The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 15, 1912, Image 4

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! Cloud NcbrnnUtv
'Intcrcri lii llic I'oitoflirn otillcil Cloud. Noli,,
Scconil UIam Mullet
0 11. HALK
I hereby niinoiiiirn niynclf ih a rnmllriatc
for ttioinniilnntlim for ri-iiriht'iitntUu from
the Ifitli district nl Nebraska, hiilij( el I" tlio
will cil thu licinorrntlc nml PcoplM Inde
pendent nti rx nt the prininrliK to ln licM
April I1.), 1111'.'. (IKIIIIIIK V. I.I.NIISIiV,
Hero's the truth in u nutshell. In
Kill Nebraska produced agricultural
products to (lit; amount nfSI0(j,'JO,,
mill llvo .stock to thi value of s.'o:i,()i:i,
:j:."i-h grand i(tni of S(o!,t-j'J. ifl(.
And wo challenge tiny other slate to
('(lltlll till! 10001(1.
The Argus last week put out an ex
cellent edition giving a full account
of thu successful fanner's in.stitute
hold nt CowIch. Very few people out
side of the nowspapor fraternity leal
lo how inueli time and money is re"
fpilred to publish special editions of
tills character yet we vonttiro to say
Hint the reading public is pleased with
the effort.
The friends of Hon. C. It. Hesse nre
urirlnir him to attain make the race for
the state senate They feel that he
made n creditable record and that the
interests of Democracy would bo snfo
in his hands. So far Mr. Hosse has
not stated his intention but lie has a
large following which would bo pleas
ed to hare him be the standard bearer
from this district.
The new one hundred ami twenty
fire horse power Westlnghouso engine
is installed in the power house and we
now hare two engines and two boilers
and arc fully equipped to furnish
electricity to all comers. The new
engine is a beauty and is declared to
be mechanically correct in every de
tail. It certainly has the appearance
of being able to carry any load and
moves as easy as a watch. It requires
but very little floor space yet it is so
arranged that it develops the greatest
efficiency with the lenst amount of
We are pleased that our pupils In
the high school made as good u show
ing as they did in spelling thoso sixty
words given by the Professor. A few
years ago we heard a good deal from
educators about spelling and wo are
pleased to know that they have not.
relinquished their vlgiloiice. These
words selected are common ones but
such is ilto peculiarity of our language
they are most difficult to remember.
If that egotistical Noah Webster had
had his way years ago we might all be
able to spell with ease but relief will
not come In all probability until (la
briel blows Ids mighty trumpet.
In all our statistical reports of Ne
braska we have confined ourselves to
tho principal crops. When we get
down into tho smaller crops wo find
W Ctf"
V. V I)
V7 KW& '
Big' Ben
has something to say
to people who like to
get up promptly in the
He guarantees to call
them on the dot just; when
they want and either way
they want, with one pro
longed, steady call or with
successive gentle rings.
And he guarantees to do
it day after flay and year
after year, if you only have
him oiled every year or so.
I've known him ever
since he was "that high"
and I'll vouch for every
thing he savs.
The Jeweler.
mm,.; J ii iwfelr. ..feiJfcf Shi tf ,
ourselves In it lini.c oT figures, for N'r
brnskn produces so many things that
It won il keep ti mini lutsy to iimmr
iilu Urmii, Ami when wo mention the
big things It fiilrly exhausts tlio tmiga
Iiii of ilui linotype to furnish thu fla
mes Take eggs nlono. In l!)ll Ne
braska hens laid 208,5:11,011 doen.
That Is three billion, two hundred
twenty-two million, three hundred
seventy-two thousand, ono hundred
sixty-eight eggs. That, Is KJ7,02,o28
feet of eggs, Inid end to end. That
would moan a string of eggs more thiin
onn hundred thousand tulles iongl
That would make an egg Bidowalk
twenty-live eggs wide reaching from
Oniahii to the Wyoming stnto line. Is
it any wondoc that, a man Is afraid to
toll the whole tnifhiibout Nebraska?
Will Muupln's weekly.
In rend Inn over our exchanges we
not leo that many editors mm poking
fun at the action of the Oiuahii Com
mercial Club for its olforts to gel the
farmers to test their seed corn. These
cditois seiitn to think tlmt, it is a rich
joke beciiise men wearing boiled shirts
uiid reclining on easy chairs should
let their imiglnutiou dwell upon
things earthly. They also seem to
think that it is all done to advertise
Omaha and consequently should re
ceive a slap. So far as we are concern
ed we are willing to admit for the sake
of r.rgiiinont that the Omaha Commer
cial club is carrying on the movement
with mi Idea of getting more trade for
Omaha but If they can at the same
time increase the profits of the farmer
where is the harm? They are spend-
"tf t,,uir tln,c ftml mo"y t0 simplify
the findings of agricultural experts
and Arc simply spreading the Inform
ation. Omaha is a largo wholesale
center and naturally attracts Mfrade
from the state and if these wholesalers
can show how to avoid failure they
are doing the state a scrrico and if
their business is larger by reason of
this free Information who cares?
There aro a few simple minded people
to be found In the state who will not
believe anything that emanates from
Omaha. Stand up for Nobraska.
One of our ministers stated from the
pulpit Sunday morning that there were
in the neighborhood of two thousand
people In and around Red Cloud that
never attended church and he asked
the question why? Wo presume that
no one could give all the reasons why
such a condition should exist but may
not some of tho fault lie with tho
churches themselves'.1 Ktllciency is de
manded today from orery person and
institution and the question naturally
arises Has the church been efficient?
Do the member of tho various church
es so live that they attract men and
women in all walks of life? Do the
ministers preach Christ or do they ex
pound a worn out theology'.' Has the
church thought more of its creed than
it lias of its Itible'.' These are pert
euint questions and if the church can
answer tlieni satisfactorily tho blame
must tost with the noii-cliurch goers.
It would not be fair in an article of
tins kind to refrain from asking an
othor question. Have the non-church
goers ever investigated tho church.
Have they intimated that they would
enjoy any kind of religious service'.'
Have they given Hie question any at
tention whatever? No ono basil right
to denounce any institution 6r people
until ho has made a thoro examination
of the merits or demerits of that insti
tution or that people. To say that
anything is n huinbugitliut being
aide to give siitl-fnctnrr lelisno for
such epr si.iii is. toeoufi-ss 'iioiaiicf
mid siuailiicss. Who will Kit-ether nl
reasons in answer to the cleigyuian's
The ei y "Jest your Corn" ise-'ii
sidered by many to I e a hue und cry
alien' tmllilug. As snmi'lliiiigM-utout
by the lieu hpu pen. to lilt up pce iv d
ilnw iittciilion to thiniM-'ves but a
c-iivfu! ( tiiiiiialiiiu of .istini; con
ditio i show that the situ tin i
really critical. One farmer iul'.unied
Us that hi cm II wusuhsulutoly useless
for pliiutiii pin poses. Thoiicim life
is dead ami he suys that it would be to Use it for s. ed. He intomU to
use his last . vein 'n ft op I'm- seed the
coining soiimiii. In view of this con
dition the action taken by our county
supeiintcndent, (iertrude h. t'oon,
asking that the teachers of the county
organize their ce.hools and get them
to test all corn intended for seed Is a
most worthy one. It is the easiest
and the most practical way to reach
every farmer in the count v and we
trust that every teacher will feel that
wiopiiuiio welfare demands their ef
foils in tills direction. It needs no
argument to convince anyone that
Kood seed is tho first requirement
necessary for a good crop Deflnate
Instructions are sent out so that any
one can liud out whother or not hU
corn is Ut for planting For some
reason the season just past either
killed the germ or else was not favor
able for Its development mi that the
gi eater portion of it Is absolutely tiso
loss for seed. Let no one lake it for
granted tlmt his corn is the exception
but let every ear be subjected to n
thoro exinnlnntlon. , little time
spent now will pay big dividend ut
harvests tune. Ttst your corn.
Uul Is til It: Irnnsfcrs.
Transfers for the week ending Wed
uesday Fobrutry l'l, Mi 1 2
Compiled by M. W. Caller & Hon
llouded Abstractors.
Oilliortd. Denny and wife to
Robert K, (Jreenhalgh, wd, o'i
e'-j sw'.f :i:i 3 2200
Henry Slebrass and wife to Fred
Sttiinpenhors't. wd, lots I, fi,
Ullc'l, llltio Hill 00
K. Boyd Smith, et al, to Emma
K. .tones, wd, part nwj 3.V3-I1 1
William Strieker et. al to Louis
Wolfe, wil.sej.f 1.1-t 12 tlollO
William K. Wallace to C. V.
Morey, wd, j interest In part
wi no' 18-1 11 U00
Wi Ilium I'opp and wife to (ins-
tnv Mentei, wd. wjtf sw'..'MOrjfl.'iOo
Willliim A. W.itklus and wife to
.lol'ti Mulder, (ud,swi seU 18-
1-0 1
Kinuia I'oyer to(!eo. (J. Holt, (jed,
lots, Itlk. 0. Cowles J
Charles !'. Wullin and wife to
Hertha J. and I. II. Holmes,
wd, lots H', II, 10, lilk. .', Red
Cloud .'1200
Mori gages Hied, S27"i.
Mortgages released, SIToO,
Hair Health
If You Have Scalp or Hair Trouble, Ac
ccpt This Offer
When wo promise your money back
for tho mere asking if Rexall ".T' Hair
Tonic does not do as we claim it will,
you certainly have no reason for even
hesitating to try It. We do not ask you
to obligate yourself In any way.
We could not afford to ko strongly
endorse Rexall "03" Hair Tonic and
contlnuo tofeoll it us we do, if it did
not do all we claim. Should our en
thusiasm carry us away, ond Rexall
"d'.V Hair Tonic not give entire satis
faction to the users, they would lose
faith in us and our statements, and in
consequence our business prestige
would 6Uffer.
Therefore, when we assure you that
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will promptly
eradicate dandruff, stimulate hair
growtli and prevent premature bald
ness, you may rest assured we know
what wcare talking about.
We honestly believe that Rexall "93"
Hair Tonic will do more than any oth
er human agency toward restoring hair
growth and hair health. It is not
greasy and will not gum the scalp or
hair or cause permanent stain. It is
as pleasant to use as pure cold water.
It comes in two sizes, prices GO cents
and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain
it only at our store, The Rexall Store.
The II. I-:, (irice Drug Co-.
Other States Have '
Lots of Bad Seed Corn
Omaha, Ni-.ii., Feb. nth. Nebraska is
not the only state in thu middle west
which lias poor seed corn, according to
roports which liave come to tlio Public
ity Ilureau of tlio Commercial Club.
Authorities of tho SoiP.h Dakota Ex
periment Station write that seed corn
in that state is even worse than Ne
braska'. A. E. Samuel of St. Joseph, Mo.,
writes that lie has tested corn in Illi
nois, Iowa, Missouri and Kansas and
after a thorough Investigation, lie
states that the condition is general in
the corn belt.
The seed corn specials, which are
tho outcome of tlio campaign started
by tho Publicity Ilureau of tho Com
mercial Club, arc In good shape. Four
will IciiV" mi the mi rnlng of l-V.i-uar.
'-'(! over tin ic (lilVerent iiiilroaiN nml
wi 1 visit '.'."lOstaiiuiis (luring the tour.
Prof. U. W. Pugsley of the l',.t Mi-ion
Dcpiilnicnt of the State Farm has s-e-
enrci lurly spenl(ci.s tu
bet i aies.
Why Hesitate?
Xw ttifi.r'lhirt JnvrlMJ, no Kjucy P.lsK
if Voit Acer jil !t
We are m posi'he our remedy will
completely relieve constipation, no
matter how chronic it may tie, that we
oll'er to furnish it free of all cost if it
falls. ion is commonly caused by
weakno's of the nerve and muscles of
the laixo intestine. To expect, a cure
you must therefore tone up and
strengthen thoso organs and restore
theni to healthier activity.
We want you toiry Re.ull Orderlies
on our giiar.ntee. They are eaten like
candy, und me particuhu ly food for
children, i'he.v mtiii to net. lir.t.ii-
on tho nerves ami muscles of the bow
els. They apparency have a neutral
action on thu other organs. Tlioy do
not purge or cause otlrer inconven
ience. Wo will refund your money If
they do not overcome chronic or habit
ual constipation and thus aid to re
lieve'the myriads of associate or tie
pendent chronle ailments. Try Rexall
Orderlies at our risk. Three, 10c,
'-Tic, and TA) Sold only at our htote
The Rexall Store. The II. R. (i,ice
Drug Co.
Spelling Contest
Pi of. Real of tho State Agrlcultiiial
.Collceo submitted tho following list
or W wi!s to I PJ high school and col
leg.! students in the state of Kansas.
When You Read
Our Acls.
We want you to take them
literally. Believe just what
they say discount nothing.
What we tell you in the
paper is just what we would
tell you over the counter. Our
guarantee always "Satisfac
tion or Your Money Back."
We are looking for your
continued patronage and once
tried always used.
The only way to gut your
continued patronage is to do
what we say and say what
we do.
If you have not yet proved
this to be a satisfactory store
at which to trade there is a
pleasure awaiting you.
Newhouse Bros.,
K II. Newliouse, Prop.
C, IJ. & . Watch Inspectors.
This same list of words was given by
Prof. (Jlorit. to our own high school
students including tho 8th grade, with
the following results. Have some one
pronounce this list to you and test
yourself on spelling. Can you do bet
ter than our boys and girls in school?
If so report the fact to this ofllce.
The list-villain, beginning, stitches,
cemetery, immediately, shining, excel,
opportunity, source, attacked, safety,
knowledge, disappoint, planning, real
ly, lose, breathe, handkerchief, privil
ege, possession, messenger, disappear,
coming, summit, ninety, scissors,
linen, boundary, receive, temperance,
lightning, business, proceed, cruelly,
occasion, attache, regetaolu, celling,
persuade, Imagination, together, final
ly, grateful, fulflel, salary, separater
forty, especially, definition, professor,
pleasant, solemn, disease, library,
whether, sensible, keenly, preparation,
manufacture, describe.
Tot'l No. of 8th Uth 10th 11th 12lh Tot'l Kns.
words sp'lM 2020 17IM lfiCO 1180 1U20 8210 i720
Words niU-
spelled 805 400 4'l 3SII 2i!2 2110 l!ij
Percent made (JO 7ii 73 71 80 7.1 71
The word misspelled tho greatest
number of times both here and in Kan
sas was "villaiu'' we missed It 7t) limes
and Kansas 03 times.
A Warning Aftulnst Wet Feet
Wet ami chilled feet usually afreet
tho mucous membrane of the nose,
throat and lungs, ami la grippe, bron
chitis or pneumonia may result. Watch
carefully, particularly the childieu.
and for tho nicking Muhbnro coughs
give Foley's Honey and Tar Compound.
It soothes the intlamed membranes,
and heals the cough quickly Take no
substitute. Sold at Dr. Cook'.-, drug
Use of Cocoanut.
Purchase the raw nut rather than
tho desiccated cocoanut. It Is easily
put through the food cutter, and, if
tho finest knife is used, it gives a moro
easily digested article for cakes or
candies than tho dried product. If
more is ground than can bo used, mix
sugar with it and dry; it will keep
Indefinitely. Good Housekeeping.
The Saund Stctn of Good Health
Is not for those suffering from kid
ney ailments and irregularities. The
prompt use of Foley Kidney Pills will
(lisp..! ba -kacheiin.l 1 1), uinntisui, heal
ninl tii-ti).iiii n snr-, uc.-ik nml ailing
kiillli'Vs, rts'.i.. If m 111 1 1 iie'io-, mid
with il h alili and sii-i'iigth Mrs. ,J.
F. Spa'stnjiy, Met ling, 111, siis: '
snH'ered great piiiti in my I aci: and
klilfeis, e mlil not sleep at night, anil
colli I iVtfNjiisp my aiiiSiiveriuy heiiil
lint tW'ib'rttfl s..'f F.dcv Kl ititv mis'
em. (i me.'. K-.iii ut in-. Cook's d
si ore.
I hne opet.e I :i en nil.'e I
I'llllld Jlll.l SOlll- t slmiM (
join pn'i-.illi'g-
Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes
always in stock. Phone mo
your wants (Ind. plume is.)
Iletatl stoic opposite Postof
lice, in iJi.idcrlch building.
00 YEAiCS'
Trade Marks
Anvnnp inilliv n dkrtrh nml ilcacrlptlnn nm
qutekly iirwtulii nur opinion froi Tfiethor nn
ItlTontlnll Iri tirnhnlilv oiitmitulili
(loir! riotlriiiiMeiitiHl. HANDBOOK on I'litPHtj
iTit (row. ()l'Ki iiBi'iicy forneuirliirf nteiua.
i-aioiui iivkhii (iirni'k-K .Muiiii ft Ci rocolre
IftcM not let, nllliinitcliiiriio, In tlio
ScietttHK JMeiicait
. liiuirt.nmilr UiilrnlM wot-my.
I.nriJCSt rlr.
t.iiiKi'in .ii diiy fciriiMU.' ,
tit linn fml.
VC'ir, lO'ir lll'.lll IH. II. Hiilll bv.lll 11!.UHili.ilr...i
i t'riim, t.i it
llmil It (l'l 3 It'll' ft, W'uililUkluii, IJ.U
The undersigned will sell at Public Auction at his
farm, one and one-half miles east of Red Cloud, on
Wednesday, Feb. 28,
ShIo to begin at 1 . m the following deseribtd property:
Horses -Two bay geldings, cotulim8 and 10 years old, weight 2S)0; two
geldings, full brothers, and ; years old, weight 2s0u; one gray mare, coming
7 years old, weight HIM); one sorrel niaro, broke double and single, coming S
years old, weight 12.V); one block mine, broke double and single, coming 7
years old, weight i'.'OO; one gelding, coming 1 years old, broke double and
single, weight l'Jol).
Cattle Three milch cow, one giving milk, two fresh soon; .seventeen
high guide Durhams, consisting of three cows coming I yeius old; nine com
Inu 3-ycrii-old heifers, will all be fre-h in March and April; two extra
good grade bulls, coming one year old; two heifers, coming one year old; ono
calf four months old.
Farm Implements-Three farm wagons, good low wagon with new
hay ruck, Dciiing grnlir binder good as new, two .McCorinicIc mowers, MeCor-
mlck hay rake, Fleming hay stacker, two hay sweeps, riding oultivatoiytwo
walking cultivators, 1 1 Inch walking plow, lS-inch slat plow, disc, .1-seCtion
harrow, Uock Island corn planter with check rower and wire, new L'-row stalk
cutter, lt-iucii iJeere gang plow good in new, good Lightning feed grinder,
new grindstone, now hand corn sheller, Hoosicr press grain drill.
Miscellaneous-Four sets good work harness, set double driving liar"
ness, single driving harness, Kconomy Chief cream separator, between 300 and
100 bushels of pure Korslon seed oats; some household goods, among which is
a number one good boating stovo, Garland Range cook stove, bedroom suite
good high-arm sewing machino, new writing desk, canned fruit, and other
articles too numerous to mention.
Tormss A credit of nine months will be given purchaser on note with
approved security, with interest af. 10 per cent per annum.
ED. SEATON, Owner.
Col. J. H. Ellinger, Auctioneer.
and every thing to be found in a first
class exclusive Harness Shop. : :
are unequaled for Quality of Stock,
Durability and Workmanship for
the money.
Through Sleepers to California
Through sleepers ur now operated to California via Denver, Scenic
Colorado and Salt Lake City
Kvcry day through Tom 1st Sleepers. Daylight rido through Scenic
Coloiado with half day stop-ovor in Salt Lake.
I.- I -. . . .... .
r-w cay (iKocgu i ourlst Sleeper r-orvlce with sleepers to Los Anceles Tiki.i,is. Th
Il!yllht ihle ih.oivh s'c. uie Colnnidn and S5..l I...I..,
o s.;' fi:aX( isto via vk.stkk.v
Th...,,gl, s.eeics e-e.y
Deiuer, s-ceulc Oo'oiiidn. S..H 1
Persona !,- e ,nd,.c.., H.i li Tourist si epers every Tuesdav via Den-
li'l'i Sjiillta I- e I ollte
i:v...y .lav tliro,..., S.nd-, Sl-c-ers via Denver, Salt Lake and South
l'l" I'Hcllle l), ,.,( ri !e .,K1, Scenic Color.i.lo
Lfl Hie t
Calif,., ni... els,. ..,
R. E. FOE,
J.' '.'
imi ..,
Monumental Work
to be erected this spring should be placed at
once thus allowing sufficient time to com
plete strictly high class work. : : : :
Original Designs
Modern Ideas
Overing Bros. (Si Co.
Dealers in'Monuments. Red Cloud
Robes, Sad
dles, Whips
p( ffonnlly conducted
I'hiir-d lis iiuil Similars.
We-lncMlay, Fridav und Satin
..!,. .,..,( i.-....i... i.i.. . n.
lay via
(n iihi u' our through slemilm, ,.o... .
all Nu.thw.s' territo.v via lUlllngs,
Affttt Rod Cloud, Nebr.
(il,,"',ul ''"LMicer Agent, Omaha, Nob.
f-..-.'s -t vrauAnutuKujaa
i & 7
WP1f -;
JfHW :mi
i wytr.'if'Wtw't'"'"