The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1912, Image 5

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and every thing to be found in a first
class exclusive Harness Shop. : :
" ii ii i ---mi i i in i inn ii rim ni i i n i n m.i m
are unequaled for Quality of Stock,
Durability and Workmanship for
the money.
B. 8 81. "lime Tabic
I r'nii
N'o. ll'Ilirrm!i train, iU'nrts .... 2 00 a.m.
Xo. Ift I.oc.'il pnwi iigir " ui.ttu. m
No. 17l.('('tinmul:itlim North c;-
cejit MoluUiy and Wed., depart 1.10 p. in.
No. 170 Accommodation North .. .
Monday ami Wednesday departa 11:10 a.m.
Wl.r linL'Mi
No. lu -Thro'tKli train, ill parts . o 2"a. in.
No. IS Local paihcnytr " b. 10 p. in.
ft t
And still it snows. Dittol Ditto!
For kooiI Job Printing cull on tlio
Gooil hutjw stripe fur $1.50..!. O.
I". S. Garbtr iuhI wife spent Saudny I
in liiiHc Hock.
All himlH of Elect! leal work dune by i
Moihart I5ro3
Geo. II Hall of Franklin was in town
Thursday night.
fjtiy israilttiunk went to Tirunini;
.Monthly morning.
Wiibur Hamilton ncd family spent
Sunday in Cuilile Itoek.
Jeny Kline of St. ijYimcN, ICus., was
in the city over Sutiiluy.
There was 1)2 ears of btoulc went
thru heie Sunday to market.
Mr. Gcorp Perry anil wife wont to
Ucpublicnn City last niyht for a visit.
Prank Kluxer of Lincoln spent sorer
al days in town last week lsltiii.'C!eo.
Dell Iliiireiitmistoreame "P fl'0"i Su
perior Monday and is visiting friends
in town.
The Chief does nil kinds of .Job
Printing neatly, ueeunitely and
W. A. Smith le'urned from Omaha
Friday wheie he had been for medical
Farm Leans
Theie are heveial lensons for s-eelnu
i). II. llailey for a (arm loan and here
they are.
lie is solo agent for Trevett .Miitlls
,v linker.
This company is hero every day in
tho year ready for business and not
lioto this week and pone next. They
loan on nnv farm having tho vnlue in
it Implored or nniinpi-oU'd. You don't
wait from two to i.i ur months for your
money but Miivly ii-t it on the day
called fur. 'J ln'V n ve the bi st option
in the imuUi t.
nether Barn?
f Course
you will need it thin year
-and what's the use wait
ing until you are all
busy before getting
it under way? We've
anticipated a lotof build
ing in this county during
1912 and have bought
lumber accordingly to
supply all your need s
sound, long full thickness
dimension, joists and
boards. Come in and
see it.
"There's No Place Like Home."
Robes, Sad
dles, Whips
Sunday will le Saint Pata-iel.'s day.
Tho 1)1 inwu 1 Kleotrlo Vaeum clean
er deinoiistinted in your home freo.
C'hII Phono Keel 07.
Uov. Kobbius of Guide Koek was in
town this week attending tho t'oupty
Sunday school convention.
ISert Kaloy, Kobt. MeT.rhh and Ken
Mel'arland went to Omaha Monday to
atten 1 the Uvtailer's convention.
Tlie Dcgreo of Honor held a soeial
meeting last Tuesday night. I Ivory
one present reported ti good time.
J.oui'i liroilsluii departed this morn
ing on 1 J for lied Cloud on a business
trip. -M udaj'a Superior lourunl.
The llnost lino nnd best tisborlmont
of Harness ever carried before. Cull
nnd look it over. Momi.urr Ditos.
Prof, Ueta informs us that the band
will giro another musical entertain
ment at the Operu house, April i:th.
Speciul alUntlon then to diseases
of eye and ear. Glasses accurately
tittod. Dr. Stockman, lied Cloud, Nebr.
Chns. Bennett of Cowles was in town
Wednesday. He had been to Kansas
City with lUvlc find was on Ida way
Col. Jake 1-2 1 linger will leave Sunday
for Angus, Minnesota, where ho will
cry a horso and mule sale for JCeke
.Ins. Uiirilon hud tho misfortune to
fall and break Ids right arm Wednes
day afternoon while getting out of his
Miss Low of Doiso City, Idaho, it
sister of Mis, lico. W. hindioy, arrived
here Monday for an twteiidod
with her.
Dr. Cross will bo in his olllee over
I lie State Hank everyday in the week.
Hnviii! di-continued his visits to
The young people ot this city who
are attending tho statu univeisity will
be home the last of the week for u
week's vacation.
Fni: SiLKi The two buildings oc
cupied by the Chief Olllee and II. II
Xewhouse'. jewelry store. Inquire of
II. II Xewhouse.
Mrs. X. JJuauchamp of Aiiiditrku,
Okla., artlved liero Wednesday night
for n visit with her bi other Sanford
Vvk and family.
Don't furpe-t we make farm loans,
uioiny tea ly the day the title is i,p-provt-d.
(iAHJlhlt, IIl'TCWSo.N & SALUiUN.
Kf'lly llroi. , tlie high pi Ice horse
and in il luij.'iH, will be hero again
S'llur dej, M.iuh '.'.'I, nt ICoonty.'s tie
barn. S"e their ndr. el -0 where in UiIh
Mr PiMiik Ainuelc was callel to
( miliii .e-lerday uu neeount of tho
seiious illiu's f Iil wife, who went
there hist Thuraday to undeigo an
Mis. J. 12. liullor went to l'airbury
Monday morning to visit hir boil Mer
lin, who was working at thai place.
He had been sick lately and accom
panied her home.
The regular e.xiiininiitlon for teiiehei s'
ooitillcutes will bo held in tho high
school buildings of lilac Hill, lied
Cloud and Guide Kock, March l.'th
and tilth, lfil'J. Ur.imirm: L. Coon.
There will bo a county meeting ot
tho Modern Woodmen of America camp
held here tomorrow night. We do not
know the nature of tho meeting but
supposo it is for the purpose of dis
cussion the new tales
Jj .1 N n Wo have for stile farms on
easy payments and special terms,
worth the money. Soveral mighty
good deals. Tho largest list of local
fin ins from which to solect.
Dan Gauiikii & Company, Cun:r otilce.
Mr. Walter H. Smith arrived from
Denver Monday morning and imme
diately commenced work in this olllee.
Mr. Smith is to well known as a first
class wotkiuan to need any iutrudtic
tion from us. lie reports tindeu little
slow in Denver.
Tlieto Is tin class, community, or
condition of society that is improved
by waiting for outside assistance for
regardless of all talk bout helping
each other, the successful man or
woman gets there only by helping
Kev. Hummel was in ltluo Hill Tues
day whore ho married tho following
young people at the homo of tho bride's
parents at 7 p, in.: Miss Lena Zini
merman nnd Mr. Chris lluschow.
Those young people are among lllue
Hill's best young folks and aro well
known in that locality.
Wolfe .V Whitaker, general black
smiths, now carry u full line of farm
implements, sutreys, buggies, wagons,
gang plows, gas engines, stacker ropes,
all kinds of machinery and heavy
hardware, and all suppllis for same.
ANo ail kinds ofoil. Licensed Plumb
ers Calls promptly ansv.eied.
Miss Lizic Hooper, aged in yeari.
died a the home ot her parents. Mr,
nnd Mis. Win. Hooper, in Jewell cniiu-
t . Kansas last Friday. The funeral
sen ices wore held Sunday lit the Mt.
Hope, M. II ehuieh, Interment being
made lu the Mt Hope cemetery. Kev.
G. II. Iluintnel cJlidiK-ted the funeral
set vices.
The following shipped stock to St
Joe Mi IK'IUShb City Sunday: L. HsMg
and Joe Crow, '2 oars of cattle; Frank
Vnvricka. I car of cattle; Chas. Isom,
1 car of cuttle; Chas Steward, I carof
hogs WcanorA. ICooitt., .1 eats of hogs;
II. C. Cutler, '2 ears of hogs. Lyman
Mssig, Joe Crow and Frank Vuvriclui
chaperoned the stock.
In tlie early days of iiiilioading in
this country no i cstralnt was laid on
any einplojo from di inking and many
of them were intemperate. Xow rail
roads are lilt ually tempernuee socie
ties, Muny companion will not per
mit any employe to he seen entering
a saloon, nor under any clrcuinslnucos
to drink intoxicating liquors.
Thoroughly up to dul' ''Pcck'b Had
Hoy" will bo the attraction til the Hod
Cloud Op. ra House, Saturday, March
lOth. This popular comedy, which
lias amused hundreds of thousands in
ho pist, is more iittruetlie this season
than it has ever been before and, from
ourexcTmngis, is giving the best of
satisfaction ivheiover It is produced.
The P. II. O. society mut at tlie home
of Mrs. Robert Mcllrido Monday,
March llth , and elected the following
Miss Gertrude Coon, President.
Miss lone Albright, Vice President.
Miss Anne IlichauN, Kec. Secrotnry.
Mrs. .Jessie Mollride, Treasurer.
Mrs. Mabel Morhart, Cor. Secretary.
Miss IUtti Coon, Cuaid.
Mis. (ienevieve Morit., Chaplain.
When you pull down the, loin In
which is your home, you are pulling
down yourself, and when ion build up
yourself and youi neighbor. Try and
banish from your mind ihe mistake!,
idea that nil good things mo away oil'
in sonii! other locality. Give your
town all the praise it can legitimately
bear. It certainly will do you no
harm and will cost you nothing; and
above all patron'uo your home institu
tionsincluding tho pi luting olllee.
Our exchanges have nothing but
praise for "Peek's Uiid I!os" which
will be seen at tho Ked Cloud Opera
House Saturday, Match Pith. 'J his
popular comedy lb linpioved in every
wuv and thoioughly up to-dato.
There's tho stimo mischoviotis Uiul
Uoy, Henty Peel;; his chum, Jimmy
Duffy, and Ids girl, Minnie, and theohl
Geiman giocer, shult;:, burnished up
and as bi Ight as a now dollnr. Clver
spichiltns are introduced and u most
plittMint eiiidng's luti'itHiiitueiit Is a
foregone concl'ision.
Tho "Mens lie tglous tttid Forward
Movement" wain inauguiated in this
city last Monday evening ntn meeting
of the p tutor mid Laymoti of uH the
churches lu th city at tho Congr-va-llonul
church i'he nie'-liti, un ad
dressed l.y two turiust woraeia from
I.'ncdii llvv. D K. Liduinl, I'liivoisity
PiiHtnrjit tho Presliyteii m church nnd
II S Tinner, st'ilo stmlont sccretarj
or the oily . M. V. A. Af'or listening
to those earnest and onlhiishistic speak
ers an executive committee was elect
ed us follows: V IJ Fulton, Chairman;
Ii. L. Itoien, Vice Cunirmnu; C. II.
Kust, Secretiiri; ( . L. Cottlng, Treas
urer. A dollar bill may carry to Its receiv
er tho lilest iulectlon. It is u sponge
that takes up lilt It and disease germs
from every hand through which it
passes nnd fiom everybody with whom
it comes in contact. Wo hope our de
linquent subscribers are not holding
back their dollar bills for fear they
may carry some contagious disease
tons. If they are, we assure them
woato safe having had tho mumps,
whooping-cough, measle.", scarlet fev
er, small pox and a variety of other
diseases, so bring along your dollar
bills and we will give you a nico clean
receipt for them.
Ked Cloud appears to be thieutoned
with a serious epidemic of building
fever as soon as spring opens up. No
less than six new rosidenci s have al
ready been arranged for, thiee new
store buildings are being seiiously con
sidercil, and n largo auditorium is also
a strong possibility.
I. C. Sloss and Sanford Fox were III
Kosetnoiit this week.
Floyd Tut nitre, who Is at tending the
state univeisity, was called homo last
week on account of the death of his
aunt Mis. Hello Taylor.
Today wo arc having the worst storm
since thceailydaysof IS78. The ttalns
are nil late and service on tho Hastings
brunch was annulled for Ihe day.
Tho Ileal Mstato and Farm Loan
Department in the Chief olllee has for
sale n huge list of Webster and Frank
lin county farms, the best and cheap
est all-purpose farms to bo found.
This part of the Kepublican Valley
count ry is tlie heart of the Corn and
Alfalfa Host, ami Is unexcelled for
easy, thtifly farming. The soil Is fer
tile and produces bountiful eiops of
corn, wheat and alfalfa, an-' this Is
one of tlie hist districts In which to
raise gtaui. hay and hogs, and feed
cuttle. Among their list aie a number will pay good Interest
on the ini Mment; several Hint can bo
puichnsed mi easy payments and .spe
cial deal-, and many that will pay
their Wn and grow in value The
pi lees i!n according lo qnility, loca
tion and improvement'. This conntty
lias good school, mails, tele
phones, i . . I roads, convetdeut mar
Itels and -hipping facilities, and every
quiilillciitii'ii tiee,esary to profitable
grain and stock farms, dairy farms and
feeding M ttimis. Land rallies. pi-Ices
and terms tint should inlet est ttny
land-buyer or Itomosockor. Also n
number of desirable City Properties
listed nnd several good local farm
trades. Correspondence- mllclted.
. " --i
' ' flu i "how tit
'v -lout of a
v ' i i.iuooiro II
x " ' , - i" ' w.'t the unoxrect
. -:
Keep Plant Free From Dut.
DtiBt la na enemy to plant lire.
Plants hicitho through their leaves;
therefore It is necessary to keep them
free frc i !ust. At least onco ti week,
nnd oftc r If tho room Is very warm
or dust, the plants Bhouhl to pit in
tho Latl I b ou their ehlo mil ncntly
cprlnUlr 1 lth a b"th rprr.y.
Truth About "Midnight Oil."
People talk til out tho m'diilsht oil
ns If It lmd come vlrtuo nttncUil to
It. In truth, four times out of ilvo,
tho midnight oil Is tuero over-work, or
means that you have neglected sorno
duty to which jou should hnvo at
tended 1 ' r- ro tho sun went below tho
horizon - :m wind Ilvorett Halo.
Gives Quick Action
C. L. Cottlng icpotts IhatASlX
(ildl DUMI of simple Inicklhoru baih
glycerine, etc., as coinpoiiiulcd in Ad-ler-i-ka,
the new (lei uinn appendicitis
remedy, relieves constipation or gits
on the stomach, almost IXSTAXTLV.
The st'ite eighth grade examination
will be held Thursday and Friday
March 121st and U'nd, lu the court
house at Ked Cloud, and in the public
school buildings in all other towns i.f
the county.
(il i:n:i Di: L. Cdon.
County Kupeilntcudetit.
Franklin and Guide Rock
Lodges Present
On lu-t Thin sd.iy evi n'mg lied Cloud
Itlneauipiiieiit liiMtieh 1 O.O.I'' pull d
olf a most succe'infill ei.teita nillenl n,
the Masniiie hall, lng iuis
fiom both (luide li'iik nut Ptanklin
Lodges being piiseit. Flveeaudiilnti s
for tho Itoyal Puiplu Degree were ini
tiated, two fiom this city and thtee
fi out Frank 1 in l a sucl,il dlspe h
tiliou from U i ami Putrlaich H II, New
house, all thr. u degnos were put mi
the ciindUlKte at Ih'.s uiueting. At
the close of the lodge work the moot
ing adjourned to the dining room
whole u sumplous feast was served bj
II. Xtierbeig, wlndinir on with a smoK-
er and short spichc.s. D.iii Garber
Infoi nmlly piosided as Toast Masti-i
and all joined In the hilarity ot the oc
casliin un'til the lateness of tho hour
coniiclled an adjournment In older
that tho tiiildu Kock boys could catch
1 1 lor home. Among tho speakers of
prominence piesent were (ieorge M.
Hall, Hiram Teuhor, Judge Kelso and
Mayor Chltwood of Franklin, John
Hamilton and Coot-go McCall of Guide
Kock. and Uooil'o W. Hutchison. O. C.
Tool, II. H. Xewhouse and Harry T.
Ullham of Ked Cloud.
At parting all expressed themselves
as more than pleased wllh the pleas
ores of tho evening, i.ud many expi ess
ed tho desire for an early repot Itlon of
the occasion. There has always been
only tho friendliest of lelatious be
tween lted Cloud and each of the other
two lodges, and this entertainment
brought all threo lodges tu closest com
munion, established uihiiy now ac
quaintances and lasting friendships.
Under the administration of Giand
Patriarch Xewhouse, tho Hneampinent
branch of Odd Fellowship in Nebraska
promises to grow an 1 develop with
new Impetus.
Reduction on
Suits and
m jg?
t I
Mf j;
f... .- !.. !i" If
il-r I luu I l.i i , ci.!lns(
One Price
I i aj iarr
E'aSser Terms for
Govomrheni Water Rights
Payments for water rights on llic Gocrnmcnl Shojhrr.c Ptojccl
in ihe Bir; Horn Bnin arc now $4.70 per acre first year $1.00 per
acre s::hI y :r -1)1.0.) pr aero third year---3.-10 per acre fourth
year $1.60 per acre fiflli, sixth, seventh, eighth nnd ninth years
and $1 1 .00 acre the tenth year. No liltCfCSli 6300 HCrCS (0
bcotieiied (entry soon
320 AC!' fffieHcillCStCadSin Campbell County, Wyoming
good for dairying, sleek raising, and mixed farming the kind that
insures a steady cash income.
NCW Fc!(tor FfCCWiilc me today for new folders telling all about
the cheap knit's along the Burlington. Get in on the ground
ffoor before the coming land movement starts.
Momescekers' rates from Eastern Nebraska every first and third Tuesday.
Tried Away
USA XZffi Ntf&sy'
V J$ w
f wjyj i
A Jl---V7fjWfeL. M
M$bS!$$ly Pure
Economizes Butter, Flour,
Efigs; makes the food more
slwAVziw and wholesome
The ovily F3n7f2ng Powder made
Sro.n lloyo.1 Grape Creana oITarlar
Heavy Weight
Will close soon. So if you
want to tfet some of the best
bargains ever offered in Ked
Cloud on Suits and Overcoats
We are netting in
and inut move the heavy
stuff to nuke room for them
and we aie not particular
about making any profit riht
now on winter uoocta.
Come in and see the advance
styles of Spring Suit1;, Hats,
Caps Shirts and Shoes. We
want your Spring business and
will show you the nicest Cloth
ing for the money you have
ever seen in Ked Cloud.
eaver, Immigration Agent
rnum Street, Omuhu, Nebraska
Thai's what
you'll be by
our grocery offerings.
The following banj-
Evon though you will be
cairied away by them you
do not have to carry them
home for we will gladly
dcliwr them for you.
. M.I 11IL I'lluNI -i
r'., i 'HtVA rri
Izisiffilj WISfil
I .
im i.x'imiwwuTm i..i'm.iUfv...'t,tJ,i;
, x.-...-,-,, '-f3M--j
si", zsrsoid