The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 08, 1912, Image 3

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j SwlPlw S1i kirii 0A TED' MliiS?
4 " "iMilWBlWMBMm rii I 5?w. I I imu iii ..n..uf ,.r iw.m... tf tint llvn HllllR Mr
iiXHiBn10 "W I Ti .11 I " iu rviitii. U4 uuiivi ' v.... ... ini f
9HSlflHHEiru. " v. a i fi stuck cxrhnnuo ami other South I IHSBE '
P . .M. vf n-
8afea2S -
i .
JOl0V HOM Gf?0UftD3
riOHAIiIA' not ono In ten thousand
of tho present-day admirers of
Abraham Lincoln are aware that
there Is yet standing In a perfect
Btato of preservation a modest
framo cottage which served as the
Bummer homo of the martyr prcsl
dent durlns his administration.
Many readers, no doubt, aro un
aware that Lincoln had any other
homo than the White House nt
Washington during the long period
of Etraln and strife, and yet as a
matter of fact hadMt not been for
the rest and relaxation afforded by
his sojourns at this modest subur.
ban retreat It is doubtful If Lin
coln could have met tho exactions
of that trying half-decade without
iinvine the nenalty of nervous col-
lapso long before tho close of the war.
The Lincoln summer cottaso has a certain added
significance) when considered In connection with tho
project which has several tlmeti been broached In
recent years to provldo tho President of the. United
Statea with n permanent summer home. It may bo
remombered that only last win
ter there was talk of attempting
to havo congress appropriate
money for tho purchase or erec
tion of a special vacation re
treat for tho chief magistrate,
and then when this schemo fell
through various summer resort
communities all over tho coun
try camo forward with offers to
donato summer presidential
homes, freo of expenso to the
nation, If only they bo given as
surance thnt such gift would
receive official sanction and
designation us the "summer
White Houbo."
Yet oddly enough nil tho tlmo
that this discussion of the
project for a summer Whlto
Houso was in .progress the na
tion was nlready In possession
of a presidential vacation cot-
1 X' K 1
-vyr ra ;,s 'n-i i"- :twc . " .' : 3r -. x-. , . k:Ti 7.. rj ' 4nv:v '; 'io riwsi
:" B vvv. tAw- m-i.""i- " nm :lllj
. - L A.1 ttA -v. r l I
?xlfl?;;rc iKiaa&?r??? 'lAHKili
fcvHfer V'MV;. m.v,;, v . 'BiKi NU7MK - -. 'dSfeAXrA.;. xcaK
Omaha. l'rof. II. It. Smith, retiring
head of the department of animal hus
bandry of tho University of Nebraska,
was tho guest of honor of tho 11 vo
stock oxehango and other South
Omaha Interests nt u banquet hero
Wednesday evening. Scores of llvo
stock dealers, who have been acquaint
ed with Trofessor Smith during his
scrvlco In bettering meat producing
conditions In tho Btato, were prcucnt.
Faithful Service Rewarded.
Tekamah When Mall Carrier W. B.
Cutler went over his route last week
he was agreeably surprised to Ilml In
each mall box egetablcs, grain ami
many dainties, bcsldos cash donations
in each, with Instructions to purchase
tho easiest chair ho could And. This
was done by tho natrons of routo No.
to. show their appreciation of lus
fullhfulneHB during tho recent cold
spell in facing i'2 below 7cro, bad
roads and chilly winds in order to de
liver their mall dully.
To Raise Fundi for Completion.
Lincoln Tho Christian Science
church, which la Just completing a
largo now edltlco In this city, has
asked tho district court of .the county
for permission to mortgage tho struc
ture for $20,000, in view of tho fact
that additional expenses havo been
Incurred since the building operations
tvero first started.
Neck Broken by Fall.
ColumbuB John Klpp, night watch
man nt tho water company station at
1'latto Center, was found dead In tho
bnscment of tho building, his neck
having been broken by a fall. Mr.
Klpp was a slnglo man, nml had held
his position at tho plant ono year.
tage the very ono that was originally provided
for PreBldcnt Lincoln and which has sluce Btood
reaay for occupancy by any chief executive, al
though nono of our later presidents have availed
themselves of tho privilege. To bo sure, this
summer cottago Is not located in tho mountains
or at tho seashore but on tho contrnry Is pic
turesquely situated in "the environs of Washing
1 ton. Hut then we muat remember that ndt nearly
all of our Presidents 'have subscribed to the
theory of Taft that It Is necessary to seek a
northorn clime for tho Gummcr solstice. All the
oarly, presidents of the nation who were residents
of Virginia thought that tho Old Dominion af
forded oil the, requisites of a summer resort nnd
so recent a presldont aB Grover Cleveland cIiobo
to spend his summers in the suburbs of Washing
ton In cottages which he rented for tho purpose.
Hut td.-gct baclc to..tho subject of tho Lincoln
summer home It may be explained that this his
to'rlc cottage stands bn:whatis now tho grounds
o'f the National Soldiers' Home in the District of
Columbia. This, '4116 only country home oluclally
provided for a president of the United States, was
not, however, specially erected for President Lin
coln. On, the contrary. It was bullt In 1810 as
' the country homoqf qeorgolWashlngton RIggs.
one 'of) hp first cUiwtoi crt Washington and tho
founder of n'house (hit) Has transacted tho bank
Tng'buslnfas of practically fevVyVprcgldciit of the
nation. Tho vnBt estate which surrounded thi
cosy country homo was the tract which now com
,A M prises-'the grounds' bHlio National Soldiers Home,
and tho circumstances or us acquisition ior i
n rt f i H. "rS0 W"V wVory,misysunR
- - t t t whom iimn
orrtcF of jipjrMtrrtOftr or th joldjfxs HOJW
occupied by several of the old wK"'"."'
mnrJFtT LNCOlftlS
3tAfv fan
twelve rooms In tho cot
tage. Several additions
have been inado to the
houso since It was erect
ed moro than a century
ago, but the resldcnco ub
It stands today Is Identi
cal with Its nppearanco
when Lincoln was maBter
there. As has been Bald,
tho building is a framo
structure but the exterior
Is covered with Btucco,
such as waB so popular
with many of tho early
builders, and this has
been kept In a perfect
state of repair so that the
cottago today bears no
cvidenco of its great ago.
Tho cottage is at present
Successful Farmers' Institute,
limning Tho farmers' instltuto
held nt Drunlng wns most successful
from all viewpoints of any yet hold
hero. Tho attendance was exception
ally large, a total of 2,100 people be
ing present nt tho four Beslons.
Hastings Six patients In male
ward eighteen nt tho tstato asylum for
insane at InglcsMo, near this city,
havo been quarantined for smallpox
following tho appearance of tho llrst
"Yes, sho had to glvo up lior part."
"Was It a enso of overstudy?"
"No; understudy."
"My troubles began along in tha
cummer in tho hottoBt wontner nna
took tho form of small eruptions and
Itching and n kind of smarting pain.
It took mo mostly nil over my back
and kept getting worso until finally
my back was covered with a mass of
pimples which would burn and itch at
night so that I could hnrdly stand it.'
ThlB condition kept getting worso and
worso until my back was a solid mass
ofblg Bores which would break open
and run. My underclothing would bo
a clot of blood.
"I tried various remedies and Balvea
for nearly three years nnd I was not
getting nny benefit. It seemed I was
in eternal misery and could not sloop
on my back or lenn on a chair. I was
flnnlly given a Bot of tho Cutlcura
RomcdlcB nnd tnsldo of two wooks I
could boo and feel n great rollcf. I
kept on using Cutlcura Soap, Ointment
nnd also tho Resolvent, nna la anoui
thrco or four months' tlmo my back
was nearly cured and I felt like n now
being. Now I nm in good health nnd
no Blgn of any Bkln diseases andk I
nm fully satisfied that Cutlcura Reme
dies aro tho best ever mado for skin
discuses. I would not bo without
them." (Signed) W. A. Armstrong,
Corbln, Knn., Mny 2G, 1911. Although
Cutlcura Soap and Ointment aro sold
by druggists and dealers overywhere,
n snmplo of each, with 32-pago book,
will bo mailed freo on nppllcatloo to
"Cutlcura," Dcpt. U lloston.
"Why don't you mnko up your mind
to eeuho permitting your wlfo to hen
peck you?"
"1 havo mado It up hnlf a dozen
times, but it doesn't Mem to do nny
good at all. Sho refuses to concedo
that I have a mind."
n most bcutlful park, was Invested with, tho dig
nity of a i residential summer homo. It was evi
dent, of ourse, that the progress of tho war
would prcent President Lincoln from nbBcntlng
himself Pom the capital for even a brief vaca
tion, nnd yet It wns equally manifest that IiIb
health would Buffer unless he had some relief
from the tropical heat that besets the city on tho
Potomac in summer. It wns General Scott, him
aeir, who brought to tho attention of tho presi
dent the charms of tho beautiful suburban cot
tage, Bet on n hill overlooking the city nnd sur
rounded by a veritable forest. President Lincoln
forthwith fell under the ppell of tho romantic
spot and removed his family from tho Whlto
House to tho newly-discovered retreat.
From this tlmo until his untimely death Lin
coln spent each summer at the cottage on the
heights. ' It was his custom to drlvo Into Wash
ington each morning from the cottago nnd after
spending tho day at his ,Jfllcc in the Whlto House
to drlva back to tho cottago at night, but thoro
wore, of course, ..pccnslonal days when ho ro
mniucd at bis suburban retreat and many confer
ences were held there from tlmo to time that
I "d important bearing upon tho fortunes of the
Union. Tho cottago camo to be known as "tho
president's cottage" nnd is so populnrly desig
nated to this day, but in the courso of tlrno it
was, by Lincoln's own direction, ofllclnlly christ
ened Anderbon cottage, In honor 'of General An
derson of Fort Sumter. Dy direction of the Sec
retary of War, Anderson cottage was Bet' apart
C,... Ilw immnnnnl llRn nt tlln Prftflldont of tllO
United States nnd' in 'later year's 'it' was occupied
. . ,' .... '. ... v...Iu-.. nn't -II.,.....,
eonly nt-
, tachod to tho modest and comfoi table habitation
.spending their declining years in this haven oi
tho veterans of the rcgulnr army. Naturally, the
old soldiers hold the cottago In the greatest gen
eration bernuso of Its aesoclatlon with Lincoln,
and they tako manifest pride in showing visitors
nbout and relating anecdotes of tho war-time
There aro many remlndcis of tho Immortal L n
coin In this locality. Not far distant Is tho Bite
or Fort Stevens, where Lincoln wns under fire
while a spectator in the trenchcB during n spirit
ed engagement between Federal and Confederate
forces. Yet near at hnnd, in the cemetery con
nected with tho Soldiers' Home, is a handsorno
Lincoln memorial rostrum, which Is tho scene of
tho exercises which aro held at this cemetery on
each recurring Memorial Dny, and at which the
President of tho United States Is often n spenker.
It has several tlmeB been proposed that tho Lin
coln cottago bo torn down In order to mako ubs
of its splendid site for ono or another of the
buildings which havo from tlmo to tlmo been
erected to accommodate tho increasing member
Bhip of tho Homo's family of old eoldlers, but so
much sentiment has always been aroused against
such action that tho schemo has always been
abandoned nnd other sites selected.
Push some men forward and they
will go back on ou.
instances oi iu uki.iiibiiiuii iw i v v- ..... ..:.,-
tian wero very, interesting. United States nnd in later years It was o
ihi&nciusioAoVJrWMexIqan nr;V9 rK Intervals, by Presidents .Grant.
'Scofr returned' vWhls victorious A "and Arlliur, but npue.of thera.worq so de
i?iitvi toiuusj imueu tjuiirwviiHiwui'K'ii iwbK . v... --.- ....
I r:;7''V jAJiTJ L. i.ti-!.uA? .'.. k,rr7nnnft id .Wirt I ns waR tho Civlliwnr 1'resiuenK i
' OU1UT1 liuusv.iuj jvan in;, wwtw.viv'"' f" -n- t -.--.-- , .,. .., .,
"Ibn't that Miss Yawler singing across tho
"Yes, I wished Eho belonged to a grand opora
company." t j i , , ' .
"You surely doti't'thlnk sbo'enn sing?"
"Not at all, but. grand opera companies nover
come to this' town."
which ho hwl . xacted .as ..penalty, or lniiemnuj
len. Santa Ana for the nctioi
from Gen
V , canvtroops Ha Jlrinjg andn a flng of
I li J Scott vs1 .feoonV lii M otyndriry 1
. t-Kff ti,s m6ne.- Ho offefedY It to con;
ion of tho Mexl
truce. General
vhat to do with
const ess, nut thnt
,.,'bddy was,, ftip some Jroason, avers, to nccqptlng
it. There wero good reasons Jor not attempting
in .iiiitrllmto it nmoiiK 'the ofllcors and noldiers
i,ainr tho niceR cstnto nnd establishing n Na
tlonal Soldiers' IoHe. . c-ongijess accepfeu tue
.,, , of .tho army' ami Gejiexai. Scptt did not want-to
y lYV ' iKeiVbo' mplieV himself. -nitHbugh Uhi. War De,
1 . Av&fywi wfl qto wyilni tdt Bo'pqW dojBoj
f HI ' Finally. be JoivedMho .1)rt)ble:rf by .persflnally.' pur-
Tn nrruont-dnv visitors tho iconter of interest
nt tho Lincoln cottago is President Lincoln's bed
room, which is on tho second 'floor nnd Is tho
largest' room In the house. Two largo front win
dows open directly ovc.r Hie 'porch and 'a splendid
view of tho City df Washington Is afforded. The
parndo grounds of thq Soldiers' Homo, the," flag
polo and tho commandant's quarters am drcc"tly
in front of Uio cottago, tho slip being tho most
impressive and commanding of the entire grounds.,
Tho furnituro Ubcd by Lincoln during his occu- (
' panby, of tha cottage Is rovercntly preserved, but
it i...n iivn fnnirvvnrl frnm thn rnttntrn to n Rt(irv T
II IIUO UIT.H .... ....... ... . , .... ... . .. ., . I
Id not open' tn t.To.tnBpecuon orvisijors.
icj'behbhth 'th'o' bedrponi 'Is thd"r66itV "
State Senator J. A. 0111b, jr., of Ord
declares that ho will not bo a caudl
dato for tho Btato railway commission.
Chancellor Avery has accepted Invi
tations to speak at tho high school
commencements at Holdrcgc, Fair
bury and Davenport.
As presldont of tho Red Cross so
doty, Mr. Taft has informed Governor
Aldrlch, ex-ofllclo presldont of tho so
ciety in Nebraska, that famlno suffer
ers in China aro in need of aid. It Js
suggested that tho governor may do
Biro to supplement' this appeal by
Issuing a proclamation.
State Auditor Ilarton has prepared
a Btatemcnt from records In his ofilco
Bhowing that bonds aggregating $8,
043,030 wero registered In his office
from January 1, 1909, to January 1,
1912. Ho has no means of knowing
how many bonds wore paid off and
cancelled during that time. Ho asked
tho leglslaturo to pass a law to re
quire counties, precincts and other
subdivisions of tho Btato to report
bonds paid and tho amount of tho re
maining bonded dobt.
In tho letter pent out to various
Echool superintendents of tho stntc,
State Superintendent I)cl7ell wants to
know why provisions of tho law relat
ing to tho devotion of a half an hour
monthly to fire prevention talks Is not
being moro gonerally observed
throughout tho state. It is understood
that failure to reccivo fire protection
text-books In accountablo in tho ma
jority of instances and an effort will
be mado to supply these at onco to tho
various schools.
Stato Auditor Barton has received
several thousand dollars which' ofll
rtalB of tho Union Flro I nstrranco com
pany aro placing In his hands ponding
tho solution as to its ownership.
Deputy Attorney General GcorgjW.
Ayrcs has given an Opinion to Auditor,
Rartou, holding that llurd Mlllor, who
receives a'salnry of 2,000 a ydav an
Btipcrvlsor aud Inspootor of construc
tion of Btato buildings, can legally
draw .cxtrar coiuiiensqtlon from tho
Btatc for drawing plans, and specifica
tions for stato buildings., ,
Why will you
continue to
suffer from a
bad stomach,
bowels or in
active liver,
will make vou well
and keep you so.
Try a bottle today.
Nebraska Directory
"Who is that Intoxicntcd rhnp, boustlng that
ho can whip Ills wolght'ln wildcats?"
"That's Mockers." , , ,
"Husband of 'Mrs. Pufflnghurst Mpekcrs, the
. "Tho samo, I suspect ho is, hanging around
here becauso he.iU afraid to go iliomo.f ' '
l S-rt
Omthi. Nebraska
UmiiiiH from 11.00 up nlu(jlf . 7 cents up double.
CURED in a few day
without pain or snr
&ii ..... iirJA
K leal operation, no pay uniu tuicu. .
Dll. TIIAY. 307 Heo Bid., Oniuha, Neb.
i Ancllnncrra tiro nni an
alike. Homo aro. muih b
trrtbanothrn. The bollnr
llio .uiicllonenr tho luriror
Tutircl.tH'k. Thotiestnolllng
Strvlct' cutis yuu no, more
Uiqn tho piKirroU Thpro
Inn in dulim buslnt-si with
ul Bl fcitl "'""
1 HvH'
innnr unci
gift and-tllnjau?1 ln'rflfiBll) JTaft nco ?alUW W: '"tffl
maintalhedby V Bttalrtnf'fan.ftitf MJpOb Vach -WilAWWl, pf Jg
ntnntllni twtflrnnfTi
Rvitiiuuiri Mww.-., T -i-rt-i: it .t ui .. . . t' : !
developed Into in tho historic cottage. TbfirarMail-tpjartnpfJUf, (
maintained? V Blnainns 'imiiosea 'ur
,, BOldler.of, tho regular qrmy.
Jnilhut&A b'yvPi,eBJdet'col'p fJeVilUfDji,' , tfoaso. mUa a
It iBinWult'.'ltlilf H"ii6of,t enor"mptrf', eertioiilM..Ml ;
n, but larger nP re0?9' the ptUcr.rpoma,, , ..l"P00A' WP
.i..i-i-. niiosn Ttioivi urn. nil. f nf1.nhnut. .. thn VL H..A.. In
'"When yduard pVcsonMdtotho' kilig you will"
geimUocltoDtiiaid-itiw master or
ill . r i 'i i r iki'jhi Timii . , . .,
exoUlmcd, Mra,, rorklnubamjof-, .iMUnR, maci nes lo.iue
nH?iWnPErtmwz 0u &KTrJf
Governor Aldrlch has received and
will probably accopt an invitation to
be tho speaker before (ho Progressive
Uopubllcftn'cngiio or'ClncjnimH at lt3
banfjueVon Abraliam Lincoln's births
day.'ebrilarylS. ' " f J t-S '
Iilro Vo6d' Commissioner Nols P.
Hansen will teat seed corn submitted
to .Ills, oflico for examination, dcsplto
Lincoln Sanitarium
ltifabbX HHWW.,nil
..I., . i. . mMimmummiimif
IU ,111D. UllibU IUI uM......wv.w.., ...
WovloWlhtentibh tb-tlfo ciiftfary
oncr'oi'mr iuw'iibiimj
donaiowtho uso of two or
I WV . , A it ......A
yy fciuit.
illfary. T
his fo.
Qninhn Saline Springs
ideated on our own prmUej and ued In the
..' Baths
Uniurpaited In the treatment ol
siomach, Klte 4l LWer Olieatei
DR. O. W. EVEnBTTt Mar.
Lincoln, Nab
yr wM4tT?!fl?fTyt'f1 rf$ffi'iHww
- ki