The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1912, Image 4

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ftd Cloud - Nebraska
nlereii In the I'oatnmrc uliHcil Cloiul.Nob.,
rkHcioiiiI CIhm Mutter.
wkiihti'i. COUNTY
Red Cloud's Ticket
For Mayor-1. V. Tiiriiure.
KorClorU-O. U. 'IVrl.
For Troasurcr-S. K. Floranui'.
For City Bii-lni'-r !-'. M.Overlii-,'.
For Alduriimn, lit ward W. A. Shut
wood, 2-yi'iir Umiii, V. M. .Saiiinlui",
'year ti'iin.
For Aldi'iiiian, 'J1 wind F. V. Cow
dun, '.' year term. Pinil Sloivy, 1-year
For Hoard of rMucution-lJr. II A.
'rilflitoti. Dr. T. A Triiiuble.
I iKirctiy nniiKiitiri nijmll at a cnmllil;it
for tho iiointiialli'ii fcir ri riiuiit-itlvc from
tin) lailiilMrlci of Nilrnl.ii. Mittfu'l to the
Mill of tho lutnocrntlc anil I'toplc Imli
lniliUllt volimiit the irlintirlin tn tie In Id
April i. tar.'. W. I.isjst:v.
1 hereby aiiiiiuiiire iiiye!' i a rntullilate
forSi'imliirtif llifJHti Hfiintiiilnt imtrlelnt
Ncliranku. Buhjcft to llu- will of llu lumo
rratlc ami People' h I inlfoiilfii voter at
lliw prluinrlPH A pi II lt, I'JI.'.-Wm. Wmvrii.
koi. ..i:im.ksknpativi:
I licrchy aminuiiri' myself it a eatulldaie
for the niimliiatlim for Ufpri-sciitJitlvi- from
tho IQth IllKtrlrl or .Nebraska, miltfeet I" tin
will of the lieiuocrarlle ami I'lMiplf'tt Imle
lirmlt'iit voters at tin- primaries to lie licltl
A pill III, llU'A J. II. Wltm AH Vim.
Tlio paper of tho litiKu oltlis aro nil
tight If you want lliein, but it is your
own IioniL' tinner Hint ndvertUos jour
uliuruhi,K, your nuinorouH nocli'tlr
sympathizes with you in your alilic
tlotia and rejoiees with you in yutir
piosperlty. In short it is the local pa
per Hint tni'titfons the thousand and
olio iluitiH in willed you aro interested
dtirini Hie yt'nr, and do not linil In n
pot of lurjfc i'itii"
Mr. J. H. WUimarier hits (lied on tho
Detnoisritii' and People' Independent
tloltol lor tho Humiliation of rcpto
suntalivo. Mr. Wlseeaiver is an old
resident mid comes hefoti' his parly
witli the rccoid of never befoio having
party proferment. Ho has made u sue
ess of his own business mid would bo
n .sale man to whom tottubl tliealVaiis
ol" state Ho l'J mi t'xperieneud iouI
buihlef mid if elected to this ollleo no
doubt would jjivu that question his
earnest attention.
Tliejfieat foe to home, poaou mid
happiness is worry. Tho habit of
woirv keeps ns ero.ssiii liriilt,v-bofon
wo reaeh them. The evils thai fret us
most me those which threaten us- but
havo not yet nirhod. Stop worry in
about the biead that .mui me afraid
will not rise, the new diets you are
.sure tho dressmaker will spoil, and
tile next month's roul. If you will
lit inly losolve to worry only about the
evil or spoeial hardships this hour or
Bier Ben
t -
Advance Showing
Spring Dress Goods
The forerunners of fashion
able fabrics now being shown.
Before buying your new
dress for spring look over our
line. We have a new and
down-to-date stock.
The latest thing in cotton
Voiles with silk hair line
stripe at (50 cents.
Silk Holian tissues in solid
colors in the new soft shades
for summer at .r() cents.
In wool goods we have the
rough weaves in light weights
for Spring wear 'Mi inches
wide at (10 cents per yd.
Silks in Serges, Jacquands,
Messalines, Taffetas 27 inches
wide at $1.00 per yard.
F. Newhouse
Mrs. Barbara Pharos, Prop.
minute and can't be moidcil, ninety
nine eases out of one hundred you will
(lud tlieic is no sueh i vil or hardship.
Tho men nominated on tho citizen's
ticket and endorsed by the republicans
arc representative citizens --noil busi
ness men mid they hau the welfare of
the city at hem t. They me all worthy
of the HtiltYaKc f our people and jlhclr
expoiicuce, In l)usiii"ss matters will be
a lai'KC asset for the city. They aro
capable of solving all our problems of
city iiiaiiaKemcitl and they aro deter
mined lo do it. It is the duty of overy
man tliat participated in the noniina
nation of these mm iO work cnthusl
astically for their election and after
election lo render every assistance
possible to help them In their woik
The parents nii-cllnKs shou'd be
more l.arjjely attended. If there U any
one lliinc that will lead lo u bitter
civic life it I tho conference held be
tween parents nud teacher. We spend
about fourtctu thousand dollars in
this district each year to cducato tho
children and Ibis amount of money
will show a greater percent on tho in
vctmonl. iT tho parents actively asso
ciated themselves with those to whom
they intrust tho responsibility of edu
eating their offspring. The committee
in chargo of lids woik informs us that
the next topic for discussion is 'The
co-operatiuii of parent and teacher".
This meeting should be attended by
overy parent in tho distiict.
that tho Japan current has changed
mid that they havo had a very mild
winter in that portion ot the globe,
likewise word comes from California
that they havo had no rain and the
wind was so strong tho other day
around Los Angeles that it blow down
houses and up rooted trees. We will
all be nioro than pleased to say this
year "Winter good bye"'. Yet there is
one bright spot in all this discomfort
and that is the soil is completely
saturated and we will havo one of the
greatest crops ever recorded in this or
any oilier state.
The Modern Woodmen of America
in its last meeting of tho head camp
saw lit to raise the rates of insurance
and this action is causing a great deal
of uneasiness if not of actiwil revolt.
There has been a call sent out by those
who disagree with this action tho ob
ject of which is to consider plans for
the withdrawal fiotu the parent
society. However a careful study ol
the piosenl rales will show anyone
that lliey me not high enough to pay
out. When a society agrees to pay a
certain Mini of money Insinlng the life
ol a ccttaiu person it must receivo a
into thai will be certain to pioduec
the sum. If this organi. iliou would
continue tho present rates it would go
up in a bubble sooner or later hence it
seems absolutely certain tlmt the only
way to preserve tho society was to
i also tho rales.
These new rales arc based on tables
made by I lie Modern Woodmen from
its own experience. The rates arc
lower than old lino but at the same
tiuiotliey arc sullk-ieiil to meet all
obligations. This society is not con
ducting tho business tor prollt but for
I'rateriialism. There aro eight differ
enl plans any one of which n present
member may elect to take, lie may
take the plan which calls for a Certain
amount lor his whole life or another
which is cheaper which ends when he
is seventy yearn of age. Another plan
which ends when he is sixty and soon.
Or if ho chooses he can pay the same
an lie is now p lying but receive n
smaller amount ivt dvalh There are
enough plans j rovided for lo meet the
wants of all and we Would consider it
a Crtlaiuity if any member would givo
tip his insurance. The society is now
on a very strong and, sound basis and
will grow and maintain its growth and
will never again need to raise Ps rates
New Spring
Coats Suits Skirts
Smart Exclusive Models in the Season's
Best Colors, Materials and Workmanship.
New Goods Arriving in AH Departments
fmumtwimm w
has something to say
to people who like to
get up promptly in the
He guarantees to call
them on the dot just when
they want and either way
they want, with one pro
longed, steady call or with
successive gentle rings.
And he guarantees to do
it day after day and year
after year, if you only have
him oiled every year or so.
I've known him ever
since he was "that high"
and I'll vouch for every
thing he savs.
The Jeweler.
Tim exceptional manifestation of
good feeling dcsplaycil at the convent
ions which Humiliated the candidates
for city ollices forcibly suggests to us
what the possibilities uiight. he if wo
as a city would act with tho same
haimoiiy in all things connected with
our city all'air.s. If we can get togi til
er onco we cut again and there is no
reason in tho world wliy we should not
always act as a unit. We all want
what over is best for the city and nil
we lack is a means of knowing each
other's ideas. Tho way has been estab
lished and it ought to bo easy in the
future to give and talte and then act in
narinony Tho prime, reason why this
cll has been divided in the past is be
causo we huc not taken tho double
to tulle onr affairs ovor together in a
liUMiH'ss like maun) r.
Acting as a unit I hi-, city e ml. I vast
ly iuciease its um fuliu"-, Its liade
and its life. TIum" pi tty ijiiaritls d i
no Miid and only iujuie u as u whole, i
One tide iu old tlnl. the otlur thin
llieie is another nllghttnt lit and in tlh
er Mpmbtde ami the result enuuol In p
but b( stiMgnutu n. I'nitiiluo can so
conduct our ofi'aii'H tl at we can make
h agreeable for any one who deiii s to
cast hilt lot with UN cult um-iiio eapiti l
a mfe investment, unci wi.uhl aitiact
industries. Kvery Inmost enteipii-e
would reeene a col dial w dome. Let
u assume tiiiitweme linttid and work
during the futiiie with that thought
in mind. ''You eaniuitsaw wood with
a hammer."
The people may sneer to their
iieart's content, but the wide-awal.e
American will continue to use slang
till Hie cows come home or tho clouds
roll by. Slang phrases will friquent
ly savo tho utterance of a dozen woids;
and as the average American i'-u bust
lor and hasn't unieh tim to waste,
everything goes and slang holds its
grip. It would be hard to trace the
origin of many of our slang exprcs
ions but it is safe to -ay that the uia
ioiilv found birth on the stage. A
comedian says something which strikes
tho audience as "god" and henceforth
lias a great "iiin." Incidentally, thine
aro no Hies on out schools. Seiintisly
it is in truth a school with un-ui passed
advantage for ccuiing a practical
education. It is the air line to college
and in fact, is the only mad running
thiough this county that lands it-pas-singers
in tlie union depot of
the Freshmen class of our bos! insti
tutions. For lowest rates and other
information apply to Iho Principal.
All the Spring Materials and Spring
Styles in the new shades to choose
beautiful line of goods wo
Tv wiV'N- vsy vsvw
ever had.
The Miner Bros. Co,
Political Advertisement
The people of this community are
beginning to want a change in the
otllce of weather clerk, lie is wink
ing overtime and tho results of his
labois are getting very tiresome. Not
content witli giving us tho most re
markable weather during the past
year he is beating all records as fast
us ho makes them. That levered per
son, tlio oldest inhabitant, lias been
searching Ids memory and in a private
o nverutiou lie informed lis that lie
had gone back in his records a few
years befoio Iho Hood and that there
is not a -cratch to show a winter pre
vious to this ouo when it snowed con
tinuously for a period of two hundred
and sixty six days. Seven below zoio
on the ninth of March was never
known before in this country. About
all the weather we have had this win
er is snow and cold oxcent wlion it
changed to cold and snow. Kver tho
little hoys have abandoned their sleds
and declaro that thoy want to play
marblos. Woul conies from Alaska
I L i JhrtMwiriinSn " 'in
iMaigxiBsaMwii&iu , tim
vpV? jp ' Jl
i v--, ;m i
1 tf '
Vote for V. A. 1'riiui',
Rfi'ublir.tii Candidate
I'nf Conffss
11-1111 Iff .Hll Cj iQI2
1 have opened a bakery liilud
Cloud ami .solicit a share of
your patronage.
Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes
always in stock. Phono me
your wants linil. pnonc iss.)
Uetall store opposite Postof
lice, in Dicdcrich building.
A Bald beaded Woman
Slicrn of Jlcr Crown oT IJeauty- Loses In
Lovu aiitl Harriaic
Hair is ceitainly not necessary to
woman. Who could love and marry a
baidliended woman'.' What charms
could one at ray to olV-"l such u distlg
iirt'iueiil'.' A woman's go'il is usually love and
marriage. Her crowning glory is her
hair. The Iofs of her hair umrs her
beauty, happiness and success. Yot
right hero in l!cd Cloud, tlicro are
.hundreds of women who aro neglect
ing or injuring their lialr to such all
exunt tliat it is only a matter of time
when it will bo utterly iiilne.i.
Many women destroy tho beauty of
their hair through thoughtlessness or
ignorance of certain i'ac's. They use
curling in ns over-iieatcd, or toe'Oiss,
whlcii destroys tho nutuial oil of the
hair, causing it to split, break mid
come out. They do not shumpoothcir
hair often enough; or too often. They
use soaps or preparatii lis which con
tain ingredients positively harmful to
the scalp and liuir.
As a result of such trealiiKUt, dan
druff is created, tlie hair loosens, loses
color, falls out, and baldness com
mences, unless proper and piompt
precautions are taken in time. Then
again, iniotobes and certain diseases
bring about unhealthy sculp and hair
Almost any woman may rid herself
of dandruff and discacd scalp and
hair if she will but use tho riglitienie-
dy. Wo have tliat remedy, and we
will positively guarantee that it will
either euro dandruff and baldness or
it will not cost the user anything.
That's a protty broad statement, but
we will back ft and prve it with our
own money. We will return youi
iiioiu-y if you do not llml that Ilex ill
'P.r Hair Tonic is mi entirely satis
fuctoiy iimeilv that will iounto hair
gio.vih anil overcome scalp and hair
iioablis; it will grow hair even
on luld heads, unless all life In the
hair rots has I et-n extinguished, the
foll'iclis oloed ami tho fcculp Is glad
i md shinny. It gets-it nnme from the j
1 fact that it grew littlr 111 V.i out ol 100
case-, where it icceived a thhroughly ' v
iim, impartial, nun pniciii-ui ui.
We wnnt you to try Uexall !)!''
Hair T"iiie at our rik. You surely
cannot lo-e anyllilng by doing -o,
while you have everything to gain.
You li id better think it over, and
then c.une in and see us about this
offer U)U will be Well lepaid lor
your lsil at our store. lloinoinbor,
you can get Uexall Uetuedies in this
community only at our store The
Uexall Store, Tho II. r". (irioe Ding
Widow's Pension.
The recent act of April 10th, I'.KM
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
1'J par mouth. Fred Maurer the
attorney, has all necessary blanks.
m 1 -htw .--
mMmt m fcwwa urfMnr
4K k ttHA1rt
In Order To Be Convinced Of
-"Pi Il wearing ability of our Shoes
you must first try them. Our
stock is all new, direct from the fact
ory, and we invite you to come in and
'five us a trial. Oiir white
and PUMPS are the latest fashions
out. We also carry a line of strictly
"Water Proof' Farm Shoes, 'fry
a pair. They are worth the money.
East Side Shoe Store
Bailey & Bailey
The Newhouse Block Red Cloud, Nebr.
S'yysjy,'yj'v'sr'V- r-N'v- ..-ns-7
Moved to Our New 1
,AvAAAv w- J n"-vJ. yvVfvvvv
i fc fie
You will find us now In our new location
with our Kr(o lino of
Always Slad To Sob Ycu
Premium Q
Hams SQW
ana cacon
Auk yo.,r llruK.l.t for CIIICIIKS-TER'S A
Oolu uiftalllc tioxc. scaled with Ulue"
Kititxia T.xitn no oTiinn. nu of jour
IIIAMU.M) IIU.VM 1M1.I.H, for twcnty.flv-
vcars recarileil ns Urst.SaRtt, Alway3 Kcllnblc
" : '. (
r. - i
For Sal e 'traC Vwi
Yost Y Mj
M .'-rV-SVPJaW59vW
'..;;) ;.vsmMik. in.
Our hnnso is burniiii" down anil
.liilinV away a million miles oil" on
his vaciil ion. A truo pluttiro UioukIi
ii bit exa'eratcil.
Cot an Insuranco Policy on
Your House and furniture
wliilo you think about it. For
solid security havo us write it tip.
Ourprouiiiims aro lowiinilconipun
les arc safe.
Reliable Insurance.
-. v 4-flwMHIMMihiM.Mkl-
wwrtisirmt v"-
wV J nn-W
WJit -,.'iw-i