The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1912, Image 6

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VI i
The Chief
C HAI.H. Publisher
Deputy Warden E. D. Davie Succumbs
lo Wounds President Taft De
t lays Appointment to Su
preme Bench.
SI. Louie Former fiowrimr Joseph
V. Folk withdrew n mi nctlw) cantll
(Into for the democratic nomliiiitluii
for prcnhlunt Saturday. 1 1 In iimniiKcrH
have announced that they would
cIoho tho local hciitlfiunrtrrH and would
not prosecuto a further campaign. Mr.
Folk withdrew after ho had received
a telegram from Speaker Chump Clark
which agreed to dlvldn tint Missouri
deb-pat Ion to tho democratic national
convention, as recuntly MiKGCstcd by
William J. Ilryan. Mr. Folk not only
agreed to divide tho delegation, hut
asked his frlendn to make no further
effort In his behalf. Ho released all
claims that he may havo had on the
delegation and promlRud to support
Mr. Clark.
Fatally Cut by Negro Convict.
Lincoln. Deputy Warden K. D.
IUvIb of tho Btato penltuntlary Ih dead
ns tho result of wounds Indicted by a
negro convict. Albert Prince. Sunday
afternoon nt tho close of chapel exor
cises. Tho official wiih Htabhed nov
eral tlmea by tho negro ns ho was
passing the long row of men who wero
standing singing tho closing hymn.
Tho largo assembly room was filled
with convicts and visitors and all had
risen to tholr foot for tho last song
and benediction when Davis wns at
tacked by the negro. Six wounds wero
inflicted In tho abdominal region with
n small corn knife. Tho assailant was
nt onco confined In the solltury cell in
tho hospital building.
Will Delay the Appointment
Washington. President Taft 1ns
t'ecided to delay until lato In tho week
the appointment of a nucceBBor to tho
late Justice Harlan of tho United
States Biiprcmo court. Friends of
Judge William C. Hook havo asked
tho president for more time to pre
sent his clalmB and to offset tho ad
verso effect of tho "Jim Crow" law de
cision, In which he participated. In
the meantime various protests have
reached tho White House against the
proposed appointment of Secretary of
Commcrco anil Iibor Charles Nagel.
These protests have como largely from
labor organizations, tho complaint be
ing that Secretary Nagel had been
too liberal In his enforcement of tho
Immigration laws.
Governors Start Roosevelt Campaign.
Chicago. 111. A campaign for the
nomination or Theodore Roosevelt by
tho national republican convention has
, been formally launched, an organla
tlon to carry forward this campaign
was formed and an address to tho re
publican voters of tho country drafted
by tho national conference of Roose
velt boomers here. Tho meeting,
called by the national Roosevelt com
mltteo. wai composed of tho govern
ors of eight states and lirty-slx nil
thorlzod delegates, representing thirty
htates. Twenty other well known
sympathizers with tho Roosevelt
movement were admitted to tho dollb.
Wesleyan Man Goes to Boston.
Tloston. Mass. Dr. H. V. Van Riper
professor of philosophy at Nebraska
Wonloyan university, has been ap
pointed professor of philosophy at
Itostoti university and will tivnln lily
duties net September.
Aid for the Starving.
Washington. I), r.-Kour tlioiuaiid
dollars from the American Red C'ro-u
was cabled from hoadiiuarters hero io
day to sufferers In tho famine dlstWs
of China. Since January l, $ ,00(i !in
been sent to tho Shanghai relief com.
Faith Tempered Icy Watcro.
Pittsburgh, Pa.-With tho thermom
eter registering 10,11- degrecM above
zero, twenty-seven colored men and
women, recent converts to the Mount
i'.lon African Methodist Kplscopal
church of Brownsville, near here, were
Immersed In the ley waters or the
Monongahela river Sunday. Tho lm
mersloiis wero witnessed by several
persons who shivered on tho hank of
tho river and huddled elcso to llros
built by small boys.
Must Appoint Liquidating Agent.
Washington. To protect the ered
ltor3 of national banks which g0 into
voluntary liquidation, Comptroller of
tho Currency Mutiny has changed the
practice of his oflice to that such In
stitutions will ho supervised by the
treasury department until every dollar
of indebtedness Is paid. In future, a
bank desiring to go Into voluntary
liquidation must appoint a liquidating
agent or eommlttoo who will report
quarterly to tho treasury department
until all drhts are wiped out.
Think Fight Would Endanger Ameri
can Llve3 Taft Headquarters
Open at Washington Arrests
at Lawrence, Mats.
Washington Willlnm J. Bryan will
bi; tho lli'Kt to ho summoned
before the house eommlttoo en bank
ing and currency to testify In the
"money trust" Investigation, which
tho democratic caucus, repudiating
Mr. Hryan's demand for a special com
mltteo, referred to standing commit
tees of the house. Mr. Ilrynii has tie
elared the "money trust" thought It
could contiol the committee. The com
mittee Insists that Mr. Bryan must ex
plain what ho meant, notwithstanding
tho fact that the liryau adherents In
tho caucus Wednesday night offered a
resolution which wns adopted express
ing cunlldence in tho Integrity of tholr
colleagues on that committee.
Residents of El Paso Alarmed.
Washington, Diplomatic complica
tions have arisen between tho state of
Texas and the United States govern
ment on the one hand und the Mexi
can government on tho other, which
temporarily at least will not permit
Mexico to move any troops over Amer
ican territory In connection with her
reolutlouary disturbances. (Sovcrnor
('oli)Uitt of Texas lias pointed out to
tho state department that residents of
(01 Paso wero apprehensive thut reb
els at Juarez, Mexico, might resist the
2ntry of Mexican troops from Ameri
can territory precipitate a battle,
endangering American lives and prop
rrty. Secretary Knox assured Gover
nor Cohiuitt that no permission would
bo granted until the matter had been
sarefully studied and that It would be
idjustcd In a diplomatic manner.
Anti-Saloon League Protests,
Lincoln, Neb. If President Taft ap
points Secretary Naglo to the supreme
bench, he 1b done for In thlB state
that Is, If members of the Nebraska
Anti-Saloon league have their way.
Superintendent II. F. Carson has
wired tho following to President Taft:
"Tho Anti-Saloon league, In the
name of fiO.000 temperance voters of
Nebraska, most emphatically protests
against the appointment of Secretary
Nagle, tho attorney of Adolphus
Husch, to tho supremo bench. His
appolutincut would further incense
these voters and would loso them to
your administration."
Open Taft Headquarters.
Washington. Taft hoadiiuarters are
to be opened here immediately and
Representative William H. McKlnley
of Illinois, chairman of the republican
congressional campaign committee,
will be in charge of the president's
political Interests from now until tho
Chicago convention. Mr. Taft's
friends have advised such a Mop, but
no action was taken until the pressure
of political work became so great that
Secretary 1 lilies found It almost In
supportable. Besides it was interfer
ing seriously with the regular and nec
essary work of his olllce.
Charged With Being Accessories.
Lawrence. Mass. Joseph J. Kttor
and Artnio C.lovaniiittl, who until their
uirest were in charge of tho strike of
textile operatives here, havo been ar
raigned In police court here charged
with being accessories to the murder
of Anna Lopi.o, who was shot dur
ing the riot on January 1'2
Former University Professor Dead.
Lincoln Notice of the death of
Samuel Aughey, professor of science
at the state unlvorMty in tho earlj
days, has been received In this city
Professor Aughey has been located for
the last twelve ears as a mining en
gineer at Spokane. Wash, where bis
death occurred, lie was. also a re
tired ICngllsh Lutheran minister.
IMilni. Siberia A party of llfty pel
sons perished In n stiowstotnt while
traveling along the road In the vicin
ity or tills city. They wero caught in
a drift, from which forty-four corpses
have been dug
Traffic Congestion In Canada.
Pululh. Minn. Tlic conge.itlon or
tralllo on the Canadian railroads Is
more seitous than at any time since
its Inception, according to news re
ceived from Poit Arthur, Out. The
news tells of .ViOO cars alie.idy billed
to Fort William over the Canadian
Northern vv'hlch cannot be moved.
There Is no place to store grain when
it arrives at Fort William. Tltlity
million bushels aie fro.en on the
ground or in western elevators.
Millenium Is Coming,
Den Moines, la. Elder Charles
Thomason or Nevada, la. presldont of
tho noitlicin union eonforoueo of Sev
enth Day Adveutlsts, In an address
heie ill dared that ho wa-j looking
forward 10 tho time when people shall
ho taken up bodily from the earth nnd
tiansported directly to heaven with
out experiencing death. This ho be
lieves to be but a few years In the
future. He stated that he will never
die of old age, belloviug that Christ
will return to earth beforo he Is an
old man.
, .A-A sji - -.-- - -v . . - - -i- - T? ... -'. . - - . J .
(CopvrlKht, 1912.)
In Commemoration of Writing StarSjangled Banner "Old Glory" la to Ba
Unfurled 1,000 Feet
Lecturers and Seed Corn Speclalicta
to Carry Warnings to Nebraska
Farmers Governor Pre
sents His Reasons.
Lincoln. With a $40,000,000 loss
threatening Nebraska if poor seed
corn Is planted, the biggest educa
tional campaign on seed com selec
tion and com gi owing possibly ever
put on in tho United States has been
arranged by the extension department
of tho state university in conjunction
with the rallroadB of Nebraska. Not
less than eight trains carrying lectur
ers and seed corn specialists will go
into every nook and comer of the
corn growing district, carrying the
warning to the farmers and urging
them to test their seed corn. The
tlrst four trains will start out Febru
ary 26. Tho Burlington will run two,
the Union Pucltlc and Northwestern
ono each. The following week other
trains will be put on, but the sched
ules have not yet been arranged.
Roosevelt the Governor's Choice.
Omaha. In a statement Issued
Wednesday, Governor Aldrich comes
out for Colonel Roosevelt for presi
dent, In pieference to Senator LaFol
lotto. He bases his decision on 'two
points: tlrst, that the present state' of
health of the senator will prevent him
from giving tho vast amount of energy
required by the coming contest: and,
second, that In Roosevelt the country
will have a candidate whose attitude
toward business interests Is known
and tried and who will not unsettle
conditions as an untried candidate
with progressive Ideals might.
Are Going to Try It.
Davenport, la. Tho threatened
strike of the cmplovcs of tho Rock
Island arsenal collapsed when cauls
were offered to a few employes and
were accepted. Tho machinists' union,
one of the strongest organizations at
tho arsenal, notified Commandant Burr
that its members would accept the
cards. It Is believed other organiza
tions will do likewise.
Capitalized at Many Millions.
Pittsburg, Pa.--Representing a cap
italization or $100,0(10,000. the inde
pendent tlnplato manufacturers or the
United States have been granted a
chnrter under the name or the Asso
ciation or Sheet ami Tlnplato Manu
facturers. Headquarters of the new
association will be located here.
Has Ralced Nebraska Values,
Noifolk. Neb. -Henry Seymour, sec
retary of the stale boaid of equaliza
tion, opened the Nebraska farmers'
cougrcsh here with an address on "Un
dervaluation in Taes." He stated that
the law passed in mm raited tho
aisohsod valuation of Nebraska from
?u-t:.s::7't to si.iTXS'.io.iiiio
Laredo, Te Snow is reported
I Hum mm in m mrno.H iieeji oil tile
level iictwocu Lampasas and Mon
terey. Melco. This is tho lit si snow
I.i that section in years
Washington --. formal order for a
congressional investigation of the Flor
ida Everglades land case in the depart
meiit of agriculture was pasn-d b tho
house lommlttei) on xpeuditures in
that department Charges that En
gineers Elliott and Mnorehouxi who
were discharged b.v Secretary WIIloii,
had been victims of the Florida syn
dicate land piomntcru, and that 'of
ficial reports on the true conditions in
the Everglades have been suppressed,
are to be Investigated.
Think 160 Not Too Much.
Denver, Colo. Allotment of a full
1)10 acre tract to each homesteader
was favored by the forestry supervis
ors of district No 2, in cont'eienco
here. Tho district comprises twenty
nine rorest reserves in Colorado, Wy
oming South Dakota. NobniBl a and
Kansas. Tho resolution adopted de
clared that when there are several ap
plicants for the f,amo tract of land
I natter results nro obtained If allot-
meat of Din ncroB Is made to one por
son than If the tract Is divided into
smaller parts.
High News Item.
Hook Practically Eliminated from the
Race To Protest Against Amer
icans Along Mexican
Washington. Another Investigation
or tho department of agriculture. In
volving orders of Secretury Wilson
and Solicitor .McCabe, similar In
many respects to tho recently con
cluded McCabe-Wiley controversy,
but which embraces charges of sup
pressed reports and influence of land
speculators over government officials,
Is to be instituted by the house com
mittee on expenditures In the agricul
tural department. Circumstances,
smouldering for months, relating to
exploitation of Florida everglada
lands, millions of acres of which have
been sold throughout the country by
syndicates In the last few years, burst
Into a flame before the committee,
following the summary dismissal
from the government service by Sec
retary Wilson of C. G. Klllott. chief
engineer of the drainage division of
tho department, and Assistant En
gineer A. D. Moorchouse, and tho sus
pension of F. K. Singleton, an ac
countant, on a technical charge of
Jtmsforancu of public funds,
Nagel Slated for Supreme Bench,
Washington. The existing vacancy
on the supreme court bench, the lifth
that has occurred In the present ad
ministration, piobably will be filled
by the appointment of Secretary of
Commerce and Labor Charles Nagel
of St. Loula. President Taft is ex
pected to send tho nomination of Mr.
Nagel to the senate within a few
days. United States Judge William
C. Hook of Kansas, who was most
prominently mentioned for the va
cancy, la said to have been eliminat
ed from further consideration at u
late session of the cabinet.
To Protect Americano on Border.
.Washington. Legislation to give to
tho president added power to protect
Americano along tho Mexican border
In ease of another Mexican outbreak
Is to bo Intioduced In the house soon
by members of tho foreign affairs
committee. Representative Smith of
Texas has urged the passage of his
resolution to Instinct the state de
partment to press claims of Ameri
cans at I21 Paso and Douglass, who
were injured or suffered loss on
American soil by stray bullets from
tho battle of Juarez and Agua Prieta,
To Reinter Phil Kearney's Bones.
New York. With much pomp and
ceremony the bones of Mnjor General
Phil Kearney, one of the most dash
ing or the federal cavalry leaders of
the civil war and also a notablo fig
ure in tho Mexican .var, are to find
their resting place In the national
cemetery at Washlurton April 12. At
present General Kearney's body Is In
a vault of old Trinity church In till'
Washington. - Parcels improperly
or inadequately wrapped will not be
accepted by postmasters for mailing.
Tho postofllco department has re
ceived complaints, particularly from
loreigu couniries, inai parcels con
tained In the malls from this country
have been received in a damaged con
dition. Postmaster General Hitchcock
has issued an order to all poslnuiDtera
instructing them not to accopt for
mailing any parcel that iu not uecure
ly wrapped.
Lincoln. International peace trea
ties, now pending In the United States
senate, wore given hearty indorse
ment at a meeting here, at which a
Nebraska branch of the American
Poaoo society was organized with W
.1. Uryan honorary president, George
E. Howard of the University of Ne
braska, presldont, and A. L. Weather
ly, secretary. Following th business
session a mass meeting was held, nt
which addresses wero made by Habbl
Hlrsch of Chicago and Charles K.
I Coals, western Held secretary cf the
American society.
llrnilEhaw will havo another bank.
Plans for holding a modern county
fair a.'. York next season ate under
Ti various churches (( Heaver
City have started a series of union
A call has been Issued In Fremont
Tor fiiiidn for suffering Chinese in tho
famine districts.
An Interesting and successful re
vival Is being carried on at the Chris
tian church at Hebron.
The Odell farmers' elevator com
pany has declared a t. per cent divi
dend for the annual btulness.
Fire which started early Saturday
mornlug destroyed the (lass furulluro
store, the largest In Columbus,
M. Morgan, who wns Injured by a
Tall at Walthlll. died nt n hospital
where ho was taken for treatment,
John Russell of Callaway was se
verely Injured when 11 heavy piece of
steel rail slipped and fell on his foot.
Frank Rogers was caught In tho
bolt of a corn shelter near Seward
nnd will possibly lose a leg as the
John R. Donovan, a well known Ne
braska newspaper man, is dead of
heart disease at the home of his sis
ter in Omaha.
Soveral largo cinder enrs In the
Rock Island cinter pit at Falrbury
took lire Sunday morning and were
Tlie typhoid epidemic at Lincoln
has been put to rout after tho devel
opment of 275 cases, ten of which
wero fatal.
Tho men aud religion forward
movement which has been sweeping
over tho country during tho hiBt bIx
mouths is now in full swing In Lin
coln. Participants of the wolf hunt at
Howe had an oyster supper nt tho hall
Thursday. About 200 persons wero
present and enjoyed the merrymak
ing. Fred Hunter of the university
school of agriculture will bo tho
speaker at the Thayer County Teach
ers' association at Hebron, Febru
ary 1 7.
A bunch of thlrty-threo ten-months-old
hogs, averaging 321 pounds, raised
by Swlglo & Gering of AdamB county,
topped the St. Joseph market one day
last week.
Members of the Fremont Auto club
are co-operating with the South Da
kota State Auto club in an attempt
to put through a new road between
Fremont and Sioux City.
January. 1912, will go on the records
of the Nebraska weather bureau as
one of the coldest Januaries since
the department began to keep tab on
temperatures ,tvvonty-slx years ago.
The Commercial club at Kearney
wnB host at a "get acquainted" ban
Hiet which was given for traveling
talesmen who make their homo In
.hat place. About seventy wero pres
ent. The annual report of tho Burlington
indicates that Alliance stands fifth
in tho state in point of revenue re--slptu,
being superceded only by Oma
ha, South Omaha, Lincoln an.! Grand
The Malmo cornet band, assisted
by the Prakup orchestra of Waboo,
u'yye an enjoyablo concert at tho
former place to a big houso and con
siderably nugmented Its exchequer
l hereby.
A fire and drum corps of twenty
five pieces belonging to tho National
ssoclatlon of Civil War Musicians,
will be ono of the attractions at tho
.'Srand Army encampment at Beatrice
in May.
A petition is being circulated
imoug tho business men of Hastings
taking tho city council to take tho
initiative toward securing for that
place the municipal ownership of a
;as plant. i
Grandmother Kenton, widow of tho
lato Daniel Feuton, died nt tho old
"iomo farm in DeSoto, on tho Blair
road, Tuesday. There she settled with
tier husband when they camo from
Roston forty years ago.
The ex-members of tho Nebraska
legislature in Nemaha county aro
moving towards a county organization.
I'horo nro sixteen ex-legislators iff
tVtiburn and twonty-thrco in the coun
ty, besides a lieutenant governor und
a chapluln.
Tho Nebraska-Inwa-South Dakota
fair association, which hold meetings
at Sioux City and nt which Secretary
W. It. Mollor of tho Nebraska state
board of agrlculturo was an attend
ant, will prohibit tho uso of hobbles
In all horse races after 1011.
Business men of DoWItt aro con
templating the organization of a
company with 510,000 capital for tho
purpose of building a dam across tho
Bluo river in order to furnlbh light
and power for tho town.
Tho steel for tho extension of tho
Kcamoy and Black Hills branch of
tho Union Pacific from Callaway to
near Gandy, tho county scat of Lo
gan county, is now being unloaded.
The brldgo gang has completed Ita
(vork as far ns Arnold nnd tho lay
ing of tho Bteel will begin March 1.
Tho ladies' aid society of the Moth
ndist church nt Crete has Issued iho
'Creto Cook Book" and created quite
x sourco of rovenuo from Its sale.
Tho eommlttoo In charge or tho
3rand Army of tho Republic onenmp
aient, which will bo held at Beatrice
n May, la making arrangements to
navo Daniel E. Slckloa of New York
ittend tho meeting.
Following tho snow fall last week
each member of tho Fremont council
jppolnted himself a solf-constitutcd
pollcomati to seo that tho ordinance
relative to tho cleaning off of side
walks was enforced.
BS -ss5-55'
Keeps Your Stove
"Always Ready for Company"
A bright, clean, glossy stovo is tho joy
and prido cf every housekeeper. But it is
hard to keep a stovo nico and shiny
unless Black Silk Stovo Poliih 3 ucd.
Here is tho reason: Black Silk Stove
Polish sticks right lo the iron. Itdcesn't
rub off or dust off. Its shino lasts four
times longer than tho shine of any other
polish. You only need to polish one
fourth as often, yet your stove will bo
cleaner, brighter and better looking than
it has been sinco you first bought it Use
en roar parlor stove, kitchen stove or e" ttova.
lirl a can from ynur hardware or ltoe dealer.
It you do not find it litter lliaa any otlirr atovs
polish you have tvtr uel before, your dealer Is
authorized to refund your money. Hut va frel
aure you will aires with the tkoutandt ot etlur
up-10-date women who aro now uint Black
Silk Stove Poliih and who aa It it iho "ttti
uavi tt'ti tv
Be aura lo set the gtnuint. Blaek Silk Sloa
Polith costs you no mere than the ordinary kind.
Keep your grates, regisicrs, fenders nnd stove
Sloes briiht and free from riiMini by uninr
free with each Can ot euamul only.
ware, nickel, tinware or brass. Itworki quickly
easily, and leaves a brilliant surface. It has na
equal for use on automobiles.
Black Silk Stove Polish Works
Sloan's Liniment is a great
remedy for backache. It
penetrates and relieves
the pain instantly no rub
bing necessary just lay
it on lightly.
Here's Proof.
"I had my bck hurt In the Itoer War
and in kin Francisco two )r,in ai;c I
vas lilt by a street r ir in the r.imc place.
I tried all kinds of dope without suc
cess. Two weeks agu I saw jour lini
ment in a drug store ami got .1 Imttle to
try. 'X he first application earned Instant
relief, and now except for a little stiff
ness, I am almost well."
Wlnttirr, Calif.
is the best remedy for
rheumatism, neuralgia,
sore throat and sprains.
Miss E. Rim of Brooklyn, N.V..
rltpi: "Slu.'n's Liniment is the best
for rheumatism. I luxcused&lx bot
tles of it ami It is grand."
Sold by all Dealers.
Price, 25c, 50c., and $1.00.
Ilrr. and
sent dee.
Ail tl resi
Vanishes Forever
Prompt Relief Permanent. Cure
fail. Purely vegeta
ble act surely
out Kentiy on
the liver.
Stop after
dinner dis
improve the complexion, brighten the eyes.
Genuine must bear Signature
1 J-rlUrJ. CEILIN03
,,l un b.n , ,. ... bin. ,,,, , , t,,, , ' tAl II Wft , I
A li'autlliilllliiblr:ii'(i IjimiIii.i VI cuiuinnnil I'lioin
(riiiilihMiil tri'H. M'M von rn.iii iiiiiiir,iti!riHtnllii
kliv.STONL. VAlt.Mbll CO., Ikroukl) II, N.i.
.(irnuiivcrituT.innt -lututn oi,ra.vmiM, ui.un
v i rr - -
Wv4 WSIkv0'"1 ss'oan I
yeBsBJaHHt' Boston, I
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miwrrmr witti r
Mnfiiw ivc.rc.
jafwtam ajriika.
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sir- -rzz
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