The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 07, 1912, Image 5

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.liL m
iC1 -
: i
and every thing to be found in a first
class exclusive Harness Shop. : :
MMWfctM ftiM i . ...
are unequaled for Quality of Stock,
Durability and Workmanship iov
the money.
B. 55 S3, lime Tabic
1 s Mm i
No. II train "leg aits ion. m,
No. Id I.ucnl iiissiui!tr ' . '.' a. in.
No. ITI Vci'oiumoilsiMon North i-
cept Monday unci Weil., ill jmrln l:tJ p. m.
No. I'd-Accommodation North
Monday an.l Wutni.Hday U arts u.M a.m. liol'Mi
No. 1'J -TliroiiKh train, departs . . n-" n. hi.
No. 15 Local jiaMKinncr " S'.:)0 p. in.
j V
. f?
i i.ttfi'.ASS-'B'SrwK ii
i -r -w.ii in u .h,ba
Furgoo.lJob Printing call oil Uio
Clark Carey of franklin was in town
Win. Mojo wns In Lincoln Friday on;traiu,
Good n irr ,w stripe fur $1.30. -J. 0. i;anasi city Wednesday. Ho ueeaiu
.L!)ui:i.i.. panio.1 it.
Charles Uiviaus of Superior was in
town Fiiday.
V. II. lloii'uuin of P.hiden was in
town Tuesday.
Dean Laeey of Cowles was on our
streets Fiiday.
O.C. Carlton of Grand Island was in
town Monday.
All kinds of Fleetiical woik done by
Morhiirt Pros
L. II. Schmidt of ltlue Hill was in
town Tuesday.
0. 0. Ilendly of Iiostwick was in
town over Sunday.
Oscar Johnson returned homo from
Superior Wednesday.
K. S. Garber and .loliu Fox were in
Superior Wednesduj .
Clms. Worth of Sehyler was in town
Saturday on business.
(loo. Smith went to Kansas Oity
Wcdnc-dny with stock.
fnrni Loans
There are several reasons lor seeing
J. H. Ualloy for a farm loan and here
thoy are.
lie is solo agent for Trcvett Mattia
A- Haher.
This compHiiy is here evciy day in
the year ready for business and not
i.eto this week and gone noxt. They
limn on anv farm having the value Ju
it liupioied or unimproved. Youd'n't
v. lioui tu to four months for join hut sun Ij gt it on the day
cilhd for. Thej gue'lhe hist option
iii the market.
arc a hobby with us be
cause wo know how they
last when put onto a
house properly We've
investigated them thor
oughly and the mills we
buy of today assure us
our Shingles are all cut
front sbund bolts a n d
dried slowly under a tem
perate heat so as to re
tain their life. Whether
repairing an old roof or
putting on a new one you
want the bestsee ours.
" here's No Place Like Home."
B8eti Cedar
r i a . ct
Robes, Sad
dies, Whips
Win. Ziiiunermm of Colby, Kansas
was in town out Sunday.
Uye Shepar.Kon of Ilivortoii whs In
town on business Wednesday.
Augu-t Miyei and A.. I. Ivinciii 1 of
Inavnlc spent Sunday In town.
TheY. P dance club hold forth
Tuesday cvviitng at Poller's hull.
S. E. Worden and ftmily of Guide
Kock ivro visiting relatives in town.
Mis Cha. Cratiillt returned from u
two weeks visit at Lincoln Monday.
John Il.tiklcy is going lo Fraukllu
tonight where he will move a church.
Sen Dr. Warrick, tho specialist, lit
Dr. Dameroll's orlicc, Tuesday, Mar. 12.
Chief Came Warden Miller of Lin
coln wib in the city Tuesday between
I Y. A. Muvnnrd shinned stock to
Tho Chief does all kinds of Job
Printing neatly, accnratelj' and
Mr. and Mn. Herb Ludlow left Mon
daj for a lew days visit at McCook
and lloldrege.
The Diamond Hleetrio Vaciun clean
er demonstuited in your home free.
Call Phono Ited 1)7.
Miss Jessie Kellogg of Washington
arrived in tho city this week for a
viit with with her father.
M. D. Atkins and wife of Lincoln
visited with their son A. I) Atkins and
family the (list of the week.
(). T. Couaway returned Wednesday
from Omaha where ho lies been on
business the past two weeks.
The illicit lino and best assoitmont
of Harness eer carried before. Call
and look it over. MoiiHAnr Hr.o.
ltev.ij 13. Throne from MePlierson,
will preach at the Brethren chinch next
Sunday both moiningnnd evening
Thomas Malon tho popular conduct
tor on tho HnstlugN pabseiigor is back
from California and on duty again.
Prof, lletz informs us that the band
will give another musical . entertain
meat at the Opera house, Apt il 13th.
Special attention given to di&easosi
of eyo and eai. Glasses accurately
lltted. Dr. Stockman, lted Cloud, Nebr.
Dr. Cross will bo in ids olllce over
tho Stmo Hank everyday in tho-week.
NtHim.' Ucoiitiuu'd Ids visits to
U Coiilso i mid family departed
.Monday 'or strung where Mr. Coulsull
n-sunu". 1' of S iiiudori Uroa.,
lumber jfttd.
ll'iror lluif of tho Huperlor .Journal
wus In t'twii Tuesday ln-tween It din".
While liri-n he tliato thin oflk'O a
p! aa ' eul,
i'ou .Salui-TIk1 two buildings oc
cupied by the Chief Olllce and R II
NewlnuiseV jewelry stin. luquiro ol
K. II Ne house.
Mis. Chas. Potior ami Mis' lieitha
Poller roMirned from Chicago Friday
wliciv they f.pnt tho last seven weeks
visiting lelutives
H I Aninck aeeoininiiiled Mrs. Frank
Amaek to Oinalui this morning where
she will have an opoiation performed
at the Methodist hospital.
A widows pension of il'l per month
has been granted Julia M. Houehlu,
widow ol Alexander Houehlu. Fied
Mainei was her attorney.
John Yost, has , ho following Vail-
otiesuf Fish tor -ale this week:
Fresh IPilibiit, Salmon, Cat Fish,
Trout. Croppies and Hull Heads.
Don't foiget we make farm loans,
moniy icady the day the title is ap
proved. (i.viinnii, IlfTciusoN A- Salahkn.
The D. of II. , will meet next Tues
day evening. The committee on the
good ol the older will render a pro
gram Kvery member is urged to be
Dr Win rick, tho specialist will meet
oye, tar, noso and throat patients and
those needing classes properly lltted
at Dr. Damercll's olllce in lied Cloud
Tuesday, March VI.
The Lue'.t s 1 eel i..i tli at ihe opeia'
i. , ,. i .. i i... i i . .... i
unit- mm n.iiiiniay iiij-iu. i lie lliu
piiv iii.d Ihe Dutch Hero was one of
the bc-t .'liows that has ever been heir.
A. I. Atkins Is tu.i.iiig 'U furniture
stole Into the room foi iiu-riillv ot'cii
pied by IM Amaek. Tl e rocin hint
Icen repHpered nnd paiiitid which
nihls greatly to Us appearance.
All Sunday school workers, especial
ly olllci-r arc uige 1 to bo pivaeiil til it
business meeting at the Congregitlon
kI church, Saturday (he Pitt at 2:10 p.
m. ." i: W. O. Ll'MiV, Pres'.ilent.
Thft tegular eMimtiKitlon for teachPls'
ivitiftc.iteH will ho held in tho high
school buildings of llluo 1 1 111, lied
Cloud and (Initio lloek, March lSth
ami lilth, 10li! llniiriit'DK L Coon.
Tho lied Cloud lianlware and imp
lenient Co's., Oiouilig falo lias been
esttiided For Two Weeks on account
of the snow slorin and condition of the
loads, t. loses Saturdaj, niglit Maieh
N is lliints received a painful i"jury
AJo'iday caused ly slipping on tin1
back porch and striking on the top
step. lie was seen by noighhois and
carried into the house and is in a ser
ious condition.
Our enterprising lhe stock buyeis,
Weestier A- KoontK, have certainly
done a iccov.l breaking business in
buiing hogs lately. They bought 1
carloads Saturday. 0 carloads Tuesday
and 'J carloads Wednesday.
j s n -Wo havo for sale fauns on
ony payments and special terms,'
worth the money. Several mighty
good deals. The larges'l list of local
farms from which to select.
Din (JAiuu.u A Comimnv, Cmr.r Olllce.
MiH'3 Dora Throckmorton and Mr
George Kclilcr of Xorlh Llranch were
married tit. the homo of Hcv. (Ic ). W.
llummcl Sunlty, Mar II Those
oung people are well known nutl
their nnny friends v. isli tlieui much
joy and happiness
Just as we go to press wo received
the sad intelligence that Mrs. Dell
Taylor died n! II vo o'clock this morn
ing at the St. Lukes hospital in Den
ver. She was taken to the hospital a
few days ago in the Ik. pi s that ait op
cint'iou would be the means of saving
her life.
Fieo lecture at the Opera House,
Wednesday, March 111. A man that
talk to you and toll you .something
that will save you thousands of dol
lors, perhaps nuuy lives, and of great
inteiest to property owners, lto sure
and come. At tho Opera House Dvcry
hod j come
Do not forget that you mo cordially
invited to tho free P.ible lectures wliicli
will be given by Dr. Stewart at the
Congregational elriich on .Saturday
evening, March !) nnd Sunday evening
March 10. Mr Stewart has a very Hue
stereopticou and splendid views. The
li dines will begin at T.'io.
William Wolfe lias accepted a posi
lion with the Intet national harvester
company and will travel in the state
the coming season as a haivestcf ex
pel I. Mr. Wolfe has had many yeais
of experience with machine! y of Ihis
kind and is a competent blacksmith so
he is in u position to make a good
wot Iter for tho company. We nie
plcut.'d that he has not disposod of his
btiMiness interests in this city and
that he will dill bo numbered as one
of us.
We, tho undorslgno I candidates for
nomination in tho Citizen's Conven
tion, to bo held at the Court House,
Wednesday, March (ith, UU3, at u
o'clock p. in. hereby pledge ourselves,
soverally and individuaby, In ci-e we
ate ilceU'd to abide hyJho decision of
the people as to whctfioY the ei'y shall
no wot or dry.
D. W. TiMi.vt'Iii:
I'.U'r, Stoiiuv
W. 15. a.vuNnr.ns
W. A. yuuuwooi) ,
The purt'iils mcHiiut; hold at the
Congiegatlotial church Sin day after
no u was not very well attended ow
Ipg to tho weather. The topic for the
nttcritoon "How Ihe Patent an lie'p
tho Teacher" was disctis-cd by 13, .1.
Owing ,Ir , and Prof, lleirlclt. A
subject of this kind ounht to be attend
cd by ovoiy pan lit that has a olifld in
school because much can bu learin d
about individual childieu when parent
and teacher compaie notes and con
duct a fair fiank discussion. At the
close ol the meeting It was decided to
hold the next meeting in the school
It appears, from eo'iiparlson with
adjoining states, hut the Metliodlsti
of Nuhra-ka will not bo setting a pace
after all in raising a four hundred
thousand dollar endowment fund for
the Nebraska Wesloyan Cniver.-dty.
In South Dakota, with about one
fourth the number of Methodists there
are in Nebraska, they raised an endow
niont fund of Ssr.n.OOO for their college
at Huron. Theio are more Methodists
in Iowa than In Nebraska, but they
have already Invested In
tliolr colleges lu that one state and
aic just now eii'ei lug upon a enupaign
to secure as much more for tlm same
work. In view of these fact- it would
seem that, the present campaign fur tho
Nebraska Wesleyau should be a com
plet) success
W..T, ,v Wliltaker, .-ei eial him I,
smiths now can J a full line of faun
implements, sum js, buggies, wagons,
gang pi evs, gas engine-", st.-u ker ropt -,
all kinos of machitieiy and heav
hardware, slid all Mipplhs for same
Also ail kinds of nil. Llcetisul Plumb
orw i ills prt mptly nuswereil.
The Ileal 1'state nnd Farm L -1111
Depiiliiient In the Chief oflicn litis foi
sale a urge list or Frank
lin cm nly farms, tho hvst and cheap
est nil purpose rutins t-t be found.
Tills mi (if the Ilvpulriti'itii Valley
count 1. v is tho heat I of the Coin and
A 1 fnl fa llesl, ntnl Is unexcelled for
easy, tlnifiy farming. The soil is fer
tile and loudness bountiful crops of
corn, wheat and alfalfa, aic' t Ida Is
one of t!n best districts lu which to
1 also 1 lulu, hay and hogs, ninl feed
cat He 1noi1g their list 1110 a number
of l'ai ins that will pay good interest
on the investment; several that can be
pureh isid on casj' payments and spe
cial deal-; anil many that will pay
tin it way and grow in value The
prices nry iiccoidlug to ((utility, loca
tion ninl Improvement'. This country
ha? isO i, schools, rural malls, tele
phones, guod ronili, convenient mar
kets and shipping facilillt'S, nnd every
qualilieutii'i) necessary to prolltiihle
grain ami slock farms, dairy lurms ami
loiiiliiig st.ilioii8. Laud values, prices
and t'tius that should Intel est any
land lMjer or hoineseehur. Also a
number of desirable City Properties
listed and several good local fin in
trades Correspondence solicited
L'csPmlnfl of Christian Era.
lu t' o j car mOI of onr era Thoodo
elus ('., Great Ippurd tin edict nliultali
ing p.'; nism nnd Idolatry ihrotiRhout
tho U '.inn empire.
Farm Loans
At Lmust Interest, best oplioii, least
ovpeii'"' Call for me at State Hank,
lied Cull. "1. C. F. CVTULIl.
U'cathcr .'iiiMiraary for f eljniary
Teinpi'ratine: Maximum r.i di g on
lTtli; iiiinlmum 3 deg. below em on I.
greatest daily utnge '.)'.) deg. on IJ.l.
Piccipitation: Total 1 It Inches,
greatest in -I hours ..'U on tilth; dajs
with .01 iuclior ni'iioT; snowfall, total
,' inches.
Days clear In, puttly cloudy (i, cloudy
l.'l, prevailing wind direction N. W. 1.1
days. CllAS. S. Ll'Di.ow
Cause for Alarm
Loss of Aiitietllc or Sistrrss after Eat-
lu$ n Symptom that .Should not he
I)lsrc4an!( (I
Apputlto is just a natural desire for
food. Loss of appetite or stomach
distiess after eating Indicate iudigest
ion or d.ispepsia. Over-eating is a
habit very ihiuccrous to a person's
good goiii ral health.
It !s not what you est but what you
digest and assimilate that dm s you
good. Some of the strongest, heaviest
and healthiest peisnts aio modci.Pi'
cut rs.
There is nothing Hist will cause im ie
trouble than a disordered stomach, and
man j people dailj' contract sciious
maladies simply through disrigHid or
abuse of the stomach.
Wo urge all In K1 Cloud who siilT.
from any stomach deianyemeiit, indl
gestfon, or djspepsia, whether acute
orchionle, to try UexalJ DspOsia
Tablets, with the distinct undcistaiid
ing that wo will refund their money
without question or formality, if after
icasonablo use of this medicine, they
arc not porl-etty'Mitisjh'd with the c'
suits. Wo jccniiimetid tin in to 0111
DiistoineiH every day and lime jet to
hear of any one who Inc. not been
lienetUed li, them. We honestly be
lieve them to be without equal. I'hey
give very piompt loliel, aiding to neu
tralize tho gasirio juices, strengthen
the digestive nivalis, In regiilalo tlo
bowels, and t' is to pi'ninote prrfo-t
nuti'ltioii, and ciadicate all unhealthy
sj uiptoms.
We urge you to tiy a box of
Ui'Xitll Dyspepsia Tablet,,, which gives
l'ldajs' tieatiuent. At the end of that
time, your money will bcteluriioil to
you It you are not satisfied Of coursw,
in chronic cases length of tieatiuent
varies. For such casus, ivn Imve two
huger sizs, which sell for fii'c nnd SI.
Heinember, joil can obtain Koxall
Itemedles in this community only at
our storo -The IL-xall Store. The II
F. Grice Ding Co.
Fattening Mos In Nebraska
Tho Nebiaska Fxpeiiiuent Station
has just issued IJulletiu I'J.'J. which in
eludes the results of several yeais'
work in fnl tilling hogs on alfalfa and
corn, and on alfalln, corn, and other
grains and mill products at the North
Platte Substation. The result-, of
feeding alfalfa hay lu the rack, (shop
ped alfalfa mid alfalfa-meal, and of
feeding vailous piopnrtious of corn
and alfalfa arc compared. This bul
letin follows llullotln 121, which shows
tho cost of keeping brood sows, the
cost of the pig when it lias reached the
weight of Ml pounds and tho cot of
growing pigs during the suinmor. This
bulletin may ho hud fiee of cost by
residents of NebrasUu on application
to tho Agriuul'uriil Fxperlmcnt Stat
ion, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Reduction on
Suits- and
iUtJ.uj ' K'.u-Ja,w."
Ono Price
m ran
Ws I '1
V L ' 1
ftp- mw -vi,
at mlft
..- 1 1 l.l I
HMTIsll COLUMP.1A. This is tho general basis of colonist rales,
Maich 1st to April I .Mh.
Kvery daj to Los Angeles and San Francisco, with daylight ride through
scenic Coloiado.
F.very day via Northern Pacific and Gieat. Northern to all piiucipal
1101 thwest destinations.
Special datis of sio m each month, coiuuiciiciug April, et S"."i round
nip, wiiii i-vciy day lound trip ratoof sco the Greatest Railroad Jour
ney lu lift IVnrltl and low rates for it Plan now.
More aitraeiiie 'Vciiision intes than ever before, tills summer to Ilnckj'
Moiiiitini.s. Y I'owstonc Park, llig Horn Mountain results, the Uluck
Hit's, tliedieet Lali.-, A I Inn t to Coast resorts; it is 1.0110 too early to be
mailing ".our si, i,ii ! vicitiou plans.
Atkw Ws4"0ini'M,i
a i M4rtvM"u
yrk viRi
arried Away
.''; laHvi rafil
I Wr
Makes Heme BaHag Easy
With minimun-i trouble and cost bis
cuit, cake and pastry are made fresh,
clean and greatly superior to the ready
made, dry, found-in-tho-shop variety,
and danger of alum feed n avoided.
JL.J .
Heavy Weight
Will close soon. So if you
want to get some of the best
bargains, ever offered in Red
Cloud on Suits nnd Overcoats
We are getting in
and nui-U move the heavy
stuff to make room for them
and we ate not particular
about making any profit right
now on winter goods.
Come in and see the advance
styles of Spring Suits, Hats,
Caps, Shirts and Shoes. We
want your Spring business and
will show you the nicest Cloth
ing for tho money you have
ever seen in Rod Cloud.
sm Way
IIO.MKsFF.KI'l'S fioui Fistern Nebraska to the P.lg
Horn Itnsiii and other locali'.ics West and Northwest.
R. C. roiZ, Agent, Hct) Cloud, Uobr.
I, W. Wm i.k . General Passenger Agt , Omaha, Neb
That's what
you'll be by
our grocery offerings.
The following barg
ains :
Even thouoli you will be
carried away bv lliCni you
do not have to carry them j
home lor we will gladly
deliver lliem for you.
;rrTmwv'mmsimmt jj AHmMxaKXi&Stius&gtrZSS"