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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1912)
.10 kl I if iv The Chief C. II. IIAI.K, Publisher RED CLOUD NEBRASKA E M H , VUAN SHI KAI FORMALLY INAUG URATED PRESIDENT. WILL CALL AN EXTRA SESSION Gov. Denecn to Call Extra Session of Illinois Legislature United States Troops at Tnku To Harness Loup River. I'eklnK. Yuan Shi Kal wns formal ly IniuiKuraU'il preHldent of. the rppub lie of t'hlnu In thu preuunce of .1 grout KathnrliiK of delt'KutoB, provincial en oyn, military untl naval oUlccrH and other prominent purHonagcii In tho new foreign olllco Saturday. Many foreigners attended the ceremony, but the legations were not repreHented. The United States transport Abarenda arrived at Tnku, at the mouth of tho Tel Ho, und u largo detachment of inarlneK aboard were Kent forthwith to Peking. Tho marines will rellovo 1!00 Infantrymen, part of the Fftli In fantry from .Manila, who will return Immediately to Tien ThIii. The niln Intern and military eommandeiH at Pe king and Tien Tsdn continue to take prccaulloim against the eventualities. For Direct Presidential Primary. Chicago. -(lovernor Oeneen has nil lhorled the statement that he would call an extra session of the legisla ture to enact a direct presidential pri mary law, provided that prior to the Issuance of the call a pledge Is signed by twothltds of the members of the senate and house that they will pass a bill with the necessary emergency clause. To Build Big Power Canal. Lincoln. Complete plans have been laid by a party of Lincoln capitalists for harnessing the waters of the Loup river for power purposes. Thu gigan tic venture Involves a money outlay of ten millions of dollars. A large power canal will be constructed on the Uiup In Nance and Platte counties, and power stations constructed at Genoa ind Columbus. Options on all tli necessary land weto obtained last week. People in ninety cities and towns In eastern Nebraska will afford an imincdinto market for the supply. Pressure has been brought to bear on the state board alid the water rights will soon be determined. Work will bo commenced at (ietioa at once by the Nebraska company when water rights have been adjudicated. Articles of incorporation are complete and may be llled this week by the Lincoln men. Destruction of Deer. Lead, S. I). Reports are coming in fiom many sections in the hills of the destruction of deer in numbers by coyotes and wolves, particularly thu former. Kery few days carcassed of deer are found in the snow, which has been so deep all winter in the lliack Hills that the licet footed animals are unable to get away from the llghtei beasts of prey. Will Investigate Woolen Company. Washington An investigation of tho American Woolen company, Its or ganization, capitalization, labor condi tions and status as a corporation, will bo recommended to congress by the house committee on rules as a result of the preliminary Inquiry Into thu strike of mill workers at Luwruucu, Mass. Bad Fire at Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Man. Sl deaths and three-iiuarters of a million dollars tiro loss are the result of a blaze which etarted in tho warehouse of the Inter national Harvester comp.iu. A por tion of tho wall on tho east end of the warohouso blew out, burning in the ruins three llremen and two on lookers. Passaic, X. .l.-llecause he refused to permit his young daughter. Dorothy, to bo vaccinated. Health Commissioner George Michaels was ai rested on com plaint of tho board of education. Ho will niaku a test case of the matter Couldn't Endure a Perfect Man. Oakland. Cal. Kdwln lllisch, an Irvlngton merchant, has iceelved a de cree of divorce Irom Hazel Hlrsch, who deserted him two yeais ago, un able to endure longer his perfections. According to testimony, Hlrsch gave ills wlfo overy luuiry within his means, placed no restraints on her amusements and never showed ousy. Ho nover spoke an unkind word nnd never Indulged in Ihiuor, tobacco, profanity or lato hours. Vho Owns South Pole? New York The question of whether Norway owns tho territory surround ing the south pole, which has just been discovered by Captain Ruold Amundsen, has already begun to be discussed by authorities on Interna tional law covering tho ownership of Arctic and Antarctic lauds. ' El Paso, Texas. Arms and ammuni tion for tho rebels are being allowed to cross from HI Paso by tho authori ties. Tiro shipments urn received by rebel officers and distributed. NO HAND TO GUIDE CHINA STILL GROPING ALONG IN THE DARK. ARBITRATION IS A DEAD ISSUE Arbitration Treaties MuGt Walt for a Resurrection Chinese Cabinet to Meet Without a Head. Peking- It Is evident that the Nan King republican assembly and Presi dent elect Yuan Hhl Kal have not yet leached a complete agreement. The so called coalltlo'j mny therefore again be deferred, but circumstances are forcing both parties very hard und it Is expected Yuan will take the oath at once. A wt range situation Is promised. Tank Shoa Yl, who Is gen erally considered as the prospective premier, In to return to Nanking, where the republican cabinet will as semble without either the president or the vice president of tho republic. Tho presence of those officials Is re quired to maintain more or less order respectively at Peking and Wu Chang. Treaties Will Have to Walt. Washington American participa tion In uthitratlnn or international dllllculties la a dead Issue, so far an concerns this session of congress and probably for some tlinu to come, ac cording to government ofllciais, who have summed up the senate's action in stripping the proposed arbitration treaties with France and Great Hrilaln of their vital features. There Is little thought that President Tuft will sub mit the treaties In their mangled form to either of the powers for ponnlblo approval. The amended treaties will await the return to Washington of President Taft ,and If routine Is fol lowed he will send them to the state department. Secretary Knov, who Is on the west coast of Honduras, will be advised by cable of what has hap pened and as a matter of form some consultation must be had between the president and the secretary before the net step can be taken Says All Are in Same Boat. Washington Former President Roosevelt. W. .1. llryan and Repre sentative Victor Uerger of Wisconsin, socialist, were branded in a speech In the house Friday by Representative Hies of Texas, democrat, as being "among the foremost enemies of free government In America today." Mr. Dies Insisted that both Mr Roosevelt and Mr. Mryan were socialists and he coupled their names with those of Mr. Uerger and the McNamara brothers. The Boats Weren't Running. Paris Henri Salvey, the French aviator, arrived at Issy Les-Mouli-ncaux. a suburb of Paris, in his mono plane, having trnveled from London without a stop. He covered thu dis tance of about J2i! miles in two hours and llfty-scven minutes. Ho declared that having urgent business to trans act lt Paris he had been able to make the trip through the air In spite of the steam boats being tied up by the coal strike. Senator Lodge Is Opposed. Pih.ceton. N. .1 Senator Henry Faint Lodge of Massachusetts preached vigorous opositiou to the in itial ie. referendum and ivcal here Fildny before the students of Prince ton university. His speech was one ol a cerlea delivered under the Spen cer Trunk lecture fund. Mr. Lodgo denounced the Initiative, referendum and recall as both obsolete and Im practicable, and subversive ot the liindameiital Ideas of representative government. Nebraskans in Fatal Affray. Oshkosh. Neb. Flesterman was shot by ".lack" Ferguson Thurs day morning near Kdward. in the northeast part of Garden county. Fer guson had forbidden Flestcrninn to tiespass on his place In hauling hay. Flesterman, while taking the fence down, was shot with a large calibre iille twice In the right side and right arm and is probably fatally injuicd. Merlin llecause of the fear that the miners are certain to strike and that violence will accompany their walk out, the government has Issued an order piohlbltlng the sale ot arum. The situation in the coal districts is ver.v threatening. Gcrd Corn Test In Iowa, Des Moines- In order to insure a crop of eorn for Iowa this year, the farmers of the state will It im perative to tent the seed they plant, according to the delegates who are at tending the gathering of the farmers' clubs here Iowa Is racing its worst problem in years regarding the selec tion of seed corn, they say. and moved by this nececslty. it Is probable that at least an per cent of the farmers of 'he state will nmko tests. Denies Sending Telegram. llobart. Tasmania -Captain Ronld Amundsen, tho Norwegian explorer ilenlns having teh graphed anything reran! Ing Captain Robert Scott or tho HrtiUh expedition. Captain Amund sen, up to the present, is the only member of tho antarctic expedition who lias hudud from the Ft am. No body Is allowed to go on beard tho vessel under any pretext whatjoowr. The explorer says he Is pleased with tho results of his expedition, but oth erwise maintains absoluto sllonco on tho Biibloct "SPRING HAS SPRUNG" I . FTP "v",it Vm'.""" "Tm SII! CopyniiL SCOTT REACHES SOUTH 'POLE TREATIES ORIGINALLY DRAFTED MUCH AMENDED. British Explorer First to Reach the Goat Treaties Must Be Resub mitted to England and France. Washington Stripped of the clans') which It was claimed would Invai'e the constitutional treaty making pow er of the senate and with many other limitations added, the general arbitra tion treatieir between the United States and Fngland and France, pro posed by President Taft and Secre tary Knox as forerunners of universal pea-o. vveie ratilled by the senate by a vole of "I! to " The serrators who vote I against the ratifications were Lorlnier, Martlne and Reed. The lat ter two are democrats. President Taft made no comment on thu sen ate') action, but it Is known he had hoped to see the treaties pussed un amended. He had declared publicly, however, that certain amendments would not be objectionable. Virtually the treaties, by the senate's action, are "up in the air." ami in their modi fled form they must be referred to Knglaud and France. Reaches the South Pole. London The cable dispatcheH from New Zealand announcing that Captain Scott had found the south pole, come as a startling climax to the race with live explorers of different nations. Captain Robert Falcon Scott started on his expedition from Port Cahners, New Zealand, on November li'.t. MHO. He was well equipped for this dash for the farthest south, having made a previous expedition under Hie direc tion of the royal geographical society. At taat time he attained a record of S2 degrees, ::o minutes, which re mained the record up to the time of Lieutenant Shackelton's notable ex ploit. ShacUelton pushed further south and in 1IK17 reached SS degrees, lilt minutes, or about one hundred mlbs from the south pole. This re maiiicd the record and inspired tho haidy navigators of many nations to attempt the culminating feat of reach ing tile pole itself. Captain Scott took the route by way of Australia and New Zealand. He sailed due south into Ross sea, a great stretch of water reaching toward tho south pole. Ills chi"f competitor In this dash was Captain Roald Amundsen, who was sent by the king of Norway and the Norwegian government. Woodmen Warned to Be Careful. Lincoln Nebraska Modern Wood men are warned irr a circular letter Issued by Head Consul A. R. Talbot, that the forfeiture of chnrters and the cancellation of Individual insuranco certificates maj be the penalty paid by members who seek to effect orginl.ed lesistance to tho raise in lnsurancu rates recently ordered by the head camp of the society. Glfford Plnchot to Be at Lincoln. Lincoln Gilford I'mehot. former chief foierter of the Fulled States, has I been Invited to address tho Nebraska conservation congress this spring. Mr. Plnchot has promised olllciru of the congress that he will accept Moy Have Reached South Pole. London A rumor is published in an evening p.ipor that Captain Robert F. Scott, the Mrltish Antarctic ex plorei. lias reached tho south polo. Mrs. Scott declares she has heard nothing from her husband and there Is no confirmation obtainable from any source. Captain Scott, of tho Mrltish royal navy, is at the head of an expedition which Includes sixty men, twenty ponies, thirty ilog.i ami two motor sleds. Lansing. Mich. The house of repre sentatives has passed a presidential preference prlmnry bll to be glvon Im mediate effect. Tho hill provides for a primary on tho first Monday in April, binding tho national convention delegates to support tho nominees so curing tho majority at tho primary. Pokln A letter from a missionary at Hwnng-llslen, nenr Chu-Fu, states that tho imperial troops nut out tho oyos of forty Christian converts and then beheaded them, saying thoy were naturally rebels l1W r CHANGES IN MEXICAN CABINET ONLY MEANS OF RESTORING OR DEfVIN CHINA. Army Element In Mexico First to Be Placated International Troops Needed in China A New Archdiocese. Peking Comparative quiet has been restored at Peking. Tho action of the American minister, Mr. Cal houn, in cabling to Manila for further Hoops tor Tien Tsirr, it is stated, was not due to the fear of a concerted at tempt against foreigners, similar to the boxer rising, but owing to tho be lief that it was unvvlso to take any chancea in view of the fact that tho Chinese troops ennnnt be depended upon and disorders are sweeping the north with little prospect of prompt restoration of government control. The American legation has sent a message to the missionaries at Pao Ting Fue urging that tho women nnd children, especially, should be sent 10 a placo of safoty, as Pao Ting Fu is beyond the reach of protection. It has been found impossible to com municate with other Americans below that town, owing to the complete in terruption of the telegraph und postal services and the fact that the railway is le the hands of mutineers. Changes in Mexican Cabinet. Mexico City Cabinet changes in tended to placate the various waning elements are to be mnde in the near future. The substitutions will affect six oi tho eight portfolios and are cal culated to amalgamate the Vasqulstaj, liberals, the army element and tlu Maderlstas. Perhaps the most start ling feature of the alleged plan Is the proposed returning of Dr Franclscc Gomez, "the brains of the revolution." to lire position he formerly held Francisco de la Marra Is slated fo: thu ministry of foreign relations, which he occupied during the last Dla: administration; General Gerono inlrro Trevlno for the war olllco; Fer nandlno lulesias Calderon. candidate for vice president on thu liberal party ticket against Pino Suarcz, for tho de partment of the interior, and Alfredo llobles Domingue,, Madero's treasure! during the revolution, for the depart ment of communications. New Catholic Archdiocese, Davenport, la. Tho announcement that a new Roman Catholic, dloceso has Just been created In Nebraska, with Kearney us the see city, has re vived rumors In Catholic church circles that Omaha will soon bo cre ated a new province, with Mlshop Scannell as archbishop. This plan was discussed when tho bishops of the province of puhuque met prior to tho creation ol the new diocese of Dei Moines, nnd It is said that tho latter net was merely a step towards the creation of a new archdiocese. Weetern Strike Ended. Denver. Colo. My air agreement entered into by ollielals of district I.". United Mine Workers ol America and ollielals of the American Fuel company the strike of tho northern coal llelds, which has existed for nearly two years, virtually is cettlcd. A Million for Church Buildings. Chicago The Chicago Presbytery has taken under consideration an over ture to tho Presbyterian general iu scibly. which, If concurred In by oth er presbyteries and allowed by the Knneral assembly of Iho Prcubyierian I church, would result in diverting $!, 000,000 of the $L.10n,000 fund known nB the Kennedy fund, and expending P In the erection of churches In needy districts In various parts of tho Fritted States. Relics in Pompel Ruins. Naples Further remarkable dlsrov cries have been found in thu ruins of Vompul. The excivatoni have conio upon several balconies, ono of which, tho first to be uncovered, is complete. Flvo skeletons havo been found, ap parently tho bones of natives over como while attempting to escapo tho eruption. An Interesting discovery is that of a completo wlno shop, with bronzo and glass ntnphorno, or Jam, bronzo lamps nnd an Ivory safe, which contained a quantity of silver coins. BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA Iltilldlng opcititlonB are on the boom at Dunning. Hcntrlco will have a professional baseball team tills season. Tho socialists of Falrbury aro ar ranging for a l.vcctim course. August KopUe, living nenr Monnlng Ion, while milking, had his leg broken by hlr. cow falling on him. It Is Intimated that Meatrlce will bo very glad to purchase a fianchlsu in the Nehiaska State league. Hans .lories, residing noith-.vest of Fremont, suffered (ho loss of two lingers In a cornsheller accident The revival meetings which have been In progress at tho Christian church at Gieenwood have closed. Thu Mine river at Meat rice Is to bo stocked with a large number of llsh from the state hatcheries this spring. J. P. Raw son, lor a long time editor of the Aurora Sun, has sold tho paper and will leave shortly for other llelds, Tho congregation of the Haptlst church of York Is rejoicing over the fact that the organization Is clear of iobt. Farmers of tho state arc jubilant over tho prospects of n first-class wheat crop as a result of the recent jtrovvs. A carload of bananas, while in tho rards at Wymore, took fire from tin oil heater In the car and wero badly scorched. The new Methodist church at Ster ling will be dedicated March 17. Tho oulldlng Is one of the most handsome )f Its kind in that part of the state. Company K. First infantry regi ment, Nebraska national guard, pre looted "In Old Virginia" to u Inrgo audience at tho opera house at Wy more. Smallpox broke out In tho Douglas county jail and a liberal use of dis infectants to prevent tho spread of the disease made tho 1 10 prisoners deadly sick. The debate between Wymore and rteatiice high school debating teams was won by Wymore. This victory entitles Wymoro to enter the Stato Debating league. Homesteaders In the vicinity ol Henry nnd Morrill are protesting against tho high charges for cannl privileges assessed against them by the government. Hay Is such a scarce article In tho neighborhood of Howe that farmers have been shipping In baled hay from Kansas City. The price, laid down, Is about $ir per ton. Fred Ponnciipcheln. for ninny years prominent In political and civic af fairs in that part of the state. Is dead at his home in West Point at the ago of sixty-five years. Tho house has been engaged and tho date set for Wednesday, March 20, for the big Insurgent meeting of tho Modern Woodmen of America to be held at Hastings. The Hebron mlTi'tary hand gave its annual concert and minstrel show bo fore an Immense crowd at the opern hoiue Tho concert was the most suc cessful one ever given by the band. Ofllcers of tho Nebraska Spanish- American War Veterans' association are planning for tho annual reunion, to bo held this year at Meatrlce. Tho annual gathering will begin April 25. Supervised public play grounds for oil tho children of Hnstlngs through out tho summer Is tho pioject backed by the woman's club of that placo which will be submitted to the city council. Vpon a thorough examination, tho jnuse of the fire that did serious dam age in the state museum on tho uni versity camptm at Lincoln, Wednes lay morning, was located In a piece jf defective wiring. Oakland business men will give n 'smoked Swede" minstrel perform inco in tho near future. A score of men nro rehearsing for the muslcul snd of tho performance under dlrcc ion of Y. H. Van Cleve. A w ill is said to hnvo boon made by Tohn O'Neill of Nellgli only about one aour before his death which dcvlBed nla entire property, estimated to bo worth about $17,000. to Mrs. Clara 5aundcrs, hU housekeeper. Thomas Dunn wns attacked by two nold up men at Alliance. They wero walking slowly along In Tront of him iitd on his passing them ho was ilugged with a sandbag or somo sim ilar Instrument, which rendered him unconscious. Many farmers are arriving in Fair bury dally from distant parts of tho "orrnty xvho havo not been able to get to town Blnco the storm of February 2!".. Tho merchants luvo complained blttoily of slack business duo to tho lack of patronage. Foul play Is suspected In connection with tho disappearance In Omaha of W. II McMIUlun, trusted employe of tho Richmond Sales company of Lin coln. McMllllan had botveon ?U00 and ?r0u when ho left Llneol'i. Prof. c. D. Merriam of Chicago uni versity, bead of tho political science department of that institution and a candldato for tho mayoralty of Chi cago at tho last municipal election, has accepted an invitation to deliver tho commencement oration before the clnss of 1012 at tho stato university. George I. Skinner nnd W. B. Green of Maldwin, Kan., havo made arrange ments to establish a steam laundry at Hebron. Fremont grain dealers aro uniting with tho others ever the country in protesting agninst the recent ruling of the federal puro food board that hot or bndly damaged grain Is unfit for food pun'osos. Fire, which started from. causes un known, destroyed tho general storo 0' M, Plerco and tho United StateB port olllco at Genova, entailing a loss or building and contents of npproxl matcly 140,000. Yours for uni formity. Yours for great est leavening power. Yours for never falling results. Yours for parity. Yours for economy. Yours for every thing that coes to make ud a suictlv hlcrh srada. nvrr- dcpcndable baking powder. That is Calumet. Try ' it onco and note the im provement in your bak- ine. Sea how much mnrn economical over the high nrirprl trust tirnnrta. limit much better than (he cheap and big-can kinds. Calumet is highest in quality moderato in cost. Received Highest Award World's Puro Food Exposition. Keeps Your Stove Always Ready for Company1 A bright, clean, glossy stove is the Joy and pride of every housekeeper. But it is hard to kerp a stove nice and chiny unless Black Silk Stove Polibh is used. Here is tho reason: Black Sill: Stove Polish sticks riff lit to the iron. It doesn't rub off or dint off. Its shine lasts four times longer than tho shine ot any other polish. You only need to polish one fourth as often, yet your stovo will be cleaner, brighter and better looking than it has been sinco you first bought it Use BLACK SILK STOVE POLISH en Tour parlor stovr, kitchen stove or ens tlova. Get a can froi-i jour liardwaro or stovn dealer. It ynodo not find it htttr than any other itovt polish you bavB rtvr uicd ttfere, your dralcr it cutliurlrtd to refund your money. Hut o fret turo you will ncreo with tho thousands ot ether un-10-.latr women who are now uMnsr DIa:k bilk Stovo Polish and who eay it Is the "bttt ttmn tolnA rtxr mads. " LIQUID OR PASTE ONE QUALITY Ho sur to eet the genuine. Ulack Silk Slov Pclith costs oti no more than tho ordinary kind. Keep your crates, reeisicis, fenders snd stovo rloea brirht and free from rtistinc by tislne jHATK SILK AfR.DHYING ENAMF.U Drusli flto YMtti tad) Can of en. une I only. Uo M.ACK SilK METAL POtJSH for silver warp, mckl, linwaie or brass, it wot kn quickly easily, and leaves a brilliant surface. It has no equal for uso en automobiles. Black Silk Stovo Polish Works STERLING. ILLINOIS t,'.T,.v.?J P?nnt ifffw-d 10c clsnr?, smoho JJ-.vVlh fcinslo Uiiidpr otraiglit 5e inado of ctia quality tobacco. FOR WALLI 'nn-wm MKa. 30K OH LIKE MINIilOOKS UKE NUl MPcX; YOU CM NctN II Aln-auUluUMuttruWHibnokiif 24 colum and I'liotn lWSiJ!iyAJ?.SlP!lj!,,y?lao',du4dieaiiloiii IU.VttTO.Nfc; VAllMiHllCu.. Uroeklin, ,, gggtg3CgU tf fJL''n1 mi SJIHLL.-TL-. nT It m K ""..TWWrS! -V "-.? jy7 -- fir'""' " - "ZT'h'X''