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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1912)
S""""--"" "VN TW vv-vV? Columbia Graphaphone COLUMBIA HORNLESS Intelligent comparisons is the basis of intelligent buy ing. Wc claim to have the most nowcrful mntnr. GRAFONOLA lne most perfect reproduc er giving the clearest and sweetest tone of any PhonogTaph on the market. We invite comparison. Columbia instruments play any make of disc records. Wc will give you a liberal allowance for your old ma chinein exchange and payments to suit vou. "IDEAL" $35.00 COTTING & MITCHELL S stock '11111 f.tnn implements in lie sold at hi-, .sali- Wednesday, Feb. L'S loans, Is ll- i-VyAAAAAAA WWV 9444434ttt(ttf-fcr m LOCALETTES For good Job Printing call on the Chief. Good narrow stripe fur 31.75. J. O. Caldwell. James Giltuore returned from Hast ings Monday. Jas, W. Kissinger of Inavalc was in town Sunday, Miss Jones was a passenger to Hast ings Saturday. All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhart Bros Howard Chancy of Fraulclin was in town Saturday. Guy Bradbrook was Aovfa from Iliad- en over Sunday. Hud McCunc spent Sunday in town with his parents. George E. Hall of Franklin was in the city Saturday. James Riley of Ottawa, Kansas was in town Wednesday. Jack Waller of Cowlos was in town on business Monday. Father Fitzgerald was in Superior the first of the week. Mrs. Geo. Hollistur returned home from Lincoln Tliuisday. Newt Siubert returned lroni Emporia, Kns Saturday evening. Lewis Iloeii'-ce of the Argus oHlee spent Sun lay in Hebron. Mr. and Mr-. Fred Taylor of Bivcr ton spent Sunday in town. Jack W. Keeue of Ohiowa was in town on business Monday. Hope Muslin at 7 ets. a yard during Albright'.- white goods sale. Bye Shepardson of Klverton was in town Wednesday on business. ets to Farm Loans There are seveial roasons for seeing J. II. Bailey for a farm loan and hero they are. IIu is solo agent for Trevelt Mattis & Baker. This Is here every day in the year ready for bu-lne-s and not bote thi- week and gone next. They loan on am f.nm Inning the value in it impiine I r unimproved. You d"ii't wait from two to luur iimnth- for your money but sure ly g"t i' oti the day called for. Th. g H'e hi option In tin ni ii 1 ' li) yard Bolt Long Cloth for 7.1 at AlbrlgntS white goods sale. Mrs. Warren L-ingtin returned her home at Hastings Saturday. Mrs. John Weesner went to Superior Wednesday to visit her parents. V. V. Peters of Keuesaw was a busi ness visitor in tho city Tuesday. Remember the date of Kd. Senton'a public sale Wednesday, Feb. 28. John Polnicky is home from Super ior where lie had been on business. Mrs. II. R. Scott of Grand Island is visiting relatives in town this weok. Bernard McNeny was in Blooming tou this week attending district court. Attend Scaton's sale which will take place Wednesday, Feb 28, at 1 o'clock I Clarence Mitchell of Franklin spent mommy in town wniie enroutc to Cowles. The Chief docs all kinds of Job Printing neatly, accurately and promptly. 0-1 Pepperell Bleached Sheeting for 22ots. a yard during Albright's white goods sale. Attorney L. II. Blackledgc was in Bloomingtou this week attending dis trict court. Plan your spring sowing now, nud take Advantage of Albright's White Goods Sale. Miss Edith Scott and Mrs. Pete Mc intosh were passengers to Cowles Wednesday. Miss M'ircoliiio Longtin returned from Hastings Monday where she vis ited relatives. Mrs. Jas. A. Burden left for Kansas City Monday to purchase- her spring stock of millinery. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bushee returned to Holdrege Monday after a week's visit with relatives. Oct Ncvcr-Mllp shoos put on your horse All sizes at Fred Wallln's shop. The Diamond Electric Vacum clean er demon-tinted in your home free. Call Phono Red 97. Don't forget the Musical given by the band boys the night of Feb. Kith., at the opera house. Women'.- Winter Coats at One-Half Price at Miner Bio. Co. The cents n re new wb.t.-r coats. Ileiy (J.irbcr of L'uvrence -pent Sun day I" Red '"loud with his parents, Mr. and Mr, .John i niter. I ' ui't forget we make farm money ready the day the title proved., Hi'Tvnisov & Salwikn. Chapter V-P. H. O will hold tho open meeting of the year Saturday evening, Feb. 17th at the home of Mrs. Rob't Mitchell. Each member having one invited truest. Mrs. Bert Carr was quite surprised last Friday when a few relatives gath ered at her home with well tilled baskets to help her and Beit cut sup per and to celebrate Mrs Carr's birth day. Dr.s Klddlle and Foote. of Hastings, Nebr , will meijt Eye, Eur, Xo-e and Throat patients, and those needing glasses titled, at Ked Cloud, Nebtaskn Thnr-diiy, February '2'2, at Dr. Cross otllet over state Bank. El. St'iton. who lives a mile and a half ,it of Red (loud, will sell at politic aue! ion on Wednesday, Feb. suit- to begin ut 1 p. in., twenty eight head of live stock, farm imple ments, and miscellaneous in tides. U VD We hao for sale farms on easy payments and special terms, worth the money. Several mighty good denls. The laigest list of local farms from which to select. Dan Gaiiiiku - Comi'Vny, Ciur.r oillee. Miss Ada Skjolvor camo up from her home north of Bed Cloud, eloso of last week, and lias been a guest of Miss Martha Abel while visiting McCook friends and the public schools in which she taught for several year9 with suc cess and satisfaction. Monday's Mc Cook Tribune. Wolfe fe Whltaker, general black smiths, now carry a full line of farm implements, surreys, buggies, wagons, gang plows, gas engines, stacker ropes, all kinds of machinery and heavy hardware, and all supplies for same. Also ail kinds of oil. Licensed Plumb ers. Calls promptly answered. The friends of Grandma Hale re membered her birthday Tuesday by sending her a postal card shower. She was cigltty years old and she re ceived eighty postal cards which de lighted her very much. This editor and his wife join her in thanking the many friends for the kind remember anco. We rocleved a curd from Albert Smith & Sous of Superior who run their thorough-bred Poland-China Hog sale ad in this piper, stating that 17 hogs averaged 531.10 each. Mr. Smith was well pleased with tho results of bis advertisement and thinks that the Chief Is the proper ndveitislug med ium. We know it, and so do many satisfied patrons know it. The Recording Mnglo starts in the February 17, issue of the Saturday Evening Post. The best paper pub lished. Allan Moritz will deliver the Post at your home for ." cents a copy if you will ivo him a chance. He is also agent for tho Ladies Homo Jour nal and Mother's Magazine. Allan says he will give you prompt and courteous treatment if you will let him wait on you. Mrs. John S. Bayue, mother of the pastor of the Congregational chinch of this city ariived Monday fiom her homo in Kearney. Mrs. Hay ne Is a writer of distinction, having recently published a voltimn of poems which have been very favorably commented on by the press. She lias just icturn ed from a bcturiug tour, having de livered the last one in Omaha before tlin I). A. R's of that city on the -abject; Abiabiin Lincoln. Mr-. BiiMi" was persona' ly acquainted when a gill in Washing o i, wl'li the givut presi-ib-iil mill Ins fiimilv Mrs. Holcomt), 10 ll:i ilane Thompson was born in Glasgow, Scotland, Oct. lOlh, IS.VJ, passed from this life in Red Cloud. Nebr., Feb. nth. ISM'J, age, fill years, .' months, -." days, Mrs. Hoicoinb eatno to this country when but a child, met and married Mr. John Holeoiub in Chicago, III , latter tinniest ended east of Bed Cloud, near Lester. There were two chlhlmi born to them one son and one daughter, the daughter pteceeded her mother many years to the realm beyond. Mrs. Holeomb leaves to liiouin her loss a husband, one sou and nil adopt ed daughter, one biother, residing in Indiana, and one sister, and other rela tives in huge numbers, besides a inultl tudo of ft lends, these friends being made in her kindly missions of help fulness there never was a person to poor, to sick, far away, the weather never to cold, to hot. or stoiniy but what If known to her, she was on hand to iis-ist w hen ii-.Istancc was needed Mr. and Mrs. Hoicoinb mined to town s(., i;, years ago, her mission of lielpfulin -never ceased tint Ml she was physieiii'y disabled. Mr-, llolcomh became a (Inistian more than twentyllvo yenis ago and was of that type of (liii-tiaii that practiced her chtistlaiill v In good deeds. She was a faithful member of the Christian church and her last utter ance was, "1 am going home," and it Is very evident that in her passing, deatli is tho true gatoway unto life and eternal joy. The funeral was conducted in the Christian church, by the Pastor C. F. Rose, and the body laid to rest In tho Red Cloud cemetery. Artistic Effects IFer Home BSnliiHng i , The ll n'-t lino and best assortuienL Of Il'U'iiess iiwr carried Indole. (J. ill 'unci look it over. MoiniAur Bi:os. ' A I'l'iMfi-Widiiiul meeting wl.l 1c ... . .. .... lie l in Hi." M. li. cliureii rnesdayevc n nt '. ' o'clock. All me iutind. pociul attention given to diseases i oi e, c mm cm. iiimsm's iii-cui "tieiy (tin be secured by the u-e of fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Xohr. lumber, usually .U a great say.; --. 1 . . ! t ..I ,.. tttul ii Mil ing over mii.mi.ii-l- .... . .... . . . ,,,...,.....,. ... , ,. ... ., Having di-enntiniied his visits to Rlverton. Clay Seboonovor, one of Red Cloud's old time ball players was down from Oxfoid this week renowing old ac quaintances. Kenneth Williams left for Bladen Monday where he will assist in the building of the power line from Blue Hill to Bladen. For Sale; Tho two buildings oc- superior lumber we handle these copied by the Chief Olllce and K. II. days and how perfectly substan- Xowhouse'n jewelry store. Inquiro of E. II. Newhouse. I Ryan - Glttlnfts Bongamin J. Gittings and Miss Ruby Hyan wero married on Wednesday evening at the home of the grooms sis ter Mrs I'atil Pope in tho presence of a few friends and relatives, Rev. Tomp kins otlieirttlng. The bride was reared and educated in Nelson, and for several years lias been one one of tlio most beautiful and popular telephone operators in Nuck olls County, and enjoys the best wishes of a host of friends Mr. Gittings is one of tlie popular and enterprising young men of Superior, has enjoyed considerable of successful business ex perience, and lias many friends in his wideaeiiuaintance. After the wedding ceremony a dainty throe com so lunch eon was served. Tho happy couple will depart tomorrow for their home in Holsteln wheio Ben is operatiuga general stole. The Ch'u 1" extend- feli citations. ConircSallonal Church Notices "How do you think of God?" will he the subject of tho morning sermon this coming Sunday. The topic for the evening will be: 'The supreme object of prayer." The Sunday school will meet at 10 a m. Mid week meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:110. The next meetingofthe Brotherhood will 1)0 hold on the evening of February 'JTtli. The Lndiss Missionary society meots the first Tuesday afternoon of ench mouth. Tho Ladies Aid on the Thurs day of the week before the last Satur day of each mouth. Choir practice every Fiiday evening. .Ions .1. Bavni:, Pastor. I much gr. titer stability Miiuglc nml novelty siding pioperly used is ono oxainple lor exterior ef fect, and for interior purposes there are dozens of patterns and a variety of woods that, with comparatively little extra cost, furnishes just those dainty pleasing touches that mean so much for comfort and co.lness Twould surprlso you what really cm bo done with the ?XX!f) -. rrjiKftjViirjAn. i r i m mSm . mm iArnTr r-' tial a fraini) house can be built We want to talk with you about Angeline Bobbins, widow of Edwin this lumber question befoie you RoubinH bas been granted a widows build and give you the Luntn , pension or St2 pr montli. Fred Maur of our years of observation-tell WW hep Httorlieyt vou why frame construction is. ' " ' , . . i, , The Degree of Honor mot Tuesday the best and show you by com- n , , , ..?. i 1.1..1. sn nmn 'evening and had a very enjoyable pm .mm .., ..-. - ueutln in anil lei s get. aeiiu uiuuh. I nioro'sNo Place Like Home." SAUNDERS BROS. After lodge a surprise was given on the members. -- Mrs. L. II. Blaekledge left Wodnes day morning for Rock ford, III., to vis- it her daughter Gel trade, who is attending college at that place. See Ed. Senton's adv elsewhure in till- piper for a de-eilptiou of tho live My attention has been called to a I iik'e number of small biids killed or nuinbi'd by the wet ni av storm .f Monday, F.-b. rith. They are Lapl.iud b Uff spur-, one of .nil' comiii'iiiesi snow biuls, which come down f i o m t ieii' iioithern bieidinir trround- to feed on our weed and grass seeds, dur ing the deep snows of the Northern I hid Hihi-e- from I.otiir I'lue tli it the sti m of I), e. 120, liillid many of tho Chestll it coIdi-i'iI Iiiii' spin-: and nt Arcadia my lib ud su. it v ed the I'liik'lisli spm-rows the same way. I lather think it likely that tiny weie mistaken in regard to that hindy las cat, and assnmed his identity, not ltn iwing of tho presence of tho winter visitants. .1. M.;-. ,? "z .. :..... r- in i ti YOUR SHELF OR OURS It doesn't make any dif ference, if the goods come out of our store. We guarantee them. That's the reason it pays to trade with us. Reliable groceries bought right here at home, are bought right if they come from us. B. E. HcFarland -:- All tho Phones -:- Digestive Properties of Djys. The latost news of how eggs go In tho stomach Is: Two freshest soft bollo, ono and three-quarters hours; two raws, two and ono-quartcr hours; hard b.olls, thrco hours; omelette, three hours." Tho figures speak for themselves, but do not toll tho whole truth, for It looks as If soft bolls art. more easily digested than raws, whereas, raws aro so bland and gen tle as not to excite tho flow of tho gas trie Juices not a slnglo squirm of tho Btomach. New York Press. . - v.. ;ers. .. i.o I iCieaaed lets e Un to civl.iirs of man iv u I Farm Loans LAND Farms listed and sold on straight commission basis at owner's price. Cash buyers for improved farms and ranches secured through careful, lib eral and systematic advertising. No. 81 (juuiter section, .lO acres under plow, fill in alfalfa, bal ance in pasture, mostly excellent soil but some rough nud gravell', good house and complete set of improvements; abundance of well water; J miles fiom town on main tiaveled road. Price $!t,000. No. lit- t.iuarter section, Kill acres 'inder plow, 20 In alfalfa fenced Iuk licjit, balance In pisturo and timber: complete set large improvements with garage, all good soil, I miles from Blue Hill ami a iiai let- mile to school, Price i 1,100. No. "S Half section, 2H() acres under cultivation, In in alfalfa and ID in pastille, I ,"u acies smooth, balance gently lolling, none rough; all good soil free from sand or rock; complete set large liupioveiiieiits, all large and new; 2 miles from good town on tint I tt tiawlcd road. Piicc l!,.ou. Terms can be had by put chaser. N'o ill -i,i i uter suction, il.i ucres under cultiv.ition, balance In pastuics KMi aeies smooth balance gently lolling, roughest land in cultivation, all good snll no -mid or rock, complete -et of Impiove incuts; I miles from good town on main traveled road. l'rlceS-,OCll. 4 I . "0 en-h down, balance (! per cent. No. Mi i.'iiaiter section, '.'0 aeies Hist bottom, balance smooth low second bottom, "n aeies now under plow, 20 in alfalfa, balance in pastuie, all lenccd and cross fenced, fair set of improvements', all excellent soil This farm will rent for 8700 cash annually; ono mile from good town. Price SI 1,100. No. :'. Quarter section, no acres under cultivation, balanco pasture and hay land, 10 acres line Mist, bottom and much of tho balance smooth, nearly all excellent soil some sand, living water and some timber; ft miles from Bed Cloud on North side, 1 mile to school. Price ?S,(ioo. No. Ml Quarter section, ill) acres undor plow, 10 in alfalfa, bal ance pasture, about (10 acres smooth, completo set small improve ments, all good soil and :. miles from good town. Price 8S,!i00. No. til Quarter section, f0 acres under plow, 50 in alfalfa, 10 in orchard and timber, balance pasture, complete set fair improve incuts, all fenced nnd cross-fenced, 2r acres bog-tight, about GO acros smooth, nearly all good soil and surrounded by good land. Price $10,000. Many other quarters and half-sections that will describe just as well or better. Some of the best farms in Webster and Franklin counties listed. Excellent opportunities to get in on a good farm. Several for sale on easy payments and special deals worth the money. The largest list of local farms from which to select. DAN GARBER& CO. REAL ESTATE LOANS AND COLLECTIONS Red Cloud, Nebraska. Headquarters In tho RED CLOUD CHIEF Offtcm. I I The Beal Instate and Farm Loan Department in the Chief ollicu has for sale a huge list of Webster and Frank lin county farms, the best and cheap est all-puipoe faims to be found. This part of the Itepiiblleiin Valley country is the hem t of the Corn and Alfalfa Itest. nud is unexcelled for easy, thrifty farming. The soil is fer tile andproduces bountiful crops of corn, wheat and alfalfa, an-' this Is one of the best districts in which to nilse grain, hay and hogs, and feed cattle. Among their listaio a number of fai ins that will pav good interest on the investment; several that can be purchased on easy payments and spe cial deals; and many that will pay their way and grow in value. The prices vary aecoiding to quality, loca tion and improvement-.. This country lias good schools, rural malls, tele phones, good roads, convenient mar kets mid shipping facilities, and every qualification necessary to profitable giain and stock farms, dairy farms and fe 'ding stations. Laud values, pr'ces and t fills tint should ill'i'lest uiiy l'Hiil-1 u ei or hnmoiei Iter ANo a number of desliali I'.'.y Pioputle lis'cd and n-vcial good local farm truths Coiiespon lenco solicited i'f.l(!i!ioiscKi:('!!n& There will be nil adj nirm d hum tine, of. the Nt br. A Iv'iis , Phone Co , t the upper Ptimi Cieek scbool housi Tlnil--ibi. l'eli. ''. at, 7:I!() u. in. i I. I'. Fox, Pies. Al.KX l!l.Nri,i.,S oV j spent Special Services Sunday A special service was hold at the Bttptist church .Sunday evening In honor of tho great hymn writer W. II. Bonus. All the songs used in the pro gram were those of Ins composition. A ladies quartette composed of Mrs. (iarber, Mrs. Kdsoii ami Misses Fulton ami Kssig sing several antheuins which wore very yleasing. Tho duet by Misses Fulton and Kssig was espec ially good and the solos by Mrs. Gar- bor and Mrs. IMson were enjoyed by all. But porhaps the song that chariii ed the audience the most was that sung by little Violet liolverson. Her notes rang true and sweet and she seemed to feel the words and music. Miss Christian and Miss By ran gave interesting sketches of the author and depictetl his life so that It could be easily enjoyed by young mid old. Tho house was well filled and the service a piolitahlo ono. At the Cougiegatlomil chinch the Old Soldiers ami I liu Belief Corps at tended in a body to hear tholec' ureon Aliialiain Lincoln by the pastor. The choir sang p.i'iiotiu music a ud the King seleeliol s weie appropriate lor the oc casion. Uev Iiit.v ne showed Lincoln's gielilness by giving oxainples of his clear t lii idling, his wonderful sj m pa thy his belief in an over ruling Provi.b noc. nud bis prophetic vision. This led mo was lull of informal Ion, keen comment nnd beautiful language. No one ever tires of hem lug about tho lirsL Ameii c ni and th's address was valuable as I well as cultivable Here also t lie house w-as well fllltd aid a prolitablc hour " H At Lowest Inteiest, best option, least expinisi!, Call for me at State Bank, Ilo.l Cloud. C. F. CTin.n. For Sale. jlauk .'t years old weight about Win lb. Illnek with whl'e nose anil body. Well biiilt.-.loiiNC.; nine Hill Nebr. ra has no substitute for making delictus honzs-b&ked foods Btikkg Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream c-I Tartar w zmm'S w ".W f a a - TSMatfftWWfrflJffiTOSJrJ mffim&mwmwtoitsr'