I V I' I 5f"" Tit .1 HI if orient Sjolety VOLUME XX XX. -ruin t n i- . I HE New Banking Law is now in force and tlie payment or every dollar or cleposU: in vfiis instilulion is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty Fund of the Stale of Nebraska. INTEREST PAID OK TIME DEPOSITS. Webster County Bai RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 J' (J38EAM $EPAR Save Dollars and Cents For You. Save time, save labor, save repairssave all tlie valuable butterfal in your milk, and give you fresh, warm skim milk for feeding calves and pigs. You could not afford to do without one if they sold for twice the price, but the price is right. $50 500 lbs. capacity per hour There is nothing cheap about them but the price. separator sold at any price BEATRICE CREAM SEPARATORS are EFFICIENT, SIMPLE and DURABLE and are guaranteed frcm top to bottom by BEATRICE CREAMERY CO. Chicago, I1L Luoln, Nebr. Sold GEORGE W. TRINE c Highest Market Price THE Palace Cafe The New Restaurant J. H. Robinson's old Stand. ALL REMODELED SHORT ORDERS SQUARE MEALS Good Cooking, Good Service and Good Treatment. Tables Reserved for Ladies. :::::::: W. R. CARPENTER, Prop. ii v s f "') TArfH 'L k vyi x . I other sizes at other prices There is no better De Moine, la. Dubuque, la. by For Poultry. A Prm-iMpi r lliat Vthfi I tin Nrwh FIVt-S'o H'eil., liai.li Yr Tot 51. .11) :i) UH'll, M-;!l!!SKA .JAXt'AKV ). I'.M'J. Red Clowd And 7Xiq Rurlinfcoii. A li.i-. Iici'll n' i n-d iitli,ii,i in I In- I'dlmiiiii il tlie I'lilfl Ilic liin ii"K' i imii loiiupuiy iiisj.i..ei.,t.-,i MiiuitMs l lllj," .Villi I IV l I Iff lilt IHlllH'1 Ot tilt' I'll III e il l,V lllf llO'lll lllt oSlll.lll toi'MiMi'l our iiofi.i'Iiiiily fin llh'ioiil wuinr sv-lom tu Mntnvi's Spi liii,--. tin lliitliul n n iiplc lli-st 'riii i nl mi (iptl.ili. iiiiiUll ilh'lill, III 'i, In llin'lf Sprli if-.. It U vi .i'.ilmlilc Hint llto pri'-i'li'i'tiiin ' lultutiiiii liit sjn 1 ujr I'.UIM'll t III" Dill lill:l' 11 H'.iplc l() illM'sti- pitoau.l nwalu'ii In tlio i"iiiiiU'M ulitl viiIik of sili'li a tmlur il uati-i -ln-'iil and iMauiinui'iMn. uiimt iipjiiy a1 .inut ur spl Stiffs iiil'iiiil. Two i.jri'iits of tlu lluiliimtoii up. piMPt.l I'ofni'o iIih C'it I'iMt'u-il ultlu'lr iiiL'i'Un lust 'i .Ii vl.ij evoiiinK. and iiskc.l or an oiiliiiaiiCf tfnurliiHiti a plpo Iliu- for tlie purpo-o uf i'iiiivfyliif the .t'f from .Main -v Sp. iiijjh thru Hi" (.'(ii'por.iiK limit- nt tlio ( itj to tli (lopn. rin spi.lif-mnn fur tlu i'ont p'tny slut ! lit it i In- p nil ion of th I'aiiuni i CiiimI mu a c. mi ojiuo llu Uui liiij,'l..ii to in ike iiumt'i s ami xeri in- oh in ,'oi specialh in iss liol'.'lii tfiilli -. a i tlitil the Weitciii fu'lflit wnul lb ilivoi'toi) :iloii tin- I'cpiililit'.in r Vullo. iiiik lii. Kiiumis City oi Si. .loo wlifio il will connii-L with tin1 wutof ttiillle of tht .Missouri. .Maui er'h Splines ollVr to tlio lluf liiirton Kiiiliouil not only ly Inr tin; bust water, but tlu onslest and clii'iip ost system to lie hud bftwiun l)tiivir anil Kunsas City. After the pipe-line is oiico installod the Itut linrtoii'srcsur voir would be supplied by n toirent of the purest water to be linil by j,'ruvlty full iinil without fiii'thor expense. While the new locul wuter syHtent is beiii(,'ho heriously contemplated by the HuilliiKton people, and Ihuir freiKht cyhtuni is to be m icvolittion l.ed us to ;r.ukt Ibis their main lino in XebmskH, nnd Ked Cloud is about to lose not only so great a water customer mid consumer, but also lose forever all possibility of so vuliiable a publie asset ns tho uninterrupted How of pure eool, crystal, sprint; wuter through its mains, thinu yet lemulns possible op poil unity for inueh good to come from siieb heavy loses. While the ilui ling Ion is negotiating for its water tutu obise Ihiough the City, the City can negotiate with tho Iluiliimton to ex tend a Y' or spur-, uptown and ie establish I heir passenger depot, fj eight and express houses and otliees in the iieighboiboo.l of the old eieiunery. Perhaps the Uailioad Vanls I'ould re main inueh as they are now, and it would be no gieat hardship upon the Company to thus accommodate a pa tron so valuable as Ked Cloud. Ill a deal with the Iturlington people to extend spura nnd remove their depots and oillces up-town cannot bo coiihiimatcd now the future will offer still loss encouragement. At this time Ked Cloud promises to bocoine a Hail road center of importance, because of tho new private wator system which tho Burlington propose to install, in which case nil property values will mateiially enhance, and tho cost to the Company for Mich changes propoition ately increase. In any event tho Utir lington people could be persuaded to seo and supply those serious needs of Ked Cloud at this time far easier than ten or llfteen years hunce, .Vow is the time for Ked Cloud to awaUeii not only to her doplorable losses to her water system and patrons and also tho good advertising influence' of a publio 'arterial system' of pure, crystal spring wator, but to her possi ble opportunity if not necessity of negotiating these changes with the Burlington people in the interests of our public well fare J I Trace Your Past and Future Prof. Pfulil, Astrologer I'hreniolog. 1st, at the Koyal Motel, writes a chart of your life, what ocoiiputiou you are best adapted for, what stato to live in for success in business and health, whom to marry, your lucky years In lifo by tho star of your birth. Lect ures also for sale or the above. 'oundation In Rumor. II iii. ih I.. . 1.7,1 ".. i. Int.. I ..nil...1 Nli.-i t llnit Mtirn; l IIm I i K .it IiiiiiIs ..in . iiimi u.mim i. .up. ii. ii t.niiii l.ll -fVl'.l IllLlllliN flit JIMP. II'HS Nltl'll I lllllotn iflM lMl'li (til IIH' nt 11 li'ft'i HtnliMs'iititl. Wo limv liMi'r.lf. U i' I ill. in -it r mitl II ml Mini th'-iv Is pieii j of tu coj in liiinU in tlioM'ImnI lil'nl til il UliilU'X ? iull III silil to - ii mi tin- win l t. llio finl of thi li'iin H.illiuf tiii iit-y loft I'lic lti. llfs.ll III lllt l t'lO I'll'IIUP MIH tlllll '(-! mill mil CDiiilnilf imr m-IihhI uny liHi'rr Wit ImiU lli ulil uf I lu molii y an'ii. iii.hu iiif miuhiii ii-'imi.'. wust to 1iii how utiMK'l tins i-iiiit'Mil ion is wi ui'l xtiito tli.il llio ihtiiiiiit" uf f- paii-o. for tin M'h'i'.l m-i i. ?ji.i,.. huh lid lofii tlii iimiiiiI Uv.-IuiihIumI Ih!Iuih imhI i, . lie iim d ol.rit t'itni'iiiiiniiliil tffi.C ' 0 liTlf. n I'iiihiu-iI iIhIIiuh mi 'Hh.i tin f. f .-. I. r.'i u lr -p in Mio jlifV'l.o' v. lar nt riiiMiuiir tl iolni.l it. c 'i nml s n m a i ulili-'in-l will Ii it in f. o ii.i ! Ill IUH ' lllll I .11 il lf (III.! Mill ! Ill I I I l! l.ll Si .11 I On 1.....V...V ii. . i..i . i 1 1... .. i 1 IlK'tillis li-riu. I In lesolniis nt tlu I ,. . . ,,,..., i HIS" I I. 'I III f lls 111) II, w-.. lllllll I Uf l.''llll- t. till. ii th'iiistiiiil dot ai s, s'ate noi- ' lli.i ' . Ilui'i- liuudieil 111 t v ilollais, stale i aiji'ttionmeiit seven bundled doll. .is, tuition, one thousand tluee bundled llfty ilollais making a total ot seven teen thousand four huiulicd ten ilollais lor this , ear. This will lumi between tin t-u and four thousand dollars In the school fund ami all bills paid. A most excellent siiuwii.g. Humors of this chaiactei' hint a town and community in that it stirs up ill feeling and drives away capital and would-be citicus. Wo cannot build up our (own by running down our schools. II there Is anyone thing which we aie justly proud of it is our excellent sjstein of slumls and to slander that system in an argument foi oriiKuliist a wet or dry policy of clt., goveininent isdeli.iui'heiy of the worst hind. You can bo wet if you want to or you can be dry if you want to but please tell the tiuth about our school. The school boaid published its statement at the close of the tin in mid showed that they have two thous and live bundled uintyt'oiir ilollais eighty live coots on bund in cash and no win lants outstanding. A New Organization Formed Dr. I.eavllt of .Omaha, repiesentlng the Society of I he Friend I es, conduct ed a parents' meeting at the Haptist chinch Sunday afternoon at II o'clock. The building was well tilled, and all present gave an attentive ear. Par ents of Ked Cloud had the opportunity to learn the need of special care and proper training of the child, in that beasts of prey are continually on the alert, seeking to ruin the character of both boy and girl A .luvenille Protective leaguo was suggested and an organization effect ed, as follows: l're.s., Kev. Cole, to serve until the nrguuU.ition can be made mote complete. A progrrin com mitteo was chosen, one fioni each church: Methodist, Mr. UaiiMiii; Christian, C. II. Itust; Congiegational, Mrs. C.J. Pope; Haptist, Mrs. 15. V. foplon; Uiethien, Mis. ilaiboe: Catho lic, Mrs. W. A. Sherwood; Hplscopal, Mr. HlacUlcdgc and Pi of. Morlt. Anothor parontal meeting will bo hold at tho Christian church, Sunday, Jan. 128 tb., at il p. m. Tho committee will arrange to have a very helpful, suggestive and educational program. Kvory parent lu Ked Cloud should be present. Ctiftreftatlenal Church Services. Sunday morning servico at 11 o'clock. Subject of sermon: "New Epochs of Llfo." Evening service at 7:30. Subject: "Workers together with God." Sunday school at 10 a. in. Mid-week meeting on WednoMlay at 7:30. All cordially invited to tho abovo ser rices. John J, Ha yxe, Pastor. No S I o U'lNMhc ImIis.iM ( ,iMU IIOI' l)ll, )',l s both Ui( two :im four minute i-n-onls. ( ),ik cov r, hi. k l hoi n, nict.il ai Is mushed in Japan ami nu:Uf 'or tlu IiivmcIc, ,ilsu ihc t wo and four intnu'.t plas reo rabi part;, ( c i't n strii"llt liniP nil '!- IK'l nicl and c(ii i i i inci.il :cl am ip.jii O m di -on Stand. rd honn- yiapli anti k o.ik ahiii' nt lli'W st. W cy h i I'm ' , tut t a ...1.1 ' 1 1 I I I . ''ii is a tan, iiii i i .u.iimiiiei ii others to $200 Come and hear any of these at your leisure or send for complete catalogues of machines and records. We have an easy payment proposition on any of these. Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE. Prop. Jeweler and Optometrist. C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector OUR LARGE LINE OF Furniture - Rugs and Carpets Now open for your inspection. . Prices the lowest. . ED. AMACK Licensed Undertaker Nebraska and Kansas ALL THE PHONES D. D. Sanderson. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Olllco in Moon liloclc. Hull, Ulack I; Intl., l!Ki Residence, Royal Hotel. Hell, 7i Intl., 2V Calls Answered Day or Night ma cloud, Ki:n. This Book Worth Reading Tlie Adler-l kit book, telling how you can EASILY guard against appendic itis, nud how you can relievo constl- ' patlon or gas on tho stomach nlmost j INSTANTLY, is offered free for a short tlmo by C. U. Cot ting, Druggist. I i mr: See this Office for Sale Bills iTf1 "fyflf$tf! tm!:ki Hiis the 'iitor X'iclrola VIII, one o( tlu- l.tttst aciituv- t itu'iits in ilu- lulkinii machine j Madi ; in m1iiI oak without all iiu t.il jiarth nickeled in totii' to any other at fion $10 to $25 mot u. ! km n, t p.(ii,il make 65K &T&1U l;oi the i( tiola, one ol the most popular self-playing in struments i vei made. One of the m'eatest Miet'i'sses in a tnnderaie nieed instrument. 511 R, w l'or the Wtroln, absolutely tlie b st low priced instrti- iiK-nt on tlu mat hit llear . . tnese now. uas h or easy pay- srv;";.',r ':;x: s. last all the year. J. C. SLOSS Wall Paper, Paint and Varnishes. Room Mouldings, Pict ure Framing, Pictures and artist Material. The Only Exclusive Store. Do not allow your kidney and blad der trouble to develop beyond the reach of modlcino. Tuke ElUey Kidney Pills. They glvo quick results and stop irregularities with surprising promptness. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug store. All kinds of Electrical work done by Morhart Hros. $40 1 " " i nwjtf -tiiy'rwo'tW,y ISttlli