The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 25, 1912, Image 7

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    snwirvvwi r jrr r.
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t Jrir-TT. i '.'j-ivifr. tv. J -4jr mi ntrwArpmu vmk '' a )irotrrijrrnr.,xriir'ufMww;wi."t umgiiiMinwiiiniinnMng Tnw-fij'wKrtWo!uitCTa
x 'vv ' -'. v
? Columbia Graphahoie
InUllipent comj aiisiutis is
tlie of intelligent buy
ing. We claim to have
the most iKuverful motor.
GRAFONOLA l-w moti perfect ivpteciuc
er giving the clearest and
sweetest tone of any
Phonograph on the market.
We invite comparison.
Columbia instruments play
any make of disc records.
We will give you a liberal
allowance for your old ma
chinein exchange, and
payments to suit you.
I li m I' i a i' ( h'ti i lilt ' s i at
A I In r t Mnl'li , Sums .ik hii r ami
i I'M- r Hi in i'Vi r iki m'i' ilu re mid
luiV one fob. 7, V'i
A nJ row II. X'l'Coriirio'c mill MIh
t' ii
, 1 1 i i in
l .oil I ' ' . .mil i ! i i nilllili'l,
oleeti ii iiiiIi)lMiI(.'ii' if paily hiiiih
Christ I.iii I hnreli iinnunuecim n
K i
CGa-rjCJffW O SECK33SSE5 fiSS8S5&82mtSRQ.
FiZW. "V3
Lottie II. I' ivin were married at Ibe for m i. sumlrty: lltlilu school hi I"
Dave you tested your seed corn?
"CASEi JONES" is coming to town.
lleruard McNeny was in Hastings
M. W. Carter returned to Nelson
S. M. Carlln of York was in town
D. D. Wylie of Superior was in tewn
R A. Wylie of Hastings was in town
Prof. Moritz was in Lincoln the first
of the week.
T. W. Clark of Wymoio was In tlio
city Monday.
Jus. W. Ktnscnger of luavalu Sun
dayud In town.
S.iiu Temple of Kansas City was in
town this week. (
J. V. Cassel of Steel City was in
town last week
T. IMwards of Xelon wus on our
streets Saturday.
15. H. Meb'nrlaiid from
Hastings l-'rlday.
Miss C. L'Yederieksun of Seward was
in town Monday.
(.coigu Uansoti of Lawrence was in
tlio olty Saturday.
F. W.Cuwdeii u-tiiined fiom McCool
.1 miction Saturday
Flunk Dillon ot Spalding, Nebr..
.spent Sunday in
lie -m-o and read Albert Smith v
Sons' big sow M'lo adv.
A. A. Mur-c of Seward was In tlio
city on Monday.
Farm Loans
There are seveiul masons lor seeing
.1. II. B.iiley for a Urin loan and hero
they a to.
lie U so'. agent for Tivvett Mattis
.t linker.
This company Is here every day in
the year ready for business and not
horo this week and gone next. They
loan on anv farm having the value in
it improved or unimproved. You don't
wait from two to four months for your
money but surely irt it on the day
called for. They give the best option
in tlio market.
In Building a Home
Don't Invite
by using material that absorbs
moisture aud keepa the walls
forever damp and cold. Use a
non-conductor of moisture like
wood and be sure of your fam
ily's health. The construction
of a frame bouse with the liberal
air space between siding and
plastering is acknowledged by
experienced builders to be the
correct principle for a sanitary
habitation. Such walls com
pletely bailie moisture as well as
the sudden changes of tempera
ture. Tills, however, is only one
of the advantages of frame con
struction there are many more
good rcasous why wood is the
accepted material for n homo.
lteforo you completo your plans
we want to toll you some of tlio
other reasons why you can't af
ford to overlook tlio construe
tion that waa good enough for
M. A Caulkius of Omaha was in
town Tuesday on business.
W. S. McAvoy of Fairmont was in
town Tuesday on business.
H. F Cooper of Guide Rock was in
town the ilrst of the week
E. W. ilepler of Strattou was in
town a few days this week.
F. M. Horton of Grand Island was a
Red Cloud visitor Saturday.
Lee Keith of lloldrege spent Sunday
in town, a guest of Noble Hall.
George Warren is lu Omaha and
Ilcatrice this week on business.
Pat Carpenter made a hurried busi
ness trip to Franklin Saturday.
Howard Chancy of Franklin was
visiting friends in the city Monday.
J. L. Christian of Rock Fort, Mo., is
visiting relatives in town this week.
J. II. Bailey and daughter MnWel
made a business trip to Omaha Friday.
Miss Irene Morgenson of Council
Muffs, Iowa, was in the city Monday.
Harold .1. Morgan of Hot Springs,
S. I)., visited friends in town Satur
day. Two tine Shoithoiu bull oalves will
be sold at Smith & Sons' sale on Feb.
7, mrj.
The Chief does all kinds of .lob
Printing neatly, accurately and
Ai tides of ineoi poratiou have been
started on the new ?1'J." OOU hotel at
The V. C. T. U. will ni'ot with Mrs.
I'. A. Wiillbntndt next. Wednesday
I will buy your furs, hides, iioultry.
and sell you hard and soft eoal .1. O.
Mis. 1-: Trine of I'.lue Hill is visit
ing at the honii' of Iter son. CJeorgH W.
Trine, this wt ok.
Get Ncvcr-Gllp shoos put on
your horse. All sizes at Frccl
Wallln's shop.
The Ihiinoti'l Klcetric Vaeuni clean
er dcinotistiuied in jour home free.
Call Plioi.o lied 1)7.
Don't forget the Vusical given by
the baud boys the night of Vb. Kith.,
at the opeia house
Wm. Solium of Lincoln, of the Heat
rice Creatncry Co.,, was transacting
business in town Mmdny.
You've hcaiil tlio song. See tlio play
"Casey .lones" which comes to the
Opera House on Fobiuary, Ulh.
The Congregational ladies will hold
their monthly niaiket Saturday at 1.
A. WullbrandfH grocery store.
The llnest line and host assortment
of Harness ever carried before. Call
and look it over. Moisil.iiir Onus.
"Casey Jones'' is a deadly enemy to
Mr. und Mrs. Grouch. Ho will slip you
the heartiest laugh of the reason.
John Yost left Stiuday night for
Swonton, Nebr., for a week's visit
with his mother and other relatives.
Wm. Schellak of Hastings trans
acted business In town Friday and
visited his brother, Chas. H. Schellak.
Special attention given to diseases
of eye and ear. Glasses accurately
fitted. Dr. Stockman, Red Cloud, Nebr.
Zeke Johnson of Minnesota is visit
ing his sons Sam and Clarence John
son, who live south west of town this
Robt. Fishlaum, who was adjudged
insauc by the insanity board was taken
to Hastings last Saturday by Sheriff
Dr. Cross will bo in his otllee over
tho Stale Hank everyday in the week.
Hnvintr discontinued his visits to
Mr-. C. I. CroiiD returned to her
homo of Hot (Jen. W. Hummel Sunday
cu iilng nt i:'IO o'clock.
Mis. T. .1 Diamond, by
her unit her M'-.. T. C. Ttchott, ie
tinned homo rtoenty nlt'i' mi ev
teiiile-' tit I'.ullei, Mu.
I ir. Dttimicil ot this cltj lias bun
olu'-i'ii lis a ilelfgito to attend tho
I'opilliM s'utl) OOllMMlllOII 111 til! Iio'd
at Lincoln m tho near fuluie.
,). W. Kinsoil. v. no has bum istllui:
lusiliiugliler utid liiisluin.l, Mr. mid
Mi-. Sum He it'll, Jr.. ot Lincoln, io
tut nod hi'iiio Monday ewiiiiiir.
I' It. N'ouliiiiisL'. Ill Hanson and
llariy lillhain went lu lJuido, 11'n.k
Monday iillil wliert llio. installed
ollleers in Kiieaiiipiueul No. T'.i.
1.. I. Now house, Dan (Jai tier, llariy
i.niium anil Geo. Ovoring were ill
Campbell Wednesday attending tho
Hucainpmcnl lodge at that place.
Don't foigel we make farm loans
uioiuy icady the day tlie title is ap
proved. (lAIIIUUI, HfTCIIthllS & Salvuks.
Mrs. A. C Slaby wishes to thank all
those who so kindly assisted her with
money to supply thoio needing shoes
and clothing. 80.00 was the amount
Itev. Tomnklns and K. U. Overman
were In Lincoln this week attending
the big rally at Wesleyan university.
Nine hundred visiting ministers aud
laymen were present
At tho Taft republican state con
vention held at Lincoln last week the
following delegates were chosen from
the fifth district: Thomas Auld.of Red
Cloud and A. C. Rankin, of Oxford.
The show that pleases all classes of
people must Indeed possess merit.
Every advance report of 'Cassy Jones"
Istotheeffect that It Isn "dandy" show,
Itcomcs to the Opera House February
the Uth.
Mr. J. S Gilliam pleased the students
of the High school in nn address upon
Itenjitmiti Franklin. From all reports
which we have heard this address was
an eye opener so far as the greatness
of Franklin is concerned
The Chili dance held forth Tuesday
night at I'otter's hall. Het.'s oivbos-u.-i
furnished the music. Out of town
dauci'is weio Mr. and Mrs C. F.
Stine, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. lVestmi and
Mr. and Mis. '. H. Abbott of Superior.
Dave Kalcy Is going; to soil
IX fine mules, coming 3 nnd 4
years old, In Red Cloud f-'ch.
IO, 1912. One year's time
will be given purchaser en ap
proved nolo hearing 8 per cent
Wolfe A WhilaWor. general innch
Miiiths, now euro a f'lll line of farin
impleiiients. sinroys. buggies, wagons,
gang plow--, gas engine-, stacker rope-,
all kinds of inaehiii"iy and heavy
hardware, and till suppliis lor same.
Al-ouil kinds ol oil. Liconsi'd Plumb
ers Calls piuiuptl.y ansven-.'.
We have a paity with tloU oasb
who wants to buy a quaitcr with ini
proeiin nts priced between STfiOO and
S'Jdoo. Also anolhi-r parly who wants
a quaiter without improvements and
ho will pay the cash if suited what
have you got to olrer..,
GAnur.u, lli'ioiuso.v & S.i.ADi:.v.
The lirotherliood of the Congrega
tional church will hold a public do
bate next Tuesday evening u tlio lec
ture room of the church on I ho sub
ject, "Resolved, that it would bo for
a. in. C'limmtnloii .ml pre u-'iiiu a'
11 n. in. Huhjcct, "Tlio ( lain h mi
OrgHu'e Institution." V. nl i pauulil
service hi p. m I'roariiiiig set ire
at 7:.J) p m. Snhji-et, Tlio Fli-I im '
tiny I'luiuh.-' Come and litus hms n1
toKet!,".. isit. 1; 18 C. F. M.n J
Mlii.l iy llioriilllg er lee at the Coo
grogiO imiiil church 'il It. Sulj.e'.
"Phe .iliia of KiU'li'Uhip" Km mug
preiicMu sorvlce nt f;.'?o soil j el.
"The W.ui'.nn of j.ioob." Hpi'i'
inu-io i' li ith Murvieos l Hie inl,
organ. elioir The Sund.iv -o'i l
meet- i t i it. m. Lot all be mi i
Tin1 oli i I is beginning tlio stmlj l
"I'lu I l Christ" and now sohnlnrs
will lu uoiili illy welcomed I'lu opi n
lug tin I o'usiiig oNorolsos mo t be
made espi'oiiilly interest lug and a good
nttoiiil.ui.e is desiioil. The Hiother
hood tin els Tuesday evening lit s
oVhieli in the leeluro room of the
chinch. Theie will be a debate on the
subject, "Uosolved, that municipal
elections -lull tie flee from party pol
itics," A good live debute is exnectod
and all men interested, whether mem
bers or not, are invited Mid-week
service at 7M0 on Wednesday evening
Choir practice on Friday night. John
J. llaytie, Pastor.
ua rfflr.c
nil H
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nershlp lately subsisting between us,
Charles Waldo and F. X. Koelmel,
carrying on a business as general mer
chants at Inavalo, Nebraska, under
the style or linn of Waldo aud Koelmel
was on the first day of January, 101'J,
dissolved by mutual consent, and that
the business in the future will be car
ried on by the said F. X. Koelmel
alone, who will pay und discharge all
debts and liabilities und recelvo all
motleys payable to tlie said late flim.
C. A. W'Al.nn,
F. X. Koi:i.mi:i,.
Tunc "Hold the Fort"
Hark my brother hour tlie Savior
As lie bids you come,
Fight tin host of sin around you
Th t now net k your dooine.
Trust the Lird for he h mighty,
Storm Hie host of sin
In the tdrcngtb of King lminiu tiel
Wo are sure to win.
We must know tl.ij foe is in'ghty
That we have lo face.
Aud he'tU'uro to v. 'i'!ne tlrt
Hut fol .1 "tU!) JT Ci .
( lioru.i
Y. s 'ti:. Joiuu Christ who'a londiug
Or I'gaiiist tlie fns
And wu're sure ol c.-rtiu victory
If witli him wc go.
Thii pkee will l e ustd in Hi iiiulI
ings now in prognes nl tlio I J -.piit t
church. I'ring it vviih yen ui d help
'in hi, A ipiirtei section I'm sale at fil Oniiensj pn, ineiit
bm.t toil acii's siuoolli, Imla. 'o gentlj lollinj,', till gmnl soil iiihI.'I
I ml w illi el ii siil'S'.il and fieo hum sand ot look. About '.'( aeies
iiiidir I'ultivatiou, balnnro in p.istuie, all Ilrst. quality coin arid
allalfa Ian I and Is an escclleut dalr.v faun. Located I miles from
g I town i n luuiiitrau-loil loud in dMiiot of all good lands ami
li''iieiie In i ins Complete si t of fair I in pro, omen l", hou', stable.
I'raiiam s, elo. Tl.Uin- ?1..VM) ouli ilowu.all I Mo balaiiee at U per
e. ut until put I. 5.".i,()0 eim be hud on .'ieais time witli options to
nit puieh e.i r This faun would readily lent for S.iril) in eab ii
in. r tot teiin of ,i'Mf. anil Is pticoil ft. 000 olieapor tliau i'lu ' .
i . , I o n ii n f.'i ,ns on I lie ii 'i ! l' li ' l,upi.i,llle is , t.
giiuil.tai an i witli ensh fol Hist 4i,ti.i'l n ' ' wllh lllle itn.
ellott. malie the rent take eatoof the in'.eii t until puiil mil. ,,inl
.oiiii iw it a good t ti nn which will grow in value fioiu Ihe iln ut
puiehaso. A leal snap.
Xo. lo. A Hue well liupioved fn ut at 6lO,oOo An eNooption
ally well improved faun, located close to two good towns on good;
roads, About l.tO notes under eultivitatlou, III In alfalfa and :i0 ia
pasture. About i'( or 70 notes smooth, balance gently rolling, none
rough, all readily tillable. All good fertile soil underlaid with clay
subsoil and free from sand or roclc. Completo set of now improve
mcnt.s, f.ll in good repair. Large house 7 good rooms and I closets;
largo barn JitixlO 8 double stalls. 1(H) bushel granary nnd no ton
mow Double granary 30.x 10. 10 ft driveway with plank tloor and
10 ft. eaves, all shingle roofed, capacity 10,000 bushels. Machine
shed iHxIIO with shingle roof and repair shop attached. Wood-shed
l'J.x'.'O shingle roof, henhouse, cow-shod no.x IS with stanchions anil
section of iloor cemented. These improvements are all less than
,p years old except tho house aud would cost but llttlo to ropair into
(Trst class condition. Young orchard of apples, plums, cherries, etc.,
nicely laid out. Fino well drained fccdlot very conveniently lo
cated, can be made any size desired, aud all drains by natural slopo
Into tho garden and orchard, a most desirable urratigotntjnt. thls
farm is situated in territory of good laud and district of productive
farms. It is all good alfalfa land, and as it is Ipcated in an ex
cellent corn producing belt, witli its lino aud granary
capacity, it is absolutely one of the best grain farms and feeding
stations on tlie market in this country. Plenty of pasture lands not
far' distant and no neighboring competition in the corn market.
'I miles from one good town and 5 miles from another. The im
provements on this farm cannot be rebuilt for less than ft, 000, bik!
surrounding land of no better quality and less than one fifth of the
improvements and farther from town, is on the market at 81V,0('
and lti.noC n quaiter, Spetilal tonus to purchaser. Worth your
time to investigate. CIIIF.F OFFICII
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Not ice
Tho Juvenile Protective. I.e igue,
will meet ut the Christian Church
Sulibath iit'u ut .'I I'. M. I'rof.
Moritz will sponU on "I'lu Pedagogy
of the Hiiiuu" Parents, emtio and lot
us talk over pi. His for the fill lire of the
society, so it may mean the most to
our city.
IF your title is clear, farm loans ere easily and
quickly closed. Have your abstracts made and de
fects corrected now. M. W. CARTER Ik SON, Bond
ed Abstracters Red Cloud, Nebraska.
a riiruiti.n tunic upon the n taxed linpor ml i.oes and events ol tho day;,
muscular emit of the bowel, thus over- sutllclciit to give you a mind richly
coming weakness, nnl aiding to n hture sloted with Useful knowledge. Tlio
the bowels to more ii.'oi'nu- ami new department have become indis-
our forefutheis and sli.i.v you
tho best in present day lumber, homo at York Friday after a week's
t vl-it with lior daughter, Mrs. Frank
r - -- l'eter-on,
V. Thnrgonson, t raiding auditor
of the Line ln Telephone, and Tele
graph company, audited the local
books Monday,
"'s No Place Like. Ilomi:."
For The Sake of
The Children
RADE with us,
growing men and
women demand that
they be properly fed.
You demand low pric
es, we heed both.
Official Cull Fcr;onr.:ruucOf La Fol
Ictte Supporters of the Fifth Con
gressional District of Nebr.
Hy direction of tlie Hxiicutive i om
mtttee of tlie Li Folietto League of
Xeluiiska, li coiifcience of tlio Fifth
Congressloiiil Distrlut of Nebr., has
been culled to name two Lu Fotlettu
candidates for delegates, two alter
nates, and one presidential elector,
the said Conference to bo hold at
Hastings, Saturday, January '.'7, luT-'
at 2 P.M. All support or.s of La Fol
lotto are requested to attend. Head
(iimrter.s will be at the Kline Hotel.
State speakers will be present.
Each county will be entitled to rep
resentation in accordance with the call
for the Republican State Convention
for 1910. All La Follette supporters
present wi'llb permitted to partici
pate, Webster County is entitled to
NINE votes.
Fu'ther Information may be bad in
writing, or calling on H. O. Diederich,
temporary'ohalrraan or B. W. Stewart.
healthy aethi'y
IJoMill Unlorlios are liu'-iirpassablo
and hleil for the ii-i of children, old
folks and delicate poisuis Wo can
not too highly leooiiimeuil them to nil
HUlVerers fiom anyfoim of constipa
tion and its attendant, evils That's
WI13 wo hack our tiiitli in them with
our promise of money back if they do
not glvo entire satisfaction. Three
sizes: PMalilcts 10 cents. :iOt ablet 12.-.
cent-, and SO tablets .',0 cents, lie
member, you c m oniain Ilevull Item
edies in Hod Cloud only at our store,
tho Kexall Store. The II. K
Drug Co.
Still Time to get
The Companion for $1.75
peiisal Ie features of the paper. Tint
page devoted to the interests of hoys
in school and college always has ai
article of epeit advice on athletics by
some one who speaks with authority,,
whether It is fo ithall, hasuhall, skat
ing, swimming, or other vigorous pas
time. The pago for girls suggests,
useful occupations at homo ami profit
able occupations in the community,
without, forgetting that girls iiketo bc
ornamental us well as useful. Ami
there is the family page, which in lli
course of a year fill- the place of a.
(Irice domestic encyclopedia. Subscribe now
to-day-ivhllu The Companion may yet
lie had for SI 7.1 - Tile Vol' ill's Com
ei.MO.v, 111 Ilerkoley Sttect Huston,.
B. E. McFarland
-:- All the Phones -:-
No Cause to Pcubt
A SHueaent of Facts lacked by a
Strong guarantee
We guarantee immediate and posi
tive relief to all suu"orers from consti
pation. In every ease." "where our
remedy falls to do this we will return
the monoy paid us for it. That's a
frank statement of facts, and wo waul
you to substantiate them at our risk.
lte., ill Oidorlios aro eaten just like
candy, aro particularly prompt and
u.p-cuah!o III action, may bo taken at
any time, day or nights do not euii'-o
diariluii a, nausea, griping, excessive
looseness, or other undeslrublo ellVcts.
They have a very mild but positive
action upon the organs witli which they
come' in cjutact, apparently acting ns
The publishers of the Youth's Com
panion announce that they will accept
yearly subscriptions at 81.7." up to tlie
end of March. Tho now rate will go
Into effect promptly on April 1. The
large number whose subscriptions run
over into the early weeks of the year,
as well as those who were unable te
Bend In new subscriptions before Janu
ary 1, will have this opportunity to
Ret The Companion for an another
fifty-two weeks ar the old price. If
you had no other periodical reading
for your family, The Youth's Compan
ion would be sufilccut for keen enjoy
ment by every one, young and old:
sufficient to keep you posted on the
Aptly Described:
An Italian woman was asked 1"
court If die had any musical Instru
ment h In her homo. "No, slgnor," sb
replied, "nothing but racketm."
"What?" queried tho lawyer. "Rack
etsthe things they put In graph:
Bees Broks Up Church Services.
A unique occurrence broke up
service In the German Luther
church at Chicago the other 8na4sp..
A swarm of honey bees invaded tb
building and drove out the pastor aaA
congregation, and services had to b
aeld on tho lawn in front or
K aTi"
tro ssiMi m a m. e? wm
Ahsoiuitciy Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal CrapeCreamoffTartar
,- -