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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1912)
RED 1 iOUD II AMD WARE AN DIET OF THE TEETOTALER He Telia What Ho At nnrl rir.-, ' During Day of Golf and Business, C ' - J b SbW Ui 4fjl INPL EME n TTT TJ I Jo flOCfllll 5 .3 3 NT CO. irters For Builders Hardware Heavy . Jt7 ij r Si ' 'tiiware Majestic Ranges Laurel Ranges German Heaters Bath room specialties Rope Oils Paints Wagons Buggies Gilson Gas Engines Fields Gas Engines Olds Gas Engines Badger Gas Engines Joliet Corn shelters Louden Hay Tools Everything of the best at Lowest possible prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. BOTH PHONES: Ind 48 Bell Red 28 6 "I was Just recalling what I hnil tnkon In the way of refreshment to tiny," snltl a teetotaller to IiIh wlfo when he came homo to dinner on one of tho hottest days, "and It makes mo aatonlflhed that thoro are not more cases of upset stomachs. "You know I got up early and went up to play golf. Well, for breakfast i una a iamb chop, cereal, coffee, toast and a couplo of hananna. "After I'd played the six 'hill holes I had a drink of Ire water, and after plnJng tho fifteenth hole wo repaired to tho shanty of the flagman on tho railroad and lintl imn of lik lrnnnn. ilv.-, which ho inn!;ct for tho thirsty golfers end throu ,:i !i tr..d ' lu proha'Jly makes moro than his wa-;ts amount to. "After we'd llnh.hed I had a dish of Ice cream and two large glasses of 'excellent milk. Th.-n I took a show, or hath, dressed and went down town, tarrying for a plneapplo Ice cream soda and a glass of ico water. I' or lunch at my usual downtown restaurant I took a lettuce and toma to sandwich, Iced tea, n good sized section of watermelon and a pleco of cocoanut pie. About fifteen minu tes after four o'clock I took an egg chocolate- at a soda fountain. "And hero I am, ready for dinner, nnd not awaro of any 111 effects from .tho variety of foods and drinks I've taken." Hay, Grain, Flour, Oils, Garden Seeds and Alfalfa Meal Delivered to Your Door. esancsssmsasa SIMPSON St WWOKTHY : Opposite Post Office : Thone Us Your Orders, .! r"v Oi .TO-lrrtv igjJLaiflaaawjBMajucBatgiia! La GrlpDc Is Its fatal tendency to ptimnuoiiiu. To ciuo your Ingrlppe coughs take Foloy's Honey and Tar Compound. U. E, Fisher, Washington, Kas., says: "I was troubled with u severe uttuclc of lagrlppo that, threatened nnoumonia. A friend ail vised Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and I got relief after taking the first few doses. I took three bottles and tnv lagrlppo was curoTl." Get the genuine, in tho yellow package. Sold at Dr. Cook's drug store. or ineonvenienco. Uexall Orderlies are particularly good for children, aged and delicate persons. Wo urgH you to try Uexall Orderlies at our risk. Tlireo sizes, 10e, S5c and r0o. Remember, you can got Hcxall Remedies in this eommuuity only at our store The Roxall Store. Tho II. K. Griee Drug Co. Ii The District Ctart T Webster Ceuty. Nebraska. I.lbble UrtU, Flalntlir. VII. Lulu Itadell, Joanna 11. J. Kent, HurtouT. Jinlson, Idai:. Williams. Irwin I. Parker, Klinor V.. Parker, Ilurto.iO, l'urker. Janii'H II, l'urker, ItitsselT. l'urker, ami MlmtteJ. Sntltli, Defendants. The above ileleinlittits will take notice, that on thu 1.1 iluy ol Oi'toher, I'JII, l.lbblo lltltt plalntM' herein II I ill her petition In thu District Court ol Webster County, Ne braska imnlitHi the above naiui'il ilclu.ultiiitx, lltuohjcut ami pruyerot which,,! to dclcr inluu IhtirlKhtHot thu parties In thu tibovu naiui'il I'Ahu, to thu IhIIiiwIiik (U'MTll)t'd pro inlhtw, to-wlt; lots ten (IU) ami eleven (II) In Mock twenty ono t'JI) in thu (Hty ul Heil Cloiul, Nebraska, ami for n Judgment con tlrtnlni; thu shares of tho parties to the, above described prumlM'Hauil torn partition of thu said hIiovu described promises according to tho renpuotlvu rlnhlsol thu parties Interested therein and If thu name cannot hu equitably dlvldud that Kahl promises ho sold ami thu proceeds bu divided but ween thu pnrtUi here to accordion t their respictlvu rlhts nnd for general eipiltablurellel. You nro required to answ er mild putltlon on or before tho IBth day I'cbrunry, lllli lillllllK It it I If. lty V. C. Domey and llurnard McNeny Her attoriteyK. You Risk no Money Our Reputation and Money are Back of I his Offer Wo pay for all tho medicine used during the trial, if our remedy falls to completely relieve you of constipation. Wo take all the risk. You tiro not ob ligated to lib in any way whatever, if you accept our offer. Could anything bo more fair for you? Is thero any reason why you should hesitate to put ur claims to a practical test',1 A most scientific, common-senso treatment is ltexall Ordorlies, which are eaten like candy, Thoy arc very pronounced, gentle and Pleasant in action, and particularly agreeable hi very way la The District Curt of Webster Csiaty, Nebraska. (Jcsrglaua linker UoWttt, rialntltr. vs. UltuichuKmtcrii, John KKgera, her huxband, Clarencu Warner, and Mrs. Clarence Warner hit wife llrut lull name unknown, William J. linker, nnd Mrs. William J. linker his wlfo llrstnamo un known, It. A. Whlttiker, ilrst (till nntne unkuown, anil Mr. It. A. Whituker his wife, Ilrst imiuo un known, William llopiieraud. Mrs. Hopper his wife, (nil niiiiuiiuknuwn. Jennlu Wal, Delia Malioite.x, Aiiulo Woodt ml', .Morris M. Wanier, Illla.Shernian, now lloweit, .leaneltucioniwell, tillu Hopper, Nellie Hopper, William amer, Majotlu K. Maker, now Fonts, William. I. A. linker, Kutlierlno II. K. linker. Ann Warner, Charlts W Warner, ut al Hefendauts, rhoahovo ..anted non-residents dofondnuts will take notice that on tho second day of January, itip.', (leorulann linker DoWItt, plalntlil herein Died her petition In tho Ills- trlCt Court of Webster I'miniv vi i... aunlnst you, the object nnd prayer of which ...u.iMiuiernunuthurlRlitsot tho parties In tho above easu to the (ullovliiK described promUes Kltnated In Webster County, Ne braska, UMWtj Tho north west iiuarter of lection JI, Town -MtatiBoU West of the ll P. M.i and for n Jinliui.tit ..,.. dr,.,i.,,. n... . ... fsof thu parties to thu above described p're-' ...- u.r a partition of thu above de scribed premises accordlnt! to tho respectho rlBhUof tho parlies Interested therein and the samu eannot bo equitably divided, hill said premises bo sold and tho proceeds budlvldul bet wem the parties hereto accord in to their re-neetlv.. ri.-ina i ,..- -... equitable relief. " .m..... YtHi uru rtfiulriil to miwu-r ..i,i ..m or before thu llUli day of iVbruary lupj. Hateil January .', pjpj, (I IIOIIOI. .VA IlAk-i:ii lliv.. iii I lllillllli, lly llurnard McNcny, Her Attorney, Farmers discuss Important Questions Omaha, Xebr., Jan. 1 When the fanners of Nebraska meet in annual convention iu Oniitha on January in to 13, they will be privileged to hear exhaustive discourses on various ques tions, which ure vital in their impost The program, which has been nr ranged by the Hocrcturies of the three organizations, the Farmers Congress the Rural Life Commission, and the Farmers Co-operative Shipping Asso elation, Includes addresses by men who have made a life study of the economic conditions. "? "V? A,dr,cuowncy plan will affect the Farmer," win be discussed from every angle by Honrv w v...... of Omaha. Mr. Yates will .jiL. ,.. address on the evening of January u. Hr. George O. Virtue, of the Univer sity of Nebraska Will ilnlU-.... i dress on the "Substitutes For the lVr" sonnl Tux." Ibis address, which is ...uri ror the sau.o evening will leal with the possible elimination of HE AROUSED HER INTEREST Woman Didn't Want Booka op pi. turei, but Lotion for Wrinkle Wat Different. - "Madame," sold the. .gentlemanly agent, "I am selling a cbllecjloaof tho greatest poems over written, Tho book is finely bound, containing C97 pnges, ind" "I don't caro for poetry. You will have to excuse me." "In that case, ma'am perhaps you would llko to soo a Ulblo that I am polling. It contntns a handy index which will enable you to find any name or quotation without" "No, wo have all tho Ttlblcs wc want, lit ally, I am very btisv" "If you aro Interested In art I can furnish you with replicas of all tho old masters, so cleverly dono that no once would bo ahlo to " "Wo have nil the nrt wo want. I must ask you to step outside at once." uon't you let mo show you a col lection of tho world's proso master pieces? It is tho most handsomo vol ume " "No, I don't care to bo bothered any further. Good day." "I am handling a lotion that Is guar anteed to removo wrinkles In ono night. It Is recommended by " "Just step In and bo seated, won't you, please? Do you carry a supply with you for Immediate delivery?" ? The Mrtm f2i & P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. A Complete Lino of Staple and Fancy Qrocerloa. also tho Latest Patterns In Queens ware Wo p also making a Specialty of tho Celebrated 66 A. B. C. 99 CANNED GOODS Bell Phono 102. Squinting. I hoard recently of a mother who emacked her small boy because ho squinted. She remarked that If that would not cure the child she did not know what would. She evidently had no Idea that squinting U a nervous affection (un less It comas from a deformity of Um eye, which generally can be cured' by operation), and that sometimes it Is a symptom of serious brain disorder. Most of the Muly tricks" that chil dren develop In childhood are clmply the result of "nerves" and to attempt to cure them by nagging, scolding or smacking Is about the worst possible way to set about it. It Is very Important that they should be remedied, however, because sometimes thoso tricks havo lasting impressions that enduro evon Into adult life, und spoil tho appearance or mo manners or norhana both nnri i V IIBSI j j? s. lite liorsonal tnv .in.. ...... . . nturt mnv nr.noi.inr,ii.i.. ini.... ... -""UIH, Him Vl I , ""' " .MUtuijr lUJUlU UIU nggest ways nnd meai.H . ... "ealth. Exchange. levenuo from other sourcos. wi,i..i. .. . I ' - "in i -i '! . '- .--..: tftjMt tri POLICE! MURDER! FIRE! Our house is burning down and John's uway a million miles off on his vacation. A true picture though a bit exaggerated. Qet an Insurance Policy on Your House and Furniture while you think about it. For solid security have us write it up. Our premiums are low and compan ies are safe. O. C. TEEL, Rmlltblm inturmne: Independent Phone 44 vaWvA' Swiff's Premium 'C Hams and Bacon Mlddlo Course Difficult. To soo tho good nowhere that Is pessimism, and this Is oasy. To soe tho good everywhere that Is optim ism v nnd this Is not difficult Dut to find tho KOOd Rnmnwhirn, i . . .-...... iuih Q nn. a ... .. "wi.jr, uuii mis is in no wise oaav Thoy do not cause diarr- Ivan Panln. hcoa, nausea, flatulence, griping or oth- -us -s mean a more eciultablo dli-ui,,,, SeerotnryOdell of tho KPa, Lfl. Cotnmisslon is eon.luetlng an invest i JMitlon and is asking a soreles of ,,,.. tioiH which have for their object tli0 .tseertalning of facts and suggestions, which will increase the desirability of farm life and check the drift from the farm lire to tho city. Indications are that nearly l ooo farmers will attend the joint congas of the three associations. All farmers aro urged to attend the congress, whether they aro regularly appointed dolocates or , i.. ' one will have a voice in the conven- mm mm win no entitled to vote on any question that Is raln,i -m... ol leers of tho three associations have joined iu mi invitation to every f!U, or in the state. All arc urged to i,e present and bo prepared to ,llsuss tho various questions, which will llt; raised during the three days session West Steadily Advancing, noorsheba is still nn outpost of civi lization against Bedouin tribes. Ita commercial Importance Is Increasing rnpldly, owing to waterworks which draw their supply from seven wells mentioned in Genesis. That tho his toric East is gradually Buccumbtng, however, to tho progressive Bplrit or the West is indicated by tho fact that a pumping plant has boon erected over Abraham's well. When tho rail way system now under way has been complotod, It will bo posslblo to run tralnB from Paris to Damascus, Jeru salem, and Mecca Itself. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound "Cur es In Every t'ase." ... ?',i. "V,1- ?IcCii'ory, Mgr. of the Sulilltz Hotel, Omaha,' Nebr. reco.u" mends Foley's llonoy and Tnr C . pound, because It cures in every eas " "I liuvo used it myself and 1 1 have re commended t to many others who live since old tne f its Kreat e th power in dis-HM., f ll,,. .(t and iu..g." FonillfotiKliMuiil ,.ds "I'-M'H ly .irncilve. Sidd ut Dr. tioU'n ilnig store Chief Ads Bring Results Are Pishes MJrrors? A scientist says ho always fancied llttlo flBh wero protectod ngalnst tho mouths of tho big fish chlclly by their markings looking llko tho stones and reeds In tho water, but ho now con cludes that all Rhinlng, silvery fish nro mirrors, reflecting tho dark- bot tom of tho pond, and It Is only when such fish como to tho surface that tho light Bhlnes on them, nnd they bocomo vlslblo to tho big fish that thoy prey on llttlo llsh. So long as tho llttlo, sllvory fish stay closo to tho bottom thoy look llko mud and etones, only showing their Bhlnlng Bllvor whon thoy como near tho top and bo aro Boon swallowed down. Much the 8ame for Husband. Mrs. Knlcker What Is tho chief dlf. forence between summer and winter? Mrs. Docker In winter you ask for moro money, and in summer you write for it Puck. , fc25f " wn.-wim. Of Interest te Horse Breeders Every Stallion In the State of Nebras ka must oe Examined It is getting toward the season of the year when the farmer begins to llg'iro .! thu number of horses ho must keep for tho next souson's work. Ilo Is usually either buying or selling horses, "dickering" so that ho will be better off than he is now. Wo want to call tho attention to the farmor to the fact that a now law, en aetotl at the last session of legislature, that every stallion or jack kept for sale, public servico,exchangoor trans fer, must bo examined by an inspector sent from the oillee of the Nebraska stallion registration board. This board issues a license, to the owner of each and every stallion or jack that passes the inspection which license in good for ono year. The State Stallion Inspectors have now covered the state once, but owing to the fact that tho board could no secure the names of all tho btallion owners thej have decided to make an other trip over the state. They will be iu or near our town some time dur ing tho winter. After this second trip through the state, every btallion and jack should have been examined. Ueforo buying or using any animal kept for public service, tho farmer should demand to seo the license Issued by the Stallion llegibtration Hoard. If such pnpors cannot be produced, have nothing more to do with tho animal as ho Is doubtleBS refused a llcenso or is such a poor Individual that his owner was afraid to prcseut him for examination, llcmember Unit, nil utniiintia ,i... . have been or will be shipped Into tho siuio siuee tiuty , uu, ana all these born into thu state after that time must bo absolutely souud, If you uut auuun cons, kuow wuai you are breeding to, insist on seeing tho lic ense issued by the Stallion Registra tion Hoard. fsAmfti fVJ W 19 T9fi For Sale J&t H -BY- flJPffly John Yost XKlf THE fciSin iLo tmm "Dutch Butcher" DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTimr OVER STATE BANK Red Cloud Nebraska Foley Kidney Pills Always give satisfaction becauso they always do tho work. J. T. Shel nut, IJienten, tjn says: "I have used oley Kidney 1'ills with great satis faction a,1(i f01Ul(, morc .j, from their use tliun from any other kiduev medicine, and I've tried almost all kinds. I can cheerfully recommend them to all sufferers for kidney nd bladder trouble." For sale at Dr. Look s drug store. REWARD S50 - Fifty Dollars Reward - $50 The undersigned ucrrees to rmw anyone for tho arrest and conviction of any person or persons violating the liquor or gambling laws of the state of Nebraska, iu the city of Rod Cloud, tho sum of fifty dollars. Ri:d Ci.oun Civic Association NEW BAKERY I have opened a bakery inRcd Cloud and solicit u sharo of your patronage. Fresh Bread, Ties and Cakes always iu stock. Phono me your wants (Ind. phono 188.) Retail store opposite Postof floe, in Disderich building. CURT HATFIELD, Prop. A