telMONAL SlINMrSfflOOL Lesson II? Iter. William Krniu.l) n.Dtrrrtnr lllljloOotma Muixly JJlblu tL&llluU1, ClikUkU. The Chief C. D. HALE, Publisher RED CLOUD NEBRASKA GOVERNORS LINE UP CLAIM ROOSEVELT IS THE LOG ICAL CANDIDATE. TARIFF REVISION FIGHT OPENS GROUND HOG DAY R Nh M I REFORM HIS PEOPLE CANNOT CONDONE JUDI. CIARY REFORM SAYS TAFT.. OLD LEADERS MUST PASS ON Illinois Progressives Call for New Allfjnmcnt Wcodmen Rates Are Boosted a Notch cr Two. Nvv York.- On the eve of Ii lit vlull to Ohio, hlu homo state, President Tn ft spoke at the Wnldorr-Astorla to the Ohio sorlety of New York, deliv ering probably the most Impassioned speech ho Iuih mndo In many montliH, directed n Kill n Ht the "nostrums of re fomiH," mill particularly aimed at tho recall of Judges. In the efforts that the president said have boon madu to reform legislation In thin country he saw much that wan good, lie Haw he faultH of government In tho 1'nlted .i.'atcH today and admitted that In try ing to eradleato them much might ho arcompllhhed by reformers. Hut In the effort to niuku tho Judiciary re sponsive to every whim of these peo ple" ho Baw detitriictlon. He declared that the conservative element of the nation tiniHt eventually "fiet together" to prevent a movenieiit that would make tho eourlH the creatures of pop ular will ami might make the decision In every cane not accord with tho law. but accord with what a majority of the peo-do thought tho law (should be For Endoroem-snt of Progres3lvlcm. Springfield. Ill Tho progressive re publican state conference, originally called to endorse llobert M. I .a Pol lette, devoted It 4 energies to denounc ing Htate nnd Matlonal republican ad JulnlKtratloiiH nnd urging all "progress hIvch to send to the next national con vention delegatea pledged to vote for tho nomliuitlon of a progressive repub lican for preiililent and to strive for the adoption of a platform representa tive of the progressive Hcntlniont of tho party." To Ralco Woodman Rates. Chicago. The head camp of the Modern Woodmen or America adopted tho proponed rem .istiuont plan, In creasing tho life liiHiirance rates ol the society by a vote of KUl to Ilun Tho reratlng proposal was made by the head oltlcert. after noflce from sl' teen ntato that they had adopted a uniform fraternal Iniiuratice bill which had been drafted by state Insurance experts at Mobile. Ala., and therefore known as the Mobile bill. To Save Nebraska's Corn Crop. Lincoln. KvpcrtH who hae studied tho situation over the state at large declare- that Nebraska Mauds to lose half her normal corn crop unless the farmers test their seed before plant ing, and It Is conservatively estimated that If this hi done. It will result In a Bavins of $.'0,000,000 In the HHi: corn crop. Boston to Welcome Cardinal. Iloston, .Mass. Huston Catholics with tho cooperation of members ol tho denomination throughout New England, have completed elaborate preparations for the welcome of Card inal O'Connell upon his return homo from Home. The ceremonies of vvel como will bo continued an entire week. President Appeals for Aid, Washington. The appeal Issued through ordinary channels having failed to elicit a respormo In nny way :ommonsurate with the situation, President Taft Iran personally, as pres ident of the American lied Cnihs sod ety. sent out nppeals-for funds for th Buffering In China. Woman Appointed Sheriff. Lebanon. Mo. Mrs. Nancy Lvn Wll Hams of this city has been appointed BherllT of Uiclcde county court to serve until a speclnl election on IVb ruary 17, when a successor to her hus band, Sheriff J. Williams, who died last week, will lio elected. Frame Copyrlaht Treaty. Vlennn.-A copyright treatv be twoen the 1'nlted Stater, and Hungary will be signed at Hudapest. The Amerlcnn ambasador. Hiehard ( Kit ens, by special authorization of Presi dent Taft. will sign tor the Cnlted States. This Is the ilrst direct treaty between tho Cnlted States and Hun gary, and It Is hoped It will remove the long standing grievance' of Ilung-ir'.ui authors and composers who heretofore huvo been unprotected in Atnerlci W'nbhlngton. Three new national Mrd reservations, two In AKutlm and n third one, a portion of the aban doned military reservation at loit Niobrara, Neb., have been created by department of agriculture. "The ,v bra<n reservation Is In tho heart of tho prairie chicken country and fur "ilshos tho only refuge which has hem established for this disappearing gamo bird." raid Dr. IIen-h:i.v. head of the blologhal brrvey, "it will he tenanted by sharp tailed grouse and quail nnd offers conditions suitable foi u satlcfuctpry range for big tuiue." Democrats Deny Charge of Insinccr Ity Stubbfl, Hadley, O3born and Fort on National Repub lican Committee. Chicago, (iovernor Stubbfl of Kan nan nnd Coventor I lad ley of Mlnsourl have Joined (iovernor Osborn of ..Michigan and ex-(lovornor Fort of IXovv Jersey on the Roosevelt national committee. (Iovernor Stubbii dropped Into headquarters to announce his willingness to accept u membership. "HoobcvoU Is the logical man for the republican party to nominate," he said. He said ho would carry Kansas by at least "fi.OOO, and carry Missouri too. The governor war. on his way to .New York and Washington. Asked If his visit to Nuw York had any sig nificance In the Roosevelt movement, ,ho smiled broadly mid replied, "Not n 'bit " (iovernor Hadley has wired the committee that he would accept a membership. Tariff Revision Bill In House. Washington. The tariff revision light opened in the limine when con sideration of the metal tariff hill was taken up as the first of the measures which democratic lenders will at tempt to force through congress. At tacked by tho republican side as a departure from democratic pledges', and as likely to be dertrttctl to American labor and industry, tho bill went through live hours of stormy de hate. Replying to charges that the democrats had abandoned the farmer by not putting agricultural machinery on the free list on the bill. Chairman I'tidrrwood. of the ways and means committee, retorted that It was not a part of the metal schedules of the tar If.'. Once Popular Hero Executed, tiuayaquil, Ecuador -(ieneral Pedro .Montero. who recently was the popu lar hero of (.iuayaqull. was hhot by the angry populace, dragged Into the streets, beheaded and burned ficnoral Montero, In November last, was pro claimed president by the troops sta tioned In (iuayaqull. but handed over the leadership in the provisional gov ernment to (ieneral Flavlo Alfaro. A revolutionary army went from (iuaya qull to meet the government troops from Quito, who, under the command of Cieneral Leonldns li.r.a. defeated them and eventually forced (iuayaqull to capitulate. To Look After Ohio Situation. Washington. When President Taft j leaves Washington on a trip that will take him to New York and Cleveland, Columbus and Akron, Ohio, It will be the most Important Journey In the eyes of many of his friends, that has been planned since he got back to the While House from the west. .Mr. Taft will spend three days In his home state, make more than a dozen speeches and probably see more of tho political leaders. He will not talk about any of his political opponents, but may review the achievements of his administration. To rain Arkanoar: Swamp. .Memphis, Term. A contract for ono jf the most gigantic drainage projects ever undertaken in the south has beon taken by an engineering tlrm or this city, Tho project Involves the recla mation of sunken lands In northeast ern Arkansas, supposed to have been caused by an earthquake about 100 years ago. About .'100 square miles are included In tho district. Very Much In Debt. New York According to olllelal figures New York eilj's total debt at the beginning of 1012 wan $1,0:17,811, 718, or approximately $20,000,000 more than the public debt of the Cnlted States. Addition to Forest Reserve. Washington. A tract of more than fiO.000 acres of young forest growth has been added to the Cache national forest In Ctah mid Idaho, along the southern border of the forest. Crucify Their New "Savior." l.odso, Russian Poland. Tho timely arrival of the police prevented a band of fanatics from crucifying a man whom they had adopted as their "savior" A new sect was formed re cently by women of the Moravian com munity who selected a man named Kowhiski. whom they worshiped as tlielr havlor They Induced him to al low h'mself to bo crucllled so as to enable them to prove the truth of their tenets by his resurrection. London After a lapse of nearly two and a quarter centuries since his death, London paid a belated tribute to the memory of .John Thurs day, when tin national memorial win dow in (he north transept of West flutter abbey was unveiled with Im pressive ceien'onies. Tho memorial n the 'Inspired tinker" was designed b ,1 N'. Cowper and o.ceuted at a ott of $i'.u..( raised by popular sub ffiptlons. The window, designed In wo Fcctlons. Illustrates some or the lilef Bcnnus and episodes In Hunyans .aiwurtal "Pilgrim's Progress." (UopyriMii iKIi TO COMBAT COST OF LIVING Or.c of the Issues of Milwaukee Spring Election Judge Parker Op- pesed to Judiciary Recall. Washington. American Interests, with the knowledge and co-operation of tho state department, "fomented" tho revolution of lOOli, in Colombia, which resulted in thv li'dopondonco of Pmir.niii, according to Representative Henry T. Halnev of Illinois before the hoiiKo foreign affairs committee. The committee b"gan hearings on Mr. Hainey's resolution for an Inquiry Into the takjng of the Panama canal strip by the Cnlted States. Cost cf Living Made Issue. Milwaukee, Wis. -The tmst prob lem and the cost of living aro the most Important Issues in the coming spring election In the platform drawn by social democratic party leaders. Municipal ownership of public utili ties, including street cars, gas, stock yards, rendering plants. lodging houses, quarries and street paving plants, i.r endorsed. The platform pledges the party to abolish the con tract system in public work. Whole tome reaction and relit vat ion aro claimed to be the be.U antidote for Immorality. Opposed to Judiciary Recall. Columbia. S. C-.Judge Alton n. Parker of New York, who once con tested the presidential election with Theodore Roosevelt, delivered an ad dress in this city before the South Carolina liar association, in which he expressed himself as opposed to tho Judlciar recall, mid took exception to some of the criticisms of the bmch made by Mr. Roosevelt. County Treasurers Elect Officers. Omaha -The County Treasurers' association ended their meeting at a banquet Thursday night. The olllcers elected are as follows: President. Phil ..,Soniinorla(l, Lincoln; vice-president, Simon Fisher. Sidney; secretary. -: R. Hirsehrnan llartington: treasurer, l.afe J'alst. Ord; executive committee, three year term, C. A. Schappel, Paw nee; hold-over committeemen. C O. Olson, lloldrege; Charles Johnson, Nebraska City. College Ylew. Neb. In a stirring address In which ho scoffed at the Idea of universal peace advocated by President Taft and a multitudinous array of peace societies, Pastor E. T. Russell of tho central conference of Soventh Day Adventist churchen de clared before tho delegates of the cen tral and northern conferences, now In session here, that tho last message to n doomed world Is now going to the utmost comers of the earth i Washington. Congressman Klnkald has introduced a hill allowing home steaders to obtain llnal pntenl on their land even If they have not made the required Improvements, providing that they have used tholr host efforts and have succeeded In putting on their homesteads improvements worth at least half the minimum required by twisting law. Philadelphia - -The men and relig ion forward movement has opened an eight days' campaign In this ctly when 100 meetings In churches and two mass meetings were held to urg. the neccE-slty of getting more men In terested in church work. Mnnagua, Nicaragua. ficnoral Luis Men.i, who October 7 was elected president of tho republic by congress for the constitutional term. January, 1!)I2, to pi comber, 11)11!, has resigned. To Investigate High Prices. New York. District Attorney Whit man la preparing for air Investigation of the recent rise in butter and eggs In tho city, to Hud out whether a "gentleman's agreement" elsts unions.; dealers to fix and control the prices of these commodities. Mr. Whitman for several vveolm ha.i been quietly looking Into tho workings ot tho produce system, and several vvlt necses, It Is said, will ha surnnoned before the grand Jury to tell win they know about tho raising of urlea TO RAISE HALF MILLION DOLLARS Support of Majority of Nebraska Newspapers Claimed by Omaha Man Scoffs at Univer sal Peace. Lincoln, Neb. About a thousand Methodist pastorn and la.vmeir gath ered hero Tuesday evening at one of the largest banquets ever given in tho city, the object being the launching of a campaign for a half million dollar endowment for Nebraska Werleyan university. Charier Stradrr. a well known business man, will conduct the campaign and outlined u plan adopted '.: the board ot trustees, which was later approved by Llshop NuelsOn ami the district superintendents of the church. .Music was furnished by the Wesleyan hand of lll'ty pieces, and ad dresses Were made liv !Hluiti Ynnlunti or Omaha, Dr. Nicholson of New York CftV. Ilr nniipm- r.f IvnTioiu I'll,. I Chancellor Fulmcr. S. K. Warrick of Alliance, L. O. .lories, Charles Strader and others, all of whom spoke optim istically of the project. Chancellors Avery of the state university and Huntington of Wesleyan were at tho speakers' table. The campulgu out lined Is to be educational only for a few months, culminating in a whirl wind appeal for subscriptions. OiP'iha. John O. Yelser. (iovernor Aldrich. Chief Justice Reese and Con. grofcsman Norris will probably bo tho RooFevelt candidate.-, for delegates-at-large from Nebraska, according to a statement Jiy John O. Yelser of Om aha, who has been steering the Roose velt boom In Nebraska Mr. Yelser sa.vs these names are suggested by a majority of the answers he has re celved from Nebraska editors to a let tor he sent them ask'ng recommenda tions, Adventl3t Missionaries for Mexico. Lincoln, In planning for tho fur i theranee or the work ol" tho Seventh Day Adventist church in Mexico, tho not them and central conference of that church, now in session at Collegn I Ylew, has made provision for sending I several missionaries to that Held from , the present list of delegates at the big gathering. Other fields aro Included ! In tho move, and It Is probable that In I the neighborhood of a score of the I young men and women of the church will take up this work. Indian Tribal Council at Macy. Walthlll. Neb. A tribal council wns hold at Macy. where the Omaha Indian agency Is located. Superintendent A. II. Kneule was present arrd took an active part In tho proceedings. Con siderable Interest was manifested in tho meeting, owing to the fact that three delegates were to be chosen to go to Washington to present griev ances and requests for chnngon In rules and regulations that aro not sat lnfactory to tho Indians. London. Tho American minister at Poking has called In nil Americans living In outlying jrarts of the city. The friction between tho Manchu troops of the Imperial army and Yuan Shi Kal's force of Chlneso troops ia constantly Increasing and a serloup conflict mny be precipitated at any moment. Richmond, Va. Women or Virginia wero denied the ballot when tho house committee on privileges nnd elections of tho general assembly decided to re port adversely a hill changing tho con stltutlon or Virginia so that women might vote. Los Angeles, Cal. Rutherford Page, registered from New York and Hying ns one of tho Curtlss aviators, was Instantly killed when ho fell l.'O feet Mondny utternoon on Dominguez Held, Chicago. Negligence on tho part ot three tialnmen contrlbtited to tho Illi nois Central wreck at KInmundy, III., Sunday night, In which J. T. llarahan former president of Hint line, ant' three other railroad ofllclals wore killed, It was held by an Inveatlgatlns, committee hore, Washington. Tho University of Iowa, with a score of lifil ngalnct tho University or Nebraska's 8.V., led tho Western league in tire- Intercolloglnte Rifle Shootlnu toiimanic. for tho SSS -N " LESSON FOR FEBRUARY 4 THE WISE MEN LED DY THE STAR Lt:580.V TKXT-Sratt. 2. MIJMOUY vi:ttHi;H- GOI.DliX Ti:XT-"Look unto me unit he ''- snved. nil the tad? (if tile e.tith, for I nin Ood, nnd thrro Is nniiu el.'," Ida. 4.V22. So quietly had Jesus made Ills np pcaranco Into the world thnt His nr rival wns unknown In .Terusulcm until the Vzc Men enmo from tho East. Pcrhnps the shepherds had not told their tale of the heavenly vision, or perhaps they had told it, but It had been unheeded or ridiculed. So ns tho morning stnr still rises without noise, nnd nn the seed shoots up nnd tho flower opens In silence, so wns It with tho comlriR of Christ, the Rose of Sharon, nnd the Rrlght and Morning Star. No thunder awoko the hills of Palestine; no trumpet peal went through lta city; no herald went be fore lllm; no royal salute greeted Him. Ills mother and the chosen few of tho Inner circle who had wit nessed tho wonilerous birth, made no proclamation of It, they received all lir silent, hnppy faith, nnd pondered these things In their hearts. Even so does Christ today make IJIs advent Into many a heart. So silently does He oftlnres come that ono scarcely Is ah!o to tell the day or the hour when Christ was born In his life. Tho Kingdom of fiod docs not always como with observa tion. Tho Inquiry of the Wire Men sug gests n deep Interest In Christ. Herod read" no such inquiry save In Jeal ousy Jerusalem was not particularly interested In the subject; but a very lev: In Israel cared anything about it. How like conditions today. Tho Wlvo Mf-n confessed their Ig norance. Tho truly who man Is never above asking questions. Pride keeps many people from Christ, llecause. falscl". we say. "we see." our blind ness remains with us. If wo would find tho Saviour, if wo would know the forgiveness of ?l:r. let us admit our Ignorance and our need of a guide; let us cry to Ood to help us. It Is better to ask fiod to lead us than to trust in our own reason. Wo seldom wander when on our knees. Tho Wise Men had a motive for their search they camo to worship Him. And that ia Just tho reason why they found Him. Herod could not find Him, nor could the chief priests nnd scribes for tho slmido reason that they did not want to worship Him. No seeker will find Christ unless the motive of his seek ing bo that ho may bo saved by Hlnr. and from henceforth live for and serve Him. A seeking sinner and a seeking Snviour will not be long be fore they meet, nnd the meeting wll! bo a blessed one. Have you found Christ? If not, why not? The Wise Men received encourage ment In their search for Christ. They saw His star, which led them through the long desert until they found tholr plnco by Christ's side. So will It al ways bo with those who are really reeklntj Christ. There is a light that others perchance may not see, a hand that others may not perceive, a volco that others may not hear nil of theso ard visible nnd audible to those who by faith nro peeking; Christ. Tho Church, tho niblo, tho Trenching of tho Gospel, exemplary Christian Uvea, lnwnrdi Impulses theso may bo stars that light tho way to Him. Tho Wise Men did not consider It enough that they hnd seen tho star. They continued their Journey until they saw tho Christ. Is there not danger of our seeing tho Church, tho Rible, the sacraments, nnd yet miss ing Him! It would have been too bad for them to hnvo como as far as Jerusalem nnd then to have given up without seeing Him, Just ns It would bo too bad for us to havo used all theso spiritual nlds, nnd yet not havo found tho Saviour. As soon ns theso earnest Beckers found Christ, they worshipped Him. What a glorious vision they hnd ns they looked upon tho Christ Child! Tlrey buw that which alono is worth ecoing; thnt which fills nnd glnddens tho soul when seen nnd known: thnt which righteous men of old desired to eco, but saw only In glimjwes nnd at intervals; that for tho seeing of which Moses prayed so earnestly; that to which tho eyo or every creature should turn In longtng nntlcijiation; that which everything In heaven nnd in enrth Is Intended to rcvcnl; that for tho beholding of which our eyes wero mado, nnd for tho nppreclntion of which our minds wero formed Jesus Christ, tho Son of God, nnd the Sav iour of the world. To see anything Ices In tho Christ child Is to miss tho heart of tho vision. They worshipped Him. They could not help It; nor can nny man when once he has seen tho glory of God in tho faco of Jesus Christ. It was said of GIndstono that when ono wns ushered Into his presence ho wns con strained to bow his hend or ralso his hat. So thoFo who behold Christ must worship Him. Who can behold the sun without being dazzled? Who can behold deity without worshljiplntJ Him? Theso men wero men of mighty faith they could look beyond a mn gcr nnd neo a throne; beyond a utable and see a mighty Gcd, s 'tyKJMtmo'Ji&j L"CAGr You'll bo de lighted with the re sults of Calumet I5a!:ing Towdur. No disnppointu no flat, heavy, soggy biscuits, cake, or pastry. Just tho lightest, dalntmst, most ' uniformly raised and raout deli cious food you ever ate. fUcclYad highlit reward World' Pur Fcod Expatltlon, vintage, ivur. 44 Bu. to the Acre In li"ir ylrM. hut that's wli it .lolin Krnncilyof Kdmulilun, Altiori.i, VV i-Mi'Mi ('.nulla, mil In. in -in iicR'joi Murine win'.iiin ucimrts iru u outer uiMncTM nin it Tor- HUM MMimi II OH (T I'JCIII- Irnt ri'Miltt iii'h hk 4.. UjU llllllI'lH (it v. lira t torn l.M iutcs fir 81 1-S lm. lxTtirri'. '.':.:JiiihI (d jVMirlli'hlsi intuitu rrrtit. Ai lllUll tin )".' Imvl.fln nf dais t tlto m'rt.nt rethri'slipd fruoi AltnTtaUulilsinljlU. The Silver Gup nt tho riwnt Hiwiliiino l-jlrKnK..uiiri)-illiitl n A ll n.i t.iivi'ti'.nii'iit fur Its'H ami VtVi'lUlill'X. Hi'("rtMif rJU'Ul tit li-liI4 Inr riiitii uin iriim isLatrlu-tran ami iI:iiillola In WrMiTii Cituitla. , . ... Freo liimifilrncU ot 1(10 neri'i. mill iitUoiuttiir ir imiptloii of JOU urrvN (at w:i purtxTct nre (o lm Imd 111 lliinliiiliist dlHtrlrt. Sl-tKMlH l-IIIIWIlU'tH, c-ll- liinti. t-irclh lit. roll tin) crv Ixjst . rn 1 1 ii J h 'IM lit llllliil. Illll 111 '11 IT IllllllllT c'Iikiiii. fui'li liny (iiucl mill 1 rciiiutiiililo 111 lirlrr, untiT I 'iiuv iri-ui-ui, iiuii'u f.irillllllJUHIICCl'Ht. Vriii.,a,tihi't fl.ico for rot tliMicnU hPt'lors' low rail wii jr Mlit, ilisrrlplWo I lllisti ail .1 '.iist Ili-it VV'it"(Rc-tit fnv oil tu Mip't (if liiiuilk'nttlun. (iilan'i. (' Hi..iir'nllici CajuOliin (jocruujcnt Akiiii, iM W. V. BEfJNSTT Room 4 B:e Elic. Orrzha, Nb. I'Iivh im rite totlitiiffcntncirr.l jou AS TO HEROISM. Bronson A man Is never a hero to bis valet. Woodson No, hut considering tho chances I havo learned to tnko with out flinching, I ought to bo ono to my chauffeur. His Test of Religion. Tho ordinary man cares only for what religion docs, and not a Jot for what religion Is. Wo arc hero on earth to lenrn to give and not to grasp. Wo gain most by giving most. John H. Ponlson. OPW p mm r - . : WML-5mrl! J v-5iVS?t gjgjggjjrjiw ..Twenty odd years aco. Ralzer's WhltollonanzaOatswon the world's prizo of offered by tho American AKrlculturibt for tho heaviest yielding oats. Our new Keluvmatcd White Jloninia Oatinoduruur 1319 Jill tuurn-io yields rant;:iH from f u to 3'B UuUii per rro. Uoci well rvcry where, not o particular u to colli and cilmui. For 10c Stamps We Mail ApacUiiKetiJour Fjntouj Oati, together .vim a iui hi uiiivr rjia lana rcoi yam picj, uj ano our miinuaum lilal3;uo, if iuuasltluraama. lOUM A. OAXZS& BESS CO., LO0E. 1th K;UCroB,Wli. IliThTwfiRfea- ilSj czMum bi;- i BESfte 1 9 9 1 Lf cT I H 1 i S -U-V JUVf'uSk J3 iiZ to rcmsmbor 3, J-tien you need a remedy for COUGHS and COLDS Y sWW -n.av - -