The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 08, 1912, Image 7

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Dr. Martin Potter Takes Strange
Pledges How One of Them
Buncoed Him.
Not oven the nuthor of the "Club of
Strange Trades' conceived of nil odd
er means of livelihood thnn thnt of
Dr. Martin Potter, says tho New York
correspondent of the Cincinnati
Times-Star. Ho runs an animal pawn
shop. If you have a Hon that you
don't need as badly as you need th,o
money, or want to soak a trained bear
for a fow weeks, or put up an ele
phant until you hear from home, go
around to Dr. Potter. He'll loan you
the money ngalnst your live stock and
ho will not charge you any interns.
nut you'll have to pay the board ol
your pledge. "1 Just drifted into the
Business," said Dr. Potter. "I started
out to furnish trained animals to
Bhowfl. I've rented everything to show,
men from a troup of thoroughbred
horses to a red eyed Nutnldtan lion.
By and by I found that I had to lend
money now and then to my patrons
and take their stock In pledge It
was a necessity of the business, but
now I like It."
His stables contain elephants and
camels If you're a regular showman
you'll say cnm-u-el nnd monkeys and
a dozen sorts of dogs and all varie
ties of the cat tribo and the dctico
knows what. And his proudest boast
Is that ho was never stuck but once.
"Fellow borrowed 20 from me on n
trick dog," said he. "Finest dog I
ever saw. I'd havo loaned 2101) nn
We Back up Our Statements with Our
Personnl Reputation and Monty
WVaro sopnMtlvi? that wo can re
lievo constipation, no mutter how
cliroiilojit limy lie, that wo oll'or to tliojiiii'tlloliio fioo of .ill oost if
we full.
We think that it is wuikc than use
less to attempt to euro constipation
with cathartic drugs. Cathartics may
do much harm. They may cause n re
action, irrltatcaml weaken the lioweN,
and mako constipation more chronic.
Constipation is often accompanied
and may bo caused by weakness of the
nerves and muscles of the largo Intes
tine or colon. To expect a euro vou
must therefore tone up and strengthen
those parts and restore them to health
lor activity.
The discovery of the active principle
of our remedy involved the labor of
skillful research chemists. Thisremo
dy produces results such as are ex
pected from the best of the best-known
Intestinal tonics, and It is particularly
prompt lnits results.
Wo want you to tiv Itexall Orderlies
on our guarantee. They are exceeding,
ly pleasant to take and aro Ideal for
ohildren. They appaiently act direct
ly on the nerves and muscles of the
bowels, having it would set til, u neu
tral action on other organs or glands.
They do not purge or cause Inconven
ience. If they do not positively cure
him as ensy. Hut I wasn't shown ,,ll (;,m,,,lc or habitual constipation and
that dog's tricks by his owner. ThPt'l,,H"' n-'llfvi1 the tnyrihds of associate
night I tottnd that he had iieen trained! or dependent chrome ailments, your
to unlatch the door and get out and
his owner had not trained him to
come back."
Example of Great Liner's Turbine En-
glnea Given to Explain the Com
tnon Phrase.
In connection with steamship pro
pulsion the average man Is apt to
speak very glibly of bo many hundred
or thousand horse-power. Dut It is
extremely doubtful If one person In a
hundred really has a duo appreciation
of what the phrase actually means.
On this point some ver) Interesting
remarks woro made by John Heck,
the Glasgow engineer surveyor.
He said that, calculating the
strength of twelvo men to bo equal
to ono horse-power, It would require
840,000 men to produce as much en
ergy as tho 70,000 horse-power de
veloped by tho turblno machinery of
tho express Cunardcr Lusltanla. Then
If the men were to work on tho eight
hour day system thoso figures would
glvo a total of 2,520,000, that being
the number of men whose strength
would bo necessary to drive tho vessel
across tho Atlantic ocean. So It would
tako all the men in Scotland to supply
tho energy produced all tho day round
by tho wonderful turbine machinery ol
this great ship. Railway and Loco
motive Engineer.
money willthu it-funded. Try Koxall
Orderlies m our risk. Three of
paekHges, u o, 'Jfo, and Cl'. Ketnem
bur, yon can obtain Kexull Kemcdics in
this community only at our store The
KcxallStore. The Hoxall Store. The
II. E. (.rice Drug Co.
These Gentremanly Arabs.
The Arab vices nnd virtues (for they
have both) are drawn from tho desert.
They aro tho handsomest men In the
world, these Arabs; but they aro not
the cleanest. In reverent demeanor
and tactful courtesy they surpass tho
most cultured gentlemen of Europe;
but they aro notorious thieves.
Their hospitality is proverbial. For
three days the Arab host will protect
one who has eaten bread and salt in
ills tent, even to dying In defense of
his guest. When tho timo limit of the
salt brotherhood has expired the host
will feel quite free to rob the for
mer guest on his own account. Ordi
narily the Arab lives on Dread and
milk, or bread and cheese. If a guest
arrives he will Insist upon slaughter
ing tho choicest animal In his flock.
If there is no food at all, as fre
quently happens, tho Arab starves for
awhile. From "The Real Palestine of
Today," by Lewis Gaston Loary.
8tyle in Mourning.
"Spectacular mourning Is not so
popular as It was some years ago,"
said the manager of a city department
store in answer to an inquiry on that
subject. "There Is still a large busi
ness done In all kinds of mourning
goods, but either tho somber period
has grown shorter or many bereaved
persons prefer not to bo conspicuous
because of'tbelr sorrows, for tho sale
of mourning goods has fallen off. In
tho stationery department there seems
to be no change In fact, tho demand
for black bordered cards and writing
paper has increased." To lllustrato
the quality of some "show mourning"
be said: "At a stationery establish
ment a short time ago a woman In
deepest black asked to see samples
of dinner dance cards. She selected
one and ordered ono hundred to bo
done on black bordered cards, com
promising with her conscience by
suggesting that the border be not too
"Does your wlfo over attend your
lectures V
"Of course not, that would never do."
"Why notr
"Could any wife sit and hear her
husband talk for two hours without
interrupting hlmT
Art Inquiry.
"Pop, when the ratn comes down la
"Yes, sonr
"Does It oover tho bed of the
Tho Real Estate and Farm Loan
Department in the Chief ofllce has for
sale a large list of Webster add Frank
lin count farms, the best and cheap
est all-purpose farms to be found.
This part of the Republican Valley
country is the beftrt of the Corn and
Alfalfa Rest, and is unexcelled for
easy, thrifty farming. The soil is fer
tile and'produces bountiful crops of
corn, wheat and alfalfa, aui. this is
one of the best districts in which to
raise grain, hay and hogs, and feed
cattle. Among their list are a number
of farms that will pav good interest
on the investment; several that can be
purchased on easy payments and spe
cial deals; and many that will pay
their way nnd grow in value The
prices vary according to quality, loca
tion and improvement. This country
has good schools, rural malls, tele
phones, good roads, convenient mar
kets and shipping facilities, and every
qualification necessary to profitable
grain and stock farms, dairy farms and
feeding stations. Land values, prices
and terms that should interest auy
laud-buyer or homeseeker. Also a
number of desirable City Properties
listed nnd several good local farm
trades. Correspondence solicited
"T flhT
A jour InM-dt for Cni-CHBS-TBR'S A
m.uunu i'iL,L,s in kpt nd.
uold metallic boxes, sealed with Blue
DramUt and uk fop cni.CUKS.Tfil
DIAMOND Bit AN It PU.IH, for twenty.flTO
yean regarded at Oest.SaPMt, Alwayl Reliable.
Red Cloud Nebraska
I have opened a bakery inRcd
Cloud and solicit n share of
your patronage.
Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes
always in stock. Phone me
your wants (hid. phone 188.)
Retail store opposite Postof
flee, in Dinderich building.
Trade Mark
Cowtiatrra Ac.
Anyone sending eketeh and deecrlptlon may
onlokly aeoartaln our opinion free whether an
Intention M probably pattabJeTVroniunlipa.
tloniitrlotfftonfldentCJ.lUllOIOM on Patents
tent free, oldett ec eney for j lecurfacpateuta.
Patent taken IBrouih Mutm Jrt recetrt
tptrtai notU. without charge, In the
Scientific American,
A hendtomely Ulaitreted weekly. LargMt elr.
eulatlon of any aclenMfle Joarnal. Terroe. S3 a
yean four month,, L Sold by all newedealerc.
The 5-year contract between the undersigned having expired, we will sell at public auction on the f.irm
known as the DAMKRKLL & STEWARD RANCH, 2 miles south and 2 miles west of Red Cloud, on.
Monday, February 12, 1912
Sale to begin at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described property:
20-Head of Horses-20
One span gray mares. 12 yr. old, weight 3000.
One span bay mares, 12 yr. old, weight 3000.
One black mare, weight 1200.
One black mare, 9 yr old, wt. 1200, in foal to jack.
One bay mare, 8 yr. old, wfc about 1150, in foal to jack
One bay gelding, 5 yr. old, weight 1500.
Nine head of 3 yr. old geldings, good draft type.
One 3 yr. old gelding by Gilbert's Oscar.
One 2 year old filly. One yearling filly.
20-Head of Cattle20
' flV t
One 3 year old Scotch Shorthorn bull.
One 1 year old Shorthorn bull.
Ten Shorthorn cows, two of them with bull calves.
at foot.
Three 2 year old Shorthorn heifers.
Three 1 year old Shorthorn heifers.
Two heifer calves.
These cattle are all pure bred Shorthorn and
pedig--es will be furnished with every animal that
is purchased at this sale.
80--Head of Hogs-80
One pure bred Duroc boar, 30 head of grade Duroc sows and gilts, bred; 50 head of fall shoats.
Grain, Hay and Farm Implements
About 150 bushels of oats, a lot of alfalfa hay, 3 wagons, 1 wagon and hay rack, 1 spring wagon, 1 buggy,
X Iowa corn crusher and horse power, 1 hand corn shelter, 2 mowers, 1 Jay Hawk stacker, 2 Dain sweeps,,
1 12-foot hay rake, 1 hay tedder, 1 alfalfa cultivator, 1 2-row John Deere lister, 1 John Deere corn planter,.
1 John Deere gang plow, 2 disc harrows, 1 3-section smoothing harrow, 2 2-guard lister cultivators, 2 riding:
cultivators, 1 walking cultivator, 1 truck cultivator. A lot of small tools too numetous to mention. One ser
of single buggy harness, 6 sets of work harness, saddle and bridle. One VA horse power gasoline engine
and pump jack.
Free Lunch Served at Noon
TERNS OF SALE: A credit of eight months will be given purchaser on note with approved
curity, with interest at 10 per cent per annum.
James M. Steward,
C. B. Steward,
Robt. DamerelL
Col. J. H. EUinger, Auctioneer.
1 r