I I I .1' ? ! K If ' 'V lf DK3BB!23ffi2R7ZZKaQ2CE Av h RED CLOIfl) HARDWARE r TT? VA hfc 'It tU.m VJ i mi y& d J-' Js rff '4tLI- o ioeaclq uartere For triets .ii Mm Middle West, In which to ru I "o hugs ami feud entile. Theehenp est and Insl ii.l-purpos' farms to l found,' I'Vitilo mill piii' ueilvc coin and ulieul l.iid ovcr.s lli'lil I-the I est nil iiia land: tioimtlliil g nlii aii'! liny emps: good fln nil, excellent ronds, rui.il mnlis, telephones tivi'iiii'iit ' llllllltets llllfl shipping f..elllll'h" 'I Ms country Ins I'li'i'j qiialillculloii id i Sdl J tf IllU'M-cllfd gtnln fauns, l iir ' farms, p-tilti y fill ins Mi c'. fai'HK inn! feeding Million--. The Ik's land values to lie Inifl at Iim-I piict'i. A'-n n J lIUlllliiT of i-Xcelliiit C;tv l'i" itns Is't'll lltld siUM'il M'I'mI Ihi'h' l.lilii I r tlcK ( uiri'Hpniiil i it - lii-i'til bt ft, r f L Trifinn i 1- Its f,'ii.i,l li-inil-ie.V (! pili-.lll.iiiiln. j fiil-llii' inn;' i, nilpit ;'. l! I'V, '.',' i . , i I 'III Ml (I. Ii .. Fil i . as in i ' . ! . t ' I A is III I! it'll k. It , s 'i 'I Store H 1 m (spifpfl .;- Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Scet's and Alfalfa Meal Delivered to Your Door. i t:U7iZ&2ExlM$FJ fi-A iy Builders Hardware Heavy Hardware jestic Ranges Laurel Ranges German Heaters liifi'iln i' II .' Ill' i .ilc i fl It II I il. - t I '. i T.ir C "Hi" 'mil Mini I u Im.i.iK In' ti I f. Itin t I'D't It -. unit in v ii . ItiicU "I i rnt ii ut'i'i in t ! . i' it . ! ttfl sfl-l (IM- I t Mil, I 1'MlHpl' WHS m Ci kJ Bath room s pecialtie "O Kope Oils Paints Wagons Buggies Gilson Gas Engines Fields Gas Engines Olds Gas Engines Badger Gas Engine; Joiiel Cera shelters Louden Hay Tools Everything of the besf at Lowest possible prices. T Satisfaction Guaranteed. )S BOTH PHONES: Ind 48 Bell Red 28 ii ii i1 w 1 1 nm f 'I'Hi ii1 'i ' iW i n1 " pp r rnTir n ii ih saas'smaassamixsis- THE "ROOSEVELT IDEA" Requires Furniture, For -:- THE BABY -:- OUR LINE IS COMPLETE. Iron Cribs, High Chairs, Nursery Chairs,' Small Rockers, Go Carts and Mattresses. Inspect Our Line Before Buying. A. E. ATKINS, The Furniture. Man and 'Undertaker. ieui'i'd." (! i liii gi-iii:irt-. in th" vellow package. Knnl :it l)r C'h'iU'h ilruir ton. In Tlift TJlsnlrl ttJitrl c.f Wtlinicr '.loMitty, N".ijr;i5.k. Mblilullrltt, I'latiititr, V. I.ulu Kartell, tiiatinit It. it. Kent, ttllltullT. .tliilsoii, Ida II. William. 1 1- In I. I'urlicr, Klnier t;. I'nrUrr, lliirtnii it. Parker, lames II. I'atl-.er. Uihm'I T. I'ai Ut. mid Mlnnli'.l. Snil.li, lll.'lcllllllllt. Tin above ii'i iiicil ili'teiiilunts will take niillcotliiit mi lliu 'JM day nt iicKilicr. Hill. I.llililu Ilrllt pliiliilliriiorilti lilul lirr pitltlnll In thu District fn ill nt MVIi,lcr futility. Ni tir.tkii uxulnst tin' :tlniv( ntimcil iti'ti'inliint'i. tin.' nlijLi't ami im. r nt wlilrli Is In iIl-Ii'I'-initio thu lli'lii.nf thu ini'tlis l,i tilt1 iilinvc nanii it cti-i'. in fin fnllmvlin; ili-fil Ixit pre lillsi'S, tnwll: In'ts tin (l"i aiiil I'levrti (Ih la titoi'l; lut'itt.s nut' i'JIi III tin- i lt. id Kill limit, Xi-iiuisku. ami Inr u Jmluiiiriii onii llillllllt! the Ml.irusuf I hi' mil Ili'stntliealinVf ik'M'ittn it ':i inl-i s ami hi' .i parlltlnn uf tin' mild mImivc (Icm'i llu 'I pi'i'tnln's ai'i'nrillim in tlllTI'Spfl'IIVi' l'lllls n( till? p.trl Os ItltlTlstl'il t lici iln atut II the sum v i':uiiiit lo Lipitlalily iltvlilt'tl Unit nalil jin iiiHl - In- '.nlil :unl the pruri-l'ilstiiMllWitisl lii'twrfli tla-p irtli i In n toiu'i'utillittf to llii'lf ri-siii'i' Ivi- rljli s mi i fur ititH'fal iinltali!i-rillif. Ymi nri' rpiitilrm! to tiiiHWi-r salit in'tltlnn mi nr li. tutu tlio liitli itny I'Vhruiuy, Hit-.'. l.t mil!': Iiiti rr. Itv V. I . poiM'.v : i'it Hi i'ii. ii, 1 lri-in lit- iitlni ni'j s !n III it Dlstrlr.l I'.oart of tVubsttr Ct'itint), Ni.!)ri'.!.K;t. lii'nrulaiia I'.'il.ir I't-Wllt, I'lalntlil. ri. Illmii'lii' Km;ir-, .luliii Uuui'ts. Iii'i liii'liainl, t Ian ui't W'ainrr, ami Mrs. rlari'iicc Warni'r Ills tfo Hi st full nanii' unknown, , William. I. Ilalcir, anil Mn-. William . I. linker his tllu llr.st name un known, It. A. W'liltakcr, ilrst lull iinino unknown, anil Mrs. It. A. WliltakiT Ills wltu, Ilrst imttto un- ItllllWIl, Wlllhuu lluppir and Mrs. Hopper Ills wife, ilrst lull itiiiiiu unknown, Jiiinlu Wal., Delia Maliutti'y, Ainilu W'ooilruir, Morris M. Warner, Kllii Sliernmn, now llowilt, .leaui'ttu Cromwell, Olive lluiipiT, Nillli; Hopper, William Warner, Ma J or k- K. llaker, now Pouts, William. I. A. linker, Katherltic II, K. llaker. Ann Warner, cliarli'h W. Warner, ei al,, Deleiiilanls. Tliealiovu naiui'il noii-ri'slilenisilefeinlaiits will take iiutleu that on Hie mtoiiiI ilny of .lantiary, lup.', Heornlana llaker DeWltt, plaltitlllltureln lllul her petition in the Ills trlel L'uitrl of Webiter County, Ni lirnskii nyaliist you, tlteuhjii't and prayer uf uhleli aretodutermlnothu rlulitsuf the parties In the aliow cii'-u to tliu tollowlnu ilescrlhed pttniilses hlttmteil In Wehster I'uttnty, Ni liraska, tii-ult: The north west quarter nf .soi'tloirJI.Timu'.', I!iine!l Wist of the tl P. M., nml for a Judgment I'uuilrmliiu lliusliur e.sol tint parties to thu ulniw deserlheil pre nilMSaiid (or a parlltlun ul thu aliovu de serlheil premises neeurilliii; to thu respeetlvu rluhtsol tho parties Interested therein and If the name eannut lui eipilt.Uily dlvhleil. that hiild-pri'inlsi's bo sold and the proeeeds lie divided between tho parties hereto aei'ord Inn to their respucllw rights and lor general eipillalilu relief. Vim are reitilreil to answer said petition on or before- the IMIi day of iVhruary lUI'J. Datid.laiiuaryJ, liil'J. (iKinuiiANA ItAKKit DitWiTT, I'lalntlil". Ity Iternard MeNeny, Her Attorney. ALL ORDERS FOR Monumental Work to be erected this spring should be placed at once thus allowing sufficient time to com plete strictly high class work. : : : : Original Designs Modern Ideas Overing Bros. (L Co. Dealers in Monuments, Red Cloud TMIr: Kent Kstato ami Loan Akomi'.v in tlio nut p onico Ims a lutKu list of improved farms for halo that will In turust any laud buyer or homo sucker. A number ff farms that will pay kooc! interest on the investment: several that can be bought on easy payments and special deals: many thtit will pay their way mid jrow in value. These farms are priced neoonlliiR to itiallty, location and Improvements, Their list of farms is located rifjht here in The (iroat Ucpubliean Valley Cotmtry the Heart of Tlie (ireat Corn and Alf alfa Holt. Among their list are some of tho .bost farms in Webster and franklin Counties. 'The hills look Krcen far away' but tho farm lands hero aro safest for Investment, pro mUo tlio greatest rise in values and oiVor best Inducements to easy, thrifty farming. (Jood alfalfa land is crop producltiR while bolf.fertllllng and never wears out. One of the bebt dU- Lf.4al Notice, Notlro Ir herby ulven that II.. I. Kohniet seller a resident of lioMiuont, Nebnthka has lllidln tliuotllieof thoeounty elerk of Witli hter I'ounty, Nebraska an apiillcatlon bj petllluiiof certain persons ehtliulUK to In a majority of the resident free-holders nf Onk 1'reeU Prti'lnct, Webster founty, .Nuhritska, pra law the linaul ot county Coiuiulssloners of said County, to urant hint a lloeusu to sell limit, spirituous and luoiis liquors at Lot H, liloek K, In tho luwn ol Koseiunnt, in said Dak Creek I'lieluet, I liavu Mit TitiMluy, tho aoth day ot Cob rttary, nil.', at tho hour of Two o'oloek In thiwiHernoon at the Court llotiso In Ited Cloud, as tho time and placu for hearlnu'on said application. Any person ilrhlrlnt: to reiiionslratoor ol. Ject to tho t;raiitlii of said license, must illo their objectloim In wrltln with mo on or before tho above date hoi for hearing. Dated this liitli day ol January, lUl'J. K. W. HOSS, County Clerk of (Seal) WolMter County, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is ii reliable family medicine. (Jivo it to your children, ami take It your self when you feel 11 cold coining on. It cheeks ami cures coughs and colds and croup and prevents bronchitis nnd pneumonia. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug storo. SlflPSON & KEJMOflTtfY : : Opposite Post Office : : 'Phone Us Your Orders, Bell, Red 57 "- -- ) - - ,, , ifriiuii P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. S s A Gn:ttplcla Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, S olao the Latest Patterns In ? :s iZtr r - JweGmswm ? Wc arc alto making a Specialty of tho Celebrated i & B G.'7 j;& ii in & a i?,,?. & .cv. ,vt. c iitfi&iisnc'aTz !&:&& jy'vv'iio ' Bet! P .;nc T02. Independent Phone .'. i i" v-."- v f- vA . s 'sv.v,h.vnV,. iM.-mwm 4i mJm MiMw i ivemium J. m , ii' f'A.nvmxkM' a I ibi L iniBdMI y, L WllfT,1 r t is- 3 nan is onrl Tr-issr cu ili vclxji i (tniOrt POLICE! MURDER! FIRE! Our house is burning down and John's away a million miles otV on his vacation. A true picture though a bit exaggerated. Got an Insurance Policy on Your Houso and Furniture whilo yon think about it. For solid security have- us write it up. Our premiums aro low and compan ies are safe. O. C. TEEL9 Reliable Insurance. Foley's Honey nnd Tar Ccmpsund "Cur es In Every Case." Mr. Jus. MeCatrery, Mgr. of the Schlit, Hotel. Omaha, Noli I' , recom mends Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound, because it euros in every case. "I havo nsetl it myself hiul I have re commended it to many others who have since told me of its great cura tive power in diseases of tho throat and lungs." For all coughs and folds it is speedily elTectivo. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug store BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE- iLAJWW Trade Marks Designs COPVt'aHTS&C. Anrnnn nemllnc nnkotrli nnd ilc.crliitlim mnj nutrklr ii'cortiilii our opinion free wlmllmr mi tiiwMillon In iirnlintiljr tmli'iiiul.liv ''iiiiiiniinlrn lloiiKHirtctly r-ouitiloiitlul. HANDBOOK on 1'itH'iiti both fri'o. oMint HL'iMicy fur nin-urinir vitoiim. 1'nti'iitH I ilk imi lliruimli Munii K Co Tcculv ijifdiil naticr, wit limit, chiiruo, IntUo Scientific Hmciicnii A hnii(loniilf lllittrntoil wpckly. I.nr!ct rlr. rnlittlim of nny ccii'iiililii tnurnul. 'I'tirnm, :i a yi'ur: four months, tl. fcjiilil byull tionmli'nlorn. MUNN&Co.36'B'NewYorl' llrancli otllco tSS V Ht- Wasliluuton. I). U Subscribo for the Chief 91.C0 n year. It gives the news at all times. Charles Durham, Lovlngton, 111., has succeeded in finding a positive cure for bed wetting, "My little boy wet the bed every night clear thro', on the iloor. I tried several kinds of kidpoy medicine and I was In the drug store looking for something diiTerout to help him when I hourd of Foley Kidney 1'llls. After he had taken them two days wc could see a change aud when ho had taken two thirds of a bottle he was cured. That is about six weeks ago and he has not wet in bed since." Sold at Dr. Honry Cook's drug store. Chief Adi Briig Results ftl LC W M s J.1 For Sale fflfM John Yost f "Dutch Butcher" DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska Foley Kidney Pills Always give satisfaction because' they always do tho woik. J. T. Shcl nut, Ilronien, Ua.. sHys: "I have used I'oley Mdney l'ills with great satis ruction and found more relief from their uso than from nny other kidnev medicine, and I'vo tried almost ail Kinds. I can cheerfully recommend them to all suflerers for klduey nnd bladder trouble." For sale at Dr. Cook s drug storo. REWARD $50 - Fifty Dollars Reward - $50 The undersigned agrees to pay to anvone for tho arrest and conviction of tiny person or persons violating the liquor or gambling laws of tho stato of Nebraska, In tlio city of Red Cloud, tho sum of tlfty dollars. Kui) Cloud Civic Association NEW BAKERY I have opeuod a bakery inRed Cloud and solicit a share of your patronage Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes always in stock. Phone me your wautB (Ind. phone 188.) Retail storo opposite Postof lice, In Dloderich building. CURTHATFIELD,Prop.