The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 18, 1912, Image 8

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I.v I
ItW lF1TT W. T " C: A Sk JfilV W j W W'V REACHED LIMIT OF TORTURE dack yard communings.
BrlBKflllll Jl I NJ til Srf? lSrl lk 1 B 'fl' 'J fii ID Renl Rmboi, Wh'oui'il.-ir Gnve Even. SU&p? - I
1 ,---,, mamtT 'ra , JMsH -1 (CnpviiRlit. Wo, l.v tlio Now York MrniM Compiriy.)
raflDuf&jT 4t$M' ?WtrtL&.r' iCopyilRht. 1910. !iy tho Miu-Mlllim tiii.ii
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I I Y!1nm TfnfriUti biw.u. till !,. i..t. Umu. twtlti. 1...I.I i.. t .. .. .. t Vv I x I 11
Elnm Hnrtiluli, known all tliroiiKh Alas
Jn nn'HiireiltiB I)uIIk1i1." mI. Iiimiom Ihh
Sntli Mrthilny with u rrovvl of tnliii't lit
llin ClrrlM f'lly Tlvoll Tim ilulu-f ! nit
to hrnvv KHinlillim', In whli h omt fli)ii
1b tHlpd llnrnluli nr hlM liiniu'V ami
Ills mine Imt wltm tin- mull roiilim-l I If
tnits on his mull trip Willi iIok 'l
flulKC tfllltiK hW frl.-n.N Unit In' I1I lu
lu the Mk Vnlinn Rold stilKi. nt tin start
jiwrninK DHyiiKiil tniik." a s iiiitionniiy
rapid run arrnm rrmiitrv with tin mall
npprnrs nt tin Tlvoll tttnl Is now iiihU
to Join ItN frlcnil In a ilasli to tin tnw
KOld (IpIiI.s. I)i-ii1ltiK tlint KoM will l"
lotind In tho tip rlir ilintrk-t llarnlch
lmys two totis of Hour which In ilnliiri"
will ho worth Its wi'luht In B"M. hut
whrn' hf nrrlvi s with tils tlntir In tltnls
tho hlc tint i1i'olat A t-omrniV- il'xcov
trs Kohl ntnl hnvllvht rnpt a rlrli liar
Vst. Ho L'ni'ii to I'.iwson, lni tun. h tl.i
most irotnfnint llpnro In the KlonillHi
find di'frnts a romhlnatlon of ntiliJillst
Iti n vast mlnlnu tloiil II. ritnin. to
cIvtllziHIon. and, amid tho In w ildi-tlm:
rnrnpllnitlotiM of liluh llnani-c. PmllKht
finds that hi has lie-on loll to lnt't his
flovrn mllllotw In a tutinlpiiliiti-d scliotin
Ho kops to Now York, and confronting
his disloyal paitncrs with a rowdwr. ho
throatons tn kill thoin If his mnnov N not
rrttirnod. Thov ate i-oui1, toturn th'lr
HfnllnKs nnd llnrnMi lioos hirk to Hon
I'mnoNro, when ho mwli his fatu In
Ordo Mason, a prottv stt'tiowiaplicr.
Daylight wns In the tlilnk of IiIb
liet:tnrtilar nnd Intensely hlttor Ppht
with tho Coastwise Steam Navlsatlon
Company, nntl thr Hawaiian, N'lra
rnBtian, nnd Steam
ship Company. Ho stirred up a IiIr
gcr muss thnn ho had anticipated,
and even ho was astounded at the
wide ramifications of the strtiuKle and
at the unexpected and Incongruous In
terests thnt were drawn Into It. Every
newspaper In San Francisco turned
upon him. It was true, ono or two of
them had first intimated that they
were open to subsidization, hut Day
Ufilit's Judgment was that the situa
tion did not warrant such expenditure.
Up to this time the press had been
amusingly tolerant and good-naturedly
sensational about him, but now ho wns
to learn what virulent scurrilotisticsa
an antagonized press was capable of.
Every eplsodo of his life was resur
rected to servo as foundations for ma
licious fabrications. Daylight was
frankly amazed at the new Interpre
tation put upon ail that he had ac
complished and the deeds he had
done. I-'rom an Alahkan hero he was
metamorphohed Into an Alaskan
bully, liar, desperado, and all-atound
"bad man." Tho whole affair sank to
the deeper deeps of rancor and savage
ttuss. The poor woman who had killed
herself was dragged out of her gravo
and paiaded on thousands of roams
of paper no a martyr and a victim to
Daylight's ferocious brutality
He was like a big bear raiding a
beehive, nnd, regardless of tho stings.
he obstinately persisted in pawing for
the honey. He gritted his teeth and
struck back. Beginning with a raid on
two steamship companies, it develop
ed into a pitched battle with a city,
state nnd continental const lino. Al
lied with him, on a splendid salary,
with princely pickings thrown In, was
a lawyer, Larry Megan, a young Irish
man with a reputation to make, and
whose peculiar genius had been un-
A Sudden Envy ot This Young Fellow
Came Over Daylight.
recognized until Daylight had picked
up with him. It was Megan who guided
Daylight through tho Intricacies of
modem politics, labor organization,
nnd commercial and corporation law.
It was Megan, prolific of resource and
suggestion, who opened Daylight's
eyes to undreamed-of possibilities In
twentltith-century warfare; and It wns
Daylight, rejecting, accepting, nnd
elaborating, who planned the cam
paigns and prosecuted them. With tho
Pacific coast, from Pugot Sound to
Panama, buzzing nnd humming, und
with San Francisco furiously about his
ears, the two big steamship companies
had all the appenranco of winning. It
looked as if Burning Daylight was be
ing beaten slowly to his knees. And
then he struck at tho steamship com
panies, at San Francisco, at tho whole
Pacific coast.
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Vir J 4? S X S iii l &ri -V'1 I'Mm up for n conceit Al H!: IT. the ,, ,
J It was not much of n blow nt first
iiiriMinu Miueuvor coin option, was
being field In San Francisco, a tow
was started by i:.pies Diheftt' Union
No. H27 over (he handling of a small
heap or baggage at Ferry Building A
few heads were htoken, a si-oie of ar
tests made, und the baggage was tie
Ihered. o one would have guessed
that behind this peitj wrangle was
the lino Itlsh hand of llegtin. made
potent by the Klondike gold of Hut it
lug Daylight it was an Insignificant
'iff.-ilr at bestor so It seemed But
the Teamster..1 t'nltni look up the
"Parrel. binkil iv tho whole Water
Front Federation Step by step, the
strike hot-nine Involved A refusal of
ook.s ,-iml waiters to serve scab team
h,,,'s or teamsters" employer
brought out the en ks nnd waiteis
The butchers and meat euttets refused
to handle meat deitlned tor unfair
restaurants. The combined Employ
ets' Associations put up a solid front
and found facing them the 10.000 or
ganled laborets of San Francisco
The restaurant liakeis and the bal;ei
wagon drivers struck, followed h the
milkers, milk drivers nnd chicken
pickers The building trades asserted
Its position in unambiguous terms, am!
all San Francisco wns In turmoil
But still. It wns only San Francisco
llegan's intrigues were masterly, and
Daylight's campaign steadily dev. i
oped The powerful fighting orgnnl
zutlon known as tho Pacific Slope Sen
man's Union refused to work vessels
the cargoes of which wero to be
handled by scab longshoremen and
freight handlers. Tho union presented
its ultimatum, and then called a strike
This had been Daylight's objective all
tho time. Every Incoming coastwise
vessel was boat tied by tho union nlll
clals and Its crew sent ashore And
with the seamen went tho tiretnen, the
engineers and the sea cooks and
waiters. Dally tho number of Idle
steamers Increased. It was Impossi
ble to get scab crews, for the men of
the Seamen's Union wore lighters
trained In the hard bchool of tho sea,
and when tliey went out It meant
blood and death to scabs This phase
of the strike spread up and down tho
entlro Pacific coast, until all the ports
were filled with Idle ships, and sea
transportation was at a standstill Tho
tl.iys and weeks dragged out. nnd the
strike held The Coastwise Steam
Navigation Company and the Hawaii
an. Nlcaraguan. and Paclllc-Mexlcan
Steamship Compnny were tied up com
pletely. Tho expenses of combating
the strike were ttemcudotis. and they
were earning nothing, whllo dally the
situation went from had to worse, un
til "peace at any price" became the
cry And still there was no peace,
until Daylight and his allies played out
their hand, raked in the winnings, nnd
allowed a goodly portion of n conti
nent to resuruo business
Daylight's corning to civilization had
not Improved him. True, he wore
bettor clothes, had learned slightly
bettor manners, nnd spoke better Eng
Hsh. But ho had hardened, nnd at tho
expense of his old-time, whole-souled
geniality. Even his human affiliations
wero descending. Plnylngn lone hand,
contemptuous of most of tho men with
whom ho played, lacking In sympnthy
or understanding of them, and certain
ly Independent of them, ho found lit
tlo In common with thoso to bo en
countered, sny nt the Alta-Paclflc. In
point of fact, when tho battle with tho
steamship companies was nt Its height
and his rnid wns Indicting Incalcula
ble damage on nil business interests,
he hnd been asked to resign from the
A!tnPaclflc. The Idea hnd been rath
or to his liking, nnd ho had found now
quarters in clubs llko tho Riverside,
organized and practically maintained
by tho city bosses,
Ono week-end, reeling heavy and do
pressed and tired of tho city and its
ways, ho obeyed tho Impulse of a
whim thnt was later to play an Impor
tnnt part In his life. Tho deslro to
get out of the city for n whiff of coun
try nlr nnd for a chnngo of sceno was
the causo. Yot, to himself, ho mado
tho excuse of going to Glen Ellen for
the purpose of Inspecting a brickyard
which Holdsworthy had sold him. Mo
spent the night In tho llttlo country
hotel, and on Sundny morning, nstrldo
a saddlo horso rented from tho Olen
Ellen butcher, rode out of the village.
Tho brickyard was close nt hand on
the flat besldo the Sonomn Creek.
Resolving to have his fun first, nnd
to look over tho brickyard nfterwnrd,
ho rodo up tho hill, prospecting for a
way cross country to get to tho
knolls. Me loft tho country road nt
tho first gato ho camo to nnd cantered
through n hayfleld. The grnln was
waist-high on either sldo tho wagon
road, nnd ho sniffed tho wnrm nroma
of It with dollghtc'1 nostrils, At the
base of the knolls ho encountered a
tumble-down stnke-and-rldor fence.
Ho tethered tho horso nnd wan
dered on foot nmong tho knolls. Their
tops were crowned with contury-old
spruco trees, and their sides clothed
with oaks and madronos and natlvo
holly. But to the perfect redwoods be
longed the small but deep canyon that
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'It Sure Beats Country Places and Bungalows at Menlo Park," He Com
muned Aloud.
threaded Its wny nmong tho knolls.
Hero he found uo passage out for
his horse, and leading the nnlmal. ho
forced his wny up the hillside. On
the crest he came through an amazing
thicket of velvet-trtrnked young ma
dronos, and emerged on nn open hill
side that led down Into a tiny valley.
The sunshine was nt llrst dazzling in
Its brightness, nntl he paused and
rested, lor ho wns panting from tho
fxortlon. Not of old had ho known
shortness of breath such as this, and
muscles that so cablly tired nt u stiff
climb. A tiny stream rap down tho
tiny valley through a tiny meadow
that was carpeted knee-high with
grass nnd blue nnd whito ncmnphlla.
Crossing '.ho stream, Daylight fol
lowed a taint cnttlo trail over a low,
rocky hill and through a wlno-woodcd
forest of mauznnitn, and emerged
upon another tiny valley, down which
Altered another spring-fed, meadow
bordered streamlet
"It euro beats country places nnd
butignlows at Menlo Park," he com
muned aloud; "and If ever I get tho
hankering for country life, It's uo for
this every tlmo."
An old wood-road led him to a clear
ing, whero a dozen ncres of grapes
grew on wine-red soil. A cow-path, more
trees and thickets, nnd ho dropped
down a hillside to the southeast ex
posure. Here, poised above a big for
ested canyon, and looking out upon
Sonoma Valley, was a small farm
house. With Its barn nnd outhouses
it snuggled Into a nook in tho hill
side, which protected It from tho west
and north. It was tho erosion from
this hillside, he Judged, that had
formed tho llttlo level stretch of vege
table garden. Tho soil wns fat and
blnck, and there was water In plenty,
for ho saw several faucets running
wide open. Forgotten wns tho brick
yard. Nobody was at homo, but Day
light dismounted nnd ranged tho vege
table garden, eating strawberries nnd
green peas, Inspecting tho old ndobo
barn and rusty plow and harrow, nnd
rolling nnd smoking clgnrettes while
be watched tho antics of several
broods of young chicks nnd tho moth
er hens.
Nothing could sntlsfy his holiday spir
it now but the ascent of Sonomn Moun
tain. And hero on the crest, threo
hours afterward, ho emerged, tired and
sweaty, garments torn and face nnd
hnnds scratched, but with sparkling
eyes nnd nn unwonted zestfulness of
expression. Ho felt tho Illicit pleas
ure of a schoolboy playing triinnt Tho
big gnmlng table of San Frnr.clsco
seemed very far away. Hut thero was
moro than Illicit pleasure In his mood.
It wns as though ho wero going
through n sort of cleansing bath No
room hero for rll tho sordldnoss,
meanness nnd viclousncss that filled
tho dirty pool of city existence. Mo
waa loath to depnrt, and It was not
for an hour that ho was nblo to tear
himself away and tnko tho descent of
tho mountain. Working out a new
route Just for tho fun of It, Into after
noon 'vas upon him when he arrived
back t tho wooded knolls.
-3 ,. y'A VTOi'
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Daylight ca.u about for u trail, and
i found ono leading down the side
opposite to his ascent. Circling tho
baso of tho knoll, he picked up with
his horso and rodo on to tho ftrrrri
house Smoke wns rising from tho
chlmnoy, und ho was quickly In con
versation with a nurvous, slender
young mnn, who, he learned, was only
a tenant on tho much. How largo
was It? A matter of ouu bundled and
eighty act es. though It seemed much
lurger. This was bccaiibo It was so
Irregularly shaped. Yes. It Included
the clay-pit und all tho knolls, und Its
boundary that ran along tho big can
yon was over a mllo long. Oh, yes,
ho nnd his wife managed to scratch
a living without working too hard.
They didn't hnvo to pny much runt.
Millard, the owner, depended on tho
Income from tho clay-pit. Hillard was
well off and had big ranches nnd vino
yards down on tho flat of tho valloy.
Tho brickyard paid ten cents a cubic
yard for tho claj. As for tho rest of tho
ranch, the land was good In patches,
whero It wns cleared, llko tho vege
table garden and tho vineyard, but the
rest of it was too much up-and-down.
"You're not a farmer," Daylight
Tho young man laughed and shook
bis head.
"No; I'm a telegraph operator, nut
the wife and I decided to take a two
years' vacation, and . . . hero we
nre. Out tho time's about up. I'm
going back Into the oHlco this fall
after I get tho grapes off."
As Daylight listened, there camo to
him a cudden envy of this young fol
low living right In tho midst of all
this which Daylight had traveled
through the last few hours.
''What In thunder nre you going
back to tho telegraph office for?" he
The young man smiled with a cer
tain wistfnlness
"Hecnuso wo can't get ahead hero.
. . ." (ho hesitated an Instnnt),
"and becnuso thoro aro added ex
penses coming. Tho rent, small ns It
Is, counts; und besides, I'm not strong
enough to effectually farm tho place.
If I owned It, or If I wero a real
husky llko you, I'd ask nothing better.
Nor would tho wlfo." Again tho wist
ful smllo hovored or his face. "You
see. we're country born, nnd after
bucking with cities for a few years,
wo kln-1 of feel we llko tho country
boBt. We've planned to get ahead,
though, nnd then some day we'll buy
a patch of land and stay with it."
Customer's Opinion.
Seymour What do you think of the
novel that Hcnner, the restaurant
keeper, hus written?
Ashley It's too much llko his sand
wichesnothing between tho covers.
Knlckor Yes, my dear, 1 shall bo
Kind to go with you; I long to see tho
ueuuticB of tho country.
Mrs. Knlcker We will stay in town.
r. xA
vA V
A burglar broke Into a New York
mansion mi-ly i In oilier tiioinliig and
loiind himself tifiet wa'idetlng about
the place In the muMi mom Hearing
'outsteps apptoat'lilni;, he took leluge
I ehlinl a seteen From eight to nine
ilte eldest daughter had a lngluK
lesson Fiom nine to ten lite second
daughter took a piano lesson From
to to II the oldest son got Ills lnstruc
Hon on lite violin Ftom II lo 12 tho
wuingor boy got u lesson on the llute
and piccolo Then nt 12 lfi, .the fain
ll got togethei and piaetlceil music
en all their liiMnitnotitH They woto
liNlne up for a conceit At I2:iri the
l-Kich climber staggered Hum behind
Hie Hcieeii "Fin heaven's sake, send
for the police'" he shtleked "Tor
ture rue iif longet"' And In tho even
lug papet then wnn ihe headline
'Neivv Chlldieu ('upline Despeiaio
Woman's W.iy.
"A woman's i opvettlloll. ell'.' hut
do women I, now ctiihuslusm''
Now at llle 1,-11 liutloll.ll i oilV'ciitloil
we in. mi cln oi oil our catidlilaie lot an
hunt "
' That's all right." said ins wife
"We tbievv kisses al oui. lor t-IM.v
seven lulnuies by the clock." Louis
ville Coin ier-.ltiui-ual.
Why They Scout.
Mts Forward And so two of jour
sons ate Bov Senilis'.' When do they
do I heir loci liliolteilug'.'
Mrs. Unwind in our rotrigorator
I .Iff.
His Exact Sort.
"What kind of a glass of fashion
did Ophelia consider llanilet?" "As
long as she called him Lord Hamlet,
I suppose she consldeied him a peer
glass "
For health and energy eat It for
breakfast. Reduces cost of living.
Free Silver Spoon In every package.
Ask jour gtocer for a package.
Too Much Reclining.
"How as it that Crimps railed In
Ills bed-mantiractitiltig business?" "Ho
got too much In sympathy with tiro
business." "How could he do that'.'"
"Ho lay down on the Job."
Stop the Pain.
Tin hurt of -I hum or a cut stops whoa
Cole's ('.iihiillsiilvo Is applied. It he.ils
(iilcKlv and picvi-iits m-iiih. "."- and C1' hy
linut;ists. I hi- fi.i. Miinplo wtlto to
J. V. Colo A. Co.. llhu-k lllvcr Falls, Wis.
Before the Scrap.
"Why are you rushing around so to
day?" "I'm trjing to got something
for my wife." "Hnd any offers?"
Louisville Courier-imirnal.
TIi)IIuiiiIh of CoiiMlluptivTs ilio rvcrj
veil. CniMiiiipliou iomiIIs ftom a lieu
li'ctcil cold on tin- hint's, li.iinhiis Wi.uil
Oil will cm t- llit-M cilils. .Iiiit tub il into
tho chi'bl tital dniw out tin mil iiiiinatiun.
No Doubt About It.
And every good husband, no doubt,
Is suit) that he is married to one of
tho world's twenty greatest women.
Dr. Pierce's I'lc.cant Pellets reuul.itc
nnd invigorate stnui.icli, liver anil bowels.
Suuar i-oiteil, tiny gunnies. F.isy to Ukc
as candy.
Thcmnn who hides his light under
n bushel Is sometime surprised to
find thnt tho sun still shines.
to c:itK A rm.i in onk iiav
Tnttn I.A.VA'IIVIO 1IIIOMO Ounilnn TuMpK
lirntrKlUHD-liiiiil mnrn-jr II It inns in euro.
OltuV 1'. h ki.MuluruUim facti bui. Zj.
Tho total lire loss for tho year 1911
Is expected to total at $'JOO,000,000 In
the United States and Canada.
AYeeetoble Preparation for As
simitating HieFoodandRegula
ling ihe Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful
ncssandllcsl Contains neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Not Narc otic
Prop tfOMDrSAMVElimttER
tmiii'n Qttd '
Ami Std
llltm Sttd
Hmtrrfrtn 'Alter
A perfect Remedy forConslipa
lion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss and Loss of Sleep
Facsimile Signature of
The Cental-h Company,
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
fcii i 1
.l,l....ll. ::.:.:::;..: :.k.:"-' , ,i-n:.,7,i,mTTIT
V-cv a'cio?2'.$i-
Tho Dog Is this a tree conceit?
Tho Cm (pausing in his contented
monologue-) No, I get so much pur.
, Mnn nntl Meter Both Unique.
A Kansas City man notllled.lhc gas
loiupany that his meter wat i tinning
-low (Heater honesty hath no man
than this
It Is the common lot of man not to
got an uncommon lot
First Aid To a
Weak Stomach
Stomach Bitters
At the first sitn of any
weakness of the Stomach,
Liver or Bowels take the
Bitters. It renews health
and strength. A trial
will convince you. Don't
experiment Get
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
can quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable
act surelv nml
gently on the
nvcr. cure
n i 7 7. i
iicss, and Indigestion. They do their duty.
Genuine must bear Signature
UpolpfC tms I)aI)cr desiring to buy
IWlUwl 3 anythingadvertised in its col
umns should insist upon having what they
ask for.rcfusing all substitutes or imitations
Fffectlvo for CoukIih anil finro Throat No opIatM.
boinplo f rcu. John I. iinowi A Son, Jloitoa Uua.
.ivxaiiasBazzarr tva wtbd
liiirnllMoHOwi'ekly, Ulifrnl rmhinlvanrm. Hi
iirlcnco umiiTSnrjr. Vrltnforlurintoil,ijr. Ulr
nitcrriiccs. Hliorumn Nurorr Co., ClmrliN l.'ltjr. 1.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
EVl l"iW V I
AwjtpT " ,-f
.MMWJrrWJMM Hi-r-ri r
Mvwiptpr Wii iu
Mmmymmw ivck
JZArxK Mlim'
p tmmmaimmjm attar mmi ;.---
T Alt
j Hr - rti".
jftfefcr "i y wyi'iii