The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 18, 1912, Image 7

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The Chief
C. D. HALE, rubllslicr
Claims of Stability Made for Chinese
Empire. Abdication Practically
Decided Upon After
Maine Relics.
Washington. Acquisition of the
telegtaph lines of the United Slates
by the goveininrnt, and tlielr opera
tion as a part of the postnl service
will he recommended to congress In
u short time by Postmaster (ieneral
Hitchcock. Thin announcement
tteenud to greatly agitato olllclal
Washington. The while house ap
parently was especially an.xloiis to
discover the win reahoiitH of the post
master general and efforts were inside
to recall the announcement. When
Mr. Hitchcock, who had been In New
Yoik, returned, he went at onco to
his apartments and refused to boo
liny one.
Abdication About Decided Upon.
l'eklng, Jan. 13. The abdication of
tho throne hat; been practically de
cided upon and tlie retirement to
Jnliol will take, place Immediately. A
prolonged meeting of the principal
members of tho i;overntnent this af
ternoon partly arranged tho detail?
(or tho abdication.
This Week the Turning Point.
Knuklug.- The close of the fourth
month since Its outbreak brines the
Chinese revolution to another turning
jiolnt. Tho com I iik week probably
will decide whether order Is to bo
restored or hostilities are to reopen
nfter n six weeks' armistice. In the
latter event tho bloodshed and reign
of terror will probably far exceed any
provloiiH record.
Many Seek Maine Relics.
Washington. To dispose In an or
derly manner of the many applica
tions that are being made for relics
of tho old battleship Maine, soon to
bo removed from Havana harbor, n
board consisting of Lieutenant Col
onel Edward Ilurd, corps of engineers,
United States army, and Commander
Menard II. Leigh, United States
navy, has been appointed to recolvo
and pas in a preliminary way upon
all requests.
Preach In Missouri Democratic Ranks.
St. Iiuls. Tho breach between the
fotces of Speaker Champ Clark and
former Governor Joseph W. Folk, who
are striving for tho Missouri delega
tion at tho democratic national con
vention has been widened by tho
democratic state committee selecting
February 1!0 as the date for holding
.tbe stato com ration at .loplin Tho
Folk adherents fought for a dato in
tSlarcb for holding the convention.
Nebraska Man Out on Ball.
Milwaukee, Wis.- John F. Howell,
the Denver mining stock salesman and
former Lincoln, Nob., resident, arrest
rd here for perjury In connection with
the death In his rooms of Mrs. Ida H.
Nelson of Lincoln, has been leleased
on bail which was furnished by his
company, after bo had consulted with
Its attorney, who came hero from tho
west to InveMlbgjto the case. Hall
was reduced from $:!,000 to $1,000.
Troops Leave Manila.
Mnnlla Tho United States trans
port lxigan has left this port with a
battalion of Infantry and other troops
on board for China. Tho troops, after
they have disembarked, aro to bo cm
ployed in guai ding a section of the
Poking railroad from Tang-Shan to
anchov against the possible attack
of either Imperialists or republican
Dallas, Tex. Three deaths and
three new cases within tho last tvven-ity-four
hours summarized the menlii;
Cltls situation herj Sunday. Physicians
assert tho outlook Is bright for an
early suppression of the epidemic.
Bank Robbers Frustratedi
Shawnee, Okla Two men entered
the Dalo Stato bank at Dale, Okla.,
Friday, and at the point of revolvers
demanded that the cawhler turn over
the bank's funds. While he was
reaching Into a drawer for the $17 0io
therein, Vlco-Ptesldent Patten, who
was In the rear of the building, and
who had overheard the demands of
tho men, began shooting at the rob
bers, who ran from the building and
Many Democrats Will Be There.
Fargo, N. D Prominent democrats
of tho United States will bo present at
the "get together" meeting whleu Jh
to bo held hero this week, mong
those who havo signified their Inten
tion of being present are William J.
Hryan, Governor Judson Harmon of
Ohio, Governor Edwin L. Norrls of
Montann and Governor John Burko of
North Dakota. The latter It has been
enld Is an aspirant for tho position of
vleo-p'-eMilont upon tho democratic
, ticket if Governor Harmon Is nomln-
10 HE 10 JEHOL
Suggested Retreat at Jehol for Chinese
Emperor Senator Brown Says
Opponents of Treaty Will
Soon Be for It.
l'eklng. Tho Maticbu princes of tho
Imperial clan met Thursday and re
solved to ndviso the tlirunu to retire
Immediately to Jehol, about 120 mile
lo tho northwest of Poking, where the j
members of tho Imperial family have
usually gone during tho summer.
Tho decision of the princes has
aroused apprehension of n possible
transfer of the Chinese capital to Nan
king, which would open up a wide
Held for foreign adenturo In north
orn China. It Is hoped that In event
of the downfall of the Imperial gov
ernment the foreign powers Interest-
i-d In maintaining the Integrity of
China will point out that the transfer
nf the capital to Nanking will be j
Inimical to f'hlna's Interest, and tho
general situation become moro dis
turbed. Tho patriotic fund being
raised among the Manchu princes to
carry on the campaign to suppress
the rebellion has reached S.'O.OOO tnels
(approximately $.ir,noo). It Is stated
n authoritative circles that Dr. Wu
Ting I'ang, minister of justice In tho
republican cabinet, has telegraphed
Premier Yuan Shi Kal proposing an
extension of tho armistice for twelve
Says Resolution Clears Situation.
Wnshinglon Speaking of tho reso
lution Introduced by Senator Lodge In
reference to the proposed arbitration
treaties now pending, Senator Brown
"Public sentiment has forced tho
senators, headed by Ixidgo of Massa
chusetts, who opposed tho peace trea
ties, to Invent a soft place for them to
light. Tho Invention consists of a
few sentences added to the ratification
resolution which In no senso or In no
way chnnges or modlllcH tho treaty as
negotiated by the president. The en
tiro treaty Is left In tho ianguago as
negotiated and It will no doubt bo
ratified without serious opposition
from tho Ixidgo coterlo. Tho lodgo
Xesolutlon Is merely omplanatory, and
has greatly clarified tho whole situa
tion." Elections Favorable to Socialists.
Hnrlln. Tho expected swing to
wards socialism In the relchstag elec
tions held throughout tho empire, has
been realized, but early returns, to the
surprise of most persons, showed that
It was accomplished far moro at the
expense of the radicals and liberals
than of tho centerists nnd conserva
tives. Tho members elected includo
four conservatives, thirty-nine center
Ists, two liberals, no radicals, thirty
eight socialists and one Dane.
Germany Excited Over Election.
Berlin. Germany Is on the evo of
tho most portcntlous parliamentary '
election ever held nince the establish-
ment of the empire lu 1S70. It Is not
surprising, therefore, that the whole
country Is In a state of ferment tpiifV
unusual with Germans, who take poll-
tics ami elections cooly ami ilellbor-
atcly. as a matter of fact, and are not
given must to election demonstra-
Risk Lives for Big Wages.
New York. Two hundred and fifty
desperate men, warned lu advance that
their lives would be lu constant dan
ger. Friday accepted the tempting
wages offered and entered the skele
ton of the Kqultnblo Life building, In
nn effort to brace up the tottering
walls and dear a path toward tho Im-
mense vaults that contain $L000,000,.
000 In securities.
Sink Seven Turkish Gunboats.
Homo. The first Important naval
battle lu Turko-Itallan war oc
curred lu Ked sea on January 7,
wltb the result that an Italian cruiser
squadron sank seven Turkish gun
boats nfter a hlinrp conflict. A large
number of Turkish seamen wont down
with their ships,
Retrenchment Delays Census Work.
Washington. The discharge of 1,100
cleiks from tho census office because
of lack of funds has so crippled the
thirteenth decennial census work, ac
cording to a report from Director l)u
rands to Secretary of Commerce and
Labor Nagel. that It will be inipos-
slblo to complete a number of Impor
tant subjects by June I!0, the dato set
by law for tho publication of tho re-
Ambassador to France Resigns.
Paris. Robert Bacon, ambassador
of tho United States at Paris, confirms
his resignation, Ambassador Bacon
snld ho wished his friends to know
that thero were no ulterior motives for
his resignation. Ho had been for sev
enteen years a member of the board
of overseers, and could not, ho snld.
decllno tho honor of becoming a fol-
i low of Harvard, to which ho has been
chosen to take tho place of the lato
Judge Lowell, and which he consid
ered to bo the host single influence
I for good In America.
r I W '4m
J3 W Wr Jit
tCopyrluht. 1U.
Detective Burns Is Complimented for
Rendering a Service to Hlb Coun
try Opposition to Arbitra
tion Treaty.
Indianapolis, lnd. Complimented by
tho federal court for luulng "rendered
a great service to his country," Wil
liam J, Hums, the detective, has been
released from the charge of having
kidnaped John J. McNamara, tho con
fessed dynamiter. All the charges In
the Indictments against Hums for hav
ing captured the labor leader in In
dianapolis laiit April and taking him
to California for trial were held to be
mill and void.
"if I or this court had had anything
to do with the arrest of Mr. Hums in
this Instance, I should certainly now
tender him an apology," said Federal
Judge A. H. Anderson in dismissing
the Indictments brought by tho county
grand Jury under which tho detective
had been held in 110,000 ball.
Democrats Oppose Ratification.
Washington. Tho Iodgo amend
ment to tho resolution for ratification
of tho arbitration treaties with Great
Britain nnd Franco haB stirred unex
pected opposition from democratic sen
ators. It Is favored, however, by three
fourths of tho republican senators
who accept It as a happy compromise
of all differences.
Nebraska Man Killed at St. Joseph.
St. Joseph, Mo. Tho body of Leo
Foster of Lincoln, Neb,, a Burlington
brakeman, was found, horribly muti
lated in tho ditch besldo the railroad
tracks near St. Joseph Thursday morn
ing, after the authorities had been led
to make an Investigation following the
arrest of William Thomas, a negro,
who was exhibiting a piece of tho dead
man's skull on tho downtown streets.
Foster was brakcniim on train No. 109,
which left at midnight for Omaha,
and It was not until two hours later
that tho conductor discovered that he
had disappeared from the train. He
wired back, but Foster could not be
To Discuss Reclamation Law.
Washington. A conference of tho
, .whnisku delegation will probably bo
I'jcld within the next ten days to out
line n program of amendments to o-
Istlng reclamation service law as It nf
feotn Nebraska. Water users In the
western part of tho stato want the
term of pa incut extended to twenty
years The delegation will probably
unite in favor of this.
Governor Appoints N. P. Hansen.
Lincoln. Neb Nela P. Hansen of
I i,lncon wa Thursday appointed dep-
uty state food commissioner by Gov
ernor Aldilch to take tho place niado
vacant by the death of W. It. Jackson.
Nebraska Sheriff Killed by Train.
Grand Island. Neb. James Dimkel,
of Grand Island, sheriff of Hall county,
and piesldent of the Nebraska Sheriffs'
association, was stiuck and liibtantly
killed by I'nlon Pacific train No, 17.
Tho accident occurred at Chapman,
Chicago. Pat Crowe, kidnapper,
evangelist, promoter for a sanitarium
for inebriates, and police character,
has mndo his appearance lu court
here again. Thlh time his brother
wished him t-ent to tho county hos
pital, lie was suffering from expos
ure. Crowe Ideutlflid himself as an
"author" savin. ho was woking on a
Virwit.- h.i liiiil Iw.oti "1... nit. l....i
f.,w... . it'Mihn .- ...... .I.-.-,, titiu n r i
from Chicago some time ago, by a
municipal Judge, he was sent to 'tho
y, Wants Government Department Stores
Washington. Representative Victor
'I Beiger, socialist, of Wls-consin has
Introduced a bill to appropriate $1,000,-
000 for tho establishment of govern-
ment owned department stores in
Washington for tho benefit of govern
ment clerks, to be operated on tho
lines of the commissary stores in tho
Panama canal 'one,
Coldest Place In Cou.ntry.
Duluth, Minn. Cook. Minn., with a
record of ."0 below s-ero, wn the cold
est plain lo " country Wedno'dav
Contents of Vaults In Burned Build.
Ing Are Believed Safe May
Amount to a Billion
of Dollars.
Senttle, Wash. The council has
passed a resolution calling for tho cre
ation of a municipal bank and trust
department to handle the city's money.
Tho resolution Instructs tho mayor to
appoint a committee of the members
to draw up plans for the city's hank.
Tho city carries balances in Seattle
banks ranging from $4,000,000 to $5,
000,000, which draws 'J per cent Inter
est. Tho resolution proposes to have
these funds handled by the municipal
bank, which will have power to re
celvo and manage savings deposits,
buy and sell city utility bonds of Se
attlo and other cities, loan surplus
funds on city utility and local Im
provement bonds, establish a clearing
house with Independent banks that nre
now kept under the domination of
larger banks, transact such other
business ns will enable the city to
build and operate utilities unhampered
by private corporation Influence nnd
put the finances of Seattle on a sound
and buslness-llko basis.
Contents of Vaults Thought Safe.
New York. Moro than f.'O.OOO.OOO
In stocks and bonds was recovered
from one of the smaller vaults in the
burned Equitable Life Assurance soci
ety building Wedncfcday, but it prob
ably will bo a week, perhaps longer,
beforo the grent vaults of tho society
and the Mercantile Safo Deposit com
pany give up their half billion or moro
In securities. Further examination of
tho gaunt, ice-shrouded building,
swept on Tuesday by lire, showed
moro conclusively that tho vaults aro
still Intact. Tho opinion of those who
made the Inspection an opinion rein
forced by tho revelation that the
smaller vaults bad kept their treasuro
safo Is that their contents will suf
fer little, if at all.
Bad Fire at Lincoln.
Lincoln. Neb. Five llro alarms
turned lu within two hours during the
early morning here, caused the fire
men moie vvorktthan they have had
for many' months past. The largest
fire vva that at the Western Ghibs &
Paint company, the total loss upon
which was JS0.00O. The building was
completely gutted.
Some Nebrnskans Are Among Them.
New Yuri; Otlicers of the directors
of tho Wertz Family Association of
America at tho end of n three-days
meeting hero havo voted to join tho
German association of the family and
send two delegates to Hamburg, Ger
many, this spring to aid in prosecut
ing the family's suit against tho Ger
man government.
Socialists to Gather at York.
Lincoln -Word has been given out
at tho state headquarters of the so
cialist party that tho state convention
of that party would bo held nt York,
February 2l. and that at that time the
state platform would bo adopted and
plans for the coming campaign would
bo carefully gone over nnd discussed.
Many III From Ptomaine Poisoning
Leavenworth, Kan Moro than lfiO
veterans of tho National Soldiers'
homo near this city aro seriously 111
of ptomnlno poisoning, resulting from
eating hash served to them at a reg
ular meal Vedn silay. A number of
the men nro dangerously 111 and are
, In the hosnital Nearlv LHOO men wer
1...1.... ... ...i i.. .i... .I,.. i ..
t iiimiili Ht'M' in lull fiiiniiLj rnnin nun
beforo the meal was over several of
them fell ft oia their chairs to tho
' Warmer In Texas.
Delhnrt. Ton. IIopo for tho lives of
I thousands of starving cattle on the
ranges is now held out by a sudden
rise In temperature to 40 nbovo zero,
This is the first thaw in tho Texaa
Panhnndlo for three weeks.
Bank Robber Under Arrest.
Chicago. Frank Hollow-ay, under
arrest here, has confessed that ho
was concerned In two hank robberies
one at Panama nnd one at New
Westminister. B. C In which ?l."i0,i)'0i
was stol"i
Or Hot. William Kran I) I).. IMrrctnr lllblo Coarse
Muodr Ulblo lnsllluiu, Cblcanu.
LESSON THXT-I.tik.' 2:l-20.
MHMuitY vnii8i;s-io, 11.
ciOl.on.N Ti:.T "For unto you Is
horn tills day In the city of Duvlil a
Havlor, which Is Christ tho Loid," Luko
Almost twenty centuries ago, in nn
obscure village in Palestine, an event
occurred which lias had moro in
flucnco upon the history of the human
rnco than any other event since tltno
began. A chlldd was born not an
unusual event surely. He was no
child of distinguished parents, nor n
prospective ruler of a world's empiro.
Ho vas born in n stable, nnd cradled
in a manger. And yet around that
lowly crib and humble birth, the life,
thoughts, nnd lovo of millions havo
from that day to this been centered.
During theso two thousand years
many noble births have been regis
tered, but none no great as this. Km
perors, monarchs, and mighty men
luivo lived and died, anil arc forgot
ten; nations have risen and waned;
but the birth of the Christ child Is
more influential in this day than on
tho first birthday of our ago twenty
centuries ago.
The announcement of Christ's birth
was made by angels. What more fit
ting accompaniment could there be to
micii nn august event! How inter
ested angels nro In tho welfare of
mankind! How gladly they told tho
Christinas story to a handful of poor
shepherds! How free from pride they
were! They were not content that
ono of their number should tell tho
story they all broke out in that great
Christmas anthem.
Do we believe In nngels any more?
Wo used to. Wo used to sing "thero
are nngols hovering round." If wo
believe tho Bible, wo still believe in
tho ministry of angels.
Onward wo go for still wo hear them
Angels sing on, your faithful watches
Sing us sweet fragments of the song
Tho announcement wns niado to n
email band of shepherds. No angelic
host went to the Sanhedrin, or to tho
palaco of Herod and broke tho newa
of tho birth of tho Christ child. Is
thero not a lesson here? Docs not
God havo special regard for tho low
ly nnd tho humble? Hath not God
chosen tho weak things to confound
tho mighty? If nngols were willing to
preach to a few farmers, should tho
prenchcr bo ashamed of ministering
to n small and hum'blo people, or tho
Sunday school teacher to n small
The scholars of the land wero also
notified of Christ's birth. Tho Scrip
ture docs not say "not any wise men
are called," but "not many." It Is a
mistake to say that religion Is good
enough for women, nnd children, but
not for strong, brainy men. Tho
braincst men of tho ages have been
Christian men.
Thnt the birth of Christ was mys
terious and miraculous need not dis
turb us. How Christ's body was pre
pared, how tho divino and human
could become one who can tell? Wa
do not even understand our own birth,
let alone His. If ever anything of a
miraculous naturo should tako plnco,
when should it bo if not now
when tho King of all laws is coming
Into the world? Let us bo careful lest
In denying tho virgin birth, wo chal
lenge tho purity of tho Virgin's life.
Tho birth of Christ was the coming
. of God to and In man, not that God
had never como to man before, for ho
had. But ho had como only ns a so
journer. In Christ ho came to abldo.
His namo is "Immanucl, God with
us." Whatever clso tho incarnation
may mean, it certainly means that
God took our naturo and became na
one of us ho canio unto his own.
Tho birth of Christ brings to ua
good tidings of great joy. If tho an
gels sang, should not wo? Ho enmo
to bavo not angels, but men. Tho
first note of this angelic song Is n note
of gladness, and song has character
ized Christianity.
Tills birth in Bethlehem shows God's
attttudo toward men. God has good
will toward men. Ho Is not tho hard,
Kovero judge that men so often wrong
ly plcturo him to bo. Sinner, you
linvo eurfed God, hut ho has not
cursed you back; you havo lifted your
hands against him, but he lias not
destroyed you. IIo has thoughts of
kindness, and of lovo toward you. If
vou havo wrong thoughts of God, let
i hem die uwny in tho music of thnt
first Christian anthem, "good will to
ward men."
Tho Christian story brings to us
nlso a Savior. Jesus Christ was bofn
with rcferenco to sin. Ho was tho
only man that over was born with
reference to that great fact. Other
uvil men wero teachers and reform-
rs ho alone could savo men from
heir sins. His namo sliall bo called
osiih and ho shall savo his peoplo
rom their sins. This Is good tidings
f great Joy to a Bin-stricken world.
' Christ tho Lord ennnot snvo you
rom your sins, no ono clso can.
Ho is a jwrsonnl Savior unto you
l:o wns born; ho is n mighty Savior
ho Is Christ, tho Anointed.
H SEE hnvr ranch hter it
H niakea the baking
LH SEE how much more unl
H form iu quality
H SEE how pure how good
H SEE how economical and
HH SEE that you get Calumet
wjl At your
1 Orooap'm V,
Hoax Ho is exceedingly ill, but h
Is still holding his own.
Joax Ho has to. Thero are two
doctors with him all tho time.
Looking Upward.
(In 1!9!) "Mario, bring out the
acroambulntor, and take baby up for
an airing." Judge.
High Aim.
"Let us endeavor so to live that
when wo come to dlo oven tho under
taker will bo sorry." Mark Twain.
Some peoplo get so accustomed to
looking on the bright sldo that they
can't see tho other side at all.
Tell the dealer you want a Lewis' Single
Binder htnught 5c cigar.
The fellow who Is out for the dust
doesn't nlvvays dean up a fortune.
Nebraska Directory
I limit my practice to Heait and GicuUtory
ailmenti. Thirty year experience ought to
mean much to such patients. Experimenting
and neglect is costly and bad. Write
J. S. LE0N1IARDT, M. D.. Heart Specialist
1726 N Street Lincoln. Nebraska
Aiictlonci-rs nro not all
nllkn. humo nro much bev
tcrtlmn ailiorn. 'liie better
lliu itiii'tluut'i-r ttio laruer
yoiiri-luTk. 'riinbebtaelllns
Kirico cost you no mora
titan tli (i poorest. Tbere'i
iiroilt.Mciirlty iiml satisfac
tion In ilulnti buMnpsa wltb
ml Ural !! lurlloorr. It
Vftr. Klrl(ilf , L1HOLS, AU.
Tbe Dr. Benj. F. Bailey Sanatorium
Lincoln, Nebraska
Its brick and Btono buildings bo taste
fully furnished and thoroughly equipped,
in the beautiful park of 25 acres, with
staff of experlenco and a nursing corps
of unusual merit, offers you most per
fect hospital results, yet always pre
serves tho atmosphere of a delightful
country HOVE. Write for particulars.