The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 11, 1912, Image 4

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UMnliiimiiiwi i i.'i'.n. wniKWM'ftWfan rtvrjrrziK!j,iirj;-?xrvi-ruw&rtr-rTVHm tit
"Kmirr!niwKtTmrvnm Mjrttmmm gram
tt.d Cloud - Ncbraalttx
K Hi )S
ffwi V W
rr(V rr ' rt.p, t- !TYr.rf i F i
VA At A if
ntorcrf In tlio lWomro ntilletl Ctouil, Iseb.,
mi Hcrnnd C'Ium Mutter.
0 11. U A LB
I In ri'liy nimuuiK'c iii.m It iih a raiiitlihiir
for llm iioiiilniitloii lor rrpriM nlnllve (mm
tlio Ulili district ill Ni'lirnNkn.HiiliJirt In lln
Will III Mill lll'lliorrillli' lltlil I'lnplm Itnli
pl'llltl lit MlllTS III till! IHlllllllIlN til III' III III
April II). liM'J. in in. in W. I.isiimm
llft'iiiiril Mi'N'i'ii.v N consi'iciiinr 111
In;,' fur tlin I)i-nini!nitif tiomt lift 11 mi In
Coimicss in Mm llftli ilisiilci, lornui
ly tlio Not rN Dish let. -Mnmbiy llns
tliihs liopiihliciin.
Tin' solid jjhiss front in 1 1 1 New-liou-o
hiiililitiff Is n (pent jiilililimi In
the appearance of our city. They me
of the very latest pattern mill will
timid! tltosloni I'lionis I i jr 1 1 1 and cheer
fill. Tliny testify to the w itfirss ami
enterprise of tin' iiwncis mill they odd
considerably In the development ol
our city.
Wo llHVIJ jllsl lll'l'll f.NplTll'llclll III!'
coldest weather Unit wo have liail fm
seven years. Twenty In-low sm-io is a
record Unit few .hiniiiirics in Webster
county can show. Cotnpaii'd with
lust winter when wo went, about, our
usual wwrlt in our sliiit. sleeves this
winter Is pic eminently lilted for the
regions around the ninth pole. We
nilvlso our readers to talte it easy be
cause woutlior piophots ussiiio us that
there will lio u decided clmno within
nix months.
Sneo.lnK snuir in the hands of
thoughtless hoys .sometimes causes
great iuciuivonieiico ami sull'erlii.
Wc .say thoughtless heeauso e do not hoys would dclibein.ely
cause unyotic liatni. Hut tlio fuel is
that, death has resulted from iolenl
htU'c.iiiK I'nictieal jolies nearly lead
to Mifl'eriiiK uiiil h'ltuel imes to punish
ineiit. Weare reminded of the coi
hoy that came to town on his annual
visit and lluiluijj u chinch holilim; u
prayer nil-tin thought thai it would
bo great fun lo ttliti the hose on the
woishipers. lie did -o and said that
ho did mil know that Iheiowus a au
nguinst an act of, Itiud hut the
HlUliorltics nrii'Sled ami lined him lor
malicious uichief.
lion, (leorgc V. I.iudsey, candidate
for ((election lo t'ne state lcgislul lire,
is too well Known to need imj ciidoic
Hieut from us llmuver in as iun-ti
Is he Iiiih fiilthfilllv set veil llm people
and has can icd oi t ciMy piv-eleetiun
pledge it Is no mine than line him Unit
we say ngmu ulii't is I, noun to all o
us. Mi l.iii(lM Mi) i'i si nil d the in
t'Mest-. of Wchfli-r eoiiu and nlwas
Voted lor the bills thai, would OMielll
the statu and icaiusi thoi-e t lilswhich
Were lclous to tin ir iintnn , lie is a
wife limn in Unit posit mi imd tlio es
perieimo thai he gained will ho a
Big Ben
has something to say
to people who like to
get up promptly in the
He guarantees to call
them on the dot just when
they want and cither way
they want, with one pro
longed, steady call or with
successive gentle rings.
And he guarantees to do
it day after day and year
after year, if you only have
him oiled every year or so.
I've known him ever
since he was "that high"
and I'll vouch for every
thing he savs.
The Jeweler.
m iv Awn
baEiil m
Oosno to fis for what yova fcee-cl We Viill fmrnesh it && iowosi ptrSces.
Watch from Monday morning, January 8th, iili Saturday night, January 20&. Special sale featuring Cat
Prices on High Grade Merchandise for Cash! Shrewd Buyers look forward to these Sales. They hail the
announcement with delight. Many families wait for our sales and lay in supplies for many months.
. iatA !
A Nighty Safe Place
To Trade
KH'iit hi'iii'lll In us as n pi-oplc it' nc
ri'lniii him lo tln li-islattiH' this nei
winliT. Mr. I.iinlsiiy is stainlint'
scpiiiri'ly on liis ri'i'oril ul'iast lu'hlfvi'
infills ami this county uulil In fi'd it
a privi li dm- In havi' stirli li-in !
fiiuiiii'iiits i cpi i'sin1at inn.
Perhaps mi iiriliiiaiii'o ailiiptfil hy
IliOflly iMiiinuil I'Hlh'il tiirth sn niiii'h-
i ' 1 1 1 1 1 m o 1 1 1 as t ho hist otii' relating In
wiilcr, In sumo ways this orilinani'i-
llicriliul t Iih M'Vi'li' el itisin it leceiveil.
In many ii'speels ilihii-s nut ini'i-t 1 1 1
uee'ls nl this oily hut seems' to have
lieiiii ilratteil tinm an oiiliiiiiiie.K ol
somo other pi ire wlieiu I'niiililinns
were I'lilirelv ilill'i'iellt. l'"or ilistaliee
tliel i) was no use in speeilyiiic what
ihe i.itit vmiiiIiI lie mi eess pools, Imiii,
ami hilehiii posts where no meter
vlis ilislnlleil heeanse ealieai ll.lM'
an oiiliiiaiiee v Ineli spieir,vs that all
ll.eiH of Water mast liuve lilctei's, If
Ihi' i. ill- ueeileil to lie iiHm'iI llial eoiilil
have heel) ilnue l aineniliin,r Ilia millii
ani'e iilleilil. luliiiee. We have llo ol
jeeliim to tlin raising of the rates. If
our water is fin lii-heil at less! linn i nst
we I'lnel I'llll.N slltiliiit to tlio higher
rale. As to thai par' of ilie iiovvnrilni
anre lelatillU to the ovMieiship of
llleleis wi lie will V ii'iivi! with Hie
piineiple thai Ihe eity shoillil own
them, it will cost less lor the city to
lieep mi teis in icpair ami tile eitv 1 1
he mure certlllll to leceive pay fm all
the water thai is eoiisiiiiP'il. If a pri
vate ciu'pori.iioii owiieil our water
plant it woiihl lie iuie to see that
every meter was n tfiMel in properly
so the iin'eiiue woulil p'iy e.pi'iies
ami siijv n pinflt. One man can ll.
a iloeli llietels a ilay while no ol e
ivouhl a-k a pi ii iiiIu't in e me to his
premisis, laid' out the ineti r, ami
lliu.iil in I'll 1 1 ii I iik oiiler foi less than
lluee ilollais. Uil.i johs eosi niouev .
Volne no nlijeclioli to what was
do. .e. we are in sjinpalliy with the
eouneil lieeau-t we heliee thai Ihej
thought they weie actillf,' lei the hesL
interests nl the eity hut we heartily
wish Unit they hail iii'eompllslii'il their
ohject in a iliHeieiil lnalinei.
A'.Homc Buylni 4rftumrnt
Otic of the causes of the lith cost of
living t-iilay is the easy.'olu Mistoin
of inileiiiiif by mail, and it is the
testimony of espcits that ecn the
butcher never (,'ivcs the same value to
the telephone order that is kIwii the
customer w ho visits the stoic ami sees
the Montis,
It is not possible to it a iooil bar
Kain by looMnn at u mail older cata
logue cut. The photograph uonceals
more than It reveals. One kIhuuu lit
tho Koods would show the tawdry ami
llimsy character that tho picture never
Kven the poisoiuil visit to houic iih
tropolilan stores, in tlio miuM of n
hurrii'il shopplm; or sijrht soeiiif,' trip,
iIjcs not j!ve thoohiince for the olose
liispectloii of the jjooilsyou can iiinko
in your home store.
Kvery inerchiint who liolils his truile
does so either, through tho ooil ser
vice ho reiKk'rs or the low prlco lit
wli'cli he sells. Any man, whothrr
or lucNperionced. eiin cut prices or
ni'ut his compotitots' cut prices. In
fact, the inompt'tuiits in the rtll
business mo the ehlof outtr. Bui
u mtmmmumu muu -
You Will Saw Maimy
sol vice isiliiVereiit. It ri'ipiiiusahllity,
iiil'iptuliility, anil eierii'uci'. A I impu
tation for cooil -erviee e.innot he taheli
away hy Tom, I lick or llnriv. It re
presents the higher plane of tiierehan
ilisinn It is riimiila ivi aiul when
estahii-heil lieeonies a haulialile aset
ill the form ol "tf mil will " The sue
ei'ssl ul st nes uf any ci mmuuity me
the stop's w Inch fe it lire iooil seivit'c,
which is willing to spi ml money mi
system, which seh els anil piys hiuli
class clerUs ami ilelivers men, soon
Minis itself utile to meet cut price emu
pelltin'l nml if ll-Ci'ss n;, leul such
c')iiipt.-liliiio, tor servUi alway. means
ccmioiuv in the einl.
.)uilici')iis anil protitii'ilc shoppinu'
takes t line. Vou o:m do it to ailvatlt
ajjo ou'y when you feel fiue t tills
uiel hiolc as loll); as you v.iut to. The
pin olia'ie In tho luiuiii -tore is apt to
he carefully planned and adripiateU
discussv-d lliitcliiiisiiii Whol. sjiK'p
IJoiiiirKiiitlantU Notes
The iniimil inei-tinj' ot Hit Connie
national chinch, pr ici-ciled by tliopii
pill 11 lory si'iviee. was In hi in the
church rnd.t, evening Nol-with-
staudii tf the evere wen'lit-r thcro was
11 lurjfo number pn .out liepurts
showed all blanches of the church In
a piovpenuis ijon.fiiimi ami nil debts
paid. A Her I he inecliiitf, rofreslitiU'iits
weie sened bj the tallies and a mil-i-able
tiiuo i'i)jo,eil by all
Tho now p.istor. Huv .lolin.l Itiiyuo
formerly 'i'astor at l,aij;e' of the
Sbtohls Itivei Valley, Moii.iua. occu
pied the pulpit Siiudaj iiiornln tor
the Hi st lime " He was (rct'tud by a
Kooil coiiki elation. After the service
new luciiibeis weie loruivcd into the
chinch 11111I the Sue: mucin of the
I. olds Suppel was itilurillsleieil.
I. 0 0.1'. Jnsl.ul OHlenrs,
Moll. lay infill, lien Adl eai loilire
No. lSli met ami installed the follow-!
itltf ollh'cis lor the misuiiik tciin
.1. V. Iliiinllton ussistul by IM Ciarv. I
Chiis. Amuck mid Mr. Sliuck of Cliiide!
llocU instulled tlieotllccr.s. The follow-
H ill u the olllicers;
Past (irund I. V Cuimniiiffs
Xoble (Irand Fred Wallin
Vice (irund Ilai i (lilham
Scretury (). C.Tcel
Tieasiirer S. K. l-'lmanco
Trustee Paul Storey
The lollowiii; uppulutivc olliecis
were installed;
K.S. X (!. Fred Mamer
I.. S. N. Ci A. 11. S.iladi'ii
U. S. V. t'.. A. II. Mc.thur
1. S V. (5 Will vlouiitford
Chuimiiu 15. IJuiiehey
Warden lieo. Atkinson
I". W. W Means
O. U. tieo. Smith
After lodKO the. memboiH journcysil
to llorli LuiIIow'h cufo whcrt oysters
and clears were served.
I Can Save Ton 55 Cents!
In Tho Saturday Evening Post, the: o
will b publishod the llrst iiistallinent
of E. rtillUp.iOpponhelin's new novel
! LlihUd War
the best ttorjr this author hn yet writ
ten. There will ,e eleTenintallmnts
of thlu aerial. For mlj n0 I vi
ssre yeu a eepy of eaoh Installment ef
Tke l.icbted Way, w that for te a
w,k w f tke aew norel and
all otkr sterieeaae' articles the 11
BUHbars. AiAAk Uoim, Afeat.
butti UL Ct. j. yar aM
Aj. JlA. . .
f rnwifiwnifiwiw!inimiwiiwMWw
Farm Loans
t Lowest interest, bnst option, lcnM
expense Call for me at Stale Diinl:,
Kodt'loiul. C. F. Cxriitlt
Terms 0? Disfrict Court fcr
feb3ter Gcunfy, 4912
March 'J.", I'll J. .liny tiim.
.Iiinc ii, I ill ', I'fjiii'j, ti 1111
Octiilier, 7. i'.'I ', .lury term
Dad s tor llual lunr'iij,' mi pelil
ioiis for ii'ituia!i;)tioi' of ale' 11s, March
'.T), ami Ocloln i T, li'iv
Card o? llmM
We wi-h to think 'ill Mie kind
friemls wlio so kin ll. assb led us in
our hour of sorrow in helping? cue I'm
our Ii -Hive I llmi.iid .1.1 I i'V.'ir.
We thank you one and all1
M;is. ;. Count s ah. I rim di.i.n
Teachers' Examination
k'xaiiiiu itioiis tor ieaclicr's ceititi
O.itis will b" held hi t ,e Ilii.'h sciiooi
biliidiuir at lllite Ujil a'lil the V i h
injfton building at lti.d Cloud.. Iinm.-iiy
l'.lth and : , l'.ilt:.
iscini.t.'iii: 1 i'o n. Mr i i
&?A Yojir iv!eny Sndi
5F Jfth MrJlctni! Hcis ns S.WteUzioi j
Practising thysicians iiiakinn' a s u
c'aity or sloinucli tumbles an- -uily
rospniisp e fm the formula, from -Ii
KcviiII iHspcpsi.i Tableln are oe.
We hat c simply proliti d by the i i
once of i. purls.
Our expi'iicnce with IJexull D.s,pt p
sia Tablets lead us to belimv them to
be an cvccllent re n cdy for tho i Vief
of acute indigestion find chronic dys
pepsin. Tin ir lnf: edients me soot lilnf
and heiiiliiir to the lull lined iiieinbnincs
of the stmuaeli. They aic rich in n-p
sin. one ol the richest ilk'estivc aid.s
known to medicine. The iclief they
atlonl Is tilmo-t iiiiiiiL'iliate. Their use
with pi islsteney and icularify for a
slum time help-, to brifi about a cess
ation of the pains caused by stomach
UeMill D.ispi'psiii Tablets aid to in
sure healthy uppt-tite, aid digestion,
mid pioiuote nutrition As evidence
of our sincere faith in Ucxatl Dyspep
sia Tablets, we ask joii to try them .it
our i isle. If they do not ivo entire
satisfaction, 'vc will return the money
you paid us foijihem, without cpicstion
or formality The" cmne in three slyo-i
prices i.-.c r,oe and i?liu. Kuuieinber,
you can obtain tlieiu only al our store
Tho IJcmiII Stoic. Tho II. II. 5rieo
Too Mash ImltiUcn.
Irxne te keep tej SmbI
Careless About Appen
dicitis in Red Cloud
Many Red Cloud people have stoin.
tteh or howu! trouble which is likely
to turn into appoiidicitis. If you have
constipation, sour stoiiiitch, or jus on
the stoiiiiich, 1 1 v simple buckthorn
bulk, glycerine, etc, us compounded M
AilUr i-lii, tlio new Herman append!
citis rptiic ly. C. L. Cottmir, tlir Drtif,'
Klst states that A BINtJLK DOSE of
this slmplo remedy rellfvcs bol or
stuuinuh tumble almost INSTANTLY.
MineF Bros.
C'wm we.
sum m am rtmw
-ft. m n latii
nd ve?Y thing to
DIIars By
I "t ft1 " '.k'V ..WS1"
v jSA'-'i ff"l' '. S itf V s
uLlu...nn "v.T? .-r.ll'- m""-
ly.;' -f - j ; t''ts"0 -v
class odusive Harness Shop. : :
are wnetjialed for Quality o Stock,
Durability and VVorfimanship for
the rmonev.
Url hN'
wr'asvij. -si-'-tfu-uv
i IM.t-
"51 w W H'l VT"'-c "TT'v .'''$ "" v" --n
o a y n ki ii 1 1 i r .-
bave Dollars and Cents tor Yon.
Save time, save labor, savo repairs save all the valuable hutterfat
in your milk, and give you fresh, warm skim milk for feeding calves and
pigs. You could not all'ord to do without one if they sold for twice the
price, but the price ia right.
500 lbs.
per hour
jjL Esv H pi
There is nothing cheap about them but the price. There is no better
separator sold at any price
nnd ore guaranteed from top to bottom by
Chicm., UL
liicln, Ncbr.
Highest Market Price
The Chief $1.80 a year.
Subscribe and get the news.
Red Cloud,
i. Heavy
Robes, Sad
dles, Whips
be f 012nd in a first
. - ' - - -..u.m
.-s, -. t
other sizes
at other
Dot Monte, la.
Dubuque, la.
tk MsBwcLj
Paid For Poultry.
Wr -4 hvx&
s' j&jtts"" 10