The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1912, Image 8
A iMunaMmi mwijiuiii.iffjri'A;.jj.c.itajrtMa.wwriiw,w ' -v'''y,v'' S",JQ W 9) V T&ji n eME" "EH TT'SS 1T 1 ? "! 5s. fW W 'TP111 m $T 8YH i! H M i.n tjfrfvJk iLJ ? M.T& V, eft ttf.b &l?w w&w: MMKM i fftWMWVWMMW' VMWftNMmMf py aw ir rnrntmr wxiwiif!' w -tnc OUR AUCTION SALE u And am now located in my NEW LOCATION u SAT D A ZVk J"W XP H A V Jd i..ri iti. s. w 'jtk a r i.. avB bt& .. if 1 R B W 85 tS & tw t4tt&' &vssa u ; St '$ K 1 y 3 5 (? (?) $ ) to I to to to The large room in the ) it) it it it) to to to to it it) t to it) it) to eeeeseeseseeeseessssasaasaaaaassaaaassoi W A IOON BLOCI 4.W ff. -gJ V ALL THE PHONES A. E. ATKINS, The Furniture Man and Undertaker. Don't Throw Away Money Bjr paying more than $50 for COO pounds capacity for this is the price of a BEATRI C E CREAM SEPARATOR OlUcr SUcs at Other Prices The most sanitary separator built The nly separator supplied with a centrifugal wnshimr device that overcomes all tho drudgery of washing up the separator. ibtotittlr CturanUra Tnroujkait ki Beatrice Creamery Co. Llacoln. Ncbr. -iii i ' " . Jl -IHIL - JmL-w0 Cl XM 1B 4 Cold, Latirlppi!, Then Pneumonia Is too often the fatal sequence, tiiul and coughs Unit, hang on weaken tin system and lower the vital tosistanee. l-oley'H Honey anil Tar Compound is a reliable medicine Unit stops the uouli ptoinptly hy liunliiiK'tlu'cuusi1; soothes thu liill:uneil iiir pa-suos, nii'l cliecks t lie cold. Keep uhwijs on liund. lie fuse substitutes. Sold at Dr. Cook's drujr stoie. March, J.,iPtILeLe) !9 At 3 o'clock P. M. we will terminate our opening sale. At i v v 9 LOCK rnv'j for tlio Duslnsso. 'y, i .1 jlin." prrudly roTnrked is Melh. nr i snmo oiio who had -l',!rd nlniit t!"- r-'Wllv. "he's run ' "ho dtuw rtore iv w Mc's been i" It tnr a year cr i"oro You w h' was to eollcKu an' ntudlrd 'i iisiry fo's to lit himself for the UK ts. ( Hv.m m m 4 M V " Mim v w w A vw I I 4 m bW m 4 ft vi i a an it; uuic ciiiu ai tiiut uhic win uisuiuuic tiic p PRIZES We offered as a snecial inducement fnr vmi to hnv during this sale. s s I GEORGE W TRJNE Highest Market Price Paid For Poultry. -V'' '.v',r, The Home Grocery P. I. Wullbrandt, Prop. A Complete Lino of Staple and fancy Groceries, also the Latest Patterns In Queensware Wo are alt,o making a Specialty of the Celebrated B.ickachc Almost Unbearable. Is un almost certain result of kidney trouble. I). Toomey, s0', V, Olive St", Ulonmlnjrtou, III., hays; "I sulVered with baeltaeheand paiiisln my kidneys which wen almost unbearable. I jjave Foley Kidney I'd Is ii yood trial, and theydouo wonders for me. Tniliiy I can do a hard day's work and not feel the effects." Hold at Dr. Cook's ilnijr stoic. r s Zrl&vi j V K mux Till ill TTT1irM-i NAVsWrs Relative Prominence. "Tlir.! (llsti.isuir.hcd Riicst mado quite "!i :ni reunion in your communi ty iU.rinf; his brief visit." "Yes," ro pl'fl'.cr f'orntossel; "thero wcro ii' jrni's win n ho ncemed nigh as lni poitant as the ihalrman of tho recep tion eunmitii e " LOOK! f AUG y U Ivi 9 Mow Cold Causes Kidney Disease Partly by driving blood from the MUfiieo and congesting the lHduevs and partly by thro.ving too niueli work upon them. Foley Kidney pillsstrength en the kldne.s, give tone to the urinary organs and restore the normal action of the bladder. Thoy are tonic in act ion, quick ill results. Try thorn Kor sale at Dr. Cook's drug store. Plenty of It. "Had tbey any evidence as to- the man's Intanlty?" "No, except tbat when he went on a fishing parly, he always told when they came homo that he mado tho poorest and tniallost catch of tho lot." "A. B. G." CANNED GOODS Bell Phone 102. Independent Phone 44 5 naAvsAxaAWW It. (i. Collins, Postmaster, li.irnegut, X. .1., was troubled with a suveio In grippe cough. He bays: '! would In completely exhausted after each lit of violent coughing. 1 bought ii bottle of Koley't, Honey and Tnr Compound and before I hml taken itull tliecough lug r.pclls had entirely censed. It can't be beat." .Sold at Dr. Cook's ding store. w.'A 1 Saw W mimm:t MULES WANT NG! E D ! Land Without Treea. rio;vlavcn. the capital city of the ".joe ihlandfl. !s said to ho absoluto- tiiclrss The claim is mado that ror tome reaaon, perhaps soil condl ''ii"- trees absolutely lefuso to grow 1 ei e lMMMNr ALL ORDERS FOR Monumental Work to be erected this spring should be placed at once thus allowing sufficient time to com plete strictly high class work. : : : : Original Designs Modern Ideas Overing Bros. (Si Co. Dealers in Monuments. Red Cloud C. A. Olossner, '21 Onlaiio St.. ndi ester, N, Y lias ieeoeied from a long and severe at tuck of kidney trouble, bis cure being due to Foley Kldnej Pills.', he sujk "i aiuony soirv i oiu uoi leain soon er of Foley Kidney Pills. In u f,n day's time my baohaehe complclelv left mc and 1 felt ureatly Improved. .My kidnevs bei-ame stronger, duvy sjielN hlt mo Mini I was no longer un nojndnl night. I feel lui) per cent bet tor since using Foley Kidney IMlls" So'd lit Dr. Cook's drug store nJ rt.'jM Hcvarend. ill Mraii I rem uh tho i I ii''hop who la now ,i to thy ii i vi rent ib "Weight i ' '. i e "London Punch We bought and shipped to market $488,740 worth of horses and mules from the farmers. We buy more horses and mules from farmers than any firm in the world, Guide Kock Nebraska, Friday, March 22 Burr's Ban: Red Cloud, Nebraska, Saturday, March 23 Brick Livery Barn Show m vnur best fat draft horses, farm mares, drivers, chunks, southern mares. saddlers, Shetland ponies and plugs from 4 to 20 years old, from 900 to 2000 pounds. . a t m a m . a 1 I a 1 11F 11 All horses must be '"tAl," no thin or leggy norses wanted, we pay nignest market price. We ship to five different markets. Can buy any kind of horse or mule fat. We also buy blemished horses at blemished prices. Show us your market horses and mules and we will show you. We want to buy four carloads. We buy horses and mules 365 days in the year. Pay cash. Bring in your best fat horses and mules to real horse buyers. Our Trade Mark is: "Kelley Bros, pay Higher Prices than any other Buyers. Hold for us The "Child; Welfare" movement has challenged the atten'loii ot thought ful people everywhere. Mothers are natural siippoitcrx, and will find in Foley's Honey mid Tar Compound a most valuable aid. Coughs mid colds that unchecked lead to cioup, lnonchl tls nod pneumonia yield quickly to the healing and snothln. qnilltlin of Foley s IIony mid 'Pa'- Compound Sold at Dr. Cook's drug ston. KELLEY BROTHERS .vu VMUMH. ...i. . y mywwiww' --.q'ryTI "Snm grsysTjgSWi'tffy n rv wp.m-"' -wwy"-"-"1!!;