" tho gentle lady asked. "Not much," replied the little boy, Bhyly. "But I thought you trembled a little rb I kissed you," remarked Mrs. Jones, who was not even middle-aged yet "And what's your name?" "Tony," came the answer. "Then you're a very lovable little chap! And how old are you?" "Twenty-live, ma'am." And Tony Spurs, the lightweight Jockey, slid to the floor to tho accom paniment of a piercing scream. An swers. 'Twlxt Satan and the Sea. Doctor You nro In pretty bad shape. You must stop going to thoso cheap restaurants. Patient Hut. doctor, the prices nt tho othor places would make me still elekness. Some women are passing fair nnd some others ennnot pass. HARD TO DROP But Many Drop It, A young Calif, wife talks about coffee: "It was hard to drop Mocha and Java and glvo Postum a trial, but my nerves wero bo shattered that I was & nervous wreck and of course that means all kinds of Ills. "At first I thought blcyclo riding , caused It and I gavo it up, but my con dition remained unchanged. I did not want to acknowledgo coffeo caused the trouble for 1 was very fond of It. "About that time a friend came to live with us, and I noticed that after ho had been with us a week ho would not drink his coffee any more. I asked lilm tho reason. Ho replied, 'I havo not had a headache sinco I left off drinking coffeo, somo mouths ago, till last week, when I began ngr in, hero at your tnblo. I don't seo how anyono tan like coffee, anyway, after drink ing Postum'! "I said nothing, but at onco ordered a packago of Postum. That was flvo months ago, nnd wo havo drank no Toffeo sinco, except on two occasions when wo had company, and tho result each time was that my husband could not Bleep, but lay nwako and tossed and tnlked hnlf the night. Wo wero convinced that coffeo caused I1I3 suf fering, so wo returned to Postum, con vinced that tho coffeo was an enemy, instead of a friend, and ho Is troubled no moro by insomnia. "I, myself, havo gained 8 pounds In weight, nnd my nerves havo ceased to quiver. It seems so easy now to quit tho old coffeo that caused our aches and Ills and take up Postum." Namo given by Postum Co., Battlo Crook, Mich. Read tho llttlo book, "Tho Road to Wellvllle," In pkgs. "Thero's a reason." Ever rend the nume lettrrf A uew one npprura from time to time, Thry re arrnulnc, true, and fuU of buniua Interest. I I I MAS CTVCN MINIATURE PICTUR or PACKAGE. Clever Youth. "Do you know," ho suld, "that ovory tlmo I look at you I have thoughts of revenge?" "Why?" sho gasped. "Hecause," ho nnswered. "revenga It sweet." Then she told him sho thought to morrow would be a good time to se papa. Small Encouragement. Kate They say a woman Is ns old as she looks. Maud Never mind, dear; we all know you are only twenty-six. Stop tho Pain. The hurt of a burn or a rut stops when Colo's Cnrlioll-alvo Is applied. It heals quickly and prevents scats. 15c and 60c by dniRgtsts. l'or froe munplo write to J. W. Colo & Co., Black Illvcr Falls, Wis. Tho mnn who makes hay when the sun shines doesn't have to borrow his neighbor's umbrella when It rains. ONLY ONK "IIItOMO QUININE." Thnt Is I.A.VA'l'lVK llllDMIiyiflNINK. Lonk fof lli 1i?n:nurc ir K. V. lilHH K. l.'M'il tlm World uvur luCureuL'ulU In Una Imy. lUc. If you intend to do a mean thing, wait till tomorrow; but If you are go ing to a noble thing, do it now. Mrn. Wtnutow'H Soothing flyntp for Children tri-tlilnc Hiifli-nttliii kuhi, reduce Inflamma tion, allays p.ilu, cure wind cullc, Sic bultla. No, Alonzo, a girl Isn't necessnrlly an angel because sho is a high flyer. Every ono Is liable to n bilious attack. B forearmed with a package of (iurtleld Tea. Somo men give a dollar with on hand and grab two with the other. FARMR FOR RENT OR SALE ON CROP payments. J, MULIIALL, Sioux City, la. Love laughs at locksmiths, but It sometimes cries over spilled milk. FREE I want ererr peroon who Ib bilious, consti pated or hat. any stom ach or llrer r.tli ent t vend for a free pockafra of my Paw-Paw Pills. I want to prore that they positively euro In digestion, Sour Stom ach, Ilelehlojf, Wind, Headache, Kerroua ncss, Sleepleiuneu and are un Infallible care fnwPnnBfltMi linn fl's. At "Jy- ,i.i ,, , ".r.."v'!:v"" "" i'B urn miiiuK io Kie minions or iree pacK-nnd-. I tako all the risk. Sold by druggist fur 26 crntn a vial. For free package address, f rof. Munyon, 63rd Jefferson Sti., Philadelphia. Pa. Don't Persecute Your Bowels Cut out cathartics and purgatives. They an mmiu4 14(11 on, utiiib-.c-a:ity sVl CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Purely vegetable. Act . Kenny on tne live tllminate bile, foothetliedclici membrane of thei bowel, turt lonilipatliin, DillOUIDtIS, Sick Head. ache and Indlteslloo, at millions know. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature flCBNT. OP ALCUIIllL IIIIII ! 1 MM NNN MMilt V l'l j MOtV Yf77t Q ll'l I NUIU'ALCOKSTTMTKM, I III Tl t hi mum m ta ft IIIIIIQH J kinurvc tnrtiiinwiit it IlilimiB ' '!. mm m It I !l iH H".rA 4 I 'szZM jMNwmt iimmiiin.1 j LyvlB SCAlffDMUHCSYRUPg? : VMm U wtNi.w, i fta. I HBBBIP IM rniot. to otttii. 1 lflWk M-iifYmrwrm-iWmajum J JrVAawyiB'S5 BsaaaaaaTsaaaaaaa 'OsVrQwdsK .LHhbbLbW sasHflP riTriVc j. Mr2rwmjHn i ckj IJmSlW Vittle wamw ver 'IfBaaTjlV PILLS. Igl UMlCotiib Syrup. Tuttt Hood. Uh Ed Kl In tlmt. Bold by DrotiiltU. I aS I'JMs ftin ml lit 1 ,. rr1iliiUljjUjitBaJi'r ,-KT "Ci" , . u