The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 04, 1912, Image 6

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    . oxQill iyf . i
(gSMteflgiiyvw sa- m JlByo
' oiii7afc-7. in i v.wT c- ,.AV-raBsr.s--
-tt A' Bb w Sir' VA JLI TI ' "J fHrl i-
nMar ar idtfK'
Kin M i I fin rilHli itnnwti tilt iliioiiKli Al.ii
l(u mh "IiiiimIiik imviiKiii," i I'li'iiiiin liii
noih iitrtlnliiv wiih m i-miwiI of iuIiht at
tlm Cirri.' I'lly Tlvull The iliil I" "N
in heavy Kiiinlillim. I wlil'-li ow-r Jl' '"
I Mlnld'il 11irnMi Imsi-m IiIh iiiiiiicv hihI
III lliliH' lull uImh Dim mull nilitl ict Mi'
nlnrlH on lil.s mull trip Willi !"U" anil
Hll-llKP. I lllll IllH flllllllH I tlltt III- Will Im
III the lil- YmUhii H"IiI tlrllii- nl tin- Htiilt
llilrnlm: i.nlli:lit iiuiltii n iiiintliiiiiilly
rnpld run m r i (oiintrv Willi tin- mull,
iippi-iitH ut Hi"' TlMill unit In miw rriiily
In loin lili fili'iiilM in a l.ili to Hi" new
k'cil.l Mclili IVi-hUni; that until will lia
foillul In Ilin iipilr illilrlit IIuiiiIhIi
luiyii two toim or lloui whlrli In- ili'i-liiri'i
will hi- wot ili iim ut relit in colli, but
wlifii ho iirrlvio with tile Motii ho IIiiiIh
till- lilt,' lll'NIlllllO A Flllllllllll' illirov-
t goM anil Diivlluht ri'iip.t a ili-li liar
vi'Kl Mo Kiii-H to liiiwsnn. tiiTiinii'M the
mint ptonilni'iil IIkiiio In tin' Kloncllko
Mini ih'ffatH a loinliliiatloii of rnpltiilixtH
In a vioit nilnliiK iloal lie ri'tuiiit In anil, niiilil tln liowllilot Iiik
'otiiplli'iitliiiiK of liluli limine r, luvllulit
llml.'i that llo hat I n li'il to Invest lilt
t'li'Vi'ti inlllloiiH In a iniinlpulatril i'li tne.
Hi) Kill's to iN'i'W Votl(
CHAPTER VIII. Continued.
Then I lie Kiln 1 UmI away, ami IiIh
fnco grow bleak mill serious leav
ing out IiIh ItitmcHtH in tho several
Western reclamation piojeets (which
wero still assessing heavily), he was a
ruined innii lint hinder hit than thla
was Ills pride. II" liml been so easy
They hatl gold bricked him. and h
had nothing fo show for It. 'I'lio sim
plest fanner woulil have hail docu
ments, while hi) had imtlilni: tint n
gentleman s agreement, and a verbal
nno at that Gent Ionian's agreement!
llo mini led over It John Dowsett's
voire, Just iih ho bail heaitl It in the
telephone rccolvel, hounded In his
earn (lie words, "On my honor as a
gentleman." They were, sucnh-thlcvcs
and swindlers, that was what they
wore, and they had given lilin the.
double-cross Tim newspaiiers wero
right lie bad coiuo to Now York to
lio trimmed, and Messrs. Dnwsctt, !ct
ton and Giiggenhnninior bail dono It.
Ho wns a little fish, and they had
played with til in ten days amplo tlmo
In which to swallow him, along with
Ills eleven millions Of course, they
had been unloading on hint all tlto
tlmo, and now they wore buying Ward
Valley back for a song ero the mar
ket righted Itself
And Daylight snt and consumed
cocktails and Raw back In his llfo to
Alnskn, and lived over tho Brim years
In which ho bad battled for bis eleven
millions For awhile murder ato
at bis heart, mid wild Ideas and
sketchy plnns of killing Ids betrayers
Hashed through his wind. Daylight un
locked his grip nml took out bis auto
matic pistol a big Coil's II. llo ro
Icnied (bo safety catch with his thumb,
and, operating the sliding outer bar
rel, ran tho contents of tho clip
through tho mechanism Tho eight
cnrtrldges slid out In a stream llo
refilled tho clip, threw a cartridge Into
the chamber, and with the trigger nt
fill cock, thrust up the snfuty ratch
et, llo shoved tho weapon into tho
side pocket of his coat, ordered an
other Martini, and resumed his seat
At ten o'clock ho arose and pored
over tho city directory Then bo put
on his shoes, took a cab. ami departed
"Now It's My Deal, and I'm Golnrj to
See If I Can Hold Them Four Aces."
Into the night. Twlco ho changed cabs,
and finally fetched up at tho night of
flco of n detective agency, lie super
intended tho thing himself, laid down
money In ndvanco In profuse, tiuanti
ties, selected tl'o six men ho needed,
and gave iliom their Instructions.
Never, for to nlmplo a tabk, had they
been so well paid, for to each In ad
dltion to olllce chnigos, he guvo a llvo-hundred-dollar
bill, with tho ptomlse
of another If ho succeeded. Homo
tlmo next day, ho was convinced, if
not sooner, his three Fllont partners
would come togutliei To eucli ono
two of his detectives wero to bo at
tached. Tlmo and placo was all ho
wanted to learn
"Stop at nothing, boys," were his
final Instructions "I must havo this
Informal tou. '.Vhutever you do,
l? V') I 0v I I
lSs-' J. J
J? I ' '
whatever happens, I'll seo you
through." ,
Itetiirulng to his hotel, bo changed
i'iib'1 as before, went up to Ills room,
ami with one more tot ktnll for a night
cap, went to bed and to sleep In the
morning ho dressed and shaved, ordei
ed breakfast and the newspapeis hunt
up. ami waited Hut lie did not
drink My nine o'clock his tele
phono began to ring and the reports to
coino in Nathaniel Lotion was taking
l llo titiln nt Tarrytowti John Dowsett
was coining tliwii by the subway Leon
(iiiggenliammer had not stirred out
yet, though he was assuredly within.
And In tills Inshloii, with a map of
tho city spread out befoio him, Day
light followed the movement:) of hla
three men as they tliow together. Na
thaniel Lotion was at his olllces In tho
Miitual-Holntider Hulhllng. Next arrived
(iiiggenliammer Dowsett was still in
Ills own olllces. Hut at eleven came
the uoid that ho also had arrived, and
sowral minutes later Daylight was
la a lilted motor-car and speeding for
the Mutiial-Kolamlcr Hulhllng
Nathaniel Lotion was talking when
the door opened; ho ceased, and with
his two companions gaed with con
trolled perttiibatlou nt Hurtling Day
light striding into tho room. Tito free,
swinging intnemoiits of the trail-traveler
weie unconsciously exaggerated In
that stride of his In truth, it seoinod
to him that he felt tho trail beneath
his feet
"Howdy, gentlemen, howdy," ho re
marked, ignoring tho unnatural culm
with which they greeted his entrance,
llo shook bauds with them In turn,
striding from ono to another and grip
ping their hands so heartily that Na
thaniel Letton could not forbear to
wliicii. Daylight Hung himself Into a
masslvo chair and sprawled lazily, with
an appearance of fatigue. The leatbor
grip ho had brought into tho room ho
dropped carelessly beside hitn on tho
"I've stiro been going some," ho sigh
ed "Wo sure trimmed them beautifully.
It wns real slick. And tho beauty of tho
play never dawned on mo till tho very
end It was puro and simple knock
down ami tlrag out And tho way they
fell for It was nmnzlii'."
Letton made a dry sound In his
throat. Dowsett sat quietly and wait
ed, while Leon (iuggenlinmmor strug
gled Into articulation
"You certainly havo raised Cain," ho
Daylight's black eyes flashed In a
pleasant way
"Didn't I, though!" ho proclaimed,
jubilantly "And didn't wo fool 'em!
I was teetotnlly surprised. I never
dreamed they would bo that easy.
"And now," ho went on, not permit
ting tho pause to grow awkwnrd, "we
all might as well have an accounting.
I'm pullln' West this afternoon ou
that blamed Twentieth Century." He
tugged at his grip, got It open, and dip
ped Into it with both his hands "Hut
don't forget, boys, when you-all want
mo to homswogglo Wnll Street anoth
er flutter, all you-all havo to do Is
whisper the word. I'll sure bo right
there with tho goods."
Ills bauds emerged, clutching a
great mass of stubs, check-books, and
biokers' receipts. These lie depos
ited In a heap on tho big table, and
dipping again, he fished out the strag
glers and added them to tho pile., llo
consulted u slip of paper, drawn from
his cout pocket and read aloud:
"Ten million twenty-soven thousand
and forty-two dollars and sixty-eight
cents is my llguriu' on my expense.
Of course that-all's taken from tho
winnings befoio we-nll get to flgurin'
on the wliack-up. Where's your fig
ures? It must u' been u mighty big
The three men looked their bepuz
zlement at ono another The man was
a bigger tool than they had imagin
ed, or olso ho was playing a game
which they could not dlvlno.
Nathaniel Letton moistened his lips
and spoke up.
"It will take some hours yet, Mr
llarnlsh, before the full accounting can
be mado. Mr. llowlson Is at work upon
it now. We all as you say, It has
been a gtatifying clean-up. Supposo
we limt) lunch together and talk It
over I'll have the clerks work through
tho noon hour so that you will have
ample time to catch your train."
Dowsett and (Iiiggenliammer maul
tested a relief that was almost ob
vious The situation was clearing It
wai. dlhcoi.certlng, under tho clrcum
stances, to be pent in the sumo room
with this heavy-muscled, Imllan-llko
man whom they had robbed They re
nienibeied unpleasantly tho many stor
ies of Ills strength and recklessness. If
Letton could only put him orf long
enough foi thorn to escnpo Into tho po
liced world outsldo tho olllco door, all
would bo well; and Daylight showed
all tho signs of being put off.
"I'm real glad to hear that," he said.
"1 don't want to miss that train, and
you-ull havo donu mo proud, goatlo-
"UJJ1TP rsiA."
rrrtit. iruiv,
(CupvrlKlit. 1310, by thn Now York Herald
(I'uiivrieni i-jiu, ov wii- -""i-miiihm I'otnpiuiy
itel i ww
For a While Murder
men, letting mo in' on this dent. I
Just do appreciate It without being
able to express my feelings. But I am
suro almighty curious, and I'd like ter
rible to know, Mr. Letton. what your
llgtires of our winning Is. Can you-all
glvo mo a rough estimate?"
Nathaniel Letton did not look np
penllngly at his two friends, but in tho
brief pause they felt that appeal pass
out from him. Dowsett, of sterner
mold than the others, began to dlvlno
that tho Klondiker was playing. Hut
tho other two wero still under tho
blandishment of his .chlld-llko Inno
cence. "It Is extremely er difllcult," Leon
Gtiggenhammer began. "You see. Ward
Valley nas fluctuated so, cr "
"That no estimate can possibly bo
mado in advance," Letton supple
mented. "Approximate It. approximate It,"
Daylight counselled, cheerfully "It
don't hurt if you-all are a million out
ono bide or the other. The llgtires'll
straighten that up. Hut I'm that curi
ous I'm just Itching all over. What
U'yo suy?"
"Why continue to play at cross pur
poses?" Dowsett demanded abruptly
and coldly "Iet us have tho explana
tion hero and now. Mr. Hnrnish Is la
boring under a false Impression, and
ho should ho set straight.
Uy this tlmo Letton wns stiffened by
tho attitude Dowsett had taken, ami
bis answer was prompt and definite
"I fear you nro under a misappre
hension, Mr llarnlsh. There aro no
winnings to bo divided with you. Now
don't get excited. I beg of you. I have
but to press this button . ."
Far from excited, Daylight had all
the seomtng of being stunned He look
ed ut Dowsett and murmured:
"It was your deal, all right, and you
all dole them right, too. Well, I ain't
kicking I'm llko the player in that
pokor game It was your deal, and
you-all had a right to do your best.
And you dono It cleaned me out slick
er'n a whlstlo."
Ho ga7ed nt the heap on the tabic
with an air of stupefaction.
"And that-all ain't worth tho paper
It's written on Ool dast it. you-all can
suro deal 'em 'round when you get a
chance. Oh, no, I ain't a-klcklug It
was jour deal, and, you-ull certainly
done mo, and a man ain't half a mnu
that squeals on another man's deal.
And now tho linnd Is played out, and
tho cards aro on the table, nml tho
deal's over, but .
His hand, dipping swiftly Into his lu
hide breast pocket, nppeared with tho
big Colt's automatic.
"As I wns saying, tho old deal's fin
ished Now It's my deal, and I'm
u-golng to seo If I can hold them four
"Tako your hand away, you wlilted
sepulchre!" ho cried shnrply
Nathaniel Lofton's hand, creeping
toward tho push-button on tho desk,
was abruptly arrested.
"Change enra." Daylight command
ed. "Tako that chair over there, you
gangreno-llvored skunk, .lump, or I'll
mnko you leak ttll folks'll think your
fathor was a wutor hydrant and your
"AtllirM mrAIx-r!, (,,
romp my.)
Ate at His Heart.
mother a sprlnkllng-cart. You-all movo
your chair alongside. Guggenhammer;
and you-all Dowsett, sit right there,
whllo I Just Irrelovantly explain tho
virtues of this here automatic. Sho's
loaded for big game and bho goes off
eight times. Sho's a suro hummer
when she gets started.
"I'rellmlnury remarks being over, ,
I now proceed to deal. Itemeruber, I
ain't making no remarks about your
deal. You done your darndest, and It '
was all right. Hut this Is my deal, and I
it's up to me to do my darndest. In
tho first place, you-all know mo. I'm
Hurtling Daylight savveo? Ain't afraid
of God, devil, death, nor destruction.
Them's my four aces, and they suro cop
per your bets Look at that there
living skeleton. Letton, you're suro
afraid to die. Your bones Is all rat-1
tllng together you'ro thnt scared. And
look at that fat Jew there. This llttlo ,
weapon's Mire put tho fear of God in '
his heart. He's yellow as a sick per
simmon. DowHbit, you'ro a cool ono.
You-all ain't batted nu eyo nor turned
a hair. That's because you're great
on arithmetic. And that makes you-all
dead easy lu this deal of mine. You're
sitting there and adding two and two
together, and you-all know I suro got
you skinned You know me, and that
1 ain't nfraid of nothing. And you-all
adds up all your money and knows
you ain't u-golng to die If you can help
"I'll see you bunged," was Dow
sett's retort.
"Not by a darnired sight When tho
fun starts, you're the lirst I plug I'll
hang all right, but you-all won't live
to see It. You-all die hero and now
while I'll die subject to the law's delay
savvee? Heing dead, with grass
growing out of your carcasses, you
won't know when I hang, but I'll sure
have the plcasuio a long time of
knowing you-all beat mo to It."
"You surely won't kill us?
asked in a queer, thin voice.
Daylight shook his head
"It's sure too expensive
ain't worth it I'd sooner havo my
chips back AJid I guess yon-nll 'd
sooner give mj chips back than go to
the (lead-house."
A long silence followed.
"Well, I've dono doalt. It's up to
you-all to play Hut whllo you're de
liberating, I want to give you-all warn
ing If that door opens mid any ono
of you cusses lets on there's anything
unusunl. right bore and then I suro
start plugging Thoy ain't a soul il
got out of the room except feet first.'
Original Suffragette.
Mm Johanne Meyer, tho lirst Danish
woman to speak from a platform in bo
hull of woman suffrage, attended tho
Universal llaco congress recently held
In London us tho delegate to tho Peace
Socloiy ot Copenhagen As soon as the
congrots closed Mrs Meyer began nn
Inquiry in behalf of the Danish govern
ment to ascertain tho effect that so
cial and political work In ICngland has
had on wcuiori In IS70 Mrs Meyer
founded O.u lirst organization for tho
betterment of women tu Denmark.
Government Road In the Yellowstone
Park Is a Triumph of En
gineering Skill.
United States government engineers
juivo performed feats equal to those
pf tho ancient Itotnun engineers in
road building, a recent example of
which may bo found In the Yellow
Mono National park, where the govern
ueiit Is spending millions of dollars
ii highway and other Improvements.,
rho lllustrntloti shows a road which
bn concrete plera hangs to the side
jf the Golden CI ato canyon as it
fu ifl
s,- Sol $
Concrete Yellowstone Road.
:wlsts and twines Its way in to tho
park. It is a triumph of engineering
Tho government has entlro control
Df tho park. All new roads opouod
ami the repairs and maintenance of
"ld roads and trails aro entirely do
pendent upon congressional appropri
ations. Tho roads arc now In very flno
condition, u great deal of work and ex
lieiiso huvlng recently been put upon
them, and steel and concrete bridges
havo almost entirely replaced wood
en ones. Prominent, among the im
provements is the construction of tho
lino lava arch entrance nt Gardiner,
it a cost of ?10,UOO ;tho new concrete
viaduct at Golden Gate, costing $10,
300, to replace the old timber trestle;
md tho erection of a very flno con
:roto and steel bridge of artistic de
sign across the Yellowstono river and
rapids, just above tho upper fall of tho
Yellowstono at tho Grand canyon, at
:ho expenso of $20,000.
Fort Yellowstono, tho military post
!n the park at Mammoth Hot
Springs. Hero, also, are the head
liiartprd of tho United States engineer
In cliaigo of tho park improvements,
and tho United States commissioner.
Mammoth Hot Springs Is thus tho cap
ital of tho park. In recent years this
place has been greatly Improved. A
rearrangement of roads, new buildings,
concrete sidewalks, a. new waterworks
mid an Irrigation system and a con
sequent carpeting of grass on tho old
whlto plaza in front of tho hotel and
olllcers' quarters, has metamorphosed
the locality. Mammoth Hot Springs is
tho largest and most important placo
!ia tho park. Hero all authority cen
ters; It Is tho heart from which puls
ate the currents of llfo which pernio
ato tho park.
Stones Used to Mark Mason and
Dixon's Line Were Brought
From England.
Pittsburg, Pa. Tho name "Mason
and Dixon's Line" bns been popu
larly applied to the whole dlvlsory lino
between freo and slave soil, but prop
erly It belongs only to the south
boundary of Pennsylvania, Hiirvoyed by
Marks a Boundary Line.
Charles Mason and .Icrominh Dixon
Kor over 100 years this line was a
"bono of contention," and Kngland
finally eent Muson and Dixon to the
colonieil to mnko nn official survey
which was to bo final.
At the end of every fifth milo of this
lino a fitono, brought from England,
was placed, engraved on ono sldo with
tho coat of arms of Lord Ualtlmore,
md. on tho other with those of tho
I'cnnu; whllo tho Intermediate miles
wero marked by smaller stones, 16
inches squaro and 18 Inches high,
bearing a largo letter M on ono sldo
and P on tho other. Tho lino is 280
miles long,
Father's Joy Unabated.
Guthrie, Oklo. At elxty-four years
of age, W. W. Elnni, a fnrmor living
living east of Illanchard, Okla., Is tho
fathor of his twenty-fourth child,
which mado Its appoaranco at his
homo u few days ago. Tho mothor
of tho child Is Elam's third wife. Of
his twenty-four children, eighteen nro
living, Elunt has spent his entlro llfo
on tho farm. This places Elnm at tho
boad of his class In Oklahoma.
May be promoted by Uiose who
gently cleanse the system, now and
then, when in need of a laxative
remedy, by taking a desert spoonful
of the ever refreshing, wholesomq
and hilly beneficial Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna, which is tho
only family laxative generally ap
proved by the most eminent phy
sicians, because it acts in a natural,
strengthening way and warms and
tones up the internal organs without
weakening them. It is equally benefi
ficial for the very young and the mid
dle aged, as it is always efficient and
free from all harmful ingredients. To
get its beneficial effects it is always
necessary to buy the genuine, bear
ing the name of the Company
California Fig Syrup Co. plainly
printed on the frontof every package.
C" Ov
c.i-vft !. ;,' J
-i'SV YSrr S'ZT
ViFZli&2 X ?s
Tho Deacon You shouldn't fly your
kite on Sunday.
Tho Boy Oh! well, do kite's tnada
outer a religious paper.
Expensive Possession.
A small applicant for Chriatmna
cheer was being Interviewed by tho
charity worker
"What is your father?" asked the
latter. .
"K's me father."
"Yes, but what Is ho?"
"Oh! 'K's mo stepfather."
"Yes, yes. but what does he do?
Does ho sweep chimneys or drive
busses, or what?"
"O-o-w!" exclaims the small appli
cant, with dawning light of compre
hension. "No, 'e ain't dono nothin
slnco we'vo 'nd Mm." London An
Think of Itl
Two brothers, euch of whom Is near
ly six feet and a half tall, were one
day introduced by nn acquaintance to
a young lady. As sho sat gazing up at
tho pair of giants In wonder and awe,
she exclaimed:
"Great heavens! Supposo there
bad been only one of you!"
In Chicago.
"Did her husband dlo or resign?"
"I believe he merely failed of re
election." The modern woman gets next to the
lau-st wrinkle with a massago ma
chine, TIED DOWN.
20 Years' Slavery How She Got Free
dom. A dyspepsia veteran who wrltei
from ono of England's charming rural
homes to tell how she won victory in
her 20 years' fight, naturally exults in
her triumph over tho tea and coffee
"1 feel It a duty to toll you," she
says, "how much good Postum has
dono mo. I am grateful, hut also do
sire to let others who may be suffering
as I did, know of the delightful meth
od by which I was relieved.
"I had suffered for 20 years from
dyspepsia, and tho glddlneys that usu
ally accompanies that painful aliment,
and which frequently prostrated mo.
I never drank much coffee, and cocoa
and even milk did not agree with my
Impaired digestion, so I used tea, ex
clusively, till about a yoar ago, when
I found in a package of Grape-Nuts the
littlo book, 'Tho Hoad to WellvlIIe.'
"After a careful rending of tho book
let I was curious to try Postum and
sent for a package. I enjoyed It from
tho first, and at onco gave up tea in
Uh favor.
"I began to feol better very soon.
My giddiness left mo after tho first
few days' uso of Postum, and my stom
acu becamo stronger so rapidly that It
wns not long till I was nblo (as I still
am) to tako milk and many other ar
ticles of food of which I was formerly
compelled to deny myself. I have
proved tho truth of your statement
thut Postum 'makes good, red blood.'
"I havo becotno very enthusiastic over
tho merits of my new tablo beverago,
and during tho past few months, have
conducted a Postum propaganda among
my neighbors which has brought bene
fit to many, nnd I shall contlnuo to tell
my friends of tho 'better way' in which
I rejolco." Namo given by Postum
Co., Dattlo Creek, Mich.
Itead the llttlo book, "Tho Road to
W'ellvlllo," In phgs. "Thore's a rea
son." Fiver wml the nbnve Irtlrrr A new
oni- iiiiprnm from tlnift to time Thrr
lire Ki-nulue, true, and full of huiuua
. 'VMW
x c j. ". y v - -
ri. y irjrj