The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 08, 1912, Image 1

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P U Historical Stt'lcty
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A Ni:wMnir.r Ui(t W;s Vlii! Nuns Flft-two V.'r.;k Eac!t Tor $1.50.
IJKH (JLOUI), M51SIJASKA. FI3IJIJ l A If V .s, jipj.
fhih INew Banking Law is now in force and imvo !.(.,i r,,P , r yo.n-s. ti.
. f i it i i mootliiK v.i imIIi'I to consider tlto
the payment or every dollar or deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
eoiiMi'lihi Ion of u tuim'it'i' of school
districts noun 1 Cowlo-. IVof. Hliott
tlu Deputy Stuto Siiporlntciidi'iit iravi
mi itl)l. and pi'iiuticnt uddii'-s on tlio
I'liiisiilidnt ion of si'lioids. Ho told of u
a tn lly nuiii'ii'r of m'IiooN in Xo'irusUii
whl.'li hud f lrtii.-d lliidr -uliools In1
(.'lnsididntiiiir ilis( riots und wito vi
siiooo-sfnl. t;u ol ilii'M- Is nt lloiilii'Ko
mid this litis ost ih'ishi'd uniiKrieiiltur
ul di'piirtmonl. Ai.o'Imm' ut Uhiir,
Noln, vvliicli lius run siiccos-fully for
u nnmbi'i' of ycnih.
He spoke iilmtit the spocial ndviuit
au'i's tlio children in the rural district)!
c.illcd on Will Kiidrni
Jos. Havel
Voncil MmivrskaSr., called on FuinU
Strolil Thnisday.
Mr. Ktitflfliiirl is loading' cur of liny
at Cowlos this week.
I'l InnL' f.n. tlu. u'nlf limit lilltl VV 111 I'll
l.uun iwi i.. ...... .. ,....- .. ... ,
will be in tlio Chief. '
Mrs. Frank Strobl spent Sunday ,
with Mrs. Veneil Zujlc. j
Tlie cold snap Saturday caused m-v-
eral pumps to freeze up.
; Mrs. .Tnv Heed visited with
-.Charley Hiirrisall Inst week.
Mike Strobl shelled corn Fiiday.
Kudrnn Uios did the shelliii,'.
Adolph Si Ho shelled corn Monday.
Kiidrua did the shelling
.lolin Hriish returned I mm Kansas
tin .. 'I' ...n.i i.,.i.,i ini i iiiiiiwiii i it r i i i i. . .
UllV XUUbllll wiiric "unmi-r" v"' "v f , VtM UCMlaV to SPL'Ull i
... . . . ! "
Jack Waskom and l.iiiiily vislteil n!irl Paul and family.
.1. It. Watson had the misfortune to
lo-e a Kd horse Mn lay night.
Mr. Marsh and family have rel.ithes
visUine; them who came In Wednesday.
.las. linger of Utchliold, Nehi'.,unuic
in 'L'tiesday evening for a short visit
with J. C Witllor and family.
Koon l!f)s , of lied Cloud were in
tilt) village Tuesday buying some cattle
to supply their butcliei business.
If you want to know anything about
the consolidation ofsch ols ask Prof.
.. Gregory. You will llud him well post-
rS' jed.
I It is the Intention of the 1. O. O. V.
I lo Igo to have an oyster supper Thins
' day ev -nliig. C'-iiii' out boysninl enjoy
I Misses M.ibol and Mary Waller and
Mis. Ida Squires went to Hustings
day visiting
Farmers Meet
at Cowles
Institute a Success-Two
Days' Session.
(Sji'-oi il hi spu nlouiv)
Voiir c )rresiniid -n' ai rived m Cow
losou the iint'ih ' tiud train at lie I ."
S'lturday uiorninj-
I started lor tlio liiisiu ss p.irt of
Iimmi ami found Pie weather Intensely
cold, then went to the stoics for ii.-
I formation and learned that a lecture
I was being given at the Methodist
Mnys the Kdison Clom pho
nograph, plays both the two
and four minute records. Oak
cover, M.ick horn, metal parts
finished in Japan and nickel.
lUiys the Victor Victrola
VIII, one of the latest achiev
tnents in the talking machine.
Made in solid oak without
horn, all im tal parts nickeled,
lupial in tone to any other
make at from $10 to $25 more.
elllll'i'll anil t.liiMI niiisti'i.l iiii ii in.i'il
woiilil Imvu by attending n graded ,lin, ()f colPug0 ,, vsUci, , dmrt!ll
school in having eonipetitlon in their i v heI.0 j .liscovere.l that on ace. t of
work. Special teachers tor certain ',, M)Vl.,.e ,.,,, ie llSeIvNl!S .
For the fireside, also plajs
the two and four minute rec
ords, straight horn, oak cabi
net and cover, metal parts,
'htlivh in the
.Sunday with Dert Tenant and family.
Mike Strobl Is (muling his cern on
Mr. Sheldon's farm which ho bought
Veneil Mauvrska Sr., bought a team
of horses from Joj Vavrlcka ouo day
Inc. tfrtllls
ny Campbell had the misfortune of
.loe Uiubakur moved in last wiok
from Kaslorn lCansas in'o the Caulk
property, lie is working at the enr
ponter trade for II. 11. Urubaker.
The Farmers Institute was well pa
tronized Friday and Satuiday in spite
of the extreme cold weather. We saw
u number of familar faces from Keel
getting one of his lingers cut very bad Cloud hcte.
in the hay bailer.
Alox Buckles is hauling his corn on
We understand the wolf hunt which
wis to have beon Wednesday was pos-
Prcd Mandeville's farm which lie has ' pouod to Friday. Kvoryono como out
rented for this year.
The pie social Friday in Dist. 'JO
wasn't very largely attended on no
count or tlie bad weather.
Veneil Znjie's youngest girl took
very sick last Friday but is somo but-
ter at the present writing.
and let us hunt tho-o pests with earn
est. S-'e that the lines are well tilled
at the start and we will have a Hue
chance of getting them.
.'icliool Consolidation
Thur-diiy afternoon nt the M. K
church occurred one of the most en-
si rffft -7t 5'i l'np '''I! "' I1 1! i?53
if W D
triMt ilriw u Ini iiiwill irti'.t I Itiiiil uiMi'ii f i '
i inivi n ini i wiiiii ii- nil in iiimi, t-
tention thmi car. po sibly bo dune
now. Me sal. that he diet not llilnlc
but that it would cost some more hut
that tlioadvaut'ige amply repaid the
I.IM.I..U .. uiuiiiiiumiii-! erne,,, uosu . afl,M. vivi.ig the neelle woik,
fliis iMiieeuoi i-ieasani H.oge gave ,,mi(UM.v ,, lmlil., wr,
tlie people some tmicticai tnoiik'lits
whieh a i iirul school teacher had to
contend with to keep the childioii in
ter?stod where there was only a small
school and very few in u class. She
showe I the people the advantage they
would have nml'thu disadvantages as
well but she thought the advantages
out weighed tlie dindviint iges by
great odds. She showed by her address
that she had given some thought on
the siilijec'.
Miss Coon, our County Superintend
cut also gave u very utile address.
She told of schools which she knew
hinl been run successfully In I his man
ner and she hoped that Cowles would
form such a school.
I'rof. Gregory of our school was
elected chairman of the meeting and
ho was loaded down with statistics in
reference to consolidated schools. He
had n number of letters from directors
of schools over different parts of the
United States nnd they recommended
very highly such schools.
The tneo'ing adjourned after appoint
ing a committee consisting of J. K.
.More, Clias. Oglyvie. Fred Foe, Mr.
Fickel and Clias. Putnam to draft a
petition and get signers in their re
spective districts.
m Flaky biscuits
yi TH M
tx. s
r. ,
BiTi e "CL J
eagmiiu iwi
maae wi
Another cold snap for a few days,
licit King shelled corn Tuesday.
IM Wiggins hauled his hogs to t iwh
Will Fisher lo-t another calf last
Tliins laj.
(ionise ilni ris lost .t tine in uu In the
corn sinius In -a week.
tieorgo Smith ohl one of his homes
to the Ii i-e buyer Frl lay.
ChrN Hansen and wife wiji'c pleas
ant callers at tiny Uarues Sunday.
Al Smith is in Kansas City for a few
days where lie went with fill cattle.
start wttli a dinner si1
, ies of the Christian
Klglit Place hail.
Tne school iiinl faiiey wot k exhUiils
.were also found in the Kiglil I'
l which
was very good indeed. The children's
school work consisting of problem
solutions, map drawings, ami essays
wein uxainineil. I'liey have surely
L night thu young ideas how to shoot.
We then sat. do ami to a bountiful re
pust at that part of the tnblo fartlier
est fioin the kitchen. Fred Good said
next tlmi I would fare even better
than I did Ii .wore to seek 'to get as
close lo the Kitchen as possible. Dur
ing the dinner hour Mr Good called
for a moment's attention while he au-
lliillliced the iil'lel noon
wmeii was inai inc men woni.t i
binlshedto the c'liirch lo heir Mr.
Gramiich .liscuss horses ami the ladies
would be permit ted to lemaiii in the
hall and listen to a lecture on Domes
tic Science. .
On assembling at tlie church C. K.
Putnam us the only Institute ollicer
ptcsout called the house to order and
the members proceeded to elect their
olllcers for (he ensuing year. II. (S.
Kocny was chosen President; Itoyil
Vance, Vice President; C. F. Putnam,
Secretary; 10. T. Foe, Treasurer. The
following gentlemen with the Pi est
dent ami Secretary were selected as
membeis of the Hxecutivu Committee:
C. C Unron, ,1 II. (ireeulialgli, ). It.
Morse, .1. T. Laccy, and C K. Denton.
Mr. Gritmlicli was then introduced
as speaker for the afternoon. Silos
Was the subject Hist treated. Mr.
Gratnlieh praiulsed Ills remaik by the
statement that ho was in no senso a
silo spfclulhit but that ho was satisfied
that silos woio of great benefit to the
faruieis. I!u' 111 our sta'e p w s ini-
p i-sih'.f t . ilet 'i mill -t -1 !' ln'l e ill
j mete or I. minor was ih.s Ii. n. i
' Mr, liriimlic'i sci'in .1 ipiiio humous
. to get on t lie suhjec of lioise. whole
j he did euit, duly seem veiy much at
. homo I ' 1 1 1- speaker coiitoiub'd that
the heavy dr.itt horsi w is the mist
profitable one for tlie fmmV to raise
as tlie automobile had Inn t the road-
''nickel and lanan.
veil hy the lad-
For the Victrola, one ol the
most popular self-playing in-
struments evet made. One
of the greatest successes in a
moderate priced instrument.
lidison Standard Phono
graph antique oak cabiuent
new style cygnet horn, metal
parts Japan, nickel and gilded.
l;or the Victrola, absolutely
the best low priced instru
ment on the market. Hear
these now. Cash or easy pay
ments puts one in your home.
One of these makes Xmas
last all the year.
Come and hear any of these at your leisure or send for
complete catalogues of machines and records. Wo have an
of these.
nr iLrriiiii.
would boleasy P:iyi"'nt proposition on any
Newhouse Bros.
Jeweler and Optometrist. C. B. 8c Q. Watch Inspcctoi
.lack U.uins is spending a few ster After eliminating the driving
with Joe Taylor njai" S iperior this lioiso from th discussion the weak
week. jaiid stmug p dots ol the various heavy
53 K,
1 If i s?
11 Hm S Ur IfflJl O
I Mrs. At Smith is visiting with hor
brother Hairy Harris nnd wife tills
j week.
' Chris Hanson, who has been sick for
some time is aide to bo out nnil around
I Curt Hassellmcher was seen on wind
mill row Sunday n foot and alone and
he looked lone somo
Miss Kiln White returned to her
homo over the river lasts iturday after
n week's visit In O.nlleld.
Smith IIkh, nnd Geo Coon shipped
three car loads of fat cattle to market
Sunduy and tlies1 woro dandles.
George Smith is batching for a kftw
days and it keeps him busy feeding
the cattle and cooking for himself mid
the dog.
Furniture - Rugs
and Carpeti
Now open for your inspection.
. Prices the lowest. .
The product
Seed Cera Problem Is Solved
V. E. Springer will have his bamples
of seed corn on display soon in the
building next to the Hatfield bakery.
In tlio menu time you will find mo nt
dr.itts weie taken up The Coich and
Clyde weie too lej-'gv and lui'd to keep
but were considered to have in ire llio
and belter eyes than the Belgium mid
Peiclieion, The lJelgium wis consid
ered too stow. It was evident that the
breed of Mr Gr.tuilic'.i's choice was
tlio Peiclieron notwithstanding their
tendency to weak eyes. Mules woro
coiibidorud as more profitable to raise
than horses, When tlio question was
asked, How many of ou ever saw a
dead mule? Tho writer saw only two
hands go up. IJut we wore given to
uuderbtittd that mules were Indeed
subject to death usually at a very Into
stage of their existence. Mr, Gram
Huh gave as tho only way lo get rid of
bone-spavins Is to trado them off.
We were unable to secure a list of Fo, Kll piUa wU mn any CflS0
prize winners. But the Secretary, Mr. 0f kidney or bladder trouble not be
Putnam has kindly promised to bend vond the reach of medicine. No medl-
This was the most suocossf ul cl" can no more. Sold at Dr. cook's
drug store.
Licensed Undertaker Nebraska and Kansas
D. D. Sanderson, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
onico lu Moon Ulock.
Hell, Black I; Intl., Ill It
Kc-iidcucc, Kiyal Hotel.
Hell, 17; Ind.,'2V
Calls Answered Day or Night
iti:i n.oui), nkii.
us one.
Farmers' I nstitutea ever held at Cowles
For Sale.
Wldew's Peulen.
The recent not of April lOtti. 1008
gives to all soldiers' widows a pension
.Tuolc H veurn old welirht about 000 lb.
the J. II. KUlnger ranch east "of Red Black with white nose and body. Well 112 pur month. Fred Maurer th0
(j0UUi built. John C. Kosk, lilue Hill Nebr. attorney, has all necessary blankE,
n r "-I y Woran.
o i"1'! " n. li "Ic t j-eeltlng wo
rn, In t ii ol n iiti mate." will
, t ,o,e not e tlu. n lu.ouu nils
i - ol lie i pv lion es who would not
i vprally owhitege i acea with tho
it en ol tlie iu!le SI l.ouls Kepub-
Wall Paper, Paint and
Room Mouldings, Pict
ure Framing, Pictures
and artist Material.
The Only Exclusive Store.
". iiX IftH.ttfp.