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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1912)
vm"iiwi""'' 'i 1 v . SUCCUMBS TO SHOT FATAL RESULT OF SHOOTING AF FRAY AT NORTH BEND. NEWS FROM OVER THE STATE What It Going on Here and Thero That Is of Interest to the Read- ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity. Fremont. Michael Corey, the North Ucnd man who was allot by Albert I'ruyn of that place on Christ tuns day, died Wednesday evening. Ho wjih fifty years old and immur rled. I'ruyn Ih now under arrest, hav ing been in Jail since the iitht of the shooting. Another Victim to Epidemic. Lincoln. Robert Kwart, eighteen months old child of Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Kwart, died Wednesday evening, the second victim of the epidemic- of In testinal disease which swept north past Lincoln. The child wus stricken two weeks ugo. at the time when a majority of the epidemic cnHes de veloped. For several days It was dan gerously III. but Improved somewhat until the last few days. Horses Killed In Wreck. Beatrice A stock train on the Rock iBland wbh wrecked near May berry, Saturday, and six cars went Into the ditch. The train carried 1 10 head of horses which were being shipped to St. Louis from Nebraska and seventy head were killed. Many that were not killed outright were badly Injured. Have Remodeled the Church. Bradshaw. The eongtegatlon of the Harmony United Brethren church, near this place, have made extensive repairs and additional Improvements to their church bouse, converting the old dilapidated room Into a modern and most beautiful auditorium. Old Resident Suicides. Seward. Alexander Kussnoglo, an old resident and well knowncitlen of Seward county, committed suicide at his homo in Cicrmantovvn by shooting himself with a shotgun. Death result ed almost Instantly. NEWS FROM THE STATE HOUSE. Clarcnco E. Harman, democratic candldato at the last election to fill tho unexpired term of W. 11. Cowgill on tho state railway commission, has about decided to file for railway com missioner at tho primaries next spring. Twenty-ono applicants for certifi cates ns registered nurses appeared at the senate chamber to take an ex amination before the examining hoard comprising Miss Kllon Stewart of Omaha, Mrs. Bess Blxby Burns and Miss Lillian Stuff of Lincoln Under the provisions of tho Allen bill enacted into law by the last legis lature, election Judges are required to call attention to tho constitutional amendment upon the ballots, a thing which has never been clearly set out in previous election laws of tho state. C. M. Skiles of David City, a mom her of tho senate at the last session of tho legislature, has tiled as a can dldato for congress In the Fourth dis trict. In a statement Issued with his filing Senator Skiles declares that tariff, trusts and currency will bo the hip issue of the coming campaign. A. B. Allen has been elected secre tary of tho stato railway commission. Ho !a to succeed Secretary (Mark Per kins, who desires to dovoto all of his time, to tho publishing of a newspaper at Aurora. Mr. Allen will work with Mr. Perkins In the oillce till the an nual report of the commission Is Is sued. It Is said that LaFollotto managers intend to copy after the Yelsor peti tion, which Is signed by twenty-five persons, and also send a copy to Roosevelt to nsk him If ho desires his name placed on tho ballot. It Is supposed that Roosevelt has no power to keep his name off tho ballot when twenty-flvo electors petition to have It there. Secretary RoyBo of tho state bank ing board was tho recipient of a gold clock aB a holiday gift from tho stato bank examiners of his department. Under the now enactment providing for tho submission of tho question of licenso or no license upon tho petition of thirty freeholders of any vlllago or town in tho stato, a largo number of tho Nebraska municipalities aro pre paring to submit tho question at tho coming spring oloctlon, according to word glvon out at tho stato nntl saloon headquarters. Tho guns and equipment of tho ma chlno gun company of tho Nebraska national guard at Beatrice have been shipped back to the United States arsenal at Rock Island, III. Tho com pany was mustered out of tho servlco of tho guard soveral months ago. Superintendent Manuel of tho stato Industrial school for boys at Kearney, says that his institution has sold 675 bushels of potntocs that wero raised on the Institution farm. Thoy wero bought by another stato Institution, the Hastings asylum, at 05 cents a bushel, Tho Kearney school has an other carload for sale. BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA - Merrick county has organized i poultry association. Three pastors at Ashland base re signed their charges. The state poultry show will be belt at York .lanuary I,' to L'O. Walter .1 Lamb, the oldest luvv.voi In Lincoln, Is dead at the age of 7;.. More than CiO.OOO cream separators are in use on the farms of Nebiaska The Kenesaw school board is plan nlng to build a new $L'..(J00 schoo building. Ftcmont business men have made i cash gift of $101 to the Lutheran or pliant. home. Norfolk turned down the $75,000 municipal electric light plant bonde at a recent election. Knox county will have the lecordi of Its olllclals for the last ten ears examined by an expert. The farmers' Institute at DoWitt was a great success, many farmers taking part In the exercises. W. M Downs, a Wymoro boy. Is under arrest at that place for calling a prominent cltlxen a banty." The court bouse at Madison Is be lug overhauled and much needed im provements aro being made. Otis llallou. a former Omaha man was run over and Instantly killed by an automobile at Seattle. Wash. The coi oner's Jury has decided that David Stepsay, who was found dead at Omaha, came to his death from nat ural causes. J. K. Ilalton hanged himself in a barn at the rear of bis boarding housi at Omaha Sundaj afternoon because he could not buy Christmas presents- Dr. and Mrs. Kelly, the Fremont missionaries, will sull from San Fran cisco, Cal., January .1, to resume their charge at Hainan, off the coast of China. State Geologist K. H Barbour, upon examining the vein of coal found on tho farm of Hplr Johnson, near Hoop er, pronounced It a lignite of good grade. Owing to a snowstorm and a small pox scare the farmers' Institute at (iiiide Rocl: was not the success that was expected There was a small at tendance. Some one left a suit case contain ing a quantity of nitroglycerine In a hotel at Stanton, and authorities "won't do a thing to him" when he calls for It. Tho new Christian church at Kene saw, the corner stone of which has Just been laid, will have the largest, seating capacity of any of the seven churches in tho city. Charlra Musselmnn. twenty years old. is dead at Lyons, of typhoid fever, supposedly contracted from letters re ceived from relatives In an infected family in Pennsylvania. fieorge Parker, a negro, said to be a medical student of Crplghton univer sity at Omaha, Is under arrest at St Paul. Minn., charged with the killing of Mrs. Andrew Jackson of that place. The young people of Kim Creek have organized a class for the scion tide study of the Bible Professor Odell is the Instructor They meet at the school building Thursday even ings. Harry Oliver was badly Injured when a freight train backed Into a handcar which he and his father were dtlvlng nt Pine, nnd he died four hours later. He was twenty-one years old. With his little four-year-old nlocn clasped in his arms, "playing sleep," James B. Austin, a real estate dealer of Lincoln, died suddenly Monday morning. Heart failure caused his death. Tho commltteo in charge of solicit ing funds for tho new hotel project at Hastings report pledges to the amount of $100,000 and the campaign will bo pushed until ?12.ri.000 or better Is pledged. A flro in the barn of Sherman Rog ers, near Syracuse, caused tho death of six head of horses, and the loss of a lot or farming Implements, harness, etc.. together with nearly a thousand bushels of corn. Charles Freeman, a colored man of Wnhoo, is tho oldest person in Saun ders county, nnd one of the very old est In tho stato. Mr. Freeman wns born In Blue Ridge, Va., ninety-seven years ago. Ho was born a slave. Tho snowfall at Wahoo measured II vo Inches, making a total of fourteen Inches slnco tho 17th of December, which added to tho inch nnd sixty-flvo hundredths of rain on December 0, brings about a very encouraging con dition for the wheat crop. In a Christmas day shooting affray at North Bend, Mike Gorcy was shot twice in tho abdomen and will prob ably die. Tho ElkB club at Lincoln played tho rolo of Santa Claus to over 2.000 little ones Christmas day, keeping open houso from 9 till 12. Miss Alva Boiler, a Hastings young lady attending an eastern college of music, Is receiving high praise from critics for tho skill nnd expression dis played in tho rendition of a Schubert number at a recent Boston concert. Tho Lincoln Woman's club claims to bo tho largest club of that sort In existence In tho United States. After partaking heartily of only partially cooked welnerwurst, tho family of Fred Nickel, a farmer living near Central City, was attacked with trichinosis, which came near result ing fatally to Severn) of tho members. A now and deadly corn stalk disease has made Its appearance In different sections of Pawneo and Nomaha coun ties nnd Is causing consternation among ownors of horses, the Jobs of several valuable animals having been reported. JvWlLBUR D. TIHSB1T -. m .TS Up IiiiiI taken innnv rotirHi'H In u eorri'i MMimlrlM,l HUllOul Til' lie knew ho know tho inctliod to, rtuinlpuliiti- rncli tool. Ho he sait n miw anil Imti'lict mid u cIiIhcI, and siimc mil Ih Anil lii'Kan to iiicnd the ntnlrvvny, lint lie. ended It with waits, For lie wished his eplderinl nnd he srnrl lleil Ids wtlM lAid lio smashed hl.s thumb and llnm-i h j when the r,icly nulla lie missed And hereafter when he lias a nail to drive lie will not nail It; He'll pimply llek u jmstaKe stump and take It nut and mall It lie hud answered all Hie question tn the hoiiiiiM "How to Hide," And with pen and Ink and piipoi he eotild Kiillu pen with pride. Hut (inn day he hired a eliartjer and ho vaulted to the heat And they say for fifteen minutes ho wim owner of the street. Hut at Inst the hoise In meiey threw him stir.iwtlng tn tho wound And his vvntcli, two teeth and las"es aro the only things iin'minil Bo today lie's ttllti eontented to ;o rldlnc In his fani v With pen and Ink nnd paper ns hln mums of ru eromauey. Hut he took u course, of teaching from another Institute On the way to um an auto with Its chug and hiss and hoot. Then ho started In an auto and Just when the paeo crew hot Anil ho should liuvo pulled a lever then which lever he forgot! For a moment wheels nnd fniKinonts wero tho most that enn could see, Then they found our worthy hero hung Iiik gently in n tree. When the. doctors hail succeeded In re storing htm from coma With his fi elile, lnltstnlned UnKiTH ho ton lip hl.s Mj; diploma' At the Mlnstrelc. "Mr. Bones," bald Mr. Tambo, wheh tho semicircle had been seated, ") have a query to propound to you this evening." "You havo a query to propound U ino," bald Mr. Bones, dittoing the re jnnrk, which helps to fill out tho time luting tiie performance. "May I in quiro what your query is?" "What is tho difference between t young wamnn with a pancake hat reading a letter from homo and a man who is trying to discover sumo way of fooling hia captors, so that ho may escape?" Being in a hurry to wash up and. et ttwny that night, Mr. Bones im mediately said that ho could not KUCBS. "One reads tho news and tho other needs tho ruse," shouted Mr. Tnmbo, whereupon the Interlocutor Mopped forward and announced that tho world ' famous basso, Mr. Groanln Growle, ! would sing "A Thousand Feet Below tho Sea, or How Can tho Diver Patch His Trousers?" The Narrative of the Two Eggs. Onco upon n tlmo a strictly fresh OBB happened to lio alongside of s cold-Htorago egg for n while. And tho strictly fresh egg turnc up Us noso nt tho cold-storngo egg and said: "Ah, I shall bo served soft boiled, ot poached on toast, nnd tho waiter will rhargo ton cents for me. Do you not wish you might enjoy my ndvant liges?" "Tut!" said the cold-storage egg rastlenlly. "I shall bo sorved in a cheeso omelet for n dollar. I don't heo where your worth amounts to any thing." ThlB teaches us that thero aro tlrs when ngo Is properly rewarded, Overheard. "When I was a boy on ono sldo ol my fnther'B farm." "A mnn cumo to tho Iioiiho with ono lep named Huskinson." "What became of that hat for tho Indy with tho wldo brim?" "I want to got a present for an old 'rlend worth a dollar." "I got a letter today from a fellow with a yellow envelope." "Mrs. Jones went downtown on n street car with too much powder on " "I bought n book from a clerk that yns full of funny pictures." Men Jolly tho preacher a great deal about how thoy enjoy tho sermons, but you notice that they never en core ono. lot IN HASTE, TOO. "I fought .miiis sahl miis kin lick nie whl jer hands lied behind yer baik?" "I I- can' I'm J Just goln' now to go' a hiring to tie 'em!" ALMOST FRANTIC WITH ITCHING ECZEMA "I'luht wars aco I not ecvetnn nil i)r in hands. My lingers falily hied and it Itched until it almost drove mo frantic Tho eruption bigan with Itching under the skin. It upload fast Until between tho lingers mound the nails ami all over the whole hands. I got it pair of rubber gloves In order to wash dishes. Then it spread all over the left side of my cheM A line due tor tieated the trouble two weeks, hut did me no go')d. 1 cried night and tlav. Then 1 decided to try Cutlcura Snap and Ointment but without much hope as I had gono so long. Thero was a marktd change the second la, anil t-o on until I was entirely cured. The Cutlcura Soap we have kept in our home, and we decldi d after that lesson that It Is a cheap soap in price and the very best In qunlltv. My husband will use 'no other sn-ip In his shaving mug." (Signed) Mrh. (5. A. Selby, Redoudn Beach, Cal.. Jan. 11".. lilll. Although Cutlcura Soap and Ointment aro sold by drug gists and dealers everywhere, a sam ple or each, with .lli-pago hook, will be mailed freo on application to "Cutlcura," Dept. 21 K, Boston. 'Jones Admitted It. .limes and Brown argued as they al ways did when they had lime enough They had dined together, and ns Jones lived at a distance and it was verv late Ih own olfered to put him up for the n'ght On the way home they fell to ills riibslng the strategy of the Civil war as indicated by the campaigns of Lee and Grant. The topic was elastic enough to keep them going for half an hour, and reached Its height as the.v neared the Brown house Then Brown lost his temper "Jones," said he, "If you don't admit that Giant was a greater general than Iet you can't sleep here." It was then two o'clock in the morn ing, ami Jones was eight miles from home - Chicago Post. The backtcrlologlst. A Richmond darky chanced to meet on tho htreot n friend who complain ed of much "mlH'ry." Indeed, the nf fllcted ono was In despair, bo "tucker ered out" was he. "Wot rccum to bo do matfer?" nHked tho first negro "Jim," unld tho other with a moan nnd a gesture indicating the portion of his anatomy that wn giving him so much trouble. "1'so got seeh nvvful pajrib Injnah bnck beah!" Jim assumed au air of great solem nity and wisdom. "In dat cnBo." snld he, "dere'a only ono thing fo' yo to do. Jes' jo' put yo'so'f In do bands o' dat Doctah Hlank. I hears dat he's do finest bnktcriolocist in do whole souf." Gentle Correction Needed. Mr. Llttlerest Doctor, what did you toll mo wns your special treatment for cleeplessness? Medico Wo strlko nt the cauau or the origin of the trouble. Mr. Llttlerest You don't say so! Well, you will find tho baby In the oth er room Only, don't strlko at him too hard. Her Fate. "I have three husbands to support," plcnded the ragged beggar woman, "What aro you a bigamist?" "No, sir. Ono husband's mine nnd tho others belong to my two daugh ters." Probably. Teacher What did tho Philistines say after David bad slain Goliath? Willie O, I suppose they said, "Nov er mind. The season's young yet. Walt till David hits a slump." Christ mas Puck. The Lingo. "I confess I can't understand what your baby's saying." "It's queer language, Isn't it?" "Yes. sort of early Kngllnh " The Sixth Sense. "Mrs. Meddle makes so much trou ble In the neighborhood." "Yob, she has such a fine sense of humor!" Ufo. Fore Throat is no trifling ailment. It will nomctimcx carry infection to tliu en tire FVHtcni tlirotijjli the food you eat. llarnlina. Wizard Oil cures Fore Tnroit, Vou need expect no quarter from the footpad until you give up your last cent PUTNAM ColormoTCKoodsbrlRhternndfaUercoloratlian einy garment without ripping apart. Wntu PULLED IN DIFFERENT WAYS Ordinary Man on the Street Some what Puzzled by 8eemlnn Busi ness Contradictions. "Life Is full of contradictions." "Yes?" "For Instance, about six months ago a life Insurance agent got after me, and hounded me marly to death 1 told htm at (he Marl that I hail all tho Insurance I was able to ratty, hut he kept right on tiyiug '" pot simile me that I needed mine nnd. Iluallv. In sixer desperation, I consented to take out another policy Then the com pany's doctor In gan trying In ever) vvav he could think of to make it Im possible for me to get the Insurance He acted as If 1 was voluntarily tr tug to heat the company In some way, and when I fulled in pass the examlua I tlon both he and the agent appeared to thtuk I had wtnngctl them hv takli.e. up their time " "That's iieatlv as had ns my case Several months ago i ('preventatives tu ' a piano bouse got aftei me for the pin pore of pcrsiviHng nie to hu.v a piano on the Installment plan Just to get i rid of them I at last uuiced to huv Now the.v 've get a corps of men mil mini; I,, dig up pioof that I never could or would pay lot the piano If they weie to let me have It Business Is a great thing" How he Found Out. Mr liiiilrninti," shuuitd one nt the delegates to the convention "I move that the nominating speeches he lim Med to oiki minute inch!" Second the motion!" yelled a iloren nthci s A Htoim ol pioicst arose, hut the chilli man put the tnolhiii It was lost i a vote nt 17 to lf "I ttictcl) wished to lltul out, Mr i.hulrumn. evpialinil the delegate who had made the motion, 'how mam .nut Itlous ntatois llieie nie In this 1 1 uvciitloti rifie im1 tnrtv seven I'M. IS CI'llIM) I NO TO tl II VV Yniir.l-i n-l mil r-iiiim iii.nii y It IWii HINT Ml VI' I iiU in iiie nut iii.i i.r I rlM iv IUhi.L III. lll.lU-l.r I'llillll.llllvi I 'III a In I. Ill IIU.!) '. Prolltable goods aie good friends that we ih ally love to p.m with l.eui-' NnV It -uliT. i t tn ipi.ihi! t.i- 1. II i n. lll-l- IIIIII til. in Ottli'l- fli Cl.ll - Mtipv a man's handshake Is less sin ccie Ihiiu the vi ng ol hlu dogs, tall It seems that to mal.o both mi et tcipiircs no end of tnonev ends Tlit expression lor this reliable remedy. Sick women are invited to consult by letter, free. All correspondence Mrictly private nnd sacredly confidential. Write without fenr nnd without fee to World'n Dispensary, It. V. Pierce, M. D. Pres't, liufhilo, N. Y. Dr. I'icrcc'a Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomucli, liver and bowels., tiny grunulei, easy to take us enndy. vtep Vrr-rvi VJii- The Kind with the Kill Here, men, is tour lucky strike. Robin Hood is the sporting ammunition that will chance our field of disappointment into a "happy hunting grqund." For "sure enouch" came ccuinr ynu can't shoot a nowoto that's too quick, and vou can r ouy any mar win snoot so Robin Hood. QBIN AMMUNITION k.By Is loaded In our own fscintltt, wlih our own smoWlen powder; This it an riclumc Kobin I loo J (ramie, for no other tmmuni lion mariulicluitit male Ihc imokeleii powders which they load Pm Hobm llfiol Ammunition lo the Int. You'll are the difference in rnulu afield high, muule velocity, perlect pattern and no "kick," Duy Robin Hood shot ahdli and metallic cartridge Irom your regular dealer, or if he duet not handle them write us. Send for our catalogue. It la full ol ammunition pointers. . LKUJJIN IIUUU AMMUNITION COMPANY tun oirect, swanton, vt. Rayo lamps and lanterns flive most light for tbe The llcht Is strone and stcadv. A Materials and workmanship are the best. Kayo lamps nnd lanterns last. Afk vour dealer to ihmr you Mi line of Untio laviw unit lanterns, or irriU for illuitrated haahlrtx dliect to on( ttgi itcy of Standard Oil Company nncnrD-nrftt.rn FADELESS DYES any other dye. One 10c packvKc colors nil fibers. Tlieydyeincoldvvatertietterthannnyotherdyp You cam for free booklet How to Uye. Ulcacli and Mix Colons. MONKOE DWUG CUM HAN V,, Qulncy, lis. CREAM OF RYE For health and energy oat it for breakfast. Reduces cost of living. Freo Silver Spoon in every package. Ask your grocer for a package. It doesn't take n flsliet i in to caat slurs. LTHE KEYSTONEj TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'S, STOMACH BITTERS You can strengthen the system, keep the bowelsopen, prevent Colds and Grippe by taking the Bitters. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Curt) CARTER'S LITTLE livck riLLa never fail. Purely vegeta- . ble act surely v-fpTrVipADTPD'C hut i.entiv on jmrxilyA l I urg the liver. Stop aftci dinner distress-cute. iiidiuostion. improve t he complexion, brighten the eyesw SMALL PILL. SMALL l)()SK, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature )(vonj-c f this paper dcsiiiug to buy lt(lULI J .jnytluugadvertised in its col umns bliould insisl upon having what they nsk for.refusmg all suh&iiirtcs or imitations discouraged occurs so ninny times in letters from VmKtmtn If m! IT K k S&s 1. jMVVt.W BUTTLE 4 w.m x.rjr ra ........ ZoKmH pills. wr a - nick women, " I wus completely Uiiconrnj'cd." And thero is iilvii)s dihI reason for the discouragement. Years ol puin und Mifli'rii!, Doctor after doctor tried in vain. Medicines diiing no lusting good. It is no wonder that the woman feck discouraged. 'I hoii'inuds of these weak and sick women have found health and courage regained as the result of the use o Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It establishes regularity, licnU inflammation nnd ulcere tiuu. nnd cures weul.ncss. IT MXKES WCaC WOflWX ST.IO.VG XA'ti SCf WOMISX WELL. Refuse substitutes offered by unscrupulous druggists m?orT7rrirrkM smokeless rKr IV I IKJIV OIL HEATER Smokelci Odorleii Clean Convenient The Perfection Stnolclt-i$ Oil Heater warms up a room in next to no time Alwnys teady (or use. Can be carried easily to any room wiieie extra warmtli is needed. A rprcial automatic device makes it impossible to turn the wick too dipji r too low. Safe in the hands of a child. The Perfection burns nine hours i on one filling glowing heat from the minute it is lighted. Handsomely finished: drums oi blue enamel or plain steel, with nickel trimmings. Ask your drittr or wnte for (inceptive circular to any agency ef Standard Oil Company (incoriHirnitoi; quick ana kiu so iar ai clj.u. . J$'' a Trust, oil used. Ravo never flickers. jr, ' ."ciSaHMl J ydm mm A IAZW SlSBBV.STI.'SBBt? :'mmwm llsw ' IJ JTJRpfe ..w irs .. 6, Jlii .ssssV 9 JkftVlarHBr T J for.