The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 11, 1912, Image 1

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XHE New Banking Law is now in force and
the payment of every dollar of deposits in this
institution is guaranteed by the Bank Guaranty
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Webster County Bank
CAPITAL $25,000
Fine wuitherthists for mitUintf w.
V. O. Ulin ilulivuivd Homo linn 1is
to Fuller AHeniu'tt Tm-Mliiy.
I'rof. (livaory ontortiilneil hiy Utef
a'ul fiimily for u few iliivs Inst weeU.
F. A. U.hmI went to Oiiialm V.oinlay
to ntti'inl the iinnutil Luinliuiiueiih
lUelitinl (ireenliitlKh is tllliiif? lii it'e
house with an abundant amount of
ice whioh he has shipped from Crystal
" b iko tit Ayr.
Mr. Costello has neeepted the posi
tion recently vacated by Mr. Abbey
with the Beatrice Creamery Co. of this
plae. The company have discontinued
the routes indefinitely.
C. W. Fuller came home from Liu
coln Monday where he had been to at
tend the annual meeting of the stock
holders of the First State Hank of
Bethany, of which Mr. Fuller Is the
The I. O. O. F. Lodge had Installat
iou of olllcers last Thursday evening.
W. J. Hamilton of fiuide Itock was
the installing ofllcer Six of the Guide
llock boys accompanied him to assist
him in the work, after which a ban
quet was served to which ull .did jus
tice. We would like to have the Guide
Hock boys come again.
The livery barn of Cowles caught lire
just after dinner Wednesday and burn
ed to the ground. It was owned by
Sidney Spraeher and he carried no in
surance. The barn was run by Win.
Fanzer and he saved all his horses,
hurness and buggies, but lost his ,hay
and grain. It is thought that the tiro
originated from an over-heated stove
in the olllce.
Cold weather! This just suits the
Palace Cafe
The New Restaurant J. H.
Robinson's old Stand.
Good Cooking, Good Service and Good Treatment.
Tables Reserved for Ladies. ::::::::
'"SPfyuM,' a.
. H' ' " '
Cup. Iloiifhiu lost his driving horse
lust week.
A L'lind many put up their ice last
week and it was nice.
Bert Ws-. was hauling corn to
Smith liros., n Thursday.
(iuy Barnes was hauling liny trom
Mr .lacksous on Thursday.
Al Smith and f.nnlly were pleasant
cullers mi Fied llariislast Friday.
Muriel and Hthel I Islmr were visit
ing at their (iiandm.i Ailes last week.
Millard Mudd and Albert Donghtery
loft on Monday for a visit in Kentucky.
Mr Mudd's old home? ' "-
Word came from South Dakota that
Len M linger got. his leg broken. He
left Bed Cloud about a week ago to
visit, his son in South Dakota.
George Harris is wearing along face
now days for his wife has gone to
California to visit her mother. George
is stepping on his chin whiskers most
of the time now.
School started in dlst. 8.ri last Mon
day with all scholars present but two,
pretty good for this cold weather, all
seemed glad to get back to school after
enjoying two weeks vacation.
The wind mills on wind mill row
have been out of business for a week.
There hasn't been enough wind to ruu
them and most every one had to pump
by. hand and that is lots of fun.
Rebckah's Install Officers
The KeheUah's met last Thursday
evening and installed tho following
olllcers for tho ensuing yeai :
1 (J. Mrs. K. W. Boss
N. G. " Al Slaby
V. G. " OUlver Hedge
Sec Miss Lola Cupleu
Treas. O. C. Teel.
Attor lodge a banquet was served
which was relished by all.
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A Ni.wspaiir.r riiat tilM.s Tiie Nr.Hst Flfty
n . ,
Danger of A
Water Famine.
Tho ltiirlitigtuu Railway Company
appeared before, the city couneil last
night ami asked the priviludgu of using
the city streets for their water mains
which they are preparing to lay in
tapping the Manier springs. The
council seemed disposed to grant the (
request but Mayor Foe urged tho coun
cil to wait for an opinion of the. city
attorney and objected to the passage
of such an ordinance before plenty of
time had been given to think tho mat
ter over.
Had this reqiiitst bieu granted this
city would have been lost so far as
water is concerned for all time to
come. No one knows what, our new
wells will rlo when the warm weather
and dry spoil s(. in, I'lm tiling for
Lliiu city to do is at. once condemn
those springs and be assured of water
if wo need it. After condemning them
and gaining possession of them we can
make sat isfticlory arrangements with
tho lEuiliugtoii. Asa joint project it
would be id' 'leuellL to the city and the
railroad but until we know what our
water will lie we are absolutely op-po-ed
to the losing of these springs.
We have come to the patting of tho
ways and we must act with decisive P. E. 0. Society. .
Gives a
On Tuesday evening the P. K. O.
Society, which so often busies itself in
doing good, gave a picnic which was a
housuwarmlng and surprise party at
the home of Mr. and Mrs J. C. Mitch
ell. A few of the members had gath
ered with Mrs. Mitchell to practice
some of the mysterious secret work of
the organization, while the otheis,
each accompanied by her Hill were as
sembling at the home of Dr. MitchoII
preparatory to complete the surprise.
At eight thirty, under the leadership
of Holton Letson and l'rof. Morltz
this crowd laden with up-to-date pic
nic lunuhs marched upon the Mitchell
home and enjoyed the surprise on tho
hostess, which seemed complete. Tho
host however had early in tho evening
become sorry for his sins and was In
attendance at, prayer meeting, and it
took three preachers and a lawyer to
direct, him to his home. Tho evening
was spent in (dayiug games, and at
the midnight hour a long table, in
true plenic stylo, was covorod with
good things to eat. such as only the
l E. O. girls can prepare. Every Hill
present did his duty, but tho honors
were voted to Stacy Morhart as being
the biggest eater and tho shortest
man. Mrs. h. E. Talt, on behalf of the
society, presented the hostess with a
beautiful picture. To say that the
picnic was a success would be putting
the statement mildly.
A Mthtrfld Soldier Answers Rell Call
Edwin Hobbius was born in Henry
county, Indiana, Oct. 12th, 18118 and
died Jan 7th, IDl'J, aged 7.'J years, 2
months, and 25 days. He moved to
Iowa with his parents white a boy.
He inlisted in the cause of his country
in Co. Iv. i)(i, Iowa Inf. Vol., and served
'.) years and 1 month and was a prison
or of war 10 months. Me was married
to Angellno White on Ni2flth., 1807.
To this union was born six children-5
boys and 1 girl, one having died in in
fancy. He moved to .Icwoll county,
Kansas ill 1877 and settled on a home
stead. In lSSUi he moved with his
family to Webster county, Nebraska
and lived on a farm south of the Re
publican river in Garllold township
and lived thero until seven years ago
when ho and his family moved to this
city which has been home.
Ho leaves a wife, four sons and a
daughter to mourn his death. The
funeral services were held at the home
Monday afternoon and were conducted
by Rev. Tompkins and the O. A. It., of
vhich he was a member. Interment
took place Id the olty cemetery. The
Chief Along with bis rainy 'friends ex
tend ejnpetby to the bereaved feeilly.
"1Uf0 '
, i
- rflo Keck:. Eitr.Ji Year S-'or Jl.ftO.
altimore Made
! Convention City
By Democrats
And June. 1. the Date. Following
Kr.niiulloiin Convention
by n week.
Washington, D. C , dan. '. The
democratic national committee today
lose Ualliuiore as Uw place for hold
ing the national convention.
Itiue '-'.'p was tl.seil us the dido.
Two balloti wi-re taken. On the
rst ballot Ualliuinrn received "Jit votes
Ht. Louis is. Chlcagolt. benvorfi, New
ork 1. On tho second ballot the vote
for llaltimni'K was unanimous.
Test Seed Corn
. Kvery I'annet iiiiioiil' our readers
, should test his seed corn and now is
i he time to do it.
! ' If ynu wait until sprint! other duties
will oceupv i, our time. The November
freeze killed tho germinating power of
ji great percentage of eorn and you
fdiottld know what you sue planting
if you wish information us to how to
tost corn, write W. K. Mellor. Secre
tary of Agriculture, Lincoln, and ho
'will sond you instructions. lJo this
Real Estate transfers.
Transfers for the week ending Wed-
-t-40C8day January 10, 1012.
Compiled by "mTVT Carter Son
itouueii Aiisiraiuois.
A. 0. (ioth and wife to William
Eugles, wd. lots 1 r. blk 3 It. C. 1.100
William Eugles and wife to A. C.
Ooth, Hv-.i ltt-2-10 10000
F. A Goth to Thomas L. Darnell
wd. lots 7-8-9 blk 21, Cowles. . 323
Mortgages tiled, 318200.
Mortgages released, 87030,
Meeting of Horse Men
Our breeders will be interested in
tlie meeting of horse men held in con
nection with "Organized Agrlculturo"
at the State Farm, Lincoln, on January
lGth 11)13.
Feeding horses for the market, stal
lion registration, horse breeding prob
lems, artificial impregnation, methods
of horse judging and many other things
of interest will bo discussed by men
who are specialists in their line.
Our breeders should uo charter mem
bers of an organization to bo perfected
at this meeting,
Stallion and .lack owners who failed
to have their animals inspected should
notify tho Stallion Registration Hoard
ut Lincoln so that arrangements for
inspection can be made before tho
breeding season opens.
Fcr Aged People
Id Felks Sheild Be Careful in Their
' SelectlM ef Reftilatlve Medicine
We havo a safe, dependable, and al
together Ideal remedy that is particu
larly adapted to tho requirements of
aged pooplo and persons of weak con
stitutions who suffer from coustipntion
or otlior bowel disorders. Wo are so
cortain that it will relievo theso com
plaints and give absolute satisfaction
in every particular that we Oder it with
our personal guarantee that it shall
cost the user nothing if It fails to sub
stantiate our claims. This remedy is
Uexull Orderlies.
ltexall Orderlies aro eaten like candy
aro particularly prompt and agreeable
in action, may be taken at Juny time,
day or night; do not cause dlarrlnoa,
nausea griping, excessivo loosonoss,or
other undeslrablo cireots. They havo
a very mild but positive action upon
tho organs with which they come in
contact, apparently acting as a regu
lative tonic upon thejrelaxcd muscular
coat of the bowels, thus overcoming
weakness, and aiding to restore the
boweU to more vigorous and healthy
aetivltjr.'three sUes; loo aft and 00c.
Sold onl'at ear store-rTble fBexal!
Store The B. E. Grloe Drof Co,
Buys the lidison Gmu pho
nograph, plays both the two
and four minute records. Oak
cover, black horn, metal parts
finished in Japan and nickel.
For the fireside, also plays
the two and four minute rec
ords, straight horn, oak cabi
net and cover, metal parts,
nickel and Japan.
Edison Standard Phono
graph antique oak cabinent
new style cygnet horn, metal
parts Japan, nickel and gilded .
MMMM(IUWiiti umMxwnM'N
..Come and hear any of these at your leisure or send for
amplete catalogues of machines and' Fe'Cot'ds." WeiaveattV
complete catalogi
easy payment proposition on
Newhouse Bros.
Jeweler and Optometrist. C. B. & Q. Watch Inspector
Furniture - Rugs
and Carpets
Now open for your inspection.
. Prices the lowest. .
Licensed Undertaker Nebraska and Kansas
Farmers9 Institute at Cowles, Nebr.,
: Friday and Saturday, Feb. 2-3, 1912. :
it. II. Tiiomi'so.v, I'rcKlilcut.
(J. V.. 1'ur.VAM, Sccrotary.
1'IItsr DAY
1:30 p. in. "Fet'illiiB Alfalfa to Hoys"... Sunt. W. 1'. Snyder, North l'latte Kxp. Station
"ClrowliiK Winter Wheat" V, V. Johnson, Harvard Notir
livnsixa snssioN .
7!0 p. 111. Muslu .......
"AgrlQulttirnl Advancement" Mr. Johnson
'Is Hummer Fallowing 1'nietlcal?" Mr. Saydcr
HKCOXI) DA V iouknoon session
11:00 a. hi. "The Silo, Its ltolatlon to Meat ami Milk Production"
C. V. l'uysley, ftoail of Agricultural KitetiHlou Department, I.lncola
1:30 p. m. "Tho Tanner ns a Uuslness .Man". ..........'...-rrof, C. W. Puguley
Domestic Science (Illustrated by Cooking Demonstration) ''
Mrs. Jouute C. Harlow, Otoomlngtoa, III
730 p. n' Muile - ..
"Th Horn Beautiful" ...-. -Mr. Dtrt.w
Moale "...
"The BUnd-up Collar on the Farm" Prof, Pageley
Detailed Prefram and Premium Llit will be published later,
Muys the Victor Victrola
VI 11, one of the latest achiev
meuts in the talking machine.
Made in solid oak without
horn, all metal parts nickeled.
Equal in tone to any other
make at from $10 to $25 more).
For the Victrola, one ol the
most popular self-playing in
struments evci made. One
of the greatest successes in a
moderate priced instrument.
Eor the Victrola, absolutely
the best low priced instru
ment on the market. Hear
these now. Cash or easy pay
ments puts one in your home.
One of these makes Xmas
I last all the year.
any of these.
j j
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