The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 07, 1912, Image 1

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r Tr .-t.lASty'pvHjnHS - "-m.- vv i - " -u- .1 - "-'..,' .. ' " Jj- :.. V ' . T"" -WTWf"--1"1- B' Vjar1 ,;- tdkr-;i
THE New Banking Law is now in force and
the payment of every dollar of deposits in I his
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the Slate of Nebraska.
w eoster xuruy oanK
CAPiTAL $25,000
Uoy Kent and wife spent Gundaj
inK.insas and thov lotuund homo
Smith P.i os., mid Will Pishor hutch
oitd this wocU.
Cat). Iloiioliln rol in nuil hoini from
York on S am ilny where he had hoon
attending u soelulHt convention tor a
couple ol days.
Mjre b-autlt'ul snow on Saturday
and Sunday.
John Jaukson loaded hU H ir n Mon
day for Lovehuid, Colo.
One half of Hat Hold Is helpiuti
othei hall mow this week.
Krod Hanis moved his viliuhles on
thu Sehult. plaeo west, of Cap. lloueh
In'b last Piiday.
GeoiKo Smith, Ouoijjo Uoiiohin and
Will Pishor hauled ho0". for Clms.
Campbell the first of thu weolc.
Jim DoWitt hauled in seventy head
of lion's on Tuesday and it took heveial
team? and wagons as thu toads ine
very had.
Tied Guild was in town between
trulus Tuesday.
Kmery Waller anil a number of oth
ers shipped a cur of horses to St. Louis
Sheriff Hede was in town Tuesday
on legal business.
Mrs. Ida Squires und Miss Georgia
Good weio passengers to Hastings
Iloiaee Moise of (landy who has
been visiting his parents dop.uted for
mmrm nmmi
Hi. wm
s miiwr -ir-y. w
i iiiwiiiiw 1TWM miv
T"855 Home Bakifte?, I
1 Beiier every ivay
tnan tne ready k
t usaaBsmmtBSSR
A. II. Spraeher inadu u business trip
to flluo Hill Weduesduy.
The town bo ml nut last woek and
th' following olHyprs wore elected: I!
1 foe chat rm in, Uleli.ii' I (iieunhalgh
cloik and Ulias I'.oti'ioLt Troiftuor.
Nick Thouni moved on thu Uoyee
farm northwest of town
lliehurd (iioetihalgli went to ltod
Cloud Monday evening ru logtl busi
noss for the Uvui l aid.
Authur I. uens of lilue Mill was in
town Mon lay ami b 1 1 'lit some horsns
for the St. Louis mntl.,t.
Mr. Static was e.illoil to Xortnau Sit
unlay by the illness of his father
Our road in and aiound Cowlos
need I ho usu of a snow plow The
roads are impassible in some places
for he ivy
Our boys have got together and
oigani.ed a band and have oideroJ
their iiistiuincnts. Theioatd twenty
one in toll at the present writing. We
are glad of it boys. Stay by it.
Some moio snow fell last Sutuiday.
Charley Ilarpluim moved Monday on
Jos. Havel's plaeo.
George Kiulrna is suirerlng with a
boll on his neek this week.
Dell Huekles bought a team of horses
from Will Howard this week.
Mrs. Jos. Ilnvol spent Tuesday with
her mother Mrs. J09. l'olnichy.
Jos. Pavliek Sr., is able to be up
and around after a few days illness.
Frank Vavriuka und wife spent
Tuesday with Charley Harris and wife.
Theio was no mail delivery from
Pjiday until Tuesday on aceount of
S. a
T" 1
row CI
d $
ooas I
. r vd
ViliPW N
mrfflsi .bob
SauJWiBSafiBtiS n
. i
M K!
wwweT I
Made frcm Grapes
-"-""- - - - - . - j,r i-- - , - -'--m. . . - - .-zz. "--mat - iAM.unpjr.if
4 iScwsjiaiwr Tlmt filvcs flic Mens I'lfty
tlii-1 ml kii)i1'
Mi GiiMuNon had to pn-,poiio I
all1 unci" nidio on account oft In roads
l oiii.: (h iltul so bad.
Mr J!iKltlo, fallii'i nl .l.uiu-s Ilnolf j
ics. ,., voiy sick hi- uio iiomeoi nissuii-
In law Robot t IlitrrW.
.Ins Havel and l.nul-. Vnvilckn note
btoy scooping novv from til"5'' in.iU
t Viik H t f 1 lit! WlirtUL bl ill tit
" !,
Mr-. .Ki. To'iiiohv, who l.iis la on
s o't tlio last wools In miieh ini rov I
oil In health lit IhU Wfitlnj,' i
.1 dm iid rim was dolnif cliuies fori
Mll.o Kolar while ho was gone lo Oma
ha with Voncll Ktiduia.
Viueil Kiidrna, who was hi Omaha
taking Itoitmetit, lot ill nod homu
Wednesday much imptoxod in hoalth.
Mike Sti obi nio oil Tuesday on his
fin m which ho bought of ,1. II. Sheldon
and I.. Ulggius mned on Mike'-, homu
place the same day.
The mad man tool; tlio buck track
on his riuto Tuesday. Whole ho used
to deliver mail in the ovouinK lie do
Ihctedln the moiniiig
Retailers Will Have
Good Time In Omaha
O iialiu, N'ob , Match rah. When the
merchants f the stale meet in annual
eomeiitiuu in Oinah i on M.uch l'Jth,
they ate going to ho busy fioni the
time they rc.iuh the eitv. The io
giaiu w ill lake most of their timo dur
ing the day. In the evenings it will
bo theiitro p u ties and a big biinq lot,
which will keep thorn Inisj .
On Tuuidav evening, tlio opening
day, ii surprise entei tiilnniont will be
offend. The committee in c.haigu ie-fuse-,
to tell what tt will be but it will
be u good time, sure.
A surprisu is also belni? arranged
for thu ladies on this evening. Uut
the next night, March 111, the ladies
and gentlemen will join in the banquet
at the Hotel Koine and the theatre
party at the Orpheum, which will fol
low. L. C. Langhorst, president of the as
sociation, predicts the biggest attend
ance in the history of the association.
More, than f00 have already stated
they were going to attend. Invitations
have been sent to merchants in sur.
rounding states, asking them to take
part in the convention. Many from
Kansas and Iowa and South Dakota
will mingle with their Nebraska broth
reu and tlnd out how things are done
in the gloiious commonwealth of Ne
braska. The convention will open on Mai eh
12th, and last for threo days. While
the isitois are in Omaha, they will he
guests of the city mid will have thu
city turned over to them.
County Sunday school Convention
Tho Intel est in the County Sumhi.v
School Coiivei.tion iudi.'atcs that thoio
will lie a la i go piopoi tioiiof the schools
lopicseiiled. 1 tut to got the host to
suits, evoiy school howovei leuioto,
should have olio or nunc dulegatos
Remember that this isthetimu when
you can seciiie expert help in tho solu
tion of many piolilems. The state
vv others assigned to this convention,
Miss Maigaiot K. ltrown, Illuinuntiiry
Supeiintouilent, and W. II. Klmbeily
Adult Supeiliiteiiilent,' will he pie Hir
ed to lender all the assistance dusiied.
All pastois, supeiliiteiidonts, teach
eis, and others olllclally connected
with thu Sunday school, who aiu inter
ested in know lug more about Tho
Twentieth Century Sunday School,
Giaded Losons,Organi.od Class Work,
The 'Teen' Age, and many other phas
es of the vvoik, should plan to be pres
ent. Plenty of time will bo given to
ask questions of tho statu workers,
Do not forget the time March 13-M,
nor the place Hed Cloud.
Christian Church.
Sunday is the day for regular preach
ing both morning and evening. Morn
ing subject "The Elect Lady und Her
I Mission," Evening, "How are Wo
Saved?" Special music. Come and
we will do thee good. O. F. Rose.
"TBSw. .-
- rK25BSr
- tMo Weeks Each Yrnr For 51.50.
Seed Special
Benefit ov not
ri.c i .s , , objection .sptossed
thco (!.(s to fai ill prolt-SoM tluill
prolf-soi (
lliun v,ch tt fo v yoais a'(i rarinci'i
' oi'IhM and the public ax well now
!'5ow tint it takes brains to opeinto
I h farm m .1 Hint the o'd idea that a
man c ni'd fium when lio could not do
nnvthi t N l nutriio Tlio niious
KVettcoiu spoolids vsldcli tiuvo lotyi
covoihiK tbo xtiilo ihiiliiK ilio pat
wooh litis afftiln brouirhl I ho mat lor tii
for dlst i shm nod it ii a nu.' case in
iked foi a farmer lo say that the man
with t'c w hi to collar Is nrohinnptioiis
w hen h.' attempts to toll the faimois
how to farm.. The iacis utc all the
other wiij Pop Instance take- tlio
men wlo wno with the spoola! that
hold a s's-l(iii here last ThurMlay.
The-e mi n woio all funnels and suc
cessful oiios loo. Not only did they
hae the practical experience on the
faitu from bnj hood up but they iiImi
lOoolvovl the technical education as
given by our stato ngiiciiltutal school
and heiieo they spoke with positive
knowledge In times past tuimeis se
lected theli seed when planting time
came and usually succeeded in getting
a good htatiil but i.oino limes they
lulled Scieiitillc methods have do
monstiatod that no mill can tell
whetlu com will grow or not until
ho has.i mile a tost of the Hied. This
your is an unusual one in that noaily
seven t.i -llv o per cent of corn iiii'-ed
last veur is unlit for seed because the
gotiu is No oil" wants to waste
his time planting dead seed. These
men have show ii thu fanners ho.v to
muko u test of their seed coi u so they
will know befoic it goes into the
giound whuther it will giow or not.
The iigiiciiltuial school is doing a
vast amount of good by cairying on
eper!inents which the fanner has not
the timo nor tho facilities to do and
he gets all the boiielit. They have de
monstrated that tho best corn for
seed is that which was raised in the
immediate vicinity in which it is to bo
planted. In otlior words it is acclimat
ed and is better than any imported
seed. Seed gathered sixty miles away
Is less valuuble than that gathered ten
miles tiwav. Length of thu growing
season, rainfall und soil conditions
vary as we travel oast or west. These
special trains talked to seventy-two
thoiiMind people during last, week in
this state and if as ii result of their
lectures nnu bushul of corn ho added
to tlio average jlold pur acre it will
mean a saving to Nebraska fariuors of
more than three million dollais.
Cettainly vvoith while.
Conirc&atlonal Church Notices.
At 11 A. M. the pastor will pieaeh a
special sermon to tho young people
and topaiontson the ii"(d of starting
light in lift and of giowiug ail tho
timo Sunday School at lo A M.
Thoio will be a ftoc stctcoptlcoii loot
uio given in the evening by Uev .1. I).
Stowait, tlio state Sii)'t. of tho Con
giegatlonal Sunday School and pub
lishing society. Mr Stewart will aUo
give a flee, led urn on Satin day even
ing at 7 10 to which tho public is cord
ially invited. Tho collections at these
sot vices will go toward meeting our
Sunday School appoi tionmout for tho
Biotheihood on Tuesday at 7,'l().
John J. Iiayno, A, M., II. I) pastor,
Seed Corn i
I have for salu 1(1 bushuls Silver
Mine aud ftj bushuls Yellow Hunt seed
coin that has been personally selected
aud tested and 1 guarantee that Da per
cent of it will grow. ' j
Price 91 per bushel in one to live
biishol lots, ovor livo bushels 8.75 do
liveied at railway station here.
Reference any business man or form
or in tills vicinity. K. Wiokiiam,
Salem, Nebr.
'!ieic Fools Are Plenty.
' o prcj)le," eaya tho Hoarding-
r. I hH opher, "as soon as they
- m-r'fU and Fafely launched on
rti'cip of life, begin to rock th
r ' " Tnhilo Made
Citizens j
The oil li lis ctxivoiitlmi mot in the
omul hoiiMf last night ami put up tho
following ticket:
Major 1). W. I'lirinnv
Cloik.O C Tool
Treasuiu', S It Flontnoi)
lhigineer, Din Dieting.
Councilman, 1st wird.
- . A. Shot wood, it vhi term.
W. I! Sunn Ion., I year totni.
Couticllman ','nd wind.
P W. Cowden, '2 j oar term.
Paul Store), 1 j oar tuiiu.
Members of School IJohhI.
Dr. H A. Oielghtoit
Dr.T. A Ti limbic.
Tin re was a huge attendance al this
meeting and the utmost huiiuouy pre
vailed. Kai' thu Hint timo poihaps in
the history of tho city this convention
was pittloipitod in by all ptiilios.
Tho lopiiblloau pirty inel Monday
niglit ami after pot tooting tin organi
zation adjoin mil lo meet with the
cltlons and after that oig.inl,'. ition
had selected its candidates I ho loptib
lic.ins inunedl itoljv called thcnisehes
togelhor and iudotsod tho ticket.
Tho men iiomi uitjd ars among our
best business men and wo expect a
most satisfactory administration. It
would lie dlllleult indeed to seloet a
body ol mon fioiu among our oitiens
who arc holler able to conduct the
allnii's of this city than the gentlemen
selected. They all lutvo the intoiosts
of the city at heat t and aiu practical
business men and they will act Inn
nioiiloii'ily together.
4 New Law.
The General Pleelion haw of Ncbra;
ska, amended 111 lull, provides that in
the) cur 1013, and every four years
thereafter, tho primary election shall
bo held on thu torty fifth day before
tho tlrst Monday in June. The elec
tion boards are usually appointed to
serve one year but the Attorney Gen
eral has decided that the clause in the
"each year befoto tho primary" makes
it necessary t hat the Clerk of thu Dist
rict appoint tho new election board
11 T teen da) s prior to tho date of the
primary, which is April tilth.
For Sale
One Registered lilack Perclicion
Stallion, ago 5 years, weight in fair
llesh about '210'), good heavy Hat hone
and good action. This is one of the
best draft horses in Webster county at
a bai gain if taken soon.
W. It. WoNiutP.LV, Iniiviile, Neb
Suppose You Should Burn Out To-Night!
Arc You Insured Against Loss?
We represent four of the Largest Ametican Insurance
Companies whose assets aggregate over $75,000,000.00.
Offtci- now in Opera House Block, Red Cloud, Nebraska.
D. D. Sanderson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Olllce In Moon Ulock.
Hell, lilack I; Ind , 1!M
Ilusiduuce, Royal Hotel.
Hull, 17; Ind., '2V
Calls Answered Day or Night
iiED ci.oun, Ni:n.
Widow's Pension.
'I he rcoont not of Xprll l'Jtli, 11K)8
gives to all soldiers' widows pension
112 par month. Fred Maurcr the
attorney, lias all necessary blanks,
PosHMd Sale
A. F. Hartvvcll's sale has been post
poned to Saturday. March 0th.
Before You
Buy By Mail
MriiiH ns the ad
that inter-
t'Ms you.
1 1 you will ilo this, you won't
buy by mail that's cut tain.
Ijccaiuio you will have no tea
son to.
Any article of jewelry or
watches or silverware or any
thing elac in the line can be
bought here at prices every
bit as low as anj whcie else
near or far.
And you have this advant
age you can see, handle and
examine to your hearts con
tent anything that is of inler-
st to on.
Bring us that catalog aild
let us prove it to you.
Remember "Satisfaction or
Your Money Had:."
Newhousc Bros.,
II II. New house, Prop.
C, 1). .V. (i Watch luspectois
Seed orn.
I will not have seed corn on display
as advciliscd 'I ho supply of seed
coin will ho limited this spiiug, and if
you have to buy jou can get seed corn
fioni thu tli in mentioned below. If
you older please mention my name.
Vlck D. Sptlnger.
HOD bu. King of tho Ihirlles (Yellow )
5(0 bu Pildo or thu Noitli (Vellow)
1000 bu. Impioved Learning (Yellow,)
:i()()bu Iowa Gold Mine (Yellow.)
Mono bu. Champion Whito Pearl.
10(H) bu, Iowa Silver Mine.
1000 bu. Wisconsin White Dent,
loot) bu. White Cap Yellow Dent.
Prices with sack 8U.00 per bushel.
Ton bushel lots 81.00 per bushel; !i0
bushel lots 81.8a per bushel, f, o. b.
Waterloo, Nebr.
Cash with onlor. We cannot open
accounts. .
j. c uoitiNsoN si:i:d co,
Waterloo, Nohr.
Chief Adds Bring Results
Wall Paper, Paint and
Room Mouldings, Pict
ure Framing, Pictures
and artist Material.
The Only Exclusive Store.
Red Cloud
'tJWPip1 9 (J'W
vy wwmg'Tmffijatai"
Mi jS. -
'Jjmwmmw'i towmmwnimm