'! 6 K K?' Pi' w 1 wwrr ytuitwwi''!''"'' mw ttirmnKxn0tmr l"or pod Job I'lliitliip eall mi 'the cier. ! fbtitlncd In thh community n"l, nt nr store The Kevill Stole. Tin1 II. (iricc Unitf Co., lied Cloud Nchr. . lj A n i We have for mlc farms on rn..j- payments anil suilnl terms. , worth tliu money. Several tnltfhl.v, 'oo.l deals. Tim largest lift ol local farms from which to select. Din (iAimr.it .v Company, Ciiiiii oillee. THK Ileal Hstate ami Komi Agency in the it t t.i Ollleo has u larjju list of improved farms for miIo that will in terest any land tiuyor or home seeker. A uunilxr of farms that will pay Kood intcrcM on the investment: several that can he bonnht on easy payments and special deal--: many that will pay their way and l'iow in value. Thee farms are pileed according to ipiality, locution and Improvements. Their IM of farms is located riht heie in The (ireat Uep'ihUeaii Valley Country the Heart of The (iieat Corn anil Alf alfa Hell. Allium,' Hi dr list are some of the best farm- in Webster and rraiiMln Count b-s. The hills look tfreun far aw iy' but the firm lands here are safest for investment. i" mi' the greatest rl-e in value- and oiler bisl iiuliieeiiieiil- to easy, thtiftv (iirmiiii. tlood alfalfa land is crop prodiieliiu while sell-fcrtililiiK and never wears out. One of the best dis tricts tu the Middle West in which to raio ii(M and f'-'d eattle. Theeheap est and best all-pnrpo-e farms to be found. Fertile ami pioduetive corn ami wheat land, every Held is tho best Alfalfa land; bountiful f-rain and hay tiops: Kood schools, excellent roads, rural malls, telephones, convenient markets and shipping facilities. This lotintry has every iialillcation neeo.v vary to unexcelled grain farms, dairy aims, poultry farm-, stock farms and feeding stations. The bc-t land value to be had at lowest price-. Also a number of excellent City I'roperties i-'.eil and several good local faim trades Correspondence solicited. Cousin Mack Mm, (iregg, who cultivated a breezy, ofMiand manner, had talked, from tho day of her nrrlval at her Kluter'a home, of the necessity of her calling upon her hiiHhnnd'H cousin, Colllo Mack. So hIio, with a party of four or llvo of her relatives In various degrees, turned tho headlights of their auto inohllu toward tho cxcIiihIvo vlllnge, or suburb, In which she felt convlncod bhc would lltid Collie Mack. Klie was Htlll In the ceventh heaven of HPlf-rlghti'iiiiHiiPHR when she was rudely recalled by the niundano curi osity of the driver, who requested tho Mrect ami number of her cousin. "Oh." she icplleil. alilly, "It's with pome doctor, on Oak avenue, about two blocks f i om tho car line." Then file M'ttled back to her lancles onco more. The driver scowled and turned the car nrouiid lie diovo slowly up and down Oak avenue, scanning tile houses on both sides of the street wllhlu a i.-iilliis of two blocks or every car track, hut to no effect. Finally he gave It up. One Million dollars for a Good Stomoch This Offer Should U c a iV.unlivi to! Every W.ui urn! Woman The liew-piipeis hi. I medical ,jiin-. mils rcceniU liti- had miu h to -av relative to a I". mum--, millionaire'.- oiler of a luillioii ilnll.ii tor a new stomach. This (Meat iiiulti-iiiilliuiiiiiti) was too bn-y to wony about the condition of hi- -totuueh. lie allowed Ids dyspep M.t to run fnnn ba 1 to wor-e until in tile end it bcr.imc incurable. His mi-fortune seive- a-awainiug to others livery one who -ulleis with dyspep hi for a few yeais will give every thing he owns for a new .stomach. liyspepsia is commonly caused by an nbgormal state of the gastric juices, or by 1 licit of tone in the walls of the ttoumch. The result is that the stom ach loses its power to digest food We are now able to supply certain mi-sing t'lements to help to restore lo the gastric juices their digestive power, and to aid in making the .-mm-ncIi strong and well. Wo know that lle.vall Dyspepsia Tablets aie a most dependable leiuedy for disoideied Moiii'ich-, indigestion, and dyspepsia. We want you to tiy tliein and will return your money if you ale not mote than satisfied with the result. Three sive-. '.'" cents, .V) cents, and SI DO. I.'einemher, you can obtain IJeMill licuii-ilifs in this community only at our st-m- the l!eall Stole Vile II. K (iilee Hrng I .. . IJ.-d C'oud, Neb,-. Cosl Gf Planting Dead Ears A Tremenduous One to Do jmi leali" what it mean plant a dead nir of e iru'.' Theaveragu ear contains from SiM lo 1.000 kernels. Kvery kernel meuis a stalk and every an ear. A good ear planted means from feoO to 1,000 eats, or about 10 bushels of corn. Suppose one dead ear is planted, Nothing is returned and a lots of tlve dollars results. Twelve good ears of average corn will plant one acre. A loss of one ear means a loss of one twelfth of the rom crop. It can easily ho seen what it means to plant corn that will not xerminutc strongly. Tests In Nebraska prove that most of tho corn will not show germination Vests of fifty percent. That means un less tested corn is planted tho yield will be out down In half. Lasl year the corn yield amounted to 5-8r,000,000 A loss of one-fourth would practically bankiupt all interests dependent, A o-s of one-half will mean a calamity. Don't fail to test your seed corn. Do it mnv before it is too hito. IheDanftcrof La Grippe Is its fatal tendency to pneumonia. To cure your Jagrippo coughs take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. K K. Fisher, Washington, Kits., says: "I was troubled with a sovero attack of Ingrlppe that threatened pneumonia. A friend advised Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and I got relief after taking the llrst few doses, I took three bottles and my lagrlppe was cured." Get the genuine, in the yellow package. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug itore. "Well, It ain't here," ho remarked wltheilngly. "Why, perhaps It Isn't," genially re rponded Mrs. (iregg. "I forgot that It must have been lirteen or twenty years ago that ho lived hero. Oh. and besides, It was his sister who lived with the doctor, and she was a trained nurse, so It might have been that she Just had a case there. I don't suppose Collie Mack lived there nt all. Wasn't that runny?" She thought a moment. "Haven't you people some Iden of where to look?" she asked, glancing about ex pectantly. "We might look In the city dlrcc toiy," volunteered her sister. Ko the whole party got out nt tho nearest drug stoic and pored over tho list of Macks. I "There's no Collie Mack here, that's i line." nseited a mutineer. "Oli. but that's Just a nickname." ox- I plained Mrs. (Jrcgg "I really don't KnoA lust what his name Is It be gins with M or it, or perhaps It was W I can't remember." "Oh. what's the use. nnywnyV" a nephew exclaimed disgustedly. "You don't know him and he doesn't know )ou, and what'll you mlns If you don't r.ce him?" Mis (iregg looked at him rcpronrh fully and said nothing "lleie It Is," cried her brother-in-law, excitedly. "Hero's Martin Henry Woithlngton Mack! That's all tho Initials. They probably called him Collie because he'd take a whole col umn." They excitedly viewed tho name In turn. Mrs. (iregg smiled In conscious superiority. "Yes. of course, that's it, ' she exclaimed. "My mind rarely falls to recall names." ho they climbed back Into tho car and broke tho speed regulations got- ting to tho address for roar Colllo Mack might get awny. At the door Mrs. (iregg took tho lead. Sho shook hands with the young ghi who opened the door, exclaiming dellghtedfy: "Well, well! I'm Mrs. Oreus, and these nro my sisters and my brother-in-law and my baby and a nephew Is your rather at home''" Without waiting for n reply from the stunned girl, she made for tho stairs, followed by her train of rolntlves. "I never ill earned that ho was mar ried!" she exclaimed to the llttlo worn an. who In n dazed way offered them chairs "Mid this big ilrl Is your daughter' Well, well'" And hIio smiled with n titiiidl warmth which In ought no i espouse from Hie hostess. s-'uddonl the door opened and a huge. Scotchman stood In It a moment wlilb- he : wed his callers "I'm mi glad to Know juii!" ex clalnud Mis (iregg as she hastened to gleet him Mid belole she knew It she gave him a warm, cousinly Kiss. "M husband, I)r Oregg, has spoken fo much of yon that I know you as .. ..ii -.. ii i i... . ... "'" ii i nan aiways Known you personally." declared Mrs. (iregg. "Why didn't you let us know that you were man led? Oh. pardon mo; I for got to Introduce you." And sho turned to beam on her own party. Tho host wore a pained nnd startled expression, hut he bowed gravely. Mrs. Mack seemed to have been turned to etone. WHERE PLATINUM IS FCUMD ijj wawaua win i m-iLiwii imri iiincriirT"inrrrrri " '" ' ' aaaaawarssia aaaa mwmmh" - XSCtnXZISCiS!Zin3B3S7nsS. 2X233SSfc ISXTYi&rwSIiiJtoEuS J ;3XiSI2SK23fii Rare Metal in Small GuantMu Usu ally Is Associated With Gold In Gravel Beds. Platinum Is found associated with gold, principally in gravel beds. Tlio ordinary source Is accumulations ot gravel which hnvu been eroded from extcnslvo area and gradually concen trated in one locality by the continued action of water. It Is a raro metal nnd tho accumulation must ho from a great extent of country If a paying deposit Is to ho developed. Platinum is of a sliver gray color which is rarely tarnished. Its devol opmont is similar to gold, except that whero gold Is usually associated with quartz and light colored rocks plat inum will ho found more commonly with dnrk colored rocks, and espe cially those of a greenish shading. It is found only In small quantities, except at two or three localities. West ern Colombia and eastern Russia havo gravel beds which afford tho princi pal supply of this metal. Klscwhero It Is found over considerable ureas, but not sulllclently concentrated to be of Importance. It may be looked lor among tho formations adjacent to le gions of old volcanic activity. The distribution Is principally in al tered rocks, and segregation seems to have been the principal cause con tributing to Its collection In ore bodies. The deposits found up to tho present time have been of Irregular mineralization nnd not of great ex tciiK consequently all platinum de posits must bo considered with cau tion. Of tho rare metals associated wIMi platinum, iridium, osmium, paladlum and others, little need bo said because of their rarity. If found they will ho associated with platinum and will ho known by the greater hardness, brighter surfaco and greater speclllo gravity. Moody's Magazine. THREAD DOES SLEUTH WORK a Milwaukee Merchant Devises a Clever Scheme to Get Rid of a Trouble some Shoplifter. Tho manager of a local department storo took an cI1 'iHous method of lidding himself of a Iroubksomo pet ty shoplifter recently. 'I ho woman has been coming into tho store ai.il pick ing up a small rununnt, spool of thrcid, thimble or other article that happened to bo lying about, having little Intrinsic value, but being never theless a r.ouico of annoyance to both the clerk and the maiuisrement. Ho causo of the position of tho woman, It was undesirable to institute an ac tion. A few days ago tho manager took a spool of silk from tho case, fastened the loose end of tho thread with a tack, and allowing a bit of slack, left it upon tho counter. It was not long before his party arrived, and deftly dropping tho spool into her shopping bag. started out. The manager de tached tho loose end and followed her up tho street, a few yards In tho rear. He trailed her into another downtown Btoro, nnd, as sho was standing besldo a counter in tho midst of a crowded nrrny of bargain seekers, approached her, calmly winding b.ls thread and po litely said: "Mndatno, I'll troublo you for that spool of thread." What followed can bo moro easily Imagined than described. Ho got tho thread and has not been troubled with losses since, nor have tho other stores, bo far as may bo learned. Milwaukeo Freo Press. RED CLOUD HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT CO. Headquarters For Builders Hardware - Heavy Hardware Majestic Ranges Laurel Ranges German Heaters Bath room specialties Rope Oils i Paints Wagons Buggies Gilson Gas Engines Fields Gas Engines Olds Gas Engines Badger Gas Engines Joliet Cora shelters 0 Louden Hay Tools Everything of the best at Lowest possible prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. BOTH PHONES: Ind 48 Bell Red 28 "How nlco It Is to meet relatives! Do sit down by mo hero nnd lot us talk over old times!" Mrs. Gregg smiled bewltchlngly up nt tho Scotch man. "You know Oatherlno stayed with us for some months, nnd I grow to think so much of her. It was on nccount of her that I was simply wild 10 meet you. Whero Is sho now?" Tho face or the Scotchman wns full of amazement. Mrs. Mack's eyes were fastened upon her husband In horror. Suddenly Mrs. Gregg's soaring spir its came down to earth. Sho looked searchlngly at her now cousin. Sho also observed tho wife's wordless ac cusations. "Why why " Bho began, "isn't Catherlno your slstor? Don't you ro member Dr. Gregg? I i think wo'vo nmdo somo mlstako." Thon sho looked reproachfully nt her brother-in-law "I'm sorry to havo troubled you," she added, "and I bollovo we'd better go now." Sho nroso and led a dignified re treat. Mrs. Mack leaned over the rail ing nnd gazed down suspiciously as her husband opened the door for tho Visitors. Bearded "Ladles." M. Brandt, a Danish professor, comes to tho conclusion that bearded ladies in time to como will bo tho or der of tho day. Ladles with boards who nro now to bo soon may bo re garded as tho precursors of tho futuro race, and tho professor comes to tho conclusion that (he more masculiuo woman becomes in Iter habits so much tho moro will sho bo In appearance. Ho does not think that bearded Indies will becomo general until at least two centuries havo elapsed. Ills Investi gations show that tho number of wo men with traces of mustaches, al though clearly visible, increaaos but Flowly. The Paris contemporary from which wo tako tho foregoing suggests that tho professor baa missed the great point which he might havo made and that Is that as tho number oi men who shave Increases dally it would follow that women would en deavor to grow beards from sheer perversity. THE "ROOSEVELT IDEA" Requires Furniture, For THE BABY i i "Aeropetomanle." Somo months ago a learned profes sor at tho Sorbonno wroto to tho Paris ian papers proposing thnt tho word "pefcimnno" bo used as a term to des iguato tho aviator, tho word pctomnno being based, ho explained, on tho Greek root "pet," to lly. Another learned person says that tho word harks back to tho earliest days of aer ostation, and Quotes from Det Ik'utscho Mcrkur (tho German Mer cury), published by Wloland at Wei mar, in October, 1783, widen speaks of "Aeropetomanle," or tho latest pro cress In Hying. I The Ruling Passion. ' "How is Mrs. Dumley? I under stand tho doctor gavo her up?" "Yes, he did. Rut sho's better. Tin other day sho thought sho was sink ing and sent in a hurry for her womee neighbors." "Well." "In tea minute ther were all play lnc bridge." OUR LINE IS COMPLETE. Iron Cribs, High Chairs, Nursery ChairsSmall Rockers, Go Carts and Mattresses. Inspect Our Line Before Buying. A. E. ATKINS, The Furniture Nan and Undertaker. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is a reliable family medicine. Give It to your children, and take it jour self when you feel u cold coming on. it checks and cures coughs and colds and oroup and prevents bronchitis atiibpneumonia. Sold nt Dr. Cook's drug store. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND o !V : f A? fr BRAND """Si. CO1 LAniF.S I Atk jour Drunl't for CHICIIKS uiAMunu iiKAnu t-ii,!.: 11 Gold metallic boxes, scaled Kibtxin. Takb no DTIIIt. 1 11mIa4 mmA Ailr turn iHII.GII BIAMUHU Illinn i-u.l,., ior iwcniT-nm years regarded at Bet,S.lkat, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffi EVERYWHERE xiV TKR'S A witn Dluc( Hf T.orW liLTtyi v CfeleT AMs Brlnl Results ALL ORDERS FOR Monumental Work to be erected this spring should be placed at once thus allowing sufficient time to com plete strictly high class work. : : : : Original Designs Modern Ideas Overing Bros. (Si Co. Dealers in Monuments, Red Cloud A A . N m