The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 14, 1912, Image 1

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IUU HUlorlcrt Bootety
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'Y'HE New Banking Law is now in force and
the payment of every dollar of deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty j
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
$ rffr ffr f0s' r
For Every Purpose
l'ulnts furlionu's, linrn, sliuiN,
bin.'Kfcs furiiiturc, ciiiiiijj",
iloof-, roof-, oli.
Scwalls Chomicnlly Pure
Will gie you biitisfuctioii. They
mo nrailo iti the west, to st;iml
tlio peculiar PoiiriitioiiM oi our
cliiimte. You will Hud them fnr
superior in diuuhllily to many
otlior UiiuK. Co:m in and let
us liui's uitli ou
Chas. L. Cotting
f The Druggist t
Jus. MclJrido wns in lllue Hill last
week between trains on busiue-s.
De.xn Laey was u passenger to IJcd
Cloud Monday letuinlii,' Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Kied I'op a:e rejolcim;
over tlie arrival of a youn d.tuliter
at their plane.
Mrs. Davis Si, loft for lleiitiic",
TH. nu
i X Alt? VUUIV
I always feels I
I pure and wholesome 1
I fo o a when -using I
1 Dr Prices l
k Baking
BSS Baking Powder I
j . vivikki i ijwbKy4iii.' ir: iprF o v.'E7v.jt"x .' "sry x r:r. -"-je-. " -- : "-wr ,iaarw."attrifs- ?-, ..tssj zis&m-
r vjwiirflJHi3Bg3aJKrg?igrv jrl-' -wc3M..s-'rii'.. - "'...- .. '". -: Tv'ri'riMriB?tj'K:J'''?I!aiK,''
Xebr , Friday for u isit with hi r
sister who is ill.
Ihni'iy Waller letuineil fioin St.
Louis Wednesday where lie had a ear
of on sale.
Train serviee was nearly blocked on
this bi.meli 'I'uesilav on account of the
heavy 'Miow drifts.
Mi-s Jessie Squiies went to Hastings
Tuesday to visit her paients She
was aceonipaiiied b Mrs. Ida Squires.
Fuller A- liennett shipped four cars
of stock to Kansas tity Monday. Chas
liennett aecoiupanied the same and
lepoit-sa heavy snow stoini all the
way down.
Miss Olive Keeve returned home
Wednesday fiom Pawnee City wheie
sh has lieen under the cure of l)r
Johnson. Wu are kIhiI to tepoit that
she is much better.
(ieoi'e lloiichiu lost another enw on
More "-How on Sutulav nicht and
John Kawl skipped his fat cittle
last veek.
Al. Smith and wife were visit lny in
lied Cloud on Sunday.
Tuck Amack was shelling corn on
wind mill iow on Monday.
Chai ley Campbell was hauliiiK hay
on Mon lay fiom his father's, place.
(ay Marnes and wife called on
(ionise JenuliiKs and family Sunday.
(itorge Smith has been visiting his
brother in Nevada, Mo., for a few days,
Howard Simpson railed nu his sister,
ss wirw ss
S 17
...N -HfM"
s: .JMHM&
t wax
A NuM-sjiapfir That filw.s I in: Ni:s I:lft
Mrs. ritdi lluweii. .Satuiday and Sun '
(limit lliiui'liili oi fiui'lo l!oel was
(ailing on his futher and iiiothc r Sun
dav. j
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kolnnson were
pleasinit eallers i u theirdaiiliter Snii
day. I
Charley Seliull bought a niee team
of hoi si's at Mr. Seaton's s.ile last Fi i
day (liuei Wolfe, who has been quite siel
foraweek,is impio Im:. and Keltiu
ulon' nicely.
Maieh did net eotne in like a lamb
but it looks like it would K" 't lilu a
lamb It was 7 decrees below zero nil
theSth of March ami that is rot ty
eold for Mai eh.
Mis Frank Amuck went to Omaha
last Thursday to have an opeiation
pcifoimcd. .she went thru it all riuht
and we understand she isettiiiKulontf
nleelj IM Amaek and her brother
Will shipman went with her.
l!ca Estate Imnsfcrs.
Transfeis for the week ending
uesday March HI, IIM'J
Compiled by M W Carter .V
llullded Abstiaclois.
I.iucolu Laud Co to Dennis hind
sey. w il, lots ."to f, 1 tile, li, and
lots (!, 7. Ill, 11, IL'. t:., Iti, l'., 'JO,
Sl,l!l, l!lk. n, Hail lioad Add
to lied Cloud
Jacob Morris and wife to Clara
' i: Mead, wd, sw '4 s L'-.r)
Fredeiick Moise and wilo to K
Lee Keinmeier, w d, nw' 1 1-L'-!l
Catheiine Schumann to Charles
Mailer, w d, lots in, ll.ltlk.'Jl,
Charles Mailer and wife to Fred
C. I'.oek, w d, to pt (i, all 7, pt
lotss, (1, 10, II, lllk.7, llohtoi't.
Add to 131 uc Mill
I.uey M. Wheland and husband
to John Jones, d.s'j sej.) Is
1 11 "
Dennis Idndsey and witetoClav
ton lirown, w d, to lots .1,0, 7,8,
lllk. fi, Kail I toad Addition to
lleil Cloud
Clayton lirown ami wife to Mar
tha J. Lindsey, w d, lots ,"i, (5,
7, s, Illlc. (i, Kail Koad Addition
tolled Cloud
It a C. Danks and wife to Mrs.
Allies Skidlant, w d, nw'i 1.1-1-12
Mans Pye and wife to Josephine
S. timid, w d, eJi sejf 7-J1-10. . .
State IJ.iuU of liladeu to Lucy .M.
Wheland, w d, liiuliv. , int. in
wjrf lots l,a, lilk. 10, Klaeen...
Joseph A. Denton and wife to
(in Held Wagner, w il. lot S,
Ull;. 1, 1st Addition to liladeu
Henry J. Sheldon and wile to
Mike Stioble, w (1, nw-if lii-'2-11
Maim Kose and wife to Otto Mill
lcr, w d, lots , 10, west (5 feet
lot 11, lllk. 1, Tylers Sub-Div
of IlolnerV Add to lilue Mill...
Charles S Foit to Alice Foit, wd,
lots 1,1, 11, i;,, lilk. I. Carhers
1st Addition to Ited Cloud ....
l'oter Nelson and wife to Cora B.
Pitney ot al , w d, e1 seU 'cc
:i-'J lli
John W. Most and wife to bli:i
beth A. llailin, w d, lots III to
'21, Blk.22, lilk US, Hud Cloud
Mary K. KnuUon and wife to
Itobeit Dameiell, w d, to neJ,
partt-ejf mc :i0-2-ll
Chillies A. Sohult. and wife to
John L. Chiistiau, w d, purt.
Kast M lllk. 2, LeDues Addi
tion to Ked Cloud
Mortgages tiled, S:j(i,b27.10.
Moitgages luleased, Sl0,:tii.'i,80.
For Sale.
1500 bn. of good vvhltii ear o'd coin
in el lb at fr! per bushel, Inquire of
1). II. Mulsebusch.
Farm Loans
At Lowest inteiest, best option, least
expense. Call for me at, Stato Bank,
ItodCloi.d. C. F. Catiihi.
-" - --',4r"
- Jw3 H'r.f.Us i:,n.!i Ycnr Tor 51.50.
State Fire
Warden Here
SiU file Wiiiden l:audallilelieied
a fii e leetuie last evening in theopera
house upon the vai ions phases of the
pieveutiou of tins. Me spnke on the
iliiugeis of gasdliue, acetaliue, keio
Heiie. and told in detail how they
Hhould be stoicd and handled in sulety.
Me also desei Died the dallgeis of old
loolieihs on the stn ets or in Iheallejs
regaidless ot sie, and advised that
Mime all be Kept up in good lepair or
lie statu! that no piopeity owner
had a right to enhance the haaid and
jepiiidise the piopeity of his neighhor
by (iiaiiitiiiniiig a tiie tiap. lie also
spulic in detail of the daubers ol chilli
neys, sioe pipt's. spontaneous eoui
bustion, (. hi istinas Tiees ami Santa
Clans. I'ouith of July eelebiatiousanil
luomiseioits trash buiiiing in the
ht leets and allejs.
After listening to Mr. Kandall's
hour and a half speech one would
hiue oidinaiily thought that the en
tile gieat state of Xebiaskn was going
touteiual damnation and bow-wows
by the gi name hellllio-and-biiiustoiie
route 11 gave the audieui'o to
thoi oughly iindei stand al the oat.set
that (ioveruor Ahirich, the famous
"one-termer," had sent him out on
thisgieat mission of education and
lefiAiti. It (governor Aldiieh will now
billow up this enthusiastic lite waidcu
with the wild-eved JiiIiii (J. Wiser to
talk mi prison conditionsaiiil thegieat
woikofthe p.u'doning boaid in Ne
braska, then in tin n follow him with
our own I. J. Albright to leetuie on
theovilsof our banking system and
the shortcomings of our Nebiaska
li.uilu r-, and then In tin ii follow him
up with Ike King or some other at
tacheu of the exchequer of our gieat
commonwealth to leetuie on the con
servation of the game ami incidentally
c.Nploit the giciitness of the (iover
nor'.s own self, all at the expense of
the tax-payers, he might be able to
keep his mind and that of his hench
men oil' thesubjiM-tof slowly appioachj
iug but inevitable detent.
A Fair Offer.
Your Money Back If You're Not .Sal If let!
We pay for all the medicine used
during the tiial, if our lemedy fails to
completely iclievo you ofconstipatioii.
We take all t he risk You are not obli
gated tons in any way whatever, if you
accept our oiler. That's a mighty
broad statement, but wo mean eveiy
word of it. Could anything be nioie
fair for you V
A most sclentiHc, common-sense
treatment is Itexall Oiderlies, which
arc. eaten like candy. Their active
piiuelplc Is a icceiit scientific discov
ery that is odcrless, co'orless, mid
tasteless; very pionounced, ytt gentle
and pleasant in action, and pin thmlar
ly agreeable in every way They do
not cause dlarihoea, nausea, llatuleiice
griping or any incoiivenieucu what
ever. Kexall Orderlies aie particular
ly go id for childien, aged and delicate
If you s u If or from chronic, or habit
ual constipation, or the associate or
dependent chronic ailments, we uige
you to try Kexall Orderlies al our
lisk. Kemembor you can get tiietn in
Ked Cloud only at our store. 12 tablets
lOuonts; 30 tablets 2.1 cents; so tablets
.10 cents. Sold only at our stoic The
Itexall Stoic. The II. V. Orlcu Ding
Seed Corn
I have lor sale 10 bushels Silver
Mine and .'. bushels Yellow Dent seed
coin that ht.s been personally selected
and tested and I guarantee that !." per
cent of U will grow.
Price S2 per bushel in one to live
bushel lots, over live bushel? f 1.75 de
livered nl railway Mutton here.
llefeieime any business minor fann
er in this vicinit.v. 1. Wickiiam,
Salem, Nebr.
ZTiicsp ?-.' -.
The III uin liiitlulay biiuquel, given
antiuall.v in i.unor of NebiusUi's dis
tinguished cilicn, has nlwujs been a
huge at! ni r. The indications aie,
however, that the celcluatioii this year
will be the biggest and liveliest in
histoiy. William J. liiyan's biithihiy
is Match tilth. 'Ihe dinner and cele-
Illation of this event will be under
the an pices ol the Lincoln It.uatl,
Club The dinner will be held in Lin
coln's largo auditorium on the evening
of M.ucli lillh. Mr. () W. Meier.'
1'iesideiit of the Club, will act as I
loastmastei and the toast list will large number of America's
distinguished men.
ollio James, now a member of Con
guss from Kentucky mid soon to enter
upon his duties as a senator from the
lilue (iiass state, will be one ot the
spe ikers Ollio James, big bodied, big
he. il ted, big biaiiied; an omtor who
haji delighted tlioiis inds with the magic
ofllls (doquenee. Thomas I (ioie,
known to fame as Oklahoma's blind
senator, but known also as the Aineii
can people's lailhfiil errant, will be
anojher speaker. K. F IVtligiew,
fouqer United States Senator fiom
South Dakota ami known as one of
the most faithful and capable among
thorefoim workers of Ameiica will bo
anoJJie.r .pexkor. George Fled Will
iams of .Massachusetts, com lly in man
ner, polished in speech, patriot lo ill
put pose, will be on hand to charm ami
instruct. Itobert D. Metiiy, "liob,
theToMisCongicssincii who has become
famous for bis relentless war upon the
money trust, will bo there to tell Un
assembled thousands somet hitig of the
gieat work to which lie has dedicated
his Hue ell'otts: and Mi. Ficdcilck
Townseml Mai tin, member of one of
the wealthy families of New Yoik,
lias assured the Lincoln llryin Club
that he will be present and speak to
the toast "The Idle Kich."
Mr. Iliyan will be the last speaker.
Otlieisyetto he announced will be on
hand and the promise is that those
who attend the Iliyan liiithday Dinner
Match r.llh, l'JIS, will be given one of
gleatestand most complete treats ever
oll'eied in the western country.
A progiessivo conference will be
lield on the attcriioou of March l!ith
ami at this conference measutes will
be taken for the further oigauiatiou
ol Nebraska democtats to the end that
a ical victory may be won at the polls
in November. Bveryono is invited to
attend the llryan birthday banquet.
Suppose You Should Burn Out To-Night!
Arc You Insured Against Loss?
We represent four of the Largest American Insurance
Companies whose assets aggregate over $75,000,000.00.
Offie--' now in Opera Mouse Block, Red Cloud, Nebraska.
D. D. Sanderson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Olllcu in Moon Block.
IWI, Ul.iuk I; Intl., l'.U
Residence, It lyal Hotel.
Hell, 17; (ml., '17
('alls Answered Day or Night
licit ri.out), Mill.
For Sale
One U'.'glHluiod liliusk l'crcheiou
.Stallion, age fi years, weight in fair
Mesh about 'J 100, good heavy Hat hone
and good action. This is one of the
best draft horses In Webster county at
a bargain if taken soon,
W. It. Wondkhlv, Inavule, Neb
e- iji1j-vL!Zi?: Jm'n
Before You
Buy By Mail '
l)iiii' tis thu ad, that inter
ests you.
1 1 you will do this, you won't
buy by mail that's certain.
Because you will have no rea
son to.
Any article: of jewelry or
watches or silverware or any
thing else in the line can be
bought here at prices every
bit as low as anywhere else
near or far.
And you have this advant
age you can see, handle and
examine to your hearts con
tent anything that is of inter
est to you.
HrinK us that catalog and
let us prove it to you.
Remember "Satisfaction or
Your Money Back."
li II. Newhouse, 1'iop.
C, II. t ( Watch Inspectors
.Seed torn.
I will not have seed corn on disphiy
as advertised I he supply of seed
coin will be limited this spitng, and if
you have to buy you can get seed corn
fiom the Hi m mentioned below. If
you order please mention my name.
Vlck K. Spiinger.
:i(0 bn. King ol Hid F.arlles (Yellow )
WO Im 1'iideol the Noi 111 (Yellow.)
1000 hit. Improved Learning (Yellow.)
.'(Oobu Iowa (Sold Mine (Yellow.)
Ilooo bu. Champion While Pcail.
loot) bu Iowa Silver Mine.
loOt) bu. Wisconsin U bite Dent,
loot) bu. White Cap Yellow Dent.
Prices with sack 'J 00 per bushel.
Ten bushel lots 81.1)0 per bushel; 20
bushel lots 81.80 per bushel, f. o. b.'
Waterloo, Nebr.
Cash with order. We cannot open
j c. KoiMNsoN si-:i:i) co.,
Wr.terloo, Nebr.
Chief Adds Bring Results
Wall Paper, Paint and
Room Mouldings, Pict
ure Framing, Pictures
and artist Material.
The Only Exclusive Store.
Red Cloud ' ' ' Nebraska
ntyr-'.'1 .''.. .'im .'im
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