The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 21, 1912, Image 1
i-nf " i" """ "'"rienl Soolotr .u.j i- i. ",r"3T'iA?s C'."tk.-, KlM ... j.." vtt :.. ... r;, . i. - 'a """" , ... 9 k. JJA' S; ..- VOLUME XX XX. YHE New Banking Law is now in force anclTTwii dfllllSll' the payment of every dollar of deposits in lhis institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bank RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 P A I N T S For Every Purpose Paints forhoini's, Imrns, sheds, buiryk's, ftirnitnro, ouilinj,'-, floors, roofc, etc. Sownlls Chemically Puro Paints Wilt glvo you siitisfiiction. They tire made in the west, to stiind tho peculiar conditions o our clhnutc. You will ilnd thcin fur superior in durability to ninny other kinds. Come in and let us figure with you Chas.L.Cottin'g The Druggist A Day of Interest at the M. E. Church Tho pnstor of tliis church will ad dress this cotiKrcKiition next Sunday on the following subjects: MorninK "When tho Crowd Waited." KvenliiK "Tho First Struggle, for Labor Rights," a subject of unusual lutere-t at tills time of labor agitation thruout the world. & iw mini iiiiiin iirnanHRQii S I il Hi ?c mtojrm im:ak is j.vj j 'sfMa K 111 flP ifT TfF" T""rri S if 1 HakyB V eiicious VaKe I Healilifii! Rsod made wiih W5 R i CREAM JSakingFowder 11 ssss nni duct epro Grapes 11 an " - rfl?'. ...O- .rfSsMfWA " "Si " " 'S-BTC1 -. ' "?f S iHBlcM -" "T "--".. "'-.-.-..T;:i.WTSil uuMlUMl ,i,. Comity Filings. lti'lnw you will Ilnd a list of lllings for tin1 various cilices in Webster c innty to be voted on at the primaries f) be held April lit, llU-.!. itr.i'Ri:si:MAiivi:s -ltllli Ui-r. O. W. liin Uey, Detn. and IVo. Iud. .1. H. Wisecarver, ' ' A. 15. I'eirce, Kep. llany A. Koats, Rep. S. V. Foe, Socialist. County Atiounky. Fred K. Maurer, Detn. and IVo. Ind. 11. W. Stewart, Rep. County Asskshou. Chris Fassler, l)em and Peo. Ind. J. O. Butler, Rep. County Commissioner '.2nd Dist. C. F. (iimd, Dem. and Too. Ind. W. (J. Holt'nmn, Detn. and I'eo. Ind. L. P. .Schmidt, Itep. Wm. McCord, Rep. Stati: .Si:natou 2oth Dist. Win. L. Weesner, Dem. and f'eo.Ind. (5. V. Iluminoll, Rep. Conircftatlonal Church Notice. "Why This Waste"? will be tho sub ject Sunday morning at the Congrega tional church. In tho evening tho pastor will gtve the first of a series of lectures on the book of .lob. Tho lectures will deal with the problem of human suffering and the answers as given in the book of Job Sunday School at 10 a. in. Mid-Weok meeting on Wednesday at 7: !!o p. in. Brother hood Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. All cordially invited to tho ubovo ser vices John J. B.vym:, A M., B. 1) , pastor. Chief ads bring results. Try them. Home Baked ;iiiis of ML WLM&jiLkw9 A NcNsjiwcr That lvcs Tho News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For 51.50. UED CLOUD, N IflURASKA. M Aliril J! L !M'J. i Vf w vVIl y bJusLO ne Young Farmer Several Posses Close in Near Gretna and Takes Till: DF.AD. "Shorty" tiray, convict, hilled by Chief Ilriggs of South Omaha. .lohn Dowd, convict, committed suicide. Hoy Blunt, farmer, accidentally kill ed by posse. CAl'TTRHI). Charles Morely, convict. Shorty (5 ray and John Dowd are dead and Charles Morley is captured as tin: result of a pitched battle Mon day afternoon between the three con vict murderers and posses composed of Sarpy county fanners and deputy sherills from Lincoln. The battle lasted more than ono hour and was fought out in a corn field on the farm of George Mowlnkle, about four miles southeast of (JretnH, Sarpy county Roy lllunt, u faftner, who was forced at the point of their revolvers to drive the men for several miles, was acci dentally killed by ono of tho posse in the running fight. Gray was killed by Chief Ilriggs of South Omaha. Dowd committed sul- oide. Morley, after a bitter fight in whlclflio emptied several guns, gave ( himself up. Morley was shot in several places. More than l(J0 men were engaged in j the affair. j Warned of the approach of the men bv Mrs. K. lllckler, whoso farm the men passed while still in Bluut'.s wagon, tho nosso of Grclini farmers which had )een bearing in from the west, and Lincoln posse, which was coming up from the southwest, opuned J fire from two sides, on the fugitives, i The latter forced lllunt to turn his horses into a nearby cornlleld, where the llnal fight was made. The desperadoes returned the lire at once. wiien tue wagon nan neon partially hidden among tho tall stalks of coin, the convicts attempted to curry on the light from tho protection of the wagon box. Blunt left the shelter ami tried to matte his escape from the danger zone. It Is believed WESTERN WEBSTER Mis. Kihel Horrid; lias' t lie grippe. Miss Ruth Fiiiyeart Is hereon a visit with her brother and family. John ami Cap Harvey shipped out two carloads of cattlo this week. (). M. Knyeart lost cjulto a Hook of lambs during the storm last week. Karl Harvey went to Rod Cloud Mon day to have some dental work done. D. Li. Daily's expect to leave the farm and move to luavale in a fow days. Prank mid Wllford Warmau shipped in about sixty head of young cattle for summer pasture. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gilbert weromado happy by tho arrival of a baby daugh ter ono night last week Cougnitula tloiis. Luther Martin worked so hard shov eling snow after the blizzard that ho has been 'down' over slnco with a very lame back. Work Is progro-slng rather slowly on Win. Colby's new house, but It will soon bo ready for occupancy now that the snow U molting' O. B. Harvey lost five calves after liltad i (T m Shot fly Posse ! on the Fieeing Convicts a Fierce Battle Place. he .is inistiikun for nun or the con vict by the pursuers. All the bo'lies were taken to (Irettia. Roy Blunt, the farmer who was kill ed was lid years of ntfc and wiin to oeutlv marrieti. CIIRoNOl.OliY. Thursday, March II Shorty dray, .John Dowd and Charles Morley es caped from the Nebraska penilentiary at Lincoln early in the afternoon, after killing Warden .lames Dolahunty, Deputy Charles Wagoner and Usher A. G. llciluian. Friday, March lf -Having torrolzed Mrs. .1. V.. Dickman and her young sou at her homo near the penitentiary the nfght before, the thnjc murderers force the boy to drive them through Lincoln at ,'i o'clock in the morning. Chief of Police Hunger of Lincoln helps the milk wagon In which they were riding, out of a snow drift, not knowing tin: escaped oonvlcts were in side with guns pressed against tho boy driver's back. Tho three men escape into tho railroad yards north of Lincoln. Saturday and Sunday Arriving at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Hall, live miles northoast of Havclook late Friday niirht, tho three murder- ers compel the couple to keep them until 10:.10 o'clock Sunday night, bind Uii th man and woman with cords when they leave. Monday Sometime in the night tin three outlaws broke into a hardware store at Murdock, thirty miles north f Lincoln, securing a cliango of dothes, shotguns and ammunition They proceed on foot to South Bund on the Rock Island tracks, where tliov steal a handcar and rldo to Meadow where they tliiew the handcar into tho river." Force farmer by tho name of I furry Blunt, to give them breakfast and then force his sou to drive thorn away in a bub-sled. Fosses surround , v ed them on all sides and a desperate light ensues three and one half miles from Gretna. Gray, Dowd ami tho Innocent farmer, Roy lllunt, killed in tho battle an I Morley ruptured. the blizzard. Wo have heard of qulto a lot of hiitl'eriiiK nmoii',' stock thruout he neighborhood. Young pigs hsmcc hilly have li'id a hard time. The two year old child of Mr. and Mrs. John Pitchier died Saturday night and was burled Monday after noon. The beroaved family have the sincere sympathy of tho entire com munity, Clyde Mitchell and Bessie Kincald were married Sunday and will go to housekeeping on the old Lancaster farm west of Farmers Creek. We wish them much joy and a long happy life together. Tills part of t lie country showed somo linmoneo drifts after the storm. On almost every farm, barns, hog houses and chicken coops were drifted under ami the work of scooping things out proved a tedious job. The mail carriers have been having a vacation and now that the snow is melting every little hollow is running bank deep with water. Farm Loans At Lowest interest, best option, least expense, Call for me nt State Bank, Red Cloud. C. P. Catiieii, tured: i GARl'llCLl.) Aiclilo lliuiis U Imilinj; liny In t'tisi ' iiiilli'lil this woi'W. ' llcorc llmu'liiii lust u tine, inuro in! t!ii -t n'ii) lust wot'k. ' I'luy Wciivcr slii'llfil corn for Ciny lluriii's mi Wciliicstliiy, (ii-iirjrn Harris was Iniullii Iniy from lot1 Mllllll'sdll VoikIiiv. - - - H" - - "" 'iisanl l.cathu C'ainpbt'll called on Muriel and Rlhel FUheron Saturday. liny Barnes and George Smith were hauling liny the llrst of the week. Clyde liowen and wife called on his hiiithcr-iu-law Clyde Simpson Sunday. Clav Weaver pulled his corn shelter to Frank Smith's on Monday after norm. I. en Railsbaek from western Kansas is wot king for Turn Hawkins this spring. The cold weather has hung on so long in (iailleld that, hay is pretty hard to get There was no school in Dist. S5 last Thursday on account of the storm and there was only three scholars thereon Friday. Smith Bros., Clyde Uowen, Will Fisher and (!uy Barnes were working lit their old trade Friday breaking roads and scooping snow. George Smith returned home on Tuesday from Kansas City whore he went with entile and made a visit with his brother .lake in Missouri. Another big snow storm on Wednes day night and Thursday of last week. It was tho worst storm that has struck this part of the couutiy for a good many years and was hard on stock. COWLES Fuller ,t Bennett shipped two cars of their sheep Wednesday. Win. Scliuttoleft for St. .loo Wed nesday with a ear of hogs of his own raising.' Mrs lleuuett and son of Lincoln came In Tuesday for a visit with (5. A. Latta and family. (iiiy Scott, who has been attending tho state university, came homo Mon day for a short time. Win. Mutter arrived in Cowles Tues day from Illinois. I guess he thinks Nebiaska is good enough for him. Mrs Win. Thompson's sister who lias been visiting her for somo time past left for her homo in Virginia Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alloway of Iowa came In on tho train Saturday for an ex tended visit with J. D. Puller. They wero snow bound in Hastings forabout throe days. They expect to keep house for. I. I). Puller this suinmor. 52,000 Nebraskans Heard Seed Corn Lectures Omaha, Nebr., March 18th Fifty two thousand ll'c hundred farmers and business men of the state listened to tho Seed Corn lectures, which were given on tho six special trains, which covered the statu during tho last week in February and tho first wook in March. Mlnilen, Xeb , with HUO had tlie record crowd. St. Paul, Hastings and Oakland ran close seconds, each having more t hun 000 spectators. Of the entire attendance, it is esti mated that more than ninety percent wero farmers, or more than one-third the entire farmers of the state, The Two "Best Tellers." Orovor L. Johnson, father of Oliver nor Hiram Johnson of California, is as strong for Tuft as Ills son is for Roose velt, Says the father: The men who are following Roose velt remind me of tho boy who was riding tho runaway bull. When asked where ho was going, the boy replied; "I don't know; ask the bull." That's exactly tho predicament of thoso men who are hailing tho ex-President. They don'tknow where they are going: ask Roosevelt. Inter-Ocean, The Chief is it. Do you get ItV NUiMISKK 12 Before You Buy By Mail Hrinn us the ail, that intcr--, UStS yOll . 1 1 yon will do this, yon won't buy by mail that's certain. Hocanso yon will have no rea son to. Any article of jewelry or watches or silverware or any thing else in the line can be bought here at prices every bit as low as anywhere else near or far. And yon have this advant age yon can see, handle and examine to your hearts con tent anything that is of inter est to you. Bring us that catalog and let us prove it to you. Remember "Satisfaction or Your Money Back." Newhouse Bros., H. II. Newhouse, Prop. C, B. (. Watch Inspectors. Kcal Estate transfers. Real Instate Transfers for week end ing Tuesday, March tilth, 11112. Compiled by M. W. Carter .fe Son Bonded Abstractors. Minta C Grandstall'aud liusb. to Nannie K Jennings, w d to lot !, i'Mot:i, Mile. l,lst Addition to Bladen .lames W. Clark and wife to Hiram and Charles Hendricks, I loo w d to se'i sec 2-1-11 12.100 Hiram Hendricks and wife to Rachel Clark, w d to pt nwj.f of nej.f seo It). I-U 2300 Kinmn Harris and hush, to .lohn Schliclitinan, wd toscj.; 14 .'Ml Nannie 10. .Icnulnusuud husb. to Rachel Clark, w d to pt nwjf IT 1-11 Thomas L. Strattou and wife to Rtnina II. Sprague, w d to hwU u'OOO 5000 lS-l-10 nooo T. W. McClureaiid wReto F. W. Kruger, w d pt nw'.J u-l-lo.... 7200 Arthur (. Short, and wife to Mary F. Chirk, w d to wj nw :tl-l-i) ." r.oo .1.' Stickley and wifo to Clyde L. Wick wire, w d to lots .1,(1, 7, ,, lllk 2, Inavale Frank A Swcezy and wife to Robert K. Rowland, w d lot 7, Mile. -1, (Irusols Sub-Dlv. of Kohl ers Addition to Blue Hill loO; U.-.oo Dora Hill ami husb. to Ollie Hill gore, w d lots 21 to 21, lllk. it, Inavale 1000 Delilah Scott to Axel F. Flood et al, w d he' IW-2-10 (WOO Helen .1. Wilson and husb, to Henry Bultman, w d to lots 7 to 12, Bile. 7, Hoover's Addition to Mluellill 1800 Archibald A Moron and wife to Chester J. Cox, w d to o ejj of nwUII-2-10 Lawrence 12. Lewis and wife to William Lain, w d sS nw.f .'IB-2-10 " 2300 tioo 70l00j Mortgages filed, S2',r!)0 00. Mortgages released, S2.",U,r).00. Seed Corn I have for sale 1(1 bushels Silver .Mine and v bushels Yellow Dent soed corn that has been personally selected ami tested and I guarantee (hut 03 per cent of It will grow. Price 82 per bushel in ono to live bushel lots, over five bushels 91.75 de livered at railway station here. Reference any business man or farm or in this vicinity. E. Wickiiam, Salem, Nebr, i i I I J SH."WM'-Ji' c A'StStSijfSSl