The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1912, Image 7

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l CTpauBOi'n 'iWfkiiiiM. -. . A' nw .-
MHHtiikRYl ' LA EwJXVr S.
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4k Jack London
(ConvrlKlit, 1910. Iiv tin' NVw Yorlc Meriitil t'ompixny.)
ll)TIKI1i, K'lV. u wn- " " -,"'i
r.liim Itn-nlsh. Iiunwii nit tlmnm-h luj
kit iin "HiiinliiK liitlKlit." ivli'biuii-s lilt
Sot 1 1 lilrtlsduv with a ennui nf inlticM ill
Urn l.'lrclu City Tlvoll. Tin' (Mini- li'iiils
to hruvv gamhllnu. In which hut Jl(i.i
la Htuki-il llurnlsh Iom-m his iiuim-y ami
his mini' hut wliif tlu until cotiltiii't. He
Mtiirts on IiIm tinill tili with Iikm nml
xlodKu. ti'lllli hit filciuls Hint hi; will ''
In tin- hl Yuknn jjnlil -tilki- ut tin; "tint
Iliirnlni; DiyllKht tnuki" ii m'tisiitUuml
raiilil run countiy with tin- iimii.
niipPrtlH at tin- Tlvnll mill Irt now; roiul
to Jiiln hit rtlcmlM lu u (IiihIi to ll;.1",'
Kiilil lleliln. Di'i'hlltiK thut koM will hi'
rmniil In the up.rlv.T illstrh-t llnrnlnli
Inns two totiH of tlinir. whloli he uVi'lnr.'s
..ill I... .....ll. Iu IKllt'l.t 111 Iflllll. lllll
when Up iirrKrH with IiIh Hour lie IliuN
tin- h!; flat ili'Niiliitc. A rotnrmle illseo.
th Kohl mill ln!lht imps u ileh hiif
vest. He K'ocm to Dmwhou. liei'ijinet the
inimt prominent IlKiir.) In the Miinillkn
nml ileft'iilH u eiitiiblimllou of rnpltnllstM
In n vnst inlnliiK il'iil Hi" returns to
olvlllzntlon. ii ml. mnlil the IjewJIiliiliiK
ODtniilhiitlons of IiIkIi nnmue. HuyllKiit
tlruN that he hns been toil to Invest his
leen mllllnns In u nuinlpuluteil seheine.
He noe-i to New York, nml confiontlnB
Ms illsloynl partners with u revolver, lie
threatens to kill them If his money w.not
loturtieil. Thev lire coweil. return then
tealliiKS nml HnrnWIi Koes liiieK to San
iTiinrlson whno ne meei nit mi-- ...
Deile Miisnn, n pretty stenoKrapher. llu
make-i InrKe InveMtinelili nml Bets Into the
political rltm Tor u rent he K'oes to the
I'ountrv. DityllKlit Kets ileeper Into hlith
flnuuco lu San Kmnolseo. hut often th"
loiiKlnK for the simple life neailv over
eomes lilm. Keile Mann huvs u horse anil
DuyllKlit meets her In her snilil tiltw
One. ilay he asks Oetle to co with him
on one more rlile. his purpose lielnK to
ask her to marrv him mul they canter
nwiiy. she trvltiK to annlvze her feellims
Deile tells DnyllRht that her happiness
ooulil not lie with a monev manipulator.
DnvllKht undertakes to hullil up a Kront
Inilustrlnl eomrnunlty. He Ii Insistent
that she mnrry him unil yet hopes to w ti
her. D.iyllKht falls hnek Into his ohl
ilrlnklnK ways Theru Is a lluiiy In the
:uonuy market.
CHAPTER XIX. Continued.
"DcJo. if I toll you. fM and stralp,ht,
that I'm RoltiB up to live on that ranch
nt Olon Kllcn, that I ain't takliiR a
rout with mo. that I'm boIiir to
snatch for cvory blto I eat. anil that
1 ain't Kolng to play ary a card at the
business same asaln. will you come
along with me?"
She Ravo a Klad little cry, and ho
nestled her In closely. Hut the next
moment she had thrust herseir oui
from him to the old pobitlon at arm's
"How Is this possible? How can
you leavo your business? Has any
thing happened?"
"No. nolhing's happened yet. but it's
going to. blamo quick. I've taken
your preaching to heart, nnd I've
come to the penitent form. I've taken
my last dtink. You're marrying n
whisky-soak, but your husband won't
lie that. He's going to grow Into an
other man so quick you won't know
him. A couple of months from now,
tip there In Olen Ellon, you'll waku up
6011)0 morning and find ou've got a
perfect stranger in the house with you.
and you'll have to gut introduced to
him all over again. You'll say. 'I'm Mrs.
Harnish. who are you? And l II say.
'I'm Elam Hnrnlsh's younger brother.
I've just arrived from Alaska to at
tend the funeral.' 'What funeral?'
you'll say. And I'll say. 'Why the fu
neral of that good-for-nothing, gam
bling, whisky-drinking Burning Day
light the man that died of fatty de
generation of the heart from sitting
in night and day nt the busitiess game.'
Yes. ma'am,' I'll say, 'he's sure a gone
coon, but I've come to take his place
and mnke you happy. And now,
ma'am. If you'll allow tne. I'll just me
ander down to the pasture and milk
the cow while you're getting btenk
fast.' "
"Hut you haven't answered my ques
tions," sho reproached him, as Hhe
emerged, rosy and radiant, from the
embrace- that had accompanied tho
culmination of bis narrative.
"Now just what do you want to
know?" ho asked.
"I want to know how all this is pos
sible? How you are ablo to leave
ill 3mu i
HO mm
Jr A lllill I i M U IEkJftlr? t
flii iw II Ml." 'I 1 ILMiCjT-
"Dear Elam," 8he Whlpered, "Dear
your business nt a time like this?
. What you meant by snylng that somo-
thing was going to happen quickly?
"Lot's go nnd get married." bo urged.
ai' the whimsicality of his utterance
duplicated In his eyes. "I've been wink
ing like forty hordes out since tins
blamed panic tot In. and all the time
some of those Ideas jnu'd glum mo
were getting toady to sprout. Well,
they sprouted this mottling, that's all.
I knew I wanted to ride In the hills
with ou just about thlity million
times more than I wanted to go to the
olllco And 1 knew nil the tlmu It
wns Impossible. And why? lleeauho
of the olllco. The olllee wouldn't let
me. And then I made up my mind
that I wns to tho dividing of tho ways.
One way led to the olllco. The other
wny led to llerkeley. And 1 took tho
Berkeley road I'm never going to
net foot In tho ofllco nualn. That's all
gone, finished, oer and done with,
ami im letting it slide clean to siuumi
and then some. I'm wiping the slate
clean. I'm letting It all go smash.
When them thirty million dollars
stood up to my lace and said I couldn't
go out with you In the hills today, 1
t .t... .i t , r... ... .. ,tit
itiivw uiu iiiiio nun mini: iui im: i !"
my foot down. And I'm putting
down. I've got you, nnd my strength
to work for you, and thut little ranch
In Sonoma. That's all I want, and
that's all I'm going to save out, along
with Hob and Wolf, a suit case and a
hundred and fotty hair bridles. All
the rest goes, and good riddance. It's
that much Junk "
A knock nt the door Interrupted
him. and he was -left to stare delight
edly nt the Crouched Venus and on
around the room at Uede's dainty pos
sessions, while she answeted tlio tele
phone. "It is Mr. Hegan," she said, on re
turning. "Ho Is holding the line. l
says it is Important."
Da light shook his head and smiled.
"l'lease tell Mr. Hegan to hang up.
I'm done with the olllee and I don't
want to hear anything about any
thing." A minute later she was back again.
"Ho refuses to hang up. Ho told
me to tell you thut Unwln Is In the
office now, waiting to see you, nnd
Hurrlson. too. Mr. Hegan said that
Crlmwhaw and Hodgkins are In trouble.
That It looks as If they are going to
break. And he said something about
It was startling Information. Iioth
Unwln and Harrison reptesented big
banking corporations, and Daylight
knew that If tho house of (ilmshtiw
and Hodgkins went It would precipi
tate a number of falluioa and Matt a
flurry of seiious dimensions. Hut Day
light smiled, and shook his head
He caught her by tho hand and drew
her to him.
"You let Hegan hang on to that line
till he's tiled. Wo can't be wasting
a second on him on a day like this."
"Hut I know bomething oi the light
you have been making," Hedo con
tended. "If you stop now, all tho work
you have done, everything, will bo de
stroyed. You have no ilgV to do It.
You can't do It."
Daylight was obdurate. He shook
his head and smiled tnnta'.'ingly.
"Nothing will be destr ed. Dodo,
nothing. You don't undo stnnd this
business came. It's done on paper.
All I stand for Is paper. I ve got the
paper for thousands of actus ol land.
All right. Hum up the impor, nnd
burn me along with It. 'I 'ie land re
mains, don't it? Nothing Is going to
be lost not one pile out ol tho docks,
not one railroad spike, not one ounce
of steam out of the gauge of a ferry
boat. The cars will go on running,
whether I hold the raper or somebody
elso holds It "
Hy this time Hegan had at rived In
an automobile. The honk of It came
In through tho open window, and they
saw It stop alongsldo tho big ted inn
rhino. In the car were Unwln and
Harrison, while Jones sat with the
"I'll see Hegan." Daylight told Dede.
"There's no need tor the lest They
can wait lu tho tn"(hlne."
"Is he drunk?" Ilegan whispered to
Dede at tho door.
Sho shook her head and showed htm
"flood morning. Iirry." was Day
light's giecting. "Sit down and rest
your feet You sure seem to be In a
"I am," tho little Irlshmun snapped
back. "Grlmshaw nnd Hodgkins ate
LMiinn in smash If something Isn t
done quick. Why didn't you come to
the office? What are you going to do
about it?"
"Nothing," Daylight drawled lazily.
"Except let them smash. I guess. I'vo
had no dealings with Grlmshaw and
Hodgkins. I don't owo them anything.
Besides, I'm going to smash myself.
Look hero, Larry, you know me. You
know when I mako up my mind I
mean It. Well, I've sure made up my
mind. I'm tired of tho whole game.
I'm letting go or it as rast as i can,
and a smash Is tho quickest way to let
go. All you've got to do Is to protect
yourself and all our friends. Now you
listen to mo whllo I tell you what to
do. Everything Is In good shapo to
do It. Nobody must get hurt. Every
body that stood by mo must come
through without damage. All tho back
wi ' Vrf
I hi ft m. V IM
U ' rfWL K
wr i f "' irayyr ,a k
1 TiPfl
i i tun n5S5fc
it KfLL
What it Going on Here and Titer
That Is of Interest to the Read
art Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
rtomont An Inheritance la ar.
Ktogallng ?('. OUT will bo paid Into tlu
io.isui of Hodge county by tho heirs
or Murk M t'oad of Fremont. Lincoln
and Voinlug The total value of the
propel t) In tho state has been figured
out to be f i:;i'.,(i:':!. St. .lames oiphun
ago in Omaha, lo which I'oad be
queathed tho Mini of lus.mio, will pay
tho l.iigist tax.
Have Gone to Canada.
W.unoie Five farmers of this vi
cinity are on their way to Canada to
begin fanning elthet on rented land
or they have recently put chased.
Each has a carload of machinery and
peisomil effects. They are John Maw,
llalph Mount. Walter Earuhatdt and
Clias. Gates of Liberty, and Leu
Draper of lloag
Raising n College Fund.
Tekaiuah Misn Helen Cornelius.
"The Popcorn Girl" known nil along
tho hue or the Minneapolis & Omaha
railroad. Is a thlrteeii-yearold girl In
the seventh grade at school hero who
Is now raising a college fund which
Bho may use a few years hence after
she fit.lshes high school. Sho already
has $100 to her credit In the bank.
Temple for Masonic Bodies.
Lincoln Local Masonic orders have
decided to elect a $100,000 temple on
the site of their present rooms, and
consl melton woik upon the building
will Login Just as soon as plans cau
bo submitted and accepted.
Walla jp
Free Color
for any rooms you
. want to decorate
N'oii cm have tlic pret
tiest walU in our town,
at tlic leajt rmt. Our
expett deiignrn will
pl.m the wulk for oti
Get This Book
20 Pretty Rooms
- will mill vmt ll rorY t'rr.
II irlll l.c.w In lutf llif l'"t '!
.!.. kl U..I (.1.1. It lllll fit llfW
riilct vhrmri mil llm llltffll
.lit Allllt' llnll.
tlidt lull. Itliiird
.., nili.i vhrlnn
TV J 1 1 Oif t 'tniii
BoofQ i im em i"'
M ijuilllKk
The Beautiful Wall lint
ll tnntr In inmi- In nwilHii nlnfl
Ihiimill lH'fiir 1'ilnl nl inn
... i.. &li L,l.uulnp riil..r trr
Infill mi.l lflle Alabjuliif
Ihitf Atix'lulnC'n'ny So" '
lliril.Juri nnl rlilp. lrl f lull nil,
i .k ... i. in. i ml utlli ctil I
mlrf nut fill m lllirillnin n rl.Jtf. I'ull ' II'- rmlott.
Wlilir SiKi KfuUt Hint 5Sc.
Alabastitic Company
It Gmdvllk Rm4. OiiH !. Wkk.
Hiwt.ildtT.frtil I.IKHtttr Sbrtl
"Is my hat on straight?"
"No. One eyo shows." Life.
The limjilc life i leL 11 ynt"" on,3J
ini'dii'iiio be tJiirlii'ld Tei,, I he puro and
ptuwii ii'ini'dy. All dnii!Kits.
No one but a gossip can ntfend to
overyhody'a business at tho same
Ceneva Claude Ough camp No. 0.
I'liltcd Sfianlsh War Veterans, has
been organized bete with ulnetoen
charter members, and splendid pros
pects ror gtowth.
TiiUn I.A.VATIVK llllliMII Oulnlnn TMfM.
Iirumlmfi-fiiiiil iiinni'T If It fulli ti ruro. M.W.
lIUUVK'.i KiMluru Inuu rachlmi. B6c.
Man may bo tho noblest work of
Cod, but only blind lovo can mako a
womnn think ho looks Ilko that.
Important to Wlotheni
Kxninlno carefully every bottlo or
CASTOHIA. a safe and sure remedy for
Inrants and children, and bco that It
nears tho iY t1Ts . yt
Signature of CJcOkTcuSUI
In Uso For Over 30 Yars.
Cliihlron Cry for Flctdior'u Caatoria
"Use a Different Tone of Voice, or You'll Be Heading for a Hospital."
wages and salaries must be paid pron
to. All the money I've sw itched away
from the water company, the btreet
cats, and the ferries must bo switched
back. And you won't get hurt your
self none. Kvery company you got
stock In will como through"
"What have you done to him?" He
gan snarled at Dede;.
"Hold on there, Larry." For the
first time Daylight's voice was sharp,
wlillo all the old lines of cruelty in Ills
race stood forth. "Miss Manon Is go
ing to bo my wife, and while I don t
mind your talking to her all you want,
you've got to use a different tone of
voice or you'll be heading for a hos
pltal. which will Mire be an unex
pected Milt of smnsh. And let mo tell
you one other thing. Thisall Is my
doing. She says I'm crazy, too."
Dede stepped forward where she
confronted tho two men.
"Walt." sho said. "I want to say
something. Klain. if you do this In
sane thing. I won't marry you. I revise
to mnrry you."
Hegan. In spite or his misery, gave
imr n nulck. grateful look.
"I'll take my chance on mat, uay
light said. "And now. Larry, you'd
better be going. I'll bo nt tho hotel In
a llttlo while, and since I'm not go
ing to stop Into the office again, bring
all paiiers lo sign and the rest over
to my rooms And you can get me on
tho 'phono there any time. This
smash Is going through. Savee? I'm
quit and done."
Ho turned to Dede as soon as Ho
gan was gone, and took her by tho
"And now. llttlo woman, you needn't
como to tho ofllco nny more. Consider
yourself discharged.
"I'd cry. If I thought It would do any
good." sho threatened.
"In which enso I reckon I'd have to
hold you In my arms some more and
soit of soothe you down," he threaten
ed back.
As he stood at tho top of the steps,
leaving, sho said:
"You needn't send those men. There
will bo no packing, because I am not
going to mnrry you"
"I'm not n bit scared." ho answered,
and went down tho steps.
Thmn dnvR later. Davllcht rode to
Berkeley in IiIb red cnr. It was for tho
last time, for on tho morrow the big
machine passed Into another's pos
session. It had been a strenuous three
days, for his smash had been the big
gest tho punlc had precipitated In Cal
ifornia. Tho papers had been filled
with It. and n great cry of Indignation
had gono up from tho very men who
intnr fnnnil that Davllcht had fully
protected their Interests. It was these
fncts. coming slowly to light, that
gave rlso to tho widely repeated
charge that Daylight had gone In
sane. It was tho unanimous conviction
among business men that no sano
man could possibly behave in such
fashlou. On tho other hand, neither
his prolonged steady drinking nor his
affair with Dede became public, so
tho nnlv rnnoliislnn nttnltmblo was
that tho wild fnaiicler from Alaska
had gone lunatic. And Daylight had
grinned nnd confirmed tho suspicion
by reluslng to Bee the repoiter. lie
halted tho automobile before Dedo'a
door, nnd met her with his same rush
ing tactics, enclosing her In his arms
before a wind could bo uttered.
"I've done It." ho announced.
"You've seen tho newspapers, of
course I'm plumb cleaned out. and
I've Just called around to find out
what day you reel Ilko starting for
(Hen Kllcn. It'll have to be soon, rot
it's real expensive living In Oakland
these days. My board at the bote' Is
only pnld to tho end or the week, and
I can't afford to stay on after that.
And beginning with tomoirow I've got
to uso the street cars, and they sure
eat up the nickels."
Ho paused, and waited, and looked
at her. Indecision and tiouble Bhowed
on her face. Then tho smile he knew
so well began to grow on her lips nnd
lu her eyes, until sho threw back her
head and laughed In the old forthright
boyish way.
"When nre those men coming to
pnek for me?" she asked.
And ntrain sho laughed and simu
lated a vain attempt to cscapo his
bear-like arms.
"Dear Khun." sho whispered; "dear
Klam." And of herself, for tho first
time, she kissed him.
"Now. I've got nn Idea." Daylight
said. "We're running away from cit
ies, nnd you have no kith nor kin. so
It don't seem exactly right that wo
should Btart off by getting married In
a city. So here's tho Idea: I'll run
up to the ranch and get things In
shnpe around the hoiibo and give tho
caretaker his walklngpnpors. You
follow mo In a couple of days, coming
on the mniuing train. I'll have tho
preacher llxed and waiting. And hero's
another Idea. You bring your riding
togs In a suit case. And bb soon ns
tho ceremony's over, you can go to
the hotel and change. Then out you
como. and you find me waiting with a
couplo of horses, and we'll lido over
tho landscape so as you can see tlio
prettiest parts of tho ranch tho first
thing. And she's sure pretty, that
ranch And now that it's settled. I'll
bo waiting for you nt tho morning
train day after tomonow."
Dede blushed as she spoke.
"You nre such a hurricane."
"Well, ma'am." he drawled, "I suro
hato to burn daylight. And you nnd I
have burned a heap of daylight. We've
been scandalously extravagant. Wo
might hnvo been married years ago."
Coventor Aldrleh will deliver the
memorial address to the old soldiers
at Ttilinage on May HO.
The Lincoln Commercial club has
been Invited to send delegates to tho
conference at Washington lu April to
consider the establishment of a na
tlonal board of trade
J. A. Piper, seetetary of tho state
boa.-d of charities and corrections,
says the greatest correctional need or
Nebnihka Is a state reformatory for
young convicts and a slate pnrolo offi
cer to look after painted convict h.
Land Commissioner Cowles lias re
fused to appiove a bill sent In from
the Milford homo for ten gallons of
bed bug polhou at $'2 per gallon. The
state has been buying an" insect ex
terminator ror LTi per gallon ror
other institutions.
It Is understood at tho capltol that
nn order will soon bo made by (lov
emor Aldrleh to Warden Delahitnty
of the state penitentiary directing
that women and girls shall not here
after be admitted lo Sunday services
attended by the convicts.
The Nebraska stalo board of health
has Kticceeded in renewing reciprocal
minikins with tlin South Dakota
board, whereby physicians who aro
nxmnlnnil nnd licensed bv the Ne
braska board may bo admitted to cor
responding privileges In South Dakota
without further examination.
Tho monthly report of State Treas
urer Ceorgo showa that there Is $120,
748.HS of trust funds that are now un
invested. The balance In all funds on
hand the first of February was $080,
iV.10.27, and at tho close of the monlb
the balanco was $018,021.18. Of this
iimmint. S01 1.0 12.00 Is on denoslt In
depository banks and ?0,0SI 82 Is cash
on hand.
The stato board of public lands and
buildings will buy a triangular pleco
of land about one-eighth of an acre
adjoining tho present lands of tho
Htato tubercular hospital at Kearney.
Tho land will bo purchased of F. M.
Cillohrlht and will givo an almost
nquira shapo to the preaent holdings
nt that Institution. Hy tho purchaso
a frotitngo on tlio public highway Is
also obtained.
(Jovernor Aldrleh has appolntod J
H. Hlffo or Hastings a member of tho
state board of optometry to succeed
Frit Hoofer or Aurora. Tim appoint
ment Is to take effect July 1.
Dean Charles K. Hessey has been
appointed chairman of tho committeo
on education of tho national conser
vation congress. Other memborB of
tho committee ato President Alder
man of the Fnlvorsity of Virginia,
President Craighead or tho Univer
sity of Now Orleans, and State Super
intendent Falrchild of Kansas.
Stingy Thing.
She Oh. 1 have no doubt you lovo
me; but your lovo lacks the Buprcmo
touch unselfishness.
He What mnkes you say that?
She You admit It. You want uie
for yourself alone, you say.
Making Good.
"Sire," expostulated Nero's confi
dential adviser, "what do ou propoao
to do to rehabilitate this burning city
nf itnmo fin Hint its inhabitants will
not hold the devastating conflagration
against you?"
"Oil. fiddle!" retorted Nero. ,
Which ho did. .!
Retort to the Pont.
Dr. Mary Walker, who long dressed
In men's attire, had been lecturing lu
a certain small country town. As ahe
walked down tho main street ono aft
ernoon an Impudent urchin called aft
er her:
"Say, aro you the Mary that had a
llttlo lamb?"
"No," answered Dr. Walker, "but
your mother had a llttlo Jackass."
Llpplncott's Magazine.
Mixed the Orders.
A local doctor onco sent his man
with a box of pills to a patient, and a
hamper containing six live puuets io
tw. loft nt tho house of a friond. Un
luckily tho messenger bungled over hla
errand, and took tho hamper to tho pa
(lent and the pills to his master's
friends, imagtuo the consternation of
the patient on receiving nlong with
tho fowls tho following prescription:
"Two of these to bo swallowed ev
ery half hour."
Race Between Man and Horse.
At Dublin yesterday a largo crowd
witnessed a ten-mile race on a grass
track between Michael Homo's trot
ting mnro Kathleen and P. Fngun, tho
Fagan received 18 minutes' allow
ance and covered throe miles ono fur
long In thut tlmo. Ho wns caught 700
yards from tho tapo and beaten b
300 yards In 53 minutes 58 second.-
London Dally MalL
Hallway Commissioner Wlnnott
spent se oral days at l.exinton.
whom ho took testimony In a com
plaint brought by citizens of the placo
against the I'nlou Pacific nil Iron 4. It
don't with the practice or sloupliig
trains on tho second track froia tho
depot and compelling piusongers to
get off on the far side. This wis al
leged to be a discrimination aj alnst
Lexington, Inasmuch as the company
allows people lo dismount on the near
side or between the tracks, at Ciltim
bus. (ii and 'bland Fr-mou' and else-wht'ie.
A single dish of
with Cream.
The Memory Lingers"
Sold by Grocers.
Pottum Ceieal Co., Ltd.
Dtttle Geek, Mich.
,J"j',V-lwVWWliK'"l' .-.,