The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 25, 1912, Image 8

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The Chief
C. IJ. HAliC, Publisher
Imperial Government Said to De on
Verge of Bankruptcy Wants
Tclenrcph Under Control
of Pcstolhcc.
London The Pally Telegraph's IV
fling correspondent says he la olllelal
ly Informed that tin Peking govern
ment will ho obliged openly to deflate
China bankruptcy at the Chinese New
Year, Fein nary IS lie understand!,
further that Wu Ting r.itu:. minister
of JiiHtlce In the republican cabinet,
mis teiegraiuicti, nc maiming me mi- i
mediate resumption of hostilities In
conHPiiuonce of accusation of trlcket'
leveled at tho republicans
Dill for Government Ownership.
Washington. Roprcsontntlvo Carey
of Wisconsin, republican, ban Intro
duced a bill providing for government
ownership of telegruph linen, a pro
ject recently urged by PoHtmaster
General Hitchcock. It 'as urged In
tho bill the, government would place
tho telegraph under tho supervision of
tho postolllce department In charge of
a commissioner of telegrapliH, to be
appointed In tho name manner ub ai
Blatant postmasters general. The It'll
vould provide that tho interstate com
merce commission appralso at their
bona lido value all telegraph proper
ties engaged In Interstate commerce
tho attorney ge- Tal to then begin
proceedings against tho companies.
Busy Week for Congress.
Washington. Steel tariff revision
Mil occupy the center of the stage In
tho house this week and the Ion; o
pectcd tariff light will bo on for
months. Hoth houses of congress
have shown marked lethargy In their
work, tho Idea apparently being to
head oc miscellaneous legislation so
as to leavo tho Held clear for tariff,
Panama canal appropriations and
other questions that must bo acted
upon at this session.
Iowa Heroine Is Dead,
tiolugona, la. Catherine Shelley,
known as Iowa's heroine, died at her
home here Sunday, aged forty-seven
years. Miss Shelley becamo famous
on tho night of July 0. 18SI. when she
saved a Chicago and Northwestern
passenger train from going Into n
river which had left its banks and
waBhed away tho bridge.
Hold Rate Not Unreasonable.
Washington. Tho Interstate com
merce commission has held that the
rato of .12 cents charged by tho Pur
Ilngton for tho transportation of a ten
gallon can of cream front Concordia,
Kan., to Crete. Neb., Is not unreason
able, and dismissed the complaint filed
by tho Fairmont Creamery company.
General Stsppage of Collieries.
Hlrmlngham, Pug. The conference
of delegates to tho miners' federation
has decided lo glvo notlco forthwith
of a national stoppago of work at the
coal mines of Great Hrltaln. The end
of February, however, is tho llrst date
nt which thu notices can become ef
fective. Nomination Expected This Week.
Washington. Among friends of
President Taft It Is generally under
stood that tho nomination of United
States .ludgo Hook of Kansas to the
supreme court, succeeding the late
.lustico Harlan, will bo bent to the
Donate during tho present week.
Oyster Pay. R. I - Foi mer President
Roosevelt was asked Sunday if there
was any truth in the rumors that Post
master General Hitchcock, who was In
New York tho day before, had a con
ference with him Mr Roosevelt's re
ply was a wave of his hand and 'not
one worn to say." lie told the news
paper men he would not answer po
lltlcal questions on Sunday.
Chicago For tho Hint time since
1SSI temperance advocates will In
ado the republican and democratic
conventions thlu year and ask that
Tjuupl tiopiqmojd r. opnuui in'd t-ar-i
In Its platform A sub committee of
the national committee, a body repre
fronting seven prohibition organiza
tions, bun niado public hero the names
of men prominent In the two parties
who will bo asked to wait on the del
egatcs In behalf of the temperance
LaFolktte to Start In March,
Chicago. Senator Robert !. l.aFol
letto will take his presidential candi
dacy west, possibly as far ns tho coast,
on a trip that will start early in
March. PlatiB for tho trip are now be
ing perfected in tho I.nFollotto head
quarters here. "It Is moro than likely
tho senator will touch tho wostern
coast," said Robert M. Heck, secretary
of the LnPolIetto commltteo. "but oven
if ho should fall to go that far, It Is
certain ho will bo heard In tho Pa
kolas, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska ant?
Oklahoma "
la Suitalned All Along the Line
Threats to Kill Yuan Shi Kal
Senator Knox Would Assist
Small Republics.
Loudon -Kxtrnvngnnt rumors mo
circulating In Peking that m: a conse
quence of the conference at the pal
ace the .Mauchu t.oldlets have tin oat
cued to kill Yuan Shi Kal, says a dis
patch, dated Friday night, and t.ciit
from the Chinese capital by the cor
respondent of the Pally Mall. Some
of the Km oiican families living in the
district near the legation took tetifge
in the location, and special trains are
waiting at the Peking station for an
unknown reason In nu impel ial ver
dict the authorities of the Peking
rallioad are ordered to send all avail
able lolling stock to Peking An ex
odus of the noblen Is expected shortly,
according to a news agency dispatch
from Tien Tsln. Three trains are now
waiting in the vicinity of Peking.
Dr. Wiley Is Sustained.
Washington. Pr. Harvey II. Wiley,
chief of the chemistry burenu of tho
department of agriculture the storm
center of the food admlnlBtiutlnn con
troversy last summer, is given a clean
hill of health In the report of the
house committee that Investigated the
charges and counter-charges. The com
mittee in Its report sustains Pr Wiley
all along the line, except on technical
unimportant details.
Must Help Our Neighbors.
New York "The heaviest and most
matter-of-fact responsibility that today
rests upon the Fiilted' States," de
clared Secretary Knov In an address
before the New York State Par asso
ciation here, "Is that we should re
spond to the needs still Mt by some
few of our Latin-American neighbors
In their progress lowaid good govern
ment by assisting them to meet their
just obligations and to keep out of
To Look After Alaska's Health.
Washington. Hlshop P. T. Rowe of
Alaska, for sixteen years an Kplscopal
missionary, has recommended to tho
senate committee on territories the
appointment of n commissioner to
look after the public health in the ter
ritory. Many children there aro blind,
according to the bishop, and about .10
per cent of the people In the northern
section of Alaska have pulmonary
Farmers Fear Hog Cholera.
Wymore. Neb. Farmers living
south of tho city are alarmed by a ie
port that hog cholera has appeared In
that vicinity and aro selling off their
Maps Showing the New Senatorial
In Memory Of General Lee.
Atlanta, Ga The 105th anniversary
of the birth of General Robert R
wns relebiated throughout tho south
Friday In practically all southern
states tho day Is observed as a legal
Fighting at the Capital.
Puenos A res, There has been stiff
fighting In the streetB of Ascunsion,
tho capital of Paraguay, between tho
ndhoreutn of President Liborato Rojas
and tho revolutionaries. Many were
killed on both sides,
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The Fifteenth Regiment Has Ucen
(Copyrljl t. ID:.!.)
Royalists Called Upon to Prepare for
Battle Legations Get Ready
for Trouble Roosevelt
20 to 1 Candidate.
Peking. The foreign legations are
pieparlng for tiouble In Peking, The
question of the abdication of the
throne will be dlscfusscd by the em
ptess dowager and the pi luces, but It
is not thought Premier Yuan Shi Kal
will take pait In the conference. A
rising in the capital hat; been looked
for many times in the last few mouthn,
and precautions have been taken in
anticipation of It iicotllcssl. , how
ever, and the outbreak may occur Im
mediately. Put It has been long o
pected Hint the .Mauchu Irrcconcllnbles
would unite in a maasacre when ali
hope tor the administration had van
A placard Just posted indicates tha
the Mauchu threats may be fiillllled
It calls on all loyal Mauchus and Chi
nose to lesist the abdication of the
emperor to the death.
Roosevelt Party Choice.
St. Ixmls. A partial canvass of the
state by K. Mort Riley, president of the
Missouri Republican league, shows that
Colonel Roosevelt is a ." to 1 to 20 to
1 favorite over President Taft for the
republican nomination. State Chair
man Morris of St. Joseph is quoted by
members of the St. I-ouls committee as
conceding that the sentiment in Mis
souri is overwhelmingly for Colonel
Roosevelt. Governor Iladley of Mis
souri Is favored by members of the
commPteo for the vice-presidency.
Owing to a dlfferonco of views with
King Alfonso, the Spanish cabinet has
and Congressional Redisricting as A
Dates for Prohibitionists,
Chicago. The tentatively selected
dates of the national convention of tho
prohibition paity at Atlantic city aro
July 10, 11 and 12 according to an an
nouncement made here. Prominent
among tho delegates will be a number
of women delegates from California
Wants In the Raco.
Pes Moines. Senator A, P. Cum
mins will shoitly announco hlmtolf as
a candldato for tho republican presi
dential nomination, according to a
Ijui i ui'iuiiK iii tritium iiitc,
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S- mrttmotm wrttow rumiAi mi runtim' wiMrwT. rttmii ui,fta fw worn mimju
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Ordered to China. News Item.
Resentment Against United States
Gradually Disappearing The
Mexican View Urge Res
toration of Canteen.
Washington Having served notice
on President Gomez's government that
the I'nited States expects Cuba to live
up to her treaty agreement and main
.aln a republic form of government,
the state department Is now awaiting
developments. Olliclals bore ure con
lldent that when the Cubans under
stand the motives of the United States
'a simply to discharge its treaty obli
gations there will be little dissatis
faction outside of the veterans' circle
Protests Postoffice Removal.
Ilavelock, Neb. Telegrams, pro
csts and tcsolutlons are being for
.arded from here to Nebraska con
;ressmen and the postmasto general
oncoming the proposed establishment
t a sub-station nt tho shop city and
.ho withdrawal or the postolllce. At a
ipeclal meeting of the Commercial
club resolutions were drawn up and
signed by a commltteo and sent to
Nebraska lepresentatlvcs In Washing
ton. Washington. A petition urging tho
restoration of the army canteen was
presented to congress by Representa
tive Uartholdt of Missouri. It bore
the signatures of moro than flOO physi
cians und S20 mothers and wives of
army men. It contended that "tho
moral and physical health of the sol
diers requires the re-establisbmcnt of
tho canteen."
Postal ofllelnls say about 15 per cent
of the pobtal savings depositors are
pportloned by the Last Legislature.
Facing Famine of Seed Corn.
Lincoln. Nebraska Is facing the
worst teed corn fatnlno In tho history
of tho state, according to Inspectors
sent out by tho department of agricul
tural extension of the University of
Nebraska, and vcrlPed by a largo num
ber of reports from mon qualified to
spcuk on the subject. Not 15 per cent
of tho run of corn In tho Held will
grow, In tho opinion of the stato farm
authorities. Tho corn exhibited this
year Is tho poorest shown for years,
ro-.and not
CO per cent of that. It is
I thought, will germinate.
" telMTlONAL
tly Hot. Willi mi Krarn, I) I) . hi roe-tor lllblo Coarse
Muodr llllilo IlittUlIti-, lliliuxu.
1.P."SON TPXT-T.nkr SiCJ-W.
MP.MUUV Vi:it.SPH-2i. 10.
C.DI.UCN TUXT-'Tot- mlno eves Imvn
m-( n thy salvntluii, which tlmu lmt ir.
jmii'd lirfnro tho face of all pooploK."
Luko 2:00-31,
This lesKon concerns the matter of
the presentation of tho Christ child In
the temple loit.v days after his birth.
Kver since tho redemption of the Hi nt
born of luacl on that dm I: night In
Hgypt, when the destroying anol puts
ed through the laud and smot.e all the
flrst-boiu of the Kgyptlans, tho first
born soif of every Hebrew family be
longed unto the service of God, As u
substitute for all tho flrst-boin, tho
tribe of Levi was chosen lo act as
priests. Ily this, however, the Hebrew
paiciits v.cvc not exempt from the pre
tcntution of their HrM-born to God.
Ily reason of the choosing of the I.c
vltes, the flist-bntn son or the lamlly
was released from priestly service on
tho payment of a certain amount of
redemption money.
Joseph and Mary being righteous
parents, obeyed this law nnd presented
the Christ child in tho temple. In thus
presenting tho child, thoso patents
realized tho great truth, which all par
cuts should realli.0, that our children
belong to God, and aro but loaned to
us. Christian parents should imltnto
the example of Joseph and Mary.
-Mary nlso niado a pergonal offering
as a token of her appreciation of tho
gordncss of God. It was a small gift,
it is true, but it was the best that sho
In her humble circumstances lire could
give, nnd, therefore, was as accept
able to God as any offering of much
higher value would have been. Would
It. not be a good thlrg to celebrate tho
birth of your child by making a spe
cial offeiing, or gitt to tho cause of
Godp some needy work?
Wo have a wonderful description of
tho work of Christ in this lesson. He
Is tho light of the world. Not one, but
every nation is to feel the effect of his
coming. On one occasion, when n
Japanese convert to Christianity was
summoned before the magistrates and
called upon to give n reason why ho
had forsaken his national religion, he
was told that Japan had religion
enough nnd did not want any more;
that Confucianism was good enough
for scholars, and nuddhlsm for the
masses. The Japancso convert replied,
"If Confucianism Is an nll-sulJlclent re
ligion, why is it, since the founder liv
ed thousands of years before Christ
nnd taught during a long life, that It
hac not spread beyond China and Ja
pan? And if Puddhism Is an all-sufficient
religion, how is it, started by
Pudda thousands of years beforo
Christ, and taught by him through n
long life, that It has not spread be
yond India, China, and Japan? If
Christianity la a bad religion, how hi it,
blnco lis founder taught three years,
and was put to death when he was
tlilrty-threo years old, that it has
spread over all tho world?"
Jesus Is tho doFlre of all the nations
There Is no satisfaction to be found in
nny religion outhldo of him. Kven
Simeon, representing tho Old Testa
ment, did not llnd lull satlstaction un
til ho had seen tho Chi lot child.
Tho salvation of tho world centers
In Christ. He is tho only Saviour.
Christ is tho only person who can savo
tho world from Itr, sin. Tho world
had had rcformors, scholars, phlloso
phers, philanthropists beforo Chriht,
but It never had a Saviour. Jesu3
Christ is tho only person born Into
tho world with reference- to tho sins
of men.
Wo may learn a lesson of what It
means to have faith In Christ from tho
words of Simeon. Ho had seen no
mighty works wrought by Christ; no
miracles had been performed In his
eight; ho had heard no words of king
ly dignity from tho lips of Jesus;
Christ had pressed upon this good
man's henrt no claims to Messiahship
and yet with the cyo of faith ho caw
all theso things in tho Infant Jesus.
Centuiies hnvo rolled by blnco Simeon
lived and died, and Jesus Chi 1st has
been piovcn beyond nil reasonable
doubt to be all theso things to be,
and to do all that Simeon in prophecy
claimed for him, and yet wo may ask,
"Po wo hellovo in Christ, tho Christ
of tho 'past us ho believed In tho Chrlfat
of tho future?"
Christ Is a, rovoalor of men's hearts.
A man's character Is Judged by his at
tit'ido toward Christ. Wo seo in tho
character of Christ nbsoluto goodness,
.ove, truth, hotfor, purity. Thcrefoie
to sco Christ, to see truth, love, good
ness, purity, and not to lovo and
:hooo him is to reveal a stnto of heart
which, like that of Gallio, "cares for
ncno or theeo things."
Simeon was satisfied when ho had
wen the Christ. To seo him is tho
grandest sight In nil tho world. Wo
aro often nsked, "Have you seen tho
sights In Itomo, In Greece, In Italy?"
And If wo reply In the negative, It Is
hinted that wo hnvo mlhscd a great
part of llfo. Hut thcro Is a light moro
Important to seo than any mnterlal
vision, nnd that la, tho glory of God
In tho face of Jesus Christ. Ilavo you
!p"u this sight? Have you seen tho
'Leo of Jesus? Have you seen tho
nry or God in tho rerson ci Jesus?
vo you recti In Mm salvation' IJ
' not all la Isct.
Caused Sore Throat and Ton-
silitis. Restored by
Mr. W. H.
It o u I c y ,
Green v illc,
T e ti n e s see,
"Five j cars
ngo I tool; a
vcty severe
cold which
rcHU 1 ted in
l,i giippc. 1
never was to
bad o IT. I
wns in bed
u v e r a 1
w e c k s , and
w h e n 1 tl i tl
Kct tip I hail
to u s i 1 i t i x
o a tl h o re
"I tiietl to
Mr. W. H. Housloy.
cure this for eighteen
month, but it grndtiilly got wone. A
doctor ndvim'd mo to hnvo my tontils cut
out, but I did not like tM0 idoa. Another
doctor examined mo, and told mo tho
Mine thing. 1 finally pot a bottle of
Pcruna, and after 1 had taken one bottlo
my tluoit was better. 1 bought and used
a dozen bottle", and Favv I was going to
pet well, and 1 did."
Ask Your Druggist for a Free Peruna
Almanac for 1912.
For W(nrcnc6i and Tlirout Troubled. No onlntoi.
Bamiile Inc. John I. llnows U Son, Boun, mm.
She My brother Is In Manila.
He That's a long way off. f
She Yes; he could hardly get nny
further away without coming nearer.
Entire Country Interested.
On January 1, 1905, there were
nbout ISO different agencies engaged
In anti-tuberculosis work, of which
number 111 were sanatoria. Tho in
crease to over 'J.000 agencies has em
phasized, the National Association for
tho Study and Prevention of Tuber
culosis points out, the 'importance of
tho campaign for the prevention of
consumption being carried on in all
parts or tho country.
Awful Suspicion.
Frcddlo had been sick for sometime,
and when his father came into tho
room to see how he wns tho joung
Bter surprised him by hl3 questions..
"Why do you ask If 1 owe tho doc
tor anything?" inquired his father.
"Pecause," replied Freddie, "tho
medicino he's boon giving mo lately
Is something fierce, nnd 1 think he's
taking It out on me." Judge.
Labor Question.
Indy of House You say you work?
At what?
Hobo At Intervals.
A Treat
So Sweet;
Add Cream
Then Eat.
"The Memory Lingers"
Postiiin Orral Company, MuillcJ,
j0 ' !M
BuCx V . - 4VWXY,